Beneficial pension based on work experience. What documents are required to apply for a preferential pension

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  • federal employees submit an application to the personnel service in the name of the chairman of the Board of the PFR of the authority where the citizen worked before dismissal.
  • For some employees, military and police, the registration and establishment of pensions are handled by the relevant departments and ministries where they served, and not the FIU.

For old age, for the loss of a breadwinner and for disability, they are assigned, like ordinary payments, in the territorial bodies of the PFR at the place of registration, but unlike them, they require mandatory submission additional documents specifying the circumstances of belonging to a particular category of citizens in order to formalize the arisen right to pension provision.

Documents confirming additional circumstances

Additional documents when establishing a pension clarify a number of circumstances, namely:

  • name change (marriage certificate, name change certificate, certificate of divorce);
  • evidence of actual residence in the territory of our country or at the place of residence (a written application of a citizen, a passport, a registration document according to place of residence or stay issued by the authorities keeping such records);
  • justification for permanent residence outside of Russia (documents issued by the consular offices of the Russian Federation or the relevant authorities of foreign states);
  • confirmation of being fully supported by another citizen (certificate from the housing department, certificate of income of family members);
  • certificate of continuation of studies by a dependent after his majority (certificate from an educational institution);
  • confirmation of family relations (document of marriage, birth certificate, adoption certificate);
  • proof of belonging to the small peoples of the North (passport, birth certificate, certificate of local authorities);
  • a certificate indicating participation in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident or confirmation of residence in special radioactive zones;
  • justification for the performance of certain types of work (preferential-clarifying certificates from organizations, and in case of their liquidation - from archival institutions).

In some cases, identification is required legal representative, then it is necessary to submit the appropriate document from the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

Deadlines for filing documents and assigning pensions to the Pension Fund

An application for establishing a pension payment is submitted by a citizen the day before the right arises, but not more than a month in advance, to the PFR authorities at the place of registration. Such an application is being considered by the employees of the FIU within 10 business days.

If there are missing documents in the pension file for the purpose of payment, the citizen has three months from the date of written request to submit the required certificates or wait for their receipt if there are relevant requests.

Appointed insurance pension from the date of applying for it, but before the law arose to the one being installed. However, there are also exceptions:

  • appeal within a month from the date of dismissal from the enterprise (in this case, the payment will be scheduled from the next day after dismissal from work);
  • when applying within a year after the recognition of a citizen as disabled (then the appointment is carried out from the date of establishing the loss of ability to work);
  • if a citizen has applied for appointment of a pension for the loss of a breadwinner within a year from the date of his death (in this case, the payment will be made from the date of death; if more than a year has passed, then 12 months before the application).

State pensions are established from the first of the month in which the citizen applied for the appointment, but in any case not before the emergence of the right.

When assigning a certain type of pension, pensioners were issued a confirmation of their status, which since 2015 has been replaced by a regular paper certificate.


To assign a pension payment, it is necessary to have certain conditions that give it the right and the required package of documents with additional certificates established for each specific case separately.

Even without finding a letter in mailbox with an invitation to the territorial department of the PFR and not having heard a corresponding announcement from his insured, the citizen is obliged take care of yourself on the establishment of his pension, compensation for missed deadlines not provided.

Only with timely application can it be guaranteed that all controversial issues in the preparation of the submitted documents will be resolved, and the pension will be assigned as soon as possible.

All working citizens who have earned seniority for a well-deserved rest acquire the right to receive social security. However, there are categories of workers who are entitled to benefits upon retirement. It depends on the type and conditions of their activities. The procedure for issuing such a payment is specified in the law and has features. It is important to know what documents are needed for registration preferential pension and when is the best time to start collecting them.

In our country, the age for entering a well-deserved rest is 55 years for women, and 60 for men. By law, this age limit is reduced for special categories of workers who are given the opportunity to apply for an early retirement pension.

Preferential (early) pension is the systematic maintenance of persons who have not reached the standard retirement age. The provision on the appointment of benefits and information about the contingent of persons to whom they rely are subject to the provisions of the relevant laws. Typically, the appointment of such security occurs 5 years before the generally accepted term. In some cases, the accrual of seniority is made in the ratio of 1: 1.3 or 1: 1.6, and this allows you to retire even earlier. The list of such posts, services and occupations is approved by the legislation and approved by the government.

The following employees are eligible for early retirement:

  • workers employed in difficult, harmful or dangerous industries;
  • employees of hot and mining shops;
  • workers in the transport industry (for example, railway and subway drivers, drivers, civil pilots, sailors);
  • employees of the rescue and fire services;
  • who have worked in the regions of the Far North for fifteen years;
  • theater artists;
  • women who worked as machinists in road, construction and loading operations;
  • mothers of many children and parents or guardians of children with childhood disabilities;
  • teachers and health workers.

This is not a complete list of specialties and jobs established by law and making it possible to claim a well-deserved rest before the generally accepted period. Usually, all employees in these categories are aware of their rights and benefits, they are informed by personnel departments.

What papers are required

procedure paperwork, necessary for early exit for a well-deserved rest, it is recommended to start in advance so that by the time the lesson time arrives they are fully prepared. Most often, this is done by the personnel department of the enterprise or the employer.

It is advisable to take the first steps to collect the necessary certificates about a few months before the deadline, because this process can take quite a long time. In addition to the application submitted to the local branch of the Pension Fund, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • passport or identity card;
  • insurance certificate confirming registration in the pension system;
  • a work book or an extract confirming the relevant length of service;
  • certificate of average earnings from the last place of work;
  • documents confirming the existence of dependents and minor children;
  • for male citizens, a military ID;
  • certificate confirming the harmfulness of production;
  • information from a medical institution about the existence of disability.

It should be clarified at the PF department with specialists what other certificates will be required additionally. At various types activities may require all sorts of additional papers, the collection of which sometimes becomes a very difficult task. For example, if you need long-term information about work carried out in a remote area, a request for this experience, confirmation of the period worked, especially if it falls on the Soviet or post-Soviet era, and even more so information about wages, which are often not preserved in the archives. This will take quite a long time.

You can submit documents to the PF in different ways:

  • bring in person and hand over to a specialist,
  • transfer through a representative;
  • send by mail.

An indispensable requirement is the satisfaction of all necessary established requirements: copies must be certified, and a power of attorney should be issued to the authorized person. The application is submitted one month before the expected date.

If the documents for registration of a preferential pension are submitted in advance in full, the specialists consider the application within ten days and inform about the decision. If a positive decision is made, then the pension will be accrued from the day the application is submitted.

Conditions for receiving early maintenance

Benefit entitlements are enshrined in two impressive registries listing eligible jobs, specialties, and services. The difference is in the age of pensioners and length of service for preferential service.

The first list includes 22 industries with harmful and difficult working conditions. These include:

  • underground work, for example, work in a mine, in a mine, laying a subway;
  • work in the chemical industry - oil refining, the manufacture of ammunition;
  • production of electrical engineering;
  • employment in the ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgical industry, glass makers and other employees of hot shops.

The second list includes those who mined minerals on the surface, carried out geological exploration, built tunnels, bridges, subways, manufactured medications, and also worked in the light and food industries, oil and gas production, transport (railway, aviation, boats).

According to statistics, more than 0.4 Russian productions contain harmful working conditions that threaten the health and sometimes the life of workers. Often this situation leads to occupational diseases and even disability. Although this situation is attractive to a large number of workers due to high pay and early retirement. For workers in hazardous industries, a dividing factor is added to pension payments, ranging from 2 to 9% of the accrued amount of maintenance.

Early payments for social factors appoint:

  • who have worked for at least 15 years in the Far North or more than 20 years in other remote areas;
  • mothers of many children who have five or more children who have reached the age of eight;
  • parents or guardians of children with disabilities.

Federal Law No. 400 establishes the rights to preferential pensions for teaching staff and medical workers. Teachers and some other categories of persons exercising pedagogical activity, you need at least 25 years of experience working with children in educational institutions in order to qualify for early registration of a well-deserved rest. Rural health workers need to have worked for more than 25 years, and in urban areas for at least 30 years to qualify for benefits.

The basis for early (preferential) receipt of a pension is work in special conditions in the specialties listed in laws and government regulations. The list of documents for approval of such length of service has been expanded. In addition to generally accepted certificates and papers proving identity, length of service, salary, you should have a certificate confirming harmful working conditions. And they must be submitted to the PF in advance.

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The retirement age in Russia starts at 60 for women and 65 for men. However, under certain conditions, early retirement is possible. In particular, when a person was engaged in dangerous and harmful production.

general information

Citizens who are entitled to a preferential harmfulness pension must necessarily work for at least 10 years (for men) and 5.5 years (for women) in dangerous and harmful conditions. If there is not enough seniority, early retirement is not possible. In addition, there is an approved list of professions that are harmful and dangerous.

Particularly harmful professions

In 2014, Resolution No. 665 was adopted, which approves the list of professions, employment in which is classified as hazardous, difficult and dangerous work. All of them are divided into large categories:

  • mining;
  • agglomeration and enrichment;
  • metallurgical production;
  • coke, pitch-coke, thermoanthracite and coke production;
  • gas and gas generating plants, stations and shops for gas production;
  • production of dinas products;
  • production of silver nitrate, refining and obtaining chemically pure precious metals and their processing;
  • pipe-pressing, pressing, drawing shops and departments;
  • chemical production.

A full list with detailed explanations can be found in the decision. Citizens who have been employed for more than eight years in one of the areas can count on preferential and early retirement.

Important! If a citizen was employed one by one from directions from list No. 1 of the Resolution, then the total length of service is not taken into account when assigning an early and preferential pension. Working conditions are considered especially dangerous and unhealthy, so 10 years of work is enough. Download for viewing and printing:

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Other professions

Apart from list No. 1, the Decree also provides for list No. 2, where professions related to difficult working conditions are prescribed. At the same time, the legislation allows summing up the period of work in the profession from the first list with the period of work in the profession from the second list.

In fact, a person could be employed for three years as a X-ray laboratory assistant(List No. 1), and then for seven years as a nursing assistant in the X-ray department (List No. 2). In fact, in difficult conditions, a citizen worked for ten years, which is enough to get an early retirement and receive a preferential harmfulness pension.

Important! In addition to the "dangerous" experience, an additional general work experience is required. That is why the right to retire early may be denied, even if under difficult conditions a sufficient number of years have been worked out.

Basic Rules

Men who are counting on early retirement for harmfulness must meet several criteria:

  • 10 years of continuous experience by profession from list No. 1;
  • total work experience of at least 20 years;
  • age 50 years.

Under general employment is understood in total and experience in a harmful profession, and experience in other professions. Only in this case, a man will be able to retire at 50, 15 years earlier than everyone else. No one takes away the right to further work from him, however, along with wages, he is entitled to preferential pension payments.

Women who are counting on an early retirement pension must meet the following criteria:

  • 7.5 years of continuous service (including periods maternity leave) by profession from list No. 1;
  • total work experience of at least 15 years;
  • age 45 years.

For citizens employed by professions from the established list No. 2, other criteria are applied:

  • 12.5 years of continuous service for men and 10 years for women;
  • 25 years of total experience for men and 20 years for women;
  • age 55 for men and 50 for women.

At the same time, the size of the preferential pension will be calculated taking into account the total length of service, based on the established norms.

Conditions for appointment

The Law "On Insurance Pensions" supplements all the conditions for accessing an early and preferential old-age pension with the presence of a minimum individual pension coefficient (IPC) - 30. The coefficient itself depends on the average wage and insurance premiums paid by the employer.

At the same time, the employer is not entitled to conceal from the Pension Fund the official income of a citizen, provide false information and delay the deduction of contributions. Accordingly, the higher the salary of a citizen (meaning "white" income), the higher the individual pension coefficient.


Insurance pension payments (they are harmful payments to citizens who have reached the appropriate age) are calculated according to general rules accrual of an insurance pension: the individual pension coefficient is multiplied by the cost of one coefficient.

For example, a person in a harmful profession earned an IPC in the amount of 150 points, and an additional 100 points for the total length of service.

The cost of one coefficient in 2019 is 87.24 rubles.

That is, the pension will be: (150 + 100) * 87.24 = 21810 rubles.

Also, a fixed payment to the insurance pension will be added to this amount (in 2019 - 5334.19 rubles).

These are the payments that a person is entitled to.

In the Pension Fund, when applying for an early or preferential pension, you can specify in advance how much the individual coefficient will be, and then independently calculate the amount of future payments.

The number of points is additionally affected by the region of residence. So, residents of the Far North and areas that are equated to it, IPC is charged higher for difficult living conditions.

Important! The possibility of clarifying the IPC for a specific period of time is also available to those who order extracts from the Pension Fund electronically on the public services portal or in their personal account on the official website of the Fund. Service absolutely free, allows you to find out the size of the accounted seniority and individual pension coefficient. Download for viewing and printing:

Additional rate

Periods of work in hazardous and hazardous industries are included in the special length of service with the mandatory accrual and payment of an additional rate of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is extremely important that the employer accrues and pays insurance premiums at additional rates. Otherwise, it will hinder the formation of the right to early appointment old age pensions.

Currently, employers with jobs under List 1, List 2 and "small lists" are required to conduct a special assessment of working conditions at workplaces in accordance with Federal Law No. 426-FZ "On a special assessment of working conditions" and pay a differentiated additional tariff depending on the established class and subclass of working conditions.

Additional Fare Table

Registration procedure

In order to apply for preferential payments or early retirement, you need to prepare a small package of documents:

  • employment history;
  • passport;
  • statement;
  • SNILS (insurance pension certificate, "green" card);
  • certificates from all places of work, specifying the nature labor activity.

If there is not enough work experience according to the work book, but at the same time the citizen really worked in a harmful specialty, you can request copies of certificates from the archives, copies of orders from the employer on hiring or dismissal.

Since 2003, the Pension Fund has been independently keeping records of seniority years, which can be viewed in your personal account on the website. If there is not enough experience, but in fact it was (there are supporting documents), you must personally contact the territorial department at the place of residence or temporary registration to update the information.

Within 3 calendar months, PFR employees reconcile data, after which the citizen is given either a positive or a negative result on the establishment of a preferential or early retirement. If the application is satisfied, no notifications come, the accrual is made according to the specified details. If, for some reason, preferential payments are not assigned, a notification is received about the refusal of the service.

Important! If a person does not agree with the result or the accrual of individual pension points, then he has the right to apply to the court with an application to review the pension case.

Application in electronic form

After the entry into force of the law on the provision of electronic services to the population, citizens are strongly recommended to contact the departments through the public services portal or official websites.

It's the same with the Pension Fund. That is why, in order to save time, you can fill out an application on the public services portal and send it electronically. In this case, you do not need to attach any documents, just an application is enough.

At the same time, the Pension Fund calculates the IPC and the length of service, based on the information it has. If they are not reliable, there are additional documents, then you need to apply personally.

Important! They do not have the right to refuse a personal appointment at the Fund, so a citizen can choose the most convenient method of contact, based on their own preferences.

Additionally, it is possible to apply through the Multifunctional Service Delivery Centers (MFC or "My Documents") at the place of residence or temporary registration.

Other benefits

If a citizen is entitled to preferential pension payments for several reasons (for example, for harmful working conditions and for work in the zone of spread of radioactive radiation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant), then the benefits are summed up among themselves.

The Pension Fund does not have the right to leave the choice to the most advantageous option for the citizen. The amounts are added together and are subject to monthly accrual. according to established order

Watch a video about what documents are needed for a preferential pension

September 5, 2017, 19:42 Apr 18, 2019 12:24

The appointment of a pension is a rather complicated process. And in order for your length of service and earnings to be taken into account in full, preparations for applying for a pension should begin six months to a year before the retirement age. This is especially true for the evaluation of documents confirming work experience. In the course of their verification, FIU specialists identify a large number of mistakes made when filling out work books. For example, there are no records of the renaming of the enterprise or information on changing the surname does not comply with the instructions for maintaining a work book, and so on.

In addition, there are often various corrections, periods of work that are not certified by the seal or signature of the responsible official, or even the seal itself is not readable. In such cases, additional supporting documents are required. For receipt necessary papers it takes a lot of time, especially if you need to make requests to other regions of Russia, the CIS countries or contact the archive.

Early retirement

It is especially important to evaluate in advance pension rights for those who are eligible for early retirement.

These include:

Employees with the necessary preferential experience for working in difficult and dangerous working conditions;
- those who have worked in the regions of the Far North or in areas equivalent to them;
- teachers and medical workers in the presence of pedagogical (25 years) or medical (30 years) experience;
- mothers of many children who have given birth and raised five or more children up to the age of eight (they acquire the right to a pension at the age of 50);
- mothers (or fathers) who have raised a disabled child since childhood (they have the right to retire five years earlier than the generally established age: women at 50, men at 55).

Registration of labor pension

1) Application can be submitted:

In the management of the FIU at the place of residence,
- in the Personal account of the insured person (via the Internet),
- by mail (the day of circulation will be the date of sending on the postmark);

2) is considered:

within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application with all the necessary documents or from the date of submission of the missing documents (if they were submitted within three months).

Documents for registration of labor pension


Application for a pension
- identity documents, age, place of residence, citizenship,
- employment history,
- insurance certificate of pension insurance ("green card" of the Pension Fund of Russia).


* certificate of average monthly earnings for any 60 consecutive months before 2002 (issued by the former employer, successor organization, archival organization),
* documents confirming the length of service (employment contracts, certificates from employers, extracts from orders, etc.),
* education documents,
* disability documents,
* documents on change of full name,
* documents about disabled family members,
* documents confirming residence in the Far North,
* certificates specifying the special nature of the work and working conditions.

IN pension fund will help:

Send a request to former employers,
- make an inquiry to archival organizations,
- check the correctness of paperwork,
- evaluate the completeness and accuracy of documents,
- they will tell you what type of pension is more profitable to receive.

Conditions for granting an old-age insurance pension

First- Reaching the age limit.

The law fixes the generally established retirement age at 65 years for men and 60 years for women (now - 60 and 55 years respectively). The change in the retirement age will take place gradually: a long transition period, which will begin on January 1, 2019 and end in 2028.

For those who were supposed to retire in 2019-2020, a special benefit is provided - retirement six months earlier than the new retirement age. So, a person who will have to retire in January 2020 will be able to do this as early as July 2019.

It is worth noting here that some citizens may retire earlier. Lists of jobs, industries, professions, positions, specialties and institutions (organizations), taking into account which an early old-age pension is assigned, are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Second– insurance experience in 2019 - 10 years. (The increase in the requirements for seniority occurs gradually and in stages: within ten years it increases annually by 1 year and by 2024 will reach 15 years).

Third– in 2018 – 16.2 individual pension coefficients (points). (requirement for maximum amount 30 points is introduced gradually: with a subsequent annual increase of 2.4 until the specified value is reached by 2025).

Conditions for granting a disability insurance pension

To qualify for a disability insurance pension, the following conditions must be met::

  • the recognition of a citizen as a disabled person and the establishment of a disability group is carried out by the federal institution of medical and social expertise and sends an extract from the certificate of examination of the medical and social expertise of a citizen recognized as disabled within 3 days from the date of the decision to recognize the citizen as disabled to the body providing his pension;
  • having at least one day insurance experience. If the insurance period is completely absent, then a social disability pension is assigned.

Conditions for the appointment of a social pension for old age and disability

Social disability pension is established:
  • Disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, including people with disabilities since childhood;
  • Children with disabilities.
Social old-age pension is established:
  • Citizens from among small peoples of the North, who have reached the age of 55 and 50 years (men and women, respectively), permanently residing in the areas of residence of the small peoples of the North on the day the pension is awarded;
  • Citizens Russian Federation who have reached the age of 65 and 60 (men and women, respectively), as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons who have permanently resided on the territory of the Russian Federation for at least 15 years and have reached the specified age

The fact of paid labor activity for payment social pension does not affect, except for the social pension assigned to citizens who have reached the age of 65 and 60 years (men and women, respectively).

Conditions for the appointment of a social pension:

  • permanent residence on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • belonging to the category of "disabled citizens".

Deadlines for granting a pension

The old-age insurance pension is assigned from the day of applying for it, but not earlier than the day the right to it arises, that is, the fulfillment of the established age.

Payment of a pension

The old-age insurance pension is paid monthly. The pensioner has the right to choose, at his discretion, the organization that will deliver the pension, as well as the method of receiving it (at home, at the cash desk of the delivery organization or to his bank account). In addition, a trusted person can receive a pension for a pensioner.

Ways to deliver a pension and receive it

1. through the Russian Post - at home or independently at the post office at the place of residence;
2. through a bank - at the cash desk of a bank branch or issue a bank card and withdraw money through an ATM.
3. through an organization engaged in the delivery of pensions - at home or independently in this organization.
