Class hour on the topic "What is school friendship?" (1 class). What is school friendship School friendship is the most

Lesson summary

Pedagogy and didactics

Board design Progress of the event Stage 1 Guys, let's talk about school friendship. Stage 2 Sometimes they say: Friends do not spill water. How do you understand this expression What is friendship Stage 3 Let's read the poem and find out how others answer this question. Everyone in the world should be friends: And animals and birds and children So what is friendship Stage 4 And this is how the word is interpreted in the dictionary V.

GOU SPO "Kurgan Pedagogical College"


extracurricular activities

in 4B class of school number 29.

Conducted by female students

32 groups 3 courses

Illyutaeva Meiramgul

Elbow Olga

Date of:_________


Teacher's signature:_______________

Methodist Signature:_________________
The topic of the lesson is "What is school friendship?"



  • help students learn to value friends, take care of loved ones.


  • create conditions for the development of dialogical speech, the ability to argue one's point of view.


  • to promote the formation of respect for others, a polite attitude towards each other.

Equipment: board, visual aids.

New keywords: friendship, mutual assistance, attentiveness, interest.

Board decoration

Event progress

Stage 1

Guys, let's talk about high school friendship.

Stage 2

Sometimes they say: Friends do not spill water. How do you understand this expression?

What is friendship?

Stage 3

Let's read the poem and see how others answer this question.

What is friendship? ¶

I asked the bird.

This is when the kite

It flies with the titmouse.

I asked the beast

What is friendship?

This is when the hare

Foxes do not need to be afraid.

And then she asked the girl:

Friendship what is it?

It's something huge

Happy, great.

This is when the guys all at once,

Everyone plays together

This is when the boys

Girls are not bullied.

Everyone should be friends in the world:

And animals, and birds, and children!

So what is friendship?

Stage 4

And this is how the word is interpreted in the dictionary of V.I.Dal

Friendship is a close relationship, mutual disposition,

Attachment to each other, based on mutual trust, devotion, common interests, ideas, goals.

Friendship binds not only individuals, but also entire teams, enterprises, classes. There is a friendship of peoples, there are friendly relations between countries.

Stage 5

People have composed many proverbs and sayings about friendship. I suggest you play the game "Collect the proverb". I will read the beginning of the proverbs to you, and you will need to find the ending on the cards that I will now distribute.

"There is no friend - look, ....... (and found take care)".

« old friend better……(new two)”.

"Do not have 100 rubles, ...... (but have 100 friends)."

"A man without friends, ... .. (like a tree without roots)."

"Friendship is like glass: .... (you break you can't put it together)".

"A friend for money ... .. (you can't buy it)."

"Die yourself, ...... .. (and help a comrade out)."

"Friend is known in trouble)".

"Friendship is not a mushroom, ...... (you won't find it in the forest)."

"The tree is strong with roots, .... (and man friends)".

"Friendship is strong not by flattery, ... .. (but by truth and honor)."

stage 6

Guys, listen to the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Two Comrades".

Two comrades were walking through the forest, and a bear jumped out at them.

One rushed to run, climbed a tree and hid, while the other remained on the road. There was nothing for him to do he fell to the ground and pretended to be dead.

The bear came up to him and began to sniff: he stopped breathing.

The bear sniffed his face, thought it was dead, and moved away.

When the bear left, he got down from the tree and laughs.

Well, - he says, - did the bear say in your ear?

And he told me that bad people are those who run away from their comrades in danger.

What can you say about these boys? He a true friend?

Stage 7

Let's remember the characters from other works that really knew how to be friends. I offer you the game "Who is friends with whom?"


Let's play the game "I'm a thrush!".

Game description:

The children stand opposite each other and repeat after the teacher. I am a thrush, you are a thrush (they point to themselves, then to the standing one), I have a nose, you have a nose (they touch the tip of their nose, then opposite the standing one), my cheeks are scarlet, your cheeks are scarlet (touch their cheeks and their pair ), my lips are sweet, your lips are sweet (they touch their lips with their finger and the one who is standing opposite), together we are two friends, we love each other (embrace). Change several times in pairs.

Stage 9

Let's guess a few riddles, and you will all tell me the answer together.

On the control will write off,

It's always easy to talk to him.

If necessary, will give advice,

Knows my every secret.

He shares joy with me

For me always a mountain.

When disaster strikes,

Faithful will help me ... (friend)

What do you suggest my friend?

Forget our fight.

I take a step forward

I want to be friends with you.

Stop being angry, my friend

I propose ... (make peace)

He is behind the party one

He sits with me for a whole year.

Give me a pencil, give me a pen,

Never get bored.

And there is no more reliable

He is on my desk ... (neighbor)

This word is called

All who study together.

Comrades, friends, pranksters,

Of course, this is ... (classmates)

10 stage

Guys, let's formulate the rules of friendship.

1. Trust a friend.

2. Share news, successes and failures.

3. Be able to keep other people's secrets.

4. Rejoice with a friend in his successes.

5. Offer your help, and not wait for a request for help.

6. Try to make a friend feel good in your company, do not create awkward situations.

7. Protect a friend.

8. Don't criticize a friend in front of other people.

9. Respect a friend's right to have friends other than yourself.

10. Always keep your promises.

Stage 11

To conclude, I will read you a poem.

With a friend I will share everything together,

I will always be honest with a friend.

If I'm wrong about something

A friend will help he is not an enemy.

I will not give offense to a friend,

I won't change, I won't betray.

Run away from that

Who vilifies his friends.

I'm not in a hurry to get offended

I value school friendship.

12 stage

So what qualities should a true friend have? (back side of the board opens) Choose the group of words that fits. Why didn't you choose another group?

Group 1

kind, polite, honest, generous, strong, considerate, caring, loyal, able to keep secrets, sympathetic, good at learning, amiable, patient, trusting, cheerful, strict, sociable, disinterested, hardworking

Group 2

cowardly, greedy, flattering, rich, lazy, greedy, sneak, stupid, thief, whim, bully, deceitful, evil, ignorant

I suggest you play the game "Friendly Handshake".

(A large paper palm is attached to the board) Guys, look, they are holding out a palm to us. How should we respond? That's right, we should also stretch out our hand and shake it. This means that they treat you well and want to be friends. (Colored paper palms are prepared for children) Guys, write 2 qualities on the colored side, how you would like your friend to be. Attach the finished palms to the large palm.

Stage 13

In conclusion, I want to wish you to find a true friend.

Don't tease, don't be arrogant

Try to help everyone at school.

Do not frown in vain, be bold

And you will find friends.

Finally, I want to give you the “Rules of Friendship” memos.

Stage 14

Thanks to all!

List of sources used

  1. Vasilyeva O.V. cool watch Grade 4, / O.V. Vasilyeva. - Volgograd: ITD "Korifey", 2005.- 8s.
  2. Poems about friendship. ".- Access mode:
  3. Tolstoy L.N. - "Two Comrades" - Access mode:
  4. Yarovaya L.N. extracurricular activities Grade 2, / L.N. Yarovaya.- M.: VAKO, 2004.- 5s.
  5. Yarovaya L.N. Extracurricular activities Grade 3, / L.N. Yarovaya.- M.: VAKO, 2004.- 10s.

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Kartasheva Valentina Gennadievna
Job title: teacher primary school
Educational institution: MKOU secondary school with UIOP village Sanchursk, Kirov region
Locality: town Sachursk, Kirov region
Material name: methodical development class hour in 2nd grade
Subject: What is school friendship?
Publication date: 25.12.2015
Chapter: elementary education


SUBJECT: ABC of morality

Extracurricular activity with students of the 2nd grade "What is a school


Kartasheva V.G., primary school teacher, higher qualification

MKOU secondary school with UIOP village Sanchursk, Kirov region
Purpose: to create a friendly and cohesive team. Tasks: - to teach children to appreciate friends, friendship, to take care of loved ones; - to give the concept of friendship; - familiarize with the rules of friendship; - to teach goodwill, the desire to understand each other, to teach to share joys and sorrows; - to cultivate a caring and warm attitude not only to relatives, but also to all people around; - to cultivate respect for others, polite treatment of children to each other; - develop the ability to argue your point of view. Greetings - We greet each other with a smile, Today we will talk about a very serious topic. But we will find out about this later. - Let's listen to V. Shainsky's song to the words of M. Tanich "If you went on a journey with a friend ..." Slide 1 - What is this song about? What do you think about what will be discussed in our lesson? -Guys, let's talk about school friendships.

What a beautiful word - "friendship"! You pronounce it - and you immediately remember your friend with whom you are interested in playing snowballs, reading new book or keep secrets about yours. You pronounce the word "friendship" - and you immediately remember funny cartoon characters: this is a funny Mowgli with his smart Baloo, this is a musical Lion cub and a wise Turtle, this is Winnie the Pooh with his friends. The world of cinema, the world of cartoon characters, the world of books, our world in which we live, gives us wonderful communication - communication with a friend. Friend is
your favorite book that you read and you are interested in it, a friend is a mother who will definitely help you in difficult times, a friend is school teacher, who will help you look into the secrets of knowledge, a friend is an old teddy bear with a torn off ear, who will listen to you when you feel bad. Slide 2 -Sometimes they say: Friends do not spill water. How do you understand this expression? -What is friendship? Slide 3 - Let's read the poem and find out how others answer this question. - What is friendship? I asked the bird. This is when the kite flies with the titmouse. I asked the beast: - What is friendship? This is when the Fox hare does not need to be afraid. And then she asked the girl: Friendship - what is it? This is something huge, Joyful, big. This is when the guys all at once, All play together, This is when the boys do not bully the girls. Everyone in the world should be friends: And animals, and birds, and children! Slide 4 -And this is how the word is interpreted in the dictionary of V.I.Dal (
show dictionary)
Friendship is a close relationship, mutual disposition, affection for each other, based on mutual trust, devotion, common interests, ideas, goals. Friendship binds not only individuals, but also entire teams, enterprises, classes. There is friendship between peoples, there are friendly relations between countries.
Slide 5 People have put together a lot of proverbs and sayings about friendship. - I suggest you play the game "Collect the proverb". The beginning of the proverbs will appear on the screen, and you will need to find the ending on the cards that I will now distribute. "There is no friend - look for, ....... (and found - take care)". "An old friend is better than two new ones)". "Do not have 100 rubles, ...... (but have 100 friends)." "A man without friends, ... .. (like a tree without roots)." "Friendship is like glass: .... (break it - you won't break it)". "A friend for money ... .. (you can't buy it)." "Die yourself, ...... .. (and help a comrade out)." "Friend is known in trouble)". "Friendship is not a mushroom, ...... (you won't find it in the forest)." “A tree is strong with roots, .... (and a person with friends).” "Friendship is strong not by flattery, ... .. (but by truth and honor)." Slide 6 -Guys listen to the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Two Comrades". Two comrades were walking through the forest, and a bear jumped out at them. One rushed to run, climbed a tree and hid, while the other remained on the road. He had nothing to do - he fell to the ground and pretended to be dead. The bear came up to him and began to sniff: he stopped breathing. The bear sniffed his face, thought it was dead, and moved away. When the bear left, he got down from the tree and laughs. - Well, - he says, - did the bear speak in your ear? - And he told me that bad people are those who run away from their comrades in danger. -What can you say about these boys? Slide 7 - Let's remember the characters from other works that really knew how to make friends. I offer you the game "Who is friends with whom?" Slide 9 - Let's see our school photos
Who believes in friendship fervently, Who feels his shoulder next to him, He will never fall, He will not be lost in any trouble.
Let's play the game "Hello!". Description of the game: One of the students is blindfolded. Classmates, silently, one by one, approach and greet
him by the hand. The driver must find out who it is. Slide 10,11 - Guys, let's formulate the rules of friendship. 1. Trust a friend. 2. Share news, successes and failures. 3. Be able to keep other people's secrets. 4. Rejoice with a friend in his successes. 5. Offer your help, and not wait for a request for help. 6. Try to make a friend feel good in your company, do not create awkward situations. 7. Protect a friend. 8. Don't criticize a friend in front of other people. 9. Respect a friend's right to have friends other than yourself. 10. Always keep your promises. Slide 12 Rate yourself Slide 13 Mimic gymnastics Slide 14 Summing up, Artem will read a poem. With a friend I will share everything together, With a friend I will always be honest. If I'm wrong about something, A friend will help - he is not an enemy. I won't give offense to a friend, I won't change, I won't betray. From that run quickly, Who blackens his friends. I'm not in a hurry to be offended, I value school friendship. Slide 15 - Choose the group of words that fits. Why didn't you choose another group? - Is it necessary for a friend to have all the qualities?
Group 1
kind, polite, honest, generous, strong, considerate, caring, loyal, able to keep secrets, sympathetic, good at learning, amiable, patient, trusting, cheerful, strict, sociable, disinterested, hardworking
Group 2
(on click - remove) cowardly, greedy, flattering, rich, lazy, greedy, sneak, stupid, thief, whim, bully, deceitful, evil, ignorant
I suggest you play the game "Friendly Handshake". (A large paper palm is attached to the board) Guys, look, they are holding out a palm to us. How should we respond? That's right, we should also stretch out our hand and shake it. This means that they treat you well and want to be friends. (Colored paper palms are prepared for children) Guys, choose any palm and write 3 words on the back side, how you would like your friend to be. Attach the finished palms to the large palm. Slide 16 In conclusion, I want to wish you to find a true friend. Do not tease, do not be arrogant, Try to help everyone at school. In vain do not frown, be bold And you will find friends for yourself. Finally, I want to give you a reminder
"rules of friendship"
". - Guys, we talked about friendship for two lessons, studied the laws of friendship, learned to play together, amicably, learned to help each other. In conclusion, let's play the game "Laws of Friendship". Children become in a circle; pass each other a small "heart" and begin a sentence with the words
"Friendship -

... The song "If a friend does not laugh ..." is performed. Slide 17-18 Thank you all!

It is believed that school years - best time in our life. This is a carefree time when you live for today, and you can share all the joys and sorrows with your classmates.

Today, on Friends Day, "Letidor" has collected some evidence why school friendships are the strongest.

1. We grew up in the same yard

We watched the same movies together, roamed the same streets, played dodgeball, skipped classes, ran down the school corridors and cheated. homework… We had so much in common.

And all this has shaped our personalities and made us who we are today.

2. With them, we can return to childhood

We can always go back to friends and remember the times when the trees were big, helped each other out with cheat sheets, played Cossack robbers all weekend or went on noisy school trips.

Now we are always running somewhere and only with school friends can we stop and remember all the good things that connected us in the past.

These memories bring us back to ourselves and protect us from negativity.

3. We know each other "from the inside out"

Down to the smallest detail. In every detail. They were there when you failed your first exam, hid around the corner on your first date, and shielded the teacher as a whole class when you missed a test.

You don't have to be shy with them and you can be as foolish as at school. Remember the movie “Once Upon a Time 20 Years Later”, where at a meeting of classmates, adult women and men, taking off their masks, again become Vovkas, Tanyas, Nadias?

With them, you can put a funny shoe on your head and feel great!

4. We know each other's families

5. They never judge

It's so nice to realize that no matter what happens in life, there are people whose house is always open. School friends know how to listen and hear and are always on your side.

6. We have hundreds of photos together

It's great to just laugh at the stupid pictures we took as kids. We made faces, put on lipstick from mom's cosmetic bags, did ridiculous hairstyles, played in school KVNs ...

All this is hidden by the albums that gather dust in the apartments of the parents.

7. Only we understand each other's strange jokes.

Those jokes that we share within our circle are understandable only to us. They still seem fun and never get old. And our new friends will never understand them, and it is useless to explain them.

Aren't these reasons enough to call school buddies best friends for life?

My class was very different from others. If in parallel classes they fought for academic performance and discipline, then we tried to be friendly and sincere.

From the first call, we somehow immediately rallied and became one family. Of course, we had students who were lagging behind in academic performance and

Hooligans. But when they realized that the class did not reject them, but, on the contrary, wanted to help, they gradually began to correct themselves and please teachers and parents.

Our First Teacher played a big role in the cohesion of the class. If someone was guilty, she left the whole class after the lessons and immediately explained to everyone about the correctness or incorrectness of our actions. She has always taught us to be fair, not only to all our friends, but also to our enemies.

There were, of course, misunderstandings and minor clashes with students from other classes, but we always knew how to defend our opinion by the power of the word. Rarely did it come

Before the fight. But even then our friendship and mutual assistance helped us win.

school friendship helped with my studies. No one was ashamed to ask a friend for help on a difficult subject. Of course, there were also curious cases when teachers found cheat sheets with us or caught on clues. But no one has ever betrayed anyone. Over the years of study, the whole school knew about the Strong and devoted friendship in our class. Therefore, they asked for tricks from everyone at once. My class is my pride. I know that years and even decades will pass, but we will always be on the same wavelength. Neither time nor distance will separate us spiritually. We will always feel each other in grief and in joy.

School time will leave wonderful memories in our minds and hearts about best years life. But it will not be soon, but now let's enjoy School friendship and learn to be real, beautiful soul, worthy people.

child on winter holidays I was given a task to write an essay about my class and school friendship. Based on your text, they wrote their own. It’s a pity, of course, that they don’t have such friendly guys in the class. Maybe classroom teacher workload does not pay enough attention to children; The kids almost never go camping and out in nature. Oh well, the main thing is that they all become good people.

Essays on topics:

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  2. How real school friendship is born, strengthened and tempered, tells the essay on the topic “My class”. Kindergarten fools who sat down at the school desk, ...
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