How to draw short arrows on the eyes. How to draw arrows on the eyes - instructions, useful tips

Every girl wants and can be beautiful! To stand out or be more attractive, many emphasize their beauty with makeup, namely, they draw arrows in front of their eyes. After all, the arrows are ideal for any eyes. This article from will tell you more about how to draw arrows and their types.

Such eye makeup as “arrows” can be matched to any type of face and eye color. But how to do it right? - many people ask this question, or how do you draw them yourself?

When you watch video tutorials on makeup with master classes of makeup artists, it seems that everything is easy and simple to repeat. But when you start to "work" on your own, you understand how it is not easy. Don't despair, everything comes with experience.

So, to make it easier for you to master this “craft”, read this article, you will undoubtedly find a lot of useful information in it.

Types of arrows for the eyes - video and photo

The technology for applying such arrows is very simple and understandable. On the upper eyelid, along the ciliary row, an arrow of any thickness is applied. Then, along the lower eyelid, an arrow is drawn under the cilia only to the middle of the eye. You need to draw the bottom arrow from the outer corner of the eye. To make such makeup more elegant and visually increase the size of the eyes, apply light shadows to the inner corner of the eyelid.

Arrows - cat's eye

Such makeup as a cat's eye is now very popular. When you draw such arrows, the eyes take on an almond shape, which makes them graceful and similar to the eyes of a cat. To draw such arrows, there are many various techniques application, one of them is presented in the video.

Thin arrows are great for elegant everyday makeup. It will be more convenient to draw such arrows with an eyeliner with a thin brush. To make thin arrows even, it is recommended to first draw dotted lines, and then, along the dotted line, draw an arrow. Such arrows should be drawn as close as possible to the ciliary row. If you are new to this business, then make sure that when you start drawing arrows your elbows have an emphasis.

Thick arrows highlight the eyes and make them more expressive, as well as visually increase the volume of eyelashes. When drawing thick arrows, the same technology is used as when drawing thin ones, if you can’t immediately draw a straight arrow, draw thin dashed lines first, and then connect them. It is also convenient to draw such arrows with an applicator for shadows. Apply desired color shadows on the applicator and draw an arrow with an edge.

If you are tired of the monotony, then great way to freshen up your makeup is to blend the arrows. Such arrows need to be drawn with a pencil or shadows, but most often such arrows are drawn with shadows. Learn more about this technology by watching the video.

To draw such arrows will have to work hard. The technology for their implementation is a little more complicated than the technology of ordinary arrows, but do not forget that everything can be learned. Draw a line from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, but do not bring the line to the very corner. Then, in the same way, draw a line only on the lower eyelid. Attention! The upper and lower lines should not touch, there should be a small distance between them. The space between the lower and upper arrows can be filled with mother-of-pearl shadows.

Arrows - wings

This kind of makeup suitable for girls having a round eye shape, since such arrows visually "stretch" the eyes. Such arrows are suitable for passionate and temperamental women who wear bright and provocative clothes, for example, leather clothes. Performing such makeup, bring the lower eyelid as well, so your eyes will be more expressive.

Arrows - Cleopatra

This type of makeup is exclusively evening or festive. The technology for the execution of these arrows resembles the technology "". It differs only in drawing an arrow on the lower eyelid. To get a make-up, like Cleopatra's, I draw the bottom arrow, point it down.

multicolored double arrows

This type of arrows is very interesting and unusual, it is suitable for spring or summer period when everything around blooms and smells! Such arrows can be drawn both with a pencil and eyeliner. First draw a black arrow, and then, on top of it, exactly the same of any other bright color.

Arrows - Geometry

Such arrows will emphasize your individuality as much as possible and distinguish you from the crowd. But every day with such make-up you look like. Such arrows are suitable for any theme party.

Types of arrows according to the shape of the eyes

All girls are different, and all are especially beautiful in their own way. As you know, his eyes can tell a lot about a person and his soul. Many girls draw arrows in front of their eyes to make their look more expressive. There are many types of shooters, their description was above, but how to choose the most suitable option for yourself. Indeed, with the help of arrows, you can make your look more confident, bitchy, or vice versa cute and naive. About all the secrets of shooters, and about how to choose the right arrows for the shape of the eyes You will be told in this section.

So, the first tip, to draw the right straight arrow, draw a visual line of any kind from the middle of the lower eyelid to the outer corner of the eye. With this you will determine how high the tip of your arrow should be.

Almond shaped eyes

Owners of almond-shaped eyes will suit absolutely any kind of arrows. It will be thin, thick or double. For such an eye shape as almond-shaped, various makeup is also suitable, with the exception of the color of the shadows, since the selection of the color of the shadows is repelled by the color of the eyes.

Without eyeliner, it is impossible to imagine women famous all over the world - Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, for whom the arrows have become the hallmark of style

How did they appear?

Just from the time of Ancient Egypt, the history of the appearance of arrows begins. Moreover, those first ones had a religious meaning and reproduced the cut of cat's eyes, and in fact the Egyptians worshiped cats as sacred animals. The arrows were applied to the eyes with black paint (a mixture of clay, henna and Nile silt). A narrow stripe from the corner of the eyes reached almost to the ears.

With the campaigns of Macedonian, the Greeks began to let their eyes down, then the Romans. I must say that lead was used for the production of paint. That is why the beauties from Rome grew old early, their skin was literally corroded by lead.

The inhabitants of medieval harems belong to the birth of a new, oriental “arrow” tradition, when the arrows were already drawing with a mixture, where there was antimony from lamb fat, almond oil and basma. It happened that ash was added here.
After a temporary oblivion of the Renaissance, the fashion for summed up eyes was reborn. Italy was the first in Europe of the XIV century to remember them. They painted on the face, which was covered with white so abundantly that it seemed as if an artist was painting on canvas: eyebrows, arrows above the eyes, lips. The flourishing of cosmetics could not be stopped even by the prohibitions of the church. Not only women had to adorn themselves with arrows. The men did this too.

The French took over from Italy. It was here that not just long large lines came into fashion, but ornately curved, twisted into rings, black, purple, blue, burgundy colors.

By the 19th century, cosmetics were already being produced by manufactories. Eyeliners were sold dry, and diluted with water before application. Natural make-up, airy beauty is in fashion. The arrows themselves have become shorter and thinner, often quite short - barely noticeable notches at the corners of the eyes. It was permissible to draw them long and thick only for the ladies of the demimonde.

The last century has made its own adjustments. First small and timid, then sharp and clear, thick with a pointed end on the upper eyelid, like Audrey Hepburn, or very thin, like Twiggy's. The hands went from black to gold and silver, then turned back to black, longer and thicker, but so smooth, curved, feminine.

The modern choice of arrows is not limited by anything, except perhaps by imagination and taste.

Arrows must be perfect

With them, the look becomes expressive. Every woman knows this. But if you think it's not worth it to draw straight arrows - this is a delusion.

Advice!Try to do it the first time. Never again will you call such a thing easy.

Draw the arrows unevenly, crookedly, or not matching one another in length or height, and your makeup will be hopelessly ruined. Will have to start over. Indeed, the impeccability of your image depends on these seemingly ordinary lines drawn on the eyelids.

How to draw arrows correctly?

First, choose the appropriate option for you:

  • the arrows are sharp and thin, traditional;
  • wide lines, always in fashion;
  • double arrows, mystery and chic;
  • "cat's eyes", cunning and so seductive.

And you need to start with a general make-up on the face, while not touching the eyes: tone the skin, powder, correct the eyebrows. Then, depending on the purpose of makeup (daytime or evening), apply shadows. If there are no shadows in your plans, you skip this moment.

Secrets of the right arrows

  • Try to draw the line as close as possible to the lash line. You will get the visual impression that the eyelashes are very thick, and at the same time avoid the white strip between the corner of the eye and the arrow - it looks so ugly.
  • If you don't want your eyes to look sad, point the tip of the arrow up. Usually the line of the lower eyelashes serves as a guide. The arrow serves as its continuation.
  • On the inner side of the eye, the contour should be barely noticeable, and on the outer side, it should be specially brought up several times.
  • If shadows are also applied to the eyelids, you should draw arrows on top of them, and fix them on top with shadows of a similar shade.

  • All irregularities are removed cotton swab that has been dipped in a mild makeup remover (oil-free) or toner. When the line came out especially uneven, dark shadows applied from above and shaded to the outer edges of the eyes will help out.
  • Equally bright eyelashes should be added to bright arrows, so do not forget about mascara.

Having made such a noticeable emphasis on the eyes, take care of the impeccable looking area near the eyes: these are disguised circles under the eyes and even out skin tone.

Advice! Be guided by the given secrets, and the result will not disappoint you.

Arrows and eye shape

When summing up the eyes, their shape is always taken into account. This rule remains very important. An incorrect line, just like an uneven one, is a spoiled make-up, not to mention the image.

  • For eyes that hang over the eyelids, a thin, unsweeping arrow is ideal.
  • A wider arrow will become a decoration for round eyes.
  • Having eyes set close, it is better to draw a line starting from the middle of the century, thickening it at the same time. When the eyes are set, on the contrary, wide, a thick line of arrows should be drawn along the entire upper eyelid.

Remember! Eyeliner suits all absolutely women. The main thing is to draw them correctly and choose from the many those that suit you perfectly.

Makeup Options

There are many options for arrows for the eyes. The most famous and popular:

  • Through the entire upper eyelid. Suitable for round eyes. By changing the thickness of the arrow, directing it to the temple, you will visually stretch the eye.
  • Through the upper and lower eyelids. They can connect at the outer corner of the eye, or the inner. They may remain isolated. The thickness of the arrows may also depend on the situation. They will perfectly complement the evening, masquerade or holiday make-up.

  • On the lower eyelid. The arrow serves as an addition to the existing makeup created by the shadows, even completing the look. Black color is completely optional for her. You can use eyeliner in the color of your eyes, and on the upper eyelid - any other shadows.
  • From the middle of the century. This will make your eyes look a little bigger. The arrows should look natural, without sharp boundaries, and it is quite appropriate to use them in the daytime.
  • Follows the contours of the eyes. The eyes will become clearer. These arrows do not go to the temples, but end at the outer corners of the eyes. You can use it if you create smoky makeup.

Advice! Try various options, experiment, fantasize and be sure to find your own option.

What and how to bring eyes?

You should also think about this. Drawn arrows must be persistent. In the modern beauty industry, various manufacturers of cosmetic products have tried to solve this problem for a long time. So a woman today has the most various means.

In your cosmetic bag for these purposes, you must definitely have a choice of:

  • The liner is the same liquid eyeliner. Beginners should not use it. It takes good practice here to get the hand full.
  • An eyeliner-felt pen - it will be more convenient than a liner, but also not for beginners.
  • Eyeliner is a great tool for beginners. There is always an opportunity to erase or correct flaws. There are also disadvantages. The eyeliner won't last all day. But you can apply eyeliner or shadows on top of it. By the way, the pencil should be perfectly sharpened.
  • Dry eyeliner/eye shadow is a cool thing for newcomers. Always blend, if the hand trembles, thereby saving makeup.

All these tools vary greatly both in consistency and in result.

Ways of drawing arrows

  • Starting from the inner corner of the eye. The contour begins to lead from the inside of the eyelid along the lash line to the outside.
  • Starting from the middle of the eye. First of all, from the middle to the outer edge, then from the inner corner to the middle. This makes it easier to make the arrow straight.

If you think it's easier to draw with one solid line, you're wrong. It is much easier to do this in two steps: the inner corner - the middle, from here - to the outer.

On the upper eyelid, along the entire contour, several points are placed with eyeliner and connected in a line.

Drawing technique

Depending on the tool you choose, it varies slightly.

To draw even beautiful arrows with liquid eyeliner, it is better to smear an excess amount from a brush on the edge of the tube. Then attach the brush to the base of the eyelashes as close as possible, and now you can confidently, but smoothly, draw the desired contour. If the hand still trembles, the line can be corrected with a cotton swab. The line will be clear and not at all greasy.

Draw arrows: step 4

Liquid eyeliner, drying, tightens the skin. To prevent this from happening, powder your eyelid. If shadows are applied, contraction does not happen.

Eyeliner-felt pen is convenient for thick arrows. It is drawn a little above the lash line, then the middle is painted over.

Pencil - more universal remedy. In order for the process to proceed smoothly, the eyelid should be slightly lifted with the finger of one hand, for which, in the place of the bend of the eyebrow, pull the eyelid up. And then draw an arrow neatly along the lash line.

To draw arrows with shadows, pick up a thin brush so that its end is beveled, moisten it a little and draw shadows.

Advice! Don't take too many shadows, they will crumble upon application. After the arrows are drawn, the remnants are brushed off with a wide brush, and the area around the eyes is slightly powdered.

By the way, with the help of shadows you can create the effect of smoky eyes. In this case, the arrows are drawn with a pencil, and then shaded with shadows of the corresponding color.

Arrows with a felt-tip pen. Step 5

Other options

By the way, many female representatives prefer permanent makeup to sitting in front of a mirror drawing perfect arrows. When it bothers, use henna.

But here it is necessary to remember some subtleties. Henna painting is appropriate if your skin is oily or damp. Otherwise, you risk earning irritation.

The arrows on the eyes are a make-up element that has been popular for many years, remaining feminine and sexy. Using different techniques: from classic pencil to creative with different shades of shadows, you can adjust the shape of the eyes, add brightness and personality to the image. For convenience, all descriptions of makeup techniques are provided with step-by-step instructions with photos.

How to draw arrows for beginners: basic rules

The first thing that is needed for a successful attempt at drawing arrows in front of the eyes is a margin of time. Haste in this case is not appropriate.

Experienced makeup artists advise beginners to practice with a pencil, as it can be wiped off and drawn again without effort. The stylus should be chosen with a soft texture and rich color. The following is a detailed step-by-step instruction with a photo.

This procedure includes the following steps:

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw perfect, beautiful arrows

Initially, you need to decide on the image that will be created. Next, you should choose a means of expression: pencil, felt-tip pen, liner, shadows or liquid eyeliner.

There are some rules designed to make it easier to draw arrows:

  • for lines that are complex in shape, it is appropriate to use stencils that are selected (or made) in advance;
  • the line of movement can first be outlined with dots or dotted lines, and then a solid line can be drawn along them, painting over the voids;
  • if during the use of the cosmetic there are signs of an allergy, it must be disposed of;
  • it will be easier to draw an arrow with an eyeliner if you slightly lift your eyelid with your finger. The arrow will come out straighter. To make the rounded edge symmetrical, you can help yourself with a paper sheet or other improvised means;
  • all "roughness" is erased with a cotton swab, painted over foundation or shaded with shadows.

Stencils for drawing arrows

To date, transparent stencils for arrows are on sale. This feature makes it possible to use one sample in both eyes. This trick allows even a novice makeup artist who does not have the skills to depict arrows of any shape. In addition, the auxiliary tool saves time and nerves.

Stencils are reusable. It is not difficult to adapt to them: having fixed it in the right place on the eyelid, it is necessary to hold it with your hand. At the same time, the indicated cutout on the stencil is painted over with a cosmetic product in the other hand. If desired, and with some abilities, you can make a stencil yourself from cardboard.

Varieties of arrows

There are several types of arrows:

Master class Cat's eye arrows

This type of eyelid makeup transforms the image, making it expressive and memorable. In this technique, it is better to draw the base for the arrows on the eye first with a pencil.

The technique for creating "cat's eyes" is well understood from the photo and step-by-step instructions:

  1. The first stage involves applying a contour along the entire lash line of the upper eyelid.
  2. Next, the stylus is placed to the outer corner of the eye, and a line is drawn almost vertically upwards.
  3. The resulting curl is neatly connected to the main line.
  4. The next step is to draw a triangle. A line is drawn from the extreme point of the curl to the middle of the upper eyelid. The drawn corner is painted over.

How to make arrows to visually enlarge the eyes

With the help of correctly drawn arrows, you can visually enlarge small eyes. As a visual means, you can take both a pencil and, for example, an eyeliner. The main condition: the closer to the bridge of the nose, the thinner the line is drawn. Also, for the effect of enlarging the eyes, it is appropriate to draw an arrow from the middle of the upper eyelid to the edge of the eye.

If you start drawing an arrow from the bridge of your nose, and make the line bright and thick, this technique will be erroneous, since visually the eyes will become even smaller. You need to finish the arrow carefully, making a small curl pointing up. The long “tail” of the arrow on the eyes of a small size will look unnatural.

On the lower eyelids, makeup artists advise only emphasizing the outer corner of the eye, then shading to create the illusion of shading. As an alternative technique, some makeup artists draw a line on the lower eyelid just below the growth of the eyelashes. In this case, it becomes necessary to brighten the space between the white of the eye and the eyelash growth zone, as well as below, up to the drawn line.

Original arrows for holiday makeup

Bright arrows in front of the eyes with a pencil will help create a festive mood. detailed instructions with a photo will reflect unusual, but easy-to-implement ideas.

It is easy to diversify the usual methods of making-up arrows with the appropriate cosmetics and rich imagination:

  • with the addition of gold; over the already drawn brown, blue or black arrow, a thin line is drawn with a golden eyeliner;
  • arrow in a frame; first, an arrow is drawn with a light eyeliner, and then it is carefully outlined along the contour with a thin black or brown line;
  • many options for arrows can be depicted using a combination of black and white eyeliner;
  • eye makeup looks fresh and positive using contrasting tones of shadows, pencil and eyeliner within the same color sector, for example, blue in combination with purple and blue.

Arrows for different types of eyes

To correct the imperfections of the face, arrows on the eyes with a pencil are also suitable. Detailed instructions with a photo will describe the correct makeup technique, depending on the nuances in the structure of the eyes.

When drawing arrows, you need to proceed from the features of facial features:

How to choose the right color for the arrows - optimal shades

Colored arrows in front of the eyes with a pencil perfectly complete the image.

A detailed instruction with a photo will illustrate: how, focusing on the color of the iris, you can also vary the tint palette of makeup.

  • Dark or black eyes. With this languid shade, any color scheme will look appropriate. You can emphasize the depth and unusualness with the help of a violet-blue gamut. The smoky nuances of green look gentle and tasteful. It is also worth trying options with the addition of glitter.
  • gray and Blue eyes . All gamut yellow color in play of tones from gold to copper-brown will be a good "frame" for the eyes of this color direction. Bright accents in the form of a contrasting color line along the lower eyelid look interesting.
  • Brown eyes. Eyeliner is ideal for highlighting eyes of all shades of brown. of blue color. Plum, malachite green, turquoise, gray are used as additional tones. You can experiment with a red-pink palette.
  • Green eyes. IN color wheel the contrast for this color is red. To emphasize this magical shade of the eyes are appropriate cosmetical tools such a range: purple, lilac, wine, burgundy. Gold and copper colors also look good.

How to draw arrows

There are classic cosmetic products used for eye makeup with arrows:


In the recommendations for beginners, a special place is given to the pencil, since it is more convenient for them to draw. The only drawback of this tool is the lack of durability in the process of wearing. During the day, it becomes necessary to touch up makeup.

The disadvantages of pencil arrows will be especially obvious in front of eyes with an impending eyelid and from nature. oily skin. In this case, you can fix the drawing by first applying a tone of powder, and after the image of the arrows, fixing them with shadows to match. Thus, the pencil will "seal" between layers.

Lines drawn with a pencil can be easily shaded, creating a make-up in the style of "smoky eyes".

liquid eyeliner

Eye makeup through eyeliner is considered the most difficult to master, but the result is worth the effort. This product allows you to create a bright accent, add a glossy shine and bring out perfectly smooth lines.

This cosmetic product is not afraid of changes in the weather and skin imperfections. You don't have to worry about makeup damage during the working day.

If the eyeliner turned out to be not resistant enough, it can be fixed with a powder base. Also, to facilitate the application of the arrow, you should use a thin brush.

Cream or gel eyeliner

This tool is usually applied with a brush, which is not difficult to do. The lines are smooth and thick. The durability of this product is also excellent. The only inconvenience is the difficulty in removing makeup. For gel and cream eyeliners, special washes are suggested.

Eyeliner-felt pen

This eyeliner combines the convenience of drawing with a pencil and the durability of a standard eyeliner. liquid agent for eye makeup. Drawing arrows with a felt-tip pen takes a small amount of time, which is also comfortable. Of the shortcomings, only the fact that this product itself quickly becomes unusable, as it dries out from the constant opening of the cap, can be noted.

Dry eyeliner

Outwardly, this product is indistinguishable from the usual shadows. When mixed with moisture, additional properties appear. Requires a separate brush. This eyeliner is especially convenient to draw the ciliary contour. Also, this tool can apply the thinnest lines. The durability of a dry eyeliner is usually decent.

How to draw arrows with shadows

The technique of drawing arrows with shadows is easy to master, guided by the rules:

Which arrow pencil is better to buy

All pencils existing in cosmetic companies can be divided into two types:

Arrows on the eyes are depicted in various techniques. Even with a single classic pencil, you can correct the shape or emphasize the solemnity of the moment. Considering the makeup you like in the photo, with step by step instructions It will not be difficult to bring such an image to life.

Video how to learn to draw arrows

How to draw arrows on the eyes:

Learning to draw arrows:

Beautiful arrows on the eyes are the desire of most women who know how much they can change the appearance. It would seem that they are so small, but they can change the look more significantly than shadows.

Therefore, it makes sense to learn how to select and draw arrows for a style, lifestyle, situation, season, and so on.

Drawing arrows, like other makeup details, is carried out according to basic schemes. To comprehend this science and learn how to create masterpieces, you must definitely hone basic techniques execution of arrows.

Earlier we wrote about how to pick up arrows, what to rely on and what to be careful with. With this knowledge, you can start training.

It is worth remembering that there are stages of drawing arrows and schemes for their creation.

Main stages:

  • Prepare the face and eyelids for applying makeup (tone, powdering, applying the base under the shadow)
  • We apply shadows on the eyelids (if there is no desire to do bright makeup you can use nude shades of shadows that will even out the skin tone on the eyelids and strengthen the arrows)
  • We draw arrows ("tail" of the arrow should always be directed upwards). For the best effect and quality of the arrows, you should not limit yourself to just a pencil. In order for the arrows to last all day without changing clarity and brightness, it is worth drawing a line on top of the pencil arrow with liquid eyeliner or shadows.
  • We draw an arrow along the lash line, as close as possible. This will make them and makeup in general neat.
  • While drawing the arrow, the hand needs emphasis, since it will be difficult to draw an even arrow on weight.
  • Only after the arrows can you make up your eyelashes with mascara.

As for the basic schemes, they require a vision of the future. This is not difficult at all, and after gaining the skill it will generally be performed automatically.

How to make arrows in front of the eyes according to basic schemes

Scheme 1:

  1. Determine the direction of the arrow. First you need to figure out how the arrow will look like. Then, visually draw a tangent line from the lower eyelid to the upper eyelid. It is most convenient to attach a pencil for clarity. The correct result is when both lines are parallel to each other.
  2. Define the arrow extension point. Again, we visually draw a perpendicular from the end of the iris of the pupil from top to bottom. This will be the very place where the arrow will connect to the "tail".

Scheme 2:

  1. Determine the start of the arrow. Visually divide the eye into two parts and draw a perpendicular from the upper eyelid to the lower eyelid.
  2. Determine the direction of the arrow. Visually draw a tangent from the lower point of the middle of the eye to the corner of the eye.
  3. Determine the length of the arrow and the tail. First, we draw a visual perpendicular from the upper eyelid to the lower eyelid in the place where the iris of the pupil ends. Now we draw a tangent from the upper part of the second perpendicular to the temple, slightly rising up. We put a point. This will be the end of the tail. We connect this tip with a visual line with the bottom of the second perpendicular.

Note that this is a classic arrow drawing scheme based on the proportions of the average eye. Since the shape of the eyes can be very diverse, as well as the symmetry of the face, it is worth starting, first of all, from the features of your face.

These diagrams will help you understand the principle of determining the location of a neat arrow, learn to see in perspective.

In addition, to learn how to make arrows in front of your eyes carefully, you should remember the rules for the position of the hand and the product with which the arrow is drawn. It is also necessary to take into account the features and nuances of drawing different arrows.

Beautiful arrows on the eyes require skill, which is by no means a secret. To learn this skill is really for everyone, because the most different materials good quality available absolutely free.

In addition, a variety of cosmetics, each of which is available. Thanks to this experience everything existing species eyeliner and pencils.

The first thing the arrow begins with is the selection of the type of arrow that will favorably emphasize the eyes. We wrote earlier how to choose the right arrows.

The second is the choice of material. A big mistake is to buy the cheapest means, ostensibly for training. You need to learn right away on high-quality products that are safe, fit well and give the desired result.

Thirdly, before applying the arrows, it is imperative to apply a base or transparent powder to the eyelids. This will improve the adhesion of eyeliner or pencil pigments, as well as even out the skin tone of the eyelids.

Fourth, organize a comfortable workplace. To do this, you need to take care of good lighting. It should be bright and directional. In addition, you will definitely need a mirror, preferably a double-sided one - with an ordinary mirror and a magnifying one. Be sure to prepare all tools and materials, including consumables for correcting errors.

Thus, you can focus on drawing arrows.

To get really beautiful arrows, in the process of drawing them, you need to take into account a number of features.

Features of drawing arrows:

  1. To make the arrows smooth and neat, you need to draw them on open, but not wide open, eyes. In this case, the eyelids should be relaxed. This will help avoid broken lines. In addition, summing up the eyelids on open eyes, the decorative product will lie flat, without pieces.
  2. Do not try the first time straight line in one motion. Start by drawing the line with short strokes. This is best done with a pencil that is easy to blend and the points of contact of the tip of the lead will not be so noticeable. You can also hone your skills by drawing an arrow point by point.
  3. The location of the arrows is very important point, non-observance of which can spoil appearance- away! To get beautiful arrows on the eyes, they must be drawn along the lash line. There should not be a gap, which then will need to be painted over. After such painting, you get a thick, not aesthetic arrow. To draw an arrow without a space, the pencil must always be well sharpened. And if an arrow is drawn with a liquid eyeliner, then when choosing it, you should carefully examine the brush. Its quality is as important as the product itself.
  4. If the arrow turned out to be uneven, and there is no time to correct it, you can resort to this maneuver: slightly shade the pencil line and correct it with shadows to match the arrow. By the way, this technique is possible only if the arrow was drawn with a pencil.
  5. It is always necessary to start drawing an arrow, regardless of the final goal, from a thin line, gradually thickening and lifting it up. Only in this sequence will you get a neat arrow.

So, taking into account these nuances and performing all the actions in the correct sequence, you will definitely get beautiful arrows.

To get perfect arrows, you should select them not only taking into account the shape and size of the eyes, but also taking into account their color. This will create a harmonious make-up that will emphasize all the advantages of the face. In addition, eyeliner, made in accordance with the color of the eyes, will never make the image vulgar or comical.

So the arrows for brown eyes you can paint with bright and rather bold colors. It can be blue, purple, green arrows. Moreover, such bright arrows will look good in daytime makeup, as well as in the evening. This is the main advantage of brown eyes.

If you need makeup in calmer colors, you can make arrows with brown eyeliner. Depending on the saturation of the color of brown eyes, you can use eyeliner from dark to golden.

And another trick is the creation of makeup in the nude style. To do this, the arrows are drawn with a flesh-colored pencil and the color of the iris. Both tones need to be shaded after application. As a result, the eyes are emphasized, expressive, while the face looks natural and fresh.

Of course, the timeless classic - black eyeliner - suits brown eyes.

Due to the fact that bright eyeliner and bright makeup suit brown eyes, makeup in dark tones, smoky eyes make up would be ideal.

Smokey eyes for brown eyes

To perform this makeup you will need:

  • Eye shadow base or colorless loose powder
  • Shadows of a dark shade, medium and lightest. For example, black, gray and silver
  • black pencil
  • Blending and eyeshadow brushes
  • Black volume mascara
  • Setting powder


  1. Prepare the face and eyelids with base coat. This will refresh and even out skin tone, improve the adhesion of decorative products to the skin of the eyelids.
  2. With a black pencil, draw an arrow according to the shape of your eyes. If you need to correct their size and fit, you may need a white pencil. Which arrows are suitable for which eyes - we wrote earlier.
  3. Using a sponge or eyeshadow applicator, blend the line of the arrow to soften it and make it less noticeable.
  4. Using a flat brush, we begin to apply shadows of the darkest shade (in this case, black). It is necessary to apply from the middle of the eyelid along the arrow with short strokes. At this stage, it is necessary to make the maximum darkening of the outer corner of the eye. After that, blend the shadows to prepare for a smooth transition to light tones. This is a feature of this makeup.
  5. With black shadows and a flat brush, bring the lower eyelid with a thin line. It should be as close as possible to the border of the mucous membrane of the eyelid.
  6. With a flat brush, we start applying medium shades of shadows (gray). You need to apply these shadows a little on top of the black shadows a little higher. Apply medium shadows with strokes in such a way as to repeat the lash line. Blend with the applicator to smooth transition colors.
  7. The lightest shadows are applied even above the middle shadows with stroke-like movements. After that, blend the transition and stretch to the inner corner of the eyelid. You just need to stretch it out just enough so as not to lose the “haze”.
  8. Fix the result with fixing powder and make up the eyelashes with black mascara.

Makeup in this style for brown eyes can be done in a variety of ways. color scheme. For example, for a green outfit, you can make smoky eyes with green shadows and a pencil, completing it with brown mascara on the eyelashes.

Arrows for small eyes must be done very carefully and accurately. It is also important to carefully choose the color of the eyeliner.

In order for the arrows to favorably emphasize small eyes, it is necessary:

  1. Eliminate black eyeliner, thick and bold lines.
  2. Don't overload your eyes bright colors eyeliner.
  3. best view eyeliner will be liquid eyeliner and a pencil. With these tools, it is easiest to create a thin line of arrows. If you bring your eyes down, then only with a thin line.
  4. Arrows on small eyes should be drawn along the lash line without gaps. This will eliminate subsequent painting, and hence thick lines.
  5. The arrow line should start from the beginning of the lash line - to its end with an extension to the temples. By the way, this technique will help to narrow round eyes.
  6. Beige, golden, white and silver tones of eyeliners will help to visually enlarge and open your eyes. They bring the lower eyelid along the inner side of the eyelid and along the upper part of the upper eyelid.
  7. Bright and dark eyeliners can only be applied to the upper eyelid.

Thus, arrows for small eyes will make them expressive and emphasize their dignity.

In addition, properly executed makeup always gives confidence and cheerfulness.


Beautiful, straight arrows and summed up eyes will never go out of fashion and will not lose their relevance. Every girl who loves to do makeup has ever tried to draw arrows with liquid eyeliner. Someone has learned to draw smooth playful arrows on their eyes, but someone can’t do it.
Today on the site, we will show you how to make up your eyes with eyeliner and get beautiful, even arrows, an attractive look and flawless makeup.

The main thing is training. If you can’t make up your eyes with eyeliner the first time, it will work out the fifth. If it doesn’t work out the fifth time, it will work out the tenth! Do not doubt it, the main thing is not to give up your workouts and try to draw arrows every day or just let your eyes down. It didn’t work out - we erase it and start again or postpone it for tomorrow.

Another important role is played by the quality of the eyeliner itself, it must be of the right consistency, not dried up and not too liquid. Choose a quality product.

Leads are of different types:

  1. LIQUID LINERS. With the help of them, smooth, clear and elegant lines are obtained. Requires some skill and practice.
  2. GEL LINERS. They have a gel-like structure, it is easier to use. Can output thin sharp lines, and soft with shading.
  3. HARD LINERS. Available in the form of pencils or special felt-tip pens for the eyes. Also, it is easier to use than the classic liquid eyeliner with a thin brush.
  4. There are also underlays different color- black, brown, silver and gold, blue, etc.

Read also:

Two basic eyeliner techniques

  1. Drawing a line from pre-drawn points. It is necessary to carefully mark the place where the arrow passes with small dots. Then smoothly connect the dots into one clear line.
  2. Drawing a line using the hatching method. When the arrow is drawn in small short strokes. Then these strokes are re-painted over with a second even and even layer of eyeliner.
  3. Drawing a line with liquid eyeliner according to the intended drawing with a pencil. Since it is easier to remove the flaws of an eyeliner than an eyeliner. First you need to make up and draw the shape of the future arrow with an eyeliner, and then apply eyeliner on top.

For flawless and lasting eye makeup, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. So that the arrow drawn with such labor does not smear after a few hours and the eye makeup remains in its original form for a long time, before applying, you need to degrease the eyelid with a tonic or lotion. Applying a primer or powder and using a quality waterproof eyeliner will also help.
  2. Starting to draw an arrow, you need to find a comfortable position and rest the elbow of the hand with which you will draw on a flat surface. So, the hand will not move and you will get a smooth and neat line.
  3. No need to pull the eyelid, as in this case there is a big risk of drawing an arrow of the wrong shape. The eyes should be open, look down a little, the upper eyelid is slightly lowered.
  4. Excess liquid eyeliner must be removed from the brush so as not to leave a stain on the eyelid, instead of a thin line.
  5. You can make up your eyes with eyeliner with or without an arrow. Eyeliner can only fill the space between the cilia and draw a small line ending at the corner of the eye.
  6. If you draw an arrow, its slope is determined as follows: the arrow should continue the direction of the lower eyelid and go to the temples. The arrow can be short and visually create a shadow from the eyelashes or be longer for the effect of cat's eyes.
  7. You can also choose the thickness of the line and arrow to your taste, thin or thick. Usually, the line begins thinly at the inner corner of the eye and gradually widens towards the outer corner.
  8. For lower lash liners, choose a waterproof eyeliner.
  9. After you have drawn the arrow, let it dry and do not close your eyes or open your eyes too much so that no imprints remain.

To draw a thin arrow you need to start drawing from the inner corner of the eye. Very thinly with the very tip of the brush, with gentle movements, begin to guide the brush as close to the lash line as possible. Draw a small arrow. We remove all the irregularities in the second session, once again we pass the eyeliner along the eyelid, removing all the shortcomings.

To draw a thick spectacular arrow you must first outline its outlines.

  • You can use an eye pencil to mark the place for the arrow. Draw a small checkmark from the edge of the outer corner of the eye and up, connecting with the crease of the eyelid (photo 1).
  • Continue marking, going to the eyelid itself and draw a thick line above the upper lashes - the line should be thin at the inner corner and expand towards the outer corner (photo 2).
  • Smoothly connect the arrow with the upper eyeliner (photo 3).
  • If you are satisfied with the shape of the arrow, circle the top with liquid eyeliner (photo 4).

To make up the eyes with gel eyeliner, you will need a brush, usually it comes with a jar of gel eyeliner. First you need to mark the angle and inclination of the arrow, draw a line over the eyelashes and paint over the inside of the eyelid.
