What to give a man for a birthday. What to give a woman for a name day: choose a gift for beautiful people

Name days have been celebrated in Russia for a very long time. Birthday was in those ancient times a less popular holiday than name day. They could even forget about it, and name days were necessarily celebrated by people if there were enough funds for this holiday. Currently, name days are rarely celebrated - but some people still recognize the tradition that has passed from ancestors to us.

This is a special holiday filled with spiritual meaning. After all, the name for each person is of such great importance. Therefore, name days are celebrated - Name Day. The date of the name day is usually determined by Orthodox calendar and coincides with Saint's Day.

What should be a gift for such a holiday? In principle, you can give any gift that you want, but most often on a name day they give something that is associated with the name itself. A gift for a name day is a very old tradition that was forgotten in Soviet times, but now it is gradually being revived.

What to give a woman for a birthday?

When choosing a gift, you can take into account the sign of the zodiac

You can fantasize here endlessly. The best gift on such a day will be sincere and kind congratulations, mentioning the woman's name. Any representative of the weaker sex is pleased when they address her by name. When choosing a gift, think about what it should please the birthday girl and take into account the tastes and age of the woman. And when choosing a gift, you can take into account her zodiac sign.

  • Capricorn- people are mostly practical, so gifts should be appropriate: dishes, massagers, tea, a leather wallet, beautiful editions of encyclopedias.
  • Aquarius as a gift, you can present the latest technology: a laptop, a microwave oven, a disc with a game, a novelty film distribution or a key chain.
  • Fish- creative nature. The gift should be related to art - an album of reproductions of your favorite artist, a disk with classical music recordings, a photo frame. Since the fish prefer comfort, they will be delighted with bath towels or hygiene kits - shampoos and gels.
  • Aries you need to choose a gift just for her. This is a fire sign, so candlesticks, sets of scented candles, car accessories, or a CD of songs with her name are suitable for a present.
  • Taurus- a spiritual sign. Gifts can be: a painting (watercolor), a recipe book, a music box, a chic set of jewelry or an exotic houseplant.
  • Twins have an impetuous, striving for change, character. They are very fickle natures, so you need to find out about the recent passion of a woman. A gift can be payment for courses, for example, in landscape design or a foreign language.
  • Cancer- aquatic nature. You can pay for a visit to the aqua complex or aerobics classes. Cancer will be happy with a cozy bedspread, funny slippers, a camping thermos.
  • a lion- a domineering woman, prone to prestigious and high-quality things. Souvenir production for this sign is strictly prohibited!!! Only stylish items for the interior - a chic vase, a wall lamp, an interesting set for spices.
  • Virgo not an emotional sign. Only practical gifts- a high-quality and convenient wallet, cosmetic bags, perhaps a set for a manicure, and maybe yarn for knitting.
  • Libra a gift from the field of art is enough - for example, books. original packaging for them is the most important thing. A disc of classical music or with a recording of an opera, chic jewelry, unusual souvenirs.
  • Scorpion will be happy with a souvenir from natural materials- a stand for pens or a table calendar made of malachite, a set of bed linen, bath towels, Digital Watch or an interestingly shaped alarm clock.
  • Sagittarius you can bring something sporty. Original gift for her, it is to organize a picnic at their summer cottage or prepare a party in a club.

Of course, these are not universal tips, it all depends on your attitude towards the birthday girl. As well as the nature and hobbies, personal preferences of a woman. If this is a friend or work colleague, then a symbolic gift with the name of the owner would be very appropriate for such a holiday.

Video - Village of Fools "Name Day"

name day at loved one? But what to give for a birthday? Usually, original symbolic gifts are given on name days. We have collected interesting ideas souvenirs and birthday gifts.

site - Search engine for gifts and souvenirs

A proper name is the most pleasant sound for any person, psychologists say. A name is not just a word, but a sign that affects the character, and sometimes fate. Our ancestors were well aware of the magic of names, so the name day was considered special for every person. Moreover, in Rus', name days were “more important” than birthdays. On the holiday, which was also called the Day of the Angel, Name Day, they baked pies, set the table and invited guests. Name days have a religious basis and are considered a day of spiritual birth, so it is not surprising that with the advent of Soviet power, they began to forget about this holiday. Today, the tradition of congratulating friends on their name days is being revived.

What to give for a birthday?

The most suitable gift for the name day will, of course, be the one that is associated with the name of the person you want to congratulate -.

"What's in a name?" - wrote Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, and yet it is the name that can influence the success of a person, his temperament. True, not everyone is aware of this. A symbolic and beautiful present that will help you learn more about the main word of life will be beautifully arranged etymology, that is, the history of the origin of the name of your friend. It can be unusually and festively decorated, for example, in the form of a scroll, an old document, a letter; insert information into a frame or order a small book. If your birthday person is religious enough, you can accompany information about the meaning and origin of the name with the life story of the addressee's patron saint.

A suitable gift for both a relative and someone who is not included in the circle of your loved ones will be in an engraved commemorative inscription. An angel can be completely different: ceramic or rag, funny or elegant, exclusive thing or a nice souvenir. Such a gift for Angel Day will become a talisman for the birthday man and will be very useful.

Exquisite and expensive present - personalized decoration. It can be either an engraved bracelet, and for men -,. Most often, the first letter of the name is depicted on jewelry or it is written in its entirety, but more is possible. original version: you need to find out what Chinese character the name of a friend is depicted and ask to put this particular sign on the gift.

You can engrave not only on jewelry, but also, for example, on, dear,. Today, an ornate inscription can decorate even a bouquet of flowers. In case you are not ready to spend money on an expensive gift, a great option is to order flowers with the name of a loved one printed on each bud. From the same opera - sweets, for example, chocolate, packed in a box made to order for the birthday man, or a cake with a congratulatory inscription. You can order and alcoholic drink with personalized label- simple and tasteful.

Birthday gifts for children

Today, the tradition is returning to name a child in honor of a saint born with him on the same day, or at least “nearby”. Therefore, name days may well coincide with the birthday of the crumbs or the day of christening. In such cases, it is customary to give gifts related to the spiritual life of the baby. For example, in Rus' there was a custom when on the day of the name day the child was given " measuring icon". To do this, you need to find out the height of the baby at birth and order an icon depicting his patron saint of just such a height. This is a very personal gift that is customary to keep and cherish for a lifetime.

Often, children are given blankets, socks, blouses and other clothes on which the name of the child is beautifully embroidered. You can also order a metric for the baby: embroidery indicating the name, birthday, day of the child's angel.

An original and memorable present - a fairy tale, main character which is your birthday. The script can be simple, as long as the main character is named the same as the child. You can order such a children's book with a fairy tale through the Internet.

If you have already chosen a birthday gift for a loved one, but it has nothing to do with his name, this is easy to fix! Find on the Internet or order a congratulation, which will mention the name of the person you want to congratulate. In addition, you can make an individual one for the birthday man. Such nice little things will make your gift more personalized, and this is especially important on Angel Day. Remember that there is no easier and more effective way to win over a person than to call him by name more often.

Background of the holiday

Any person perceives his personal name as the most pleasant sound. This is the opinion of psychologists. After all, the name is not at all an ordinary word, but acts as a sign that has an impact on the character and even on the fate of a person. Our ancestors knew about the magic that a person's name possessed. Because of this, they treated this holiday with special trepidation.
In addition, in the days of Kievan Rus, people gave more importance to name days than birthdays. The celebration of the name is also called the Day of the Angel. On this day, most often they were engaged in baking pies, laying food on the table and inviting people to their house.
Name days are not complete without a religious basis, and therefore the day of the name is also called the day of spiritual birth. Analyzing these facts, it becomes clear why this holiday practically disappeared during the Soviet era. Today, there is a tendency to revive this holiday.

What to present on a name day?

On the day of the Angel, as on any other holiday, it is customary to give gifts to a person. For this celebration, most often they choose something universal that could be used in everyday life, and for name days it is best to think about the high. The thing is that the described holiday is also a holiday of the patron saint, therefore ordinary gift won't fit here.
To satisfy a person and his soul, give an icon. Therefore, visit a shop specializing in the sale of icons. In addition, vessels filled with holy water, shelves designed for icons, beautiful candles of various shapes are also suitable. Also, a person will be delighted with the presented book, which would be filled with spiritual content. If the choice fell on an icon, then it is advised to order it from an icon painter, and not to purchase a ready-made one.
The traditions of Kievan Rus say that it is recommended to give a child a “measured” icon. It happened in this way. Parents called the child a certain name, and then measured his height. The icon was asked to be made the same length as the height of the child, and they depicted a saint whose name coincided with the name of the child.

Presents for Angel Day.

Nowadays, it is advised to give such gifts for name days that would be associated with the name of a person.
It is known that the name directly affects the success of a person and temperament depends on it. Very few people think about it these days. Therefore, symbolically and at the same time crazy a wonderful gift a properly designed etymology would have become, which would have contributed to the fact that a person learned more about his name. This kind of gift can be unusually arranged. For example, present it in the form of a scroll or a document with the effect of antiquity.
You can please a relative on Angel Day with an angel figurine, on which a commemorative inscription can be engraved. The material from which the angel is made and the shape may be different. This gift will protect a person from all sorts of troubles in life.
You can also donate jewelry. Nowadays, engraved rings with bracelets and pendants are popular, and male representatives are delighted with donated cufflinks with watches. If you want to be original, you can find out earlier how the name is indicated using Chinese characters, and give this sign as a gift.
Engraving is possible on different things. This procedure can be carried out with wallets, expensive notebooks, pens. Today, even bouquets of flowers are decorated with an ornate inscription. If the budget does not allow ordering an expensive gift, then you can ask to put on each bud the letters that make up the person's name. Thus, you can decorate candies. It is also possible to order alcohol, on which to place a personal label.
There are gifts that combine several elements: a photograph of a person with his name. Still popular mugs with T-shirts and calendars, which depict photographs of people.

Birthday gift for kids.

Increasingly, it is noted that parents are again trying to name their child after a saint who was born with him on the same day or their birthdays are very close. Because of this, Angel Day may fall on the baby's birthday or the day he was baptized. In this case, it is best to give the child gifts that would be associated with the spiritual life of the baby.
On Angel's Day, you can give a child and soft toy, which would be made in the form of an angel. Tilda dolls are the leaders in sales. In order for the child to remember the gift for a long time, you can contact the workshop so that the name of the baby to whom they want to present such a gift is sewn on the dress of the angel doll.
An original gift will be a personal fairy tale, in which the main character will be a child.

Angel Day is different from a birthday. This unusual holiday which has a deep religious meaning. An important event is dedicated to the memory of the spiritual patron and protector of a person, so it is customary to give the hero of the occasion items and small nice little things related to the angelic theme.

We often refer to Angel Day as "name days". This means that beautiful presents with a name will be appropriate. Find out what you can give a man, woman and child on Angel Day.

Souffle "Happy Angel Day!"

Every adult is a grown child, so a man will be happy to receive a delicious candy with a delicate soufflé. An original treat with a special decor and the inscription "Happy Angel Day" has a neat plastic packaging and looks like a small and kind compliment.

Drinking a noble alcoholic drink correctly is a whole art, and any man will be pleased to receive a chic whiskey glass as a birthday present! The birthday boy will be delighted if he sees his name and yours on the glass. good wishes for the holiday. Keep in mind that a bottle of Scotch or Irish whiskey is ideal for such a present.

Award medal

It's a good idea to give a man a shiny medal with the words "Wild Angel" on Angel Day. The special award has a stylish decor and a tricolor ribbon. To emphasize the significance of the gift, present it in a bright velvet box. The hero of the occasion will definitely appreciate your sense of humor, diligence and sincerity.

Gifts for Angel Day should be not only beautiful, but also. Surprise your hero with a gentle and soft towel with his name. A man will be able to admire neat personal embroidery and will be happy to use a towel at home and while traveling.

Thermal mug with print

We are always in a hurry somewhere and do a lot on the go. Show the man how much you appreciate his work for the benefit of the family, and reward the birthday man with a wonderful thermal mug. Choose the right background and add fun drawings and lettering. creative gift on a name day it is very useful at work, on a business trip, and for a driver this is generally an indispensable thing.

Festive figurine

A good gift for Angel Day is an antique figurine. The figurine of an angel-warrior with a sword in his hands symbolizes determination, courage, faith in success and readiness to fight with all his might for the happiness of loved ones. A man will be happy to recognize his merits and will be able to decorate his desktop with an original figurine.

gifts for woman

Every woman has a bag, but not everyone has an accessory with her name on it. Right the wrong and give the woman an elegant bag with a cheerful and bright print. Let her name, photo or favorite picture appear on the fabric. Thanks to the long handles, the birthday girl will be able to carry the bag on her shoulder, which means she will be less tired.

"Angelic" pillowcase

A wonderful solution is to give a woman a decorative pillowcase with wings and a big word “Angel” for Angel Day. We spend a third of our lives in the bedroom, so a beautifully designed pillow will never be superfluous. Let the clever and beautiful woman rejoice at the warm sign of attention and rest with taste!

A tall glass champagne glass will liven up the festive celebration and allow you to admire the playful bubbles of the frothy drink. It will be pleasant for a woman to hold a glass by a thin leg, to see personalized engraving and smiling glamorous lips on a thin wall.

So that everyone knows that a woman has wings growing behind her back, give your angel a women's T-shirt for a birthday. A clear curly pattern will allow her to stand out from the crowd and amuse others. The inside of the T-shirt is made of cotton, while the outer part is made of durable polyester. Such a gift will be not only useful, but also durable.

Board for the kitchen

An experienced hostess will always want to have a new kitchen accessory and especially a wooden cutting board. A personalized present is good for people who like not only to cook deliciously, but also to photograph their culinary masterpieces. Do not hesitate, the birthday girl will definitely thank you with a wonderful dinner!

Pendant "Angel"

By old tradition women are given jewelry on Angel Day. Jewelry in the shape of angels is suitable for name days. A cute gold pendant with a heart will come in handy more than ever! The wings and the figurine of an angel are decorated with small colorless cubic zirconias and look extremely beautiful.

Gifts for a child

Volumetric postcard "Angel"

Inexpensive and spectacular gift tell the child about the good attitude of all adult family members. Carved voluminous postcard, made in the ancient technique of kirigami, is good as a separate gift and addition to another present. She will make Angel Day memorable and decorate the nursery.

Name cup

A simple and useful item can easily be turned into a birthday gift. To do this, it is enough to apply a unique design to a large ceramic mug. Select bright photo pet, catchy slogan, favorite logo or nice picture. A win-win option is the name and photo of the owner.

Bracelet "Angel Wing"

Modern girls and boys like to wear bright "baubles" and bracelets. Thanks to them, they can stand out among their peers and feel more confident. A wonderful lace bracelet is decorated with a thin silver decoration. Give your child a precious angel's wing for a name day and let it become a symbol of security, faith and love for him!

angel chocolate

If you want to please and surprise a little birthday boy, give your child a sweet themed figurine for the angel's day. The chic treat is made from quality Belgian chocolate, and the original souvenir tastes great. The young sweet tooth will gladly accept your sign of love and will be very pleased.

stone figurine

Wonderful angelic gifts are made from different materials but not all of them stand the test of time. The most durable souvenirs are made from ornamental natural stones. Angel figurines made of iridescent selenite and rose quartz look stylish and can decorate any interior.

Fancy spoon

On Angel Day, a baby should be presented with an elegant silver spoon. Such a gift is traditionally given on a name day, as a memory of all the adults who raised the baby in the first year of life. A small spoon is decorated with intricate patterns and a twisted inscription "Guardian Angel". A real miracle that is customary to keep for a lifetime!

Portrait from the photo "Little Angel"

Childhood years fly by quickly. The kid grows up, and his relatives have funny photos of him. Great holiday memory unusual picture on linen canvas in a vintage frame. It depicts a birthday boy in a fairy-tale environment. The original portrait will delight and take pride of place on the wall of the children's room.

This holiday is associated with the name of a person, and is considered the second birthday by right. How nice it is when there are many holidays in the year - it is joyful not only to receive gifts, but also to give them to your loved ones! But what to give for a name day, what things are customary to choose for such an occasion, and how not to make a mistake with the choice? Everything is not as difficult as it seems, and there are several options. It is not at all worth buying something valuable, necessary, expensive - this is not the right reason. But to show your attention, care, to remind you of your warm attitude - this is very important. There are several universal and very successful ideas that will help make this little holiday unforgettable and bright!

It is important, when choosing a gift for a name day, especially for a woman, to understand the essence and meaning of this holiday. It is quite personal, and associated with the name - which means that it would be a great idea to choose an original souvenir for a gift, something with a name or initials, engraving on souvenirs is great. You can just make a sign of attention, and present a beautiful bouquet, a figurine, a handmade card to a woman. Clothing, appliances, the necessary things for home and life - this, of course, is very important. necessary items but they don't quite fit that day. Choose something original, unusual, and most importantly - with a soul!

Sign of attention

How nice to receive unexpected, original surprises! It doesn’t matter at all whether a person celebrates a name day, he will be very happy to receive a cute little present with meaning, with a soul, from a loved one. Such gifts will come in very handy for a birthday!

What's in my name?

The most successful gifts for such a holiday as a name day are souvenirs and jewelry with a person's name. These little things have a special meaning, especially when they are given by loved ones. Such gizmos are always something very personal, and if you give a person something with his name or initials, then the thing will become a kind of amulet, amulet and a talisman for good luck. This souvenir will definitely not gather dust somewhere on a shelf or in a drawer, and will become valuable gift!


These are the warmest, sincere, the best gifts- Handmade items. How nice it is to receive from someone who is dear, not just a bought, standard thing, but something truly exclusive, personal, made with your own hands - especially for the holiday! Souvenir self made will cause great delight and a sea of ​​emotions, and besides, this little thing will remain for a long time and will always give warm, pleasant memories. Try it, spend some free time, dream up, and create joy.

Name days can pass like an ordinary day, or they can be remembered forever as the most beautiful, fabulous, bright event. You can make happy and give unforgettable emotions, it's simple. The main thing is to show your attention and care!
