The presentation is short, I and my profession are an educator. Profession educator presentation on the topic

Elena Elshina
Presentation "The profession of a kindergarten teacher"

The profession of a kindergarten teacher is one of the honorable professions in the world.. After all, with kindergarten the first step in a child's life begins. The educator educates takes responsibility for the living conditions and development of children. teacher kindergarten should teach the child the basic principles of the world around. Patience, perseverance, exactingness and creativity are the qualities that contribute to achieving the best result in parenting.

K. D. Ushinsky wrote:"IN education everything should be based on personality educator,because educational power flows only from the living source of the human personality. "

Every day coming to Kindergarten I'm sure that I love my job. Seeing the cheerful eyes of children, their smiles, their joyful mood, trusting faces, for the sake of this, I want to work further. Together with children, we overcome difficulties, achieve our goals, rejoice in victories together. Not only we adults teach and raising children but sometimes children teach us how to act in a given situation. It is children who make us adults look at the world from a different perspective.

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Main field of activity
educator associated with
organization of children's stay in
preschool educational
establishment, holding games and
activities with children, supervising them
security and status

The main duties of an employee include:
implementation of a holistic pedagogical process in
in accordance with educational programs
preschool institutions;
creation of a subject-developing pedagogical environment
as conditions for the successful development of the child;
management of various types of children's activities
(playing, educational and cognitive, artistic,
physical culture and health, household);
ensuring the protection of life and health of children;
assistance to specialists in the field
correctional activities when working with children,
having developmental features;
creating conditions for the full socialization of children,
familiarizing them with the social world;
protecting the interests and rights of children.

The personal qualities required
child care teacher
garden: decency, goodwill,
high responsibility and moral
sustainability, integrity, ability to
empathy, communication,
neatness, organization, sense
tact, restraint, disinterestedness.

Professionally important qualities:

love for children;
the ability to find an approach to children;
the ability to make decisions quickly;
organizational skills;
developed intuition;
psychological stability;
high level of culture;

The kindergarten teacher should know well:

goals, objectives, content, principles, forms, methods and
means of teaching and educating preschool children
age; fundamentals of human psychology and
psychological characteristics of preschool children
age; development methods different types activities
children; features of anatomy and physiology
preschooler and requirements for ensuring sanitary and hygienic conditions; foundations of organization
preschool and their management.

Kindergarten teacher should be able to:

manage the main activities of preschoolers;
ensure the creation of a developing subject-spatial
interact with preschoolers;
to study the personality of a preschooler on the basis of observations, to identify his
difficulties and assist him;
conduct an explanatory pedagogical work with parents;
interact with other preschool staff
institutions involved in educational
process ( music director, defectologist, psychologist,
medical worker), and parents;
use technical teaching aids and computer

Application area
Educators are in demand
municipal and departmental, and in
private kindergartens.

Working conditions

Teachers can work independently
(in a small private kindergarten), and in the team
from several experts. Most of the day they
work indoors. Compulsory in kindergartens
are outdoor walks in which
The teacher will always accompany the children. Big
Teachers spend part of the day standing.

In work, educators use manual
tools (pen, pencil, paints, paper for
organization of classes with children) and modern
technical means (projectors, personal
computers, interactive whiteboards).
The workplace should be well lit
have the opportunity for regular ventilation.
The appearance of the educator is formed by a neat
appearance, neat elegant clothes.
There is no special form for the teacher.
The appearance of the teacher must be neat,
clothes are neat and elegant.


Since educators are constantly working in
close contact with people, there is a danger
infection with various diseases,
airborne or
by contact.
The activities of the educator are associated with high
degree of responsibility, moral pressure
on the part of society and those being educated, which can
cause psychological and moral problems,
lead to neuroses and depression, cardiovascular diseases.

To master the profession "Educator
kindergarten "needs either a secondary
vocational or higher education
areas of pedagogy, preschool education,
psychology or sociology.


Career prospects for specialists
in area preschool education connected with
advanced training or directly
at the workplace, or in a system of continuous
vocational education.
A managerial path of development is also possible
career, when a specialist, gradually
improving, can become a leader
kindergarten or get a position
specialist in the local department of education.
The caregiver may eventually open a private
kindergarten, becoming a private entrepreneur.

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The profession of an educator is very relevant in our time, since the future of the world depends on the younger generation.

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Goal and tasks:

Introduce classmates to this profession; To interest classmates in this profession;

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Methods for finding and doing work:

Internet media (mass media)

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Description; History of the profession; The importance of the profession in society; The uniqueness of the profession; Occupational risks; Where to get this profession;

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A teacher - this sounds proud, but according to world studies, working with children is one of the most difficult and responsible activities. The reason for this lies in the fragility and vulnerability of the child's psyche, the formation of which partially falls on the shoulders of his educator.

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Profession history:

The history of the profession of an educator originated in ancient Greece, but in those days a slave was engaged in raising a child, who took him to school and carried all the necessary supplies for his studies. The rest of the time, the slave followed the development of the child, protected from dangers. Some time later, the work of a slave was continued by a home educator, and subsequently, after the popularization of public education, the profession of an educator appeared. ...

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The importance of the profession in society:

A person's life position, his character, moral principles and views are laid down in childhood, and that is why high competence, impeccable education and the comprehensive development of the personality of the educator himself, accompanying the child in his early years, acquires special social significance.

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The uniqueness of the profession:

Working with children, the educator is directly involved in organizing their life in the conditions of a certain preschool institution, carrying out all the prescribed activities. To be successful, you need to be well versed in developmental psychology children, pedagogy, to be familiar with the basic principles of the organization of preschool and primary school education.

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Profession risks:

The positive aspects of the profession are in direct communication with children. The profession of an educator is perfect for women, which is clearly reflected in the statistics, but the lack of male education for preschool and younger children remains unfortunate. school age, the reason for which lies in the low material profit of this profession

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Where to get this profession:

It is possible to get an education in the specialty of an educator in pedagogical schools, as well as pedagogical or humanitarian institutes.

natalia dudkina
Presentation "My profession is an educator"

A teacher - this sounds proud, but according to world studies, working with children is one of the most difficult and responsible activities. The reason for this lies in the fragility and vulnerability of the child's psyche, the formation of which partially falls on the shoulders of his educator. All work educator with a child is focused on the formation of not only a new personality, but also a new citizen of a particular state. In the context of preschool education brought up the child's attitude to work, to society and to himself, laying a solid foundation for his further development. I must say that in this difficult profession Most often they come by calling. After all, not only is it quite difficult - after working the shift, you have, like the teacher, to prepare for the next day - write notes of classes and prepare didactic materials, as well as wages educator leaves much to be desired.

The profession of educator is a heroic profession.

And yet we must pay tribute - profession educator Kindergarten is not only challenging, but also very interesting. But this work must certainly be carried out by enthusiastic, kind and responsible people.

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Slides captions:

MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 86", Bratsk My profession is a kindergarten teacher

Let's get acquainted: the educator of early and younger age Kanazhevskaya Marina Anatolyevna

The educator is like a potter, in whose hands soft pliable clay turns into an elegant vessel. And the task of the educator is to fill this vessel with goodness, creativity, knowledge and skills. Love for children is the most important quality of a teacher

Statements about education and children "The best discovery is what the child makes himself." Ralph Emerson "Everyone involved in the upbringing of children must find their own key to their hearts." Larisa Fesyukova " The best way to make children good is to make them happy.” Oscar Wilde

Required Qualities a good teacher: KINDNESS The caregiver must love young children, be able to find a common language with them and have incredible patience.

Only children go to a good teacher with joy, love her, wait impatiently when they go back to kindergarten.

Education. The educator must constantly improve his skills, using the achievements of pedagogical science and best practices. Gotta go ahead, learn innovative technologies and unconventional methods.

The educator needs a variety of knowledge to satisfy the curiosity of the modern child and help him learn about the world around him.

Responsibility. The teacher is responsible for the life and health of children during their stay in kindergarten.

Care and Attention Children feel very subtly when a teacher is sincerely interested in their problems. A good teacher knows how to determine the individual abilities of kids.

Diligence. The educator should not forget about discipline, routine and other organizing factors. It should form perseverance and diligence in children.

Creation. Turn an ordinary child's day into a holiday with unexpected surprises

Artistry. The ability to transform, to play a role - helps to find an approach to children, understand their inner world, reveal their abilities, talents, arouse interest in creativity

Sociability. The teacher organizes the work children's team and personal relationships between children.

The teacher should communicate with the parents of the kids, hear their wishes. Consider their opinion.

Parents' feedback on work

Love for children is the most important personal and professional feature of the educator, without which effective pedagogical activity. Being a teacher is a calling! It means to relive childhood again and again with each child, to see the world through his eyes, to be surprised and to know it with him.

First graders remember and say thank you.

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