Easy money crafts. Gifts from money: how to do it yourself? Video: "Money tree from coins: two options"

Giving money is a very simple way out for a guest who has no ideas, no opportunity and no time to choose something they need. But, you see, it burns so banally - to give money in an envelope.

If you want to stand out from the crowd of those invited with envelopes for money, you are welcome to visit our master class on making original money gift.

What craftsmen do not make: flowers from money, and bows, and even shirts with ties.

See for yourself: literally in a matter of minutes you can collapse money gift- such a birthday or newlyweds will be remembered for a long time, believe me.

Following a simple instruction, you will roll a beautiful heart out of money.

Donate original money you can also build a real shirt from a banknote - a true gift for a gentleman. By the way, if the recipient is in great need of money, then he can unfold the bill and use it for its intended purpose, or maybe leave it as a keepsake or for a “rainy day”. To be honest, I would choose the second option, because money origami it looks very nice that the hand does not raise to deploy.

Gift of money will also become a festive wreath - a great gift for Christmas or New Year. It is assembled quite simply - from ribbons and various bills. Looks fancy, expensive.

By analogy with a wreath, you can also twist a card with a money tree. At all original gift out of money it's not hard to make at all. The main thing is desire and free time.

beautiful gift there will also be a garland of money or money stars. The diagram shows in detail how they can be made. Master the art money origami and you will have no equal givers.

For a girl, you can also make a real decoration from currency. It is not necessary to wear it, but to surprise the birthday girl is easy.

You can also twist a star out of money - a very beautiful thing.

This one will become a present of money beautiful bow. It can be presented as a separate gift or as a gift box with a surprise.

It is believed that money best gift. And indeed it is. But why? The answer is simple: the hero of the occasion will buy what he needs right now. After all, perhaps you will give something that will turn out to be completely unhelpful, and you will get a slightly offensive and awkward situation.

And the price of a cash gift is equal to the one you would choose so. Therefore, money as a gift is really worth giving, but not with simple pieces of paper, but with some kind of in an unusual way. How - this is what we will consider in our article.

A wedding is exactly the case when it is customary to hand cash gifts. Nevertheless, this is considered the main budget for a young family. There are many options for how to give them.

For example, ordinary banknotes, in glass jars, thrown at the feet of the newlyweds ... Then paper envelopes appeared in which you can invest money. Their designs are very varied.

And it is also quite easy not only to buy, but also to make it yourself, so that such an envelope is only in one, unique version. If you do not have the ability to do this, then in any city you can find a hand-made studio, where they will gladly fulfill your order.

True, now such envelopes no longer surprise anyone, people want more originality and unusualness, which is not even surprising. Then we offer you the option of a savings book for newlyweds.

It looks like a small album with colorful photos, handwritten wishes, thematic pictures or stickers and, of course, money for a future happy life.

Making such a book is easy, but if you have Creative skills. If this is still not for you, then, as in the case of envelopes, a hand-made studio or even just a friend who is fond of needlework will help you.

The easiest option is to buy a ready-made savings book in stationery stores or gift shops. All you have to do is stick photos, write wishes and invest money.

Money in the bank

Another old custom of how to arrange money as a gift is to put it in a jar and preserve it. It is believed that this will be the first family budget, and it is conserved in order to remain intact for as long as possible and not be opened unnecessarily.

There are some of the most common ways to make a gift of money in the bank. Of course, first you need to find a container in which you will add money.

It can be the most ordinary Soviet-style jar, or a curly modern one, which in itself is a good decoration. Choose the volume based on how much money you want to deposit. Still, only half the bank filled will not look so impressive and beautiful.

An easy option on how to fill a jar with money without spending too much is to exchange bills for a smaller denomination. Or, if there is no desire to exchange money, put money on the walls, and pour various sweets inside, put soft toy or some other symbolic gift.

A jar of money as a gift is easily decorated. To do this, you can use a decorative handkerchief and a ribbon that should be wrapped around the neck.

If you want, attach a card with wishes or congratulations to the ribbon. You can also paint the jar with funny pictures or just buy themed stickers.

Such a gift from a bank with money can become not only original, but also funny. You might even listen pleasant words» from the newlyweds. To achieve a similar result, exchange bills with iron coins and pour them into a jar.

Of course, you will have to collect a trifle in advance, because large sums are usually given. Also remember that a gift of iron money with a slight hint of bullying will be appreciated by close people with whom you have a good relationship, and you know about their good sense of humor.

Origami from money

Another unusual option how to arrange money as a gift, this is origami. Surely in childhood, almost everyone did this, and on the Internet you can find many options with instructions.

In the table below, we have collected some interesting ready-made figures:

Figure name Photo
Racing car







Instructions on how to make a dress out of money are presented in the video in this article:

Of course, money is plain paper, so it is easy to bend and assemble into the most incredible shapes. Most often these are clothes, figures of small men or other objects: a heart, flowers, butterflies or even birds.

Remember that the form must be chosen depending on which event you are giving. It is clear that folding money for a man on his birthday in a dress is not the best option. Also, be sure to be careful! It's best to practice on plain paper before moving on to money.

birthday gifts

Usually the owner of a creative mindset and good feeling humor likes to stand out from all other people. And this is noticeable even during the presentation of a birthday present.

Glad to see there are so many original ideas that really seem unusual and will make everyone smile. And, of course, don't forget to use your own creativity!

A great way to surprise not only the birthday boy, but also the rest of the guests is a money cake. Only, unfortunately, it cannot be made from real banknotes, but from those sold in souvenir shops. If you can’t find them there, then you can print them yourself on a regular color printer.

The cake itself is a small boxes that are stacked on top of each other. Each box contains a gift - a fake bill. Do not forget to put a few real ones and warn the hero of the occasion about this! This will add intrigue and a desire to open all the boxes in order to find money.

There are other options for how to present money as a gift in the form of a cake. Of course, you can make it from real banknotes, but then for this it is better to chip in with a large company so that the amount is impressive, and it turns out to make a cake out of banknotes.

This will be necessary if you want to depict a cake that consists entirely of money rolled into a tube and attached to a box of the desired shape. You can decorate with bows, ribbon flowers or even real ones.

And as a basis, use foam or a sponge.

Another option to make a gift with money is to put all the bills in one large box, wrapping each with a ribbon with a bow. Yes, it will take time, but you will create a wonderful and festive mood! It looks especially successful and interesting with small bills.

Other good idea a gift from money for a birthday - banknotes in balls. You can either put all the balls in one huge box, or simply hand over a bouquet of multi-colored balls, inside of which there are banknotes. It will be interesting if, in addition to money, you add confetti, sparkles or even small sweets to the balloon.

You can also make a gift of money in a frame. Such a present is suitable for any occasion, whether it is a birthday, wedding or anniversary of a relationship.

You can find similar souvenir gifts in almost any souvenir shop, but we suggest you make your own with real money to add value.

What you need:

  • Standard photo frame;
  • One banknote of a large denomination;
  • Humorous stickers for congratulations. Or you can write it yourself.

How to do:

  • Open the frame and lay the background paper on the base dark color. Thanks to him, a light bill will be favorably shaded and become even more noticeable.
  • Stick a wish or even an instruction on where it is better to spend this money on the frame. You can see examples below.
  • Put the bill and close the frame.

As you can see, everything is very simple and easy, and every person, even those who are not engaged in hand-made, can do this. We advise you to pack the frame in an opaque package so that the recipient does not immediately guess what you are giving him.

Below you will find a photo gallery with examples of what kind of original and unusual lettering can be done.

A money tree is another fun way to use money for a gift. There is more than one way to present it. We will look at just a few.

One option is topiary. You probably know about him coffee tree, but there are also monetary ones. It is easy to buy in the relevant thematic and easy to make at home, with your own hands.

To do this, you will need a small flower pot, a wood blank that you need to buy from a needlework store, and some banknotes.

Pour earth, beautiful stones or even plasticine into the pot - it all depends on your imagination. Place a tree stick and hold it firmly so that it does not fall.

If you put plasticine, then cover it with flower drainage to make it look prettier. In the foam shape of the tree crown, make indentations with a clerical knife. Insert folded banknotes into them.

Attention! Instead of drainage, you can use the usual small change for decoration. Just pour a lot of coins, even kopecks.

The tree trunk itself is decorated with paints or other decorative elements. For example, serpentine, lace, fabric, beads ... It all depends on your imagination and the tastes of the recipient of the gift.

Another option on how to make a money tree is to decorate an artificial tree. You will need to go to many souvenir shops to find one that suits your occasion.

You can decorate it with real banknotes of any denomination that you can afford: just attach them with ribbons tied with bows.

The third way is the real money tree, but with real banknotes. The money tree is sold in many flower shops. To its leaves, you should be very careful not to break them, tie bills rolled into a tube and tied with a ribbon.

This concludes our article. Do not forget, in addition to the fact that you will give money as a gift, congratulations in verse are almost necessary! Otherwise, what kind of gift is this? Now on the Internet there are many options for poetic congratulations for any holidays.

Not everyone knows how to give money in an unusual way. In the presented master classes you will find detailed description And step by step photos making money trees, rain; learn how to make a rose with your own hands from banknotes.

The content of the article:

As you know, the best gift is money. The one to whom they are awarded will be able to dispose of the bills at their discretion and buy what they want. But how do you deliver them? If you just put it in an envelope, then the gift will not make the proper impression. And if you make flowers out of banknotes, arrange a real money rain or present a tree on which dollars instead of leaves flaunt, such a present will be remembered for a long time.

Original wedding gift

Many give newlyweds money, and rightly so. It is better to hand over banknotes than some household item that the newlyweds do not need at all. To make the wedding, including that part of it when gifts are presented, unforgettable, it is better to present an original present.

Let money rain on the young. To do this, you will need:

  • new umbrella;
  • paper clips;
  • thin satin ribbon;
  • money.
It is better to buy a large umbrella so that the newlyweds just fit under it. To give money for a wedding in an original way, exchange a bill for smaller ones so that there are several of them. Attach a paper clip to each. Cut the ribbons into short strips, tie one end on a paper clip, and the other on the spoke of the umbrella. Fold it up.

When the time comes to present your gift of money, go up to the young, open an umbrella over them and wish that such money rains over them, and wealth literally falls from heaven.

Suitable as a gift for an anniversary, birthday. If you do not know what to present to the boss for some event, you can use this option or consider others.

What to give the boss

If you are thinking about this question, then again use the win-win option. The main thing is to present the banknotes in an unusual and original way. If the boss has a sense of humor, he will certainly appreciate your impulse.

For the first idea, you will need a pretty glass jar with a pretty lid. Exchange money for banknotes of various denominations. If you want to present domestic money to the boss, which is called “cabbage” by the common people, then fold the banknotes and put them in a jar. Inscription " cauliflower' will not go unnoticed.

If you intend to give dollars to the leader, then also put them in a transparent container and write that it is “dried greens”. You can also give "canned cabbage". Give a present saying that a new bank account has been opened for the boss.

A gift to the boss can be a little different. For him, you need a head of real cabbage. Carefully cut it out, leaving only a few outer leaves. Put money inside.

A gift to the boss for his birthday or timed to coincide with another event may be slightly different. In this case, cabbage is made from corrugated paper. Green sheets are pasted over a round shape, for example, a ball. It can be created from newspapers by crumpling them and dragging them with a rope. Then, round blanks are cut out of green corrugated paper, slightly narrowed to one edge. Glue them to the base with this part, and make the top wavy.

When the glue dries, insert bills between the leaves.

How to make a present for a friend

If you do not know what to give a good friend for his birthday, give him a suitcase of money and something else, supposedly from the mafia. To do this, buy a small men's bag, put a few bags of flour inside, and fill the pockets of the bag with money of small denomination so that there are more of them. Slightly open the zipper on the bag, let the banknotes peek out from there.

To prevent the flour from waking up, use 2 or 3 bags for one package of "white powder" and first check their integrity. To do this, inflate the bag, pinch the hole with your finger and see if air escapes.

Here's what else you can make a gift for a man. A banknote shirt will also become an unforgettable and original present.

If something remains unclear to you, then watch the video at the end of the article, it clearly shows how a shirt with a tie is made from money. If you are not yet strong in origami, then it is better to first practice on a sheet of paper, cutting out a rectangle the size of a banknote from it.

Tree of banknotes

Such a symbol of wealth will certainly bring good luck. There are several ways to make a money tree with your own hands. Presented - one of the easiest.

For crafts, it is better to use printed on a color printer or purchased souvenir money, as they need to be glued to the base.

For work you will need:

  • paper notes;
  • small plastic ball;
  • glue gun;
  • wooden stick 25 cm high;
  • low flower pot;
  • awl;
  • varnish or spray paint:
  • building plaster.
Pierce the ball with an awl. Spread the tip of the stick with glue from the gun and insert it into the puncture of the ball.

A wooden stick can be decorated in several ways: wrap a string around it, and then cover it with varnish or spray paint. Or do not use a thread, but immediately paint the stick and let it dry.

While this is happening, you will have time to make blanks out of money. To make a tree of bills lush, you will need a lot of them - about 150 pieces.

Fold the first money across in half, drive away the edge by 7 mm.

Fold the dollar or banknote on the other side into a bag. Apply glue to the free edge, fix the resulting figure with it.

We begin to collect the money tree with our own hands, or by calling an assistant. Glue the ball over with balls. Lubricate the sharp corner of the first workpiece with a solution of glue gun, glue the workpiece to the ball from below.

In order for the tree to have a beautiful round crown, the bottom row of bags can be glued simultaneously to the ball and to the trunk, lubricating not only the corner, but also the side of the banknote with glue.

Then, using the same technique, but applying glue only to the corner of the blanks, decorate the second lower tier. Gradually moving towards the center, fill the ball with banknotes. They need to be fixed close to each other. You can alternate domestic and foreign banknotes.

Dilute gypsum with water in a ratio of 1:1. Pour the solution into a pot, put the base of the money tree in it, do not immediately release it, wait until the solution sets. In the meantime, you can put colored twigs in plaster next to the trunk for decoration.

Then let the mortar dry completely and decorate its surface with coins or pieces of burlap, attaching them with a glue gun. Now the fabric under the tree (if you used it) needs to be coated with spray paint. You can put decorative pebbles on the surface of the plaster.

It's time to admire the finished work, and you can give a symbol of wealth to the one for whom it was intended.

The symbol of wealth is another idea

To make such an exquisite souvenir or money tree for yourself to attract wealth, take:
  • flower pot;
  • large wooden dowel;
  • acrylic paints;
  • polystyrene ball;
  • floral foam blocks;
  • decorative flowers or leaves;
  • floral pins;
  • natural or artificial moss;
  • glue.
We start with coloring flower pot, the color can be any.

When the paint is dry, put a large block of floral foam inside the pot, and small ones around the edges. If you do not have such material, replace it with ordinary sponges.

In the middle, make a hole for the dowel, which we will use as a tree trunk. Pour some glue into the hole.

Cut the moss according to the diameter of the pot, making a small circle in the middle, into which insert an impromptu tree trunk made of dollars. Insert its lower end into the hole of the sponge and secure in this position.

Let the glue dry, but for now we will make “leaves” for it from fake dollars. You can also use real bills, exchanging, for example, for $ 1.

Starting from a small edge, fold the banknote in the form of an accordion.

If you are using real money, then do not attach it with glue, but use a floral pin or a piece of wire for this purpose. We wrap the dollar with these objects and attach it to the base ball as shown in the photographs.

Straighten the top edge of the part so that it looks like a fan. Make several of these blanks, attach them to the ball, distributing them evenly.

The density of the crown depends on your financial capabilities and the value of the bills. Even if the ball is not completely closed, such a money tree looks very attractive and has value.

If you still want to fill in the gaps between the bills, then take a decorative leaf, cut a piece of wire so that it is flush with the bills, and attach the leaf to the ball.

If you made a gift for a wedding, anniversary, you can write the name or names of those to whom such a wonderful gift is intended, and decorate it with ribbons, a bow or small decorative flowers.

In conclusion, we bring to your attention a craft that is created quite quickly. If you have little time, but you want to present money in an original and beautiful way, then make roses out of them. Such a bouquet can be presented to anyone - both a woman and a man. These flowers will never wither, and any day the petals can be turned into banknotes again and buy something you need.

To make a bouquet of money look beautiful, take new crispy banknotes that have not been in circulation much.

In addition to them, you will need:

  • cork or foam blanks or A4 sheet;
  • toothpicks;
  • artificial flowers with lush leaves or wooden skewers;
  • thin rubber bands.
This work will be done in two versions. Then, if you do not have some material, you will see how you can replace it.

For the base of the flower, you need such a cork, in which steps are cut out. If you don't have them, then fold the large side of the A4 sheet 6 cm, cut off this strip of paper, twist it on a marker or a thick pencil and fasten the edges with tape so that the part does not unwind.

See how to make flowers out of banknotes. Take a toothpick and use it to twist all 4 corners of the money so that a petal curl forms.

Now fold the bill in half so that the curls are outward. Put an elastic band over the fold.

Wrap the petal with an elastic band around the paper blank and secure the petal to the base by twisting the elastic around it several times.

Now attach the next bill in the same way. When using 5 bills, you will have a rose of 10 petals. If you want to make it more magnificent, add a blank from another banknote, let it become 12 petals.

After making a few buds, proceed to the next step in making a rose from money.

Can be inside paper tube, on which we formed a flower, put a piece of sponge and pierce it with the end of a wooden skewer, which is smeared with glue. Then you will get these flowers.

If you have artificial flowers, then remove the buds from them, and fix money roses in the sepals.

Now you can present roses made with your own hands to the one to whom they were intended, and in such an interesting way to give money.

The video will help you understand some of the subtleties of the exciting process and give you another idea:

No matter what many people say there, the best gift is money.

They are good because they can improve the financial situation of the donee, and he can always spend them on what he really wants, and not receive another trinket as a gift.

You can present a gift with money in an original way with the help of the tips that we will present to your attention below.

How to beat a gift with money for a wedding?

The most pleasant and, undoubtedly, desired gift for a wedding is money. There is nothing shameful and defiant here, because the money that is given to young people for a wedding is their basis in the family budget.

In more ancient times, money was given in simple white envelopes, and the envelopes were thrown into glass jars, handed over to the young themselves or thrown at their feet.

After some time, money envelopes appeared, designed specifically for such solemn occasions, and every year they became more and more beautiful. Such envelopes could "hide" any amount. Main Feature was that no one would have noticed exactly how much you gave to the young, and it is not customary to unfold such envelopes in front of everyone.

But even the most beautiful envelopes eventually become annoying. And a generation of needlewomen came to their aid, who came up with such a gift of money for a wedding, like a savings book for the young.

This is a special album that has a lot of best wishes, it contains thematic pictures and photos of a couple, and in addition to all this, in various unexpected places you can find money for the most pleasant spending and purchases.

Making such a savings book for young people is not so difficult, especially if you have a creative note and a great desire to surprise the newlyweds. If you do not have the ability to do this, then such a book can always be ordered on special sites.

The book itselfconsists of several important parts:

  • Thick cover. Can be made from an A5 binder folder, which should be wrapped in beautiful fabric, decoupage paper or even wallpaper).
  • Nice colorful pages. Each of which should be decorated in the theme with various pictures and congratulations; There should be a pocket for money on the page).
  • Congratulations on a cash gift. In addition to a gift in the form of money, you still have to give and nice words congratulations to the new unit of society).
  • Decorative ornaments. Those that, figuratively speaking, will create a mood; similar things can be bought in shops for creativity: lace, hearts, ribbons, beads, pearls, rhinestones, bows and much more).

How beautiful to pack money?

If handmade is not your forte, and you don’t want to bother creating a gift once again, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the ancient art of origami. It will teach you some secrets on how to beautifully fold paper in the form of a three-dimensional figure.

Money is also paper, so making something out of banknotes is not difficult at all. Most often, figurines are made in the form of wardrobe items: dresses, shirts, ties or figures of people. In addition, you can make a heart, a bird, butterflies and even a car.

You can always make the figure that will suit your occasion. Depending on who the gift is intended for, you can distribute the figurines by gender: women - flowers and dresses, and men - a tie and shirt.

Do-it-yourself money gift for a wedding

For example, you can make a money cake. Of course, it will be pasted over with souvenir banknotes, but it will be made of several boxes, which, according to the principle of a snowman, will be placed on top of each other. The birthday boy at the opening of each of them will find a cash gift.

If there are no souvenir banknotes for sale, do not worry. Use the printer and print the images of the desired banknotes. You can also decorate the cake with them.

Another interesting way- give money in balloons. To do this, find a large box in which you will need to put all the inflated balls, each of which will contain some kind of bill.

Money in a frame for all occasions

This is a classic, but by no means outdated way to give money for any occasion: wedding, birthday or anniversary. Such gifts are already often sold in stores, so you don’t even need to do everything yourself.

Put plasticine in a pot or pour earth. Insert a tree stick into the plasticine and press it on top to hide our plasticine, and sprinkle it with earth on top. In the foam blank, make several indentations with a knife or blade. Insert bills into the holes, which will be folded several times.

Instead of drainage, you can use a trifle. You can paint the tree trunk with paints or decorate with ribbons, serpentine, lace, fabric and beads.

As an option for an original do-it-yourself money gift, you can give a live money tree that you decorate with banknotes. To do this, buy a money tree and carefully attach bills to its branches, which should be twisted into a tube in advance and decorated with ribbons.

Money shovel as an expensive gift

new and original way giving money to a person can rightfully be considered a money shovel. You need to use a real one as such a shovel, but not a garden one, but a child’s or a scoop.

Decorate this item wrapping paper, ribbon or serpentine, painted banknotes, rhinestones, a lush bow on the handle. To such a shovel you need to tie a bag in which there will be money. Banknotes can also be attached simply to the shovel itself, without a bag.

money in balloons

This original gift made of money is very easy to make. If possible, inflate the balloons with helium, if not, then do it the old fashioned way. Balls must be with a bill inside.

Twist the money into a tube and shove it into an uninflated balloon, and only after that begin to fill it with air.

As you can see, it is quite easy to surprise your family and friends, the main thing is to correctly beat the gift with money. And that's all!

Viewed: 3 807

Decorate your houses new year holidays- This is a favorite pastime of all, probably, people. Hanging garlands, various kinds of toys, pendants, flags, pictures, posters and much more, which is somehow connected with the upcoming celebration, we plunge into a fantasy world where everything is so beautiful and unpredictable. It is as if we are reincarnated as masters of art, each expressing our individuality in the design of even the most remote corners in our home. But all this happens through the use of store-bought decorative gizmos, and it’s enough - hand-made production can also be a good option. holiday decorations. To do this, you need to view our article, in which we have selected 6 photo ideas for you. unusual crafts from money for the New Year 2019 created with your own hands. Thanks to the master classes with photos that we have prepared for those who want to do needlework at home, the formation of scenery will seem very exciting and simple to you. This process will certainly be enjoyed by your children, who will also not mind participating with you in this New Year's preparation.

Christmas tree made of money

The resulting craft, created with your own hands from money, will certainly please everyone, because of the bills it will seem unusual for the whole environment. In the process, it is important to follow all the steps step by step, after which the decoration is ready to create a festive atmosphere for the New Year 2020.

This will require:

  • Souvenir banknotes;
  • Scotch;
  • Scissors;
  • Plastic bottle;
  • Shiny Ribbon;
  • Bead garland;
  • Star on the Christmas tree;
  • Shiny bows;
  • Glue.


  1. First, you need to cut off the top and bottom of the bottle.
  2. A cone should be made from the middle, which is best fixed with tape.
  3. The bottom of the product should be leveled and the bottom should be glued to it from under any plastic jar.
  4. Glue a ribbon to the bottom of the Christmas tree, forming folds from it.
  5. Souvenir banknotes need to be cut into several parts and create cones from each part.
  6. The resulting blanks should be glued to the base of the Christmas tree.
  7. Then you need to attach a garland of beads and bows to its surface, and a star to the top. Such a cute do-it-yourself craft made from money for the New Year 2020 can be placed on a table in any room.

Video gallery of various Christmas trees from banknotes

Painting from coins

The master class is ideal for those who have old coins at home. They won’t be accepted in the store anyway, but for crafts for the New Year 2020, this is an excellent material from which you can easily make it yourself lovely decoration.

This will require:

  • Frame;
  • Money;
  • Plywood;
  • Textile;
  • Paper;
  • Glue;
  • Spray can with copper paint;
  • Glue gun.


  1. The paper needs to be cut into thin strips, after which they should be dipped in glue and form flagella. You need to make a lot of stripes.
  2. Then you need to create a tree trunk from them and for this they should be glued to the fabric.
  3. After that, you need to form branches, leaves and the entire crown from coin money with your own hands, and then glue them to the fabric.
  4. When the craft for the New Year 2020 turned out, it is necessary to spray copper paint on its surface.
  5. Then it should be erased from the coins.
  6. Then the product is attached to plywood and installed in a frame. The result is a picture that can be placed at home or presented as a gift.

Snowflake made of money

Making a simple DIY money craft in the shape of a snowflake is great for kids. They will cope with the task very quickly and a wonderful decoration for the New Year 2020 will be ready for the house.

This will require:

  • Souvenir money;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Ribbon.


  1. From a banknote you need to cut a rectangle with sides of 5 cm.
  2. On its surface, you need to form various shapes. If you need a bigger snowflake, then you can glue two bills and then cut them out. This do-it-yourself money craft for the New Year 2019, created quickly and simply in the form of a snowflake, will look great on the Christmas tree.

A wonderful decoration for the New Year 2020 can be made with your own hands from old coins. Such crafts made of money are perfect for a gift to a loved one.

This will require:

  • Coins;
  • Cardboard;
  • acrylic paint;
  • Glue.


  1. By the New Year 2020, you can make your own decoration for the room, as well as an incomparable gift for loved ones. Such a product is sure to bring good luck. From thick cardboard you need to cut out the base for the horseshoe. To make the money craft stronger, it is advisable to use cardboard from the box.
  2. Then you need to glue the coins on the base. After that, the product is covered with acrylic gold paint. A horseshoe is best placed above the entrance to the house. She, as is commonly believed, will certainly bring good luck and prosperity to the family.

Craft "Money Butterfly"

Souvenir money will make beautiful butterflies made with your own hands from money for the New Year 2020 to decorate the interior. The master class is more suitable for kindergarten, because the kids will cope with this task very quickly, and as a result of painstaking efforts, you will get a great craft for an exhibition or group transformation.

This will require:

  • Souvenir money;
  • Glue;
  • Threads.


  1. You need to take one banknote and squeeze it into an accordion. Do the same with the second banknote.
  2. Then they need to be connected together by straightening the wings of a butterfly. A product created with your own hands from money is suitable for decorating a room for the New Year 2020. You can hang butterflies either singly or together. You can also make another craft out of them by attaching butterflies to a garland of colored paper.

Video: master class on making butterflies from banknotes

Rat made of money

Since the New Year 2020 will soon be knocking on our doors under the sign of the White Metal Rat, we need to somehow appease this animal. To do this, you can create something with your own hands in the form of a figurine, as in the photo, which will become a worthy decoration for your home, and besides, it will bring great luck to your whole family. By the way, it would be cool to present such a craft from money as a gift to someone from your relatives or friends in new year's eve. They will be pleasantly surprised.

For work you will need:

  • souvenir banknotes;
  • glue;
  • polystyrene or newspapers;
  • stationery knife or milling machine (if you have one at home);
  • finished collar.

Work process:

  1. In order to create such a wonderful and realistic craft for the New Year 2020 with your own hands, you need to have certain skills in cutting and grinding foam, since this fragile material will be the basis of our animal. But if you have never done anything like this, you can turn to specialists for help. In a matter of hours, using a milling machine, they will form you a fairly detailed animal of the size you need.
  2. All that remains for you is to carefully paste over the dog with souvenir material in the form of money.
  3. For decor, you need to fix a collar bought in a store or made with your own hands from double-sided cardboard on the animal's neck.


So our article ended, which told you about how you can make crafts from money for the New Year 2020 with your own hands in a rather original form. You only need a little time and effort to create something extraordinary and creative with your own hands. It is very simple and easy to work with such material as coins or souvenir banknotes. The main thing is to decide on your preferences and expectations, then you will certainly succeed. Happy holiday, dear friends! Peace, warmth and more warm and sincere smiles!
