Master class, cocktail tubes. Cocktail tube bracelets Cocktail tube weaving pattern

Weaving bracelets from plastic tubes with your own hands may seem like exclusively child's play. But in vain! In fact, from this simplest material you can make such beautiful accessories that no one will ever guess how you managed it. We've put together a few for you. great ideas and master classes with which you can make bracelets from cocktail tubes for every taste.

Some decorations will be massive and bright. They are suitable for summer outfits or for a beach holiday. Other straw bracelets will be more discreet: you can wear them in Everyday life. Well, something, of course, is chosen especially for little princesses. Moreover, the girls will be able to make them themselves - you will only need to help them a little.

Tubes for juice can be taken plain or bright, thick or thin, plastic or paper. There are no restrictions here - everything is solely at your discretion. Whatever the tubes in the photo from the master classes, feel free to replace them with whatever you like. Experiment!

Massive bracelet

With the help of this master class, you can make a whole set with your own hands: bracelet + necklace. The assembly of accessories is built on the same principle.

We will need:

  • thin tubes;
  • spray paint;
  • colored cardboard;
  • accessories for a bracelet;
  • glue;
  • fishing line.

We paint the tubes with an aerosol. In this case, metallic paint will look beautiful. From cardboard cut out several triangles of the desired size. If you want to make a strict bracelet, let it be black, gold or red. If you need a summer bright accessory, use a combination of several colors.

Spread the edges of the triangles with glue. Do the same with one end of the tube. Wrap it in a triangle and squeeze it tightly by inserting one end of the straw into the other.

Stretch the fishing line into each piece of the tube (use a needle). It remains only to attach the clasp.

This bracelet looks massive, but it is very easy to wear. He suitable for girls and women who want to be fashionable but don't like heavy accessories.

Simple children's bracelet

If you have started children's holiday, after which there are many unused straws for juice, it's time to make a bracelet. Every little girl will be happy to wear such a bright accessory.

We will need:

  • plastic tubes;
  • wire or rubber band;
  • any decor.

Cut the tubes into pieces of 0.5 cm. The wire or elastic should be slightly larger than the child's wrist.

We string pieces of straws, if desired, dilute them with simple beads. We twist the ends of the wire and hide them in the inside of the tubes.

In the same way, you can make funny colored beads.

Stylish wide bracelet

For this bracelet you will need quite a lot of tubes. Well, weaving is definitely worth it. If you choose fairly dense straws, no one will guess that you made this bracelet with your own hands.

We will need:

  • plastic or paper straws;
  • fishing line, thread or wire (at least a meter);
  • spray paint (optional)

The tubes are cut into equal pieces. We place the first part exactly in the center, we make a crosshair. Then we take the second straw and put it on the left end of the thread. We pass the right one on the other side. We repeat the procedure until the “canvas” of the desired length is assembled. Fasten the last tube next to the first.

If desired, such a bracelet can be made "metal" using ordinary spray paint.

Accordion bracelet

This bracelet is very bright and voluminous. It will look great at a holiday party with bright outfit or during summer vacation.

We will need:

  • tubes of 4 colors;
  • wire;
  • Super glue.

We take 4 cocktail tubes different colors and sew them together at the top end. We start weaving the bracelet clockwise. We take the first straw, bend it and put it on the next one. Then we take the second tube, bend it, put it on the next one. So we go through all 4 tubes. Then we do the same thing, but already counterclockwise.

From the wire you need to make a bracelet according to the size of your hand. Insert it inside another plastic tube. Then place it inside the workpiece, which we weave from 4 tubes, and begin to gradually braid.

When the straw runs out, take the superglue and gently drip some glue into the free end. Insert a tube of the same color into it and continue to weave further. We do this until we have braided the entire wire blank.

The bracelet is ready! In the same way, you can weave a large voluminous necklace. True, only the brightest girls dare to wear this.

flower bracelet

If you add a little decor to ordinary tubes, you can really do nothing else - the bracelet will assemble itself.

We will need:

  • tubules;
  • cardboard;
  • strong thick thread;
  • patterned hole punch.

Using a hole punch, cut out flowers, hearts, stars (depending on what nozzle you have). We cut the tubes into segments by a centimeter.

We string straws, alternating them with flowers or other details. Add beads. The bracelet can be tied on beautiful bow. Instead of a regular rope, you can insert a thin satin braid.

rainbow bracelet

The bracelet is assembled in just a few minutes. It looks very bright, sunny, really cool. This will appeal to both little girls and adult girls.

We will need:

  • several bright plastic straws;
  • baking paper;
  • hole puncher;
  • braid;
  • iron.

Lay parchment paper on the table. Lay the tubes next to each other. Top with another sheet. Press a hot iron against the structure for a few seconds. After that, remove the parchment and let the workpiece cool.

The craft is ready! In this way, you can make a plain accessory or jewelry with an unusual pattern.

Bright striped bracelet

We will make this bracelet from pieces of straws that bend. We only need a "spring". Striped tubes of different colors look very nice.

We will need:

  • tubes (3 pieces per 1 triangle);
  • metal rings;
  • clasp.

Cut off the top of the tubes. We make a triangle out of three springs, inserting the free ends into each other. For reliability, you can drop a little superglue inside.

Chain one triangle to another during the assembly process.

Attach metal rings to the last triangles in the center, add a small section from a straight tube. Insert a thread or accessories for bracelets into them.

In the same way, you can assemble a beautiful necklace with your own hands.


Take a look at this video tutorial on how to create plastic straw bracelets. Here are two simple options. They are very interesting, unusual and really cute. These bracelets can be worn by both little girls and older girls. You will look very cool!

We hope you enjoy our selection of decorations. Get inspired by these ideas, supplement them with something of your own and start creating. Juice straws are a great creative material. You can see this again and take a look at our selection of other crafts from straws for cocktails. In a word, it's time to go for a new set of colored straws and get down to business!

Views: 842

What can be made from thread for knitting? Of course, something to tie, so the majority will say. And if you add tubules for a cocktail to the threads? From such materials you will get an interesting basket in the shape of a heart, and its creation is demonstrated in our master class - crafts from straws for a cocktail with your own hands.

But the master class is a little later. And now I want to show what in general the world has come up with from cocktail tubes: coasters, bracelets, postcards, even hair ties! Detailed Ideas in the video.

Video - tube crafts

Master class - an organizer of tubes and threads

To make our basket, we will prepare:

  • cardboard;
  • red sheet of paper;
  • tubes for a cocktail;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • beads;
  • Knitting;
  • glue stick.

The bottom of our basket will be made of cardboard, which needs to be decorated with red paper. First, fold a sheet of paper in half, after which we draw the outline of a heart with a pencil. Cut along the marked line.

Now, along this contour, we cut out a template from cardboard.

Glue the red heart onto the cardboard.

Next, you need to outline the places for fixing the frame, which we will make from the tubes. We mark with a pencil the points for gluing them, there should be an odd number of such places, only in this case we will get the weaving of the side walls of our basket.

Now we need to decide on the height of our basket. We decided that its height would be about 4 cm. Therefore, we cut the cocktail tubes into pieces of this length. Given our template, we need 23 such blanks.

We will glue them to the bottom with hot glue. We apply a drop of glue on the base, after which we apply a tube.

So we need to glue all the blanks from the tubes.

After that, we begin to weave around the entire circumference of our craft. Finish off by tying a knot.

This is how our weaving should look like.

We decorate the upper ends of the tubes with red beads. Fix them with hot glue.

Our heart-shaped basket made of tubes and threads is ready.

It is easy to make crafts from tubes if you choose the appropriate algorithm and an example for work. A straw for a cocktail can become the basis for making jewelry, decorative items, and practical things. Children like working with such material - younger children can make toys preschool age and schoolchildren.

Basic set of tools

In the process of working on any type of tube product, you need a standard set of tools:

Tools for the job Principle of use
tubules Basic material for work. You can choose any. Thickness, length, color and type of material.
glue gun Is good option for fastening and connecting parts of crafts.
Scissors It is used for cutting and preparing elements of the required parameters.
Super glue An alternative to the hot version of the adhesive substance.
Thread, wire or fishing line Used instead of glue.

The secondary set of tools and materials is determined by the individual characteristics of the craft.

decorative star

Crafts from straws for a cocktail can be used to decorate a Christmas tree, a room for a holiday.

An actual decoration will be a three-dimensional star, which is easy to make from tubes according to an elementary algorithm:

  1. Pick up the same elements of the same color. Prepare the glue gun.
  2. Form a rhombus from 4 tubes, gluing the parts with a glue gun.
  3. In a rhombus, form a long diagonal by gluing the 5th tube.
  4. Make 4 more of these parts. Using a glue gun, glue the modules together, forming a star.
  5. A loop of thread is fixed on one of the ends, which will allow you to cling to the star.

You can connect the tubes with a wire or thread. Stretch the material through the cavities of the elements, connecting the parts.

Multifunctional star for decoration

Can be made from straws volumetric star, which can be installed on the table, hung in the room:

  1. Prepare 20 multi-colored elements.
  2. Glue first 2 straws. Glue 2 more elements perpendicular to the base.
  3. Glue the tubes to the base in random order, creating volumetric form for crafts.

As a connector, you can use super glue or a glue gun.


There are many algorithms for making bracelets from straws for cocktails:

  • Cut several multi-colored elements into strips of 1 cm. “Beads” will form, which can be strung on a ribbon, thread or wire. You will get a simple bracelet that can be fastened by tying a ribbon.
  • Cut the straws lengthwise. Leave a length that will match the circumference of the arm. Make holes around the edges with a hole punch. Pass a ribbon through them, which will be an additional decoration and decoration fixer.

  • If you cut the tubes into strips, and hold each element over the fire for a few seconds. The elements are partially deformed. String figurines on a fishing line.
  • Divide the base into several parts. With a needle through which a thread is threaded, pierce all parts of the straws from above and below. It turns out a set of mini straws on a thread.

Additionally, a simple bracelet can be decorated with ribbons, other figurines and pendants.

Christmas decorations

Crafts from straws for a cocktail can be a great decoration for a Christmas tree. Such toys do not break, have volume to fill the space and are easy to manufacture. The simplest option is "diamonds" or three-dimensional geometric shapes.

You need to prepare the following materials:

  • thin drinking straws of the same color;
  • needle with thread;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing principle Christmas toys:

  1. Thread the needle into the thread.
  2. Pierce 4 straws with a needle and tie the ends of the threads into a knot.
  3. String 1 straw on one end of the thread, and on the other - the other. Connect the threads with a knot.
  4. Repeat the pattern again, and thread the thread through opposite straws. You will get half a volumetric figure.
  5. Form the second part of the product according to the same principle, piercing the straws with a needle and thread. Connections are fixed by nodes.
  6. Pull the threads in one place and tie, forming a loop.

The result is a three-dimensional rhombus. By the same principle, you can create a cube, a triangle and any other geometric figure.


The wreath can become a frame for a photo, a mirror, New Year's decor.

You can make jewelry in accordance with the instructions:

  1. Cut out a circle of the desired diameter from cardboard. Cut out the inside of the cardboard, forming a ring.
  2. Prepare straws. It is advisable to use cardboard or paper elements with a print. Use glue as a fastener.
  3. Glue the straws one after the other along the circumference. To create additional volume, you need to glue elements on the other side of the cardboard base.

Decorate the finished product with tinsel, ribbons, artificial flowers or leaves. Bows can be made from textiles, which are additionally decorated with berries and flowers. You can place such elements along the inner contour of the product.


From cocktail devices, you can make colorful applications with children.

There are several options for preparing the material:

  • You can cut straws into thin rings.
  • Divide each element into several parts, the length of each is determined by the idea of ​​​​the application.
  • Cut and straighten each element from which you can cut shapes for crafts.

The principle of preparing the material is determined by the age categories of children. To simplify the work on the drawing for the baby, it is worth printing the drawing. The prepared material will be glued to the base along the contours of the image.


Crafts from straws for a cocktail can become very functional.

If the lampshade on the sconce has deteriorated, then it can be restored or made new using just such material.

Elementary manufacturing principle:

  1. First, choose the base frame. Can be used Plastic container or make a skeleton from the tubes themselves - glue the lattice of the tubes.
  2. Cut the base material into pieces 1-2 cm long. You can make the segments longer.
  3. Glue the cut along or perpendicular to the body base. Elements can be arranged according to clear lines or randomly.

Perfectionism style lamp

If there is a metal frame left from the old sconce, then you can make it completely original lamp:

  • Cut the straws into pieces with the same length. Mark the middle of each cut with a felt-tip pen.

  • Through the marked point, string a straw onto a thread with a needle. The longer the bundle, the more effective the product will look.
  • You need to make about 10 such "garlands".
  • Tie all the "garlands" to the upper circle and distribute around the perimeter.

The product will resemble a multi-level waterfall. Modify appearance lamps can be, if moved apart in different directions straw cuts.

Photo frame

To make a frame from tubes, you can use several options. The simplest is decorating the finished base. Using multi-colored tubes different lengths, paste over a cardboard or wooden frame. Elements can be positioned from the center to the edges or along the canvas of the frame.

Tube crafts: step by step manufacturing photo frames

You can make a thin frame for each photo, which will be suspended. It is necessary to cut each element lengthwise and thread the photo through the cut from 4 sides. At the same time, immediately thread the thread through the upper tube, which will become a loop for hanging the photo.

If you arrange several photos according to this principle, then you can create a whole composition from them. It is enough to string the photo in frames on the rail. You can weave a canvas-frame of straws on the same principle that baskets are made. To prevent the weaving from falling apart, it is worth fixing the elements together with glue.

Cocktail daisies

Cocktail tube crafts are often used to decorate vases and flowerpots. From this type of material, you can make a bouquet of forget-me-nots. Need to prepare thin straws yellow color and thick - multi-colored.

Manufacturing technique:

  1. Cut the colored blank lengthwise.
  2. Use scissors to make a cut along one edge, forming a fringe.
  3. Prepare a yellow straw. Attach the prepared element to the corrugated fold. It is advisable to fix the parts with glue.
  4. Wrap colored tubing around this part. Glue the edge.

For greater realism, you can make a winding from a green tube below the bud itself according to the same principle. From such flowers, you can make whole compositions, if the quantity is sufficient.

Dahlias from cocktail tubes

For the correct manufacture of dahlia petals, you need to choose a material of the same color with an average thickness.

An important point is cutting tubules for flower petals:

  1. Make markings along the straw, setting the divisions through 2.5 - 3 cm. This is the length of the petal itself.
  2. Retreat 1-1.5 cm from each crack - this is the designation for an oblique cut. You need to cut the material at an angle of 40-45 degrees.
  3. You need to cut a lot of such tubes, since the flower is multi-level. Additionally, prepare a circle of cardboard. The size of the flower will depend on the diameter of the element.

  1. Mark the center on the cardboard circle with a pencil.
  2. Relative to the mark in a circle, glue the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bstraws.
  3. When the first layer dries, it is worth starting the formation of the second. Glue the cutting on the lower elements in a checkerboard pattern.

The remaining layers are made according to the same principle, until the straw fills the entire space. The result is a lush bud with the fullness of the space of the cardboard circle.

Sun made of colored paper and plastic tubes

To make the sun, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • 2 sheets of yellow cardboard;
  • 1-2 packs of yellow straws;
  • glue gun;
  • black marker;
  • scissors.

The principle of making crafts:

  1. From colored cardboard cut out 2 circles of the same diameter.
  2. On the front side of one of the figures draw eyes, a nose and a smile.
  3. Each tube can be cut exactly in half or at an angle of 45 degrees - these are rays.
  4. From the inside of the circle along the edge, glue the blanks of the rays. To make the elements fit easier, you can flatten the edge of the tube.
  5. When the entire perimeter is pasted over, fix the face of the sun from above, closing the inside of the craft.

Additionally, the sun can be decorated with ribbons or sparkles. This craft will be a great decoration for a child's room.

Large crafts from plastic straws

Cocktail straws can be used to make large-scale crafts.

by the most simple examples are:

  • A panel of flowers made from cocktail straws.

The product can be a full-fledged picture, which is placed in a frame or an overall composition along the entire wall.

  • From the fixture, you can create an interior vertical curtain.

If you string straws on a fishing line, alternating them with beads or pebbles. Then tie each strip to a rail, which will then be fixed within the doorway or window.

  • From the tubes you can make a laundry basket using the most simple technique weaving.

By the same principle, small boxes and household baskets are formed. There are many options for making large objects - just show your imagination and stock up on material in the right amount.

Straw vase

A simple version of making an interesting vase, which will not break at the same time:

  1. Prepare a jar, a bottle or a tall glass, a glue gun and a pack of straws.
  2. Glue the straws sideways to the glass walls of the container.
  3. You can cut the straws into rings and place the elements perpendicular to the base. If you use multi-colored material, you can create the effect of an abstract pattern.

Even a child can do this manufacturing principle.

Vase in 1 minute

Even when on the go, you can make a colorful vase to put a bouquet of wild flowers on. You need to take half a pack of straws for a cocktail, clerical gum and a jar.

Put an elastic band on a glass container and put the tubes under it so that the fold is placed on top and is directed away from the container. Instead of stationery gum, you can use thread, rope, ribbon, lace.

Dandelion from cocktail straws

You need to prepare a pack of white straws, scissors, a glue gun, 2 green tubes.

Manufacturing features:

  • It is necessary to cut the tube, forming a fringe. It is better to do this from the beginning of the element to the fold. Slightly straighten the resulting workpiece.
  • Glue together first 2 blanks. Perpendicular to them are 2 more sticks. Next, other elements are glued. Place each part in such a way that a sphere is formed.

  • Next, glue a green tube to the center. Cut the second lengthwise and finely chop on one side, forming a terry.
  • Glue the green straw with terry under the white sphere, imitating the receptacle.

You can prepare a few more green elements, from which cut the leaves and attach to the stem of the flower.

Movable caterpillars for kids

You need to stock up on green straws, one yellow, cardboard, glue. Additionally, you will need a long wooden skewer and scissors.


  • Cut out a medium-sized leaf from cardboard.
  • Glue a straw vein to the center of the cardboard blank. Other elements are glued to the edges from it.

  • Cut the length of the straws with scissors, aligning the product along the contour of the sheet.
  • Glue the yellow tube in the middle of the sheet, gluing only the edge.
  • In the same place, only glue the skewer with the pipe from the inside.
  • On the floor of the finished caterpillar, draw eyes, you can make antennae by cutting and bending the edges of the tube.

By moving the toothpick back and forth, the “caterpillar” itself is set in motion, which, as it were, moves along the perimeter of the sheet.

Elementary napkin

You need to prepare a pack of straws. Flatten each element and cut off parts of the bends. Lay out the straws hardly, trimming the edges with a ruler. Lubricate the strip with glue and glue one strip perpendicular to the workpiece from above. Continue to work in the same way. Trim the edges or leave as is.

You will get a unique napkin-substrate on which you can put glasses, vases and other cutlery. The product can be used as a panel for other crafts.

Straws used for drinking cocktails and juices are the ideal basis for practical products. The material is strong and durable. An additional plus is the cheapness of the goods and the variety of colors, shapes, thickness.

From straws for a cocktail, you can make a lot of things that can decorate the interior or come in handy on the farm. Diverse crafts have the opportunity to do with children, developing fine motor skills and the imagination of children.

Article formatting: Natalie Podolskaya

Video about crafts from cocktail tubes

Crafts from straws for a cocktail - 20 ideas:

Wicker baskets have long been used for convenient storage of various small items and household items. natural products are quite expensive and are not sold everywhere. But you can also make a basket yourself from improvised materials, for example, from cocktail tubes. All you need is a little imagination and free time. And the result is a product in which you can store various little things or products.

What will be required

To work, you must have at hand:

  • a lot of cocktail tubes (their number depends on how large the future basket should be);
  • a rolling pin or any other object of a similar shape (it should be heavy enough);
  • a cube, box, box or any other product necessary to shape the future design;
  • office rubber bands;
  • paperclips;
  • glue;
  • decorative braid.

Step-by-step instruction

To independently make a basket of straws for a cocktail, you must sequentially go through the following stages of work:

  1. Tube preparation. They are flattened with a rolling pin.
  2. Creation of the bottom of the structure. To do this, first take 2 tubes, arrange them perpendicular to each other so that the first straw is under the second. Then the third tube is placed parallel to the first and perpendicular to the second so that it is above it. The fourth tube is located parallel to the second and above the third. Using a similar algorithm of actions, a small square is created, which will serve as the bottom of the basket.
  3. Wall formation. To do this, they take an object of the chosen shape, put it on the bottom made, and bend the edges of the straws up and fix them with a rubber band. The first tube is woven in such a way that it is under the first and above the second (the alternation is constantly repeated). The second row begins differently: the straw is woven over the first and under the second tubes, repeating these steps.
  4. When the walls of the product become high enough, the straws are bent, fixed with paper clips, after which the edges of the structure are smeared with glue and treated with decorative braid.

If it is necessary to create a fairly large basket, several tubes are glued together, after which weaving begins as described above. It would be nice to glue a strong cardboard to the bottom of the product for greater stability. Finished construction you can additionally decorate with ribbons, pebbles, beads or other decor at your own discretion.

Master Class (MK)



Tips for photography crafts) or captured on video (see how to upload a video).

Attention: Terms of use

Cocktail tubules

Is there a child who does not like to drink milk or juice from a straw and seethe with the rest of the liquid in a glass? But not many people know that multi-colored, colorful cocktail straws are a wonderful material for games and crafts. From tubes cut into fragments can be a variety of designs. Tubes with a corrugated fold will allow you to make three-dimensional figures. Such a constructor is accessible and interesting for both kids and older children. Bright decorations for little ladies, luxurious headdresses for brave Indian chiefs, beautiful photo frames, practical accessories for stationery - all this and many other fantastic ideas will bring a lot of joy to "straw artists". You can even make musical instruments. And cutting the tubes into rings, use them as a mosaic. Pick up a few multi-colored tubes and fantasy will tell you what they can turn into in a few minutes.

Master Class

Master Class (MK) - this is the transfer of his professional experience by the master (teacher), his consistent, verified actions leading to a predetermined result.

To publish a master class, the work must be the author's (invented and made by you). If someone else's idea was used, then the author must be indicated. (A link to the source should not lead to a site containing the sale of goods or services, since links to commercial sites are prohibited under clause 2.4 of the PS).

Your master class should not completely duplicate the one already available in the Land of Masters. Before publishing, check through the search that there are no similar MKs on the site.

The process must be photographed step by step (see Tips for Photographing Crafts) or filmed (see How to Upload a Video).

Registration procedure: the first photo is the finished work that is proposed to be completed, the second photo is the materials and tools necessary for the work (or their detailed description), then the stages of MK from the first to the last. The final photo (the result of the work) can repeat the very first one. Photos must be accompanied by clear and competent comments on the process.

If you have already published your MK on another site and you also want to publish it with us, then you need to follow all the rules for issuing an MK described above. In other words: in a post with the MK type, you can’t just put a photo of the finished product and a link to a master class on another site.

Attention: all master classes in the Land of Masters are checked by site assistants. If the requirements of the Master Class section are not met, the record type will be changed. If the User Agreement of the site is violated, for example, copyright is violated, the entry will be removed from publication.

Master Class

Master Class (MK) - this is the transfer of his professional experience by the master (teacher), his consistent, verified actions leading to a predetermined result.

To publish a master class, the work must be the author's (invented and made by you). If someone else's idea was used, then the author must be indicated. (A link to the source should not lead to a site containing the sale of goods or services, since links to commercial sites are prohibited under clause 2.4 of the PS).

Your master class should not completely duplicate the one already available in the Land of Masters. Before publishing, check through the search that there are no similar MKs on the site.

The process must be photographed step by step (see Tips for Photographing Crafts) or filmed (see How to Upload a Video).

Registration procedure: the first photo is the finished work that is proposed to be done, the second photo is the materials and tools necessary for the work (or their detailed description), then the stages of the MC from the first to the last. The final photo (the result of the work) can repeat the very first one. Photos must be accompanied by clear and competent comments on the process.

If you have already published your MK on another site and you also want to publish it with us, then you need to follow all the rules for issuing an MK described above. In other words: in a post with the MK type, you can’t just put a photo of the finished product and a link to a master class on another site.

Attention: all master classes in the Land of Masters are checked by site assistants. If the requirements of the Master Class section are not met, the record type will be changed. If the User Agreement of the site is violated, for example, copyright is violated, the entry will be removed from publication.
