Games for kids 2 3 years old. Games for the little ones online

Almost every child at 2 years old is physically active. He does not sit still, he really likes to jump, run, dance, play with the ball - in a word, all outdoor games appeal to the young researcher. But one should not lose sight of the intellectual development, which is also gaining momentum. The formation of logical thinking is actively underway, vocabulary is growing. And at this stage, it depends on the parents how fruitfully this process will take place.

Development of speech skills

The vocabulary of children at the age of 2-3 years is already quite diverse. Two-year-olds are able to ask the question "What is this?" when pointing at an object with their finger. They understand the speech of an adult that is addressed to them. They operate well with previously learned words in combination with new ones.

In general, throughout the entire preschool period, the vocabulary of the baby grows. For example, by the end of the second year of life, a child’s speech has about 200 words, and after half a year - 400. Upon reaching the age of three, the number of words approaches 1000.
The grammatical form gradually becomes correct and understandable, but sometimes errors can slip through.

How to organize classes

For the right speech development children aged 2-3 years can be given special "speech tasks". They can be simple or complex.
Simple: Repeat a specific sound.
Difficult: "Go to your dad and ask him to give you a typewriter."
Such tasks cause the baby to ask questions “where?”, “Where?”, “What?”.

Set up a puppet theater at home. Details for it can be purchased at the store or you can make it yourself. First, the parents act as a puppeteer, and then you need to change places.

Classes for the development of speech

Invite the child to finish the phrase: “There is a white one in the kitchen ...”, “Our cat loves ...”.
It is necessary to encourage a child of 2-3 years old to actively participate in discussions of all the events of his life, ask him questions about what he saw on the street, what he played. It does not matter that at first the baby will answer in monosyllables, over time his answers will become detailed.
Such a discussion contributes to the development of vocabulary, teaches you to share your thoughts. And as a result, it is easier to find mutual understanding with such children in the future.

Speech breathing training. Very good for this type of training. bubble, blowing out the flame of a candle, musical instruments to be blown into.

Classes for children 2-3 years old for the development of motor skills

The development of gross and fine motor skills is closely related to the development of intellectual abilities and the development of the child as a whole. There are many games that can keep a child 2-3 years old. Here are some of them:

  • Walking on stairs. At the age of two or three years, children usually walk up the steps with a side step, holding on to a support. It is necessary to complicate the task a little and teach the baby to walk up the stairs without support.
  • Ball games. At this age, children are not always good at catching the ball and throwing it right on target. Training helps a lot in the development of accuracy, dexterity, strengthens the hands and fingers.
  • Finger games. This is a very effective way to develop fine motor skills. The principle is very simple: the pronunciation of rhymes is combined with various finger movements (bending, unbending, light friction).

  • Modeling, drawing, applications.
  • Unbuttoning - fastening buttons, zippers.
  • Lacing games. It can be simple shoe lacing or special games in which you need to thread the lace through the holes.
  • Pouring water through a funnel.
  • Grain games.
  • Clothespin games.
  • Collecting water with a sponge, squeezing the sponge.
  • Games with small beads. You need to teach your child how to collect beads with tweezers.
  • Games with a variety of sorters, liners, pyramids.

The development of logical and mathematical thinking in children 2-3 years old

Performing simple mathematical and logical exercises and tasks leads to the formation of logical thinking. The sooner you start studying with a child, the easier it will be for him to learn the necessary concepts.

What a 2-3 year old child should be able to do:

  • Ability to navigate day to day. By the age of three, the child should already have formed the concepts of “morning”, “evening”, “day”, “night”, “today”, “tomorrow”, yesterday”. Before the baby falls asleep, you can talk with him about what he did in the morning, what he plans to do tomorrow.
  • Ability to navigate in space. You can play the following game with your child: ask him to find an object or toy that was hidden, while using the prompts: “Under the table”, “Behind the chair”. It is also useful to look at the pictures and ask the child questions; “What is under the bed?”, “Where is the bunny sitting?” etc. It is also necessary to teach such concepts as "left", "right", "below", "above".
  • Knowledge of counting skills. First you need to learn a simple account, for example, count steps, fingers.

  • The ability to assemble a whole from parts. To practice these skills, puzzles or pictures cut into several parts are very suitable. At the beginning there should be few parts. And gradually you can complicate the task by using puzzles with a large set of details.
  • Sorting skills. To develop these skills, you can take buttons that differ in size, color, shape. And then invite the baby to put only red buttons in one pile, only oval ones in another, and only small ones in the third.
  • Ability to understand the concepts of "little-many".
  • The ability to compare. Now there are a lot of games on such topics: “Where is whose house?”, “Who eats what?”, “Where is whose baby?”.

Classes for the development of attention in children 2-3 years old

Attention in children at 2-3 years old is not well developed. And for further successful development and training, it needs to be trained. To develop concentration, the ability to notice little things and details, the following exercises are suitable:

  • Construction of a tower or a house according to a drawn model.
  • Notice objects on the street or at home with one sign. For example, only soft, only green. You should not tell the baby, he will cope with the task on his own.
  • Search for a specific item. This game can be played at home, on the street. It is necessary to offer the child to find, for example, a gray car in the parking lot, or a bird on a branch. This game helps develop concentration.

Classes on the study of the properties of objects

People throughout their lives encounter different objects. And knowing their properties, it is easy to decide on their application. In order for a child to learn the properties of objects, you need to memorize them. Simultaneously with the acquaintance with the properties of objects, abstract thinking, touch and smell develop, the baby learns to compare. The child learns the definitions of objects (wide - narrow, short - long, low - high); the sense of touch develops (smooth - rough, cold - hot, soft - hard); the sense of smell is improved (finding differences in smells, tastes of various products).

Classes for the development of the intellect of children 2-3 years old

A child at two or three years old shows interest in almost everything, the era of questions about everything in the world begins. If earlier the baby discovered the world for himself through the properties of objects, and visually prevailed in him - actionable thinking, now the baby is trying to think figuratively, and begins to appear visually - creative thinking. Here it is very important to support the young researcher, explain the incomprehensible and make sure that interest in everything new does not fade away.
A huge role in the development of intelligence is played by the child's acquaintance with the world of art:

  • Draw more together, listen to classical music, go to theaters, museums, various exhibitions.
  • It is also very important to introduce the baby to the outside world. It will be interesting for a small person to listen about animals, birds, insects, and the features of their behavior. Children are always attracted by meteorological phenomena such as rain, snow, frost, rainbow.
  • IN game form you can introduce children to such topics as: transport, hospital, shop, family, sea ​​world, city, professions, human body structure, home appliances, furniture.

And so that the classes are not spontaneous, but systematic, you can draw up a plan where you indicate which topic you will study with your child.

Video "lesson with a child 2-3 years old at home"

Games for children 3 years old is one of the most popular categories in the gaming industry. Every boy or girl will be able to find a game to their liking, whether it's a drawing game, a shooter or a logic puzzle. Bright and colorful graphics, favorite cartoon characters and professional voice acting delight the kids, and game tasks help reveal the natural talents of the child.

The benefits of flash games for children 3 years old

Online games designed for the little ones have a number of undeniable advantages.

  • No download or installation required
    Flash games for children 3 years old on our site are written by the best programmers, do not require saving to a hard drive and subsequent installation on a computer. Your child can play online, in real time, with no limit on the number of attempts. And what else is needed to distract the baby for a while, while his parents are busy with more important matters?!
  • Presented in various genres
    On our site you will find flash games for children 3 years of various categories. It's classic arcade role-playing games, language games, coloring games, logic puzzles and learning to count and write. Such games teach the child to apply new skills correctly, solve simple problems and quickly respond to surrounding events.
  • Do not overstrain vision and hearing
    Games for 3 year olds have been designed specifically for the little ones, so you will not find harsh and unpleasant sounds or bright rippled colors in them. Everything is done to ensure that the fragile psyche of a small child is not overstrained, and the game process does not turn into a complex or unpleasant action.
  • Teaching new knowledge
    Games for children 3 years old, as a rule, are designed to teach a child the most elementary skills: counting, letters, studying geometric shapes or determining colors. In the form of a game, a child learns new knowledge much faster, and the process of the game itself symbolizes that learning can be fun and interesting.

The physical activity of a child at 2 years old pleases every parent. The kid is constantly on the move, he jumps, climbs, drives a ball around the house, dances under cheerful music, demonstrating their excellent physical shape. The intellectual development of a 2-year-old man is moving at the same rapid pace. His vocabulary expands, logical thinking is formed, memory and attention are strengthened. The pace at which the baby will absorb new knowledge depends on the efforts of the parents.

At two years, the development of the child is aimed at learning about the world around him and his own abilities.

How to develop logical and mathematical thinking?

Logical and mathematical developmental exercises lead to the formation of logical thinking. Lessons consist of:

  • The concept of space and time. Invite your child to find the toy you have hidden. Help him by directing the search: "let's look under the bed, in the closet drawer, behind the chair, maybe our bunny hid there."
  • Ability to navigate the time of day. Closer to 3 years, the child must learn the difference between day and evening, morning and night, distinguish between such concepts as today, tomorrow, yesterday. While lulling your baby to bed, talk to him about what he did in the morning and what he did in the evening.
  • Sorting games. Take different buttons or pasta, cut out circles and squares from colored paper (the main thing is that they are not the same in size, color and shape). Sort by similarity. You can take pictures of vegetables and fruits, remind the baby that the rabbit loves vegetables, and the monkey loves fruits. We post pictures in front of the animals.
  • Simple account. Start learning not with numbers, but with concepts accessible to the baby. Count on your fingers, up the stairs. If the child is already showing his age on his fingers, offer to show how old he will be.
  • We put together puzzles and pictures. Choose for exercises simple, from 2-3-4 parts, games. The process is difficult for a 2-year-old baby, it is formed slowly, so the mother should help the baby at first.

Puzzles for kids should be very simple, so that the baby can put them together without help.
  • “A lot is not enough” - at 2 years old, the child is ready for such a concept (see also:).
  • Orientation in space. The child learns such concepts as right - left, above - below.
  • Mapping. Games with images in books or on special pictures, allowing the child to compare the action and objects: “who eats what”, “where is whose tail”, “where is whose house” (we recommend reading:).
  • Finding a figure on two grounds. Put colored paper circles in front of the baby so that among them there are two yellow, large and small, or two red squares of different sizes. Ask the child to find each pair: two yellow circles or two red squares.

We study the properties of objects

One of the most important skills for a child. A person is constantly surrounded by some objects. Knowing their properties, he easily finds their application. The skill allows children to develop abstract thinking, teaches comparison, develops touch and smell. The learning process consists of remembering:

  • concepts of objects: long - short, high - low, wide - narrow;
  • warm - cold, smooth - rough, hard - soft (develops touch);
  • heavy - light;
  • identical - different (for 3 years);
  • taste and smell (helps to realize the sense of smell);
  • color characteristics of objects (helps remember color names and teaches you to distinguish colors) (we recommend reading:);
  • geometric shapes and forms (useful for spatial thinking) (we recommend reading:).

How to develop speech?

The first block of recommendations presents cognitive exercises that contribute to the overall development of speech skills. Classes do not require special knowledge from adults, the main thing is your love and patience. Obviously, for a 2-year-old kid, it is important to do something interesting, otherwise he will not perceive the information positively. As you start learning, remember that speech is at the heart of the full development of children. Parents should:

  1. Read children's books with the baby, look at the pictures in them. Be sure to discuss the events taking place in a fairy tale or story, conduct a detailed analysis of them. Ask the little listener leading questions, praise for the correct answers.
  2. Organize a puppet theater. Attributes for family children's performances, buy at the store or do it yourself. You put on the first performance, then connect the baby to the action. Show how to control the puppets, entrust the role of the puppeteer to the little treasure.
  3. Develop speech breathing. Teach your child to hold their breath while exhaling. Soap bubbles, playing the flute, blowing out a candle are suitable for training. In the summer, invite him to blow off dandelions. Breathing exercises help in saturating the body with oxygen, activate the work of the heart, nervous system, brain.
  4. Offer speech games. Complete phrase game: you tell the child the beginning of the phrase, and the child finishes it. For example: “You have green in your room…”, “Our cat loves to sleep…”.

Reading and looking at pictures together contributes to the development of the child

Children at the age of 2, whose vocabulary already has separate words, even if they are slightly distorted, will benefit from games and entertainment aimed at consolidating and expanding speech skills. Proceed as follows:

  • Ask your daughter or son simple questions about what they see in the window or what is happening outside. It does not matter that the answers are monosyllabic, the main thing is that the child wants to answer.
  • Try to discuss with the child all the events taking place in his life. Be interested in what he plays, how he ate, what toy he likes and why. Questioning will help expand the passive vocabulary of the crumbs and teach you to share your thoughts with you - this is an excellent foundation for future mutual understanding.
  • As a rule, by the age of 2, kids know the fairy tales often read to them well. Invite the child to tell them together: you start - he continues. For example: “The mouse waved its tail and the egg did what? It broke. Right!". Be sure to praise your treasure for every correct answer.
  • Fill up your baby's vocabulary with adjectives. Ask questions that begin with the word “what” more often. Your task is to encourage the child to come up with or remember the definition of an object or thing you said. It is very good if he can independently remember at least one adjective.

How to develop attention?

We keep the game content of the lessons, but direct them to the training of attention. The ability to concentrate, notice details, think about a task will help your treasure in school conditions. We offer to take the child:

  • Looking for something. You can search at home, on the street, from the window. Ask your child to point to a blue car in the parking lot or look for a squirrel in the picture. The game does not require any additional attributes and you can play it everywhere, you just need to interest the baby. Helps develop concentration.

On a walk, you can ask the child to find and show some thing, object, car, flower
  • Lay out mittens, saucers, cups, hats with a pattern. Select items in such a way that each set contains the same elements of the picture. The task of the child is to find a similar pattern on objects.
  • Construction of a house or tower according to the drawing. Buy the game from the store. Choose the product with the best simple drawing from two parts. The lesson is designed for a three-year-old child.
  • Find objects in the room or on the playground in the yard with one attribute: soft, hard, white, round. You should not rush and prompt the crumbs, let him consciously make a choice,
  • We expand the search value of the previous game. The task for the child is to find things with two identical characteristics: large and round, small and soft.

Developing gross and fine motor skills

Child psychologists strongly associate motor skills with the overall development of the child. Every movement of the crumbs works on his intellectual and speech abilities. A child of two years old can take:

  • Finger gymnastics: modeling, application, drawing.
  • A game with a frame insert.
  • Unfastening buttons, buttons, zippers. If you wish, let him learn how to fasten buttons and zippers.
  • We learn to take off and put on clothes (hats, socks, mittens).
  • Pour the water and pour the cereal using a funnel, kettle, jug, watering can (buy children's dishes).

Sensory boxes with cereals, pasta and legumes - an excellent assistant in the development of fine motor skills (more in the article:). Games can also be played in a single color - to consolidate it
  • Hand washing. Teaching your little one how to wash their hands. The training goes smoothly, without coercion. At the same time, we show how to open and close the tap, squeeze liquid soap out of the bottle, and lather your hands with it.
  • Pour soapy water into a glass, give the baby a whisk to whip the water.
  • We fill the saucer with water, put round balls (kinder containers) in it, give the son or daughter a spoon and ask them to catch the items. We put the removed object in a glass without water.
  • We use a pipette or an enema to collect water: we collect and pour.
  • Collect water with a sponge and wring out the sponge.
  • We take paper and a bottle. The child should strongly crumple the paper and push the resulting lump into the neck of the bottle.
  • Games with clothespins and lacing.
  • We add patterns from pasta, sticks, beans.
  • We teach a child under 3 years old to connect dots on paper with lines. We use tasks in children's books and magazines.
  • We shift small objects (beads, peas) with tweezers.
  • Selection of caps for bottles and jars. We teach them to twist and unscrew.
  • We play pyramid folding, use sorters, insert frames.

Continue exploring the world

In addition to certain exercises that promote intellectual development child, it is necessary to expand his knowledge of the world around him. Naturally, the information received should be accessible to the developing consciousness and correlated with age-related capabilities. We talk more about already familiar things, watch a video, start with animals:

  1. We study the details of animal life. Where do they live, what do they eat, what are the names of the body parts (horns, tail, hooves). We tell what a person receives from a cow or a sheep (milk, wool). Find out what their babies are called.
  2. We get acquainted with the life of birds. We will find out where they live, what they eat, what are the names of their chicks. We transfer knowledge through a conversation with a child, telling him that there are domestic and wild birds. What benefits do birds bring to a person, how do they live in the forest.
  3. Expanding knowledge about insects. An ant builds an anthill, a bee flies through flowers and collects pollen to make honey, a caterpillar feeds on leaves. The story about insects should be built in a positive way. Parents explain to the baby that all insects are alive, that they have children, that they, like us, breathe, they have their own purpose in the world around them.
  4. We observe natural phenomena (snow, rain, rainbow) and explain their appearance. Why does it rain, where do snowflakes come from.
  5. We study the trees and flowers characteristic of the area where the family lives. When walking in the park, name the trees you see. When you see a flower bed, show your son or daughter some flowers and say what they are called.
  6. We remember the names of fruits, mushrooms, vegetables, berries that we meet in Everyday life. We check if the baby remembers the names, offering to choose a pear or an apple.
  7. We understand the concepts of material, explain what the objects around us are made of (wood, metal, paper, glass, stone).

It is necessary to encourage the curiosity of the crumbs, as far as possible, giving answers to his questions. If the parents cannot explain some phenomenon, it makes sense to promise the child to return to the question later, but not to forget about it.

It will be interesting for the child to learn the names of plants that are found during a walk.

Expanding the range of concepts

The time has come to expand on topics that are understandable to children in a simple way. We give their simplest concepts, without overloading the child's attention with details. Make a summary of future classes for yourself by day in order to strictly follow the plan. What topics to take for classes:

  • shop;
  • doctor, hospital;
  • family;
  • transport;
  • marine world (seas, oceans, ships);
  • railway (trains, rails, driver, wagon);
  • aquarium (fish, life of the underwater world, observation of the inhabitants of the aquarium);
  • city.

We supplement the knowledge of the world with information about a person and his activities, explore the world household appliances Let's get to know the professions. Take the following topics for discussion:

  • Labor activity of a person. We teach to understand what a person is doing: mom sweeps the floor, washes dishes, dad repairs the faucet. We cultivate respect for the work of others.
  • We study man. We teach parts of the body, talk about health and personal hygiene, explain its importance.
  • We introduce home appliances, explaining their purpose. We talk about the correct handling of it, with cutlery, point out the dangers.
  • Let's get to know the professions. We combine the topic with the study of other topics. For example, transport is a driver, a hospital is a doctor.
  • Parents planning to take their child to kindergarten, it is worth preparing him for new circumstances, in a playful way reproducing the situation of parting with his mother, sleeping in another house, getting to know the teacher.

Days of acquaintance with professions are often held in kindergartens and schools, but nothing prevents parents from discussing this issue with the kids earlier

What helps intellectual development?

Our world is multifaceted, it has music and painting, theater and ballet. Art is an important developmental tool for the formation of children's intellectual abilities. The child needs to know and feel:

  • Music. Listen with your treasure to classical works that enlighten the soul and consciousness. Accompany the audition interesting stories, fairy tales. Children love funny children's songs, they memorize the words with pleasure and begin to sing along. Use the Zheleznovs' program, teaching the baby logorhythm, encourage his attempts to dance.
  • Drawing. Arts 2 summer master far from perfect, but these are no longer kalyaki-balyaki. Children at this age are able to consciously draw circles and lines, they make attempts to portray loved ones, themselves. They try to paint over the pictures without going beyond the edges of the image. Take part in the work of a little person, draw a circle and invite him to continue the drawing to make the sun. You can draw a girl and balls above her, let the baby finish the ropes to the balls. Use finger paints for drawing.
  • Role-playing games. A great option for intellectual activities with children. Kids themselves are happy to come up with the plots of such games: they play in the store, treat dolls. Your participation in the action should be minimal, you can pretend to be sick or buy something in the store, but the child has the main role. If there are older children in your family, have them help you teach your brother or sister.

Arrange for children themed weeks dedicated to the study of a particular topic. Fill their spiritual world with music and painting. Constantly engage in a discussion of events and situations occurring around him. Consider the preferences of your child, act gently, without prodding and orders, get your child interested in activities, turning them into a game.

Kids love to play, and in order to spend time not only fun, but also useful, it is better for young parents to choose educational games. After all, while playing, the child easily learns new things. But what games are better to choose for a toddler of two years, we will try to consider in this article.

1. We turn on the light in the windows

The game is quite simple, but at the same time it perfectly develops fine motor skills pens, as well as the thinking of the baby. Show the toddler a house in which some of the windows are painted over, offer to remember which windows are “burning”, then remove the picture. Put a new house in front of the baby, in which all the windows are empty, give him the yellow squares, let him paste it himself, as accurately as possible, to where they should burn.

The difficulty of the game can be increased by adding new floors and additional windows

For this game, you can use the above drawn manual. Cut out cubes with animals and circles, invite the baby to close the windows with animal circles of the corresponding color. And he must stick them as neatly as possible.

At first glance, the game is very simple, but with the help of it you can help your child develop fine motor skills of hands, because at his age it is very difficult to do it accurately. In addition, the kid will learn to sort colors, as well as train logical thinking.

Since at the age of 2 years the child begins the active development of speech, special attention should be paid to exercises and games that will help expand his vocabulary, as well as teach him how to breathe properly. A simple exercise, which will help develop proper breathing, there will be a game of whistles or blowing soap bubbles.

But for a game that helps develop articulation apparatus, develops speech and expands vocabulary, you will need cards with animals.

Together with the baby, look at the animals, tell everything that you yourself know about each animal, talk about what sounds each of them makes. After that, consolidate what you have gone through by showing the cards in turn to the little one and asking about what sounds the animal makes.

4. Ball games

Considering that two-year-olds are very mobile, it is difficult for them to sit still, so do not forget to dilute the lessons with outdoor games, especially since they perfectly develop the eye, teach speed of reaction, dexterity, and develop coordination of movement.

best vaa ball game would be an option. You can create your own game. For example, you can put a box and play with the baby on the score, who will get into the box more times, or offer to kick the ball, who will roll further, or simply leave each other in the hands.

5. Game for the development of memory and attention

The simplest but most effective game for the development of memory and attention is the game "What is missing?". Arrange three or four toys on the table, ask the baby to look at them carefully, and then turn away. Remove one toy and ask the child what is missing? The difficulty of the game can be increased by adding more toys. You can turn the game around, not removing, but adding a toy, and asking what has changed.

6. Game for the development of logic and imagination

For this game you will need a blank sheet, felt-tip pens and various figures of the designer: cubes, rectangles, triangles. Circle each figure with a felt-tip pen, and then put the figures next to the sheet and ask the child to put the figures in their place. The task can be complicated by replacing simple shapes with more complex objects: scissors, a pen, a glass, etc.

In addition, stores sell ready-made similar constructors-cubes. The cube has holes on each side corresponding to a certain figure, the child must choose the right side for the figure and put it inside the cube

7. Counting game

Invite your child to imagine that you are waiting for guests, and for this you need to set the table and spread out the treat. Initially, take no more than three plates. While placing the plates on the table with the baby, count them aloud. Then offer to arrange fruits or sweets on plates, and count them in the same way. You can be sure that the child will quickly remember the score, and besides that, he will learn to understand that you always need to share and not be greedy.

Give your child as much time as possible, talk to him, tell him about everything you see, and then your efforts will not be in vain.

From 2 to 2.5 years

Learning by heart

Toddlers memorize poems very quickly, especially if the words are accompanied by actions. Read the verse and show:

The game develops memory and speech.

And again the ball

Put the baby on the inflatable ball with his tummy and shake, holding the legs.
We lay on the tummy - let's try on the back. Also good!
Now let's sit on the ball. Here's how to jump on it!
For even more fun, sing along:

Cheerful friend, my ball,
Everywhere, everywhere he is with me!
One two three four five.
It's good for me to play with him!

Where are our little balls?You need to put them in a box. Who is faster?

Ball games develop coordination, fine and
gross motor skills, sense of balance, trains
muscles of the whole body.

Look at you!

Tell your baby, "If you have shoes on, jump up."
Help him: show him what needs to be done.
You can think of as many questions as you like.
For example:
"If you have a shirt on, lean forward";
"If you're wearing socks, sit down."

The game develops observation and expands vocabulary

Fly, bird!

Stand facing the baby and take him by the arms. Holding hands, walk in a circle and sing:

“Fly” by spreading your wings and touching various objects.

The game expands vocabulary and develops coordination.

Jump-jump on a horse

Sit the baby on your knees facing you. Hold him firmly by the waist and rock him up and down while singing:

Jump-jump, jump-jump, stop, horse, whoa-o-o-o-o.

(hold baby tightly)

Jump-jump, jump-jump, higher, higher, higher, wow!

(pick up baby)

Jump-jump jump-jump, boom into the hole!

(supporting the baby under the armpit, lower it)

The game cheers up and helps to establish close contact between the baby and adults.

Let's dance again

Take the little one by the handle, walk with him in a circle and sing:

We walk, we walk in a round dance
Before all honest people.
One, two, three - sit down!

Sit on the floor. Then get up and walk around again, singing:

We walk, we walk in a round dance
Before all honest people.
One, two, three - turn!

Spin around in one place and hold hands again:

We walk, we walk in a round dance
Before all honest people.
One, two, three - jump!

You can come up with any actions - clap your hands, squat, do inclinations.

The game develops coordination and spatial

Charging with a ball

Lay the baby on the ball with his back, straighten his legs. Gently rock your baby from side to side
back and forth - 10 times in each direction. Now swing it in the frog pose - also on the back,
but with knees pulled up to the chest. Say:

Here is a frog on the path
Jumping, legs outstretched -
Qua-a-a! Qua-a-a!

Now put the baby on the side: first - on the left, then - on the right. Rock it side to side and back and forth.
Swinging on a ball is very beneficial for general relaxation and spinal training. The kid ceases to be afraid and gets used to trust adults.

Three Bears

Together with the baby, arrange three sets of dishes on the table so that a large spoon lies near a large plate, a medium spoon lies near a medium one, and a small one lies near a small one. Arrange the chairs the same way.
Act out the fairy tale "Three Bears". The father will play the role of the bear Mikhail Potapovich, the mother will play the role of the bear Nastasya Petrovna, and the baby will play the role of a little bear cub.

The game develops the imagination, makes it possible to compare the concepts of "big - small" and cheers up.

The Steadfast Tin Soldier

How does a steadfast tin soldier stand on one leg? Show the baby! Let the baby try to stand on one leg, and at this time you read him a rhyme:

Stay on one leg.
Like you're a solid soldier.
Well, take it easy.
Look, don't fall.
Now stay on the left.
If you are a brave soldier.
Now stay on the right.
If you are a brave soldier.

The game develops coordination, helps to learn to distinguish between the concepts of "right" and "left".

Let's dance!

Sing a song to Anufrieva's verses, and the baby repeats the movements after you:

We kick top-top-top,

(walk around the room, raising your legs high)

And clap, clap, clap!

(clap your hands)

Oh yes kids, oh yes strong men!

We walk along the path

(walk around the room)

And we hit our hands.

(clap your hands)

Top-top, legs, top!

(stomp while standing still)

Clap, clap, pens, clap!


Hey kids!

(circle with hands on waist)

Oh yes, strong ones!

Dancing develops a sense of rhythm, creativity.

Who is walking?

Play with your baby in different animals. How do they walk?
Walk, depicting a camel, that is, slowly
and importantly, throwing forward the legs. Let the baby repeat.
Picture a horse. Great, now let him show.
Show the fox - walk on toes.
Then a clubfoot bear - stomp waddle.
Jump like a bunny - now straight, then to the side.

The game develops creative and physical abilities.

Who doesn't love to dress up?

If the kid does not like to dress up, you need to make this activity fun and exciting.
The rules of the game are quite simple: when dressing the baby, tell him that his arms, legs, tummy, back are playing hide and seek with him.
Putting on socks, say: “Little fingers want to play hide and seek with the baby. Now we put on a sock and see. Exactly, there are no fingers - they hid!
When you need to undress the baby, change the rules: find hidden arms, legs, fingers.

The game develops the imagination and uplifts the mood.

2.5 to 3 years

I can do something

Sing or chant the following verse:

I can do something.
Do something, do something
That's what I can!

Jump up, and the baby follows you.


I can do something.
Do something. do something.
That's what I can!

Clap your hands and the baby will do the same.
Then, while reading this poem, you can squat, run - whatever you want. And the baby is with you!

The game develops coordination, the ability to consistently
perform movements.

Phone conversation

In order to teach your baby to speak, call him on a real phone.
Ask questions that the child could answer at least "yes" and "no".
Ask grandma to call every day and talk to the baby. It will be a real ritual:

“Baby, run to the phone, your grandmother is calling you!”

The game develops speech activity.

There is a goby, swaying ...

Take a well-crafted board 20-25 cm wide and 1.5-2 m long. Put the board with one end on the sofa and the other on the floor - that's the slide for you.
Take the baby by the hand and invite him to climb the board. Help him get down. Gradually, the baby will learn to do it on his own.

The exercise develops coordination, strengthens
leg muscles.

Fifteen Catchers

Tell the baby: “Catch up with me!”, And he will joyfully rush after you. Now run after the baby, clapping your hands and saying: "I'll catch up, I'll catch up!"
Complicate the task: let the baby run on toes. Sing a fun song:

Where are our legs
Where are our legs?
Here, here are our legs!
Our feet are dancing.
Where are our kids.
Where are our bowls?
Here, here are our children.
Our kids are dancing!

The game is very useful for improving posture and preventing flat feet.


In one plastic bottle pour cold water, in the other - cool, in the third - warm, in the fourth - hot. Let your baby touch the bottles:
“You see, the water has different temperatures. Well, compare! Ask them to sort the bottles from coldest to hottest.
Learn to use hot and cold water taps.

The game develops the child's cognitive skills and independence.

Ball, jump!

Throw the ball on the floor or wall and catch it with both hands, saying:

Ball, ball, jump!"

Show how to throw with one or two hands. Read the poem by S. Marshak:

My cheerful, sonorous ball.
Where did you run off to?
Yellow, red, blue -
We won't part with you
I clapped your hand.
You jumped and stomped loudly.
And then you rolled
And did not turn back.
Rolled into the garden.
Ran up to the gate.
Rolled under the gate
Ran to the turn
Got hit by a wheel
Popped, popped, that's all.

Where are our pens?

Read the rhyme to the baby and show what you are talking about.

My hands are gone.
Where are you, my hands? (hands behind back)

Show me again! (show hands)
My ears are gone.
Where are you, my ears? (cover your ears with your palms)
One two three four five -
Show me again! (show your ears)
I lost my eyes.
Where are you, my little eyes? (close your eyes with your palms)
One two three four five -
Show me again! (remove palms from eyes)

The game develops coordination of movements.

Bunny and squirrel

Carrots and nuts cut out of paper (5-6 pieces each) must be smashed to a bunny and a squirrel - toy or painted, but located in different parts of the room; beforehand, you explain (or remind) which of them loves what.
When the kid copes with the task, do not forget to thank him on behalf of the fed animals. In this role, of course, there can be not only bunnies, but also squirrels, hedgehogs, bears, dogs ... The main thing is that the baby remembers and follows your instructions, learns the elementary classification of objects.
