An effective treatment for lightening dark hair. How to safely lighten hair: folk and cosmetics

In this article, we will talk about how to make your own hair lightening at home with natural remedies. Hair can be lightened at home with natural remedies, and quite well. Today we will tell you about the main herbal products that can lighten your hair without causing any harm to them. Such funds are not expensive and, as a rule, are available in every home. With all this, lightening hair with the help of natural, natural remedies also contributes to the overall strengthening and healing of hair. The folk remedies described in this article are really able to effectively lighten and bleach hair.

Folk remedies for lightening hair

Chamomile flowers, apple juice and vinegar, cinnamon and chamomile, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and oil, table salt and lemon, baking soda, here is a list of products that are suitable for lightening hair at home. All these ingredients will be used in the recipes that we will tell you about in this article today.

Do not forget about the most common way to lighten hair, the sun. Under the influence of sunlight, the hair is lightened in a natural way. Blondes probably know about this feature, they know that prolonged exposure to the sun brightens their hair. The sun's rays lighten the hair and give it a natural shade. Therefore, if you want to lighten your hair, spend more time in the sun, but do not forget about the danger of overheating (sunstroke), so be sure to use a hat.

Masks for lightening hair

Surely you have already made any hair masks and you know many basic recipes, but after reading this article, home remedies will be added to your arsenal of hair care products at home to help you lighten your hair.

Why is using homemade hair lightening products so different from using artificial hair lightening products?

The components contained in natural natural remedies will contribute to the overall health of the hair. As a result of using homemade recipes to lighten your hair, the hair will lighten and acquire natural light shades, without compromising the health of the hair.

Homemade recipes for lightening hair will help not only lighten your hair, but will also solve other hair problems that have always plagued us, such as, etc. On top of that, using our recipes will help moisturize and promote hair.

4 simple rules for lightening hair

In order for the result of self-lightening hair at home not to disappoint you, be sure to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Wet hair lends itself better to lightening, because. the mask is better absorbed due to the ajar hair cuticles.
  2. It is more difficult to lighten dark hair, so everyone with dark hair is recommended to use options with the strongest absorption of the mask into the hair.
  3. Be sure to give your hair a rest after using natural products.
  4. Those who have dark hair will have to be patient, because lightening will not become noticeable immediately after applying our recipes, but after you wash your hair several times.

So, let's begin…

Recipes for lightening hair at home

There are a lot of recipes for lightening hair at home. We will consider only the most effective means.

Lightening hair with salt

Have you noticed how your hair becomes lighter after swimming in salty sea water? It's just that after you get out of the water and your hair is dried in the sun, it burns out, because salt brightens hair very well. However, salt not only brightens the hair well, but also dries them a lot, so in our first recipe we will use not only salt, but also oil. The oil will help moisturize the hair after the salt action.

Sea salt is best, but if it is not available, ordinary table salt will work for our recipe.

Recipe for lightening hair with salt

Take 2 tablespoons of salt, without a slide, just a few drops of vinegar (3-5 drops), 2 cups of warm water, a quarter tablespoon of olive oil, burdock oil is also suitable. Mix all ingredients and let steep for 20 minutes. Apply the resulting composition to the hair, do not wash it off for at least 30 minutes. If the hair structure is hard, then keep the composition on the hair for at least one hour. Rinse off the mask with warm water, be sure to use a conditioner balm. Repeat the procedure after 3 days.

Lightening hair with ascorbic acid or vitamin C

This method is the most simple option to wash hair of a poorly chosen color, and most importantly, the use of vitamin C as part of a home remedy is well suited for lightening hair and healing it. You should notice the effect of applying this recipe after the first application. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of powder, capsules or tablets. For our recipe, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) powder is most suitable. If you only have tablets or capsules, it doesn't matter, because you can simply crush the tablets, and the capsules open easily and the powder can be poured out.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is very useful for hair:

  • Vitamin C easily washes out the color without damaging the hair structure;
  • Ascorbic acid is able to rid your hair of excess fat;
  • The use of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) will give your hair volume;
  • The blood vessels of the scalp increase their activity, thereby contributing to the acceleration of hair growth after the use of products with vitamin C.

Recipe for lightening hair with ascorbic acid No1

Important! Option #1 for hair lightening is a one-time use, so for regular use of vitamin C in hair lightening masks, option #2 below is the way to go.

To prepare a hair lightening agent, we need 3 sachets of 2.5 g each with ascorbic acid. Dissolve their contents in a large glass of warm water. Mix well. Let the solution soak for 20 minutes. After, apply the composition to those parts of your hair that you plan to lighten. With the help of ascorbic acid, you can highlight or simply lighten all your hair at once. It is convenient to apply the composition to the hair with a spray bottle or with simple cotton pads. Do not rinse the composition from the hair immediately. At least 30 minutes must elapse before flushing. It is very important to constantly monitor the clarification process! As soon as you understand that the shade that suits you has appeared, you should rinse the product from your hair with warm water using shampoo and conditioner.

Recipe for lightening hair with ascorbic acid No2

This method is suitable for regular use when lightening hair. We need two bags of 2.5 g of ascorbic acid powder (or 10 tablets of ascorbic acid or vitamin C, which must be crushed in a mortar). Mix the resulting powder with your regular shampoo. Apply the shampoo to your hair and leave it on for five minutes. After 5 minutes, rinse off the shampoo and be sure to use a conditioner to fix the result. Wash your hair with this shampoo until the shade of hair you intended appears.

Lightening hair with baking soda

Baking soda is good for lightening hair. Lightening hair with baking soda is very popular. To prepare a composition that brightens hair, we need to prepare a paste of soda.

Recipe for lightening hair with baking soda

To prepare the paste, you will need 150 ml of soda (about half a glass). Add enough warm water to a glass of baking soda to make a paste. The paste should not be too thick or runny.

Apply a soda solution to all hair at once or individual strands. Leave the solution on for 20 minutes. Constantly check the shade of the hair, as soon as the desired shade has appeared, wash off the paste. Usually 20 minutes is enough to achieve the desired shade. The result of such a procedure is achieved after the first application. Use this method no more than 3 times a week.

Soda with shampoo to lighten hair

You can mix baking soda with shampoo and use it regularly until you get the right hair tone. To do this, mix 6-7 teaspoons of soda (without a slide) per 50 ml. shampoo. You can use this shampoo for no more than 2 months.

Lightening hair with rhubarb

For a long time, rhubarb has been very well known, including for its ability to lighten hair. As a result of lightening hair with rhubarb, the hair will acquire a noble ash-blond shade, which is fashionable at all times. Rhubarb not only brightens hair well, but also has a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair and scalp. The use of rhubarb stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss. Also, rhubarb is able to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, which will help with the problem of oily hair.

Recipe for lightening hair with rhubarb for an ash-blond shade

We will need 6 tablespoons of dried rhubarb root or leaves. You can combine dry leaves and root in different proportions. Pour five tablespoons of dried rhubarb into a small saucepan and pour 500 ml of boiling water over the rhubarb. Boil the broth for at least 25 minutes. The resulting broth must cool. Apply the decoction to the entire length of the hair and leave it for three hours. In order to wash off the decoction of rhubarb, shampoo is not required, it is enough to rinse the hair well with warm water. You can use this decoction three times a week. After a week of using rhubarb tea, you will see how your hair takes on a lighter shade.

Recipe for lightening hair with rhubarb for a straw yellow shade

The amount of dried rhubarb depends on the length of your hair, the longer your hair, the more rhubarb you will need. You will need 20 to 40 grams of dried rhubarb root. Pour the desired amount of rhubarb root with water (from 200 to 300 ml.) And cook until the composition is reduced to a thick state. After cooling the solution to room temperature and apply to the hair. Wash off after 2 hours with warm water without shampoo.

Lightening hair with cinnamon

Cinnamon has an impressive array of hair strengthening and healing properties. In addition, cinnamon can color and lighten hair. Therefore, cinnamon is an indispensable ingredient in many masks and hair care products. Today we will talk about its ability to lighten hair. Using cinnamon as a brightener will give your hair desired shade and ennobles your hair with a magnificent natural shine.

Cinnamon has a whole range of useful properties:

  • The elements contained in cinnamon nourish the hair follicles and the hair shaft;
  • Due to deep penetration into the hair structure, the surface of the hair becomes smoother;
  • With regular use of cinnamon, hair is saturated with brightness and elasticity;
  • Cinnamon contains a very impressive set of trace elements useful for hair: vitamin PP, C, A, Fe - iron, Cn - zinc, Mg - magnesium, and this is not the whole list.

Recipe for bleaching blond hair with cinnamon

Mix 100 ml of hair conditioner with 4 teaspoons of well-ground cinnamon (this is approximately the ratio of 4 teaspoons of cinnamon to 5 teaspoons of conditioner). Mix well into a smooth paste. The paste should be thick enough so that it does not drip from the hair after application. Wash your hair as usual, then apply the resulting composition to your hair. Comb your hair and twist it into a bun at the crown. Cover your head with a special mask cap or use a regular bag or cling film to keep the mask warm. After 3 hours, the mask can be washed off. Those who have coarse hair can keep such a mask for 4 hours. Rinse without shampoo with plain warm water.

Cinnamon with honey to lighten hair

Take 80 - 100 ml. honey, 100 ml. hair conditioner, 5 teaspoons of well-ground cinnamon. Mix everything well until you get a homogeneous consistency. Apply the mask to clean, damp hair. Apply the mask to your hair and cover your head with a cap or bag, cling film works well for this. So the hair scales will open, letting all the nutrients from the mask into the hair structure. Keep the mask without rinsing for 3 hours, then rinse with warm water with shampoo and conditioner. Repeat this procedure after 3 days for even more lightening of the hair.

Lightening hair with cinnamon and lemon

Mix three tablespoons of cinnamon powder with hair conditioner (200 ml). Add water (250 ml) and lemon juice without zest (one tablespoon). Mix everything well. Apply the composition to the strands evenly distributing it along the entire length of the hair. Wash off with warm water and shampoo after 3 hours.

Lightening hair with hydrogen peroxide

Everyone knows that peroxide brightens hair well. The use of hydrogen peroxide is the most popular and proven way to lighten and bleach hair. Peroxide brightens both dark and blond hair well.

However, there is one big BUT! Important! Do not bleach your hair with hydrogen peroxide if your hair is damaged, weak, or has split ends. Only those lightening options that contain various oils are suitable for you.

Before you start doing hair lightening, test on a separate small strand. So you can insure yourself against the unwanted result of clarification.

Do not forget that hydrogen peroxide exists in different concentrations and you should definitely carefully read the percentage of hydrogen peroxide in the product that you plan to use. For bleaching hair with hydrogen peroxide, we recommend using a 3-6% solution. For coarse, strong hair, a 6% solution is suitable, and for normal hair, be sure to use a solution that does not exceed 3% concentration.

How to lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide?

  1. Dilute the peroxide in equal parts with water (the amount of peroxide should be equal to the amount of water).
  2. Try lightening your hair first on one strand. The result will become clear in 20 minutes. In this way, you can understand whether this concentration of peroxide is right for you and whether you want such a shade of hair.
  3. If this shade suits you, pour the entire resulting solution into a spray bottle and spray all hair evenly.
  4. After 20 minutes, wash your hair well with shampoo and conditioner.

This method of lightening hair is able to compete with many common purchased products with a high content of aggressive chemicals.

Hair bleaching with lemon

Another effective method lightening hair, which, in addition to bleaching, also moisturizes the hair and gives it a natural shine.

IMPORTANT! Do not apply pure, undiluted lemon juice all over your hair. Also, do not apply pure lemon juice to the scalp.

Recipe for lightening hair with lemon and oil

Mix the juice of 1 lemon with 100 ml. water, add either 3 tablespoons of burdock oil or 3 tablespoons of olive oil to the composition. The oil will moisturize the hair well and provide additional nutrition to the hair. Pour the resulting product into a spray bottle. You can start using our tool.

To highlight hair, cover the strands of hair treated with lemon spray with foil to isolate from the rest of the hair.

After applying the product to the hair, let it dry completely. Do not use a hair dryer or towel for this. As a result of the natural drying of the lemon remedy, the hair will lighten most effectively. It is convenient to do this procedure in the evening, so that the hair has time to dry before bedtime. Wash your hair with shampoo in the morning.

I hope you were able to find the right way for you to lighten your hair at home. folk methods. Let your hair be healthy and beautiful!

Every girl at least once in her life thinks about how to dye her hair blonde. We offer you to consider which hair lightener is better, what natural alternatives to professional products are, and also how to choose a paint for bleaching a fluff on your face.

The principle of operation of the clarifier and warnings

Our hair is made up of layers of scales that envelop the main body of the strand. Scales are responsible for protecting the hair, its structure and condition. During dyeing or bleaching, the paint penetrates into the scales, and some compounds into the main structure, where they either change the state of melanin (natural coloring pigment) or reduce its amount (this is how bleaching is carried out).

It should be immediately noted that this action cannot be harmless either at home or in salons. main reason Such a conclusion is that in any case, the strands dry out, become thinner and lose a number of substances necessary for normal growth - collagen and keratin. This is especially true for girls who want to go from dark tones to blonde in one session. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will lose a certain percentage of the lock.

Photo - Blonde

After exposure to any coloring composition, the structure of the hair changes. It becomes porous, if the body is not helped in any way to recover, then such an experiment can be fraught, if not with alopecia, then with a significant loss of curls and their weakening.

Hair Lightener Tips:

  1. Before using any coloring agent on the entire surface of the head, conduct an experiment on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. This is necessary to check the composition for the perception of your skin;
  2. For previously dyed strands, weakened, rare, you need to use a soft gentle composition;
  3. To bleach hair, you will need from 2 procedures, do not rush, you can repeat experiments on yourself no more than once every two weeks;
  4. Each tool has an individual instruction, exposure time, range of exposure. You must strictly adhere to the rules that are indicated in it.

Video: lightening hair with Syoss

Brand overview

In order to choose which hair clarifier is the best, we decided to rank a table of popular products, the selection criterion was reviews on women's forums, expert opinions and pricing policy:

Name Note
SYOSS brightener for damaged and brittle hair Sjos is one of the most popular clarifiers. But, unfortunately, it is not suitable for damaged hair.
Acme color Super Blond and Acme color Arctic Energy Blond Akmi Color and Aquarelle does not contain ammonia, it brightens with the help of special oxygen and safe components for curls.
active use A fairly safe composition, we sell it only in online stores, deliveries are direct from the USA, in addition to oxidizing agents it contains vitamins and minerals useful for hair.
Avon Advance Techniques Light brightener with good smell. It combines good price/performance properties, but is not completely safe.
Alfaparf Milano It is famous for producing lightening up to 6 tones, not suitable for damaged and thin strands.
B.E.S. Powder The powder is similar to supra, but does not give yellowness, dries curls, after use they definitely need special care.
CHI Blonde Thanks to its gentle action, it can be used to lighten hair on the arms.
Artcolor Blondea Blondea is a famous company on Russian market, brightens well, suitable for normal and oily hair.
PHYTOcosmetics Lady Blonden It contains natural ingredients, including lemon and chamomile extracts, which are practically harmless, but sometimes cause allergies due to citrus fruits in the composition.
Supermash Blondex Master LUX Blondex can only be used by girls with good, strong hair. Not applied to the roots, because. burns them a lot.
C:EHKO C:ehko Super Blond Senko clarifiers are considered professional, but they cost like regular paints. We advise you to buy immediately a series of funds.
Blond Extreme Gives extreme bright color, it is cheap, but it burns the strands very much, it cannot be used on previously bleached hair.
Intensive clarifier Faberlic Super Blond Strong Faberlic quickly turns any color into white, does not (or very rarely) give yellowness, after which re-coloring can be carried out in a week.
Schwarzkopf Professional Blond Schwarzkopf is the most famous company on our market, the application is possible on different types hair, you can choose the paint based on the state of the strand.
Oil Indola Douceur Blond Minimal damage, contains omega acids, effectively colors, mainly recommended for dry hair.
Quadrille Intensive Blond This company adds active components in the form of oxygen, plant extracts and other substances. There are cases of allergic reactions.
Venita White Henna Blonde Henna Can be attributed to natural remedies, this powder will not lighten dark hair, but it will beautifully shade light hair, creating a highlighting effect.
Schwarzkopf IGORA Igora clarifier is used by many salons, professional craftsmen hair coloring is often used for a one-time hard impact.
FarmaVita LIFE LIGHTENING OIL Farmavita is the most harmless way to dye your hair several colors lighter, it works with oil, therefore it immediately saturates the scales with peptides and kerotenes.
1000 Selective EVO Oligomineral Blond Selective series contains spray, powder, lotion, balm after coloring. It can immediately turn a brunette into a light blond, but very hard.
L'OREAL Preference Feria Loreal paints are semi-professional, perfectly discolor, do not dry curls, and can remove red pigments.
Hair Company Zero The women's forum advises using this powder on the body and hair, soft but strong, effectively bleaches, 2 to 4 treatments may be needed depending on the original shade.
Wella BLONDOR Vella is relatively cheap, paints well, differs in that it effectively acts even on gray hair.
OXY Plus This is a super paint to quickly get out of a dark color, it mainly uses oxygen, due to which it gets rid of pigments even in dark paint.
Special Estel S-OS Estelle (Estelle) is a gel clarifier, this series is used for very coarse hair that is difficult to dye.
MISS SOLVEXSUPER BLOND Solvex - great way change the color of curls almost immediately after painting, soft ingredients help to lighten even damaged curls.
IRIDA-NEVA ultra blond This brightener is a modern hair supra, you need to be very careful with it, it can burn the curls.
Londa Blonding Powder Londa, like Rocolor, perfectly combines price and quality. You should not expect a quick result from her in the form of a platinum blonde, but she will quickly eliminate dark-colored paint.
MATRIX V Light Matrix is ​​a very good brightening paint, also included in the semi-professional list.
Kapous Bleaching Cream and Kapous Bleaching Powder Capus cream gently brightens, costs about 200 rubles, but the result is guaranteed.
Professional hair lightener Garnier EO Super Blond (Garnier) Before you do the clarification with Garnier, you need to check for the perception of the product by the hair. The reviews are contradictory, for many the hairs fell off right from the roots.

Controversial, but for the most part, good opinions about such clarifiers ESTEL SOLO Super Blond and ESTEL Vital only Blond, Fitolinia Pallet, Vivasan Sanotint, Blondex, Dual-Purpose Lightener Paul Mitchell, Essem hair 3d studio, Solvex, Revlon, Blond Variete, Lisap-Irk, Perfect Mousse, Sally Hansen, Impression Plus 0 Blonde, Prestige 200, Concept, DUCASTEL SUBTIL BLOND, Goldwell New Blonde.

  1. The packaging often includes before and after photos. desired result, consider the content of the redhead pigment and the number of hair dyes, in most cases the effect will be a couple of tones darker;
  2. To buy any coloring agent, go only to specialized stores, a fake can irreversibly damage the structure. There are such establishments in all cities of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus;
  3. Whatever is written on the package, you can not repeat staining more than once every two weeks;
  4. Bleached strands need special care, you will need a special shampoo, balm, natural masks, otherwise the hair will not be able to recover from chemical exposure.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious!

Mar 15 2018


It is always easier for blondes to change their color than for brunettes. They are available in both bright and dark colors. They can slightly adjust the shades with natural products or dramatically change the style with the help of professional tools. Brunettes, in order to become red or fair, have to discolor. The procedure is not easy, but it is quite possible to carry it out at home.

What is hair bleaching

The process of washing out the pigment from the hair is bleaching (if complete) or lightening (if several steps). Depending on the presence or absence of staining, natural shade and the desired result, different means are used for the procedure: blonding preparations or paints of the corresponding group. The first version of the impact is more aggressive, penetrating deeply into the scales, while the second, in addition to the properties of lightening, provides nourishing care and toning (contains a dye).

Pure bleaching destroys the pigment, therefore, after the procedure, staining in the selected shade is necessary. In addition, the process destroys keratin chains and hair structure. They become dry, lifeless, need additional nutrition and hydration. The most gentle lightening of hair is possible if the product and its exposure time are correctly selected, but this does not completely protect.

How to lighten your hair the right way

  • If you plan to carry out a perm and lightening, first perform the first procedure, then the second.
  • Do not wash your hair before manipulation (unless the instructions say otherwise).
  • To protect the skin, lubricate it along the forehead with oil or a fat cream.
  • When preparing a brightening composition, mix the components thoroughly. The result should be a homogeneous consistency.
  • Use only gloves to protect your hands and nails.
  • Prepare the bleach immediately before application, as mixing immediately starts the oxidation process.
  • Treat the strands that need the most lightening first. The last ones are those that are at the temples and forehead (they are the thinnest and therefore susceptible to external influences).
  • When bleaching the roots, keep in mind that they should be slightly darker than the tips.
  • Apply the product as quickly as possible (ideally 10-15 minutes) and precisely (make sure that all parts of the head are treated) so that the color goes on evenly.
  • For better access to oxygen, loosen the hair with a comb.
  • The exposure time is calculated from the moment when the entire head is processed. At high temperature reduce air by a third.
  • Before washing off the paint, lather it with a little water.
  • After the substance is completely removed from the head, wash it with shampoo and a special yellowness neutralizing balm (sometimes included).

Lightening agent

All methods of bleaching negatively affect the condition of the hair, therefore, a few days before the manipulation, pamper them with moisturizing and nourishing masks (they will not interfere even after the procedure). Chemical preparations are especially aggressive, but they also show the best result. Natural products are soft, but will not be able to blur the pigment of very dark or red hair, and therefore are only suitable for fair-haired girls or blondes for lightening just a couple of tones.



Characteristics and efficiency


Sold in a pharmacy, in tablets. Discolors up to 4 tones, evens out the shade gray hair, well blurs the pigment for further staining.

Availability, inexpensive.

Aggressive effect, destroying the structure of the hairline.

Hydrogen peroxide

Pharmaceutical drug, sold in bottles. Discolors by 4 tones, in stages. If used correctly, it is practically harmless.

Low price, free sale, does not need breeding.

If used incorrectly, there is a risk of damaging the hair.

white henna

Budget product from the mass market. Packaging like paint. With regular use, it fades completely. In one procedure, it makes brunettes red (yellow pigment is the most persistent).

Cheap, sold complete with everything you need for manipulation.

The harmful effect, created on the basis of hydroperite, does not contain medicinal henna.

acid wash

A special substance that removes artificial pigment, but does not affect natural pigment. Can be used up to 5 times on the same day.

Gentle way to remove pigment.

Does not remove very resistant paint, but only muffles the tone. It does not return the natural shade, but is used to prepare for a new coloring (and the color turns out to be darker than it should be).

Blonding wash

For one application, it discolors by 3-4 tones.

More effective than acid; relatively mild impact (compared to supra)

Removes pigment more aggressively than acidic. After use, you need intensive recovery, hydration and nutrition.

Shampoo deep cleaning

During washing, it penetrates deep into the hair structure and, together with impurities, removes the pigment.

Virtually harmless

Clarifying shampoo

Discolors by 1-2 tones, evens out the color, muffles the artificial pigment.

Softly affects, removes yellowness

A little dry. The effect is observed after numerous times of use.

(Budget - Wella, Garnier, Wellaton, L`OREAL, Palette)

(Professional - Estel, Matrix, Kapous)

Depending on the product, it discolors up to 7 tones (the degree is written on the package)

Professional high-quality paints do not give a yellowish tint, do not contain ammonium, take care of the hair and improve its structure.

Budget funds are unstable and ammonia.

If you bleach your hair at home without knowing the basics of color, you can get not quite the shade that was planned.

There are ordinary and professional. The first is sold as a ready-to-use product, the second is in the form of a set of components that must be mixed in certain proportions (depending on the degree of discoloration). Lightens up to 7 tones.

Good for preparing for subsequent coloring or highlighting

Aggressive if clarification is carried out dark hair leaving a yellow pigment.

Evens out color. Lightens up to 1-2 tones.

Safe to use.

The result is a beautiful shade.

Only for natural blondes

Special professional tool. Gives a warm tone and shine.

Quick impact - no more than 5 minutes

Not suitable for brunettes and brown-haired women

New product, recently launched. Discolors up to 3 tones.

It is convenient to lighten the strands.

safe impact.

Changes shade gradually (requires several applications).

Will not bleach very dark hair.

Refreshes color. Does not discolor (maximum 2 tones).

Nourishes, moisturizes and restores.

Acts with care and delicacy.

Only for light blond girls or blondes who are satisfied with their shade.


It is an alternative to chemicals because folk ways act much less aggressively and, in addition, even improve the structure of the hair. However, like those delicate creams and sprays that were described in the section above, natural products change color by a maximum of 1-2 tones. For clarification, the following means are used:





Discolors by 1 tone, subject to aging honey mask within 8 hours.

Pleasant golden hue, smooth silky hair after application.

The product may cause allergies.

If you regularly rinse with a solution with lemon juice, you can get a platinum shade + contributes to hair burnout in the sun.

Refreshes color.

Regulates the secretion of fat.

With a strong concentration of lemon juice, it dries and causes brittleness.

Broth brightens up to 2 tones

Strengthens and adds shine.

Not suitable for those who dream of an ash blonde

hot oil

(castor, sea buckthorn, burdock or olive)

After 5 hours of exposure, the synthetic pigment washes out.

Moisturizes, mutes or completely removes unfortunate staining.

Does not discolour natural pigment.

Discolors up to 2 tones when keeping the mask up to 8 hours. A weak effect is observed from a two-hour exposure to a mixture of kefir, eggs and cognac.

Regulates sebum secretion.

Weak effect.

It is inconvenient to walk with a mask due to the consistency of the product.

Discolors up to 3 tones, muffles unsuccessful staining.

Good for natural and synthetic pigments.

Upon contact with metals, an undesirable chemical reaction begins.


For 40 minutes, it discolors by 1 tone.

In combination with chamomile, it strengthens and regenerates.

Weak effect.

Baking soda

Two tablespoons in a glass of water allows you to wash off old staining.

Cleanses the scalp.

Inconvenient to apply.

Apple gives a warm shade, wine - cold. Does not discolor completely, maximum - by 1 tone.

With regular use (rinsing the head after washing) strengthens, adds shine.

Minor result.

How to lighten at home

Lightening hair at home is carried out with both natural and chemical substances, but more often those that are inexpensive and are freely available. It is important to strictly follow the instructions, otherwise the release of the pigment will get brittle tips, dryness and loss. This is especially true for such aggressive products as supra or hydroperit - if used incorrectly, there is a risk of even getting burned.

Dark hair

It is important for brunettes to wash the natural pigment and not harm it - this is a difficult task, since soft chamomile or honey cannot cope with black. To get a light shade, try this recipe:

  1. Mix supra with a special activator in a 1:2 ratio in a glass or ceramic container.
  2. Lubricate the skin along the hairline with oil or fat cream.
  3. Heat the mixture in a water bath.
  4. Put on gloves.
  5. Spread the substance over the head with a comb and hands. Do not touch the scalp.
  6. Divide your hair into sections and wrap each section in foil.
  7. Wrap your head with cling film or put on a bag. Wrap a towel over the top.
  8. Warm it up a bit with a hair dryer.
  9. Leave for half an hour.
  10. Rinse the composition first with water, then with shampoo and balm.
  11. At the end, rinse your head with vinegar solution (proportions: for 0.5 liters of water, 1.5 tablespoons of the substance; the amount depends on the length of the hair).
  12. Repeat the procedure after 2 days if the result does not suit you.
  13. For a month after bleaching, make daily nourishing masks for partial recovery.

Less aggressive than supra, hydrogen peroxide acts. Before using it, they wash their hair shortly before the procedure so that a layer of fat and dirt does not form a chemical reaction with the product. Full instructions how to bleach hair with peroxide:

  1. Rinse your head with a solution of lemon juice (1 piece per 1 liter of water).
  2. Mix shampoo, peroxide, ammonia and water in proportions 3:5:3:4. The total amount depends on the length. For example, for the average, all values ​​should be multiplied by 15.
  3. Pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle.
  4. Form strands of equal size.
  5. Treat each part with spray liquid and wrap with foil.
  6. Put a bag over your head, wrap it with a towel on top.
  7. Every 10-15 minutes, check how discolored the individual strands are.
  8. When the result suits you - rinse off the product from the head.
  9. Finally, rinse with vinegar solution (1/4 cup per 1 liter of water).
  10. You can repeat the procedure after 3 days.

Hydroperite is the easiest option than to bleach your hair. It's easy to use, but very aggressive. Hydroperite will even bring out black, but no one can vouch for the condition of the hairstyle. How to prepare and use:

  1. Take two tablets of the drug.
  2. Crush them with a teaspoon.
  3. Dilute in a glass or ceramic dish with two ampoules of ammonia.
  4. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of shampoo
  5. Apply for five minutes.
  6. Wash off with warm water.
  7. Repeat if necessary.


  1. Heat up 500 ml of water.
  2. Add 2/5 cup soda.
  3. Stir until all granules are dissolved.
  4. Cool down.
  5. Pour into a spray bottle.
  6. Consistently treat all the strands with the substance.
  7. Wrap them in foil.
  8. Put a bag and a towel over the top.
  9. Wait one hour.
  10. Wash off with shampoo.
  11. You can repeat after a week.

An alternative way is to use cinnamon. To do this, prepare the following composition (the amount is indicated for the length to the shoulder blades):

  • liquid honey - 165 g;
  • balm - 85 g;
  • cinnamon powder - 90 g;
  • chicken yolk - 3 pcs.

The first three ingredients are mixed, wrapped in a towel and left in a warm place for 1.5 hours. Then add the yolks and beat the mixture. Apply a little composition on the wrist, leave for 15 minutes. If the skin is not reddened, the mask can be used. Before applying the mixture, wash and dry the head. Then evenly distribute the composition without affecting the skin.

For high-quality discoloration, they insulate the head with foil and a towel, warm it up with a hairdryer. Wash off the mask with shampoo after 8 hours, then rinse with a solution of vinegar. How to wash off staining with castor oil:

  1. Wash your hair with an organic product 2 hours before the procedure.
  2. Beat 5 yolks with 160 ml of oil. The mixture should increase by 1.5-2 times.
  3. Put the mass in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  4. Rinse your head with lemon water (juice of one citrus per 1.5 liters of liquid).
  5. Apply the mask with a sponge.
  6. Insulate your head with foil, polyethylene and cloth.
  7. Hold for 1.5 hours.
  8. Wash off with cool water.
  9. If the result does not suit you, repeat in a day.

Gentle lightening

Such procedures are suitable only for blondes and fair-haired. Honey, kefir and glycerin, used for gentle lightening, act gently and therefore change color by a maximum of 2 tones. Honey is mixed with coconut or olive oil in proportions 2:1. Then add half a banana. The finished mixture is infused for 15 minutes and applied to the head for 1 hour. For greater effectiveness, you can make such a mask at night.

Kefir compositions partially wash off the staining and blur the natural pigment. To do this, add an egg to half a glass of fermented milk product, 2 tbsp. spoons of cognac, juice of half a lemon and a little shampoo. This mixture is kept on the head for 2 to 8 hours. If you want to bleach your hair with glycerin, mix 60 ml of the substance with 250 ml of chamomile decoction and apply for 40 minutes.

gradual lightening

Those who do not want to become a blonde in one procedure can try a gradual bleaching. To do this, use vinegar, lemon or chamomile. The trick is to regularly rinse with formulations based on these components. To prepare an acetic solution, one and a half tablespoons of the product are mixed with a glass of water. To make chamomile decoction, 2 tbsp. spoons of dried flowers are poured with boiling water and infused for 10-15 minutes. Lemon juice diluted with water in proportions of 1:3. Each of the solutions is best prepared immediately before use.


It is easiest to bleach the roots with paint, and preferably the same one that lightened the rest of the hair. The trick is to not see the transition from the freshly painted parts. To do this, follow these instructions:

  1. Prepare the remedy (how to do it is written on the package).
  2. Comb your hair, divide your hair into four parts, secure with clips.
  3. Put on gloves, take a brush and a comb with a sharp handle.
  4. Paint over the roots with a brush, without touching the already clarified part.
  5. Repeat for the entire head, separating the partings with a sharp pen.
  6. Raise the strands periodically to let the roots breathe.
  7. Keep the required time.
  8. Rinse with water and shampoo to maintain color.

If the roots were previously colored, before carrying out the procedure, you need to remove the old synthetic pigment. For this, a wash is used. You can buy acid in the store, or make natural according to this recipe:

Lightening hair in the salon

The bleaching procedure in the salon is better than at home, because good master selects a means for washing out the pigment individually. In addition, only professional dyes are used, so the risk of hair damage is reduced to a minimum. Owners of black hair are bleached in several sessions, brown-haired women are transformed in one procedure. The following means are used:

  • KEUNE. Safe paint production in Holland. There are two types of Semi Color (ammonia-free) and Tinta Color (ammonia). Both discolor sparingly.
  • SOCOLOR. Resistant cream paint American production. Has saturated, close to natural, shades.
  • Estel. Professional Russian paint. Cares, does not dry, discolors well, but leaves yellowness.


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1 Best reputation
2 Many awards
4 Economic consumption

Almost every girl, at least once, dreamed of becoming a bright blonde. Some who dared to implement the idea at home received bitter experience, after which the experiments were stopped, and the dream of becoming a blonde was forgotten for a long time.

The blond is surprisingly diverse, there are more than 10 shades: from sandy to platinum. Having no experience in lightening hair, girls often go to the Internet in search of ratings of quality products. Properly selected clarifier will help maintain the former health of the hair and their beauty.

The timing of the “best product” status should be affected by the symbiosis of the following points:

  • Quality (sparing and noticeable result);
  • Reviews (positive feedback from consumers);
  • Expert opinions (safety, confirmed laboratory research composition);
  • Pricing policy (affordable price corresponding to quality).

Often, when lightening from darker tones, one bleaching procedure is not enough. It should be noted that lightening dyes injure the hair structure, as they destroy the melanin contained in the hair follicles, which is responsible for pigmentation. The vast majority of reviews about clarifiers come from girls who have turned into home hair coloring experts, as they managed to try a lot of products.

The best lightening paints: a budget of up to 500 rubles.

3 Acme Rowan Energy Blond Classic

The most affordable price
Country: Belarus
average price: 160 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.3

At a very low price, Acme Rowan Energy Blond Classic clarifying agent can bleach hair by 5-6 tones. The package bundle of the product will definitely interest you, because the manufacturer took care not only of the presence of a 9% developer with a volume of 60 ml, in the package you will also find a sachet with a neutralizing conditioner, which will help you get a color without yellowness and facilitate combing; an ampoule with a fluid consisting of lavsonia and burdock oils, it can be used both during clarification and after; present in the set and gloves, which is very prudent.

The volume of the lightening powder itself is 30 g, so for hair length below the shoulders you will need 2 packs of Energy Blond Classic. The bleaching procedure should last strictly no more than 50 minutes, as they say in the reviews, the most optimal paint exposure time is 25-30 minutes.

2 Garnier Color Sensations

Rich palette
Country: France
Average price: 180 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Garnier Color Sensation is a line of cream paints, which is distinguished by the special durability of the resulting shades and their beautiful, literally mirror-like, shine. The series also includes brightening products of various blond tones: ash, pearl, ice, silver, platinum. Their formula includes natural ingredients, such as wild rose extract, which not only has a positive effect on the hair, but also gives a pleasant aroma to the mixture during its application.

The set comes with a pair of gloves, a softening balm (10 ml), a developer (60 ml) and the paint itself (40 ml). If your goal is to bleach your hair up to 4 tones without yellowness and maintain a well-groomed look of curls, on a small budget, then Garnier Color Sensation will be the most the best choice for the procedure at home.

1 Kapous Bleaching Powder

The best ratio of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 420 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Bleaching Powder is a wonderful powder for lightening hair in 6 levels of tone without yellowness, which is the favorite of many girls. On the Internet you can find great amount positive and rave reviews about this product. The bleaching agent is readily used both in professional circles and at home. The clarifier is consumed very economically, but, unfortunately, it does not have a measuring spoon in the set, which is not very convenient.

Another plus is the pleasant menthol smell of the product. In order not to dry out the hair, after the lightening procedure, it is recommended to apply a balm of the same brand. For more than 15 years, women have trusted their hair to Bleaching Powder, because the brand manufactures all products using modern technologies and formulas that guarantee maximum effect.

The best lightening paints: budget from 500 rubles.

4 Ollin Megapolis Blond Powder

Verified formula
Country Russia
Average price: 630 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

The Ollin brand keeps up with the times. The company turned to many of the best specialists in the world, who developed a unique formula of Megapolis Blond Powder professional brightening agent, consisting of only the most gentle and high-quality components. For many years, many women and even masters have preferred this product for bleaching hair up to 6 tones.

Megapolis Blond Powder is a high-quality powder that contains argan oil, which nourishes and protects hair from overdrying. The paint is saturated with useful components, gives a multi-faceted shine and bright color and does not contain ammonia. You will get a wonderful lightening effect after the first use, without damaging the hair structure.

3 Estel Haute Couture White Touch

The most popular
Country Russia
Average price: 830 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Professional paint for lightening Estel Haute Couture White Touch has a very gentle effect on the hair, unlike powder products. Plastic and soft texture allows you to evenly distribute the product. Also, you can forget about such inconveniences during the bleaching procedure as paint dripping, drying. The manufacturer recommends mixing the brightening paste with oxide in a ratio of 1 to 3 or 1 to 2. The exposure time is from 20 to 50 minutes, depending on desired strength discoloration (maximum 6 tones).

It is important that Estel Haute Couture White Touch is saturated with oils and emollients, so that the brightener does not dry out the hair and prevents it from breaking off. The polymer contributes to the dosed release of oxygen, which is guaranteed to provide an even blond shade as a result.

2 Schwarzkopf Igora Vario Blond Extra Power

Most in demand in salons
Country: Germany
Average price: 830 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Schwarzkopf is one of the most famous companies that care about the beauty and health of your hair. For intense bleaching of your curls, it is suggested Schwarzkopf paint Igora Vario Blond Extra Power, which guarantees a perfect blond without yellowing. The tool received a special demand among professional colorists. The clarifying composition is mixed with oxide in a ratio of 1: 2.

It is noteworthy that the clarifier contains a complex of the best amino acids for gentle hair care during the procedure, and a special creamy texture is convenient for uniform and accurate application. The product has a small minus - drying of the hair, but this can be corrected by first applying oil, for example, coconut. In addition, on the official Schwarzkopf website you can find and explore many ideas for coloring, haircuts and hair care tips.

1 Wella Professionals Blondor Soft Blonde Cream

Does not dry or break hair
Country: Germany
Average price: 975 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Wella Blondor Soft is a professional bleaching treatment based on a combination of oils that envelop the hair and maintain an optimal level of moisture inside it. Special attention deserves such a component as bisabolol, which relieves skin irritation and has a healing effect, which makes this paint best product for use in the root zone.

Wella Blondor Soft will allow you to achieve the coveted blond much faster, because it can lighten hair by 7 tone levels. Professional colorists in their reviews write that the purest shade without yellowness can be easily obtained if you use paint in combination with a 3% oxidant. The manufacturer recommends mixing the product in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2.

The best lightening paints: budget from 1000 rubles.

4 C:ENKO Super Blond Plus

Safe Components
Country: Germany
Average price: 1250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

In the rich assortment of the C:ENKO brand, the most in demand is a highly effective bleaching powder that guarantees lightening up to 6-7 levels - Super Blond Plus. The use of the product gives a uniform color and allows you to quickly achieve a cold blond without yellowness. It is noteworthy that the paint formula contains a vitamin complex that nourishes the curls and protects them.

C:ENKO brightener can be called universal, as it can be used both for highlighting and for coloring hair. An important fact is also the fact that the company pays great attention to environmental protection, therefore it uses the best environmentally friendly raw materials. The downside can be a relatively uneconomical expense.

3 Elea Professional Luxor Color

Gentle composition
Country: Bulgaria
Average price: 1250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

A Bulgarian cosmetics company specializing in hair products offers a budget hair bleaching agent - Elea Professional Luxor Color. It contains healthy and natural ingredients from Germany, France and Switzerland that nourish and protect the hair. The paint has gained particular popularity among women who prefer home coloring, due to its ease of use.

Thanks to this professional product, the hair will acquire a shade of blond highlighted in the light without yellowness. The tool not only does an excellent job of bleaching, but also nourishes your curls with useful components and does not dry them at all. On the Internet you can find many reviews with photos of the results.

2 Matrix Light Master

Best Texture
Country: Italy
Average price: 1100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Matrix has been fulfilling women's dreams of becoming a blonde for many years, with a minimum number of bleaching procedures, offering one of the best brightening products today - Matrix Light Master. You will definitely be pleased with its texture, which is evenly distributed over the entire volume of the hair, which will greatly simplify the procedure for lightening at home and you don’t have to worry that there will be unpainted areas. Thanks to this powder, you will get a pleasant and rich shade.

The product practically does not dry curls, which, it would seem, is typical for lightening paints and powders. The only negative is the high price, but for the sake of the salon effect, of course, it is worth spending money. After all bleaching procedures, to maintain color and restore damaged hair, the brand suggests using fortified products of their own production.

1 Kallos Bleaching Powder

The choice of professionals
Country: Hungary
Average price: 1080 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The Kallos brand uses exclusively professional innovative technologies. In the arsenal of the Hungarian brand there is a brightening powder that will bring you closer to a platinum blonde without yellowness with light and simple steps. Kallos Bleaching Powder is popular in the most the best salons, who trust the quality and effectiveness of the product, however, thanks to the clearly and clearly formulated instructions, the clarifier is also used at home.

The paint has nourishing and strengthening properties and has a huge amount of positive feedback from fans of this product, based on which we can conclude that you will definitely get a uniform and rich hair color and do not overdry the scalp.

The best lightening paints: budget from 1500 rubles.

4 Revlon Professional Blonde Up

Economic consumption
Average price: 1750 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Revlon offers a wide range of professional salon products, including Revlon Blonde Up Illuminating Powder for a yellow-free blonde. The product will provide a rich result, you will get light and soft curls, completely uninjured from the bleaching procedure. The clarifier is consumed very economically, which is undoubtedly a plus in the eyes of the owners long hair.

Revlon Professional Blonde Up is as competitive as the world's top brands. Based on the reviews, the product is considered one of the most affordable, due to its wide distribution in stores, relatively affordable price and effectiveness.

3 CHI Blondest Blonde Ionic Powder Lightener

Discoloration for a record 8 tones
Country: USA
Average price: 2000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

CHI Blondest Blonde Power Lightener is a guarantee of intense bleaching even dark shades at a record 8 levels after the first procedure, while the original state of the hair is maximally preserved, due to the fact that the manufacturer sought to use components of natural origin as an analogue of artificial ones, and the company succeeded.

CHI Blondest Blonde Power Lightener is based on panthenol, silk proteins and olive oil - these ingredients maintain the moisture balance of the hair and scalp. The ammonia-free formula acts on your curls on the principle of ion staining. This professional paint will be the best choice for working with complex techniques affecting the root zone. As a result: the hair does not break, the blond is without yellowness and gives a highlight. The mixture is prepared in a ratio of 1 to 2 and aged for 30-40 minutes.

2 Goldwell Oxycur Platin Dust-Free Topchic

Many awards
Country: Germany
Average price: 2400 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

For over 50 years, Goldwell Oxycur Platin Dust-Free Topchic Illuminating Powder has been favored by professional stylists as it is guaranteed to give curls dazzling shine and a cool blonde tone. The components of the product do not dry out the hair, but rather nourish and protect it, for which Goldwell has received awards more than once and has managed to win an army of fans to this day.

The application of the brightener is also very convenient, Goldwell Oxycur Platin Dust-Free Topchic lays down evenly and neatly. Due to the special formula of the composition, the product intensively bleaches the hair. On the Internet, you will see a huge number of positive reviews about this paint, because it is used both in salons and independently at home.

1 L "Oreal Professionnel Blond Studio Platinum Plus

Best reputation
Country: France
Average price: 2650 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

One of the most famous French companies for the production of decorative and caring cosmetics, offers professional paint for intensive lightening by 6-7 tones - Blond Studio Platinum Plus. The product does not have a strong odor, and the product formula contains useful components, for example, white beeswax, which smoothes the entire surface of the curls and nourishes them.

Subject to the exposure and proportions of the brightening paste and oxidant, what will help you detailed instructions, even owners of dark shades can count on getting cold blond shades without yellowness as soon as possible (less than 5 procedures). Soft components will not destroy the hair. The brand manages to create quality products through collaboration with leading makeup artists, cosmetologists and dermatologists.

It is used in cases where cardinal painting is not needed. The principle of operation of clarifiers is to penetrate the composition into the roots. Hair scales are dyed, protecting them from external negative factors.

The components of the clarifier are aimed at changing melanin or its depletion. Melanin is a natural coloring pigment that gives natural color. When using aggressive cosmetics, the scales begin to crack and dry out.

Lifeless and dull. They become thin and brittle, bring discomfort. To maintain health and competently lighten hair, you must use a high-quality clarifier.

From the large selection of dyes on the market, you need to decide on the most suitable composition. The risk of injury to the hair shafts always remains, but it must be reduced to a minimum. The most popular clarifiers include the following brands:

  • L'Oreal;
  • Wella;
  • Palette;
  • Garnier;
  • SYOSS;
  • Schwarzkopf;
  • Estel;
  • Chantal;
  • Solvex;
  • Blondea.

Illuminator Blondea - 10th place

This brightening agent is considered the cheapest among competitors. The average price is 30 rubles. It is ideal for coloring individual strands, but Blondea is not recommended for full coloring. Numerous customer reviews are mostly negative and here's why:

  1. The paint has an unpleasant pungent odor.
  2. On contact with the scalp, it causes severe burning and irritation.
  3. Hair completely burns out under the influence of aggressive substances.
  4. Difficult recovery period.
  5. Thin types can be completely depleted - an irreversible process.

Low cost is always attractive, but when it comes to hair, you can't skimp. When painting the entire head, blondea clarifier is not suitable for hair. If only one or a few thin strands need painting, then you can use this tool, but you need to keep such paint on your hair for no more than 15 minutes.

After the clarification procedure, it is necessary to rinse daily with a restorative balm, make natural masks, do not use a hairdryer and curling irons.

Clarifier Solvex - 9th place


  • fast clarification;
  • long-term result;
  • easy application;
  • the minimum amount of harmful components.


  • Strong smell;
  • a small amount in the package;
  • after application on thin hair, the appearance noticeably worsens.

After clarification with Solvex, the hair becomes drier and more unruly, but they are quickly restored after just a few treatments using the balm. As a result, they acquire the desired shade.

Clarifier Chantal - 8th place

Chantal cosmetics are low cost and good quality. On the market, the price of the BlondVariete clarifier varies from 80 to 100 Russian rubles. Mostly with this tool, highlighted strands and hair dyed using the balayage technique are bleached.

The volume of one package is 500 ml, so the owners of thick long hair do not have to worry. The composition of "BlondVariete" includes components that do not destroy the structure, but you should take care of a protective balm.

Chantal brand clarifier is sold without additional emollients, and this is perhaps its main drawback. Hair must be treated with a balm every time after lightening, otherwise it will become brittle, painful.

Estel clarifier - 7th place

Estel cosmetics are popular among girls and women. mature women. The price of the clarifier is 70 rubles. Full repainting takes place in a few weeks.

It is important to remember that sensitive scalp is easily damaged after painting, so it is advisable to select the most gentle products, either mix brighteners with gentle components, or endure the procedure, and only then treat the skin.


  1. Quickly brightens even dark hair;
  2. Easy to apply;
  3. does not contain aggressive substances;
  4. does not irritate the scalp (with rare exceptions);
  5. The kit includes balm and gloves.
  1. Has a pungent odor;
  2. dries a lot.

Estelle clarifier can be used regularly. Hair quickly get used to it, so there is no need to look for another paint.

Schwarzkopf clarifier - 6th place

The most common clarifiers of this brand are Schwarzkopf Perfect Mousse and Igora. The cost is slightly higher than others - 200 rubles. Mousse is much easier to use at home. It is easy to apply, does not drip and does not cause irritation and itching. You can select the desired shades: lightening by 2, 3 or more tones. Be sure to wear protective gloves when using the clarifier.

In the case of Igora dye, the painting process is complicated. Here you need to use powder and oxygen, which is part of the clarifier. The consequences after painting are the same as when using mousse. The skin is not irritated, the hair remains soft and healthy. The only thing is that the first time Thin hair may be excessively dry, but with the use of protective masks they are restored.

Clarifier SYOSS - 5th place

Syoss is a fairly popular brand in the cosmetics market. Using it on blonde hair, you can achieve a perfect result, but in the case of chestnut and darker colors, an unpleasant yellowish tint may appear. You can get rid of it only with a few procedures. Among the advantages are:

  • gentle effect on the scalp;
  • light shade even on dark hair;
  • the presence of a balm in the kit;
  • nice smell;
  • non-aggressive effect.

The disadvantages include:

  • after one or two procedures, a yellow tint remains, which is subsequently eliminated by repeated painting;
  • the amount of balm is enough only for thin hair, for thick hair you will need more volume;
  • for long hair, you need to purchase 2 packs;
  • the cost is above average.

Clarifier Garnier - 4th place

One pack of Garnier Color Naturals Bleach includes bleach cream and powder, developer milk, balm and gloves. Despite the rich supply of components, the cost of the product does not exceed 100 rubles.

Perfectly brightens the roots and is well fixed along the entire length of the hair. Ideal for owners of "square", but if the hair is thick and long, you will need at least 2 packs. The advantages of the clarifier include:

  1. Pleasant, not harsh smell.
  2. Fast lightening.
  3. No yellowness.
  4. Careful impact.
  5. Long lasting result.
  6. soft and obedient hair after clarification.
  1. Small quantity in one package.
  2. Uncomfortable gloves.
  3. Long fixation of pigments on dark hair.

Clarifier Palette - 3rd place

This cosmetic product is in the top three clarifiers. Palette Phytolinia conducts gentle lightening of hair and at the same time is perfectly fixed. The average price is 120 rubles. The paint does not burn the hair, does not dry and does not destroy their structure.

Prolonged contact with sensitive scalp and neck may cause slight irritation. The softening cream after the procedure will soothe the skin and restore its condition. Hair after dyeing becomes clarified and soft, easy to comb.

“Caution should be used in weakened or damaged hair because the components of the paint penetrate deep inside and can turn the hairs into thin, falling apart threads.

For owners of thick or medium hair, the paint is ideal.

Wella clarifier - 2nd place

Hair lightening products can adversely affect the hair if the dye is not properly matched, the hair is too thin or damaged in various ways ( perms, illiterate painting, etc.).

Otherwise, the lightening procedure is safe, especially with proper care after painting. Wella gently brightens and does not leave a yellowish tint. A big minus can be considered an aggressive effect on liquid hair.

The result after staining is amazing, according to numerous photographs of customers it is easy to note how strongly and efficiently it is fixed White color even on dark hair. But there are also cases of increased fragility of long hair. In all other respects, Wella rightfully takes second place in the ranking of the top 10 best clarifiers.

Clarifier L’Oreal – 1st place

The best hair lightener is L'Oreal Platinum. This is a bleaching paste that contains strengthening ingredients necessary for healthy hair. There are no strong odors during painting. The skin is not damaged and does not burn when in contact with the paint.

The clarifier loreal has a high cost - about 1500 rubles, but the result justifies all expectations. The only thing that can cause dissatisfaction is the quick drying of the paint. During the procedure, everything must be done quickly in order to have time to apply the entire composition until the first layers dry. This brightener paints better than others in white tone without destroying their structure.

1st place - Loreal

Natural hair brighteners

Nature can also help lighten hair without damaging its structure. Among the natural ingredients are the following:

  • Chamomile decoction: boil 100 g of flowers in 0.5 l of water and cool. Apply a cold decoction to individual strands for 40 minutes.
  • Honey: the procedure should be carried out at night. Apply a little honey to each strand and leave for several hours. Hair will take on a golden hue.
  • Lemon: dilute the juice of one lemon in one liter of water and rinse the hair with the composition. Hour sunbathing and you may be surprised at the result.

What is the best hair bleach? One that safely affects the hair and is qualitatively fixed in the hair shafts.
