Textile hearts with their own hands. How to sew a perfect heart \ How to sew a perfect heart

People often ask me how I sew my hearts. Without pretending to be original, today I will share my simple secrets. Perhaps they will seem insignificant, ridiculous or unnecessary to someone, and someone, having put them into practice, will sew their first perfect heart :)

I immediately apologize for the photo, because in the process of sewing and photographing I was at home alone, I had to manage to do it sometimes at the same time, and there were only two hands ...

Tip 1. Basting is an important part of my work. I even have a special, donated by my mother-in-law, spool of white cotton threads worth 6 rubles 13 kopecks (I think even my mother-in-law does not remember when, where and why they were bought in incredible quantities :)

Most often I sew hearts decorated with stripes (inscriptions, embroidered motifs). In order for the decorative elements to be placed on the finished work in a certain place (most often in the center), I start sewing by sewing the pattern transferred to the fabric with threads of a contrasting color - I outline.

By flipping the fabric to the right side, I can see the outline of the heart and can place my patches exactly where I planned.

Another point related to basting: after the heart is sewn, turned inside out and ironed, I always sew the folded allowances on the opening for eversion and stuffing with a basting seam. I picked up this advice on some site on teddy bears and apply it when sewing any products that require stuffing. The fact is that in the process of stuffing, the allowances tend to turn away, and if your fabric does not retain traces of ironing very well, then you risk losing the line along which you need to sew the product - as a result, you can get an unnecessary bulge or hollow.

You will spend quite a bit of time on these actions, and the result, believe me, will be noticeable for sure!

Tip 2. Do not neglect sealing and adhesive materials!

So, you have embroidered a cute motif, and you would like it to decorate a textile heart. As a rule, embroidery bases have a loose structure, and by sewing a heart with embroidered elements, you run the risk of tearing or deforming it when stuffed. To avoid such troubles, use interlining. Just glue the embroidered flap with the thinnest interlining you have: when cutting and stuffing, the compacted base will not give you unpleasant surprises.

If you want to decorate a heart with a patch, it's time to glue it with a glue cobweb (if the patch is an embroidered patch, then in this case it is not necessary to seal it with additional interlining).

At the same stage, you need to lay a decorative hand or machine seam. Now you can be sure that the decorative element on the finished heart will be exactly where you intended.

Tip 3.Make friends with the iron. Perhaps this is one of the main tips, applying which, you will get a very neat job.

In the process of sewing a heart, I resort to the help of an iron several times. I'll tell you more.

Firstly, you need to cut on a perfectly ironed fabric (here, I think, everything is clear).

Secondly, if your heart will be combined from two, and sometimes more pieces of fabric, you must iron all the seams before cutting! Moreover, through simple observations, I came to the conclusion that they need to be ironed in different ways: depending on how your heart will be decorated. I will show you on the example of a standard version: a heart, consisting of two shreds and decorated with lace.

If we want to decorate the upper part of the heart with lace, we iron the allowances on the lower part, and if the lace will decorate the lower part of the heart, on the top. I think photos will give a better idea than words :)

This avoids unnecessary thickening of the fabric at the place of sewing on the lace and achieves the perfect look of the finished product. At the same stage, it is possible (and I think that it is even necessary!) to lay a seam that secures the allowances. It can be either decorative - with contrasting threads, or inconspicuous, made with threads to match the fabric (on a checkered fabric, stitches made with a thread white color are practically invisible). I love simple hand stitches, but you can also sew on a typewriter - whichever is more convenient for you.

Thirdly, do not be too lazy to iron the sewn and inside out hearts before stuffing. First, iron the heart from the back, smoothing and straightening the seams with your fingers, then from the front side, trying not to touch the decorative elements.

Hearts before ironing

And fourthly, the moment I reached through trial and error: the finished, tightly stuffed heart must be ironed through a damp cotton iron, using the heroic power pressing the iron well: first on one side, then turn the heart over to the other side and repeat the procedure. Under the influence of temperature and humidity, the sintepuh compresses a little and your heart will look even better! This moment will help to cope with even a small “cellulite” of the product.

Ready stuffed heart before ironing
Ironed heart. The difference is obvious :)

Important! If you are sewing from bright fabrics, make sure that the paint does not stick to the iron, otherwise you risk ruining the almost finished work: once after red, I ironed a white heart and got a “surprise” in the form of red spots - I had to throw it away. According to my observations, German fabrics are especially guilty of this. You can avoid this by using an iron - a piece of gauze or thin white cotton fabric. I prefer cotton because gauze sometimes leaves an unsympathetic embossed imprint of threads.

Tip 4. Be careful when cutting!

This advice is more about hearts sewn from several scraps of fabric or from fabric combined with an embroidered element. Most of the patterns of hearts that I have look unsightly: they are paper (not cardboard, like normal people), lined with longitudinal and transverse stripes, have traces of bends, but it is thanks to these “flaws” that my hearts turn out to be almost perfect :)

Even before sewing several types of fabrics, I attach a pattern to them in order to determine what size shreds I need to cut from large pieces and in what, at least approximately, place the seam on the heart will be. So, we decided on how our heart would look like, sewed the shreds, ironed the allowances, laid a fixing seam. At this stage, it is also necessary to sew on lace that will decorate our heart.

Now we proceed to cutting: on the wrong side, we outline the middle of the fabric (if the heart is with an embroidered part - the middle of the embroidery), apply the pattern folded in the required place, combining the place of addition with the seam on the fabric, carefully, trying not to move the pattern, unfold it and, holding hand, circle with a pencil, chalk or marker. Now you can be sure that on the finished heart the place where the patches will be sewn together will be strictly horizontal.

There is one more thing that gives the work a perfect look: if you are sewing a heart out of striped or plaid fabric, take a little time to match the stripes or checks on the front side and back of the heart. Here I have a “fad” on some fabrics, I even had to lay basting seams, grabbing two layers of fabric so that the pieces of fabric would not move during the sewing process and the look of the finished product would not deteriorate.

Tip 5 relates directly to tailoring.

I think I won’t open America for anyone if I say that it is necessary to sew with very small stitches (about 1-2 mm). I have a simple sewing machine that allows you to adjust the stitch length from one to four, I sew on a two or a little less. A prerequisite is a backtack at the end and at the beginning of the line!

If you are sewing a heart from several pieces of fabric, try to place the opening for turning and stuffing so that it does not fall on the seam connecting the pieces - it is much more difficult to sew the fabric neatly in several layers, and sometimes with lace. Although I happened to

What else can be added here? And here's what: when sewing corners, I do not unfold the fabric under the foot, making an acute angle, but I sew one or two transverse stitches. This trick will allow you to avoid ugly wrinkles when turning inside out between the slices of the heart and turn the bottom corner more carefully.

You need to sew up a stuffed heart exclusively with a hidden seam. I won’t paint, at the end of the post I just give a link to the master class, it’s not difficult to learn. Do you know how to tell if a blind stitch is done correctly? Sew up with contrasting thread. If on the finished product it will be difficult to determine what color the thread was used, the seam is made correctly :)

Now you can pull out the basting thread that held the allowances.

Tip 6 Figured cutting.

Just in case, I'll tell you about how I cut out a stitched heart. I always start by making cuts perpendicular to the seam, in the place of eversion and stuffing - I leave a little more fabric for bending.

Be sure to cut V -shaped recess in the upper part of the heart.

I cut the bottom corner as close to the seam as possible and in such a way that there is as little fabric as possible in this place, so that it is easier to turn and stuff.

I cut out the rounding places in the upper part of the heart with teeth, but you can just make notches - again, so that the fabric does not wrinkle when turning out. You can just use zig-zag scissors, but I prefer my regular tailor's scissors and don't bother.

Tip 7. Stuffing.

The stuffing of the heart should be very, very dense !!! It is important. Loose packing cannot be hidden by ironing or decorative elements.

Often, an unsympathetic hole is formed at the place where the heart is sewn up and the heart looks a little clumsy. I’ll tell you how to avoid this: when sewing up the place of stuffing with a blind seam, I leave a hole of 5-7 mm unsewn (we don’t cut the thread, we will continue to sew!) And I push small lumps of sintepuh with a stick, filling the resulting hole. When you think you have enough, just finish the seam.

After securing the thread with a knot, stick the needle into the seam and pull it out of the heart, drowning the knot between the stitches of the seam.

If, nevertheless, you don’t quite like this place, take a thick needle (for example, a needle with which you sew paws on toys, or a saddlery needle) and, gently sticking into the heart, push the sintepuh inside the heart in the direction you need. Try to stick the needle as if pushing the fibers of the fabric, then, pulling out the needle, you simply run your fingernail over the fabric several times and the fibers move apart, hiding the holes from the needle.

Tip 8 Technical points.

Do you want to surprise your loved one? Give him a small souvenir that will become a talisman of your tender feelings. It's about the heart. How can you not like such a present to someone who is dear to you? Moreover, the souvenir will be made by your hands, all your love and care will be invested in it. In this article we will talk about how to make fabric hearts. Several master classes are presented to your attention, focusing on which you can make different products in the form of a symbol of love. This is a soft pillow, a fragrant heart-pendant, and a magnet. We hope that the information will be interesting for you, and you will take it into service. We study master classes that explain in an accessible way how to make a heart - a symbol of love and fidelity.

Fabric hearts. With our own hands we create cute souvenirs using the tilde technique. Preparation

Today, such a direction in needlework as making souvenirs using the tilde technique is very popular. In the instructions below, we will talk about how to make a heart-shaped pendant with this method. But first, let's take a look at the list. necessary materials for work:

  • linen fabric;
  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • tassel;
  • threads to match the color of the fabric;
  • needle;
  • filler (synthetic winterizer, holofiber, synthetic winterizer);
  • decorative braid or twine;
  • coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • cinnamon;
  • water;
  • PVA glue;
  • decorative buttons;
  • saucepan is small.

The stage of making blanks for a souvenir

Our product will be not only beautiful but appearance but also very fragrant. The divine smell emanating from the souvenir will always remind your loved one of you. As from the fabric, we learn from the instructions.

First of all, you need to soak a piece of linen textile and dye it with a fragrant solution. To prepare it, you need to take a pinch of cinnamon and 2 teaspoons of instant coffee and cocoa. Mix these products in a saucepan and pour half a large glass hot water. Add 1 tablespoon of PVA glue here and mix the solution thoroughly. Put the fabric into the resulting mass and hold it there for about 5 minutes. Wring out the flap, spread it in a warm place and let it dry. After ironing it.

From paper, cut out a pattern in the shape of a heart. We transfer it to the fabric, circle it with a pencil. Next, we fold the textiles in half and, departing from the contours of the sketch by 0.5 cm, cut out two identical elements.

Assembly of parts and decoration

We sew the blanks along the outline outlined in pencil. We leave a hole 2 cm long, through it we turn the craft on the front side. We fill it with filler, and make a hole. We try to shove the synthetic winterizer (or other selected material) as tightly as possible, distributing it evenly.

Now we will decorate fragrant fabric hearts made with our own hands. With a brush, apply the remaining aromatic solution of coffee and other ingredients. We leave to dry. You can speed up this process if you put the product on a warm battery or window sill, where the sun's rays fall. After drying, sew on a loop of twine or braid. We decorate the surface of the souvenir with decorative buttons in the form of hearts, flowers, coffee beans or any other. You can embroider in the form of the initials of a loved one or tender words. If you have artistic abilities, then you can paint the product acrylic paints. All decorative elements are also covered with a fragrant solution and dried. Fragrant vintage fabric hearts made in this way will definitely not leave indifferent those to whom you give them.

"Heart" pillow is a soft and beautiful accessory. Preparation

If you have basic sewing skills, then making such a product will not be difficult. A bright pillow knitted fabric in the form of a heart looks simply gorgeous. It can become both a wonderful decorative addition to the overall interior of your home, and a wonderful gift for native person. Before we learn how to make a heart out of fabric on a pillow, let's get acquainted with the list of materials needed for work. We will need the following materials and tools:

  • small pillow;
  • red knitwear, cut into pieces measuring 38 x 38 cm, 25.5 x 38 cm (2 pieces) and a strip of 4 x 150 cm;
  • fabric with a pattern that blends harmoniously with color scheme with square jersey, with sides measuring 30.5 cm;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • sewing machine.

For applications on a pillowcase, we make fabric hearts

We sew a cover on a small pillow with our own hands. If you don’t have one, then you can quickly make it at home. To do this, cut out two identical square parts from natural fabric(linen, cotton, chintz), sew them together. Then turn the product inside out, stuff with filler. Sew up the hole and that's it - the pillow is ready.

Let's talk more about how to sew a pillowcase. We fold the cardboard in half and cut out a 22 cm high heart-shaped figure from it. Its size should also be 22 cm wide. We transfer this template to a fabric with a pattern. We cut out, departing from the contours of 2.5 cm. One of the knitted parts rectangular shape fold 0.6 cm along the long edge and hem. In the same way, we make out one side of the second such blank. Now about how to make a heart out of fabric. On a square knitted piece in the middle we put a textile figure with a pattern, pin it with pins. We sew the edges of this blank together with the square one, departing from the contour by 0.6 cm. Cut off the extra edges. Turn the square over to the wrong side. From above (on the area where the heart is sewn) we put a cardboard template and circle it with chalk. We make an incision in the center of the workpiece and carefully cut out the shape along the contour outlined in chalk. It turns out a square knitted piece with a "window" in which the application in the form of a heart is located. We sew a long textile strip along the middle with large stitches. Then we pull the ends of the threads, forming a frill. Its length should be such that it can completely frame the heart. We sheathe the application with it, thereby masking the seams along the edge of the "window". We impose rectangular parts on a square one, wrapping them one on top of the other. We sew the cover around the perimeter, retreating from the edge of 0.6 cm. Turn the pillowcase inside out, iron it and put it on the pillow. The product is ready.

How to make fabrics? We master the execution technology

A wonderful souvenir for Valentine's Day, not only for a loved one, but also for all friends and work colleagues, can be a small heart made of felt fabric with your own hands. Creating such crafts is an exciting and interesting activity. Souvenirs of this kind are completed very quickly, so in a short time you can make a lot of them. What do you need to get creative? Reading the list of materials:

  • felt fabric in red and white (or any other);
  • needle;
  • paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • threads for sewing and embroidery;
  • scissors;
  • filler (cotton wool, holofiber, synthetic winterizer, trimming threads or fabrics);
  • decorative elements: buttons, beads, beads).

The stage of making textile "valentines"

We are preparing small surprises for dear people - fabric hearts. With our own hands we will make them from felt. First, cut out the figure template from paper folded in half. We transfer it to the felt, circle it and make two identical parts. Now let's decorate them. We do it the way our soul desires: embroidery, beading, buttons or beads. If you want to make an ornament, draw it with a pencil before you start embroidering.

When the decor is done, fold the two halves of the product together and connect them together with an overcast seam. We do this on the front side, that is, the product will not turn out. When a hole of about 1 cm remains, we fill the figure with cotton wool or other filler. Sew up the hole.

What can serve as a "valentine" made of felt?

Such fabric hearts (photo confirms this) can be key pendants, mobile phone, handbag. It will only need to attach a loop of braid to it. Also, a similar souvenir can be supplemented from the wrong side with a pin - and this is a ready-made brooch for your beloved girlfriend. If you sew an elastic band on it, then the "valentine" becomes an exclusive hair accessory. Such hearts can also serve as souvenir magnets. A special blank is inserted into the middle of the product, attaching it with hot glue, before stitching the parts.

As you can see, there are many ways to make a fabric heart with your own hands. Choose the one you like. Give your loved ones your love!

February 14 is a day from which everyone expects a surprise. Some dream of a romantic evening by candlelight, others dream of luxurious gifts, and the lonely believe that it is on this significant date that they will meet their soul mate. And your cupid is probably already wondering what you will present him as a surprise.

Of course, you can go to the store, buy flowers and sweets, and maybe a soft toy. But will they be able to convey all the warmth of your feelings and all the tenderness that is stored in your heart? Hardly. Therefore, February 14 is also a wonderful occasion to create something with your own hands. Handmade valentines become the best mascots that preserve the purity and sincerity of your relationship.

Valentine's card from colored paper

You can also make a postcard from a regular school set, but it will turn out to be more colorful and original if you buy scrap paper at any needlework store. The most trivial way is to fold the sheet in half, draw a heart on it and cut it out along the contour. As a result, you will get a folding postcard, inside which you can write a couple of nice words.

Volumetric valentines are very effective, in which 3D is achieved by sequentially sticking hearts on top of each other. Their pleasantness lies in the fact that a voluminous application is revealed inside the simplest sheet.

A funny 3D plot can also be assembled in the form of flowers from voluminous paper petals, which are easy to cut even for a first grader.

If you really sincerely love, then a heart presented directly on the palms will become a very symbolic gift. You can make such a Valentine according to the master class:

coffee heart

True coffee connoisseurs will definitely appreciate the masterpiece created from natural coffee beans. To create it you will need:

  • Packaging of grain coffee;
  • Cardboard base;
  • A flap of fabric;
  • Glue gun;
  • Sticks of glue.

The tool, along with glue for it, can be purchased at a building materials or art supply store. And to make the gift practical, you can at the same time buy a magnet and fix it on the back of the valentine.

The procedure is simple:

  • Cut out a heart from cardboard;
  • We transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut out the same pattern from it;
  • Carefully, lubricating the edges of the base, glue the fabric to it;
  • Glue coffee beans along the contour;
  • If desired, the composition can be supplemented with cinnamon sticks and star anise.

The work will take no more than 30-40 minutes, but a lot of pleasant emotions are provided to you. If your soulmate is indifferent to coffee, then it can be replaced with shells, beads or small artificial flowers.

Paper curl hearts

To implement this idea, you will need colored paper with a density of 200-300 g / m, double-sided colored cardboard is also suitable. You will also need glue gun or carpentry PVA, as well as a cardboard base. The idea is good because it can be done both in the form of a postcard and for making a decorative interior wreath.

  • Prepare the base - a wreath or rectangle of paper folded in half in the form of a standard postcard;
  • On colored cardboard or paper, randomly draw spirals with jagged edges with a pencil;
  • Cut them out along the contour and twist them into a tight spiral with a rhinestone;
  • Glue the finished multi-colored spirals onto the prepared base.

Despite the simplicity of the action, the valentine turns out to be unusual and attractive.

heart topiary

Topiary or the tree of happiness is an artificial form designed to replace plants in the interior. It was often used in the east as a talisman, guardian of the house. Creating it is more difficult than a simple valentine, but you can use almost all the tools at hand, from unnecessary scraps of fabric and old yarn, twine, to coffee supplies forgotten in the kitchen.

The technology is available to many:

  • Prepare your cardboard base. If you want the heart to be voluminous, you can wrap it with newspaper, and wrap it with thread or ordinary paper tape on top;
  • Any branch found in the park or a thick cable found somewhere in the garage can serve as a support for a valentine. The base of cardboard and paper should be securely fastened to the stick before the decorating process begins.
  • So the foundation has been created. It remains to glue on it everything that you picked up as a decor - buttons, beads, scraps of fabric. Alternatively, curls can also be used, as in the previous master class.
  • The final step is planting the topiary in a pot. To do this, you can use the usual flower pots and cement or gypsum mortar. After hardening, they also need to be covered with decor.

The most spectacular topiary can be obtained using thin fabrics - organza, chiffon, as well as decorating them with artificial flowers.

Fabric valentines

It is easy to sew an original valentine with your own hands - you need to cut out two identical hearts, manually sweep them, turn them inside out with a seam and fill them with padding polyester or scraps of fabric. The advantages of such a gift are obvious:

  • If you sew a loop to it, then it may well serve as a keychain;
  • Able to act as an anti-stress toy;
  • And when filled with aromatic herbs, it can be used as an aroma sachet or suspension in a car.

The main thing is to show all your imagination so that the Valentine card acquires the uniqueness characteristic of self made. And if good artists copy, the best ones steal. Therefore, feel free to use a combination of ideas:

  • It is easiest to sew a heart out of felt, and any decor is attached to it for a glue moment - eyes, buttons and beads;
  • Stylish valentines are made from coarse fabrics - burlap, linen, technical canvas. Especially if you decorate them with the finest lace;
  • If you sew on arms and legs to a heart, draw a funny face, then it will take on a character;
  • Feel free to sew from plain cotton. After that, you can paint with an aromatic solution: for half a cup of warm water, 2 teaspoons of instant coffee, a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla;
  • Make a flip, sew arms and legs to it - the result will be funny toy with distinct anatomical forms;
  • Sew the heart with an uneven stitch in the middle - you get two halves connected together.
  • Fix it on a stick and you will get an original topper for a cake and other dishes of a romantic dinner.

We make valentines with our own hands

Valentine cards can be cut, sewn, glued, or you can blind them. This option is attractive with unlimited possibilities and durability, which allows you to save a declaration of love for many years. The main thing is to choose the right recipe for the mass and calculate its thickness.

Homemade masses retain aroma for a long time. Add a drop of your favorite perfume when preparing them, and they will remind your loved one of pleasant moments for more than a year.

Recipes for self-hardening masses for sculpting hearts:

  • Salty dough. A primitive option that is actively used in children's creativity: mix flour and finely ground salt in 1 cup each and add half a cup of water to them. To increase strength, it is better to add 1-2 tablespoons of PVA glue.
  • Cold porcelain without cooking. A simple recipe for a strong and elastic mass. 4 tablespoons of starch and soda, a couple of drops of glycerin, PVA 1-2 tablespoons and the same amount of vegetable oil. Knead the mass into a tight and plastic lump, grease with any cream, wrap tightly in a bag and leave for half an hour to solidify.
  • Half a glass of putty and the same amount of starch, mix thoroughly and add PVA to the desired consistency.

The easiest way is to roll out the mass with a layer 1-1.5 cm thick, cut out a heart from it and create prints on it using improvised objects. Alternatively, you can make a declaration of love with a wand. It will take 12-24 hours for your valentine to dry completely, depending on the thickness of the product.

After drying, it can be painted with thick paints - acrylic or gouache. Important! Do not use water in the decoration process!

Decoupage is also suitable as a decorative technique. Pick up a piece of any table napkin with beautiful pattern, tear it out, remove the lower layers, and attach the colorful one to the heart, and apply a layer of PVA on top, straightening the motif from the center to the periphery.

Big heart and big love

The old Soviet miter technique is another way to please your loved one. The size of the heart in this technique is limited only by perseverance and flight of fancy. For preparation, you will need cardboard or foam, plain corrugated paper for children's creativity, glue and pencil.

Sew a heart with your own hands for Valentine's Day. 3 options for valentines made of felt and fabric.

  • Prepare felt, the first version of the heart can be sewn from fabric.
  • Needle, thread, scissors.
  • filler for soft toys, you can cotton wool.
  • Ribbons, beads, beads, beautiful buttons to decorate the heart.

Option 1 . How to sew a simple heart on a ribbon.

1. Cut out two hearts from fabric or felt:

2. Sew a ribbon to the inside of one of the hearts with two stitches. If you are not sewing from felt, do not sew the ribbon at this stage:

3. Sew the edges of the valentine details with a seam over the edge. Threads can be used in any thickness, even yarn; any color, even contrasting. If you are sewing from fabric, place the hearts right side in first.

Don't forget to leave a hole for the filler:

4. Stuff the Valentine card with filler. We first turn the fabric product on the front side:

5. We sew up the hole and start decorating the heart with appliqués made of beads, buttons, etc. Sew a ribbon on the fabric heart if desired:

Option 2. How to sew a heart out of felt with a frill.

1. On the edge of the inner side of one of the halves of the heart, we sew a ribbon assembled on a thread:

2. From above we cover with the second part and sew the valentine with a basting seam, leaving a connector. Fill and sew the hole:

3. Sew a small pin on one of the sides and you will have a heart brooch:

If you want to sew a heart with a ruffle not from felt, but from fabric, then use the master class "" and sew a small valentine:

3 Option. How to sew a heart magnet with curly edges.

1. Cut out 2 hearts with curly scissors:

2. We sew the parts with a basting seam, not forgetting the hole:

3. We fill it, and before sewing up the connector, put a magnet inside and you will get a valentine magnet:

ready! Decorate and give for Valentine's Day.

Fabric hearts are a small but very significant gift for February 14 for your soul mate. Since most of the readers of "Cross" are the fair sex, today we will focus on how to sew fabric hearts with our own hands for men.

We all understand that "male" hearts should not be oversaturated with decorative elements such as lace, beads, beads, sequins, and so on. Still, these are mostly “female” things) In order for the Valentine, in which you will no doubt put a piece of your heart, to be liked by your loved one, the emphasis should be placed not on decoration, but rather on colors and minimalism.

How to cut a beautiful heart

So where to start? Firstly, you will certainly need heart patterns, according to which you will cut them out of fabric. The shape of the heart can be different: from the usual small and round to us, to the elongated and narrow, adopted among tildomans.


In the archive, which you can download quickly and for free, a selection of templates for these and other hearts!

What fabric to use

Now let's talk about fabric. Usually hearts are sewn from cotton fabric, linen, calico or felt. They are good because they are pleasant to the touch and relatively inexpensive, in addition, they are easy to work with.

If your husband or boyfriend has a shirt that can no longer be worn out or one that he just hasn't worn for a long time, then you can sew hearts out of it. The fabric and colors are perfect!

Another key moment- coloring. It is better to choose a fabric of red color or more restrained colors, but not very dark, after all, it will be a Valentine. As an example, look at a selection of interesting fabrics that are suitable for sewing a heart.

Hearts sewn in pale blue with red additions

Hearts stitched in brown and white colors

Hearts stitched in red and white colors

The easiest way to sew a heart

It is suitable for those who are just learning to sew and for those who need to quickly sew a simple cute heart.

Transfer the outline of a heart cut out of paper to the fabric (it is better to do this with handmade chalk or a washable marker).

Fold the fabric in half and sew along the contour, leaving a small opening for filling the heart. Fill it with padding polyester and sew up the hole.

To give the heart the desired shape, cut off the remnants of the fabric with curly scissors, departing from the edge of 0.5 cm.

Heart with hanging loop

If you want the heart to be able to hang somewhere, then you should sew a rope, ribbon or braid to it.

In the same way, we transfer the contour of the heart to the fabric and cut out 2 blanks.

Halves of hearts can be cut from the same type of fabric or different, depending on your desire.

Eyelets for hanging a heart can be made from ordinary twine, you can use narrow satin ribbon or decorative cord. In any case, the principle is this: measure the desired length, bend in half and tie a knot at the end.

Lay the 2 halves of the heart on top of each other with the FACE sides inwards. Do not forget to put the loop with a KNOT OUT (look carefully at the photo):

To prevent the halves of the heart from moving relative to each other during the stitching process, secure them safety pins. Be sure to fasten the rope-loop!

Now you can sew the heart, stepping back from the edge of 0.5-1 cm and leaving a hole for filling.

After that, the heart must be turned out.

Fill with synthetic winterizer:

And carefully sew up the hole with a hidden seam.

Master class original

Tilde heart with wings

If you want your man to literally flutter on the wings of love, sew him a heart with wings as a gift!

You have already guessed that the principle is similar to those described above. True, here you will need to cut 2 templates from paper according to this pattern:

Cut out 2 halves of the heart from the fabric, be sure to mark the places where the wings and the hole for turning the heart will be sewn in (they are marked on the pattern with small serifs).

Let's start cutting out the wings. Fold two shreds of fabric right side to each other, and then put on a piece of synthetic winterizer of the same size. Again, secure the fabric with pins. Outline the wing, adding 0.5 cm along the long side, and mirror the second wing here. Sew the wings along the outer contour:

Cut out both wings, departing from the seam 0.5 cm. So that the fabric does not wrinkle when turned inside out, make notches along all the fillets, not reaching the seam 1-2 mm. If you have curly scissors, cut out the outline of the wings with them. And then cut the wings along the dotted line.

You need to turn the wings in such a way that the synthetic winterizer remains inside. Straighten all the fillets and iron the seams.

We turn it inside out, straighten it, fill it with synthetic winterizer, sew up the hole with a hidden seam.

If you want, you can sew the wings along the contour with a decorative stitch, and sew a loop on top for hanging.

Here it is, our fabric Valentine!

Master class original

Here is another version of a heart made of fabric, which is decorated on top with an embroidered inscription "I love ...", a ribbon and a button. A minimum of decorative elements, but it looks very nice.

If you do not have the opportunity to sew hearts on sewing machine, dont be upset! In this case, felt will come to your aid, it does not crumble on the cut, and therefore most felt needlework is sewn by hand.

The technology for sewing a felt heart with your own hands is exactly the same. We cut out 2 halves of the heart and sew them together, fill with padding polyester and sew up the hole.

If you want to decorate the front side of the heart, then first do this, and then sew the halves together.

Be sure to sew valentines for your soul mate! Such minimalist hearts like men.
