How can you replace deodorant at home. Is there a worthy replacement for deodorants and which one would be the best? DIY armpit deodorant

Ecology of health and beauty: Suffering from irritated underarm skin, dislike the smell of deodorants from shops or want to stop using...

Suffering from irritated underarm skin, disliking the smell of deodorant from stores, or wanting to stop using chemical products on your body?

Then our recipes for antiperspirants - homemade, natural and very cheap - will come in handy.

Side effects of deodorants

A lot of research is devoted to this product, which is so often used by both women and men. As consumers, we don't think about what deodorants are made of and assume that they are all the same, when in fact some of the ingredients can cause serious harm to our skin.

Most deodorants contain aluminum hydrochloride - a substance that clogs the pores of your skin and does not allow it to breathe, thereby preventing the release of sweat. Many believe that this is the main function of the deodorant.

But this process grossly disrupts the body's natural temperature regulation: aluminum chlorohydrate prevents your body from cooling the necessary areas, and this can lead to serious problems. In addition, some studies have linked the use of deodorants with breast cancer, as the particles of this drug penetrate the skin just in the breast area.

Yes, deodorant can be harmful, but if you stop using it, you will smell bad. You have two options:

  • buy only those deodorants that do not contain aluminum salts,
  • make your own - natural! - antiperspirant at home.

Deodorant at home: recipe number 1

You will need:

  • 1/3 cup cornstarch
  • 1/3 cup baking soda
  • 10 drops lavender, eucalyptus, or tea tree essential oil (all antibacterial)
  • 10 drops of peppermint or sandalwood essential oil (they have an antifungal effect); if you are making deodorant for a man, you will need 20 drops
  • 3 spoons of coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons vitamin E oil (optional)

Mix all the ingredients and stir them until you get a thick mass. Place it in an empty solid deodorant container (or any similar container) and apply every day.

Be careful: if you put too much deodorant on your skin, you may experience some discomfort.

Deodorant at home: recipe number 2

You will need:

  • 3 cups coconut oil
  • 2 cups shea butter
  • 3 cups baking soda
  • 2 cups cornmeal
  • essential oils (optional)

Steam the shea butter and coconut oil together until they are quite liquid. Remove the heat and add baking soda and cornmeal to the mixture. Mix everything well and add, if you want, essential oils. Put the resulting mass in a glass vessel and leave to cool.

Deodorant at home: recipe number 3

For this deodorant, you will need many different ingredients, but the result is worth it:

  • 1.5 tablespoons natural beeswax
  • 1 spoon of coconut oil
  • 1/2 tablespoon cocoa butter
  • 15 drops rosemary oil
  • 15 drops white thyme oil
  • 25 drops of lavender oil
  • 3 drops castor oil

Melt the coconut oil for a couple, add cocoa butter to it and, as soon as they become completely liquid, pour in all the remaining essential oils - one by one. Mix everything well, place in a suitable container and leave to cool. Use this deodorant after your shower - and just a little.

Deodorant at home: recipe number 4

This recipe is very simple. For him you will need:

  • 100 milliliters of water
  • 20 milliliters of alcohol (90 degrees)
  • 4 tablespoons rosemary
  • 5 drops lemon essence
  • 10 drops witch hazel extract

Put the water on the fire and as soon as it starts to boil, add the dried rosemary. Turn off the heat and leave the liquid for 10 minutes with the lid closed. Then add alcohol, lemon essence and witch hazel extract. Mix everything well and pour into a glass vial.

Deodorant at home: recipe number 5

And this is a simple recipe with an orange scent:

  • peel of three lemons
  • peel of three oranges
  • 1 liter of water
  • 3 spoons of baking soda
  • 1 cup sea salt

Grate lemon and orange peels and put them into boiling water. Strain the resulting mixture and leave it to cool. Then add sea salt and soda, mix everything well, pour into another vessel.

Use the mixture as a deodorant for underarms and other parts of the body. In addition, you can add it to your bath for a relaxing effect.

Deodorant at home: recipe number 6

This recipe has two options - standard and for sensitive skin.

For the standard version you will need:

  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 3 spoons of coconut oil

For sensitive skin use these ingredients:

  • 2 spoons of baking soda
  • 6 tablespoons corn starch
  • 10 drops tea tree oil
  • 3 spoons of coconut oil

You can also use essential oils of your choice or, to moisturize your skin, vitamin E oil or almond oil.

Mix baking soda, cornstarch and tea tree oil in one bowl. Add coconut oil and mix until you get a homogeneous mass. At this point, if you like, add almond oil or vitamin E oil.

If you like certain scents, add essential oils such as lavender, eucalyptus, sandalwood, or rose. A few drops are enough for the desired effect.

Place the resulting mixture in an empty container from under the solid deodorant. At first, it will be soft and creamy, but after a few days it will harden - and you will not be able to distinguish it from a store-bought deodorant! published

Household deodorants contain a large number of chemicals: compounds of aluminum and zinc, which block sweating. Solve the problem of sweating and bad smell, deodorants also contribute to the accumulation of metal salts in the body, which has been experimentally proven. Dermatologists note that with constant use over a long period, they disrupt the function of releasing toxic substances. Consider deodorant analogues based only on natural ingredients.

Deodorizing wipes

Beauticians offer to replace deodorant with deodorant wipes. They disinfect the armpits, preventing the growth of bacteria and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The wipes have a neutral or no smell, so they are suitable for skin prone to allergies.

Napkins get rid of the unpleasant odor, but do not reduce the amount of sweat produced. Disinfectants can dry out the skin of the armpits, so it is not recommended to use wipes too often.

A solution of soda is made in proportion: a teaspoon of soda per glass boiled water, then wipe the armpits with a cotton pad or spray on the skin. Replace the water with a decoction of chamomile and you will get a mild antiseptic and soothing effect. You can add a few drops of essential oil to the solution if you wish. You can also powder your armpits with baking soda.

Talc, starch

Talc or baby powder absorbs excess moisture and is a great substitute for deodorant. Means are applied to dry skin. In addition, talc absorbs and bad smell. The disadvantage of this tool, which is noted by consumers, is the appearance of white spots on clothes. Potato or corn starch has a similar property.


The use of a decoction of dried mint leaves reduces sweating and eliminates unpleasant odors. Wipe the skin of the armpits with a cotton pad soaked in the decoction twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, you do not need to use an additional deodorant.

The content of the article:

Baking soda is available remedy, which is found in every home, it reduces sweating, but at the same time does not block the work of the sebaceous glands. Powder white color prevents the growth of bacteria, and hence the spread of unpleasant odors. Based on sodium bicarbonate, you can prepare multi-component effective deodorants at home. Their main advantage is natural composition and the absence of aluminum salts, which are present in industrial antiperspirants and adversely affect the human body.

The benefits of baking soda as a deodorant

Baking soda is an acidic salt of carbonic acid and sodium, known to all housewives as an indispensable tool in the preparation of confectionery and bakery products. However, this white powder is also often used as an alternative to synthetic deodorants or antiperspirants.

Today, more and more people want to get away from the use of products that include parabens, which affect the occurrence of breast cancer, and aluminum salts, leading to atherosclerosis and disease. nervous system. Baking soda does not contain such substances, it is rich in other components that have a positive effect on the body.

What are the benefits of soda?

  • Antacid. Directed to stabilize the pH level of the dermis. In a normal state, the acid-base balance indicator is close to 5.5, and if the skin is overdried - 4.4. During sweating, it increases, and soda works as a stabilizer in this process.
  • antiseptic. Reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands and soothes damage to the dermis. If store-bought products completely block sweating, then baking soda, due to its powdery consistency, reduces the amount of sweat produced by 20-30%.
  • bactericidal. Eliminates the acidic environment under the armpits, which often leads to the growth of bacteria and, as a result, the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The use of soda prevents the growth of bacteria.
  • Leaching. It removes alkalis from the blood, mucous membranes, preventing the development of an unpleasant odor, which is characteristic of the accumulation of alkalis in the body.
  • Drying. Works similarly with powder, which is used for the face. Slightly clogs pores, but does not clog them, allowing oxygen to enter the cells. Thanks to this effect, a person gets several hours of time when his armpits remain completely dry, and there is no smell of sweat.
Soda as a deodorant is suitable for use by people who suffer from allergies to other products, or adherents natural cosmetics.

Note! To achieve the desired effect, you need to use soda correctly. Do not be guided by the rule: the more the better. In this case, you risk ruining the clothes.

Contraindications and harm of soda instead of deodorant

Soda has the ability to irritate the walls of the stomach, therefore, it basically has contraindications for oral use. External use is considered relatively bladeless, but also has its own nuances.

In what cases soda is harmful:

  1. With prolonged (up to several days) and close contact with the epidermis, it can cause irritation, dehydration, and even the appearance of wounds.
  2. If sodium bicarbonate is applied to an open wound, the person will experience discomfort. This method has nothing to do with the treatment of hyperhidrosis.
  3. Daily use of baking soda instead of deodorant for several months can cause an allergic reaction - itching and redness.
  4. It is forbidden to use it for warts, cuts, severe dryness of the dermis. Any individual features of the skin require consultation with a specialist before applying soda in any form.
The main criterion in the issue of white powder tolerance is your personal well-being and the reaction of the epidermis. If you notice that the skin has become dry, dehydrated or the underarms have a tightening effect, stop using this product, it is not suitable for you.

Soda Deodorant Recipes

By itself, soda gives an excellent result, protecting from the smell of sweat for 3-4 hours. To make soda deodorant softer, with a subtle but pronounced aroma and delicate structure, various auxiliary components can be added to the main ingredient. You can experiment with the selection of related elements, but for those who first take up the creation of sweat products, it is better to stick to proven recipes.

DIY deodorant from soda with soap and oils

An oil and soap deodorizer is ideal for people with dry and sensitive underarm skin. Useful trace elements in the composition of soap and a vitamin complex of oils will moisturize the epidermis, and soda will eliminate bacteria. In addition, this deodorant is very easy to use.

Technology for the preparation of sweat:

  • Take a quality bar baby soap without fragrances and palm oil. Cut it into pieces, place in a metal container.
  • Prepare an oak decoction: take 2 tbsp. l. dry oak bark and pour a glass of boiling water, put on fire and let it boil for 5-7 minutes. Oak bark is known for its drying effect, so it's perfect for enhancing your homemade sweat deodorant.
  • Pour 100 ml of oak broth into the prepared soap and put on fire. The soap should melt and become creamy.
  • When the liquid soap has cooled slightly, add 2 tbsp. l. baking soda. In no case do not pour white powder into a hot soapy mass - soda will immediately lose some of its beneficial properties.
  • Then add 5 drops of bergamot essential oil, a well-known elixir that helps with hyperhidrosis. It contains vitamin C and sesquiterpene alcohols, which prevent the growth of bacteria and strengthen the immune system.
  • From the resulting plasticine-like mass, form a bar that is convenient for you. Best of all - an oval-shaped product that is easy to grab on one side and work on the armpit area on the other.

If you use in cooking laundry soap, then the product is suitable for treating feet and will also give an excellent result, eliminating an unpleasant odor.

Homemade deodorant with baking soda and starch

Cornstarch has emollient properties and works great with baking soda to make dry sweat deodorant soft to the touch. If you prefer heavier products, you can fortify this base blend with different ingredients to add flavor and nourishment.

How to make deodorant with baking soda and starch:

  1. Combine in a glass container 2 tbsp. l. soda and 2 tbsp. l. corn starch. Starch, in addition to its delicate texture, also has the ability to absorb fats, for which it is actively used in cosmetology.
  2. Melt solids in a steam bath essential oil cocoa to make 5 tbsp. l., and carefully introduce it into the dry mixture. Mix thoroughly. Cocoa butter is hypoallergenic, deeply moisturizes the dermis, cleanses pores and has a healing property.
  3. Add 5 g of beeswax to this mass to thicken the deodorant. In addition, wax is useful in this remedy because it maintains optimal water balance and also softens the dermis.
  4. For fragrance, add 5 drops of lavender oil and mix well.
  5. Form the product into a bar or ball and place in a ceramic container.
  6. Store deodorant in the refrigerator.

Note! You can replace starch with white clay, which will also gently interact with the skin, nourishing it with beneficial trace elements. Its main active ingredient - koalin - has drying and cleansing properties.

Homemade deodorant with baking soda and herbs

Solid deodorants, despite their effectiveness, are not liked by everyone. Based on soda, it is easy to get the usual antiperspirant, which you can sprinkle on the armpit area and get rid of the unpleasant odor. It is not difficult to make such a remedy, the main thing is to pre-prepare a herbal decoction, which will act as the basis of a deodorant.

Rules for the preparation of liquid means:

  • Prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs, flowers or roots. For this purpose, succession, linden, chamomile are ideal. To prepare, pour 2 tbsp. l. herbal collection 250 ml of water and let it boil for 20 minutes.
  • Strain and cool the broth and add to it, stirring constantly, 4 tbsp. l. soda.
  • To soften the effect of deodorant, add 2 tbsp. l. aloe juice, which has a calming effect.
  • For a subtle fragrance, add 5-7 drops of rose essential oil.
Can cook Alternative option such a liquid remedy, where, instead of herbal decoction, take a weak saline solution - 1 tbsp. l. salt per liter of water. Salt draws out pathogenic fluid from tissues, has an absorbent property. It is the soda-salt deodorant that is the ideal remedy that will not leave yellow marks on clothes. Moreover, salt and soda are often used to remove such stains.

liquid agent can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days, but should be shaken vigorously before each use.

How to use baking soda instead of deodorant

Soda-based deodorant can be applied to the dermis different ways, it all depends on the preferences of the person and the consistency of the product.

Ways to use soda:

  1. As a single remedy for sweating. Dry soda should be rubbed with light movements into the places where sweat is released - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits and feet. The skin under the armpits should be smooth, without hairs. At the same time, sodium bicarbonate should not be applied to a freshly shaved area, as irritation may occur. It is best to apply it the next day. After applying the white powder, lightly shake off the excess with a cotton fabric so that it does not leave marks on clothes.
  2. Spray. Place liquid deodorant in a spray bottle. Before use, shake and spray underarm area from a distance of 10-15 centimeters 2-3 times. Wait for the liquid to dry before putting on your clothes. If you put it on right away, it will absorb the remnants of the product, and its effectiveness will be significantly reduced.
  3. Like a solid deodorant. A soda-based product in a solid state must be taken in hand and rubbed over the skin several times. You will achieve a greater effect if the surface of the epidermis is smoothly shaved. For convenience, make a cotton cover for the bar.
Any soda-based sweat remedy keeps the result for 3-4 hours, then the bacteria break through the protective layer and begin to multiply. That is why soda deodorants have to be used several times during the day to prolong their action.

The result of using soda instead of deodorant

If you use soda instead of deodorant once a day, this will not get rid of the smell of sweat for 24 hours, but in any case, choosing a product based on sodium bicarbonate will change the functioning of the sebaceous glands and normalize the pH level.

What real improvements can be felt after using soda:

  • An antiperspirant stabilizes the work of the sweat glands, reducing sweat production and reducing its pungent odor. Often soda is used not only to eliminate sweat and its aroma, but also in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. With prolonged use, an improvement is observed, a person sweats less.
  • Powdery powder removes alkalis, cleansing the body through the pores. The increased alkali content negatively affects digestion, skin condition, etc.
  • Kills bacteria. Creates a specific environment in which they lose the ability to reproduce.
  • Moderate use of soda makes the dermis tender and soft to the touch. By choosing natural products based on sodium bicarbonate, you care about the condition of your skin and its health.
How to make a deodorant from soda - look at the video:

So that you can use baking soda deodorant when you get the chance, carry solid products that will gently protect your skin from perspiration and bacteria buildup.

Hello dear readers!

Today we will learn about the dangers of industrial deodorants and consider 7 ways to replace them. natural remedies. Let me tell you about my experience...

Honestly, my head with soda is not because shampoos are harmful, but simply because soda is better for my hair, and care has become much easier and, as a bonus, ten times cheaper and more useful.

I didn't even think about deodorant. Such a topic ... That protection is needed here at 100%.

But, after scouring the Internet for a replacement for conventional deodorant with natural remedies, I stumbled upon terrible facts.

Of course, now there is harm everywhere. And in water, and in air, and in food - yes, in everything. And you can't hide from everything. Moreover, to live and shake on every little thing is not life, but hard labor. And death just walks around and laughs at how we try to outwit it.

Nevertheless. We must take care of the body. In moderation. And if there is time and desire to experiment, then why not? Today is just about that!

Harm of conventional deodorants.

It's short here.

The main "problematic" components of industrial deodorants (especially those that are talked about 24 hours) are aluminum compounds. They block the pores under the armpits, do not allow sweat to stand out, hence the violation of thermoregulation, dry skin, worsening the removal of toxins.

Nature designed it so that it was wet under the armpits. This is fine. So why do we break this nature? Where do these toxins go, and where does everything that is absorbed from the deodorant into our blood accumulate?

Now my personal view on this problem. I am not calling anyone to anything. As they say, consult a doctor ...

I believe that if we eat only at the set time, missing pieces between meals, finish the meal until we are full, observe fasts and learn not to eat after six, then our body will cleanse itself with the help of proper digestion. That is, all slags will come out of the place that nature intended to serve this purpose ...

And if the intestines are clogged, the system of bile, enzyme, salt, etc. processes are broken, then the slags still need to go out, so they are sent in all possible ways. And we - bang - and sealed their exit with deodorant and other things. Where will they go? Scary to imagine!

We are lucky if we catch a cold, and the toxins come out through snot, cough, vomiting, etc. And if the temperature, then we will starve a little, digestion will regulate everything.

And if we drown the snot with advertised means? And if we take a magic pill, and there will be no trace of the disease? What if we do something else to prevent the body from being cleansed? Maybe all these aluminum compounds and slags will accumulate? Where? Maybe that's why they are found in breast cancer tumors? In the brains of Alzheimer's sufferers?

Dear ones. If you live without a TV for 10 years, then you start to notice when you come to visit that 90% of advertising is advertising for medicines. Check it out! What are we doing? Sorry, got out.

So. If digestion is working normally, toxins come out in the right way, we wash ourselves regularly, then we are not afraid of the smell of sweat. But if, nevertheless, the nutrition is severely disturbed, and it is not so quick and easy to change it, then you can “protect yourself” by less aggressive means. Now we will consider them.

How to replace regular deodorant

Lemon instead of deodorant

In hot countries, as the Internet says, women use lemon. They hold lemon slices for a couple of minutes, and this, as they say, saves them from the sweat problem for the whole day.

Lemon has disinfectant properties. Maybe it dries out a little. I don't know, you can check. But I tried the second way.

Natural apple cider vinegar instead of deodorant

I have heard about this method. Especially since there is homemade apple cider vinegar at home. I decided to try.

The bottom line is this - wet cotton pads with vinegar, wipe the armpits and that's it. To be honest, it seemed to me that for the first 30 minutes I smelled like vinegar. But my husband said he didn't feel anything. And then I don't even smell any. Not pleasant, not unpleasant, not vinegary. It just doesn't exist. It's strange somehow. But I'm still afraid to go to people like that for now.

Soda instead of deodorant

My favorite soda excels here too.

You can dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water, pour the liquid into a bottle and spray or rub under your arms.

Here is one BUT: you need to give time to this solution to soak / evaporate. We need to take this into account and take the time.

I tried this method too. And even before going out in public. Everything is fine. Soda works. True, I don’t know how to check soda to stop sweating, because. I have it very low. But personally, I liked the idea of ​​using baking soda instead of store-bought deodorant.

Crystals instead of deodorants

Have you heard about such deodorants, which are crystals, minerals of volcanic rocks? Straight piece of white stone, which is polished and packed in a plastic box? Maybe you've seen these?

For example, here is a natural deodorant Crystal >>

I heard about this 5 years ago. It caught fire, but it cost a little expensive for a student - more than 500 rubles. Now they are much cheaper. These are said to have wound-healing properties, to be soaked in water and rubbed under the armpits, and to be absorbent—to absorb moisture and slightly tighten pores, but not block them.

One such crystal is enough for a year, two, three. And most importantly, he himself is odorless! This means it is suitable for both men and women. They also say that they can be used for scratches, cuts of various kinds.

Sounds tempting. Convenient, not harmful, beautiful, simple. Has anyone tried it? Share your experience!

Essential oils instead of deodorant

I am more and more inclined to use natural essential oils in my life.

A few years ago, we ordered natural oils and used them in inhalations and simply as room aromatization. It was cool. And in my first pregnancy, I smeared my stomach natural oil jojoba, the skin was super. And the stretch marks appeared at the moment when the bubble ended ...

I think again to switch to oils, especially since they can be used as deodorants. It is necessary to dilute a few drops of essential oil in the base oil. You can use tea tree oil, rose, jasmine, lavender, rosemary, geranium, eucalyptus, bergamot.

And the base - avocado oil, jojoba, shea butter, almond, oil grape seeds, sesame or others.

Example : 5 ml base oil and 15 drops of lavender, 5 drops of rosemary. Mix and store in a bottle. In the morning and evening, apply a few drops in the palm of your hand, rub into the armpits. The main thing is that the oils are natural, and not the usual pharmacy ones for 50 rubles ...

I think this method would be great. Will have to try. What do you think?

Chamomile infusion instead of deodorant

You can try using infusions of astringent herbs. For 1 liter of boiling water, take 3 tbsp. dry chamomile. Infuse for an hour and add 1 tbsp. soda. Store in a bottle and spray several times a day.

In my opinion, not bad, but very expensive in terms of labor. And yes, the shelf life of such a deodorant is short.

Make homemade solid deodorant

Yes, you can go for that too.

And what? All you have to do is mix 0.5 cup soda, 0.5 cup cornstarch and 100 ml coconut oil. Melt coconut oil in a water bath and mix with soda and starch powders.

Fill a bottle of old solid deodorant and refrigerate. The coconut oil will harden again, and you will have a real deodorant, only harmless.

There is one BUT here. According to reviews, it can be seen that such a deodorant leaves marks on clothes. So, alas... That's the way things are. Have you tried something to replace industrial deodorants? Have experience? Share in the comments! Agree, great on maternity leave? So much to know! And I wish you good health! With love, Irina Polyakova,

Sweating, especially in the hot season, brings a lot of inconvenience, the main of which is an unpleasant odor and spoiled appearance. For this reason, deodorants and antiperspirants have firmly entered the everyday life of many people. However, not everyone wants to use these tools. Some do not accept their composition, rich in various chemical compounds, others are afraid of the presence of substances in them that can cause serious diseases when accumulated in the body, for example, aluminum salts. Such people are looking for a replacement for the above hygiene products and the answer to the question “what can replace deodorant and antiperspirant?”

"Handy" means

There are many products that can be used to replace modern deodorants and antiperspirants. Some are worse, some are better in this direction. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the substances or products that are found in almost every person in the house. And sometimes the most banal.

Among them may be:

  • boric alcohol;
  • lemon;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • baking soda.

Knowing how to get a sweat remedy with these improvised means, it will always be possible to have an inexpensive natural-based deodorant.

The properties of this substance, which is sold in any pharmacy and, for sure, is found in almost every home medicine cabinet, allow it to effectively fight bacteria and dry the skin. However, he is powerless against sweating. Therefore, its use is advisable to use to get rid of the smell. Most often, the soles of the feet, palms and sports shoes are treated with boric alcohol.


This product has not only nutritional value, but also, as it turned out, cosmetic. The acid contained in it allows you to effectively fight bacteria that multiply in the secretion of the sweat glands. This allows you to get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat. Also, its action helps to reduce the intensity of sweating. Latin American women still use lemon to reduce sweating and get rid of sweat odor.

There are several ways to use lemon:

  • put a slice of lemon in the morning armpit and hold for a few minutes;
  • problem areas are wiped with cotton wool or a napkin dipped in freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, in addition, it contains many useful substances, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the function of sweating. However, there is a serious drawback - not very pleasant and rather persistent own smell. Therefore, it is better to limit its use territorially to your own home. There are several ways to use apple cider vinegar in order to combat excessive sweating: rubbing, baths and lotions. To minimize the negative properties of this remedy, all procedures are advised to be carried out before bedtime, and after sleep, wash the body with soap and water. The intensity of sweating after such procedures is significantly reduced.

Baking soda

No matter how intrusive it may sound, but ordinary baking soda is used in a variety of situations. It is also effective for sweating. The easiest way to use it: lubricate the armpits with a soda solution (1 teaspoon per 150 grams of water). In some cases, it is advised to use sodium bicarbonate as talc altogether. However, not everything is so rosy - the fragility of the effect involves the repeated use of such procedures during the day.

Based on soda, there is one of the recipes for making a natural deodorant at home. In addition to sodium bicarbonate, ingredients include starch (potato or corn), tea tree oil, and an essential oil with the right scent. Soda and starch should be mixed in proportions one to one, and then add oil and mix everything thoroughly. The resulting mixture, which resembles talc in consistency, should be stored in a tightly closed container, since soda tends to “pull” moisture from the environment, which can subsequently make it difficult to apply deodorant.

Do-it-yourself deodorants and tonics

Home-made deodorants, of course, are inferior in effectiveness to products produced in industrial environment, however, it will be possible not to doubt their ecological cleanliness and useful properties in some cases.

These "home deodorants" are prepared on the basis of decoctions of herbs and, in addition to the main function (getting rid of smell), they have medicinal properties. Once prepared, they can be used on a daily basis by pouring into a spray bottle.

Here are some recipes:

  • Chamomile tonic. About 50 grams of chamomile flowers are added to 1 liter of boiling water and infused for an hour. 30 g of baking soda is added to the strained broth. With this tonic, heavily sweating areas of the skin are treated several times a day.
  • Tonic based on oak bark. In 200 g of boiling water, 20 g of oak bark is brewed. The juice of one freshly squeezed lemon is added to the strained broth. This tonic is great for reducing inflammation. problematic skin, reduces the intensity of perspiration, and the lemon in it gives a pleasant smell.

Sprays on alcohol

In this case, the property of alcohol to destroy bacteria is used, therefore, in the composition of such sprays, it acts as an antiseptic. Herbs, which are an additional ingredient in the following recipes, have a positive effect on skin condition.

  1. "Astringent" tonic. A tincture is being prepared, the ingredients of which are horsetail or walnut leaves, in the ratio of 1 part of the leaves to 10 parts of vodka. It is necessary to insist at least 10 days in a dark place. All problem areas are wiped with a tonic, which reduces the intensity of sweating and gives the skin a slight woody smell.
  2. Rosemary tonic. For 250 ml of boiling water, 10 g of dry, well-chopped rosemary is added and infused for 10 minutes. After this, the broth is filtered and mixed with 95% alcohol in a ratio of one to one. You can also add your favorite essential oil to add the desired fragrance. By pouring the resulting liquid into a spray bottle, you can use the tonic on a daily basis as a deodorant.

Solid deodorants

There are also recipes for making solid deodorants at home. Ecological cleanliness and usefulness will also become their properties.

  1. Based on coconut oil. Ingredients: coconut oil (200 ml), soda, starch. A glass of soda and starch is thoroughly mixed in the right container and after that coconut oil is added. The resulting mixture is stirred to a paste consistency. You can fill a used deo-stick bottle with it and put it in the refrigerator. After absolute hardening, this deodorant can be used in the same way as purchased.
  2. Based on cocoa and Shea butters. Ingredients: Shea butter (100 ml), cocoa butter (100 ml), soda (100 g), starch (100 g), essential oil (for aroma). All ingredients are mixed in one container until a homogeneous paste-like mass is obtained. Store and use the resulting product should be the same as the previous one, that is, instead of a purchased deodorant.

Answering the question “what can replace deodorant?” From the foregoing, it follows that there are many ways to prepare a remedy for sweating and its smell with my own hands. People who do not want or, for any other reason, cannot use the products of the cosmetic industry, have the opportunity to make their own deodorant at home and enjoy the creation of their own hands.
