How can you affectionately call a guy: a list of original nicknames. How to affectionately call a guy - unusual cute nicknames How to affectionately refer to a man, a guy by his name: a list of diminutive names for a man

Any relationship requires a lot of work. This is especially true for a newly created couple, which is still looking for its common ground, in some way inferior or not to its partner. Very important point any relationship is how people call each other. And for many inexperienced girls, the question may arise: how can you affectionately call your boyfriend so that he likes it.


The most common version of affectionate words is the names of animals. Many are indignant: well, it’s like a zoo, there are cats, bunnies, bears and penguins. Despite all the outrage, these are the most common and pleasant words to hear, so this is a great option for how you can affectionately call your boyfriend.

Very often the word "sun" is used as a gentle nickname. Why not, that means this person simply illuminates the life of his partner. You can also say to your beloved: you are my planet, my cosmos or my universe. The guy will be very pleased to hear that.

When choosing a phrase, how you can affectionately call your boyfriend, you should not bypass the nicknames - syusyuki. So, many people like it when they are called babies, paws, pupusiks or manyusiks. If you want to call your boyfriend so much, you need to think about whether he will like such a nickname, because if a guy vertically challenged, he may have certain complexes: the word "Manyusik" can simply offend him.


When choosing how you can affectionately call your boyfriend, you should pay attention to his person and look for some features there. So, the nickname Handsome, Hercules, Sexy Boy, etc. can be an excellent way out of the situation. A word that will only emphasize the feature that distinguishes it.

Pleasant words

In case of choosing one, a list of such words is a great helper. So, you can pick up just nice words and translate them into a person. For example, many guys will like the following appeals: my dear, my boy, my happiness, my treasure. Suitable and such a warm, reliable, necessary.

Something of my own

It often happens that a couple picks up non-standard affectionate nicknames for each other, sometimes calling their soul mate simply with fictitious or combined words.


You can especially not bother and call the guy a diminutive on his behalf. Not so few in the world of Sashun, Dimchikov and Olezhek.

You can also connect humor and call the guy a funny nickname. However, it is worth making sure that it will not offend a person. So, you can call your beloved a little one, a teletubby, a salad, etc.

You can also try to call your boyfriend the way he calls his soul mate. So, if a guy says “beloved”, you can answer “beloved”, if “pussy” - “kitten”, etc. There is nothing to worry about, because a real couple always mirrors each other's words and actions.

You can choose any nickname for your boyfriend and call him in different ways affectionately. Just don’t think too much about what affectionate words to say to a guy, everything should come from the heart, phrases should be sincere and desirable. Only then will there be harmony in the pair, and it will not be strained, but natural.

There are a few general rules that work with almost every man. The first is not a "zai" partner. This is such a hackneyed nickname that calling your “zaya” in the store will make ninety-nine out of a hundred men turn around. But yours is the one and only. Therefore, the popular nickname is not for him.

The second rule - do not use the intimate name of a man in public. What you call him in bed should remain between you. Because you can really embarrass your loved one and undermine his authority among friends or subordinates by publicly calling him a "jump" or "curly". The third rule - most men do not like it if the chosen one calls them by their last name. They prefer a name or an original affectionate nickname.

Nicknames derived from English words are currently very popular - “darling” (expensive), “strong” (strong), “smile” (smile), etc.

How to call a loved one - a choice with her husband

The easiest way to find out what name or nickname your partner likes is by asking him about it. Usually men do not hide their desires. He may ask to be called by his first name, with a diminutive suffix (Andryushenka, Serezhenka, Alyoshenka, etc.), or he will say that he prefers a simple abbreviation (Yura, Sasha, Misha, etc.).

Men with fantasy can choose the original pseudonym. For example, some ask that their loved ones call them “diamond”, “apollo”, “batman”, etc., that is, various nicknames that would emphasize their excellent qualities. Others love - "beloved", "dear", "the best", "wonderful", etc. They express the attitude of a woman to a partner and significantly raise his self-esteem.

In the lips of a beloved woman, even the most ridiculous nickname sounds affectionately. But if a man is not sure of his feelings, then any will become unpleasant for him.

A nickname for a loved one is not a constant, but a variable

Even the most affectionate or praising nickname can bore both a man and a woman. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about if affectionate names change from time to time. Usually this happens by itself. After a funny incident, another nickname often sticks to a man. The only thing you should not distort is the real name. Men get very used to how their wives cut it. And if suddenly the chosen one began to speak instead of “Andryusha” - “Andrey”, this will lead to the idea that something went wrong. The partner will look for the reason in himself, think about what he was guilty of, etc. This will lead to a showdown, a scandal may even break out from scratch.


  • what my lover calls me

Each lady has her own affectionate nicknames for her beloved. The most common are: "bunny", "cat", "baby", "sun". A kind word is not only pleasant for a cat, but even for a brutal creature. But it is impossible for all men on earth to be "seals" or "bunnies", because not everyone likes such an appeal.


Erudition is the depth and breadth of knowledge that arises as a result of education and comprehension various sources. The erudite is capable of critical conclusions using deductive logic, and seeks to constantly expand his intellectual horizon.


People who are called gurus in many countries of the world not only have the deepest knowledge, but also carry a colossal experience, which they readily and joyfully share with everyone. They not only convey information, but also guide the questioner on the right path. They not only offer people their knowledge, but create a whole system of transferring knowledge and experience.

And the real sages, who really know everything, they are not called anything, because they modestly declare themselves: "I know that I know nothing." Maybe close friends of the baby. - consciousness ("ego") - a conscious part of the psyche;
- superconsciousness ("superego") - social prohibitions and norms of behavior that take the form of conscience in the mind.

Freud explained the desire to stand out as the sublimation of the desire of the subconscious to destroy. That is, the desire to destroy inherent in the depths of the id (social foundations, the authority of parents, one's own body), encountering the prohibitions of the superego, which do not allow one to openly show one's aggressiveness, with the help of the ego (consciousness), seeking to find a balance between desires and possibilities, is replaced by the need to show their own "dissimilarity" to others.

Whatever scientists try to explain the need to be different from others, it allows all people to be individual and independent in their actions, appearance, and behavior. It makes life diverse, filled with various aspects and events. Satisfying such a desire in oneself, a person becomes happier, reaching new peaks in self-development, creating harmony with oneself, gaining invaluable life experience.

Outgoing person

There are sincere and benevolent people by nature, and in some cases the presence of these qualities requires professional duty. Some achieve aerobatics in communication, are able to be polite and friendly, even despite rudeness. Typically, such a positive attitude is found among service professionals and is a preferred characteristic for this job. When a consultant treats each client as a good friend or a long-awaited guest, the buyer has a pleasant impression and a desire to visit the store again. But these are just the requirements of modern business, and as they say, there is “nothing personal” here. However, there are also friendly people in everyday life. They greet an unfamiliar passer-by with a smile, show attention and respect in casual communication, and are ready to help. For example, let's take driver's solidarity. In an unforeseen situation on the road, there will definitely be a kind person, which will disinterestedly help solve the problem with the car. Friendly people are naturally optimistic, they try to pay attention to the good first and treat all people positively.

naive person

The second category of people who can like everything is the opposite, and it includes naive personalities. Of course, they are sincere in their sympathy, but it is more based not on a good attitude, but on a naive desire to see only good in people. This attitude very often harms them. Fraudsters and swindlers are happy to use someone else's naivety, who, rubbing themselves into trust, make their own capital. To avoid unpleasant situations, you need to deal with excessive trust and abandon the idea that only good and kind people inhabit the world.


You can pretend to express sympathy for everyone around you in order to please everyone and create an image of a good-natured person. This is usually what sycophants do. If a person is by nature prone to pretense and is looking for an opportunity to benefit from any situation, he likes everything without exception. The only requirement is to receive something in return. The toady is ready to compliment, praise everyone and respond well. When the situation is no longer of interest, he will simply forget about the existence of those whom he admired.

All people cannot be equally liked, since each person has his own preferences. Someone will be an interesting interlocutor and a cheerful person, while someone will prefer communication with a serious one. Separately, one can single out such a positive character trait as friendliness. It is always a pleasure to deal with friendly people, and being in the company of a friendly person, one gets the impression that he likes absolutely everything.

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How can you call a beloved man, a guy affectionately.

Most often, lovers in everyday life use the most neutral simple words addressing a loved one. The moments when affectionate and tender nicknames become appropriate come after the couple is left alone. From this article, you can draw on options for unusual and original affectionate words for your beloved man, spouse, so that he wants to hear these words from you every day.

Like men, guys like to be affectionately called: affectionate nicknames for beloved men, guys - list

Girls and women are simply related to the idea that only for them are they invented and pronounced beautiful words and compliments. However, this is not at all the case. Young men and men also want to hear affectionate words. Therefore, information on how to affectionately and originally call your man can be relevant for ladies in love. For example, in moments of pleasant communication, when tender feelings overwhelm and there is a desire to express it in words.

Tender words that lovers give each other are simply necessary in communication. After all, with their help, "cooing doves" emphasize their special relationship to the second half. Cavaliers, as well as ladies, do not remain indifferent when they are addressed affectionately, pronouncing the words appropriately and in a tone suitable for tenderness.

Like men, guys like to be called affectionately.

From this section, you will learn what affectionate words will be appropriate in various situations: in the presence of strangers, in the company of friends, when all words will remain secret from strangers.

How can you call a loved one in the presence of strangers:

  • Cute
  • Darling
  • Expensive
  • My good
  • Native
  • The sun is mine

These are well-known tendernesses that will be appropriate among friends and acquaintances. Lovers will thereby demonstrate a tender and romantic relationship, which is still under a veil of secrecy. You can attach to each nice words the pronoun "my" to emphasize the closeness of the relationship. Psychologists recommend that lovers use such words more often.

What to use tender words-associations

Some couples in love get into the habit of using diminutive words or phrases when communicating with each other. We offer to add to the list of affectionate words already known to you, which you still do not dare to pronounce in communication with your loved one.

If the words are intended for a man, then it is better to dwell on options that remind us of a beautiful, strong and sweet representative of the animal kingdom. Taboo on offensive nicknames! The gentleman is unlikely to be happy to hear from you a playful comparison with a goat or a ram.

What association words to use when calling affectionately beloved man

List of tenderness for a loved one:

  • Teddy bear, teddy bear
  • cat, kitten, kitty
  • lion, lion cub, lion cub
  • Tiger, tiger cub
  • Zai, bunny

Many other words could be added to this list. For example, to incline or change them, replace them with close ones in meaning. You can whisper in the ear of your beloved such affectionate nicknames as Drakosha, Hare-Cat, Crocodile. Tell your loved one what he likes best, but do not try to use affectionate nicknames at home in a circle of colleagues, strangers.

Home affectionate nicknames for a loved one

  • Calling your soulmate a nickname in which you put all your tenderness in the presence of friends and relatives is not forbidden. Any nicknames and phrases you come up with will be appropriate here. The main thing is that your loved one adequately perceives such tenderness.
  • Come up with something different every time. If all the options have already been said, then we have compiled a whole list of clue words for you.

List of cute and homely nicknames for a loved one:

  • Fluffy
  • Sun
  • Baby
  • My hero
  • My treasure
  • My joy
  • naughty
  • My Baby
  • Gingerbread (Gingerbread)
  • Angel
  • my happiness
  • Simpot
  • Sweet peach
  • Beloved
  • owlet
  • cute

List of cute and pet nicknames for a loved one

Experts in the field of psychology say that the sound of one's own name for each person is the most pleasant sound to his hearing. Men are no exception. They are also pleased to hear how their native name sounds from the lips of other people, and especially if this name is pronounced by the second half. If you want to win the favor of a man, then often call him by name.

You can pronounce the name of your loved one in different ways. For example, Denis is called Denya, Deniska, Denisik, Denisochka. Sergei can be called Serzhik, Serenky, and Vitaly - Vitasik. Having traced the complete analogy with the name of the guy, and naming him in a special way, you will emphasize your warm attitude towards him.

Here are other options for affectionate names:

  • Sashenka, Sashunya, Sanechka, Sasa, Alex, Shunya, Sashpunechka, Shunchik
  • Alyoshenka, Alyusechka, Alex, Alyusya, Lesik, Leshechka, Alyoshechka
  • Andryushechka, Andrew, Andrey, Dronchik, Dragon, Dyusha
  • Anton - Tosha, Toshechka, Tonchik, Antonio
  • Artyom - Artyusha, Tyoma, Tyomchik, Temusha, Temusik
  • Boris - Borik, Boryusik, Boryusechka, Boryunchik, Borisovichok, Barberry
  • Valery - Roller, Valerychek, Valerushechka
  • Vasily - Vasik, Vasyatka, Cornflower
  • Viktor - Vityusha, Vitik, Viktavusik, Vitechka, Lyunchik
  • Vladimir - Vovanchik, Volanchik, Vladimirchik, Vovashechka, Vovatrushka
  • Vitaly - Vitasik, Tasik, Talik, Vitality, Vitusik, Vitaliander, Vitalyueshkin, Vintik, Curl
  • Gennady - Genchik, Genyusha, Genius, Crocodile
  • Danila - Danchik, Nilchik, Danyusha
  • Dmitry - Dimik, Dimenok, Dimuski, Dimasik, Demon
  • Eugene - Zhenchik, Evgenchik, Ginseng.
  • Ivan - Ivanchik, Ivashka, Vanyok, Vanchik, Ivanyushka.
  • Igor - Garik, Igoryusha, Goryushunchik
  • Cyril - Kira, Kirchik, Kiryusik
  • Maxim - Maksik, Maksyunchik, Maksemigliano
  • Mikhail - Mishka, Mishutka, Mishanya, Mishechka
  • Nikolay - Nikola, Nikolchik, Kolik, Kolyunya, Nikolasha
  • Oleg - Olezhek, Olezhka, Olegusya
  • Pavel - Pashka, Nahan, Pashulya, Pashechka
  • Roma - Chamomile, Romunchik, Romik, Romeo
  • Ruslan – Ruslik, Ruslanchik, Ruso
  • Sergey - Sergunya, Sergunchik, Serenya, Serge
  • Timur - Tim, Timka Timurchik, Timuryonok, Mumu
  • Fedor - Fedyunya, Fenya, Fe, Fefa
  • Yuri - Yurochka, Yurik, Yurasik, Yur

If your soulmate has outstanding abilities in cooking various goodies, in repairs, then words invented in this topic will do as praise. You can also note the strength of your lover, his appearance, unusual haircut or manner of speaking.

Here is a list of suitable nicknames:

  • My strongman
  • Sexual
  • Desired
  • Superman
  • Sweet
  • golden
  • Precious mine
  • sweet tooth
  • The only one

Just uttering a tender nickname is not enough for a man to feel your warm feelings. Try to hug your loved one, kiss. Such tenderness is especially needed for men who are embarrassed by their appearance or complex. Cute nicknames will help them believe in themselves and make sure of your sincerity.

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How to affectionately call a man, a guy who really likes: a list of words, adjectives

  • Coming up with an affectionate nickname for the man you like is not an easy task. Especially if he only guesses about your feelings.
  • Choose the most neutral affectionate words. Emphasize his special mindset, logical thinking, masculinity, gallantry. Every man, deep down, considers himself the standard of courage and is sure that he possesses these qualities.

Here is a list of nicknames for a loved one who has bad habits:

  • smoking room
  • Forgetfulness
  • Socks
  • teletubby

And so you can call a man who is very attached to something:

  • Discoverer
  • Sea storm
  • Pencil
  • salad
  • pancake
  • bar
  • My Schumacher

List of nicknames for a man who has bad habits

How to affectionately call a man, a guy at the beginning of a relationship, so that he likes it?

  • Men need regular encouragement and admiring glances from their lovers just as ladies need endless compliments. This is a kind of necessary emotional support.
  • Being one of the most-most for your beloved is as important as for a lady to hear about her unearthly beauty, catch enthusiastic glances of men.
  • An affectionate home nickname at the beginning of a relationship can be compared to taking vitamins, where the main thing is not to overdo it.
  • When thinking about how you can affectionately name a guy or a man at the beginning of a relationship, do not try to introduce complex phrases into your speech that will sound unnatural, and sometimes even fake. By doing this, you will only push the chosen one away from you.
  • Use simple words for praise, adding something gentle and understandable to both of you. You can compare the beloved man with the hero of the film, with a fairy tale character that he really likes.
  • You are the best
  • You are my strongest and most fearless
  • You are my only, most beloved in the world
  • There is no one better than you
  • My sweetest romantic
  • What are you sexy and tireless
  • I'm crazy about your kisses, touches
  • Only with you I feel good and comfortable
  • I think about you all the time, all day

A kind word at the beginning of a relationship can be compared to taking vitamins. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it.

How can you call a beloved man, a guy affectionately: a list of words, adjectives

tenderness has special property: after you say them to your loved one, he turns into a handsome prince. Therefore, do not wait for the holidays to say warm words to your beloved.

If you all don’t know what to call your soul mate, then use the examples below of words that caress a man’s ear and pride.

List of adjectives:

  • strong, caring, sincere
  • smart, desirable, witty
  • priceless, chic, kind
  • extravagant, expensive, incredible
  • extraordinary, sexy, masculine

How can you call a beloved man, a guy affectionately

How can you call your boyfriend, a man affectionately and funny, funny: a list of words

  • Lovers whose relationship is long and strong can use any stupid and funny nicknames that both like in communication. The main thing is that an unusual and funny nickname does not sound offensive or stupid.
  • From an unsuccessful joke, even if it’s funny, the gentleman’s mood and desire to continue the conversation in the same joking tone can deteriorate for a long time.

Here is a list of humorous nicknames for a loved one:

  • Sweeties
  • fat belly
  • bald
  • pepper
  • Elephant Dump
  • Sonya
  • Peach
  • Angel
  • Sexy
  • Donut
  • baby doll
  • Dandelion
  • Baby elephant
  • Puzatik
  • Donkey
  • baby
  • Sharik - Smesharik
  • glutton

List of humorous nicknames for a loved one

How can you call your boyfriend, a man affectionately and unusually: a list of words

Here is a list of unusual affectionate household nicknames for a man:

  • Toon
  • Diamond
  • Brilliant
  • hood
  • Lapulka
  • Lover
  • Dolphin
  • lovebird
  • key

List of unusual affectionate household nicknames for a man

Video: What does your Loved One want to hear? Sweet words

How can you call your boyfriend, a man affectionately and originally: a list of words

For strong and courageous men who make serious and responsible decisions, affectionate words from their beloved are like a life-giving balm for the soul! It is worth demonstrating your feelings with gentle, affectionate words, and a respectable man will turn into a complaisant, kind and understanding one, and a giant and strong man will feel like a kitten next to you, comfortably nestled on the master's pillow.

Affectionate and original words for the beloved:

  • Appetizing
  • Insane
  • Hot
  • Magic
  • Delightful
  • The only one
  • Desired
  • Sultry
  • Gold
  • Exceptional
  • Beloved
  • Extravagant

By writing down contacts in your mobile, you unconsciously show your attitude towards a person whose number is encrypted with a first and last name. Writing on your phone becomes a litmus test of your true feelings. As soon as the degree of your love reaches a maximum, the name of the second half in the phone changes in the cute direction.

How to record a beloved man on the phone? See examples below:

  • Angel
  • King
  • cat
  • Bear
  • clear moon
  • Man of dreams
  • My Lord
  • Cowboy
  • sexbomb
  • The only one
  • Beloved husband
  • Milenysh
  • Defender
  • Handsome
  • Murzik

In the phone, you can record the contact of a loved one under his name. Just use the usual home version.

How to spell a guy, a man on the phone affectionately: a list of words

Write down in a special way the name of your beloved in the phone. Then, having accidentally seen this entry, your man will be pleasantly surprised.


  • Do not use animal diminutives (hare, rabbit, boar)
  • You can highlight the name of a loved one in the contact list by writing it in Latin letters.

Appeal to the guy affectionately

  • You should not think that for a man the main thing in a woman is her appearance, her ability to present herself. Representatives of the stronger sex appreciate the manifestation of care and tenderness.
  • Sweet words in that case it will help you a lot. They are capable of many things: they create a mood, connect people. Therefore, more often use various cute words in everyday communication and do not skimp on diminutive suffixes.

Here is a list of the most appropriate affectionate appeals to a guy, a man:

  • My boy
  • cucumber
  • Joy
  • Charming
  • Toadstool (if you quarreled)
  • My half
  • Donut
  • Gingerbread
  • Pupsichek
  • My native person
  • my light
  • cream
  • Treasure
  • my destiny
  • my happiness
  • Typhoon
  • hard work
  • Hurricane
  • Chereshenka
  • Imp

Appeal to the guy affectionately

How to gently wake up a guy?

Sleeping like a baby, a guy who was not awakened by an alarm clock, you can try to bring him to combat readiness gentle phrases and affectionate words. Tell him, for example, “Get up, Sonya! Morning has already come!

List of words and phrases that you can gently wake up your loved one:

  • Unusual
  • Incomparable
  • Sugar
  • Light
  • Honey
  • Stunning
  • Solar
  • Amazing
  • Fantastic
  • Wonderful

How to call a guy affectionately in English?

If you communicate with your loved one in English, or both learn this language, then you can call each other affectionate English words. It will definitely be perceived unusually and easily remembered.

Here is a list of the most commonly used words:

  • Darling
  • Honey
  • sweetie
  • honey bunny

Video: How to affectionately call a man?

Many young people who are in a romantic relationship with each other come up with affectionate nicknames for their half. Some of them are popular, while others are known only in a particular pair. Many girls do not want to repeat some banal or common names, so they try to come up with something of their own. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to some nuances, such as the correctness and appropriateness of the expression, in order to please your man, and not offend, insult or anger him.

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What phrases may seem inappropriate to a man?

Before assigning a young man some nickname, it is worth considering whether he will be offended and whether such a sign will be pleasant to him. The name should not be used if it:

  • Points out weaknesses young man. A man is able to perceive such a gesture on the part of a girl as an ironic mockery.
  • Reminds the guy of his complexes or is able to develop them. In no case should an affectionate name be associated with human shortcomings, even in a comic form. For example, you do not need to invent nicknames related to the height, physique, facial features or other external features of the partner.
  • The young man doesn't like it. Not all men like it when they communicate with them in a diminutive form. If this annoys the guy, then you should not specifically bring him to emotions. This will not bring pleasure to him or his partner. In this case, you should call the young man an affectionate nickname formed on his behalf, or come up with something individual, related to a particular situation, which only he will definitely like.

It is important that the nickname invented for the partner expresses the tender feelings of the girl for her man. A young man, hearing these words, should feel the woman's warm attitude towards him.

Some phrases may hurt a man or seem unpleasant:

  • A nickname previously used in a relationship with another person can offend a guy, especially if he knows that the name was also used for another man.
  • In order for a guy to like the way a girl treats him, you should not overdo it with nicknames at the very beginning of a relationship. Sometimes you should address by name or use standard expressions - "beloved", "dear" and the like.

It is important to remember that sweet and gentle words addressed to a man should not cause him discomfort. If the couple is in the circle of mutual acquaintances and the guy is ashamed when the girl addresses him in a form that is familiar only to them, then you should call him by name. In most cases, the environment should be appropriate. That is, in a circle unfamiliar people original titles, invented by a couple for each other, it is advisable not to use.

Compliments to a man

What should you pay attention to when choosing a nickname?

The choice of words for an adult and mature man should be approached more responsibly. Not every partner will be happy with the nickname assigned to him. In such cases, it is desirable to use some well-known names. For example: "sun", "native", "beloved", "dear" and the like.

When choosing an affectionate name for your young man, it is important to pay attention to his personality. If the partner has some skills, interests, specific hobbies, then you can associate the nickname with this. The nickname can be gentle, cute, funny or sexy. Do not invent words that carry something ironic or sarcastic.

A beloved man or husband can be called so that the nickname carries something that is known only in a couple. This may be some kind of general joke, a reference to the situation that happened, or an image known to the partner. Often girls use comparisons with animals, using diminutive suffixes - "fish", "hare", "kitty" and the like. These can be both well-known names, and those that the woman came up with herself.

You can start from how a young man calls his girlfriend, and use a similar nickname that reflects the essence of the first.

List of affectionate words

If you want to somehow affectionately call a guy, then you can use the well-known nicknames from this list, common in many couples:

  • Suffixal nicknames derived from the names of animals. The most famous of them are "cat" and "bunny". You can come up with something similar using the same principle.
  • Words indicating the value of a young man and a girl's love for him. Examples are "gold", "treasure", "my fate", "happiness", "sun".
  • Changed names. If the guy's name is Oleg, then you can call him Olezha or Olezhka, Timur - Timka, Yuri - Yurchik or Yurochka. Other names are converted in the same way.

Even in ancient times, healers and scientists noted that the word has magic power. Not for nothing, and now among the people there is an expression "the word can heal as well as kill."

And the one who can choose the right words correctly and in time, achieves the location of any people. This way of conquering the minds and souls of women is mainly aimed at men. However, do not be mistaken - sweet speeches are to the liking of the representatives of the strong half of humanity.

How to affectionately call a man?

"Affectionate word and the cat is pleased." And even more so for a man. Affectionate words make no less impression on them than on a woman. But the most important thing here is to feel what, when and how exactly to say. It turns out a quiz. And the super prize in it will be to achieve location, as well as the attention and tenderness of a loved one.

Or, for example, to spur your man to some action, just some kind word or compliment will help. And here you need to know the chosen one from different angles. Compliments are a very personal thing: what may please one person may not be to the taste of another.

How not to call a man?

Before you figure out how to affectionately call your beloved guy, you should take a closer look at him. The other half needs to be explored. It happens that a man who is strong in physique, who resembles an impenetrable mountain, has a "flower" in his soul, who simply needs affection. It is quite possible to give such a person such nicknames as "baby", "baby", "bunny", "lapula" and the like. Be sure, if you have chosen the right word, then your beloved will simply be thrilled by such an appeal.

The giant seems to endure, however, some still do not understand where exactly such a nickname came from. And why is it named after him. If the excitement grows, you can calmly tell the man why you call him one way or another.

For example, if you feel a surge of emotions from his strength and power, melt around him and feel protected, like Small child who hugs his favorite toy. He, in turn, is also confident in the strong impression that he makes on others due to his appearance. With such men, as a rule, there are no problems.

But if your beloved, the so-called connoisseur of "scientific and botanical" activities, then you should be more careful with diminutive names. In such men, self-esteem is not as high as that of giant guys. It will be more pleasant for such representatives of the stronger sex to hear in their address such nicknames as “lion”, “my male”, “my support” and something like that.

What is the name of your favorite guy?

Sometimes a cocktail of nicknames and compliments can be diluted with various tendernesses. For example, sometimes you can call your man “my treasure”, “dear”, “my affectionate”, “my good”, “my boy”. It is not forbidden to play with words here, use the word "most" with a wide variety of adjectives and nouns. "The most reliable, necessary, gentle ...". Here it is better to spend a little time writing down all kinds of phrases that come to your mind on paper. From the resulting list, select the most suitable ones, copy them into a clean copy, and do not spare the rest and destroy them! From the final version, also weed out the most controversial options, and feel free to use the rest!

How to communicate with a man

And remember, it’s not enough to come up with good nicknames and diminutive names. The main thing is to use them in the right place and at the right time. For example, if you call your chosen one "my sun" gently in your ear, then such an appeal can produce the effect of an exploding bomb. After that, the man will forget about all his grievances and all the problems. This fact is confirmed by young people themselves.

However, sometimes some ladies do not need to rack their brains over a good nickname. Sometimes men prefer to just be "nice" or "loved". But this, for example, at an official meeting. But here in private it is worth calling it not so corny. You can come up with a name that no one else is called. For example, as a cute little animal or a fantastic hero.

By the way, a man can perceive nicknames as a kind of compliment. A skillful compliment is already a subtle science from the field of human psychology. When doing it, it is always worth remembering that a compliment, as a rule, is almost next to flattery. The only question here is the degree of exaggeration. Flattery can often cut the ear and cause not positive, but, on the contrary, negative emotions. Therefore, the exaggeration should be insignificant and in no case should it be “striking”. Such words will “swallow” a man with great pleasure.

For example, if you tell your lover that he is the best computer specialist in the world, he will immediately become alert. He will understand that you told an obvious lie, even if the man is far from a layman and behaves quite skillfully with a computer. Here the thought immediately arises that you don’t think so at all, and you really need something from a man. Therefore, here you can act in a different way, for example, say that you are a complete layman and are not even a match for him, so you don’t know what you would do without him. This is the only way you can force him to voluntarily go to your computer and check the equipment. Here he will believe your words, because all men are a little self-confident in their abilities.

What does a man want?

And remember that men, like you, want to be "the very best", or at least listen to it from their beloved. This gives some incentive for the further development of relations. Here a compliment can be compared with the regular intake of vitamins. But, as with pills, gentle words no need to overdo it. A man can get fed up and for a long time not perceive any manifestations of tenderness and compliments from a woman. In addition, an excess of sweet words can make you, in the eyes of a man, a girl from the category of "flattering foxes" and any further attempts to show admiration will be taken with hostility.

The editors of the site advise you to remember that before calling this or that affectionate word to your man, evaluate the situation, because sometimes, a “weighted” compliment can be akin to a slap in the face.
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