Abstract of a lesson on labor education in the middle group of kindergarten. Abstract on the organization of collective labor Topic: “Let's teach Masha to work” middle group Labor education in the middle group abstracts

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

East-Kazakhstan State Humanitarian College.

Collective work in the middle group.

Topic: "How we taught Fedor to work"

Performed: Vasilyeva Regina Vyacheslavovna

Checked: Educator : Shpekbaeva D.T.

Dostenova K.A..

Methodist: Litvinova E.I

Ust-Kamenogorsk city

year 2014.

Educational area:knowledge, communication.

Chapter: collective labor.

Merging way:general labor.


Subject: “How we taught Fedor to work”

Target: formation of a positive attitude towards work and its results.


1. Teach children to participate in organized labor group of peers, correlate their activities with the work of others and understand that the work of the subgroup in which you work is part of the common cause of the team.

2. Improve labor skills and abilities in the process of work, improve the ability to plan one's activities, distribute duties among themselves, evaluate the work of one's group and the team as a whole.

3. Strengthen the ability to properly use the material and equipment for work, observing safety precautions.

4. To form a conviction in the social significance and necessity of domestic work.

5. Cultivate friendly relationships in the process of work, the desire to help, a positive attitude towards their own work and the work of their peers.

Methods and techniques: conversation, questions of a problematic nature, artistic word, reliance on the knowledge of children, practical work, clarification, display, analysis, surprise moment.

Preliminary work:talking about work, memorizing proverbs and sayings about work, reading poems, looking at illustrations and albums about various adult professions, consolidating ideas about work through didactic games.

Materials and equipment:

    Washing toys - 2 tables covered with oilcloths, on the tables a basin with soapy water, a basin with clean water, toys, a large napkin, 3 rags, 3 aprons.

    Washing chairs - 1 table covered with oilcloth, a basin with clean water on the table, 3 sponges, 3 rags, 3 aprons.

    Book repair - strips of paper, glue, scissors, children's books.

Bilingual component: Hello guys! WITHalemetsizbe balalar!; labor - enbek; laziness - zhalkaulyk.

Motivational incentive

Organizational - search

The teacher with the children enter the group, sit on the chairs. There is a rustle, noise behind the doors.

Educator: Oh, guys, someone is coming to visit us.

Fedor enters and sings a song about laziness.

Song "Fedora"

1. How good it is to do nothing,

Soup in a saucepan to cook,

But who would?

Here is my bowl

Yes, all black is black.

Who would wash it for me?

And I'm quite sick.

Teacher: Who are these guys?

Fedora: Hello guys

I would drink tea

The samovar is empty.

Can someone bring

Do I need plain water?

Only my cup

Yes, all black is black,

Who would wash it for me?

And I'm quite sick.

Educator: Guys, is it good to be lazy?

Educator: Listen, Fedora, what sayings and proverbs the guys know about laziness.

Proverbs and sayings:

Educator: - Our guys Fedor love and know how to work. Do you want us to teach you too?

Fedora: - Well, I don't know, but are you willing to help me?

Educator: - Today we will teach Fedor to work.

Educator: How do you guys wash plastic toys?

Do you think the chairs you sit on need to be washed? But as?

How can you repair a torn book?

Educator: -Now we will play a game.

"Guess which center"

I show the children one card each, which depicts: children's chairs, building materials, books. (only 3 cards).

Educator: Guys, what does this card tell you?

Educator: - Well done! Guys, to clean up, what do we need for this?

Educator: Now, guys, listen carefully to the task. First, the girls come up, take the cards(with images of different centers) and disperse to their "centers" and wait for the boys. Then the boys come up for the cards and disperse to the "centers".

Practical work. Children go to the centers and choose the foremen according to the counting rhyme.

Educator: Think about the order in which you will do the work. How should each of you act? It is necessary to agree on who will do what part of the work. When they work together, it is imperative to distribute work and decide together who will do what and who will do what.

Then, foremen with assistants bring cards and dismantle the equipment. I pour water into basins. But before starting to work, the children, together with the educator, remember and consolidate the rules for the safe handling of objects of work.


Do whatever you can....

Don't forget to clean up after...

Respect the work of others....

Before you start to work, prepare everything..

Do everything carefully, do not get distracted when ...

Use your tools correctly...

If you are not working alone, work ...

If you finished the job earlier, help ...

Educator: Well, now let's put on aprons, and let's get to work! Our motto: "Ready for work, more deeds, less words." (A soundtrack of children's songs about friendship sounds.).

Remind me how to do it right wash toys : first wash in soapy water, then rinse, wipe dry with a cloth and put beautifully on the shelf.

Wipe the chairs : we moisten a cloth in water, squeeze it well and wipe the chairs well with it, and then wipe them with a dry cloth.

Repair books: we find a torn place in the book, take a strip of paper, apply glue to it, apply it to the required place, press it down and smooth it with our fingers.

During labor activity Fedora walks around the group and admires.

Fedora: - How beautiful it is in your group, how cozy, not like in my hut. And you yourself, how beautiful, neat, clean.

The teacher draws Fedora's attention to the children, leads to different "centers". Fedora is surprised at how the guys are able to work together and neatly. He tries to help the guys, but he does it wrong. Children make comments and show how to work correctly.

Educator: Well done, and now let's not forget to put things in order on our desktop, we'll put everything in place.

I make sure that after the completion of the work, the children put things in order at the workplace, put all the materials and equipment in their places, and help to clean the basins with water. Invite the children to sit on chairs.

Educator: Let's enjoy our work. As in the group is clean. Brigadiers tell me what you did? Did you do the job right?

Fedora: - Oh, yes, well done! Everyone worked a little, but together they did a great job. Each of you did your little thing, but together you did a big thing. That's what cleanliness and beauty is now in the room, because cleanliness ...

Educator: - What do you think, after we all worked together, what proverbs can be used to sum up our work?

Educator: - Well, let's have some fun! And we'll sing a song.

Children sing the song A true friend» standing near the chairs.

Fedora thanks the children, says goodbye and leaves. Invites her to tea for a visit, as she has learned to be hardworking and accurate.

Educator: - Guys, we had an interesting time today, and we did a good deed: we cleaned up, cleaned up and taught Fedor to work.

They walk into a group and sit on chairs.


Hello! WITH Alemetsizbe!


A lazy person does not know fatigue; There is no disease worse than laziness; It is easy only for those who do nothing.


1 child - "Center" for washing high chairs

2 child - "Center" for washing building material

3 child - "Center" of book repair

Basins with clean and soapy water, sponges, soap, aprons, paper, glue, scissors.



of people;


you work;




guarantee of health.

Business before pleasure; Business time - fun hour.

Reflective - corrective

Educator: - Guys, list what activities we did today? What have we learned and taught Fedora today? What was hard for you to deal with? And what kind of work and activity did not cause difficulties? Did you enjoy working together and why?

Children's answers


Abstract of the organization of labor activity

at ___________ preschool age

MKDOU TsRR - D / S No. 2




Form of organization of labor activity:

Type of work:

Objectives: educational -

developing -

educational -


Vocabulary work:

Individual work:

Preliminary work:

Work progress:


Subject:« Snow clearing”

Age: middle group

To form the habit of labor effort, the desire to work,

Teach children how to properly hold a shovel and clear the area of ​​snow,

Develop imagination, thinking, the ability to fulfill the instructions of the teacher.

Cultivate a love of cleanliness.

To develop the ability and desire to provide all possible assistance to a friend, to teach him what he himself can do.

Form of organization of labor activity:

Collective work.

Methods and techniques:

Showing an adult, questions, joint work of children and adults, explanation, clarification, game, approval, encouragement of intermediate results, encouragement of successful methods and actions of the child, reminder, artistic word, indirect control, evaluation, involvement of other adults in the evaluation.


Remote material (shovels, bags, panicles, buckets, mittens), traffic light

Preliminary work:

Observation of the activities of the janitor, a story about his work, showing illustrations, reading a poem by S. Baruzin “Interesting car”, Selection of equipment for the work of children, role-playing game ‘Journey on a train’.

Vocabulary work:

Snowfall, paths, blizzard

Individual work:

To consolidate Sasha's skills in working with a shovel.

Work progress:

A message that now everyone on a train will go to a snowy country and play a new interesting game. The driver will be the one who is the first and properly dressed, the next 4 people will be his assistants who will carry valuable cargo (equipment for work), and the rest will be passengers.

Stage name The activities of the educator Children activities
I Organizational Goal setting Discussing issues in the distribution of work - Everyone got into the train? Go! -Stop! Look, there is a red light at the traffic light, because. the paths and our entire site were covered with snow and the train cannot move further and we will not be able to get to our site and play there. What needs to be done to make the train move? -Right! - Removes the snow, guys, our Janitor Ivan Petrovich. On the tracks will clear the rubbish And the traffic light will light up! Let's call him soon, He will come running to us faster Well, together, well together: "Ivan Petrovich" - And here he is. Janitor: “What happened guys?” - Oh, guys, I'm tired, I've been sweeping the paths all day, And the snow has thrown them again! - Can we help you? -Who wants to help Ivan Petrovich? Well done, I knew you would all want to help! -See what needs to be done. If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher prompts (clear the paths, collect garbage, sweep the veranda) -Let's agree on how we will distribute the work: The driver and his assistants put the snow in buckets and take it to the place allotted for this, 1 trailer - clear the paths, 2 trailer - collect garbage, 3 trailer - sweep the veranda. So we divided all the work among ourselves. Now get ready for it: take necessary tools, discuss among yourselves in what sequence you will complete your task, and begin to work. Don't forget that you are working together. When they work together, they help each other, do not quarrel, do not take offense at the remarks of their comrades. - Choo-choo-choo-choo! - Remove the snow! “Ivan Petrovich” (Explain) I, I, I, I .... children's answers
II Basic Guidelines for the management of the labor process of children Observing the work of the children of the first group, the teacher checks how the children managed to distribute responsibilities. Watching the work of the children of the second group, if the paths are narrow, the children are warned not to all crowd together; it is better to distribute the work in such a way that the children stand at a certain distance. The janitor shows the correct execution. The work of the third group does not require close attention, but they need to be reminded of the need to collect all the garbage on the territory and in special gloves. The children of the fourth group are offered to first sweep the veranda, and then carry the snow to the place allotted for this. Be sure to warn about the careful use of a shovel, given the proximity of peers. Encourages: “How wonderful and friendly the 3 car works; Dima, you are doing well”, Conducts individual work: - Sasha, look at how to hold a shovel correctly, it will be more convenient for you and you will not get tired much! Much attention is paid to the nature of relationships between peers. On specific examples, he shows examples of a benevolent, humane attitude towards peers, the ability to teach, show, while remaining polite, tactful. Draws attention to what has already been learned, positively evaluates these skills, as well as the desire to show the methods of work, to prevent the mistakes of others. are laboring
See how our site has changed! What has changed, why? Anya very diligently swept the table. Misha, having done his job, did not get on the train, but decided to help Katyusha. A special place in his assessments is given to the specific actions of children in the labor process, in which attention to peers, perseverance, and a responsible attitude to the task assigned were manifested. The janitor is involved in the assessment. Well done guys, they worked well, they did a good job, and now you can continue on your way: Rubbish was removed on the tracks, And the traffic light was lit! All right, let's go! Answers of children Choo-choo-choo-choo


Tasks for the development of labor activity:

Tasks of moral education:

Methods and techniques:


Preliminary work:

Watch progress:


Tasks for the development of labor activity:

To teach children to independently perform the duties of dining room attendants: arrange bread bins, plates, put napkin holders, lay out cutlery. Learn how to fold a tablecloth.

To form a responsible attitude to the task (the ability and desire to bring the matter to the end, the desire to do it well)

Tasks of moral education:

To develop the desire of the child to bring joy to other children with his work and to help a friend.

Methods and techniques:

Approval, display, encouragement, reminder, control, evaluation.


Aprons, hats, flowers, napkins, tablecloths.

Preliminary work:

Identify attendants (pictures in the corner of attendants)

Watch progress:

Stage name The activities of the educator Children activities
I Organizational Discussion of issues in the distribution of work - On duty, come to me, now they will bring dinner, and we will set the table. -Maxim, at which table will you be on duty? - Are you Kostya, Natasha? Don't forget to put on your aprons before you start on duty. Wear aprons and hats.
IIBasic Guidelines for the management of the labor process of children Pays attention to the pace and quality of work. Approves the creative ideas of children: - Let's think about how we will please the children today? If the teacher is at a loss or the junior teacher suggests: “Let's put flowers or lay out new tablecloths.” He explains that the work of the attendants is very necessary, comrades always do this, take care of each other, etc. -That's right, Natasha first moved all the chairs to the table. Now it will be more convenient to go around the table. We carry two plates. -How carefully Kostya lays out the spoons, takes one at a time, puts it on the right side. -Check if everything is in place? - Well done guys, thanks. Guys, look how convenient it is to fold the tablecloth, help me, Kostya. It is necessary to take the ends, fold it in half on the table, and then in half again and only then fold it along the length. Now try it yourself. Everyone did well. Children's answers arrange bread bins, deep plates, put napkin holders, lay out cutlery. -All! -Yes! After eating, bread, napkins are removed from the table, crumbs are swept from the table, tablecloths are folded.
III Final Discussion of the results of the work - Well done, guys, you were all real duty officers today, everyone was taken care of! - Kostya, he remembered everything himself, he didn’t forget anything. -Maxim worked as carefully and diligently as a nanny. - And how pleased my mother will be to know that Natasha was on duty today as an adult. Here the helper is growing. Remove aprons and hats.

The formation of the human personality begins in early childhood. little preschooler with surprise and joy the world, and the task of parents and teachers is to make sure that the desire for creation becomes his life position. Work has a huge impact on both mental and moral development child, and enter into his life he should be as early as possible. Therefore, modern preschool pedagogy is very great attention focuses on this direction. As for the middle group, during this preschool period, the volume of labor tasks that are set for children noticeably increases. Children actively master a variety of skills that will help them become more mature and independent.

Why work is necessary for children of middle preschool age

Labor education in the middle group is aimed at the implementation of various tasks.

Educational tasks of labor activity in the middle group

  1. Continue to teach kids to dress and undress on their own, carefully fold and hang (in a booth, on a high chair) wardrobe items, bring clothes into proper shape under the supervision of an adult (dry, clean), instill a desire for neatness.
  2. To teach preschoolers how to prepare the workplace for productive activities, as well as clean it up after work is completed (rinse brushes, non-spill bottles, wipe the table, etc.).
  3. To form the ability to keep in order their group room (cleaning toys), a site (pick up garbage, clear snow in winter), assist the teacher in minor repairs of books, boxes, etc.
  4. To teach preschoolers on duty in the dining room: explain how to properly arrange cups and saucers, deep plates, napkin holders, bread bins, lay out cutlery in a certain order.
  5. lay the foundations proper care for indoor plants: gently water them, loosen the ground, wipe the dust on the leaves. Also teach kids to feed the fish, pour water into the drinker, wash it, put food in the feeders for birds (all these actions are carried out with the help of a teacher).
  6. To introduce children to work in the garden, in the flower garden (sow seeds, water the flower bed, beds, help adults or older preschoolers harvest).
  7. To teach to help the teacher put in order the inventory that is used in the process of work (clean and dry it, take it to the right place).
  8. Learn to follow orders - both individual and collective.
  9. When performing a collective task, teach preschoolers to distribute responsibilities, strive to complete joint work in a timely manner.
  10. To expand the ideas of preschoolers about the work activity of adults, various professions, to arouse interest in what professions parents have.

Developing tasks of labor activity in the middle group

  1. Labor activity helps the development of mental operations, cognitive activity: in the process of labor, kids learn a lot of new, interesting things for themselves, acquire important knowledge, begin to analyze, compare, contrast them.
  2. Work improves the ability to concentrate, develops intelligence and creative imagination.
  3. The performance of this or that type of work contributes to the socialization of preschoolers, helps to learn how to build relationships with adults and peers, negotiate, and provide mutual assistance.

Educational tasks of labor activity in the middle group

  1. Labor activity brings up in children such important qualities as self-confidence, independence, perseverance, willpower, the ability to plan one's time, and forms an active life position.
  2. In the process of work, aesthetic issues are also touched upon: kids learn to see the beauty of nature, man-made things, notice some shortcomings in the environment and strive to eliminate them.

Types of labor activity in kindergarten and forms of their organization

In the middle preschool link, labor education is the following activities:

  • deepening and expanding ideas about the work activities of adults;
  • self-service (meeting your daily needs);
  • household work (bringing in order the group premises and site);
  • manual labor (the simplest repair of toys, gluing books and boxes);
  • labor tasks in nature (work in the garden, flower garden, in the ecological corner of the group room).

In the process of implementing these types of activities, the teacher uses various forms of organizing child labor:

  • assignments (individual or uniting several people);
  • duty roster;
  • collective tasks;
  • games (mobile, didactic, speech).

Expansion of ideas about the professional activities of adults

At the middle preschool level, the teacher continues to acquaint the kids with the work of adults, while cultivating a positive attitude towards the worker. Such classes are observations of how a representative of a particular profession works. The easiest way to do this is within kindergarten. For example, the guys go to the kitchen and watch how the cook cooks delicious porridge, another time - how he cuts vegetables or prepares delicious meatballs.

Watching the work of a cook expands children's understanding of this profession

Thus, the kids are brought to understand the essence of the work of a certain profession (in addition to the cook, this is also the work of an educator, laundress, nanny, music worker, janitor). Such observations are necessarily embodied in role-playing games that become deeper in content (“We are cooks”, “Laundry”), didactic (“Who needs what for work”), mobile (“Edible - inedible”). The teacher also offers the kids pictures for viewing, and also periodically reads to the kids works of art, proverbs and sayings, riddles on the topic of professions, thereby instilling a respectful attitude towards any work. The following literature can be recommended:

  • B. Zakhoder "Builders", "Driver";
  • S. Marshak "What do you have?", "Mail";
  • A. Kardashov "Our Doctor";
  • V. Berestov "Sick Doll".

Visualization always contributes to a better assimilation of the material.

Self service

The main type of independent labor activity in the middle preschool age is self-service. The teacher continues to stimulate children's interest in him, improve the work skills that the children have (washing, washing hands, dressing and undressing), instilling new ones (combing their hair, washing a cup after themselves). Preschoolers this age learn to name the order in which they take off and put on their clothes. Also, more complex tasks are set before the children: when going for a walk, they should try to tie a scarf for themselves, try to lace up their shoes.

In the middle group, preschoolers often have a desire to teach a friend something. The teacher, of course, must support this aspiration in order to instill in children the important skills of mutual assistance and goodwill. However, we must not allow some guys to abuse the help of others.

In middle preschool age, skills of mutual assistance are formed, for example, when dressing for a walk

Household work

In the lives of children aged 4–5, more and more importance is being given to elementary household work. As in more early age, its main form remains the execution of instructions. Since the children still do not have a good command of the relevant skills, the teacher gives the task to one child or to a small group (of 2-3 people). Specific examples: wipe shelves with a damp cloth, wash toys in a basin, remove clothes from dolls and wash them. Collective assignments (for all) are just beginning to be practiced, while the teacher helps the pupils in every possible way, distributes responsibilities between them.

In the process of household work, the educator gives a specific assignment to a small group of children

Children of the middle preschool age the educator can give tasks that, it would seem, will not have a tangible result (for example, go somewhere, go up to the nanny and say something to her). However, they are very important for the formation of independence and responsibility.

Elementary household work can be offered to kids at any time of the day: both in the morning and in the evening, including the hours spent on a walk. Children learn to maintain order in the environment on an equal basis with adults. For example, at the site, the teacher offers the children to clear the benches or the gazebo from snow, motivating their request by the fact that they need to help the janitor (he can’t do it alone).

Household work can be organized in nature

When performing household work, it is extremely important that the guys learn to bring the work they have started to the end, while making an effort of will.

When entrusting children with certain tasks, overstrain should not be allowed: it is fraught with overwork and, as a result, negative attitude to work. The duration of continuous work activity for kids 4–5 years old should not exceed 10 minutes.

Canteen duty in middle preschool age has been practiced since the beginning of the year. At the same time, at first, the teacher explains in detail to the attendants all the methods of work. For example, a cup should be taken by the handle, and plates should be carried with both hands. Since it is difficult for toddlers under six to coordinate with the work of other children, each table is always served by one child.

Each table is served by one child.

Manual labor

In the middle group, children already work quite well with paper, can grease a large surface with glue, learn to use scissors and a ruler. Therefore, with the participation of the educator, the child can already glue the book or box. At this age, toddlers can also be trusted to sharpen pencils with a sharpener. Manual labor also teaches preschoolers to take care of things.

By repairing books, the children learn to take care of them

labor in nature

In kindergarten, an adult shows preschoolers an example of a caring attitude towards the natural world, while at the same time involving them in work activities. In autumn, kids can participate in the harvest in the garden preschool. In winter, they will be happy to feed the birds on the site (by the way, you can first arrange a family competition to make the most beautiful feeder).

It is necessary to feed the birds not occasionally, but every day, so that preschoolers realize the importance of this work and treat living creatures responsibly.

Regular feeding of birds in winter brings up responsibility, kindness and respect for nature.

IN spring period pupils of the middle group watch how adults dig up a garden, a flower garden, cut bushes, plant flowers and vegetables. It is necessary to show the kids how the pupils of the senior level sow the seeds themselves. All this makes them want to actively participate in their work. The teacher should provide the children with such an opportunity: for example, he pulls out the weeds, and the guys carefully put them in a pile. In summer, kids can take care of a flowering flower bed together with adults - water the plants from watering cans.

Another important area of ​​labor activity in nature is the involvement of children in the care of indoor plants. Although duty in the group corner of nature begins only with senior group, babies of the fourth or fifth year of life can, under the supervision of a teacher, water flowers, loosen the ground, gently wipe the leaves. Together with the children, the teacher regularly inspects the ecological zone in the group so that the children learn to see the changes taking place there.

There is no duty in the corner of nature in the middle group yet, but the kids are acquiring the basic skills of caring for indoor plants

Techniques relevant for working with toddlers of the middle group

So that work brings joy to the pupil of the middle group, does not turn into a boring monotonous action, the educator can use various techniques and methodological finds.

During the lesson, it is recommended to use various game characters. For example, the teacher warns the children that today Mishka will check how they wash their hands, if anyone wets their sleeves because they roll them up badly. And doll Katya, it turns out, dreams of becoming a cook and wants to learn more about this important profession. The task of the guys is to answer her questions.

In addition, it is desirable to include the actual games (didactic, speech, plot-role-playing, mobile) in the structure of the lesson. For example, with the help of a doll, you can organize the game “What has changed?” with preschoolers. Children memorize what she is wearing, and then close their eyes. The teacher at this time removes one item of clothing or changes it to another. The task of the guys is to determine what has changed. Book repair can be done in role-playing game"Hospital" where books will be patients and children will be doctors.

Manual labor, such as book repair, can be presented as a game

When working with middle-aged children, visualization plays an important role. Therefore, at a labor lesson, it is necessary to offer the children various pictures, posters, pictograms, slides, etc. for viewing.

Photo Gallery: Visibility in Work Skills Training

Using the algorithm, it will be easier for children to remember the sequence of dressing. In the middle group, when teaching children self-service, visibility is very important. To expand the horizons of children, the teacher introduces them to a variety of hygiene products.

Babies 4-5 years old have not yet developed abstract thinking, therefore, in the course of labor education, an adult should lead concrete examples, illustrating the idea that he wants to convey to the pupils. For example, they explain to the child that if he cannot find his change of shoes for a long time after a walk, then this is because he did not immediately put them back in place, and the shirt is wrinkled, because he did not hang it neatly on the back of a chair before going to bed .

It is necessary to constantly emphasize the importance of their work for the kids. For example, if the teacher wants to ask the children to carefully arrange the building material on the shelf, he says that he trusts them with a very important matter, and then sets out the request.

In the process of doing the work, the teacher should praise the children, inform them of the specific results of their actions (for example, “Masha tied a scarf well, and now she will not catch a cold”), encourage them to introspection (“Let's check if we put on the mittens correctly”).

Labor education is inextricably linked with the use individual approach. It begins with taking into account the personal characteristics of each child, the level of his labor skills. This is very important - if the teacher's requirements are too high, then the children will quickly get tired, lose self-confidence. Also, when implementing an individual approach, we take into account moral qualities child (activity or, conversely, shyness).

Labor education of the child should be carried out with close interaction of teachers with the family: the requirements of educators and parents should not contradict each other. The teacher recommends to moms and dads that at home the guys have certain responsibilities.

It will be more effective if parents are also involved in the issue of labor education

Card file of topics of labor education classes

In accordance with the types of labor activity in the middle preschool age, the teacher selects specific topics for classes:

  1. Self-service, hygiene, clothing:
    • "Let's teach the doll Katya to dress" (sequence of dressing on the street);
    • "We fasten the buttons";
    • "How to take care of shoes";
    • "Cleanliness is the key to health";
    • Washing Rules.
  2. Taking care of things, cleaning, repairing:
    • "Toy Rescue" (they are dirty);
    • "Washing toy dishes";
    • "Washing doll clothes";
    • "Let's heal the books."
  3. Labor in nature:
    • "Care for indoor plants";
    • "Journey to the land of flowers";
    • "Planting seeds of beans (oats) in a corner of nature";
    • "Our beautiful flower bed."
  4. Territory cleaning:
    • "Cleaning the site from snow";
    • "Let's help the janitor remove the leaves."
  5. About professions:
    • "Merry cooks";
    • How does our nanny work?

How to motivate children to work

In the middle group, children are more interested in the labor process itself than in its result. And the task of the teacher is to strengthen this interest with the help of the right motivation:

  1. A rather unusual character, the Old Slipper, can come to visit the guys. He tells the kids sad story about the brothers Tapochkin, who serve the boy Alyosha. The boy treats them badly: he wears them carelessly, knocks the backs off and never puts them back in their place. As a result, slippers have become ugly, and soon they will be thrown into the trash. With the help of a teacher and a play character, preschoolers formulate the rules for caring for slippers: carefully adjust them with your fingers when putting them on, do not throw them anywhere, clean them from dust.

    Old Slipper will teach children how to take care of shoes

  2. Teddy Bear is going to the party, but his vest is open because he doesn't know how to use buttons. The task of the children is to teach Mishka.
  3. An upset doll Katya comes to visit the kids. She takes off her outerwear and throws things. The doll informs the children that no one wants to walk with her, her girlfriends do not invite her to visit, they call her a slob. Katya asks the guys for help, so that they explain what this word means and help her improve.
  4. Another option for the same household activity - the evil wizard Vredilius enchanted all the cubes in the group - infected them with a virus of dust and dirt. If the cubes are not saved, then all other toys in the group will become infected. Of course, the children will start the rescue operation with enthusiasm - they will wash all the necessary items.
  5. A teddy bear comes to visit the guys with a bag full of toys. He does not understand why the cubs refuse to play with them. And the thing is that the toys are dirty. Children will please the cubs with pleasure - they will wash the toys.

    There are dirty toys in the Bear's bag that need to be washed.

  6. Helping a nanny can be a motivation for work. At first, the teacher starts a conversation about how the kids help their parents at home, and then offers to make the cleaning process easier for the nanny. The supply manager can also ask for help: there is a large greenhouse in the kindergarten, and a lot of seeds need to be planted there. And she can't do it alone.
  7. If the topic of the labor lesson is caring for indoor plants, then the teacher can invite the children to go to the magical Land of Flowers. But only affectionate and kind, attentive and caring children can get there.
  8. Another example on the theme of nature - a crying bunny appears in front of preschoolers. He is ashamed that he ate all the carrots from Masha and the Bear, because they planted and grew them. Bunny really wants to fix what he's done, but doesn't know how. The teacher shows the seeds of plants (carrots, peas, beans, pumpkins) and suggests planting them so that many delicious vegetables grow.
  9. You can start a lesson on labor education by reading a work of art, for example, L. Voronkova’s story “Masha the Confused”. The educator conducts a conversation on the content, while consolidating self-service skills (self-dressing and careful attitude to things).
  10. I. Gurina's "The Tale of How Clothes Offended" is devoted to the same topic. Her hero is the spoiled boy Andryusha, who really does not like to dress himself - his grandmother always does it for him. He does not like his own clothes, he calls them ugly. And then one day the wardrobe items come to life and punish the boy. Tights turn into green branches of trees and hit Andryusha on the pope, a sweater into a huge bird and pinch a spoiled boy by the knees, shoelaces into snakes, boots into biting dogs, a hat with ears into a growling bear head, etc. As a result, the boy realizes his ugly behavior, promises to always dress himself, and things are returned to him.
  11. I. Gurina also has another work on the topic of self-service, which can be read to pupils of the middle group - this is “The Tale of the Evil Sorceress, the Ruler of the Neryakh Country”. The boy Vasya already appears here, who never puts his toys away. The evil sorceress Neubirinda takes him to her land of Sloppy.

The structure of the lesson should include physical education minutes on the topic of labor.

Table: physical education "We help mom together"

Table: physical education "Shoe"

Table: finger gymnastics "Remember the dough with handles"

Table: abstracts of classes on labor activity in the middle group of kindergarten (fragments)

Author and title of the lesson Lesson progress
Kiseleva E.V.
"Cleanliness is the key to health"
A teddy bear with a bag comes to visit the guys. He reports that there are cub toys in it, but for some reason they do not want to play with them, they do not like them.
The teacher asks the kids what their favorite toys are. There is a mini-talk.
The teacher takes a toy out of the bag and shows the children that it is dirty. Now it is clear why the cubs do not want to play with her. A problem situation arises: how to help the animals? The teacher puts the children before a choice: to play by themselves or to do a good deed for the cubs. Children, of course, choose the latter, because they are already big, and the game can wait.
A physical education session is held (pantomime according to the text):
  1. Washing, washing, washing all day long.

  2. Rinse, rinse, rinse all day long.
    Look, arms, legs, are they tired?
    Are you ready to go back to work?
  3. We press, we press, we press all day long.
    Look, arms, legs, are they tired?
    Are you ready to go back to work?
  4. We hang, we hang, we hang all day long.
    Look, arms, legs, are they tired?
    Are you ready to go back to work?
Kids are invited to wash toys, especially since Mishka has already prepared a basin. The teacher asks the children to smile before starting work, because they should be glad that they can help the cubs.
The teacher asks one girl to put all the basins on the bench (assignment), another child puts soap dishes on the table, the third one lays out sponges.
Labor activity of preschoolers (Mishka gives toys from a bag, children wash them and put them on a napkin to dry).
Stukalo L.V.
"Merry Chefs"
The teacher comes out to the children in an apron and a cap and says that today he is a pastry chef. And he offers them to become cheerful cooks and learn how to cook. But first, the children will have to get acquainted with the profession of a confectioner.
A conversation is being held on the topic: who is a cook. The teacher reads the poem:
  • The cook cooks for the kids
    Soup, potatoes, meatballs.
    Cooking porridge-semolina
    Salad with sour cream.

A poem about a pastry chef

  • I'll bake pies
    And carpets, and horns.
    This is the gift I have:
    I am a pastry chef.
The teacher's story with a simultaneous slide show. The profession of a pastry chef is difficult, but very creative. After all, pastries and cakes that are sold in stores have a different shape and are intricately decorated.
Discussion of confectioner's clothes (robe, apron). Hair is always hidden under a scarf. Demonstration of confectioner's tools. Consolidation of new information with questions.
A dance-game "We clap our hands" is held.
Practical part. The pastry teacher invites preschoolers to make cakes from salty multi-colored dough. Of course, you can’t eat them, but you can treat dolls, play “Shop” or “Cafe”.
Children turn into cooks: they put on aprons and caps.
Held finger gymnastics"We remember the dough with our hands."
The teacher explains how to work with the dough: you need to roll the ball, flatten it and decorate the “cake” with pasta, beans, etc.
Independent activity of preschoolers. Finished crafts are stacked on a separate table. The analysis of works is carried out. The teacher treats the kids with real cookies.
Bakirova L.R.
"Journey to the Land of Flowers"
The teacher invites the children on a journey to the magical Land of Flowers. To go there, you need to be affectionate and kind, caring and attentive. Along the way, these qualities will come in handy. The teacher brings preschoolers to tables with indoor plants.
The game "1,2,3 - find a flower!" Instead of the word “flower”, each time a specific plant is called (violet, geranium, etc.), which the children should approach.
Flowers invite the guys to the flower meadow (sit on chairs). A conversation about what plants need to grow: kids show cards depicting water, air, soil, light, heat. Preschoolers build a time chain "seed - small sprout - large sprout").
The teacher asks the children to say a flower nice words(beautiful, beloved, blooming, etc.).
The attention of the kids is drawn to the fact that there is dust on the plant, and the soil is not loose. The question is what to do. Children guess that the dust needs to be wiped, the earth loosened and watered. Looking at cards showing how to care for indoor plants.
Children wear aprons. An individual conversation with each pupil about the name of the selected plant, the methods of work that he will use. If necessary, the teacher shows the necessary actions.
Independent labor activity of preschool children.
The teacher remembers proverbs about work with the children. Workplace cleaning.
Pentyukhova O.A.
"Our Helpers"
There is a game for the greeting "Good morning":
  1. Good morning eyes! You woke up? (Stroking the eyelids).
  2. Good morning ears! You woke up? (Rubbing the earlobes with fingers).
  3. Good morning pens! You woke up? (clapping hands).
  4. Good morning feet! You woke up? (stomp your feet).
  5. Good morning, Sunshine!
    I woke up. (Smile and stretch out your hands to the sun).

An audio recording from Chukovsky's fairy tale "Moydodyr" sounds that all the animals wash themselves in the morning.

Examining pictures on the board, which depicts morning hygiene procedures. At the direction of the teacher, the children show specific pictures (brushing teeth, washing, wiping, combing).
Surprise moment. There is a knock on the door - a boy-doll "comes in" with a bag in his hands. There are personal hygiene items. Children take them out one by one, examine them, examine them by touch and smell.
Exercise "Find desired item": the teacher shows a picture, and the children find the same object on the table.
The puppet boy wants to play with the guys, but his hands are dirty. It's a pity for the boy: you need to help him - teach him how to use hygiene items.
A physical education session is held on a hygienic topic:
  1. Hotter, perforated cloud (squeeze-unclench fists)!
  2. Water your hands with water (rub your hands)!
  3. Shoulders and elbows (rub shoulders and elbows)!
  4. Fingers and nails (rub fingers and nails)!
  5. My nape, temples (rub the back of the head, temples)!
  6. Chin and cheeks. (rub chin and cheeks).
The teacher puts basins of water, soap and a towel on the tables. On the board, a scheme-algorithm for washing hands is displayed. The teacher explains the sequence of actions:
  1. Put on an apron.
  2. Roll up sleeves.
  3. Take soap.
  4. Wash your palm on one side, and then on the other side.
  5. Wash off the foam and dry your hands with a towel.

This algorithm is worked out in practice with each child - they wash the hands of a doll while reading a nursery rhyme:

  • Water, water, pour on the palm of your hand in a knife-ku.
    No, not a little, dare, it will be more fun to wash!
A boy doll gives gifts to children - beautiful towels. Summing up the lesson, farewell to the toy character.

The use of folklore material in the process of labor education of preschoolers

Labor education of children will be more effective when using funds fiction. First of all, we are talking about folklore. He always brings an emotional note to the lesson. You cannot teach a child to work using a nursery rhyme, a proverb or a riddle, but with the help of these folklore genres, you can arouse in a preschooler an interest in work, the desire to be like the one who works, help children understand the importance of work for society.

Rhymes about hygiene

When teaching kids hygiene skills, you can accompany the actions by reading the following nursery rhymes:

Proverbs and sayings about work and laziness

The Russian people have a lot of proverbs about work. They glorify him and, on the contrary, ridicule laziness. Folk wisdom teaches children to love their work and respect the work of other people:

  • Every young man has a craft to face.
  • A small deed is better than a big idleness.
  • The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.
  • See the tree in its fruits, but the man in his deeds.
  • A bird is recognized in flight, and a person is recognized at work.

When working with pupils of the middle group, the teacher should use only proverbs and sayings that are understandable to children. Otherwise, their use will have no effect.

Proverbs can also be introduced into the lesson separately, accompanied by illustrations.

For example, when kids are just starting some kind of work, it is important to immediately support them, set them up for a successful result:

  • A good start is half the battle.
  • If there was a hunt, any work would work out.

If one of the children reluctantly gets to work, then the proverb will express the grief of an adult, make the baby think about how to behave:

  • The lazy Egorka always has excuses.
  • The work is in full swing, and he is at the market.

If in the process of completing the task the guys quarrel, cannot agree, then with the help of a proverb you can smooth out the situation, push them to find a solution to the conflict:

  • They carry water on angry people, bricks on inflated ones.
  • Mind is good, but two is better.
  • Alone you will not overcome a bump.

When the work is done, the teacher emphasizes what children are doing well, how much effort they put into their work:

  • Golden hands - golden deeds.
  • What is the master - such is the work.
  • Whoever is not afraid of work, work is arguing with him.

In Russian, there are also proverbs on the topic of planning: after all, every business, even the smallest one, must first be considered:

  • The head will teach - the hands will do.
  • Strength is good, but intelligence is better.
  • Try on seven times - cut once.

A well-aimed proverb can do more for the labor education of a child than lengthy notations.

Other proverbs and sayings emphasize that if nothing is done, then the work will not budge:

  • A rolling stone gathers no moss.
  • Without taking up the ax, you will not cut down the hut.

If in the process of work some guys lose interest in it, try to avoid it, then the teacher can comment on this like this:

  • Fatigue will pass, but good glory will remain.
  • You can't take a fish out of a pond without effort.

If one of the children begins to show off the result of his work even before he has done it, then the teacher notices:

  • Talking is easy, doing is hard.
  • Do not hurry with your tongue, but do not be lazy in deeds.

Proverbs and sayings about those who are distracted a lot in the process of work:

  • Where there are many words, there is little deed.
  • One plows, and seven wave their hands.

When the children have successfully completed the work task, you can praise their results, invite them to rest:

  • Finished the job - walk boldly.
  • A good end is the crown of business.
  • The worker gets honey donuts, and the loafer gets fir cones.

Riddles on the theme of labor and hygiene

Preschoolers usually love to solve riddles. When working with children of middle preschool age, it is desirable that the teacher accompanied the correct answer with a demonstration of the corresponding picture.

So, the guys will like riddles about personal hygiene items:

  • Warm wave splashing
    On the banks of cast iron.
    Guess, remember:
    What kind of sea is in the room?
    (Answer: bath)
  • And what was! And what was!
    Mom let the river into the house.
    The river murmured merrily
    Mom washed clothes in it.
    And then, and then
    I bathed in the rain.
    (Answer: shower)
  • silver trumpet,
    From the pipe - water,
    Water runs and pours
    In the whiteness of the well
    On the pipe - two brothers
    They sit and have fun.
    One in a red coat
    The second one is in blue

    The development of self-service skills is also important for the social adaptation of the child.

  • Escapes like a living thing
    But I won't release it.
    The matter is quite clear -
    Let him wash my hands.
    (Answer: soap)
  • bone back,
    hard bristles,
    Friendly with mint paste
    Serves us diligently.
    (Answer: toothbrush)
  • Waffle and striped
    Hairy and furry
    Always at hand -
    What it is?
    (Answer: towel)
  • I walk, I wander not through the forests,
    And in the mustache, in the hair,
    And my teeth are longer
    Than wolves and bears.
    (Answer: comb)

    Riddles, nursery rhymes, fairy-tale characters and color pictures - all this will help the child to harmoniously master self-care skills

  • Lie in your pocket and guard -
    Roaring, crying and dirty.
    They will morning streams of tears,
    Don't forget about the nose.
    (Answer: handkerchief)
  • Where the sponge will not master,
    Do not wash, do not wash,
    I take on the task of:
    Heels, elbows with soap rub,
    And I wipe my knees
    I don't forget anything.
    (Answer: washcloth)

An interesting idea is to build a lesson entirely on riddles. The Grandmother-Riddle (disguised teacher) can come to visit the children and offer them “delicious” riddles:

  • And green and thick
    A bush has grown in the garden.
    Dig a little
    Under a bush ... (Potato)
  • Above is green
    red below,
    It has grown into the ground. (Beet)
  • I was born to fame
    The head is white, curly,
    Who loves cabbage soup -
    Look for me in them. (Cabbage)
  • I grow in the ground
    I'm in the garden.
    orange, long
    Sweet. (Carrot)
  • In the summer - in the garden,
    fresh, green,
    And in winter - in a barrel,
    yellow, salty
    Guess, well done
    What is our name? (Cucumbers)
  • Threw off from Yegorushka
    Golden feathers -
    I made Yegorushka
    Cry without grief. (Onion)

When the guys guess all the riddles, the Mysterious Grandmother gives them aprons and offers to help her plant the onion in a pot of earth (a vegetable garden in the group).

Diagnostics and analysis of the results of labor education

In order to outline for oneself effective ways of working on the labor education of preschool children, at the very beginning school year The teacher is diagnosing children. It allows you to determine at what level labor development each child is located, as well as the group as a whole.

As a rule, a three-point system is used for evaluation:

  1. Low (1 point):
    • the child has no expressed interest in work;
    • it is inactive;
    • tasks are not able to complete without the help of an adult;
    • labor does not give the baby positive emotions;
    • in joint work with other children acts unproductively.
  2. Medium (2 points):
    • a preschooler is interested in work, but at the same time almost does not show initiative;
    • when performing assignments, he cannot cope without the help of an adult;
    • easily breaks the sequence of work, switches from one thing to another;
    • does not always show a careful attitude to the results of his work.
  3. High level of development (3 points):
    • the child has a steady interest in work;
    • he is able to carry out simple tasks on his own;
    • while being proud of the results of their work;
    • the work process brings him joy;
    • successfully interacts with other children during the task.

On such a three-point scale, each type of labor activity is considered:

  • labor in nature;
  • household work;
  • manual labor;
  • self-service.

According to a similar scheme, diagnostics are carried out at the end of the school year (May). At the same time, the teacher compares the results, reveals the dynamics, notes the pupils who do not show any changes, and plans their further actions.

In addition to diagnosing work activity in kindergarten, it can be analyzed. As a rule, the educator himself analyzes a specific lesson according to the following parameters (when conducting open lesson this is mandatory):

  1. Have all the tasks set been solved (consolidation of existing skills or formation of new ones, what is the educational orientation of labor, its practical significance)?
  2. How are the working conditions organized (does the equipment correspond to the tasks, is it rationally placed, what are its aesthetic parameters)?
  3. What forms of organization children's team were used in the classroom, how did preschoolers interact with each other in the process of work?
  4. What methodological techniques were used during the pedagogical process, was an individual approach implemented?

The correct organization of the labor activity of a preschooler is the basis of his full development. The child feels his value, the opportunity to benefit others. In the process of labor, useful knowledge is acquired about objects and materials, their purpose and use. As for pupils of the middle group, they are more attracted by the labor process itself than by its result. And the task of the teacher is to create an atmosphere of cooperation, to interest children in this activity as much as possible, to make it so that it brings them great pleasure.

"Washing Doll Clothes"

Target:.to learn to work together in a certain sequence:

Teach children to sort linen into colored and white;

Learn to thoroughly lather clothes and rub between hands;

Learn to rinse thoroughly, wring out, straighten and hang on a rope.

Develop skills in working with water (washing clothes)

To cultivate accuracy and mutual assistance.

Equipment: oilcloth, basins, buckets, soap dishes, rope, rags, aprons, clothespins.

Work progress:

1. Introduction:

Guys, I want to give you riddles.

If your hands are in wax,

If there are blots on the nose,

Who then is our first friend,

Will it remove dirt from the face and hands?

What Mom Can't Do Without

No cooking, no washing

Without which we will say directly

Man to die?

To make it rain from the sky

To grow ears of bread

For ships to sail

We cannot live without ... (water)

Escapes like a living thing.

But I won't release it.

Foaming with white foam

and do not be lazy to wash (soap)

They go for water

They sing loud songs,

And they go back

Tears are pouring. (buckets)

Here are the toothy cheats.

They grabbed the linen.

Hold tight, don't bite.

But they never let go.

What is it, guess

Guessed. Answer! (clothespins)

2. Main body:

You have solved all the riddles. Look. And here they are, (showing the equipment).

And there are many other items here (oilcloth, basins, rags, aprons, a ladle, a laundry basket).

When do you think people can use all these items, what are they for? (To erase)

Yes, I want to offer you to wash the doll's clothes.

To remember how this is done, let's look at the diagrams that I prepared .. you need to go and lay out the pictures in the order in which we will work (children put up or lay out the pictures in a certain sequence.).

Today they will help me ... I name 6 people. I distribute responsibilities. (the 2nd remove the clothes from the dolls, give them to the children, change the dolls into clean ones; the 2nd wash the clothes, separating the colored from the white; the 2nd they caress, then they all hang clean clothes together). But first we need to prepare the workplace and prepare for the laundry.

Let's spread the oilcloth. For what? (so as not to wet the tables). We put basins, pour water, put on aprons. Now everything is ready.

Me and the boys today

gathered to wash clothes.

This pile of linen

we will sort.

We color together with white,

Well, you can't erase

After all, colored linen can

Shed very heavily.

Children sort clothes.

This is a red trough

We need it for laundry.

But the basin is blue -

Fill it up with water.

Pour water from buckets into basins.

“Ready for work. More action, less words! - I give instructions on how it is more convenient to stand near the basins so as not to interfere with each other. I ask the children to tell and show washing techniques with their hands (wet the thing, lather, rub, wash off the soap, wring out).

We try to work together, not to lag behind. "I did it myself, help someone else." I make sure that the washed clothes are folded separately from the colored ones.

Soap foams in water

We are not used to being lazy

Look, baby

A mountain of clean linen.

Washed together. Finished all together. Nobody was left behind. What will we do next? (rinse clothes). For what? (to wash off the soap). I remind you that you also need to start rinsing with white linen. I show you how to rinse. What should be done with washed laundry? That's right, straighten it, shake it and hang it on a rope.

For work now together

We need to hang clothes.

We have worked, we are tired.

We are already big.

Everyone hangs up clothes.

We will always wash

help our mothers.

We got the job done

and let's go for a walk with the hunt.

The kids worked hard

It's time for the sun to dry.

Ah yes hostesses, ah yes well done.

Everyone worked a little, but together they did a great job. The whole rope is hung with linen. Our linens are clean and fresh. There will be clean clothes for the dolls to replace. Tell me what to do when the laundry is dry? (remove from the rope, fold to iron, put in the closet.

"Business before pleasure!".

Part: Final

Let's play a game "Guess what we'll do"

Children with a teacher walk in a circle, say:

We will work with you

Let's not forget the order.

Don't yawn, do it.

And repeat after me.

At the end of the words, everyone stops. The teacher shows any movement. (erases, irons, squeezes, shakes. Hangs up, children repeat, guess the action, naming it.

Application No. 5

An exemplary summary of the organization of duty

Tasks for the development of labor activity:

To teach children to independently perform the duties of dining room attendants: arrange bread bins, plates, put napkin holders, lay out cutlery. Learn how to fold a tablecloth.

To form a responsible attitude to the task (the ability and desire to bring the matter to the end, the desire to do it well)

Tasks of moral education:

To develop the desire of the child to bring joy to other children with his work and to help a friend.

Methods and techniques:

Approval, display, encouragement, reminder, control, evaluation.


Aprons, hats, flowers, napkins, tablecloths.

Preliminary work:

Identify attendants (pictures in the corner of attendants)

Watch progress:

Stage name The activities of the educator Children activities
I Organizational Discussion of issues in the distribution of work - On duty, come to me, now they will bring dinner, and we will set the table. -Maxim, at which table will you be on duty? - Are you Kostya, Natasha? Don't forget to put on your aprons before you start on duty. Wear aprons and hats.
II. Basic Instructions for the management of the process of labor of children Pays attention to the pace and quality of work. Approves the creative ideas of children: - Let's think about how we will please the children today? If the teacher is at a loss or the junior teacher suggests: “Let's put flowers or lay out new tablecloths.” He explains that the work of the attendants is very necessary, comrades always do this, take care of each other, etc. -That's right, Natasha first moved all the chairs to the table. Now it will be more convenient to go around the table. We carry two plates. -How carefully Kostya lays out the spoons, takes one at a time, puts it on the right side. -Check if everything is in place? - Well done guys, thanks. Guys, look how convenient it is to fold the tablecloth, help me, Kostya. It is necessary to take the ends, fold it in half on the table, and then in half again and only then fold it along the length. Now try it yourself. Everyone did well. Children's answers arrange bread bins, deep plates, put napkin holders, lay out cutlery. -All! -Yes! After eating, bread, napkins are removed from the table, crumbs are swept from the table, tablecloths are folded.
III Final Discussion of the results of the work - Well done, guys, you were all real duty officers today, everyone was taken care of! - Kostya, he remembered everything himself, he didn’t forget anything. -Maxim worked as carefully and diligently as a nanny. - And how pleased my mother will be to know that Natasha was on duty today as an adult. Here the helper is growing. Remove aprons and hats.

"Labor Lesson for Fedora"

Put things in order in the play corner, wipe the dust, fold clothes, set the table.

Program content:
Continue to train children in the proper use of cleaning equipment. Rags for wiping dust, exercise in setting the table, cultivate interest in work and the desire to work; develop basic work skills.

Preliminary work:
Observation of the work of the assistant educator, a conversation about the need for work for the common good. Reading fiction "Fedorino grief", watching the cartoon "Moroz Ivanovich".

Inventory: aprons according to the number of children 6 pieces, rags 30x30 cm 2 pieces, a wonderful bag, cards of different colors (Red, blue, green)

Knock on the door:
Fedora appears.
Greets children and says:
“I came to visit you to learn how to work” Soon my mother’s holiday and I want to surprise her with my work.

We will definitely teach you, but first we will play: The game "Set the table." We fix the name of the dish.
Did you like the game? Yes
And now we will work. What is needed in work.
Each toy has its place.
Wipe gently.
Keep watch together.

And who will do what work, we will find out with the help of wonderful bag. There are cards there, now each of you will take the cards out of the bag with your hand. Red cards clean up toys, blue ones set the table, green ones wipe the dust. Now we have three teams, but the forces are not equal. We need to equalize and we will ask the guests to participate in the work.

I want to remind you what to wear, to those on duty and who wipes the dust.
That's right, aprons.
Children wear aprons.

Our competition is starting and I wish every team to win.

Also an interesting employment activity:

Children are working, fast music is playing.

On duty, fixes, count to six. Reminds you how to properly set the table.
Where they wipe the ardor, how to properly hold the rag.
When cleaning toys, it reminds that each toy has its place.
The work is done. Friendship won.

And now I invite you to participate in the presentation of costumes. And the clothes that you need to fold beautifully in the closet. Let's show the guests how we can fold clothes. Children put on dresses and show them off. The teacher talks about the convenience and beauty of dresses. That you can work hard and look good at the same time.
Then the children stand in a circle.

You guys did a good job, worked together. Now Fedor must have learned to work.


Yes, I now know how to clean toys, dust, set the table, and even fold clothes. My mother will be very pleased with me.

Guys, look at the laziness of the vice, and say what is wrong with it. That's right, she is sloppy, dressed, constantly chewing nuts, littering.
You must change, and work will help you, because “Without work, you can’t even take a fish out of the pond.” Guys, what proverbs do you know about work.
Children read proverbs.
“Together it’s easy, but at least drop it apart”, “The earth is painted by the sun, and labor is a person”, “If you don’t work, then money will not be found.”

Guys, what work turned out to be the easiest, what was easy to do, and what was difficult.
Everything was easy for you because you were friendly.
I am glad that I came to you, I will definitely change and become neat and hardworking.
She brought you a treat, guess: “Small, sour, orange, very useful especially in winter.

That's right, vitamins.
Treats children with vitamins.
Children are happy to have fun in a place with Fedora Egorovna,
Lesson completed.

Title: Abstract of the lesson of collective labor in the middle group of the kindergarten "Lesson of labor for Fedora"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Synopsis of collective work, Middle group of kindergarten

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MADOU CRR Kindergarten No. 123, Tyumen
Location: Tyumen region, Tyumen Vatutino
