Lump sum law. The law on a lump sum payment to pensioners was adopted The government signed a decree on a lump sum payment

All citizens born between 1950 and 1991 inclusive, are entitled to receive a lump sum payment from the state. The size of this is approximately 30,000 rubles. This information is widely disseminated by various news sources on the Internet. True, some indicate that the amount is only 25 thousand rubles. Which is also not enough.

Due to the severe economic crisis, when prices for goods and services are constantly rising, while wages and pensions are not rising at all, people want to believe that the Government of the Russian Federation understands the complexity of the situation of ordinary people. That is why there was a legislative project providing for material support.

Not all information that appears on the virtual web can be trusted. And this despite the fact that you really want to. Just recently, news appeared that the State Duma approved a legislative project, thanks to which all Russians receive material rewards.

According to numerous sources, the legislative draft was approved and signed. And this meant that soon citizens would be able to receive a material “gift”. But it's not.

There was no such law concerning a lump sum payment to all citizens, it was not even submitted for consideration. There is also no information on the official website of the Government of the Russian Federation that would sanctify the innovation.

It can be assumed that the rumors were started by the people themselves. Their appearance is due to the fact that citizens who were born in the period from 1950 to 1991. inclusive, should have received cash payments from the Generations Fund. But in 2018, it was decided to stop its work, and the fate of the funds on its balance sheet remains unknown.

Payment from income from the extraction of mineral resources

A legislative draft has been submitted to the State Duma for consideration, which concerns payments to Russians from mineral income in the country. And this is true, the project exists in contrast to "payments to the children of the USSR."

But the Government of the Russian Federation is against such a project, which explains that this money is already "going" to the citizens of Russia, since they finance social security and other areas of people's lives.

If the project came into force, then citizens would expect material assistance in the amount of 10,000 rubles.

One-time payment for "children of the USSR"

A one-time payment in 2017 could only be received in Ugra. It was there that local deputies supported a legislative project that regulates nominal lump-sum payments.

But in 2018, it was decided to liquidate the Generations Fund, from where the funds were supposed to come. According to the previously adopted draft, all people who were born in 1950-1991 were to receive an amount equal to 20 minimum wages.

However, experts considered that these payments would significantly hit the budget, so the deputy of Yugra was leveled earlier decision. This happened in June 2018.

But this law is used by attackers. Unfortunately, not all people carefully consider the sources, and some of the words presented on the Web are taken as the truth. So, many scammers decided to take advantage of this. If someone offers you, for a small fee, to issue the EDV required by law, do not believe it. The only thing the scammers want is your money!

There is no project that regulates lump-sum payments of 25-30 thousand rubles.

What salary do you need to get to get a singing of 20,000

Anton decides to buy an apartment for 2,000,000 rubles. And, in accordance with the law, he is entitled to the notorious 13 percent deduction - 260,000 rubles. If Anton's salary remains the same, then for three years he will receive a deduction in the amount of 70,200 rubles, and then another year - 49,400 rubles. Here's how to get up to 260,000 rubles from the state. Simple taxes that a person simply does not legally pay while working - this is what this material assistance implies. And if you remember how many all kinds of papers you need to provide in order to get permission from the tax! In the end, after all, in fact, a person is given the money he has earned. It is not surprising why many now prefer to work without employment - it is really more profitable.

A few words about mortgages. People applying for this type of loan are especially interested in how to get 260,000 rubles from the state. Well, in addition to the notorious 13%, they are entitled to a return of 13% of the interest paid on the loan. What does it mean? elemental thing. A person who bought a home with a mortgage has every right to a more “attractive” amount. But even here there is a limitation. It is equal to not two, but three million rubles.

Payments of 30,000 rubles to those born in the USSR from 1950 to 1991: will they be or not

Recently, the media began to appear information about lump sum payment in the amount of 30,000 rubles to Russians born in the USSR between 1950 and 1991. Every third of our compatriots is interested in this issue. However, there is no exact data on the period of accrual of the amount of 30,000 rubles.

And this once again proves that rumors spread across the network in a matter of seconds. It is difficult to stop the wave of rumors, and many, having believed these rumors, then try to get to the bottom of the truth. So it is better to check the information on official portals so as not to become a victim of another wave of rumors.

Fraud: "Lump-sum payment to those born in the USSR in 1950-1991"

No! No payments of this kind are planned. This is another virus that spreads due to naive users of Internet services. The message contains a link, by clicking on which we supposedly should get to the detailed news about payments. But in fact, the user receives a picture with a doula.

The Government of the Russian Federation signed a law on a one-time payment from 01/01/2020 to every citizen born in the USSR in the period 1950-1994, 30,000 rubles. Read more... And here is the address of the link that we do not post for reasons that will become clear to you a little later.

Payments to citizens born in 1950-1993

Payments can be given to support the birth rate, such as maternity capital or monthly payments for a child. Payments may be given to keep a person in difficult situation: temporary or permanent disability due to illness or compensation for what he lost in an emergency. In some cases, the state can support you by returning the income tax paid (for example, if you bought an apartment or spent large amounts on your own treatment), etc. There can be no payments without a reason.

In 2020, when the experiment was launched, the amount was reduced to 580 euros. That's how much about two thousand Finns get. They were all unemployed when the experiment began, and the aim of the experiment was to find out how having a guaranteed income affects a person's desire to look for a job.

Receive from the state free of charge as a citizen of Russia

Providing citizens with state subsidies for the purchase of real estate is legally defined in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Housing Code). In Russia, there is a federal project "Affordable Housing - to the Citizens of Russia". Getting free housing is designed for Russians aged 18-30 with children, married or single parents. The priority for the allocation of funds by the state under the program "Housing" after 35 years remains. Under the same program, partial provision is possible in cash improvements living conditions with the help of subsidies.

A new Russian is born and parents receive their first payments on him. What kind of money citizens of the Russian Federation receive from the state know in local municipalities and departments social protection. Regions establish local rules and regulations that do not contradict federal laws. The amount of gratuitous financing individuals are made up of the amounts of targeted funds allocated by the state, regional and district treasury.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation can receive 260,000 rubles from the state

  • Drafted real estate purchase agreement;
  • Documentary evidence confirming the fact of payment (any payment documents or receipt);
  • Documents acting as proof of ownership;
  • If a mortgage lending program is involved - a loan agreement, as well as a bank certificate on interest paid on the loan;
  • If there is more than one owner - an agreement between the owners on the division of the tax deduction;
  • Bank account (for example, a payment card account) to which the compensation will be transferred.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the state, most likely, will pay this amount in installments, and not in a one-time tranche. The amount of the tax deduction in the current year will be equal to the amount of income tax paid by you last year, and payments in the next year will be equal to the income tax paid this year.

IN Russian Federation There are many benefits, compensations and one-time assistance for citizens of a certain category. Currently, there is more and more information that the state will pay citizens born between 1970 and 1993 a lump sum payment of 30,000 rubles. Is this so, we will analyze in detail from our article.

Lump sum for those born between 1970 and 1993

Important!!! A one-time payment to citizens of the Russian Federation who were born between 1970 and 1993 is not provided.

The state provides all kinds of financial assistance to this category of citizens, which is aimed at improving the quality of life of the population. This category is provided with benefits for utility bills, travel in transport, for large families, payments are provided for each child.

Benefits and compensation in the Russian Federation.

The Russian Federation provides for certain benefits, compensations, lump-sum and monthly payments, which are aimed at improving the quality of life of a certain category of the population. All payments provided by the state are regulated by the law of the Russian Federation and are called social assistance.

In order to receive benefits, you must meet certain conditions that are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation:

  • Low level income. This group includes pensioners, low-income families, families with a disabled child, large families.
  • Reaching a certain age. This mainly applies to pensioners by length of service or by age.
  • To have special merits or outstanding achievements to the state, it can be a veteran of labor, and other citizens with honorable merits.
  • Absence of one or both parents.
  • Disability - temporary or permanent.

Important!!! Only a citizen who has citizenship of the Russian Federation can receive this or that benefit.

Types of social assistance

In the Russian Federation, there is a wide variety of benefits and compensation. Main social benefits:

Retirement Benefits. This category of benefits is provided for citizens who have reached retirement age or disability and survivor's pensions.
housing benefits. This benefit is provided for young families, large and low-income families. To improve the quality of life, it is possible to get on the waiting list for a living space or to receive a lump sum payment to improve housing conditions.
Medical benefits. Getting free medical care, medical preparations.
Travel concessions. This benefit entitles you to free travel on public transport.

Important!!! All social benefits are issued upon application.

To receive a certain benefit, you need to contact the social protection authority, in this body you can get detailed advice related to obtaining a certain benefit. Then it is necessary to provide a package of documents and wait for the result on the granting of benefits or a refusal to receive benefits. Refusal may be if the citizen has provided an incomplete package of documents, or the information is not true.

The main package of documents for obtaining a certain benefit:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS and TIN;
  • application for benefits. It has a certain form, it is necessary to write clearly without corrections and errors, in block letters;
  • pension certificate (if payments are related to the registration of an old-age pension);
  • work book (presence is required if the pensioner works);
  • documents confirming the status of a beneficiary (certificate, award documents, insignia);
  • bank account number for receiving the relevant payments;
  • certificate of disability;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • documents confirming the presence of children or dependents;
  • income tax certificate.

The list of documents may vary, depending on the registration of benefits.

Difficulties in registration relate to the collection necessary papers. There is no one document that would guarantee the automatic receipt of any subsidy. They are determined by specific organizations where parents apply. In addition, before receiving subsidies, you need to make sure that you are eligible for them.

The Russian Federation provides assistance not only to children, but also to their parents. So, according to Russian legislation, families with many children can count on help, namely:

  • Children: access to free medicines, dairy products, free lunches and breakfasts at school, free access to sports clubs and summer camps;
  • Parents: free travel on public transport, free admission to museums, zoos, etc., exemption from paying transport tax, receiving out of turn garden plots, apartments and houses.

Changes in the legislative framework in 2018-2019

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for an increase in certain benefits and compensations. Particular attention this year was paid to pensioners and the disabled. Based on the adopted laws, the size of the pension has increased:

  • Children with disabilities - 2527.06 rubles.
  • Disabled people of the 1st group - 3538.52 rubles.
  • Disabled people of the 2nd group - 2527.06 rubles.
  • Disabled people of the 3rd group - 2022.94 rubles.

Also adopted law provides an opportunity to apply for benefits to pensioners who have reached the age of 70 to pay for major repairs.

Based on this article, it can be concluded that the state in every possible way provides material assistance to the needy category of the population. But the myth that the state will pay a lump sum for citizens born between 1970 and 1993 remains just a myth. Since in order to receive any payment or receive benefits, it is necessary to meet the requirements defined at the legislative level of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the payment is due only to the needy category of citizens, and the fact of the need for state aid must be documented.


Question #1 What does a one-time payment mean?

Answer: A lump sum payment is a material assistance to a category of citizens who need this compensation. Needed categories include:

  • pensioners;
  • Large families;
  • low-income families;

Question #2 What is social assistance?

Answer: All payments provided by the state are regulated by the law of the Russian Federation and are called social assistance.

Social assistance is a certain group of state measures aimed at providing financial assistance to a needy category of citizens.

Question #3 What are the types of benefits?

Answer: In the Russian Federation, there is a large variety of benefits and compensations that are due to citizens of the Russian Federation. The main ones are:

  • Retirement benefits;
  • housing benefits;
  • Medical benefits;
  • Travel concessions.

Question number 4 How to apply for this or that benefit for a citizen of the Russian Federation?

Answer: To receive a certain benefit, you need to contact the social protection authority, in this body you can get detailed advice related to obtaining a certain benefit. Difficulties in registration relate to the collection of necessary papers. There is no one document that would guarantee the automatic receipt of any subsidy. They are determined by specific organizations where parents apply. In addition, before receiving subsidies, you need to make sure that you are eligible for them.

Question number 5 Is there a lump sum payment for citizens who were born in the period from 1970 to 1993?

Answer: In 2019, a one-time payment to citizens who were born from 1970 to 1993 is not provided. Despite the stable economy of our state, it cannot allocate such funds from the country's budget, since there are no good reasons for this payment.

The Internet promises the payment of money to almost all citizens of the former USSR

Recently, many Internet media, as well as users, reported that payments to former citizens of the Russian Federation will begin on January 1, 2019. We are talking about an amount of approximately 30,000 Russian rubles for citizens who were born in the period from 1950 to 1991.

  • Lump sum law for those born between 1950 and 1991
  • Virus, or a joke about the law of a lump sum
  • Jokes about the lump sum law


Indeed, many Internet users are now looking for information on whether such a law was actually signed and what kind of payment awaits them.

After all, as experts and analysts in the Russian Federation say on this moment the number of inhabitants born between 1950 and 1991 is half of the total population. Many people in their mail, as well as in various social networks, received links with a table of contents, which states precisely that the government has adopted an appropriate law on monetary rewards for such residents of Russia.

Already now, with 100% certainty, we can say that no payments Russian citizens the State Duma, and even more so the president in the Russian Federation, did not sign any relevant laws. Unfortunately, most of today's Internet users and social media users are very naive and believe all sorts of tricks that are created like viruses and promises of massive rewards. This is just a prank, after which the user, if he clicks on the link, sees some funny picture, or his computer becomes infected with a virus. Such messages cannot be trusted.

Now almost everyone can fall for such a trick due to the fact that multiple media outlets, as well as users, report every day that the State Duma is adopting various bills, as well as laws that the president even signs to change something. Indeed, the citizens of the Russian Federation live in a time when laws and various legislative acts change very often. That is why such messages that are distributed on the Internet do not look too suspicious for many inexperienced users.


In some cases, inexperienced users who still believe in such a joke follow a similar link and infect their computer system with a virus. ( . Sometimes these viruses are very malicious and are focused on stealing some information from the user's computer.

But sometimes people who have used the link see a funny picture on their monitor, in which case it is just a prank, or a harmless joke. But if you look at it, at a time when wages do not increase, and food prices, as well as various government and utility services, increase significantly, such a joke is not very funny.

But no one is looking at it, and such a joke on the Internet is gaining more and more momentum. It can already be said with certainty that search engine this request has huge amount links and queries.


This joke has really become very popular. Only sometimes some users see the amount of 30,000 rubles, according to information at 23:22:59. payments, and others 17,200 rubles. Despite these figures, the joke remains a joke and does not carry any serious meaning.

Experts and professional programmers warn all users that if they received such a message, or they found such announcements on the Internet, they should not follow unknown links. Moreover, you cannot transfer and distribute these links to your friends and acquaintances, as well as post them on your page in social network. Thus, users only spread false information and help malware to spread on the Internet.

Experts recommend installing special antivirus programs on your computer or laptop. In this case, if the user wants to follow a malicious link that is suspicious, the anti-virus program will prohibit this and inform the user about the possibility of infecting the computer with various viruses and hacker programs.

We remind you that at the moment there is no suggestion or even hint in the government to simply pay monetary compensation to people who were born between 1950 and 1991. Such information is not even logical, since the state would have to spend huge and unrealistically large sums of money, which in today's difficult economic situation is not only unrealistic, but simply sounds ridiculous.

Moscow. November 11, 2016. INTERFAX.RU - On Friday, the State Duma adopted in the third, final, reading a law on a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles to pensioners.

The law, initiated by the government of the Russian Federation, provides for the payment in January 2017 to persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation and who, as of December 31, 2016, are recipients of pensions paid by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

A lump sum payment will be received by those who, as of December 31 of this year, managed to draw up a pension and received it at least once.

In the course of its consideration, the Duma supplemented this initiative with an amendment providing for the payment of 5,000 rubles to persons undergoing military service in the internal affairs bodies, the state fire service, in the bodies for the control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system of the Federal Service, the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation and their families.

A one-time payment will be made by the territorial authorities pension fund on the basis of documents in their possession. The procedure for a lump sum payment is established by the Ministry of Labor of Russia.

The law on a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles will not affect Russian pensioners living in the territory of Transnistria, Belarus and other countries, said the head of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Yaroslav Nilov.

He also noted the second nuance: “When pensions are indexed again in 2017, this amount will not be taken into account, thus, incompletely indexed pensions will be indexed.”

Putin signed a law on the payment of five thousand rubles to pensioners in January

MOSCOW, November 22, 2016 - RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the federal law "On a one-time cash payment to citizens receiving a pension" of five thousand rubles in January 2017, the corresponding document was published on the official Internet portal of legal information.

The Russian authorities have previously stated that there are no resources for indexing pensions in the second half of 2016 in the usual form, so it was decided to make a lump sum payment to pensioners in January 2017 of 5,000 rubles.

"To establish that citizens permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation and being recipients of pensions as of December 31, 2016, ... the payment of which is made by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, are made a lump sum cash payment in the amount of five thousand rubles," the law says.




1. Establish that citizens permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation and being, as of December 31, 2016, recipients of pensions, who are appointed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1 "On the pension provision of persons undergoing military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for the control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, and their families", Federal Law of December 15, 2001 of the year N 166-FZ "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation", Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions", as well as other pensions paid by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, a lump-sum cash payment is made in in the amount of 5 thousand rubles.

2. A one-time cash payment and payment for services for the delivery of a lump-sum cash payment are carried out at the expense of the budgetary appropriations of the federal budget.

3. A one-time cash payment is made in January 2017 by the bodies that carry out the relevant pension provision, on the basis of the documents contained in the payment or pension file, without citizens submitting an application for a lump-sum cash payment. At the same time, citizens who are recipients of two pensions at the same time, one of which is paid by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, a lump-sum cash payment is made by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

4. The procedure for making a one-time cash payment is established by the federal executive body that carries out legal regulation in the relevant field of activity or the payment of appropriate pensions.

5. The receipt by a citizen of a lump-sum cash payment is not taken into account when determining his right to receive other payments and when providing him with social support measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

6. In the event that a one-time cash payment to citizens entitled to receive it was not made within the time period established by part 3 of this article, its payment may be made after January 2017.

7. From the amount of a lump-sum cash payment, deductions on the basis of executive documents, decisions of bodies providing pensions, court decisions on the recovery of pensions and other social benefits due to abuses by the pensioner, established in judicial order, are not produced.

8. Delivery of a lump-sum cash payment is carried out in the manner and on the terms provided for the delivery of the relevant pensions.

9. For the purposes of the uniform application of this Federal Law, clarifications may be issued in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

10. Recognize invalid Part 2 of Article 4, Part 2 of Article 5 and Part 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2015 N 385-FZ "On the Suspension of Certain Provisions of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation, Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and features of the increase in the insurance pension, the fixed payment to the insurance pension and social pensions"(Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2016, N 1, art. 5).

This Federal Law shall enter into force on the day of its official publication.

The president
Russian Federation
Moscow Kremlin
November 22, 2016
N 385-FZ
