What are the lump sum payments per year? Application Requirements

Deputies of the State Duma Russian Federation approved a bill that provides for a one-time financial supplement to pensions. People who are on official well-deserved rest will be able to receive 5 thousand rubles in January 2019. Other pension increases are not yet planned by the Russian government. When indexation of pension payments is carried out, the increase coefficient in the new year will be 7.05%.

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev said that the issue of indexation of pensions in 2019 is being considered by deputies of the State Duma. Experts argue that there may not be an increase in pension payments in the new year. This situation is connected with the unstable economic situation in Russia. This process, in particular, was influenced by the sanctions of the White House. In addition, there is not enough money in the federal treasury to pay increased pensions in 2019.

In order to help the older generation a little, officials decided in 2019 to pay 1 benefit. Deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation allocated 220 million rubles for such a program. In the new year, these funds will be able to receive 44 million pensioners. united one-time payment will arrive on a citizen’s bank card or in the form of a postal transfer in January 2019.

State payment to pensioners in the amount of 5 thousand rubles in 2019

State financial assistance will be available to pensioners who are officially retired in 2019. In order to receive an allowance of 5 thousand rubles, citizens do not need to write written applications. The payment will go directly to the bank accounts of pensioners. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as military pensioners, the disabled and older people who have lost their breadwinner in the family will be the first to receive this allowance.

The issue of calculating the allowance for working pensioners remains open at the present time. It is possible that they will also be able to receive state financial assistance in January 2019. People who live abroad, but are citizens of the Russian Federation, can also count on a surcharge. Their relatives can receive money in Russia by proxy. In case of non-payment of financial resources, the authorized person has the right to apply to the court.

Pros and cons of a one-time payment to pensioners in Russia in 2019

The positive side of this state program can be considered the following factors:

The burden on the state budget is decreasing;

The allowance can also be received by non-working citizens of the Russian Federation;

The amounts that will be transferred to the Pension Fund of Russia will become smaller, which will allow citizens to save income.

The negative factors are:

A small amount of supplement to pension payments;

During the indexation program, the amount received will not be taken into account;

The standard of living of pensioners will not change much;

It is possible to cancel the pension indexation program with a one-time payment.

Pension payments in Russia in 2019

The pension reform, which will be carried out by the Russian government in 2019, has made it possible to increase the percentage of pension indexation. In the new year, this ratio will be 7.05%. As a comparison, the largest percentage of indexation was in 2009 and amounted to 26%, last year 4%. Deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, referring to the statistics, decided to implement a one-time payment program that would improve the quality of life of the older generation. Conducting a serial pension indexation process is currently being discussed by officials.

Experts do not rule out the fact that if pensions are indexed, the amounts will be increased by more than 5,000 rubles. The first financial assistance from the state should be received by citizens in January 2019. Also, in the new year, the deputies of the State Duma of Russia plans to consider the issue of changing the insurance pension. Social pension payments in the new year will remain unchanged.

A one-time payment to pensioners in January 2017 in the amount of 5 thousand rubles for many people has become a real help in the difficult life of an ordinary elderly person. In 2018, we also hope for lump sum. To understand how realistic such expectations are, we need to understand why they were paid in 2017.

Lump sum payment to pensioners - what is it?

There were problems with indexing pensions last year. They were that Money was simply not enough to carry out the procedure. The economy was in a crisis period, the budget was in deficit, and inflation reached a record level of 12.9 percent.

Initially, it was supposed to be indexed in two stages:

  • at the beginning of the year to give pensioners the opportunity to receive 4 percent more;
  • then increase payments by another 8.9 percent in the fall.

But if the first stage was implemented as planned, then in order to recalculate the autumn pension benefit money was clearly not enough. That is why it was decided to provide pensioners lump sum payments as a one-time help, compensating indexation.

On November 22, 2016, the President signed a legislative act, on the basis of which the promised money was paid to pensioners. This material support was of a one-time nature, and was paid in addition to the basic pension. It was not accrued and was not taken into account in the future during the indexation procedure.

Why 5 thousand rubles?

The amount of the lump sum payment was calculated on the basis of average pension due to the cancellation of the second stage of indexing. The average insurance pension as of 2016 was 12,400 rubles. If it had been indexed from October to February, then the pensioner would have been paid a pension for this period, the amount of which amounted to about 5,000 rubles.

Simple calculations make it possible to assess for which category of pensioners such a one-time payment was beneficial. It turned out to be a benefit for those who received small pensions. So, for example, if pension payment was 8.5 thousand rubles, then during the indexation, the increase would have amounted to 756 rubles. Multiplying this amount by 5 (5 months during which pensions should have been indexed), we get the amount of 3783 rubles. This is less than 5 thousand rubles, which the government allocated for pensioners.

Beneficial such payments have become and for working pensioners. Indexation of pensions for them is not carried out at all. Therefore, if the procedure had been carried out, they would not have received a single ruble.

But if the pension is paid in a high amount, then there was no benefit in a lump sum payment. In addition, there are no advantages compared to indexation even if you look at the long term, since the amount does not participate in subsequent indexations.

Who is entitled to a lump sum payment?

The persons who were entitled to a lump sum payment in 2018 include the following groups:

  • non-working citizens retirement age;
  • working citizens of retirement age;
  • disabled people;
  • beneficiaries of survivor benefits.

Initially, this list did not include military pensioners. The reason for this decision was that, in most cases, this category of citizens retires at working age. However, as a result of lengthy discussions, the decision was changed, and military pensioners were ranked among the rest of the citizens, who were paid an amount of 5 thousand rubles.

Thus, almost all pensioners became recipients of a one-time payment. However, the government decided to exclude from the list those persons who do not live in Russia. This financial support did not apply to them.

Will there be a lump sum payment for pensioners in 2018

The next indexation of pensions was made in early January of this year. It amounted to 3.7 percent, that is, higher than the inflation rate that was planned (3-3.2 percent). Since April, pensions will be increased by another 4.1 percent. The sums of money for these payments are already included in the state budget, and no changes are expected in this regard.

The government has fulfilled all its obligations under the current legislation regarding the payment to pensioners. There are no prerequisites for repeating a one-time action. After all, the increase will be even more than the expected rise in inflation. Therefore, it is hardly worth getting upset if, instead of receiving the EDV, the planned indexation is carried out.

The only category of pensioners who, in connection with this, have a reason for frustration, are those who continue to work even in old age. They are not indexed. For now, this arrangement will be in place until 2019. Subsequently, the decision may be reconsidered. However, working citizens receiving pensions are recalculated on August 1. The amount depends on the number of individual pension coefficients earned, but can be no more than three points. Maximum amount increase in the current year will be only 236 rubles.

10 thousand rubles in 2018 - is it possible?

Despite the fact that the government does not provide prerequisites for this, pensioners hope to receive additional money from the Pension Fund, as they did last year. There were even persistent rumors that they could receive not 5 thousand rubles at a time, as it was in 2017, but 10 thousand rubles. Such conversations are associated with the upcoming elections: in order to earn the votes of voters from among pensioners, they are paid additional money.

The most active citizens contact the FIU with questions about how to receive a lump sum payment, what documents must be submitted for this, and whether it is necessary to write an application. However, as soon as they understand the topic, the questions disappear by themselves.


The lump sum payment to pensioners, which was provided at the beginning of 2017 in the amount of five thousand rubles, was a replacement for the failed second stage of indexation at the end of the year. As a result, payments to each non-working citizen-pensioner were increased by only 4 percent against inflation, which was 12.9 percent. The amount of 5,000 rubles, paid in addition to the money that is due to pensioners in the general order, was intended to compensate for this amount of indexation. It was calculated based on the average pension. For those retirees who receive small payments, the money was beneficial in the short term. For those who receive higher amounts, it has become unprofitable.

Pensions this year will increase by 3.7%. This is higher than projected inflation. Therefore, the need for additional payment does not arise this year, as the state has fulfilled its obligations in full.

At the beginning of 2017, without exception, all pensioners were made happy with a payment of 5,000 rubles. Because on the nose New Year citizens receiving a pension are interested in whether such a lump sum payment to pensioners will be in January 2018.

The lump-sum payment to pensioners was of a compensatory nature. This means the following. The state has undertaken to index social benefits due to rising inflation. But given the unstable financial situation of the country in previous years, it was decided not to provide benefits. Having twice increased the level of maintenance of pensioners in 2016, the authorities lost funds for indexation.

The funds covering the depreciation of the state allowance are taken from the funded pension, one of its parts. Since many citizens have made a choice not in favor of the Russian pension fund and preferred to transfer their pension savings to commercial organizations, against this background, a monetary deficit has formed in the state budget.

Then a decision was made on a one-time payment, which was compensation for the unfulfilled promise of indexation.

In pursuance of this decision, a law "On lump-sum payment to pensioners", according to which material assistance was provided to all types of this category of beneficiaries, including payments. In addition to them, additional funding was provided for:

  • Disabled people;
  • Families that have lost a breadwinner;
  • Non-working pensioners;
  • Military in reserve.

Material one-time assistance did not affect only those who, receiving a Russian pension, permanently reside abroad.

The amount of the payment was taken from the calculation of the amount of indexation of the average pension for the year, so the monetary compensation of 5,000 rubles for some types of pensioners came out more than the amount that would have been due to them if the state had fulfilled its promises in full.

Will there be a payout in 2018

On the website of the Pension Fund, you can see if we should expect a payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners in 2018. To date, there has been a stabilization of the situation with the financing of payments to pensioners. For 2018-2019, the budget provides for an increase in pension maintenance costs by 279 billion rubles.

During the first half of the year, the authorities planned to carry out the indexation of pensions in full, namely:

  1. For non-working citizens - in the first quarter;
  2. For those who work and receive social support - in the second quarter.

Since there is no need to replace indexation, there will be no lump-sum compensation payment in 2018.

To avoid confusion, it is necessary to separate the concepts of a one-time payment compensating for the lack of indexation and a lump-sum payment from a funded pension.

One-time compensation payment Lump sum benefit from funded pension
Used once Ability to use from the moment of retirement at any time (no more than 1 in 5 years - with partial payment)
Applies to all pensioners (with the exception of those living outside the Russian Federation) Valid only for a specific citizen who has retired due to old age, meeting the conditions established by current legislation
Well-defined size The size is indicated by the applicant, determined at the discretion of the FIU employees
Paid together with the next monthly payment, without the participation of the recipient Mandatory declarative procedure for obtaining

On the indexation of pensions in 2018

The one-time allowance paid to pensioners in 2018 is a measure that allows raising the income of privileged categories of citizens in connection with the suspension of the accrual of bonuses, taking into account indexation. The government of the Russian Federation was forced to take such measures to save budget funds. Such a replacement justified itself from an economic point of view, but at present the budget deficit is not the same as two years earlier, and the state is striving to fulfill its obligations to beneficiaries. Replacing with a payment is beneficial for recipients of a low pension ( less than 12,400 rubles) and then only in the period of 1 year. It is not added to the monthly amount paid, and therefore is not indexed in the future.

According to the latest news distributed by the FIU, starting from January 1, it is planned to index the current level of pensions by an amount exceeding the forecasted inflation rate:

  • Labor - 3.7%;
  • Social - 4.1%.

At the beginning of 2018, the pension content should undergo the following changes:

  1. The amount of the fixed amount will increase to 4982.9 rubles;
  2. The assessment of the pension ball will rise to 81.49 rubles, which means the indexation of insurance pensions.

In addition to the above pension increases in the first half of the year, you should not expect anything else, since the PFR bears expenses not only for the maintenance of pensioners, but also for the implementation of state programs.

Is there any other way to get a part of the pension savings?

The current legislation provides for the only possible way to receive all the funds provided for the pension maintenance of a citizen. Federal Law No. 360-FZ “On the procedure for financing payments from pension savings” stipulates what should be a lump sum payment to pensioners.

This type of funded pension payment is due to a certain part of pensioners who:

  1. Are recipients of an insurance pension due to the death of the breadwinner or disability;
  2. They are not granted the privilege of state maintenance upon reaching a certain age by law due to an insufficient period of work and the value of the insurance coefficient is less than 30;
  3. Have the right to become recipients of an old-age pension (in some cases even ahead of schedule), but the funded pension (if appointed) will be equal to or less than 5% of the value = insurance pension + fixed payment;
  4. Participate in and carry out receipts of money;
  5. They received deductions to the account of the funded part of the pension from 2002-2004 (stopped in 2005);
  6. We have accumulated funds, now the collection process is suspended.

Those who are deprived of this privilege are:

  • who have already established a monthly funded pension;
  • who have already used it and have not yet passed the five-year period from the date of receipt.

The minimum amount of money to be paid is 5000 rubles. The final decision on the issuance and the amount of a part of the savings is made by the employees of the Pension Fund, with the calculation of savings for the entire time of work and the employer's deductions to the individual personal account of the employee who went on a well-deserved rest.

The PF procedure is as follows:

  1. Verification of the compulsory insurance contract, if the applicant applied to a non-state PF;
  2. Checking the circumstances of receiving a pension or survivor's benefit, calculating the length of service and points;
  3. Consideration of documents to determine the possibility of assigning a pension content and its amount;
  4. Consideration of personal account data and calculation of a possible payment;
  5. Issuance of a reasoned decision on extradition or refusal.

The main thing is to observe the declarative nature of the appeal. The term for making a decision is 30 calendar days.

As the New Year approaches, lawyers begin to receive more and more questions regarding possible payments above the statutory pension. The end of 2018 was no exception. Elderly people are waiting for a gift from the state for the New Year and constantly ask the question whether there will be a lump sum payment to pensioners of 5,000 rubles in 2019. as it was at the beginning of 2017. How justified are such expectations two years later?

We will tell you whether there will be a lump sum payment to pensioners in 2019. Last news and legal analytics on the site.

Questions for lawyers

As mentioned above, in anticipation of a gift from the president and the government, pensioners ask lawyers questions to find out whether a regulatory legal act has been adopted that regulates such payments. Here are some of the questions that have already been received on the mail site.

“I heard that a one-time payment to pensioners in 2019 is being prepared - when it will be and how much will be added to the pension. According to one information, 4,000 rubles will be added, according to another - 18,000 rubles. Help me figure out when to expect the payment and whether all pensioners will receive it, ”Sergei Ivanovich from the Moscow Region is interested.

“Is it planned this year a one-time payment to pensioners, which was mentioned on the radio. The year is already ending, but there are no latest news about this,” asks Ivan Borisovich from St. Petersburg.

“If my wife and I are both pensioners, can we both count on a lump sum payment? Who is entitled to and how much they will pay, tell me, please, ”writes Denis Danilovich from the Perm Territory.

I don’t want to disappoint anyone, but the word of mouth information about the upcoming lump sum payment to pensioners is another fake. In 2019, such a payment is not provided, it is not included in the budget.

Why in 2017 they paid, and in 2018-2019. - No?

The fact is that in 2016 the government abandoned the annual indexation of pensions to the level of inflation, but instead conducted an additional indexation of pensions, paying a lump sum of 5,000 rubles to all pensioners in January 2017. For these purposes, an amount of 200 billion rubles was allocated from the budget.

In 2018, the situation is quite different. The Government of the Russian Federation indexed pensions in the general order for inflation. insurance pensions for old age increased by 3.7% from January 1, social - from April 1 by 4.1%. Thus, there is no need to carry out additional indexation, and accordingly, a one-time payment to pensioners in 2019 is not expected. “When will it be and how much money will pensioners receive in addition to their pensions?” is an irrelevant question. There are no bills in this regard on the website of the State Duma.

Will there be 13 pensions in 2018 - latest news

As for the so-called or “additional old-age insurance pension,” as this payment is officially called in the draft federal law 403-7, submitted to the State Duma back in October 2016, this payment should not be expected either. The bill was submitted to the State Duma, but was not even considered by the deputies in the first reading.

The fact is that in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the regulations of the State Duma, all draft laws involving federal budget expenditures must receive a resolution from the Government of the Russian Federation before they are submitted. This bill did not receive it, so it was sent to the "garbage can" already at the stage of preliminary consideration by the relevant committee on labor, social policy and veterans' affairs. Therefore, the 13th pension, which users also often ask lawyers about, is not worth waiting for.

How will the pension increase in 2019?

In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of October 03, 2018 350-FZ, starting from 2019, the old-age pension non-working pensioners will grow at an accelerated pace. This is due to the increase in the retirement age. Due to the reduction in the number of pensioners, the PFR has additional money to increase indexation. It is scheduled in the following order:

  • in 2019 - by 7.05%;
  • in 2020 - by 6.6%;
  • in 2021 - by 6.3%;
  • in 2022 - by 5.8%;
  • in 2023 - by 5.5%;
  • in 2024 - by 5.4%.

If we take 2019, then the average increase for a pensioner, based on the size of the average pension of 14,400 rubles, will be 1,015 rubles. This is exactly the same 7.05%. At the same time, officials promise that as the retirement age increases, the figures for the planned indexation will be adjusted upwards.

Recall that as a result pension reform Men will retire at 65 and women at 60.


A one-time payment for persons of retirement age in 2018-2019 is not provided, as is the 13th pension, but indexation due to an increase in the retirement age will be carried out at an accelerated pace.
