Patchwork quilt: creation technology, selection of the optimal fabric and design recommendations (110 photos). How to sew a patchwork quilt with your own hands? Do-it-yourself patchwork bedspread - master class Do-it-yourself patchwork blanket master

A beautiful, cozy and incredibly attractive blanket made of square-shaped pieces of fabric has long been a trend in world fashion. Many have heard the word patchwork, however, not every one of us knows what lies behind it. We will tell you how to make a patchwork-style blanket from squares, we will show you the instructions in secret, step by step master classes, videos, photos and more. After reading the article, everyone will be able to make a patchwork bedspread with their own hands.

Surely everyone has seen patchwork blankets out of the corner of their eye in films or on the Internet. It is hard not to notice it, as it simply fascinates with its comfort and beauty. At just one glance, you want to wrap yourself in it and enjoy the warmth. But how do you like the fact that every girl who knows how to handle a sewing machine can sew a patchwork blanket. Let's see how you can realize bed linen from a picture into reality.

The patchwork technique appeared a long time ago, but only became fashionable at the end of the 19th century. The word "patchwork" is formed from "patch" - flap and "work" - work, which translates as a product made from fabric patches.

Using the patchwork technique, you can create almost any decorative product. Using the patchwork technique, cutlery (tacks, towels, tablecloths), clothes, bags and much more are made out. The most popular are pillows, bedspreads and blankets made of pieces of fabric - in general, bed textiles.

To begin with, we will consider sewing patterns for a patchwork quilt, which many will understand without words, and then we will tell you how to sew a patchwork quilt in step-by-step instructions.

Patchwork pattern

These patchwork patterns for beginners will help you sew an incredibly beautiful patchwork quilt with your own hands. If everything is done painstakingly and accurately, then your friends will not be able to distinguish your patchwork blanket from the store. However, it is not necessary to be limited only to these patchwork quilt patterns. You can come up with your own patterns and drawings, ideas for which you can take from the objects of the surrounding life.

Preparing to Sewing a Patchwork Quilt

To make a patchwork blanket with your own hands, you need to prepare everything you need:

  • Square patches of fabric;
  • Patterns and patterns of pieces that will need to be stitched;
  • Thin sheet of synthetic winterizer;
  • Template made of cardboard or plastic;
  • Scissors;
  • pins;
  • Chalk or remnant;
  • Threads;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Iron;
  • Large smooth table.

  1. Choose a picture. The result depends on the choice of drawing. For ease of choice, take a close look at our quilt patterns in the section above. If you are a beginner, then do not take schemes with small details;
  2. Choose fabric to make patchwork blanket. To make a patchwork-style blanket beautiful, you need to choose bright fabrics. It is important that all the pieces are of the same texture and density, then the product will not wrinkle after the first wash;
  3. Prepare the pattern of pieces. To ensure an even cut and an even blanket, it is necessary to cut the pieces strictly according to the pattern. It can be made from any dense material, such as cardboard or plastic;
  4. Lay out all materials so that they are at hand, because sometimes it is necessary to take a pin without releasing the workpiece;
  5. Heat up the iron. After stitching a few pieces, you need to iron them so that they fix the shape.

  1. The first step in sewing a patchwork blanket is laying out all the pre-prepared pieces in their places. This is a kind of mosaic that must first be assembled and then sewn together;
  2. Next, the pieces are sewn one by one. To do this, you need to attach two adjacent squares with the front side, and then make a seam on a typewriter along the marking line;
  3. Iron the seam on the right side to smooth it out;
  4. Proceed to the next adjacent piece;
  5. Lay the plain fabric inside out and smooth it out with your hands. After that, a sheet of synthetic winterizer is laid on the wrong side of the fabric, which should be slightly larger than the wrong side itself, so that it can be quilted. Make seams from the center along the edges so that the insulation does not “walk” inside the bedspread of squares;
  6. Sew all three layers around the edges. For greater integrity, you can hem the synthetic winterizer and the back layer to the inner seam between the pieces;
  7. A patchwork-style blanket or bedspread is ready.

Choosing materials and fabrics for making a patchwork blanket

An important point in the manufacture of a patchwork blanket is the choice of fabrics and threads. Main Feature that must be observed is the uniformity of all fabrics and threads. For beginners, cotton is best, which is easier to handle and less whimsical when sewing.

It should be remembered that the wrong side should also be uniform with patchwork. This is necessary so that the lower and upper layers have the same extensibility and do not spoil the shape of the blanket. Keep in mind that the duvet will be machine washable, so the fabrics should not shed.

Choose a synthetic winterizer that is not very thick, since abundant insulation will lead to the fact that the blanket will simply bend badly, and you will not be able to wrap yourself in it. You can use tape around the edges to give the quilt an openwork look and protect the edges from fraying.

Patchwork quilt - photo

Sewing a good blanket with your own hands is not a particularly difficult job, but painstaking. What is attractive with her is that, having saved a considerable amount, even a novice craftswoman will be able to get a thing that literally surpasses the purchased ones in everything, and also unique. Try to determine where in Fig. expensive factory blanket. And how does it compare to the rest.

All homemade products in fig. completed in different types patchwork techniques, and for good reason. Most homemade blankets are patchwork. Sewing a patchwork quilt with your own hands will take a lot of time, but it will give great opportunities for creative self-expression and means additional savings: if you are not a professional home-based seamstress and you do not accumulate scraps of fabric, then its waste can be purchased at any sewing factory by weight and inexpensively . In Skillful Hands, Everything for Creativity stores, etc. already sorted by colors, colors and types of fabric, patchwork sets are sold specifically for sewing using the patchwork technique; they cost more than industrial waste, but not at times. Therefore, most of the material in the article is devoted specifically to patchwork quilts, although we will also linger on smooth, modular and wicker quilts.


Since it is understandably difficult to make a bed to a blanket or to fit it to it, the tailoring of a blanket is carried out according to the size of the bed. If your bed(s) are commercially available, then blankets in one of the following sizes will fit it/them:

  • Euro - 210x200 or 200x200 cm.
  • Double rooms, depending on the height and build of the couple - 210x180 (small thin people), 215x175 (chubby short men), 200x200 (medium height and build), 220x240 (large).
  • One and a half - 215x155 or 205x150.
  • Single - 200x150.
  • Children's - 150x120 (preferably for boys) or 140x110 (more girlish).
  • For newborns - in the size of the changing table plus 12-15 cm in each direction. Typical size 120x120 cm.

The dimensions of the blanket for the existing bed are selected so that its edges (fringe, lace, frill, ruffle) on a made bed without lying do not reach the floor by 12-15 cm, otherwise the edge of the blanket will get dirty. Also, a blanket on a free bed should not stray at the legs or heads, otherwise the insulation will crawl. The size of the blanket determines the amount of materials needed for tailoring.


Sewing a blanket is elementary simple only at first glance, and this applies not only to its quilting, which will be discussed further. Have you tried washing your sweaty blanket? Say, after a flu? If yes, then you know that it does not always fit into the machine and how difficult it is to hand wash it. And what your work can turn into after it, which may have required several months of busy evenings. So let's see how best to sew a blanket, so that later there will be less and less hassle with it.

The blanket, as you know, consists of a lining (underside), an insulating liner and a tire. So that the insulation does not crawl and does not go astray, the entire cake is either quilted, or the lining with the tire forms a duvet cover into which the liner is placed. The latter option, due to the efforts of advertisers pushing expensive products into Lately not particularly in use, but for a homemade patchwork blanket, it is advisable to consider it first of all, because. in this case, most of the problems with washing the blanket and replacing the insert disappear. The liner always wears out faster than the tire, and washing the tire with the underside without it is equivalent to washing 2 sheets. If the window under the liner in the middle of the tire is undesirable for design reasons, then in the legs you can make a wide armhole from the lining fabric with an inner pocket-fold, like in a pillowcase. This, by the way, completely removes the problem of the eversion seam; any seamstress will immediately understand how much easier tailoring is.

There is only one “but” in a blanket with a removable insert: if the bed is without a footboard, then the insert will stick out the pocket and the lining fabric will be in sight. To avoid this, without resorting to also noticeable and hard fasteners of any kind, you can use wide border and/or selection of the appropriate lining material (see below). And once again, by the way, a blanket with an insert can also be a summer non-insulated one. But we again ran into materials.


The cover of the blanket can be any, as long as it does not affect the skin and looks good. Blanket covers for newborns, as well as camping, country hammock, etc., used outdoors, are best made from raincoat fabrics. The cover of a thick winter blanket is made of thin furniture upholstery. For the durability of the blanket, it is very important that the tire be stronger than the lining; in addition, such a solution will allow you to fit a blanket into the interior of the bedroom. But with a lining and an insert, things are a little more complicated.


Cotton linen, satin or twill are most often used for lining; in expensive models silk. Cotton textiles are good for everyone, except that they get dirty easily, get sweaty and wipe out pretty quickly. Therefore, cotton lining is made in blankets for children and babies born in the warm season; for the lining of a blanket for a winter-born, it is better to take coarse calico or a bike. In the era of diapers, the problem of moisture resistance from the inside, thank God, is not relevant.

Satin, twill and silk are light, durable, completely vapor-permeable, do not accumulate dirt. But - slippery. Someone likes it when a blanket caresses the body, while someone, on the contrary, tosses and turns in pajamas under such, trying to fall asleep after all. In addition, blankets with a slippery lining are not recommended for dormice sleepers: they slip, stray.

In this case, the best choice would be bamboo fabric: cotton or viscose with the addition of the finest bamboo fibers. What they write about its supposedly miraculous for health and unique thermal properties is an utter lie. What can you do, marketers are people, to put it mildly, peculiar. If the boss strictly forbids them to embellish under the threat of life excommunication from corporate parties and bonuses, their breath will simply stop and will not open again. However, even without forcible pushing, a bamboo canvas has many real advantages:

  1. Hypoallergenic, antistatic.
  2. Feels like cotton.
  3. Wear resistance is an order of magnitude higher than that of cotton and almost the same as that of silk.
  4. High vapor permeability and very low duty cycle for solids; simply - allows sweat to evaporate freely, without accumulating dirt in itself.
  5. High mechanical strength.
  6. It stretches even weaker than silk: if you make a lining of bamboo linen in a blanket with a removable insert and an armhole with a pocket in the legs, but the wrong side will not come out. In any case, a frill 5 cm wide is enough so that the underside of the blanket never shows up.


Blankets are most often insulated with synthetic fibrous materials: synthetic winterizer (base - silicone, pos. 1 in the figure) or holofiber (propylene base, pos. 2). It is convenient to stuff the pillows of modular blankets (see below) with sintepuh, pos. 3. This is the same synthetic winterizer, only not in sheets, but in the form of shaggy granules. To insulate blankets, sheet synthetic winterizer and holofiber are taken with a density of 150-200 and a thickness of 5-8 mm.

A blanket with a synthetic winterizer insulation is lighter and cheaper than a holofiber one, but the synthetic winterizer becomes compressed faster from washing. Both of these materials are warm, extremely light, harmless, incl. for small children, but their own moisture capacity is small, i.e. they easily sweat and dampen. Because non-woven materials, blankets with liners from them must be quilted, otherwise the insulation will quickly get stuck in a lump. And the stitch of a blanket on a synthetic winterizer requires special methods of work, because. he is how many and crawls between the lining and the tire, but at the same time he willingly clings to the needle and thread.

A fleece blanket insert, the same one used for sewing jackets and warm underwear (item 4), is somewhat heavier and more expensive, but in return it has a lot of advantages. Fleece is a fabric, so to speak, for outdoor use, durable, warm and resistant. Its vapor and moisture permeability is heterogeneous: from the fluffy side to the dense one, it is good, but on the contrary, it is low, i.e. it will absorb sweat and release it outside, and it will be difficult for coffee spilled on the blanket to seep into the body.

Fleece does not creep and almost does not stretch. The quilt insert can be made replaceable from it and not suffer with quilting, or you can quilt a blanket with a non-replaceable liner according to a simplified, much less laborious scheme, see below. In the latter case, the blanket can be washed without any: fleece, as a woven material, can be completely washed.

The author of this publication last autumn took and replaced the jacquard camel blanket with an insert made of linen fleece (it is cheaper than a jacket); it took only to sew the cuts along and make an overlock. And what? The blanket became lighter, but warmed no worse in winter. And in the off-season, when the heating was already turned off, it was still too early to turn on the air conditioner and the temperature in the apartment jumped from below the sanitary standard to +27, it was equally comfortable under a blanket with a fleece insert. And for your information: a jacquard blanket made of natural six Khakass camels 210x250 in size at current prices will cost about 3,000 euros. Although demolition, of course, is not and is not expected in any conceivable and unthinkable operating conditions.


A patchwork quilt has long been sewn as a dowry for marriageable girls, and by no means out of poverty, but as evidence of their perseverance, diligence, skill and artistic taste; hawthorns and princesses were also engaged in sewing blankets from scraps. In the West, the latter, already in marriage, often also wove tapestries, with which the wife of William the Conqueror went down in history: her creation depicts the history of the conquest of England by the Normans.

With the beginning of Soviet power, war was declared on patchwork quilts as mercilessly as on churches. With the filing of notorious comrade. Inessa Armand and Alexandra Kollontai. The reason for such intolerance can be understood if we recall the latter’s “glass of water theory” and the well-known slogan of the 20s of the last century following from it: “Komsomolskaya Pravda should not refuse a Komsomol member!”. In what - tt. Kollontai and Armand were sanctimoniously silent, but the ugly Komsomol orgies date back precisely to those times.

By the way, comrades convinced party members did not miss their own. At any party meeting, the activists with serious faces, but with burning impatience in their souls, waited for the “sixth question”. It was customary to consider 5 questions “on a piece of paper” at one Pars meeting, and the “sixth question” was a drunken bacchanalia after.

"Promising" Komsomol activists were often involved in the "consideration of the sixth question" if they were available. Of the current activists of an openly Nazi persuasion, one can find at least 10 different degrees of fame, during which they labored in this hypostasis and firmly believed in a great bright future. His own for sure and only on his natural data, without any outstanding abilities, great works and accomplishments. And then suddenly on you - perestroika, revelations, a turning point and a complete bummer of a career. Well, how can you not be completely freaked out? However, let's put an end to what sometimes happens under the covers and return to the blankets as such.

Styles and compositions

The most labor-intensive, but also most valued blankets, sewn from any patches and scraps. It took years to work, and to put together this chaos so that it looks, you need remarkable abilities. For a patchwork quilt in the style of chaos (item 1 in the figure) in England, for example, connoisseurs give up to 8,000 pounds or more.

From cutting, wedges and strips most often remain. The first, as if by themselves, ask for a spiral composition (pos. 2), and patchwork quilts are sewn from the stripes in the style of a zebra or a stream, pos. 3. The latter are valued almost on a par with chaotic ones, as somewhat less laborious, but more spectacular.


Modular (block) quilts differ from "true messy" quilts in that the quilts are sewn into geometrically regular modules, which are then cut to a pattern (see figure on the right). This simplifies and speeds up the work at times, but the value of the product in the eyes of connoisseurs is reduced, because. is determined already mainly by the artistic merits of the blanket. Therefore, blocks are most often sewn square. 5, 6-gons, and other shapes that are compatible without gaps greatly complicate the work, and if the blanket wins spectacularly, then a little.

Blankets in the style of "block chaos", pos. 4 in fig. higher, more amateur, tk. their labor intensity is relatively low. At auctions in the middle price segment, block-prefabricated patchwork quilts in the style of arable land (pos. 5) and a vegetable garden, pos. 6. They are named so because they are somewhat similar to aerial photographs of this type of terrain. Also medium, but taller, quilts in the style of a patchwork meander are quoted, pos. 7, block-geometric, pos. 8 and 9, as well as chess, pos. 10, if they are made with taste and fiction.

Note: all block-prefabricated patchwork quilts can be sewn so-called. eversion, with transverse, longitudinal or those and other seams between the blocks on the face, pos. eleven.


Block-modular patchwork is already the birth of the patchwork technique and its variety of quilting (not to be confused with paper quilling!). In a prefabricated patchwork, modules (blocks) are sewn together, as in simple patchwork, and when quilting, they are sewn onto a solid base. Fundamentally, patchwork differs from simple patchwork in that the patches are pre-selected and prepared for the product. For example, in patchwork kits, the patches are often already cut to size and are sold in kits for a specific item with the application of sewing and assembly patterns.

It is not for nothing that the patchwork technique has gained worldwide popularity: it can be used at home to create truly masterpieces of sewing art in almost any national and / or traditional style; see some samples in the photo. Most often, a geometric assembly of regular-shaped blocks is used, but variants of a zebra, stream, wave, etc. are also possible. Patchwork does not accept visible chaos, its pattern is always semantic and organized in a certain way. If simple patchwork is closer to abstract art in the fine arts, then pavork is already a full-fledged modern.

Abstractionism is not devoid of deep meaning, but apart from an outstanding master, it also needs an equally knowledgeable spectator-connoisseur. Therefore, abstraction is easily faked by empty mediocrity. Modern is also devoid of rigid canons, but it clearly shows its essence and almost everyone is able to distinguish success from useless attempts in it. This is the second important reason for the popularity of patchwork.

Schemes and blocks

The standard dimensions of the patchwork block are from 10x10 to 30x30 cm in 5 cm increments. Simple circuits patchwork blocks, such as angular spiral and ladder, you can make it yourself on checkered paper, see fig .; numbers indicate the numbers of fabric colors according to the selected samples. The size of the block is obtained based on the smallest allowable width of the pattern element along the face, equal to 1.5 allowances for the hem, i.e. for most fabrics 15 mm (see below for sewing techniques).

How to work with diagrams

Searching for “quilting blocks”, “patchwork blocks”, “quilting blocks”, “patchwork blocks” brings up a lot of samples. But these will be either simplified schemes with a letter indicating the levels (upper part in the figure), or simply samples of pattern elements (below in the figure), on the basis of which it is necessary to develop patterns in size and arrange the available patches by color.

Development complete scheme garment in the technique of patchwork is made in stages as follows:

  • On checkered paper, schemes of selected blocks are built in life size;
  • According to the schemes, fabric samples are laid out until the desired aesthetic effect is obtained. It is advisable to operate immediately with all selected blocks, so it will be easier to achieve a general visual effect;
  • The paper blank of each block is made in the amount necessary for sewing the whole thing;
  • On paper charts colored markers approximately mark the selected colors;
  • Paper blanks are laid out in natural size and the overall effect is assessed;
  • If some block / blocks aesthetically “do not climb”, we repeat paragraphs. 1-3;
  • When a thing looks like it should, selected blocks are numbered or lettered so as not to be confused with the numbering of fabric samples;
  • A complete drawing of the product is drawn (see samples in the figure below) with dimensions, numbering of fabrics and blocks.

The last point is a stumbling block for beginner/patchwork lovers and is often overlooked. And then it turns out that the “mow flooded” (mowing went on in geometry and color), and it is very difficult to find where the germ of a flaw lurks in the confusion of these simple figures.

About schemes for children

Additional requirements are imposed on the development of schemes for children's things in the patchwork technique, due to the peculiarities of the not yet fully developed children's vision and psyche. A patchwork baby quilt, for example, should be designed as follows:

  1. Large blocks are undesirable, it is better to work in a 10x10 cm module.
  2. Small details of the pattern should not flicker; complex curvilinear contours should preferably be avoided.
  3. Larger meaningful blocks (filled with a picture) should be alternated with smaller background ones.
  4. Repetitions of the same meaningful block in the longitudinal and transverse rows are not allowed.
  5. Bright, saturated, flashy colors are also unacceptable.
  6. The background color in quilting must be maintained in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greatest sensitivity of children's eyes: pale yellow, light green, pale blue.
  7. Very, very desirable is the symmetry of the pattern about the longitudinal axis with an odd number of longitudinal rows, i.e. should be center row.

An example of correct circuit construction baby blanket- patchwork is given in fig. Module - 10x10 cm. The full size (170x130 cm) is designed for growth. The pattern of meaningful blocks may be different, satisfying the above requirements.


Trimming flaps

This is a preparatory, but very time-consuming and responsible operation; the allowance must be given at least 7.5 mm, otherwise the tire seams will spread later. For cutting patches to size and shape in stores (sewing, "For creativity", "Skillful Hands"), cutters and boards with a self-tightening coating are sold; a coordinate grid is applied on their front side. The coating is rough, the fabric is held on it.

The cutter can still be replaced with safety razor blades (3-5 per blanket), but if you are sewing a patchwork quilt in the style of chaos or from randomly typed blocks, then it is difficult to find a replacement for a “self-healing” plank. Scissors can only be obtained by experienced cutters, and plywood and cardboard are quickly cut off with a cutter until they are completely unusable.

If you are working in the patchwork technique, when quite a lot of identical fragments are required for one thing, things are easier. Now is the time to hide the faithful, unless he is stuck tightly to beer with football: cutting templates need to be cut out of plywood in the form of 2 completely identical halves with wings on the allowance. The flap-blank is inserted between them (on the left in the figure), and the halves are combined. This is not difficult, because the edges of the halves of the template are easily felt through the fabric. Then the template is compressed with fingers or a small carpentry clamp.

A special cutter (not cheap, by the way) is not needed for such a template: even a very thin and “stretchy” fabric is cut with a razor blade for sure. For example, just one such compound template is enough to cut patches for a very effective flick-flac quilt (on the right in the figure).

Tailoring and edging

Sewing the flaps together and sewing the cover of the blanket from blocks, as well as its edging, do not have significant differences from other sewing works. The size of the allowance and the minimum allowable size of the workpiece are indicated above; simplest way edging - oblique inlay. About everything else for beginners, we offer a selection of videos:

How to sew flaps:

Master class on sewing a patchwork quilt with your own hands:

Quilt edging in patchwork technique:


Quilting a warm blanket with a non-replaceable insert is an operation that is even more responsible and time-consuming than preparing fragments. It is better for beginners not to remember about curly stitch (wave, leaves, scales, etc.). The figured stitch of blankets is made by weight: the pie blank is unrolled horizontally in the frame, and along the seams marked in advance on the tire, all 3 layers of materials are fixed with pins. Simple straight pins are best. Pieces of cork are pierced on their points, they hold the cake tightly and protect it from pricks.

Once curly stitch was done by hand, now special stitches are used for it. sewing machines without table and with long consoles movable in 2 directions. It occupies a large room. We would like to get by with a regular sewing machine. Better, of course, a machine with a walking foot, but such roads. It will be much cheaper to buy or make yourself (for him, not for you) a special quilting foot for a regular sewing machine, see for example. track. video clip:

In any case, the working techniques for quilting a blanket are as follows:

  • By marking the seams, the cake is fixed from displacement of the layers with safety pins.
  • Spread fingers right hand straighten the cake over its entire thickness directly in front of the foot. If the liner is sintepon, this requires a solid skill.
  • The folded fingers of the left hand pull the material behind the foot. Here, too, experience and a sense of material are needed in order to pull exactly in time with the supply of fabric with a grab (teeth). I didn’t reach it - the puff was wrinkled and / or the seam was gone; overtightened - the thread is tangled, the needle is stuck or broken.

Note: The thread for quilting a blanket should be taken with a smooth and durable polyester No. 40 or No. 50.

Quilted blanket - patchwork is usually quilted so-called. free stitch, see e.g. video tutorial:

In general, for slippery liners made of synthetic winterizer and holofiber using a conventional sewing machine, a linear-diagonal stitch pattern is recommended (on the left in the figure below):

  • From the center to the short edges, they are quilted across.
  • Then the same - from the center to the long edges.
  • Also from the center - diagonally to the corners.
  • From the middle, parallel to any of the diagonals, alternately on one side and the other - to the opposite corners.
  • The same, from the other diagonal to the remaining 2nd corners.

Linear-diagonal stitch does not get rid of the flaws that are inevitable when stitching on a conventional machine, but drives them to the edges and corners where the cake can be trimmed. Therefore, if the blanket is quilted in this way, its edging and bordering are done last. If the blanket has a fleece insert, then the matter is again greatly simplified: then the blanket can be quilted with an envelope (on the right in the figure); the step of expanding the rectangles is from 10 to 25 cm (for fleece).

Other blankets

For the little ones

An ordinary blanket for a newborn needs to be sewn, as mentioned above: size 120x120 cm, summer lined with cotton linen; winter - flannel, calico or bike. The tire is made of raincoat fabric, the insulation is definitely synthetic winterizer: the holofiber is rough, the fleece is heavy, and the synthetic winterizer will last up to 2-3 years. Quilting is obligatory, but the technological “harmfulness” of the synthetic winterizer in this case will not do much harm, because. the thing is small and not for show.

In the wake of the general enthusiasm for transformability (oh, if only - a cucumber core in a full glass ... a joke), "advanced" mothers are also actively interested in blankets for newborns - transformers. But what is interesting here is that the original publication (see fig.) begins with the word “theoretically”, and then it is emphasized that the meaning of this innovation is mainly economic.

What prevented the author of the idea from showing enthusiasm? Zippers. Imagine that your blanket has zippers on the side and in the heads. And you wake up with prints on your side. Or, worse than that, the clasp has moved and pinched your hair or something. And what, in this case, will be small with its thin delicate skin?

In general, this is not the case when ergonomics can be sacrificed for functionality. Not to mention the moral significance of the thing. There are patents for wedding rings with nail clippers and a beer cap key, but what's the point of them? If you really want to save a little at the birth of a baby or put your hands on for the sake of his things, then it would be better to sew the most ordinary envelope for an extract from the hospital; the pattern is given in fig. It can be saved and shown later to the child: look, here you once fit all.


How a modular blanket is arranged and sewn / knitted is shown in fig. Its advantage is technological simplicity, no eversion seams, precise cutting and fitting. But in general, this option is more of a bedspread on the sofa: if it’s cold in the bedroom, then it cools the body in the gaps between the pillows.

Rug, blanket or blanket?

And finally, one more blanket: from pompoms. It belongs to the type of woven blankets. It requires quite a lot of yarn, but it is effective, warm, “breathes” well and is technologically very simple, you don’t even need to know how to sew or knit. You can make a pom-pom blanket in an evening.

How a pompom blanket is made is clear from fig. It can be added to it that for warm clothes, threads at the intersections need 80-120 each, i.e. 50-60 in each transverse and longitudinal beam. Accordingly, the nails must protrude at least 100 mm. More threads in a bundle are made for a blanket and a rug, then the distance between the nails should be taken 3.5-4 cm.

It is best to weave a pompom blanket on a frame, and not on a board: it is more convenient to tie up the crosshairs of branches, and the frame can be disassembled and hidden. On the board in a city apartment, you can only weave a cape on a stool, and on a frame in an ordinary living room and a double blanket.

The tails of the knots connecting the crosshairs of the bundles of threads are left on the front side (where the pompons will be). Usually, 1/4-1/3 of the bundle is left on the base, i.e., after winding 12-20 threads, they switch to another color. 3/4-2/3 of the bundle are cut, respectively, and pompons are formed. The edge bundles are cut last when the panel is fully formed.

Patchwork - patchwork. A thing made in this technique will emphasize the style of your home and make the interior unique. sewn with your own hands, it turns out no worse than the store. If you carefully read this article, you can make yourself quite an interesting and practical product.

What kind of animal is a patchwork?

Many needlewomen who love to sew always have pieces of fabric left. Do not rush to throw them away, they can be useful. For example, come in handy to make a patchwork bedspread. It is easy to sew this product with your own hands. For work, you will need shreds of various sizes and different fabrics (silk, cotton, satin). These segments are sewn into a single canvas with a specific pattern. The thing turns out bright and unique.

If you like this technique, then try starting with a simple little thing. For example, make a bedspread for a bed. Patchwork is easy to master. You do not have to be a professional seamstress, it is enough to know how to use a sewing machine and a needle and thread.

Patchwork: varieties

There are the following types of patchwork technique:

Sewing technique

It seems to many that the patchwork technology is very simple: cut and sew. But this is only at first glance simple. In fact, the patchwork technique requires skill, artistic taste, perseverance, diligence, accuracy, and most importantly, the ability to sew. There are the following ways of stitching pieces of fabric:

Patchwork technique: bedspread for beginners

If you decide to sew such a product for the first time, you should know the following steps in preparing for this process:

How to make a pattern

Take thick cardboard, draw on it the outline of a square of the required size. Do not forget to make allowances for the seams, set aside one centimeter on each side and draw a second contour line. Take a sharp knife. Start cutting the inner and then the outer contour first. You have a template in the form of a frame. Place the workpiece on the wrong side of the fabric and circle all the contours with chalk. For example, for a standard size bedspread (150 by 200 centimeters), you need to cut 180 square pieces of 15 by 15 centimeters (including seam allowances).

Application of patchwork

Any interior and wardrobe items (except shoes) can be made using the patchwork technique. So, original blouses, skirts and vests are obtained from the crazy canvas, the quilting technique is quite suitable for sewing an autumn jacket, you can also make bags, kitchen potholders and much more.

Don't forget about your kids too! Sew cute things for them. For example, make colorful pieces of fabric using the patchwork technique. Decorate them various applications in the form of fairy-tale characters, animals or letters.

Sewing a patchwork bedspread for children

To sew a product measuring 130 by 190 centimeters, you will need:

  • threads (matching in color to the main and purl fabric);
  • sewing machine;
  • four kinds of different fabric;
  • pins;
  • canvas for the wrong side (size 130 by 190 centimeters);
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • synthetic winterizer (size 110 by 170 centimeters).

Selection of material for work

Before you start sewing, choose the right combination of fabric shades. The texture of matter can be any, and the density and thickness of the shreds are the same. As a filler, you can use holofiber or batting. Choose a cotton lining. It should match in color with the main fabric.

Master class: how to sew in the style of patchwork bedspreads

Schemes, patterns, patterns are the basis for creating this composition. For inexperienced needlewomen, it is best to use ready-made blanks that can be found in magazines and books.

We suggest using the Quick Squares technique (see above).

So, before you start sewing, prepare the material. Wash and iron it well. Having prepared everything, get to work. Sew the flaps using the "Quick Squares" technique. It should turn out sixty shreds of a square shape measuring 12 by 12 centimeters. Place them in a checkerboard pattern. Once the fabric is sewn, iron the seams.

Start sewing the lining for the bedspread. Lay the finished fabric face down. Lay a synthetic winterizer on top, pin with pins and sew along the previously laid seams. Make precise seam to seam. Next, take the fabric that was prepared for the wrong side. Attach to the canvas with synthetic winterizer inside out. Pin all pieces together. Sweep and sew on a typewriter. Sewing a patchwork patchwork bedspread with your own hands is quite simple. The main thing is to carefully study this technique.

A hand-sewn patchwork is a great solution to update, diversify and decorate your home. Experiment, let your imagination run wild. Good luck in your work!

You will need:

  • Multicolored pieces of fabric. Cotton is ideal: it does not deform, does not shrink when washed and retains color for a long time.
  • The fabric for the lining is also better to take cotton.
  • Insulation. The most convenient option is volumenfliz (volumetric interlining with an adhesive coating). It can be made of polyester, cotton, wool.
  • Wide inlay for product edging.
  • Handmade needles, thread, thimble, pins, scissors, cutter wheel, cutting mat, sewing machine, iron.

Step 1

It all starts with the selection of fabric. Traditionally, such blankets were sewn from the remnants of matter, but still it is better to spend time and look for patterns suitable for the future blanket. Fabrics should not only be combined with each other in color, but also be equally dense.

Step 2

The complexity of the composition depends only on the imagination. The main thing is to carefully sew all the pieces together. That is why it will be easier for beginners to work with large squares. Patterns are usually built from blocks: you sew small patches together so that the pattern becomes visible (for example, a star or a polygon), and repeat the resulting block several times. Having thought over the pattern, fold one block without sewing it, and look again carefully: for the time being, the combination of fabrics can be changed.

Step 3

Calculate the size of the patches, remembering the seam allowances of 0.75 cm, and cut the fabric. Be sure to cut off the edges of the fabric with a cutter, the edges should be even. Measure and cut out the lower part (with an allowance of 5-10 cm) and insulation.

Step 4

Fold the patches right side in and sew them together on a typewriter. Then iron the patches and seams. Be careful, the fabric should never bulge.

Step 5

When the pattern of the upper part is fully formed, once again iron the entire composition with an iron.

Step 6

Start marking for the stitch. It is usually done with an H2 hard pencil. The stitch can be oriented towards blocks, or it can be independent of them and bent in a complex contour.

Step 7

Sweeping. Now we need to connect the insulation to the top and bottom. Lay out all three parts one on top of the other and pin the edges with pins. Seam "forward with a needle", not pulling the thread too much, sweep away the layers. First diagonally - from the center to the corners. Then from the center to the middle of the sides. And in conclusion - with a “lattice” vertically and horizontally, making lines every 10-15 cm.

Step 8

Unscrew the allowances of the lower part and tack them to the insulation. This is necessary so that during the next stitch, the fibers of the non-woven fabric do not interfere with you and the fabric does not crumble. The stitch can be hand and machine. The machine will make the blanket more embossed, dense and not very plastic. With hand stitching, the blanket is softer and more fluffy.

Step 9

Finishing the edges of the product. The easiest way to do this is with an edging strip of fabric or a finished inlay. Fold it in half wrong side inside and iron. Start sewing on the piping from the middle of each edge of the blanket (it is better to fix it with pins). First to the bottom side, then to the front.

If you decide to sew a bedspread from pieces of fabric, acting as a designer, cutter and seamstress, we will support you in this endeavor with valuable advice. We will tell you in detail how to sew a patchwork quilt, offer options for patchwork patterns, show a master class with step-by-step instructions and photos.

Patchwork is a special type of needlework, which, unfortunately, is forgotten in our country, and once in every family, a bed was covered with a bright bedspread made of small pieces of fabric. Abroad, blankets made of handmade shreds of fabric are in demand, they are bought with pleasure.

Patchwork has many names - patchwork technique, textile mosaic and patchwork ( in translation - patch and mosaic work).

Patchwork bedspreads and blankets are made from three layers:

  • the front side is made in the technique of patchwork
  • middle - a layer of batting, cotton wool, synthetic winterizer, interlining
  • the back side is made of scraps of fabric or a whole piece of matter.

If three layers of a blanket are stitched through, such work is called quilting, A quilted products. The older generation remembers how their mothers and grandmothers sewed beautiful quilts with a bright cheerful pattern from scraps of fabric.

Today, an elegant patchwork quilt is back in fashion, which can become a design solution for a country-style room, minimalism, Provence or hi-tech.

How to start sewing a patchwork quilt?

To sew a patchwork quilt, you need to have on hand:

  • needles, pins, thread
  • scissors or a special roller knife
  • iron to smooth seams
  • sewing machine, knitting needles or hook, if we knit shreds from the remnants of thread
  • pieces of fabric for a patchwork quilt or special kits for making blocks

For a patchwork quilt, you can use old things if you open them and wash them. The material should not be dilapidated and most importantly, it should not shed.

Best for patchwork:

  • cotton
  • chintz
  • satin
  1. The fabric for the bedspread can be plain or patterned.
  2. We select a fabric for patchwork that is close in color, for example, delicate pastel colors in the Provence style, or bright with a pattern or ornament in the country style.
  3. Black and white material looks good when finished.
  4. Almost all drawings are made from pieces of a geometric shape, cut out according to patterns or special patterns.
  5. We make the back side of the blanket using the patchwork technique or take a whole piece of fabric that matches the face of the product.
  6. Threads are selected to match the fabric or contrasting colors.

Sew a patchwork quilt with your own hands: step by step instructions

We invite you to sew a blanket with a New Year's mood, made of alternately arranged bright decorative patterns (blocks) on a white background. The first block is made in the original and very expressive Ohio Star technique, the second is a simple cut of small squares. The size of the patchwork blocks is the same, the number depends on what size we are going to sew a blanket.

  • The back side of the blanket is a piece of fabric matched to the front side


  • We select 13 pieces of fabric and divide into squares and stripes

  • Stripes of four, six and eight squares with a side of 5 cm
  • Squares with a side of 10 cm, assembled from 4 small squares with a side of 5 cm

Execute the first block:

We will need:

  • 5 squares of different colors, with a side of 10 cm
  • 8 squares with a side of 10 cm from white fabric
  • strips of 8 and 4 squares with a side of 5 cm

Completing of the work:

  • Divide the square into 2 triangles
  • We take a triangle, apply it to a white square

  • Sew the triangle to the white square, stepping back from the corner by 2 cm

  • Bend the triangle and smooth

  • Cut off a piece of white square under the triangle

  • We take a triangle from the next square of a contrasting color, apply it to the white square

  • We sew the second triangle, it partially closes the first, smooth

  • Cut off a piece of white fabric and a corner of the first triangle

  • We get an uneven square, cut off the excess so that all sides become 10 cm again

  • Let's make 4 blanks from four types of fabric

  • We decomposed all the elements of the block into a single composition, using the four remaining white squares

  • We connect all the details, we get a star on a white background

  • We take pre-prepared strips of squares, each with a side of 5 cm
  • Stripes of four squares are arranged vertically
  • Stripes of 8 squares horizontally

  • Sew on the vertical stripes first, then the horizontal ones.

Execute the second block

To work, you need to take:

  • strips of white fabric 3 cm and 4 cm long, 5 cm wide
  • strips of 4 and 6 squares, with a side of 5 cm
  • central square with a side of 10 cm

We do the work:

  • We take a ready-made square, consisting of four smaller squares
  • Apply white stripes to it
  • Vertical - 5 cm wide, 10 cm long
  • Horizontal - 5 cm wide, 20 cm long

  • Sew strips, starting with vertical

  • We apply strips of squares to the resulting square
  • Horizontal of 6, vertical of 4 squares, each 5 cm wide

  • We sew in the same sequence - first vertical stripes, then horizontal

  • Sew white stripes to the resulting square with a side width of 3 cm
  • Vertical stripes 3 cm long are sewn on first
  • Sew horizontal stripes 4 cm long after vertical

  • Let's lay out the square blocks on the floor, they must fit exactly, you determine the quantity yourself

  • Take a synthetic winterizer the same size with a patchwork top
  • The back side is cut from the fabric 5 cm more in width and length than the top of the blanket
  • With the help of pins we connect three layers and sew on a typewriter
  • Quilting a blanket
  • We sew the edging strip, apply it with the front side to the front side of the blanket
  • Bend to the wrong side and sew with a hidden seam

If you look at the finished blanket, it seems that it is very difficult to make, but it is not. Be patient, the blanket consists of many small pieces, but the result is worth your effort.

Instructions on how to sew a patchwork baby quilt

A great option for beginners is to make a simple square quilt for a kid's room to take on a picnic.

For a blanket 130 cm x 150 cm we need:

  • 4 pieces of natural cotton fabric in different colors 60 cm x 120 cm
  • fabric on the back side with a margin of 130 cm x 170 cm
  • bright fabric for edging edge 7 m with a width of 8 cm
  • applique 6 pieces
  • filler according to the size of the bedspread
  • white fabric for the circles to which we glue the appliqué

If we use a blanket for walking, it is best to take a nylon or waterproof fabric for the back so that we can spread it on the ground.

We do the work:

  • Cut out squares from each type of fabric, size 15 x 15 cm
  • We lay out in piles in each of 30 pieces
  • There are 120 square pieces in total.

  • The pattern is performed according to this scheme horizontally 13 squares, vertically 9

  • Sew the squares, folding, right side to each other
  • We iron the seam in the center, 1 cm from each square was left for the allowance

  • We sew two strips together, laying the front side on top of each other

  • We sew the squares collected in ribbons
  • In the second row, the last will take the place of the first, etc.

  • We look carefully so that the squares match in size

  • We smooth the seams, on the reverse side the canvas looks like this

  • Cut out 6 circles from white fabric, onto which we transfer the application

  • Through gauze or paper, using a hot iron, transfer the pattern to the fabric

  • We sew the circles with a “narrow zigzag” stitch, we get a fun addition to the children's bedspread

  • We lay out the bedspread on the floor or a wide table, alternating layers: patchwork on top, then filler, third layer face down

  • We get a "layer cake" - the future blanket

  • With fixing needles, we grab three layers of material along the edge around the entire perimeter

  • We manually sew the edging to the front edge of the bedspread, fold it in half, connecting all the layers, stitch it with a beautiful seam

  • We put on the machine a foot special for patchwork with a side guide
  • We sew together three layers for reliability, making a line in the perimeter of the red squares, stepping back from the edge of 1 cm

  • As a result, we get a beautiful and even line.

Everyone can make a bright and comfortable patchwork quilt for walking. It is possible to experiment with the color and pattern of the fabric, choose a different layout of the squares and the size of the product, it all depends on your imagination. The bedspread does not take much time to work on, it can be made from the remnants of fabric and old unnecessary things.

How to sew a patchwork quilt with the seam out?

The original function of patchwork needlework is the disposal of old things or pieces of fabric left after sewing clothes and linen. One variation of patchwork quilts is seam-out denim.

There is a lot of denim in the wardrobe. Instead of sending things that were once loved, but already worn or out of fashion, to a landfill, skilled housewives turn them into necessary, beautiful and original bedspreads.

The manufacturing process of a patchwork fabric with an outer seam differs from the traditional method:

  1. We sew squares, triangles, stripes, applying to each other not with the front, but with the wrong side. We also sew ribbons.
  2. We make cuts along the edges of the seams with scissors and comb with a metal brush (for denim), choosing threads so that the edge resembles a pile.
  3. We shake out the blanket well so that the remnants of the thread fly around and wash it in the machine.
  4. The back side can be closed with cloth, and the middle can be insulated with a sentipon.
  5. Along the edge, we sew an edging strip of fabric or sew on lace or a frill. Denim Pairs well with cotton and linen.

  • It is good to use such a blanket for outdoor recreation, for the reverse side we choose nylon fabric

  • A patchwork quilt with a seam outward can be sewn from any fabric, the main task is to cut the edge and remove the transverse threads

The outer seam makes the blanket fluffy and soft, such a product is suitable for a children's room and walks with a child in nature.

How to sew a patchwork quilt for a newborn?

Patchwork quilt made in the technique of "biscuit" ("ottoman", "bombon")

  • Blanket size: 130 x 130 cm
  • Drawing from squares 9.5 x 9.5 cm (5 mm allowance)
  • Fabric, American cotton

You will need 5 pieces of fabric, cut into squares, in various shades of pink, with a pattern:

  • hot pink squares with hearts 141 pieces
  • with cartoon pattern 205 squares
  • pale pink 63 squares
  • flowered 66 squares
  • polka dot 28 square
  • With ladybugs 70 squares
  • interlining bag

Baby blanket - back side:

We do the work:

  • It is better to start drawing from pads from the middle, in which case there is less chance of making a mistake, it will be well viewed

  • Sew the pads by hand, starting from the middle, with a blind seam
  • We choose threads that are strong so that they do not break.

  • A gentle light and warm blanket is ready, it can be washed, it will not stray into separate lumps

  • A blanket made in the same way, we sew a frill along the edge, and the size of the sides of the squares was made 8 cm

  • Light-colored blanket in floral fabric with a ruffle for a newborn, can be completed with an elastic band with a bow

If you don’t know how to sew a voluminous patchwork quilt, then the option of separate pillows should please not only beginners, but also experienced needlewomen.

Patchwork technique

To make a pattern out of pieces of fabric, they need to be assembled into patchwork blocks of triangles, squares and hexagons and others. geometric shapes. To perform a particular pattern, there are many techniques.

How to sew a patchwork quilt from squares?

If you are a beginner, it is better to start with a square blanket.

For this you need to know:

  1. If the side of the square exceeds 5 cm, it is necessary to cut the fabric along the share.
  2. Squares are sewn into long stripes according to the intended pattern or randomly.
  3. We sew the rectangles to each other along the short side.
  4. We sew the first square with the second, folding them with the front sides, to each other, we sew along the allowance line.
  5. We iron on the edge, and then iron in the direction of a darker square.
  6. We sew the third square, fold it with the face of the second and repeat the same as in the first case.
  7. We sew strips of squares together, sew along the allowance line, iron on one of the sides.

The simplest, basic basics of patchwork needlework is a square-based technique.

Technique "Quick squares»

Laying out a mosaic of squares is simple, the main thing is to choose the right fabric. Scraps are cut out of pieces of fabric in the form of geometric shapes. To form blocks, we sort by color, pattern, texture.

Such a coverlet is made quickly, especially if it is not necessary to follow the sequence of flaps. We sew the squares into ribbons, and we connect the ribbons together.

Technique "Chess"

We alternate two colors, as on a chessboard, and we get beautiful drawing. It is good to use fabric with the same pattern, but different colors. Combinations of squares with a pattern of stripes look original, some are placed horizontally, others vertically.

The pattern is simple, it can be done by a novice needlewoman. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice of material and carefully connect the squares into a single chess plot.

Technique "Watercolor"

The bedspread consists of squares arranged in a certain sequence, resulting in a floral pattern. If you choose the right color and pattern, a patchwork bedspread will complement the interior in the Provence, Rustic, Empire, Baroque styles.

Skillful hands of masters create from squares blankets-pictures in the form of flowers, sea and natural landscapes.

Technique "Diamond»

The intricate square-in-square pattern is called "Diamond", often used as an element in the ancient "Russian Square" or "Pineapple" technique. The pattern is simple and easy to do.

  1. We take two pieces of fabric and cut out squares - two from one fabric, and one from a fabric of a different color
  2. Two identical squares are cut diagonally in half
  3. We apply an isosceles triangle with the large side to the square and sew
  4. Seam allowance 0.5 - 0.75 mm.

There is no clear line between the technique using the square, triangle and stripes in the pattern, there are products made by all three figures.

How to sew a patchwork quilt from stripes?

Strips of fabric, from which craftsmen sew a patchwork fabric, is an ancient technique. A great option for those who are taking their first steps in needlework.

  1. We cut strips of various sizes - these can be tiny pieces of fabric 5 cm wide, this technique is called "Branded"
  2. You can use strips of solid pieces of fabric, wide and long, matched by color and texture.
  3. Stripes are sewn into large blocks along the edge of a smaller size

Stripes are a popular quilting technique for quilts and bedspreads.

Technique "Hut"

If you meet in the literature on patchwork the names "American Square", "Firewood", "Well", "Hut" - the same technique.

We do the work:

  • In the center of the block we place a piece of fabric, symbolizing the hearth, made of orange, red or yellow material.
  • Around we sew strips in a spiral - the logs of the hut, often use light-colored fabric.
  • The block is necessarily divided into a darker and lighter side.

The smaller the size of the stripes and the greater their number, the more interesting the “Hut” pattern.

How to sew a patchwork quilt from triangles

Triangles are present in almost all patchwork patterns. The technique using triangles is popular with Russian needlewomen working with patchwork.

We make two or more triangles from squares or cut them out of pieces of fabric according to a pattern.

  1. The direction of the grain line of the fabric should coincide with the smaller side of the triangle.
  2. Sew the triangles along the long side.
  3. If you need a lot of triangles of two colors, cut out squares with a seam allowance:
  • fold two different squares right side up
  • we make two lines, stepping back from the diagonal line by 5 mm
  • cut in the middle
  • we get two squares with triangles of different colors

Card Trick Technique

The focus of the pattern is that we see squares, in fact the pattern consists of triangles of different sizes.

  1. We take 4 pieces different fabric(excluding background pattern)
  2. We divide diagonally 2 times, we get 4 triangles from each square
  3. From the resulting triangles we sew the squares according to the pattern

The focus is open - there is nothing complicated in the pattern!

"Russian Square"

Traditional Russian northern pattern. The basis is small squares and triangles that our ancestors had when cutting a straight suit. Initially, pieces of material were distributed randomly, and then began to be collected in blocks with a small pattern. All elements were sewn by hand.

  1. The center of the pattern is a square, to which we sew isosceles triangles
  2. We take dark fabric for triangles, light and bright fabric for squares and stripes.
  3. The size of the pattern depends on the central square
  4. For work, it is necessary to make a pattern pattern in full size, otherwise the pattern will turn out to be uneven.

For beginner needlewomen, this pattern is complex, requiring patchwork skills.

Technique "Star Ohio"

Despite the apparent complexity, even a novice needlewoman can perform this pattern if she is patient, accurate and attentive.

You will find a step-by-step description of how to assemble the Ohio Star patchwork block at the beginning of the article in a step-by-step instruction for a DIY blanket.

Technique "Crazy»

Free theme for your creativity. What geometric pieces of fabric fell under your hands, such will find a place in the fantastic extravaganza of patchwork.

  1. We select the fabric of the same texture
  2. In the center we place the brightest piece, most often triangular in shape - the “pupil”
  3. Around we sew triangles, regular and irregular shapes
  4. Quadrilaterals can complement the composition on a free patchwork theme

Agree in this mess, there is a beauty:

Patchwork needlework is a pleasure for a creative person, an opportunity to show their imagination and realize ideas. The patchwork quilt is a vintage element in a modern interior, it creates a special atmosphere and coziness in your bedroom and children's room. The main thing is that for work you do not need anything other than threads, needles, sewing machine and pieces of fabric that will always be found in your home.

Video: "How to sew a patchwork quilt with a padding polyester and a voluminous rim"
