Conditions for receiving an old-age insurance pension. insurance pension

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In addition to the insurance payment for citizens of the established and there are those appointed in more early age. The condition for the emergence of the right to such a pension is the presence insurance experience on relevant types of work. The minimum experience and points requirements are the same as for regular pension by old age.

A feature of the inclusion in the seniority for early pension coverage of periods of work of citizens of certain professions is the mandatory payment from the beginning of 2013.

Disability Insurance Pension

Citizens who have lost their ability to work need comprehensive assistance, including from the state, which takes measures to support and protect them. The basic concepts related to the support of disabled people are contained in the law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995. "ABOUT social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation".

Survivor's pension

An insured event, namely the death of the breadwinner, is the basis for this type of pension. To be established, you must following conditions:

  • the deceased has an insurance record;
  • there is no illegal act committed by a disabled family member and resulting in the death of the breadwinner.

The length of service during which the employer deducted contributions to the FIU for the deceased breadwinner is necessary for the right to an insurance pension. And such experience can be equal to one day. If the deceased citizen did not work for a single day, then he will be assigned.

The amount of insurance pensions

According to adopted law "On insurance pensions in the Russian Federation" carried out according to the formula:

SP \u003d IPC x SPK,

  • joint venture- the size of the pension;
  • IPK- individual pension coefficient;
  • SPK- the value of the individual coefficient in monetary terms on the day the payment is made.

This formula is fully applicable to the calculation of pension payments to those who start their labor activity in 2015. For those who have little time left before retirement, the rights accumulated before this will also be converted into points, and then they will be counted in a new way.

Thus, pension rights citizens, formed before 2015, into the sum of individual coefficients, and coefficients for each year of service after 2015 will be added to this value.

The value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC)

As can be seen from the formula that determines the insurance payment, its main element is the IPC. This coefficient takes into account both the periods of work that took place before the introduction of the new law, and periods after. Thus, the expectations of citizens who formed their pension rights under the conditions of the previous legislation are taken into account.

The value of the IPC is determined by the formula:

IPC \u003d (IPK s + IPC n) x K in SP,

  • IPK- individual coefficient on the day from which the payment is assigned;
  • IPK with- individual coefficient for the periods up to January 1, 2015;
  • IPK n- individual coefficient for periods of work after January 1, 2015;
  • K in SP- increasing factor for and on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner.

If the citizen then starts working again, then his insurance pension will not be reduced.

Indexation of pensions in 2019

Every year on February 1, the state provides all types of insurance pensions, taking into account the rise in prices and the average monthly salary in the country.

In 2019, taking into account budget planning with inflation in larger size than the actual one (actual - 4.3%), it was decided increase insurance pensions by 7.05%, and with a shift in the indexation date by one month - January 1st. This measure aims to provide more significant growth actual size pensions.

It is important to remember that the minimum size pension payment can't be lower living wage installed in each particular region. If pension provision will be below this level, then the citizen has the right to establish from the federal or regional budget.

Payment of labor pension

All types of insurance pension are paid monthly for the current period. A pensioner can receive a pension payment personally or through a trusted person. The pension established for the child is received by one of the parents or guardian. A fourteen-year-old child can receive a pension independently.

The method of delivery of pension payments is chosen by the citizen when applying for an appointment. However, this method can be by submitting an appropriate application to the FIU.

Pension payment carried out:

  • through the institutions of the post office (at home or at the post office);
  • through a bank.

Suspension and termination of payment

Pension payments are the following circumstances:

  • failure to receive such payments within six months;
  • non-appearance of a disabled citizen for the next re-examination;
  • the recipient of the pension reaches the age of majority and the absence of documents confirming his full-time education, or graduation after 18 years;
  • termination of a residence permit;
  • receipt of documents on the departure of a pensioner for permanent residence in foreign country, with which an agreement has been concluded on the obligations of this state for the provision of pensions to our citizens;
  • receipt of documents on moving for permanent residence to a foreign state with which no international agreement has been concluded, and the absence of an application for leaving Russia.

suspension or termination pension payments are made from the 1st following the month in which such circumstances occurred.

Pension payments are the following circumstances:

  • the death of the recipient of the pension or his recognition as missing;
  • expiration of six months from the date of suspension of payment;
  • loss of the right to the assigned type of pension;
  • non-submission by a foreign citizen or stateless person of a residence permit;
  • denial of insurance benefits.

It should be remembered that the citizen is obliged notify in a timely manner authorities of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about the circumstances leading to the suspension or termination of pension provision. The previous pension legislation will be retained. For this, it is carried out conversion pension rights into individual ratios.

Citizens of the country who have reached the age established by law have the right to a state pension provision. The pension system that operates in this moment, suggests that any pension is conditionally divided into two components: insurance and funded.

Each of the payments has its own characteristics and purpose. Who is eligible to receive funds, and what is needed for this, we will understand in the article.

What is an old-age pension

insurance pension is a monthly material payment, the main purpose of which is to compensate for the salary or other monetary income received during the period of employment.

This also includes compensation for income lost by disabled family members as a result of the death of a worker. To understand what an old-age pension is and to whom it is paid, you need to know the reason. But the amount itself is determined once, then it is simply the state.

For this, you should contact the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or registration, where you can find out the further sequence of actions.

Who is eligible for an old-age insurance pension

By law Russian Federation, men who have reached the age of 60 and women over 55 are eligible for old-age insurance.

Note: entered into force at the beginning of 2017. This means that every year the retirement age will increase by 6 months to reach the level of 65 years for the stronger sex and 63 years for women.

Right to early insurance pension

For these professions, the concept was introduced. The law establishes the following conditions for entering a well-deserved rest for such citizens:

  1. Due to dangerous or difficult working conditions, these citizens may stop working after 20 years of experience;
  2. The second important condition is that the employee must have insurance experience at least 8 years old. This means that the employer during this period of time must pay money for the worker to the Pension Fund.
    This indicator will increase by 1 year every 12 months, and by 2014 will be 15 years. Only in this case, the citizen acquires the right to payment;
  3. The last important indicator is number of conditional points.
    Now the minimum indicator is 11.4, but after a gradual increase by 2025, it should not be lower than 30.

To assign an early monthly payment, all of the above conditions must be met.

What is a funded pension

It is calculated in a slightly different way. If the money that is transferred to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from insurance premiums is spent on payments to current pensioners, then the funded part is transferred to the employee’s personal account, and does not disappear from this account. Thus, money is gradually accumulated and even multiplied by using it in various projects.

In other words, the rights of pensioners include receiving a payment, which consists of two components. The state not only gives the right to choose a pension in percentage terms, but also saves people as much as possible old age from risks and inflation.

Who is eligible for a funded pension

Let's see who has the right to receive the funded part of the pension, and when it is possible to withdraw the money.

According to the law, for the payment of material resources, it is necessary that the following factors be present:

  • the presence of savings that are on the personal account of the insured person in one of the organizations that has the right to conduct such operations;
  • eligibility for insurance benefits. Such a right may be obtained by general rule: at the age of 55 and 60 for women and men, respectively, or earlier for some categories of workers. An employee can take a well-deserved rest even at the age of 40: depending on what length of service the right to an old-age pension depends;
  • . It is allowed to receive money for those who, by inheritance, have the right to such manipulations. One of the options is to write a will or indicate a citizen of the Russian Federation in the application as an assignee.

If all the conditions are met, and the money is refused to be given, then it follows that the right of the pensioner to receive a pension has been violated. In this case, the citizen can safely go to court with a lawsuit.

Note: The legislation provides for pre-trial protection of the rights of citizens to the appointment of a pension.

Categories of citizens who can receive a funded pension

Several categories of persons have the right to receive the funded part of the pension.

For convenience, they are divided into three groups:

  1. employees who were born in 1967 or older and were participants in the mandatory insurance process. They can receive funds if they have worked at any time after 2011 or are currently working, if they have at least 6 years of insurance experience, and if they reach right age;
  2. males born between 1953 and 1966 and females between 1957 and 1966. These workers were singled out in a separate group, since their accumulation lasted only three years (from 2002 to 2004 inclusive). They can take the funded part as soon as they reach a certain age. For the second category, there is no provision for insurance experience and other conventions;
  3. T who is participating in. This includes employees who regularly transfer part of their payroll taxes to the fund, or young families who have sent part of their maternity capital to the future funded pension.

In a separate category allocate successors of the insured person or his relatives. They can receive money if the death overtook the employee before reaching the age of assignment of the funded part of payments, or before its adjustment.

Moscow pension

Moscow pension is considered the highest in the country.

This is due to the fact that the prices for accommodation and meals are also many times higher. The money that a citizen from the provinces can live on for a month is hardly enough even for a week of living in the capital. Those who are entitled to a Moscow pension consider themselves simply lucky, because in addition to the main amount they receive an additional payment. Thus, the amount to be paid in minimum size 11 816 rubles.

Whatever it is, it needs to be clarified. In order to make a payment you need at least 10 years to live in the capital. It is important to know that the total number of years is considered. This means that if you left for a while and then returned, then the years are summed up.

Is it possible to freeze a pension

Every citizen who has reached the required age has the right to a state pension provision. But in some cases, it still doesn’t work to get the money if the bailiffs began to arrest the pension.

This situation is really possible if a citizen has:

  • unpaid loan;
  • debt to pay alimony;
  • or by rent.

If, in accordance with the law, we consider whether a bailiff has the right to arrest a pension, it must be clarified that a citizen must own a certain bank account, to which money is regularly received. This account, like any other, is a financial instrument of influence. Therefore, it can freeze completely.

Thus, the right to a state pension provision arises for citizens at their own time, determined by law, depending on the length of service, length of service, working conditions, family circumstances, etc. However, the most important condition for receiving an old-age pension is still considered to be reaching the established age.

RF Pension Fund of January 23, 2019 N 16p "On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the state service for the establishment of insurance pensions, funded pensions and state pensions" Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 13, 2019 N 53775

The concept of an old-age insurance pension

insurance pension - monthly cash payment in order to compensate the insured persons for wages and other payments and remunerations lost by them in connection with the onset of incapacity for work due to old age or disability, and for disabled family members of the insured persons of the wages and other payments and remunerations of the breadwinner lost due to the death of these insured persons, the right for which is determined in accordance with the conditions and norms established by this Federal Law.At the same time, the onset of incapacity for work and the loss of wages and other payments and rewards in such cases are assumed and do not require proof.(art. 3 "On insurance pensions").

old age insurance- one of the types of insurance (the law also distinguishes: for disability and for the loss of a breadwinner). She is appointed for life.

Important! It should be borne in mind that:

  • Each case is unique and individual.
  • Careful study of the issue does not always guarantee a positive outcome of the case. It depends on many factors.

To get the most detailed advice on your issue, you just need to choose any of the proposed options:

Types of insurance pension (Article 6 of the Federal Law):

  1. old age;
  2. by disability;
  3. on the loss of a breadwinner.

Conditions for granting an old-age insurance pension

To the legal facts that determine the right to receive labor pension old age, include (Article 8 of the Federal Law):

1) achievement of the generally established retirement age(65/60 with exceptions);

  • for men - age 65;
  • for women - age 60;

(taking into account the transitional provisions provided for in Appendix 6 to this Federal Law).

(exception - persons replacing the positions of the state civil service of the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation and positions municipal service- see Appendix 5 to the Federal Law).

2) insurance experience (15 years);

At least 15 years (increasing the requirements for seniority occurs gradually: in 2015 it is 6 years and over 10 years in stages, 1 year at a time, will increase to 15 years by 2024.).

3) availability of 30 individual pension coefficients (points).

The requirement for the presence of 30 points is introduced gradually: in 2015 - 6.6, followed by an annual increase of 2.4 until the specified value is reached by 2025).


Note: Some citizens may retire earlier. Lists of jobs, industries, professions, positions, specialties and institutions (organizations), taking into account which an early old-age pension is assigned, are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Receipt by a citizen of an old-age insurance pension is carried out according to an application for the establishment, payment and delivery of an insurance pension directly to the body providing pensions, or to a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services at the place of residence (by agreement).

The employer has the right to apply for the establishment of an insurance pension, the payment and delivery of an insurance pension to insured persons who are in an employment relationship with him, with their written consent.

Sizes of old-age insurance pensions

The amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension is determined in accordance with Art. 15 Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ"About insurance pensions" according to the formula:

SP ST \u003d IPC x SPK,

where SPst - the size of the old-age insurance pension;

IPC - individual pension coefficient (for an increase in the cost of one pension coefficient, see Reference information);

SPC - the cost of one pension coefficient as of the day from which the old-age insurance pension is assigned.

On the procedure for calculating the value of the individual pension coefficient for the periods up to January 1, 2015 for persons who, as of December 31, 2014, have an old-age labor pension, a labor disability pension, a labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner or a share of an old-age insurance pension (for disability ) see parts one and two

Periodic amendments to legislation lead to the fact that citizens are poorly versed in matters of pension provision.

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And this applies not only to calculations, but also to the terms themselves. What does the insurance old-age pension mean in Russia?

In Russia disabled citizens upon the onset of retirement age, they provide regular material support to compensate for their previous income.

This is an old-age insurance pension, they pay it if they have seniority and savings in the Pension Fund. But such a general definition does not explain how the payment is formed, what it is made up of, etc.

General points

The reform of the pension system in the Russian Federation began in 2002. The old payment system has been abolished. Citizens began to receive a pension consisting of two shares - funded and insurance.

At the same time, 22% of these deductions are contributions to the PFR:

The IPC indicator is determined by the total amount of contributions paid and the length of service, including insurance and non-insurance periods.

A citizen has the right to choose for himself which variation is preferable for him:

Every year, the state indexes so that the value of the points does not depreciate against the backdrop of inflation. It is worth mentioning the funded pension.

It was frozen in order to reduce the budget deficit. Some citizens understood this fact in such a way that the state withdraws their savings. In reality, this is not so.

What is the difference between labor

Until the beginning of 2015, insurance and labor pensions meant the same thing. The rules for assigning labor were similar to the conditions for paying an insurance pension for old age or disability.

After another change in the pension legislation, the procedure has changed. In particular, the reason for the appointment was different.

Now the main factor taken into account when calculating the amount of payments is the length of service, and not the amount of experience worked, as it was before.

In the absence of an insurance guard, the insurance pension supplements are not recalculated. The insurance period is the period during which a working citizen was deducted insurance premiums in the FIU.

It turns out that the main difference between insurance and labor pensions is the basis for accrual.

If for the payment of a labor pension only the period when a person officially worked was taken into account, then when assigning an insurance pension, the duration of his participation in the pension insurance system is taken into account.

Current regulations

So from January 1, 2018, the amount of this payment is:

Citizens who retire in 2019 or retired earlier can receive a pension supplement.

Each person, upon reaching a certain age, has the right to stop his labor activity and apply for a pension provision from the state. After a complete reform, the classic old-age payment was replaced by an insurance pension. In addition, some features of the design and definition of payments were corrected.

About the concept

It is one of the types of material security payments, which is paid on a regular basis and is provided to disabled citizens. The main objective of such a payment is to compensate for the former income level of the user, which he received while being able to work.

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The insurance pension on a general basis is established exclusively for users who have. At the same time, in order to receive a pension, a citizen is obliged to work officially and make monthly contributions to the Pension Fund from his income.

The insurance monthly payment has been approved since 2015, that is, from the period when the entire system was reformed, the main goal of which was to transform the insurance part of the labor pension into a separate insurance pension. The formation of this type of security will take place taking into account deductions, which users transfer from their income to the Pension Fund.

Conditions for granting an old-age insurance pension

It is indicated that the registration and further receipt of a pension payment on a regular basis is possible only if according to some subtleties:

  • the user has reached the approved ;
  • a citizen during his life officially worked and accumulated the necessary, necessary to receive an insurance pension;
  • the pensioner has accumulated individual pensions, which are taken as the basis for determining the insurance pension.

According to the current norms of the Russian legislative framework, Everyone is entitled to insurance coverage. And they include the following categories of citizens:

  1. Salaried employees working under the terms of employment agreements. All contributions, including to the Pension Fund, will be made by the employer.
  2. users who carry out their own business activities, conduct private practice in accordance with their professional skills, etc.
  3. Citizens who independently make a voluntary decision to make payments to the FIU.
  4. Citizens who carry out their labor activities outside the territories under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, provided that they voluntarily decide to enter into legal relations on pension insurance issues and pay certain contributions to the Pension Fund.

Retirement age

In our country, there are certain time frames, upon reaching which citizens have the right to stop their labor activity and apply for financial support from the state. As of 2019, the retirement age is:

  • 60 years for the representatives of the stronger sex;
  • 55 years for women.

There are also certain conditions under which users acquire the right to early exit on retire. In particular, such opportunities are guaranteed for citizens working:

  • in difficult weather conditions;
  • workers in enterprises with increased and dangerous;
  • in strategic industries.

Since 2019 there have been some adjustments for civil servants. For citizens belonging to this group of employment, a system of gradual increase in the retirement age will be introduced. In particular, the last step is establishment of minimum age limits at the level of 65 and 63 years respectively. As for the rest of the citizens, no such adjustments are expected in the near future.

Minimum experience

The length of service is the basis for determining the specific amount of pension payments in the future. In fact, the length of service includes all working periods when contributions to the FIU were made on behalf of the user in a timely manner.

According to the current rules and regulations, the execution and the specific amount of the payment will be strongly influenced by the following time periods:

  1. Arranged work activity during which the user or his employer made contributions to the FIU.
  2. Conscription service in the army, because of which the citizen had to interrupt his labor activity.
  3. (and sometimes men) who are on leave to care for children under the age of 1.5 years.
  4. Users who officially cooperate with the labor exchange and are registered as citizens who want to streamline their activities and get a job.
  5. Citizens who were serving a sentence of a criminal nature and after some time were found not guilty of it.
  6. Users whose dependents are disabled, senior citizens, and people whose age has crossed the line in .

Provides that the minimum level of seniority will gradually increase, and the maximum indicator will be reached in 2024 (15 years). For the current period, the indicator is 8 years.

Number of points

An individual retirement ratio, known as retirement points, is a specific function that reflects the user's right to insurance. This value is displayed in relative units and is formed taking into account all deductions made to the FIU during the working life of a citizen.

According to the approved rules, the cost of a pension point is determined exclusively by government agencies. February 1st and April 1st each year. When determining a specific indicator, inflation for past reporting periods will be taken into account.

In 2019 pension score = 11.4

Pension point cap will be reached in 2025 and will amount to 30 units. Until the designated period, starting from the moment the pension reforms are adopted, the value will increase annually at 2.4.

Preferential right to early registration

The legislator provides for the existence of certain categories of citizens who are able to count on certain concessions, in particular. Such an opportunity will be provided only to those users who work officially and have concluded agreements with their employers that meet the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

On December 29, 2013, it was approved, which considers options for early retirement. In particular, it states that preferential right on early retirement Guaranteed to those who have a point value of 30 units and who meet additional requirements:

  • perform their duties in severe weather conditions or face increased danger to life (miners, citizens working in the territories, etc.;
  • certain categories of citizens who are subject to social relaxations (mothers with many children, and many others);
  • special working conditions (drivers of public transport, in schools, etc.).

Of course, this list far from complete. The legislator provides for 30 categories of users, for which a preferential right to an insurance pension is established. It also lists the possibilities preferential registration pension for people who have lost their jobs due to the liquidation or bankruptcy of industries, if they meet special requirements:

  1. Remaining before retirement no more than 2 years.
  2. An applicant for early retirement has a length of service within 20-25 years old.
  3. The user has rare and unclaimed skills, which is why the labor exchange cannot offer him a suitable vacancy.

What is the size in 2019

Specific indicators of the insurance pension are calculated based on the approved requirements, which are indicated in the Federal Law-400. So, The legislator establishes the following formula:

SP \u003d IPC x SIPC + PV

joint venture– the amount of the old-age insurance pension;
IPK– indicator of accrued pension points;
SIPC– the cost of pension points;
FV- Fixed payment.

The last two indicators are determined and set at the state level, taking into account inflationary processes. So, last year, the SIPC was 74.27 rubles, and FV - 4558.93 rubles. Since indexation for 2019 was impossible for certain reasons, the Government decided to lump sum payment V 5 thousand rubles for every pensioner.

In February 2019, the insurance pension was increased based on inflation data for the past year. Thus, the total value has increased by 5.4%, amounting to:

  • SIPC - 78.28 rubles;
  • FV - RUB 4805.11.;
  • in April there was another one, as a result of which the indicators were increased by another 5,8% .

Fixed payout

A fixed payment is a certain part of the amount constituting a pension, which is established at the state level and does not depend on the amount of contributions paid. This indicator is indexed annually, and directly depends on the level of inflation.

FV in 2019 = 4805.11 rubles

This indicator is fully consistent with the fixed base size pension, which was relevant until the moment of reform. Hence, the purpose of this payment has not changed.

Table of the increased amount of fixed payments:

Where to go

To apply for a pension, the user needs to go to a nearby unit Pension Fund:

  • territorial, depending on the place of residence of a citizen;
  • according to the actual location, if the user does not have a registration account;
  • depending on the place of stay with missing registration data.

To avoid difficulties in the foreseeable future, you need to contact the FIU at least one month before the date when the right to pension arises. It is assumed that the submission of documents can occur by sending an application by mail, or through an authorized person, provided that he has a notarized power of attorney to perform operations of this nature.

Deadlines and documents

The legislator determines that the payment of a pension will be initiated from the moment when the user submitted an application to the Pension Fund, but not earlier than the very right to receive it arises. And taking into account which method was chosen by the applicant when applying to the FIU, a specific date is assigned depending on:

  • the moment when the FIU employees accepted the application for consideration;
  • the date indicated on the postmark;
  • dates of acceptance of documentation by the employees of the MFC;
  • the dates of provision of the necessary papers in electronic form, through the Internet portal of the Pension Fund or the State Services.

The application must be accompanied by certain documents, including:

  • applicant's passport;
  • employment history;
  • certificate of salary received at the last place of work;

As soon as the PF employees receive all Required documents, in 10 days the user will be given a final answer, of which he will be informed in writing.


An application for a pension is a strictly regulated document that has a certain form.
It must display complete and reliable information about the applicant. No errors are allowed, otherwise the paper may be rejected until the citizen submits an application that meets all the requirements.
