What can you give mom a birthday. Men's name day: according to the Orthodox calendar, the meaning, what to give and how to congratulate

Name days have been celebrated in Russia for a very long time. Birthday was in those ancient times a less popular holiday than name day. They could even forget about it, and name days were necessarily celebrated by people if there were enough funds for this holiday. Currently, name days are rarely celebrated - but some people still recognize the tradition that has passed from ancestors to us.

This is a special holiday filled with spiritual meaning. After all, the name for each person is of such great importance. Therefore, name days are celebrated - Name Day. The date of the name day is usually determined according to the Orthodox calendar and coincides with Saint's Day.

What should be a gift for such a holiday? In principle, you can give any gift that you want, but most often on a name day they give something that is associated with the name itself. Birthday gift - very old tradition, which was forgotten in Soviet times, but now it is gradually being revived.

What to give a woman for a birthday?

When choosing a gift, you can take into account the sign of the zodiac

You can fantasize here endlessly. best gift on such a day there will be sincere and kind congratulations, mentioning the woman's name. Any representative of the weaker sex is pleased when they address her by name. When choosing a gift, think about what it should please the birthday girl and take into account the tastes and age of the woman. And when choosing a gift, you can take into account her zodiac sign.

  • Capricorn- people are mostly practical, so gifts should be appropriate: dishes, massagers, tea, a leather wallet, beautiful editions of encyclopedias.
  • Aquarius as a gift, you can present the latest technology: a laptop, a microwave oven, a game disc, a novelty film distribution or a key chain.
  • Fish- creative nature. The gift should be related to art - an album of reproductions of your favorite artist, a disc with classical music recordings, a photo frame. Since the fish prefer comfort, they will be delighted with bath towels or hygiene kits - shampoos and gels.
  • Aries you need to choose a gift just for her. This is a fire sign, so candlesticks, sets of scented candles, car accessories, or a CD of songs with her name are suitable for a present.
  • Taurus- a spiritual sign. Gifts can be: a painting (watercolor), a recipe book, a music box, a chic set of jewelry or an exotic houseplant.
  • Twins have an impetuous, striving for change, character. They are very fickle natures, so you need to find out about the recent passion of a woman. A gift can be payment for courses, for example, in landscape design or a foreign language.
  • Cancer- aquatic nature. You can pay for a visit to the aqua complex or aerobics classes. Cancer will be happy with a cozy bedspread, funny slippers, a camping thermos.
  • a lion- a domineering woman, prone to prestigious and high-quality things. Souvenir production for this sign is strictly prohibited!!! Only stylish items for the interior - a chic vase, a wall lamp, an interesting set for spices.
  • Virgo not an emotional sign. Only practical gifts- a high-quality and convenient wallet, cosmetic bags, perhaps a set for a manicure, and maybe yarn for knitting.
  • Libra a gift from the field of art is enough - for example, books. original packaging for them is the most important thing. A disc of classical music or with a recording of an opera, chic jewelry, unusual souvenirs.
  • Scorpion will be happy with a souvenir from natural materials- a stand for pens or a table calendar made of malachite, a set of bed linen, bath towels, Digital Watch or an interestingly shaped alarm clock.
  • Sagittarius you can bring something sporty. An original gift for her is to organize a picnic at their summer cottage or prepare a party in a club.

Of course, these are not universal tips, it all depends on your attitude towards the birthday girl. As well as the nature and hobbies, personal preferences of a woman. If this is a friend or work colleague, then a symbolic gift with the name of the owner would be very appropriate for such a holiday.

Video - Village of Fools "Name Day"

Liana Raymanova

Name day is a special holiday, on this day the saint is glorified, in whose honor the person is named, and only then only the birthday man. It is believed that the saint whose name a person bears is his patron. This is, first of all, religious holiday, birthday gifts should be appropriate. Often people do not know what to choose as a gift for an angel's day, although the range is quite large and diverse.

Please note that modern people usually the worldly name does not match the name given to him at baptism

Therefore, if in doubt about this, choose a neutral gift, for example, with the image of an angel.

What to give a woman for a birthday?

For a woman on angel's day, choose something from jewelry. But they must also have relation to the patron saint after which it is named.

  • You can give a girl a bracelet decorated with icons for her name day. In church shops you can pick up for every taste and budget. In addition, they are already consecrated there, so you don’t have to take extra care of it. important ritual without which they have no power.
  • Many men prefer to give their wife jewelry on their name day. In this case, a gold chain with a pendant depicting a saint will be an excellent gift. People who are far from religion may pay attention to the pendant in the form of the initial letter of the name. Get a stylish, sophisticated gift.
  • When you need an inexpensive present, you can give a girlfriend a variant of jewelry for an angel's day. Modern technologies make it possible to make jewelry no worse than from precious metals and stones. It may be a small pendant in the form of ceramics and enamel. And affordable for money, and keep traditions, and a woman will be happy with such a gift.
  • A table figurine of an angel will be a wonderful small gift for the name day. It can be made of porcelain or wax.

Birthday gift for a friend in the form of a porcelain figure of an angel

If a woman does not go to the temple, you can give her a thing with her name. An engraved jewelry would be a great option in this case.

What to give a man for a birthday?

For a man, you can also choose a chain with a scapular as a gift. But most men don't like to wear jewelry, so opt for the patron saint icon. Buy it better in shops near the church. There are both budget options and richly decorated images of saints.

You can give your husband an angel's day if he does not like jewelry, a pendant with an icon in the car, or purchase a pocket version of the icon.

For a non-Orthodox man, choose a towel with the first letter of his name as a gift. As an alternative: a bathrobe with the monograms of the name and surname.

If a person is not religious and does not celebrate a holiday, but you still want to give him a gift, choose things with his name or the image of an angel. It could be:

  • nominal cup;
  • pillow with the image of an angel or an embroidered name;
  • scented candle in the form of an angel;
  • bed linen set with monograms;
  • personalized flash drive;
  • nightlight in the form of an angel.

Remember that name day is not a birthday; The date of the holiday is the day when a person was baptized and received a name at baptism. Now many do not even know their day of baptism, so they celebrate name days by the name of the saint whose name they bear.

What do they give a child for a birthday?

Children need protection, everyone close person wants to protect them and protect them from all evil. In this case, choose an icon for the child's room as a gift. So he will be under the auspices of the saint after which it is named. Are there any other options:

  • You can order and purchase a beautifully designed interpretation of the name. Such a gift in a festive frame will introduce the child to the origin and interpretation of his name. The present looks presentable, it can be placed on the wall in the apartment, it will organically fit into any interior.
  • You can give a girl's name day stud earrings in the shape of a capital letter of her name.
  • An excellent gift for a child from a religious family will be a gift book with the life of the saint, in whose honor he is named. His parents will also like such a gift, it will correspond to the lifestyle and lifestyle of the family.
  • An intelligible cross will be an appropriate gift on this day. Especially if it is given by godparents.

Children are given sweets. Quite can do without a sweet present if the donor is not sure how the child's parents will react to a religious gift.

DIY birthday gift

People who love to craft, embroider, knit or draw can make a gift for the day of the angel with their own hands.

  • It may be an embroidered image of a saint. Handmade always highly valued. And embroidery can also be placed in a frame and decorate your home with it. Get very expensive and valuable gift for the day of the angel.
  • Wood burning enthusiasts can also make such an image. The lacquered image, consecrated in the church, will serve as an icon.
  • You can make angel figurines from paper, fabric. An angel made of papier-mâché will be voluminous and can be placed on a desk.
  • Perfect fit greeting card with pictures of angels. Even children can make such a gift for their loved ones.

Handmade gifts are accepted with even greater joy than expensive purchased presents.

What do the clergy say about gifts for the name day?

The clergy say that the gift does not have to be connected with Orthodox or Catholic themes. It is important on this day to congratulate the birthday man, wish him health and well-being, and you can hand over any thing, so long as it does not cause him spiritual or physical harm. Therefore, you can not give alcohol, cigarettes, books of erotic content for a name day. It is not recommended to give fast sweets in fasting. Choose candy or dark chocolate. Bake a fruit cake for the birthday boy. So you will be sure that you did not hand him anything that the church forbids during fasting days.

Fruit pie as a gift for the name day in the post

A birthday gift doesn't have to be expensive. You can even just invite the birthday man to the temple, light a candle to his patron. If he is far from the church, anyone can pray for him.

November 15, 2018, 19:44

7 months ago

Angel Day (another name for name day) began to be massively celebrated recently. Many people think that birthday and name day are one and the same. Indeed, in both cases you give (and if you celebrate, you receive) gifts. But they have significant differences. On a name day, unlike a birthday, more symbolic gifts should be presented. If you know what gift you can choose for a birthday, then the question of what to give a woman for a name day is a little more complicated.

Angel Day is one of the brightest holidays


If you choose what to give for a believer's name day, then there are many options, such as:

  • Medallion with a saint .
  • Church book .
  • Nominal icon . It should have an image of the saint whose name the person was named at baptism. There are different sizes from small and compact to very large. Small ones are more in demand, as they can be carried with you (for example, in a wallet).
  • church bracelet with mini icons. It should be taken in church shops, otherwise it will not properly protect a person.


If your friend likes to look and dress beautifully, then in this case there are also several options. Good fit cosmetics or accessories , bijouterie , watch or small scarves. You can also choose clothes: blouse , t-shirt , skirt , handbag. Options , what to give for a name day to such a person, as you can see, the mass. It all depends on how much you are willing to shell out.

Stop your choice of things from new collection any famous fashion designer, and then the gift will definitely exceed expectations

This will come in handy! Choosing a gift is always a difficult task, especially when the question is:

Lover of art or reading

Let's say you want to come up with a birthday present for someone who is into art, movies, music, reading, or painting. Such a woman will like it if you come up with some creative idea. Can buy theater performance ticket , to the cinema, to a concert or to an exhibition. A good one will do book, beautiful painting(her favorite author, if there is one), or even music plate . The history of the origin of her name will also be an interesting surprise. Such a study of the etymology of a particular name can be ordered on the Internet and presented in the form of a beautifully designed document. More good option for your inquisitive girlfriend will name interpretation book - there you can find what other names mean besides her own.


If you know the person to whom you are going to give gifts for a birthday, then it all depends on your relationship. It can be some surprises with jokes, funny sneakers or funny print t-shirts . You can collect your most memorable joint photos and compose photo collage, pre-designing it in a nice shiny cover. Such a warm gift will only please your girlfriend.

For a girl who loves books and traveling, an e-book is perfect as a gift - the library is always in your pocket

Helpful information! Some believe that Angel Day is a magical day, just for such an occasion they are perfect


most expensive and native person you need to choose a gift wisely to show all your love. If you are wondering what to give mom for a birthday, then here are a few recommendations:

  • Cake. You can order a cake from the master, but it's better to bake it yourself (if, of course, you know how) - it will be especially nice.
  • pet. Perhaps your mother has been wanting to get someone for a very long time, such as a dog, cat, fish or parrot.
  • Some luxurious piece of clothing, like fur coats or beautiful evening dress . It will be expensive, but it will give your mother an unforgettable and priceless experience.
  • Certificate to the salon. It can be beauty or massage parlors.
  • Big bouquet of flowers . What woman doesn't love flowers?

Universal gifts

In the case when you are rather new to the person you are going to congratulate on the birthday, then there are several universal options that are suitable for almost everyone:

  • Bath towels . If angels are embroidered on them, this is even better (you can even order such embroidery). Such a gift is suitable for the fairer sex of all ages. When choosing towels, you need to pay special attention to the quality of the material from which they are made, otherwise it will be simply inconvenient and unpleasant to use them.

The set will make a great gift. cosmetics for the body and the most delicate towel

Note! Coffee is a wonderful invigorating drink that many people love. Therefore, for connoisseurs of this drink, an excellent gift option is

  • casket(for example, with painted angels). Maybe from different materials: iron, wood, plastic, etc. It comes with and without sound. Eat different variants boxes with a variety of designs and colorful paintings. Suitable for little girls and women old age, because everyone has something that they want to put there.
  • Suspension. For a woman's name day, a pendant with the first letter of her name or with an angel is suitable.
  • Eau de Toilette . It will be especially pleasant for the birthday girl to see her name in the title. You need to be sure that she will like the scent, so it is quite difficult to choose such a gift.
  • Candies . great idea there will be chocolate figurines of angels.
  • Frame. When giving a gift to a family member, you can put your joint family photo inside. You need to choose a frame with a good design, in which any photographs will look good.
  • Pillow with angel pattern . Such a gift will protect the person and remind of the giver.

As you can see, it’s not so difficult for a woman to choose a gift for a name day, for any temperament there is always something different. The main thing is that the offering should be beautifully and neatly decorated - this guarantees good first impression. Individual approach also gives you a great chance of success, so when choosing, consider individual inclinations, interests, hobbies and your relationship with a friend, acquaintance or relative whom you are going to surprise.

Giving gifts on Angel Day is enough old tradition. Despite the fact that she was forgotten, the era of her revival has recently begun. On this day, it is customary to give nice words and wishes. To verbal congratulations, you can add an original gift. But what to give for Angel Day? The name of the holiday speaks for itself. The main condition is that the name must be mentioned in the gift.

In the assortment of the Gift Valley virtual store, you can choose the right option. Many of the gifts offered are made by the store's craftsmen. This makes it possible to create a personalized gift.

Mug "Golden Man" NAMED - an excellent present for this holiday. This original mug, which is decorated in a stylish golden color. It is useful both at home and at work. At your request, the store employees will put the name of the gifted person. For this, a special paint is used, so you can not worry about the quality of performance. The inscription is included in the price of the mug. It takes 1 business day to complete a personalized gift.

Also, your attention is given a T-shirt with your inscription for women or men, depending on who you are choosing a gift for. This is not only a stylish wardrobe item that allows its owner to stand out, but also a rather practical and comfortable thing. The inscription is applied by the masters of the Valley of Gifts. If you decide that it is better to give a T-shirt for Angel Day, it would be logical to put the name of the congratulatory person. However, it all depends on your imagination. You can look at ready-made t-shirts and choose the right one. High-quality paints are used for drawing the image. Therefore, the inscription is not erased and does not crack. Such a T-shirt will delight its owner and remind you of you.

Happy Angel Day, you can congratulate not only friends and acquaintances, you can congratulate your beloved mother. An excellent present for such an occasion is the award figurine “The Most best mom in the world". She will certainly be pleased to receive such an award from her child. This is a symbolic gift that emphasizes how important and dear it is to you. You can make the figurine personal by ordering the placement of an additional shield on which the name is applied. Just be sure to specify the text at the time of ordering.

Personalized gift, perfect for Angel Day - Hollywood star. Suitable for those who dream of fame and fortune. The name of the person to whom it is addressed is applied to the ceramic tile. Such a gift will take the most honorable place in the house. You have the opportunity to fulfill the dream of a friend or sister. You can hand over the Star by beating a real awards ceremony.

It turns out that you can give any gift for Angel Day, the main thing is that it be from the heart. WITH complete list possible gifts you can find in the selection

"They baked a clay pie" - until recently in our country, birthdays and name days merged into one magnificent holiday. WITH kindergarten danced round dances and sang about a clay pie. Today, more often on birthdays they sing “Happy Birthday to you!” without translation into Russian. The holiday does not get worse from this and does not differ from all pre-perestroika birthdays - neither in terms of refreshments, nor in gifts, nor in the composition of guests. You can continue to continue in the same spirit, but you can take advantage of the trends of the new time and celebrate your name day several times - from one to 40 times a year - as you are lucky. And even if we managed to be born close to the day of the saint, in honor of which our parents accidentally named us, or we independently baptized ourselves as adults, then all the same, looking at the calendar, you can find many holiday dates and reasons to receive gifts and convene guests. Most of all, in this sense, Ivan, Alexander, Maria were lucky ...

Whenever you quarreled with friends, undeservedly received a promotion at work, when you managed to win the lottery or go on a business trip abroad, name days are an occasion to improve relations with all those who are dissatisfied or accidentally offended by you. What are the scores with the birthday boy when he set the table and called everyone, not even to congratulate him, but simply expressed a good attitude towards his angel?

So, if your friend, or boss, or mother-in-law, or dacha neighbor invites you to his birthday parties 20 times a year and you are ready to put up with his shortcomings and vices and give up on the complexity of your relationship and are happy to come to visit him, then the only question remains - what to give the birthday man?

This is a less pompous holiday than a birthday (at least in our country today). Still, in our country it is non-religious, in contrast to the Catholic tradition of the West. Our country is multi-confessional and religiously tolerant, so there is no need to seriously focus on the traditions of the religion of the guests and the birthday man, going to a party on the occasion of the day of the angel. Both the angel and the birthday boy will be glad for your attention. Based on this, a gift to a birthday person can be less serious both in terms of monetary costs and in meaning than for a birthday. A playful surprise is possible, related to the meaning of the name and expressing the nature of your relationship. For example, if this is a party in the service, then colleagues can give an individual cup with the name of the hero of the occasion, which is easy to purchase at a souvenir stall.

If you are in a family relationship, then you can give a tablecloth with embroidery - “The best mother-in-law” (mother-in-law, incomparable husband, best of suitors, etc.). If these are neighbors, then it is appropriate to present a gingerbread with glazed letters "Ivan Ivanovich from apartment 45."

If you are invited to a friend, then it will be a great success to find out the specific meaning of his name and fantasize about this topic. For example, Philip is a horse lover. Everything will fit: from a horseshoe for luck to a music box with a carousel, as long as there are horses. The package of Hercules in ribbons, candles and flowers will also be accepted with a bang (if, of course, your friend has a sufficient sense of humor). It is not necessary to put a religious content into the name Mary. Of the 10 birthday days, at least once a year, forget your reverent attitude to the “beloved of God” and give something that reveals a different interpretation of the name - “bitter” (this can be a bitter tincture - from branded English gin from the supermarket to aged vodka on herbs with its own dachas). For more refined Mash, there may be perfumes, the aroma of which is dominated by a bitter note. For the sweet tooth of Mary Ivannam, present a box of Scandinavian cookies, which include pepper mixtures or dark chocolate.

Marina today often calls herself Masha, but according to her passport she is not “bitter”, but “salty”, more precisely, “marine”. Accordingly, as a gift, she can be presented with sea salt, shells, perfume with a salty tint, any pickles and salted fish, and if you especially close friend- a ticket to the sea.

Zhora is actually George, that is, a "farmer", it is clear that you can give him flowers in a pot - let him cultivate his garden. Of course, if his parents named him for a reason and his name corresponds to him, then he probably has Vacation home or cottage. So, he will be happy with a bag of rare seeds, and a heaped haymaker. The name Dmitry has the same meaning. Therefore, both of these friends can be presented with a rake and a band-aid on their foreheads, because usually they easily make the same mistakes, that is, they step on the same rake, and we forgive them for this. Denis has the most fun birthdays, because his name means Dionysus - the god of fun, so he will probably take care of the drinks himself. Any snacks and food, everything for table setting and musical accompaniment - whether it be a guitar, a CD or a tambourine - will not be superfluous on this holiday. Well, if your friend’s name is Ignatius, which means “unknown” in translation, then he needs to prepare surprises, and it’s not the gift itself that matters, but the mysterious surroundings, amazing packaging or some kind of cipher in congratulations.

What else is a good name day? You always have a reason to provoke a party with your sudden congratulations to a friend. In the same way, if you forgot to congratulate a friend in the spring, you have the opportunity to rehabilitate yourself in the fall. It is for this purpose that we bring you the schedule of the name days of your friends and acquaintances for the whole year.

Alexander March 8, March 28, April 23, April 30, Zmaya, May 2b, May 29, June 2, June 22, August 25, September 12, November 4, December 6, December 25

Anatoly May 6, July 16, December 3 Andrei July 13, July 17, September 1, September 15, September 23, October 15, October 23, October 30, December 13, December 15

Anton January 30, February 25, April 27, July 7, July 23, August 16, August 22, October 30, December 20

Arseniy March 15, May 21, June 25, July 5, July 25, September 6, November 10, December 26

Athanasius January 17, January 31, March 7, March 21, May 15, July 18, August 2, September 4, December 15

Basil January 14, February 12, March 13, March 17, March 20, April 4, April 25, May 9, May 12, June 21, June 23, July 5, July 16, July 28, August 15, August 24

Gabriel January 28, February 24, April 8, May 3, May 5, July 26, November 21, December 10 Gennady February 5, February 22

George (Egor, Yuri) January 21, March 6, April 17, April 20, April 30, May 2, May 6, May 26, June 8, June 27, July 10, November 16, December 9

Hermann May 25, July 6, July 11, August 9, September 24, October 8, November 19, November 26

Gregory January 21, January 23, February 7, February 12, March 22, March 25, June 28, August 21, October 13, October 18, November 18, November 27, November 30, December 3, December 6

Daniel January 2, February 29, March 1, July 23, September 12, December 24, December 30

Ivan January 2, January 11, January 20, January 28, February 6, February 8, February 9, February 13, March 9, April 5, April 9, April 24, May 1, May 12, May 21, June 1, June 7 , June 9, June 11, June 15, June 23, July 7, July 11, July 16, July 25, July 31, August 3, September 11, September 15, September 20, September 27, October 6, October 9, 28 October, November 1, November 25, December 15, December 20, December 23

Ignat January 2, January 10, February 11, May 13, June 1, June 10, October 10, November 5

Kirill January 31, February 27, March 31, April 3, April 11, May 11, May 17, May 24, June 22, July 22, September 19, September 29, November 20, December 21

Konstantin March 19, June 3, June 18, June 21, August 11, August 17, October 2, November 4

Makar January 12, January 23, February 1, February 4, February 18, May 14, June 8, August 7, September 19, October 5, December 6

Maksim January 29, February 3, February 19, April 23, May 11, August 26, September 18, December 5

Michael January 24, February 27, June 5, July 25, August 11, September 19, October 13, November 21, December 5, December 31

Paul January 23, January 28, March 1, March 23, July 12, July 29, August 30, September 23, November 19, December 20

Peter January 25, January 29, February 14, April 6, May 16, June 25, July 8, July 12, August 13, September 6, September 23, October 5, October 18, December 5, December 18

Novel February 11, February 16, August 1, August 6, August 23, October 14, December 1, December 10

Semyon February 16, February 26, March 25, April 30, June 6, September 14, September 25, December 31

Tikhon April 7, June 29, July 5, August 26, October 9 Trifon February 14, October 21, December 28 Trofim March 31, April 28, August 5, October 2 Fedor January 9, February 1, February 21, February 27, March 2, March 14, March 18, April 23, May 3, May 5, May 29, June 3, June 18, June 21, July 6, July 22, July 25, August 24, October 3, October 5, November 24 , December 11th,

Philip January 2, July 16, October 18, October 24, November 27 Julian February 19, July 4, August 22, September 25, October 20 Jacob April 24, May 13, May 18, July 7

Anna February 16, February 23, April 8, June 25, July 18, September 22, October 15, November 11, December 3, December 22

Maria February 8, February 19, February 25, April 12, April 14, May 10, June 20, June 22, August 22, November 11
