Like a ball of thread and pva glue. We make spider web balloons from threads and glue and decorate the interior

The process of making balls from threads is not at all complicated and does not require much time.

Do-it-yourself balls of thread can be made from multi-colored threads of different textures. It all depends on where in the interior you want to use balls of thread made do it yourself. In addition to balloons, there are great ideas for decorating vases.

To make balls of thread with your own hands, you will need:

  • Threads, I use dense yarn about 2 mm thick;

  • PVA glue - it’s better to buy a large one right away, since you will need a lot of glue for balls of thread with your own hands and at a price a large bottle will come out much more economical (in my case, the glue is in small tubes, as my husband bought :)));
  • Balloons. It is better to take balls of a round or slightly elongated shape, so that it is easier to form an even ball when winding threads;

Let's start making balls of thread with our own hands:

For do-it-yourself balls of thread, you first need to inflate the balls. Inflate the balloons to the size you expect the balloons to be. Then she ties a ponytail tightly so that they do not blow away while the threads dry, and this can happen when the ball is poorly tied. I just tie the balloon tightly with a knot.

Pour some glue into a shallow container. We dip our fingers into the glue and distribute along the thread - 50 centimeters.
Then we begin to form our do-it-yourself ball of thread winding the thread around the ball.

! Do not wind the threads tightly to the “tail” of the ball, otherwise it will be difficult to remove the inflatable ball from the frozen thread frame.

It is not necessary to wind the thread tightly, otherwise the ball will be deformed and the shape will be distorted. The tension can be increased only in order to correct the shape of the ball and give evenness in the right places, for example, where there is a bulge.
We wind the thread in glue on a ball of layers in 7-10, it is not worth it very tightly.

! If, on the contrary, you make too little density when winding the threads around the ball, then it may turn out to be too fragile.

Thread balls look much prettier when they have gaps in them, so they look more airy and original.
Ignore that the threads have changed color due to the glue. PVA glue has an excellent feature and it consists in the fact that when it dries, it becomes transparent. But you shouldn’t overdo it with glue either, so that the ball doesn’t look “snotty” when it dries.

When you decide that you have wound the threads on the ball in sufficient density, cut the thread, moisten it a little stronger tip in glue and stick to the ball.

! We hang the balls by the tail to dry for 12 hours in a dry, warm room.

If you make balls of thread with your own hands on the Christmas Tree, then they should be denser than those balls of thread that you plan to hang under the chandelier.

The balls on the Christmas tree should be noticeable, therefore, the threads should be chosen bright and the balls should be made dense so that they contrast against the background of the Christmas tree and serve you for a single New Year.

Under the chandelier, balls of a more airy texture will look more advantageous, because the light from the lamp will beautifully shine through the holes between the threads.

Balls of thread completed do it yourself, you can beautifully decorate with artificial snow, beads, rhinestones - in general, decorate with everything that your rich imagination sees fit. Decorating balloons is a very exciting activity, but, most likely, women will be interested in them. And, although our magazine is for women, men often look at our pages. Then they may be interested in a purely male hobby, which can be read about in the article "Beauty from wood shavings".

My dear mother-in-law used them like this beautiful composition.

I will tell you about how else you can decorate vases and compose compositions in another article.

Nowadays, homemade soap making is also a very popular hobby - maybe you should try it too?

Do handmade thread balls they will be a great decoration for your home. More information about the New Year's interior decor can be found in the article,

Comfort in the house is an important component of everyday life. A warm atmosphere is often created by small and inconspicuous at first glance details, which in total give that long-awaited feeling of comfort. And comfort is created in the house with their own hands. You can, of course, use the services of a designer. And you can create interesting design with the help of improvised things: glue and thread, giving an original color to the interior of the house. After learning how to make a ball of thread, it's easy.

How to quickly make balls of thread with your own hands?

Hanging thread balls will look beautiful and unobtrusive in the house. They can be made in any color and size. They will harmoniously fit into the interior if they are hung on a cornice or in a chill out corner, decorate the space around the dining table or on the loggia.

In addition, such an interior detail will cost you mere pennies, and the time spent on manufacturing elements will be spent to a minimum. Similar balls are great way decorate the room for the festival as quickly as possible. But not only - it is also easy to make a new lampshade or ceiling lamp for an old and boring chandelier from threads.

Christmas decorations in the form of balls of thread and glue

The quickest and best way to make your family and friends happy with the New Year's atmosphere is to create a snowman, and at the same time - absolutely without snow! So, how to make a snowman out of threads and balls and what is needed for this?

To make it yourself, prepare:

Making a basket:

Making a Christmas snowman decoration with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears, and you can place it anywhere: place it on a Christmas tree, put it on a windowsill, or hang it at the entrance to an apartment. Fast and original decor at no extra cost!

How to quickly make a chandelier from threads and a ball?

In addition to the snowman, you can also update the permanent decor in the house with the help of glue and improvised means. For example, you can make a new chandelier in your bedroom or living room with your own hands.

For this you will need:

So, we make a chandelier:

  1. Inflate the balloon as much as possible. The ceiling will look more spectacular if it turns out to be voluminous and does not get lost against the general background.
  2. Pour some glue into a container.
  3. We thread the needle and drag it through the glue with the entire surface of the fiber.
  4. Tightly wrap the ball with thread.
  5. Let it hang to dry.
  6. We blow off and separate the fragile frame.
  7. We hang the chandelier on the light bulb and, voila, the new lamp is ready!

It is worth noting that such a chandelier can be made not only hinged - such a ceiling looks cozy on a bedside lamp. In addition, ceiling lights with multiple bulbs can also be upgraded in the same way. However, in this case, the plafonds should be small.

However, there are some tips on how to make a chandelier correctly:

How to make a lampshade from threads and a ball?

Many houses still have a good old floor lamp. The light it emits is diffused and warm, but the lampshade is already pretty worn out. Buying a new one is expensive, and it makes no sense. Therefore, the most effective method ennoble an old floor lamp - this is with the help of balloon and glue to create a new lampshade with your own hands.

To do this, you still need a little thick glue, a degreasing agent (you can replace it with petroleum jelly), a large needle, a container and a balloon (but in this case you can use not only a round one, but also a pear-shaped one. And inveterate lovers of romance can take the balloon in heart shape).

To decorate the room for the holiday, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive decor items. You can surprise guests by making original balls of thread and glue with your own hands. Such balls will look very attractive, while you do not have to spend on decorating the room. a large number time and money.

What is required for work

Most of the materials that you will need to make jewelry can be found in the household. Even if you don’t manage to find everything you need at home, then you shouldn’t be upset - all the materials can be bought at the store, and they are inexpensive.

So, for work you will need:

  1. glue;
  2. threads;
  3. air balloons;
  4. cream or vaseline.


An important question is what kind of glue to use for the balls. Special attention should be paid to his choice. PVA or paste is best suited for work. It is not recommended to use ordinary clerical glue, as it will not hold the threads together well.

The easiest and most convenient way is to use pure PVA glue. After drying, it does not leave sloppy marks and does not spoil appearance finished product.

If desired, a paste can be made from PVA glue. To do this, add 50 g of water and 5 tablespoons of sugar to 10 g of glue. When using thick threads, it is recommended to add starch to this mixture - it will make the ball stronger and harder.


To figure out which thread to use for balls of thread, you need to decide what kind of product you want to end up with. If you need small balls, then you can take regular ones. sewing threads or floss. If the balls must be large, then it is best to use a fairly thick yarn.

In the absence of yarn, you can dissolve the old unnecessary sweater.

In order for the threads that have already been used to become even and beautiful, they must be slightly moistened and tightly wound around a book or chair legs. When the yarn is completely dry, you can use it for work.

If you can't find threads desired color, then you can buy a can of paint and paint finished products.


Size balloons must be selected depending on what size your decorative balls from threads. If you want to make them very small, then Balloons can be replaced with ordinary pharmacy fingertips. However, it must be taken into account that after inflation they must have the correct round shape.

Manufacturing process

Before starting work, you should prepare the workplace. If the products will be made on the table, then cover its surface with a film. In case you plan to make balls in a suspended state, you will need to cover the floor under the workplace with a film. Use rubber gloves to protect your hands from the glue.

How to make a ball of thread and glue step by step is described in the following instructions:

  • Pour the glue into a small container. If you prepared it yourself, then make sure that it has a sufficiently liquid, but not too thick consistency - when immersed, the threads should be quickly and well saturated with glue.
  • Depending on what size your balloon, thread and glue craft should be, inflate the balloon to the desired size.
  • Then apply fat cream, petroleum jelly or sunflower oil to the surface of the ball. This will be required so that later the threads are well separated from the surface of the balloon.
  • Now dip the thread into the glue, and then wrap it around the balloon, making a strong knot. After fixing the thread on the ball, start winding it in random order. In the process of work, it is necessary to ensure that the thread is well saturated in glue, otherwise the finished decoration will delaminate.
  • At this stage, many people ask themselves: how to wrap the ball with threads with glue correctly, and how many turns are required? The more layers you wind, the stronger your product will be. If there is too little thread, the ball will eventually not hold its shape and will deform.
  • When you wrap enough layers on the base ball, you can send the product to dry. To do this, simply hang it by a thread, after laying a large oilcloth under the bottom. Complete drying time depends on the room temperature. On average, drying takes 1-2 days. It is important that the glue dries well and hardens.

When the product is completely dry and hard, carefully remove the balloon. To do this, it must be untied and blown away. If desired, simply pierce it with a needle.

To separate the deflated balloon from the threads, use a pencil with an eraser on the end.

It is necessary to take out the ball as carefully as possible so as not to damage the finished decoration. If the threads have shifted, then you can just gently move them into place.

Products from threads, glue and a balloon can be made more in a simple way. To do this, you need to wind a dry thread around the ball, and then grease its entire surface with glue using a brush. The advantage of this method is that you do not need to get your hands dirty in glue. But when working with a large ball, dry threads can constantly slip off. So if you're thinking how to do big ball from threads, it is better to use the “wet” method.

Exists original way winding the ball with thread. The whole point is that you leave your hands clean. You will learn all this from the video:

Decoration methods

Of course, balls of threads are very beautiful in themselves. But if you stick beads, beads, feathers or ribbon bows on their surface, you will get real designer jewelry that will become a highlight in the design of a festive interior. For gluing decorative elements, you can use.

It is impossible to sew beads and beads to the surface of home-made balls - fragile products are quickly deformed from such manipulations.

You can think of how to decorate a ball of threads on your own, based on the available decorative elements, as well as your imagination. For example, to create the effect of snow, simply soak the surface of your balls with glue, and then roll them in semolina or powdered sugar. Then you can sprinkle the balls with glitter spray and send them to the Christmas tree.


What can strings be used for? The answer, it would seem, is very simple - for sewing, embroidery, darning or knitting. And who would have guessed that threads could turn out original jewelry for interior and toys? However, if you approach the matter with fantasy, then home master all on the shoulder!

Before you start creating, you need to consider that there are two important principles for working with threads when making toys from them.

The first rule says that to create volume from threads, you will have to use some kind of base, for example, a balloon, a cork or a wire frame. On the basis of the desired shape, certain threads or twine are wound, and so the future object takes on the required shape. After drying, the toy can be decorated as you wish.

The second rule is a little easier. When creating thread toys, fluffy pompoms are indispensable. They are also used as a basis for a toy, when pompoms are glued together to create the desired shape and volume, and can also be used for decoration, for example, to imitate hair or fur on a toy.

Further, from intelligible master classes, you can learn simple, but very effective ideas for creating toys from threads using different frames. One has only to try, and a new hobby will surely captivate both parents and children.

DIY balls of thread

For the first time, descriptions of such Christmas toys appeared in the difficult 90s, when to find spectacular decorations The store didn't always work. Then the balls were forgotten, and today such handmade toys are back in fashion. At the same time, the use of balls has expanded, which today are used not only as christmas decoration. There are very interesting ideas more complex toys and even interior items from air structures obtained by winding threads around a balloon.

Materials and tools

  • Threads
  • PVA glue;
  • Non-greasy cream, for example, massage or hand;
  • Scissors;
  • Balloons of various shapes;
  • Darning needle;
  • Some cotton wool or cosmetic cotton pads;
  • Brush.

Manufacturing procedure

For the manufacture of christmas decoration The balloon is inflated until the diameter is approximately 10 cm and tied tightly to prevent air from escaping.

Using a cotton swab, the cream is carefully applied to the entire surface of the ball, making sure that it covers the form with an even layer. This technique will subsequently allow you to quickly remove the form from the thread ball without problems with peeling off. This is especially important if a thread with a pronounced hairiness is chosen for the toy, from which it is not always easy to separate the balloon.

The thread from which the toy is to be created is pre-impregnated with glue. It is better to do this when the threads are wound into a loose ball, which can be completely immersed for some time in a container with an adhesive. You can not soak all the threads at once, but do it gradually when making jewelry. To do this, two through holes are made in a container with glue, through which a darning needle is passed with a thread threaded into it. Passing through the glue inside the vessel, the thread will be impregnated, which means it will be prepared for winding.

Now you can remove the needle from the thread and proceed to the main stage. You can start wrapping the ball from anywhere, but it is more convenient to fix the tip of the thread on the tail of the ball so that it does not slip off and you would not have to start all over again. The thread should be wound in chaotic circles, while making sure that one turn intercepts the previous layers.

At this stage, the help of a second person may be required to hold the glue and help the thread to be pulled evenly. A child can easily cope with this activity, the main thing is that at the same time parents worry about the apron for the baby, which can get dirty when working with glue.

The density with which the thread is wound is determined by the master himself and the purpose of the future ball. However, if you want to make the ball as openwork as possible, you should not lay the thread too rarely, because this will affect the strength of the structure. Frequent winding provides a dense filament cocoon.

When the required amount of thread is reached, you need to generously lubricate the end of the thread with adhesives and hide it under the wound layer. After that, it is checked whether the adhesive layer is sufficient everywhere, and additionally smeared with glue with a brush.

When the work is completed, the ball can be hung to dry, and so that the process goes evenly and the balloon does not release air, it is better to dry the toy away from heaters. On average, it takes about a day to dry, but when the workpiece finally hardens, you can get a balloon out of it. To do this, they either pierce it, so that they can then get it through the holes in the threads, or, having untied it, gently release the air.

Decorating a ball of thread

From such a workpiece, an original Christmas tree decoration. To do this, you need to either cover the ball with a layer of glitter, putting it on a small layer of glue, or decorate it with thematic applications, sequins or beads. You can use a stencil to apply drawings to the balls or cover future toy aerosol red or decorative, for example, gold, varnish.

There are countless decor options, and using different techniques, you can make decorations in the same style for the entire Christmas tree, while one toy will differ from the other, creating a unique christmas decor interior.

If you carefully cut through the ball with a clerical knife, then you can turn the blanks into amazingly openwork airy flowers, as if they came out of a fairy tale. To do this, without deforming the thread ball, it is cut, as shown in the illustration, and one petal after another is carefully bent one by one. Such buds can become spectacular lilies of the valley, lilies or tulips - it all depends on the imagination and desire of the craftswoman!

If you dream up a little more and, for example, attach fins and an elegant tail made of gold paper with transparent instant glue to a spherical blank, then the magic Goldfish will visit the house.

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


How to make a ball of thread, many of us know from school lessons labor training in primary school. With the help of such a thread ball, you can decorate any room, bringing a touch of originality and warmth to it. In addition, a do-it-yourself and unusually decorated thread ball can become great gift to your relatives and friends. That is why your favorite site useful tips the site will tell you about how to make a ball of thread with your own hands.

So, to make the original thread ball you will need:

  • threads - give preference to natural ones, for example, cotton or viscose, which absorb glue well;
  • a thick long needle, which is also called a gypsy needle;
  • a jar of PVA glue;
  • balloons;
  • wipes for wiping excess glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

First blow up the balloons. Inflate them in the size you want your thread balls to be in the future. You can make balls of different sizes, depending on how you plan to decorate them in the future.

Thread the thread into the needle. Poke a tube of glue with a needle and thread. The thread, passing through the glue, will be impregnated with it. Now you can remove the needle, we won't need it anymore.

Each balloon should now be wrapped with a thread impregnated with PVA glue. Try to keep it snug against the surface of the ball. Wrap tight, use more thread, don't skimp. When you wind the last layers of the thread, into the thread, already at the exit of the jar of glue, you can wind the beads that will add originality to your ball. But leave this step to your discretion.

After all the threads are wound on all the balls, the most difficult thing remains - wait until the glue dries. It is best to make such blanks of balls in the evening, then you can go to bed with peace of mind, and in the morning the blanks of balls will have time to dry completely, and you can proceed to the next step of the instruction.

Use a needle to burst the balloons, and carefully remove their remnants through the hole in the thread ball. If you want to use the balloon again, then simply untie the thread that tightened the inflatable hole, deflate the air and carefully remove the deflated balloon. Gossamer balls are ready. Now you can decorate them to your taste and decorate your room with them.
