Crafts from cotton wool and cotton pads. DIY Christmas toys made of cotton wool DIY crafts made of cotton wool

Cotton wool and cotton pads are one of the most popular materials for creating New Year's crafts. Obviously, their external resemblance to snow affects. We have collected for you some wonderful workshops using them: you will learn how to make snowmen, Christmas tree decorations and even snowfall with your own hands!

Snowflakes on a Christmas tree from cotton pads

This is a very simple and beautiful Christmas decoration. Several of these snowflakes will decorate any Christmas tree.

What will we need?

  • some cotton pads
  • small pieces of colored felt
  • stencil for cutting circles or compasses
  • braid or narrow strips of felt for hanging


From the felt we cut out colored circles, the diameter of which will be slightly smaller than the diameter of the cotton pads.

We divide the cotton pads into two halves. We draw lines crosswise with a pen. Apply them as if drawing an eight-pointed snowflake. We dig a hole in the center (you can use an awl). Then we make cuts, as shown in the photo.

Tip: If the cotton pads are too thin, you do not need to split them into halves - use them whole.

Then the cut parts must be carefully pulled together so that the “paws” of the snowflake are obtained. When everything is ready, we take a whole cotton pad, put a piece of colored felt on it and cover it with the prepared base. We sew the craft with a white thread on the front side, placing the future loop inside.

Make some of these snowflakes and decorate your Christmas tree with them.

If desired, you can connect the snowflakes together into a garland - it will turn out very unusual and beautiful.

Christmas tree decoration: cotton pad angels

These angels are so weightless and touching! They certainly will not leave anyone indifferent. It will take no more than five minutes to make one angel. And when you fill your hand - even less.

What will we need?

  • small beads
  • Super glue
  • gold or silver paint outline (optional)


Take a cotton pad and carefully cut it in half. Place a bead in the center of one of the halves.

We work out the edges of the disk with thinning scissors or make a small pattern with ordinary thin scissors. Then we tighten the disk under the bead with a thread.

The upper part of the future angel is ready. Now take the second part of the cotton pad and fold it in half.

We tuck two corners, forming a triangle. And then we wrap them inside.

We put a toothpick in the center so that there is something to hold on to when we fasten the two parts of our New Year's crafts together.

Directly under the bead head we drip a small drop of glue.

We put our skirt on it. Then we decorate the finished angel with the help of a contour paint.

The neck of an angel can be wrapped with an ordinary thread or a thin gold wire. So it will be very convenient to hang them on the Christmas tree.

Snowfall from cotton wool

This is a very simple to make, but incredibly beautiful-looking accessory. A little cotton wool - and magical snowfall will begin in your room!

What will we need?

  • large pack of cotton
  • white thread for sewing


We insert the thread into the needle. Pour the glue into any bowl and dip the thread into it. In the hands we form small balls of cotton wool. Then we pierce them with a needle and pass the thread through the center. Put on as many balloons as you like.

If after some time the thread becomes dry, again gently dip it in glue and continue the process.

In this way, you can make very beautiful snow garlands. And if you hang the threads vertically under the ceiling, you get a very beautiful snowfall. Cotton wool can be additionally decorated with sparkles.

Cotton snowman

What New Year no snowman? Our favorite winter hero will turn out to be very cute. You can put it under the tree, on the windowsill, or even next to the New Year's snacks - let it decorate.

What will we need?

  • PVA glue or homemade paste
  • small twigs or straw (for hands)
  • toothpick


We lather our hands thicker and take cotton wool. We roll two (or three, if you like the “three-level” snowman more) dense balls different sizes. This is called the wet felting technique, which is usually used to roll up wool for crafts.

When the balls are ready, carefully place them on a flat surface and let them dry.

Pour glue into a bowl and dilute it with water in a ratio of 2: 1 (2 - glue, 1 - water). You can also add dry glitter here - it will be more beautiful.

Dip the dried lumps into a bowl with tweezers. Then we take them out and dry them again.

When the parts of the future snowman are ready, we connect them together with a toothpick. First, it also needs to be dipped in glue.

We will make eyes from small black beads or beads. You can just draw them.

To make a snowman a carrot, you need to break off a small piece of a toothpick. Leave a small edge free so that it can be stuck into the head. The rest is tightly wrapped with a thin layer of cotton wool. Then the carrots must also be moistened in the glue mixture. When it dries, paint it orange.

On the sides in the body of the snowman we stick twig handles. You can put a paper bucket on our handsome man's head or add some more traditional accessories.

As you can see, working with cotton wool and cotton pads is easy and pleasant. In this case, the result is simply wonderful. Try to repeat any of the suggested ideas to see for yourself.

Views: 4 389

Offensive new year holidays makes each of us already today think about the festive decoration of our homes. What is required for this, whether bright multi-colored lights of garlands, or a scattering of chic shimmering decorations on a Christmas tree or interior decor, does not matter, the main thing is that a solemn, cheerful atmosphere is created on time. But if you are a creative person in life, you just need to constantly give birth to something, then by all means direct your skills and talents into the mainstream of needlework, through which you will be able to create magnificent products to transform your home furnishings. You will receive a charge of positive emotions, and besides, save your financial savings on the eve of the holidays. To do this, we suggest that you read our article, in which you will find 6 photo ideas cool crafts made of cotton wool for the New Year 2020 with your own hands made quickly, easily and simply. To make the process quite exciting and understandable for you, we recommend using our accessible and informative master classes.

Voluminous dog made of cotton

You just need to have a toy in the form of this peace-loving animal in your house or a craft made by yourself, for example, from cotton wool, along with your children. In this way, you will not only get great pleasure from being creative, but also replenish last year's stocks. decorative ornaments. Let's try together to reproduce the image of a cute and cute dog.

For work you will need:

  • cotton wool;
  • newspapers;
  • PVA glue;
  • foil;
  • scotch;
  • Polish for hair;
  • ready-made eyes, nose and tongue;
  • bow or brooch for decoration.

Work process:

  1. First we need to create a layout of our craft. To do this, we need to collect all the old newspapers that are available in your house and crush them into a kind of balls, from which we will later have to form the body of the animal.
  2. Prepared paper elements should be put together with your own hands, fastening them tightly together with PVA glue.
  3. When the body was molded, it is necessary to cover its surface with foil, which will further facilitate the process of attaching cotton wool to the base. In order for this improvised material not to have the ability to unfold, we need to fix its edges with thin strips of adhesive tape.
  4. After making a solid dog layout, we should proceed to its further decorative design. For this purpose, we will use small cotton balls, which will need to be attached to the body of the animal with PVA glue. You need to attach cotton details by placing them tightly to each other so that the “woolen cover” looks uniform and fluffy.
  5. Upon completion of the collective stage, we proceed to the aesthetic part of our creative work. We take the eyes, nose and tongue, previously purchased in a specialized store, and attach them with glue to the appropriate places.
  6. For a harmonious and complete image of a dog, it is advisable to decorate her head with some kind of bow or brooch. So she will look cute and gentle.

Such crafts, created by hand from cotton wool at home for the New Year 2020, would be appropriate to place under an elegant holiday tree. It will be quite interesting for children, because it volumetric forms will resemble a living being. By the way, this original product can be taken to kindergarten to add a cool addition to the group. But besides this creation, everyone would probably like to make something for their forest beauty. For example, Christmas decorations from the aforementioned snow-white cotton material. So, we present to your attention a video tutorial that will teach you how to create excellent decorations quickly and easily.

Master class on making Christmas decorations

Santa Claus from cotton wool

If you don’t know what crafts to make from cotton wool for the New Year 2020 with your own hands with children, then we recommend making Santa Claus, a favorite fairy tale character of all kids. It will surely come in handy for the whole family, since such an amazing creation can be placed under the Christmas tree and somewhere on a chest of drawers with a bag of sweets and tangerines.

This will require:

  • Cotton wool;
  • PVA glue;
  • Plasticine;
  • Gouache;
  • tassel;
  • Wire.


  1. First, for crafts, you need to make a wire frame that looks like a human body.
  2. After that, all its parts need to be wrapped and secured with threads. Then you should glue the figure with cotton wool, well dipped in a paste. Small parts of the toy must be carefully processed to get beautiful details.
  3. For the figurine, you should make a wire frame for the bottom of the fur coat. Then this frame is also pasted over with it. For the legs of the toy, you should create felt boots from plasticine. The body of Santa Claus should be red, and therefore it must be repainted with gouache. At the edges of the fur coat you need to paste over with cotton wool, and this will be the edge. It is also needed for beards, eyebrows and mustaches. At the end, you need to carefully paint the face. This simple master class turned out to be a magnificent Santa Claus.

Such a DIY craft for the New Year 2020 will appeal to everyone without exception!

Cotton Christmas tree

This will require:

  • Cotton wool;
  • Cardboard;
  • Plasticine;
  • Stick or pencil;
  • Tinsel and rain.


  1. On a cardboard stand, you need to install a plasticine cone with your own hands. This part should be dense enough so that it is firmly held on the stand. To strengthen the barrel in plasticine, you need to insert a pencil or stick.
  2. Then a tourniquet should be made from cotton wool and wrapped around the cone of the craft. This completes the work on the manufacture of the product. You can decorate it with ordinary tinsel, as well as rain and small toys. For the New Year 2020, a beautiful do-it-yourself Christmas tree made of cotton material is ready to decorate the room interior of your house or apartment.

Video: master class on making Christmas trees from cotton material

Do-it-yourself cotton snowman

This will require:

  • Cotton wool;
  • PVA glue;
  • sequins;
  • Paints;
  • Toothpick;
  • beads;
  • Twigs;
  • colored paper;
  • A small piece of fabric.


  1. A craft in the form of a snowman created on the basis of a master class can be suitable as a gift. To make it, you will need to roll 3 balls with your own hands, and you need to do this with soapy hands. Then all parts should dry well.
  2. During this time, you can prepare a solution for further work. PVA glue (2 parts) and water (1 part) must be mixed, and glitter must be added to the same solution. The balls need to be moistened in glue and left to dry again.
  3. To make a carrot, you need to wrap cotton wool around a toothpick, soak it with glue and paint it orange. It is better to connect all the balls of the craft with a toothpick previously dipped in water. The snowman needs to glue the beads that will be the eyes. For the manufacture of hands will require small twigs. A scarf for a toy should be cut out of a small piece of fabric, and a hat can be created from colored paper.

So our product for the New Year 2020 is ready, created with your own hands quickly and easily.

Video: master class on making a snowman from cotton material

Cotton bunnies

We offer another interesting idea creating crafts from cotton wool for the New Year 2020 with your own hands at home or in kindergarten with kids. This is the application "Bunny". It is easy to make and colorful.

This will require:

  • Cotton wool;
  • Paste;
  • Colored paper or cardboard;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • Scissors;
  • Rope.


  1. You can independently create beautiful bunnies for the New Year 2020 with your own hands, and this activity will not take much time. It is necessary to create balls from cotton wool and lower them into a paste. This detail will be the body of the bunny.
  2. Then on it you need to draw eyes, nose and mouth with a felt-tip pen.
  3. From colored paper, you need to make ears and paws for our crafts, after which they should be glued to the bunny. The tail is a small lump. If you attach a rope to such a product, you get a Christmas tree toy. Even small children can create such an ornament themselves, and therefore the craft is perfect for kindergarten.

To make it easier to work, you should watch our video material, in which we have provided you with step-by-step instructions.

Video: master class for making a bunny from cotton material

Cotton snowflake

This will require:

  • Cotton wool;
  • Cardboard;
  • Glue;
  • sequins;
  • Tassel.


  1. To begin with, draw a beautiful snowflake on cardboard, after which you need to apply fluffy cotton elements on it. The entire surface of the craft must be glued evenly.
  2. To make the snowflake more attractive, you need to apply glitter on its surface, you can use nail polish. By attaching a rope to the product, the snowflake can take up space on the Christmas tree. You can make a snowflake from cotton wool with your own hands for the New Year 2020 in another way, but this will require a different master class.


So our article has come to an end, thanks to which you have learned how to quickly and originally make crafts from cotton wool for the New Year 2020 with your own hands at home with your family. As you have already noticed, it is possible to create such creations both with and without glue, the main thing is that a cotton base, cardboard or paper is present. Do more creative work with children and on your own, because this activity perfectly calms and develops any person, whether it be a child or an adult. Happy holiday, dear friends! All the best to you!

Vera Karpova

New Year is a holiday of miracles, and every family is looking forward to this magical night. Someone dreams of a radio-controlled aircraft, and someone wants to start new life. But it is we who bring the holiday into our lives, and it begins with small decorations. Store-bought Christmas decorations are cold and soulless, although they can be beautiful. But handmade give warmth and comfort, filling the house with a fairy tale. In addition, this great way spend time with your child. Today we will tell you how to make Christmas tree toys from cotton wool with your own hands and get a lot of pleasure from the process and the result.

Christmas toys made of cotton wool: what could be easier?

Cotton wool is a simple material, which is easy to get, and you will not spend a lot of money on creating a toy. Cotton wool is safe, although during long work it is very dusty, hairs appear that settle on everything around. This may cause sneezing. The simplest New Year's cotton toy - snowman.

Cotton toy for the Christmas tree "Snowman"

  1. Roll the cotton wool into a large and dense ball.
  2. Use a brush to cover with PVA glue thin layer.
  3. Insert a toothpick in the middle.
  4. Make the ball smaller and repeat step 2.
  5. Make another ball smaller than the previous one and repeat steps 2 and 3.
  6. Put the balls on top of the toothpicks in descending order of size - this will be the body of the toy. Give the glue time dry completely.
  7. If you want to make it brighter more festive option, small glitter can be mixed into the glue.
  8. We make handles from small twigs of a suitable shape or from black wire.
  9. To hide the seam, you can tie a scarf around your neck. Use a scrap piece of cloth or a wide satin ribbon. Or ignore this item.
  10. Suitable for eyes dark beads, small beads. In their absence, draw the eyes of the snowman with a black gel pen and a black felt-tip pen.
  11. We form the nose in the same way as the body, only we knead orange watercolor paint into the glue. Feel free to color: the carrot nose should turn out bright.
  12. We attach all related parts to PVA glue, a moment or a gun - this is your choice.

Cotton snowman

Christmas wadded toy "Snow Maiden"

  1. Vatu slightly sprinkle with water and make a face. We form a dense oval and intuitively make small indentations under the eyes and mouth. Irregularities are smeared with a brush, soaked in water.
  2. We give time to dry. On the head we make a loop of wire, we also form the frame of the toy from it.
  3. Wrap it with cotton, lightly dipped in PVA glue. We fix the prepared face on the glue.
  4. During winding, try to form arms and legs - for example, in the thigh area we make a layer of cotton wool thicker.
  5. On the head we lay out a scarf from cotton wool, forming the desired volume and shape. You can touch up the details with a damp brush.
  6. We also form a fur coat and felt boots. We send to dry for a day. At first 10-15 minutes dry in the oven and then naturally.
  7. Coloring the figurine watercolor paints.
  8. We strongly dilute the beige shade with water and cover the face to get natural color. When it dries, we carry out the same procedure with a blush. A fine and clear details(eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows) better paint with acrylic paint.

Figurines of their wool. Christmas decorations

Santa Claus from cotton wool on the Christmas tree

We made the Snow Maiden in the master class described above, but she is lonely hanging on the Christmas tree without her kind and beloved grandfather. So now we will do cotton Santa Claus.

What you need:

  • cotton wool;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • paints;
  • newspaper;
  • tassel;
  • wire.

The process of making a toy:

  1. Wire pliers bend the loop.
  2. Cut out a frame from cardboard future toy. If it is difficult to navigate by eye, you can make a sketch in advance.
  3. We tear the newspaper into pieces. One sheet - about 3-4 pieces, well crushed and glued to the cardboard, making the volume.
  4. We glue the loop on the reverse side, for strength it can be wrapped with nylon thread.
  5. We divide the cotton into strips and cover the toy well, it is possible in several layers so that the newspaper does not shine through.
  6. Dilute glue with water in the ratio 1:2. We coat the toy well, leave to dry.
  7. With the help of additional pieces of cotton wool soaked in glue, we form a hat, sheepskin coat, felt boots and other details of the image, after which send to dry.
  8. We paint with paints and draw a face.

Blank - Santa Claus from cotton wool

We make Christmas toys from cotton wool with a child

For needlework with your child, you can start with small and simple wadded Christmas toys. It is worth noting that it is difficult for small children to draw small details, so we advise you to leave this matter to yourself.

You will need:

  • cotton wool;
  • thick wire;
  • pliers;
  • watercolor and acrylic paints;
  • PVA glue.

We make from cotton a few hard balls and wet in glue. We take the wire and bend the loop so that a small tip remains. We also lubricate it with glue and stick it in the middle of a cotton ball. Dry for at least 12 hours, and to speed up the process, you can put next to the battery.

These are our blanks for future Christmas animals.

Small parts are formed in the same way as a cotton ball, but due to their size they dry for 6-7 hours. You can stick them on glue gun or moment.

Then paint the toys with watercolors, which dilute a little with water- so they lie better on the surface. 2-3 layers may be needed, and muzzles are more convenient to draw fine brush and acrylic paints .

Cotton Christmas toys

Simple do-it-yourself toys made of cotton wool for the Christmas tree are ready! In this technique, children most often make Smeshariki cartoon characters due to the almost complete absence of small details, but you can help them make slightly more complex toys.

More ideas for cotton toys for the Christmas tree

Above, we described several techniques in which toys are made from cotton wool. Main - show imagination, and you can make any figure, and we will show you a few more ideas.

  1. bright star. A blank is cut out of cardboard and made according to the principle of Santa Claus. When coloring, mix small bright sparkles into the paint or sprinkle the finished product, but you need to do it quickly, before the paint has time to dry.
  2. While creating figurines of people faces it is better to make it from salt dough or cold porcelain - this way the toy will turn out more natural and lively.
  3. Cotton can be shaped frame only and clothes - from improvised fabrics and unnecessary shreds.
  4. Pay attention to cotton wool when buying - it should be old style. Now they are releasing synthetic winterizer from which it will not be possible to make toys.
  5. If you don’t have wire on hand to make a loop, fit thick woolen thread or twine.
  6. With the techniques above, you can do any animals- squirrel, fox, deer, wolf, bunny, hedgehog, bear.
  7. To save cotton, for the frame, you can use wire, cardboard, newspaper, office paper, unnecessary pieces of fabric and other improvised means.

Before you get started, draw a sketch of the future toy. Think over all the details, and then its manufacture will not cause problems, and you will not have to rack your brains in the process

We hope that now you don’t have a question about how to make a cotton Christmas tree toy, because this easy and fun activity. The cost of 1 figure is several times cheaper than the store. The creative process is exciting and interesting, helps children develop fine motor skills hands and fantasy. Toys made with love fill the house with warmth and comfort.

September 27, 2017, 01:34

The onset of the New Year holidays makes each of us already today think about the festive decoration of our homes. What is required for this, whether bright multi-colored lights of garlands, or a scattering of chic shimmering decorations on a Christmas tree or interior decor, does not matter, the main thing is that a solemn, cheerful atmosphere is created on time. But if you are a creative person in life, you just need to constantly give birth to something, then by all means direct your skills and talents into needlework, through which you will be able to create magnificent products to transform your home environment. You will receive a charge of positive emotions, and besides, save your financial savings on the eve of the holidays. To do this, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our article, in which you will find 6 photos of ideas for cool crafts from cotton wool for the New Year 2020 with your own hands made quickly, easily and simply. To make the process quite exciting and understandable for you, we recommend using our accessible and informative master classes.

Voluminous dog made of cotton

You just need to have a toy in the form of this peace-loving animal in your house or a craft made by yourself, for example, from cotton wool, along with your children. In this way, you will not only get great pleasure in being creative, but also replenish stocks of last year's decorative ornaments. Let's try together to reproduce the image of a cute and cute dog.

For work you will need:

  • cotton wool;
  • newspapers;
  • PVA glue;
  • foil;
  • scotch;
  • Polish for hair;
  • ready-made eyes, nose and tongue;
  • bow or brooch for decoration.

Work process:

  1. First we need to create a layout of our craft. To do this, we need to collect all the old newspapers that are available in your house and crush them into a kind of balls, from which we will later have to form the body of the animal.
  2. Prepared paper elements should be put together with your own hands, fastening them tightly together with PVA glue.
  3. When the body was molded, it is necessary to cover its surface with foil, which will further facilitate the process of attaching cotton wool to the base. In order for this improvised material not to have the ability to unfold, we need to fix its edges with thin strips of adhesive tape.
  4. After making a solid dog layout, we should proceed to its further decorative design. For this purpose, we will use small cotton balls, which will need to be attached to the body of the animal with PVA glue. You need to attach cotton details by placing them tightly to each other so that the “woolen cover” looks uniform and fluffy.
  5. Upon completion of the collective stage, we proceed to the aesthetic part of our creative work. We take the eyes, nose and tongue, previously purchased in a specialized store, and attach them with glue to the appropriate places.
  6. For a harmonious and complete image of a dog, it is advisable to decorate her head with some kind of bow or brooch. So she will look cute and gentle.

Such crafts, created by hand from cotton wool at home for the New Year 2020, would be appropriate to place under an elegant holiday tree. It will be quite interesting for children, because its voluminous forms will resemble a living being. By the way, such an original product can also be taken to a kindergarten to add a cool addition to the group. But besides this creation, everyone would probably like to make something for their forest beauty. For example, Christmas decorations from the aforementioned snow-white cotton material. So, we present to your attention a video tutorial that will teach you how to create excellent decorations quickly and easily.

Master class on making Christmas decorations

Santa Claus from cotton wool

If you don’t know what crafts to make from cotton wool for the New Year 2020 with your own hands with children, then we recommend making Santa Claus, a favorite fairy tale character of all kids. It will surely come in handy for the whole family, since such an amazing creation can be placed under the Christmas tree and somewhere on a chest of drawers with a bag of sweets and tangerines.

This will require:

  • Cotton wool;
  • PVA glue;
  • Plasticine;
  • Gouache;
  • tassel;
  • Wire.


  1. First, for crafts, you need to make a wire frame that looks like a human body.
  2. After that, all its parts need to be wrapped and secured with threads. Then you should glue the figure with cotton wool, well dipped in a paste. Small parts of the toy must be carefully processed to get beautiful details.
  3. For the figurine, you should make a wire frame for the bottom of the fur coat. Then this frame is also pasted over with it. For the legs of the toy, you should create felt boots from plasticine. The body of Santa Claus should be red, and therefore it must be repainted with gouache. At the edges of the fur coat you need to paste over with cotton wool, and this will be the edge. It is also needed for beards, eyebrows and mustaches. At the end, you need to carefully paint the face. This simple master class turned out to be a magnificent Santa Claus.

Such a DIY craft for the New Year 2020 will appeal to everyone without exception!

Cotton Christmas tree

This will require:

  • Cotton wool;
  • Cardboard;
  • Plasticine;
  • Stick or pencil;
  • Tinsel and rain.


  1. On a cardboard stand, you need to install a plasticine cone with your own hands. This part should be dense enough so that it is firmly held on the stand. To strengthen the barrel in plasticine, you need to insert a pencil or stick.
  2. Then a tourniquet should be made from cotton wool and wrapped around the cone of the craft. This completes the work on the manufacture of the product. You can decorate it with ordinary tinsel, as well as rain and small toys. For the New Year 2020, a beautiful do-it-yourself Christmas tree made of cotton material is ready to decorate the room interior of your house or apartment.

Video: master class on making Christmas trees from cotton material

Do-it-yourself cotton snowman

This will require:

  • Cotton wool;
  • PVA glue;
  • sequins;
  • Paints;
  • Toothpick;
  • beads;
  • Twigs;
  • colored paper;
  • A small piece of fabric.


  1. A craft in the form of a snowman created on the basis of a master class can be suitable as a gift. To make it, you will need to roll 3 balls with your own hands, and you need to do this with soapy hands. Then all parts should dry well.
  2. During this time, you can prepare a solution for further work. PVA glue (2 parts) and water (1 part) must be mixed, and glitter must be added to the same solution. The balls need to be moistened in glue and left to dry again.
  3. To make a carrot, you need to wrap cotton wool around a toothpick, soak it with glue and paint it orange. It is better to connect all the balls of the craft with a toothpick previously dipped in water. The snowman needs to glue the beads that will be the eyes. For the manufacture of hands will require small twigs. A scarf for a toy should be cut out of a small piece of fabric, and a hat can be created from colored paper.

So our product for the New Year 2020 is ready, created with your own hands quickly and easily.

Video: master class on making a snowman from cotton material

Cotton bunnies

We offer another interesting idea for creating crafts from cotton wool for the New Year 2020 with your own hands at home or in kindergarten with children. This is the application "Bunny". It is easy to make and colorful.

This will require:

  • Cotton wool;
  • Paste;
  • Colored paper or cardboard;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • Scissors;
  • Rope.


  1. You can independently create beautiful bunnies for the New Year 2020 with your own hands, and this activity will not take much time. It is necessary to create balls from cotton wool and lower them into a paste. This detail will be the body of the bunny.
  2. Then on it you need to draw eyes, nose and mouth with a felt-tip pen.
  3. From colored paper, you need to make ears and paws for our crafts, after which they should be glued to the bunny. The tail is a small lump. If you attach a rope to such a product, you get a Christmas tree toy. Even small children can create such an ornament themselves, and therefore the craft is perfect for kindergarten.

To make it easier to work, you should watch our video material, in which we have provided you with step-by-step instructions.

Video: master class for making a bunny from cotton material

Cotton snowflake

This will require:

  • Cotton wool;
  • Cardboard;
  • Glue;
  • sequins;
  • Tassel.


  1. To begin with, draw a beautiful snowflake on cardboard, after which you need to apply fluffy cotton elements on it. The entire surface of the craft must be glued evenly.
  2. To make the snowflake more attractive, you need to apply glitter on its surface, you can use nail polish. By attaching a rope to the product, the snowflake can take up space on the Christmas tree. You can make a snowflake from cotton wool with your own hands for the New Year 2020 in another way, but this will require a different master class.


So our article has come to an end, thanks to which you have learned how to quickly and originally make crafts from cotton wool for the New Year 2020 with your own hands at home with your family. As you have already noticed, it is possible to create such creations both with and without glue, the main thing is that a cotton base, cardboard or paper is present. Do more creative work with children and on your own, because this activity perfectly calms and develops any person, whether it be a child or an adult. Happy holiday, dear friends! All the best to you!

Modern technological materials that make it possible to create products of an innovative format have practically ousted cotton toys from the market, although not so long ago, cotton crafts were an indispensable element of decorating a New Year tree. Figures made of almost weightless fibrous mass were decorated with chests of drawers, sideboards, etc. Surely, many people remember cotton dolls, Snow Maidens and Santa Clauses.

Perhaps you should not refuse to make toys from this traditional material. Working with him, you can do it yourself original toys, and teaching skillful handling of cotton wool of a child, you can develop in him creative imagination and artistic skills, because when creating many figures, brushes and paints, threads and needles, paper and foil are used.

It is better if the child makes toys under the supervision of adults. Although most of the tools and supplies that will be required do not pose a threat to his health. Crafts are painted with watercolors, acrylics or gouache that are safe for the child's body. They are often covered with hairspray: this is quite enough to make the figurine durable. If varnish is used, adult supervision is necessary.

Do-it-yourself creation of cotton figurines is also worth doing for the reason that everything you need for work can be easily found in the house.

Christmas toys

Previously, cotton toys were produced not only in a handicraft way. A variety of Christmas figurines were produced in large quantities at enterprises, so often buyers willingly purchased them without bothering to make crafts on their own. They limited themselves to in a simple way christmas decoration- hanging on the threads of "snow": fluffy lumps at small intervals were strung on a thread with a needle or attached by screwing pieces of material to it with the thumb and forefinger. The intensity of the "snowfall" in each case depended on the availability of the required amount of cotton wool. Another example of its simplest use is wrapping it around the roofs of cardboard or paper houses.


Less often "sculpted" snowmen. It is worth recalling how they were made, especially since such a figure can become original. New Year's gift. Now it can be made from cotton wool and PVA glue. Liquid soap will help facilitate the work of a modern master. In addition, you will need:

  • black or dark paper;
  • colored pencils (black and red);
  • orange, brown and black gouache;
  • matches or toothpicks;
  • sequins;
  • scissors;
  • tree bark (for stand);
  • 2 branches;
  • thin red ribbon.

From cotton wool you need to form 3 balls. This work is suitable even for children. younger age. Balls are made by wetting the palms with liquid soap. The blanks must vary in size. The finished balls are left to dry. From the branch you need to cut a thin stick, elements of the snowman's body will be strung on it. The branch can be replaced with toothpicks. Dried bark with curly edges is dyed in Brown color. It is covered with black paint around the perimeter.

A nose is made from half a match or a toothpick and cotton wool dipped in PVA. Its frame is sharpened on both sides. Only a part of the match is wrapped with cotton. Orange paint is used to give the nose the color of a carrot. It is also sent to dry. Fragments of branches sharpened on one side will play the role of the hands of the figurine: it is easier to pierce its torso with pointed tips.

A cylinder or hat, its brim and top are cut out of paper with a crown. Circles can be drawn using a compass or coins of different diameters. On the fragments of the headdress, it is necessary to leave allowances for applying glue. All elements of the cylinder are glued. It is decorated with a strap made of a strip of red fabric.

Glue is mixed with water in equal proportions. Pour glitter into a container with a solution. After mixing, cotton balls are dipped into the liquid. The lower part of the snowman is mounted on a stand. The rest are strung on a wooden chord. “Penes” are stuck into the middle fragment of the craft, and “nose” into the upper one. Eyes and buttons are drawn with a black pencil, and the mouth of a snowman is drawn with red. The hat is glued to the head of the figure. A snowman can be decorated with a red ribbon scarf.

Fruits and vegetables

It will be easy for kids to make such cotton crafts as a variety of fruits. Figures are molded in the same way as balls for a snowman. PVA glue will help to give them a certain shape. The stalks of fruits and vegetables can be cut from branches, and the leaves from colored paper. Loops of thread or "rain" are needed to hang a Christmas tree toy. Fruits can be painted with a brush or made from pre-painted raw materials.

You can paint cotton wool for crafts with aniline dyes, but when making them with a child, it is safer to use watercolors and gouache. They are bred in boiled water. More bright color dye is achieved by increasing the concentration of color in the solution. Cotton wool in the form of a thin cloth is dipped into water and, after keeping it in the coloring liquid for some time, it is sent to dry on a battery, window sill, etc.

Paper and cotton crafts

Crafts that can be easily done by a small child include appliqués. It is enough for an adult to dye the fibers in different colors. You can make the sky out of fluffy blue cotton wool. Yellow suitable for creating flowers, sun. Green will come out grass or foliage. Cotton wool is glued to cardboard, white or colored paper.

Older children will be able to draw on the basis of the image and complete them with fibrous material. In this way, you can make a poodle or a ram. The application of the dog will turn out if pieces of cotton wool twisted into balls are glued to the drawn body, head, paws and tail of the poodle. To make a ram, you need to attach a head with horns and legs to a cotton rectangle. The head can be decorated with a white forelock. Another way to create applications from cotton and paper with animals is to cut out their shapes, then glue them to the base and decorate. Can be made from thick paper carnival mask, for example, a hare. Its edges are framed with white fibers.

Volumetric figures

A snowman is a simple example of making volumetric crafts. With some skill, it will be easier to make more complex figures. Crumpled newspapers or napkins will serve as their frame. So that the layout does not lose its shape (hare, dog, bear), it is tightly wrapped in foil. Then cotton balls are glued to it. They are moistened in a mixture of PVA glue with water (7: 3). After gluing, the figure is treated with hairspray. From plastic elements, colored paper, ribbons, etc. create toy details:

  • eyes;
  • language;
  • various accessories.

To make a smooth figure, glue is mixed with water in a ratio of 1.5: 1. The cotton wool soaked in the adhesive composition is applied to the frame in several layers (at least three). Each of them, after giving the necessary shape, should dry out within 2 days. The surface of the finished toy becomes no less dense than papier-mâché.

Cotton bird

Before you make a bird, you need to prepare:

  • cotton wool;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush;
  • threads;
  • scissors.

A slightly stretched piece of cotton wool should be dipped into the glue container to wet only the outer fibers. One of the edges of the material must be bent, forming 2 unequal parts - the body of the bird and the tail. They are separated by pulling with a thread. With a brush with glue, the figure is processed again and the tail and beak are formed. After drying, the toy is painted. If you need a bird with spread wings, wire frames are created that repeat their shape. Then the wire is covered with cotton wool soaked in glue.
