Does the place of residence of a pensioner affect the size of the pension? What can be affected by permanent and temporary registration? Does the size of the pension depend on residence?

Today, most citizens of the Russian Federation can receive free housing with accrual of seniority, so many retired people already have their own housing and can register someone else in the apartment. Others do not have it, and they have to constantly move, while they do not know anything about whether the registration of a pensioner affects the size of the pension.

Meanwhile, you need to know that the registration address and pension payments are two closely related concepts, which is why any action related to the registration of a pensioner must be accompanied by appropriate manipulations regarding the pension, however, many people are not aware of whether a pensioner must be registered in an apartment in order to receive a pension, and how these issues are generally related.

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It is important to remember all these nuances, especially for those people who are registered in housing on a temporary basis. Also, similar questions may arise for working pensioners.

It often happens that a pensioner sells his apartment in order to move to another place of residence and relax there after a busy working life. At the same time, sometimes, in order to register at a new address, you have to deal with the conclusion of agreements or even construction work, which means that the total moving time increases.

In reality, it turns out that for a given period a person does not have any registration, in fact, “hangs” in the air, and, even after he has already moved into an apartment in a new building, he will not be able to get registration. It also happens that this is not provided for at all, for example, if a pensioner moves to a private house, which, according to the documents, is intended exclusively for conducting activities related to gardening.

If a pensioner or pensioner is deprived of registration, he will not be able to issue and then receive pension payments, even if they were provided to him earlier, because. they are issued at the place of registration, so the issue of pensions without registration becomes relevant over time.

Basically, in order to solve the problem that has arisen, people need to register at least on a temporary basis with relatives or acquaintances. A person will receive a pension if he registers at least somewhere.

The severity of the problem may increase when the temporary card received by the pensioner from the servicing banking institution for the purpose of receiving a pension expires.

Pension fund by registration

In order for a person without a residence permit to apply for a pension and find out how much he is supposed to receive, for example, when moving to another region to live, you should find a branch of the Pension Fund at an address that is close enough to the applicant's place of residence.

Today, you can find the address of any of the PFR branches either through the help desk or on the portal of the Pension Fund, in this situation it makes no difference whether a person is registered in a particular place or whether he lives in another state.

Important! At the time of filing an application at the place of residence, and not registration, it is necessary to draw up an application for receipt of labor pension payments. In order for the document to be filled out in accordance with the law, it is better to draw it up according to the model, indicating all the information that should not change, and your own signature.

What documents are needed to submit along with the application to the Pension Fund:

  • pensioner's passport;
  • insurance card with an individual number;
  • employment history;
  • other documents that can confirm the data and give reasons for how much money will be issued (for example, for disability, for benefits).

For example, additional papers must confirm the amount of earnings for the last six months before retirement, as well as other factors, the confirmation of which may change.

The documentation is considered within ten days, after which a decision is made regarding the final calculation of the amount of the pension due to the citizen.

Will the size of the pension change if the pensioner is registered in Moscow

From the point of view of the law, a visiting person retirement age(if he is not from the Moscow region) is a person who, before retiring, was registered in Moscow and the Moscow region for less than 10 years, i.e. You have to live here for ten years in order to receive a Moscow pension.

The calculation of how much such people receive, and what the pension will be, is carried out on the basis of the existing Russian Federation living wage.

For 2018, this amount is at least 10,715 rubles per month. If a person of retirement age has been registered in Moscow for less than ten years, he is entitled to a payment in the amount of the subsistence minimum adopted in this region, it cannot increase.

For additional social payments a citizen will be able to apply after the period of residence in Moscow and the Moscow region exceeds ten years. For 2018, the pension amount for visiting pensioners is also equal to at least 10,715 rubles.

To obtain insurance pension, i.e. surcharge (regional social surcharge), a citizen must have eight years insurance experience, that is, the inversion is possible when it increases.

Many are also interested in the question of whether the size of the pension will change if you register in Moscow or the Moscow Region on a temporary basis. No, the pension will not change and cannot change. A pensioner must have been permanently registered in the capital for ten years, and not just registered. The period of registration in Moscow and in the Moscow region is summed up and cannot be changed.

Today, for most categories of citizens, it is possible to receive free housing with accrual of seniority, in connection with which many, when they retire, already have their own real estate. Some by this time do not have their own housing and are forced to constantly change their place of residence for one reason or another.

One way or another, pension and registration are directly related to each other, in connection with which any manipulations with a person’s registration should automatically lead to appropriate actions with the calculation of a pension, but at the same time, many do not know whether registration is needed to receive a pension and what there is a connection between them.

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In fact, knowing these nuances is quite important, and this is especially true for those people who have a permanent temporary place of residence.

Main clarifications

There are several basic legal requirements that draw the relationship between pension and propiska, and which must be taken into account in the event of a change of residence.

Guidance in law

Since January 2013, a law has been in force, according to which citizens must live at the address at which they are registered. This decision was made in order to exclude the possibility of fictitious registration by citizens of other states, since this problem became especially relevant with the onset of a strong influx of workers from other states.

The new law on the registration of citizens provides for certain changes to the current Code of Administrative Offenses, as it contains an article that provides for punishment in case of violation of the stated requirements.

Although government officials say that the this moment the law on propiska and registration will in no way affect homeowners who currently live at other addresses, at the moment it has not become known in relation to whom, in principle, they are going to apply appropriate penalties.

In particular, it is worth noting the fact that for individuals the fine is provided for in the range 2,000-5,000 rubles, while legal entities will have to pay from 250,000 to 750,000 rubles.

These fines, in some situations, can be replaced by imprisonment for a certain period of time or by sentencing the offender to forced labor with the imposition of a ban on the opportunity to work in a certain area.

Key Documents

In order to apply for a pension, you need to provide a certain list of documents to the Pension Fund, namely:

  • an application for a pension;
  • passport or military ID, depending on who exactly retires and for what reasons;
  • a certificate confirming the existence of temporary registration, if payments will be received not at the place of the main registration;
  • documents confirming the existence and volume of insurance experience;
  • a certificate showing the amount of average monthly earnings for five consecutive years for any period of employment;
  • a document confirming the right to receive a preferential pension provision;
  • pension insurance certificate.

In some situations, representatives of state authorities may require the provision of a certain list of additional documents, including a certificate of family ties, documents confirming the establishment of disability and other papers that may confirm the existence of grounds for receiving a pension

Is it possible to get a pension without registration

In order to apply for a pension without a residence permit, first you need to find a branch of the Pension Fund, which is located as close as possible to the place of actual residence of a potential pensioner.

The addresses of all branches are indicated in the reference service, as well as posted on the official website of this institution. At the same time, there is no difference in whether a pensioner has registration in this region, and if at that time he lives in another country altogether, then in this case he can fill out a request form via the Internet on the website of this institution or send a letter to the main office of the Pension Fund.

When applying, it is necessary to write an application with a request for granting labor pension. Samples of such an application are present in any department, and it is enough to simply indicate the necessary information about yourself, as well as leave your own signature.

The application must be accompanied by a passport of a Russian citizen, an insurance card, which indicates the individual number of the applicant, a work book, as well as a certain list of other documents confirming the information required to calculate the amount of the pension - length of service, earnings for the last six months and much more .

After submitting all this documentation within ten days, the application will be considered, as a result of which the appropriate pension payments will be assigned. If the state body refuses, then in this case the applicant will have the right to apply to any other branches of the Pension Fund, transfer the application to the leadership of the territorial office, apply directly to the head organization of the PFR, or even file statement of claim to court.

What is important to consider in the process

In the process of applying for a pension, many legal features must be taken into account, and in particular, this applies to those situations where a potential pensioner is provided with all kinds of allowances or he is going to register at a place other than his main registration.

What are the conditions

First of all, for all pensioners in Moscow, a regional social supplement is provided, which has a rather strong effect on the amount of the pension paid. At the same time, in addition, its level changes depending on the rise in prices for certain socially necessary things, and such allowances are provided to all pensioners and the disabled.

In this case, it is worth noting pensioners who are going to draw up payments for themselves in Moscow, and not in any other regions, since the conditions for receiving here are completely different. First of all, this concerns the regional social supplement, which allows you to significantly increase the volume of pension payment, and its level can vary significantly depending on the rise in prices.

Any people who have a disability, do not work due to reaching retirement age, or have any other reasons that are provided for by applicable law can count on receiving the allowance

The only limitation in this case is the presence of registration in Moscow for more than ten years, and this period should not run continuously. In other words, a person can be registered in the capital for a certain time, then move to another city and return back after a few years. Thus, the time that was lived in Moscow before leaving the country will be taken into account for the rest of the period of residence.

Also, pensioners living in Moscow receive all kinds of compensation for using a landline phone, as well as the opportunity to use public transport for free. The only exception to this rule are taxis, but it applies not only to the city limits, but also to the Moscow region. At the same time, it should be noted that you can refuse the possibility of free travel and replace it with receiving monetary compensation.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that non-working pensioners it is possible to apply for a free sanitary-resort voucher once a year, but such vouchers are issued in order of priority.

Among other things, there is a huge variety of options for in-kind assistance provided to pensioners by the state and which is issued when such a need arises. For example, if a pensioner finds himself in a difficult financial situation, he has the right to apply for food or clothing support.

In the relevant centers, if necessary, you can get sanitary and hygienic services, and if necessary, they can be provided on an ongoing basis, regardless of whether the pensioner has any young relatives living in other cities.

Registration outside the place of residence

If a citizen does not have a registered place of residence on the territory of Russia, then in this case he needs to apply for appointment to the body that is located near his immediate place of residence.

It is worth noting the fact that, in accordance with the current legislation, a certain private house or apartment is provided for under the place of residence, as well as any other residential premises in which a citizen resides most of the time or permanently as an owner, as well as under a lease or lease agreement. The place of stay is considered to be a rest house, hotel, hospital, tourist base and similar objects.

The main feature in this case is that, as confirmation of his place of residence, a citizen must first issue a temporary registration for this place.

City change situation

For pensioners who live in the northern regions of the country or in territories equivalent to them, it is possible to apply for a special “northern” allowance, but if the pensioner moves to any other region, it is completely canceled. At the same time, on the contrary, if a pensioner goes to live in some northern region of the country, this supplement is automatically charged to the initial pension.

The military, who draw up a transfer in case of moving to some new place of residence, must also provide, along with the main documents, a military ID and a certain list of additional papers that confirm their passage military service. In the event that a pensioner who previously served in the army is subsequently sent abroad for permanent residence there, he still has the right to claim a pension for the next six months.

In case of moving to the territory of Moscow, the pensioner has the opportunity to apply for a special allowance, but main feature here, as mentioned above, is that it will be possible to issue it only after ten years of residence in this region.

Temporary option

In accordance with paragraph 6 of the current Rules for Applying for a Pension, any person must apply for a pension to that territorial body of the Pension Fund, which is located directly at their place of residence. But at the same time, if a person does not have a confirmed place of residence on the territory of Russia, then in this case they are assigned the right to go to the department, which is located at the place of their stay and residence, as a result of which they must apply for a pension in this region.

Thus, citizens of Russia are given the opportunity to apply to the territorial body of the Pension Fund, which can be located both at the place of registration of their place of residence, and at the place of stay or the address where they actually live. But such a temporary option is provided only if they have issued a temporary registration at the specified address.

In youth, it seems that retirement is far away, but now the time is coming, and you begin to seriously think about what documents and certificates are needed for the Pension Fund to assign a pension. In the territorial bodies of the PFR of Kalmykia, work to reduce the terms of pensions has been carried out for more than a year. Future pensioners are invited in advance to the pension departments, where they check the correctness of the paperwork required for the appointment of a pension, give advice, and help in obtaining various certificates. Today, the head of the department for organizing the appointment, recalculation, payment of pensions and evaluation tells about the ongoing work in advance on the appointment of a pension on the pages of "EP" pension rights insured persons of the PFR Branch in the Republic of Kalmykia Svtelan Batyrov.

Svetlana Pavlovna, earlier, in order for the pension to be larger, it was necessary to have continuous experience. Does discontinuity of experience matter now?

Continuity of experience does not matter now. But in order to receive an old-age labor pension, a prerequisite is that the insurance period, during which contributions to the mandatory pension insurance system were made from your earnings, be at least 5 years. And in order for the pension to be large, the amount of pension insurance contributions received during your life is important. Future pension can be formed not only through the state system of mandatory pension insurance. In order for the pension to be high enough, you can simultaneously participate in non-state pension programs offered by non-state pension funds. There is also a program of state co-financing of pensions.

What factors affect the amount of pension that current pensioners receive? What categories of citizens can count on its increased size?

When accruing PFR pensions takes into account many factors that affect its value. One of them is the category to which the pensioner belongs. He can be an ordinary pensioner or, for example, a participant or disabled person of the Great Patriotic War, a pilot, a disabled person due to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, etc. In addition, the amount of the pension directly depends on the length of service, wages and insurance premiums that were transferred to the Pension Fund for each individual pensioner.

For outstanding achievements, special services to the state and instead of previously provided pension benefits, additional monthly material security (DEMO), additional material security (SMO) and monthly cash payment (CSS) can be established, which also affects the amount of general pension payments.

And if a person has a permanent residence permit in one place, but works and lives in another? Can he receive a pension at his place of actual residence?

The pension is issued at the place of permanent residence. After its registration, the pensioner has the right to transfer the pension at a temporary residence permit.

Before applying for a pension, you need to collect certificates from all enterprises where a person worked. But many have already closed. How to be in that case?

If the work book is drawn up according to the rules, the pension must be assigned within 10 days from the date of submission of the documents. But the process may be delayed due to the lack of some documents, fuzzy printing, illegible writing, etc. If an organization that can give necessary information about a person retiring no longer exists, one cannot do without appeals to the state archives (all documents must be submitted there). The FIU staff will warn about this. My advice to the readers of the Elista Panorama is to avoid red tape with requests, periodically review your work book and ask for timely entries and, if necessary, corrections. By the way, young people - that is, those who started working after 2002 - will have no problems collecting certificates - information about their pension contributions and work history flows immediately to the Pension Fund.

If the woman was in maternity leave, will this time be included in the length of service? Does the length of service include the time of service in the army and study at the institute, that the work book was entered before serving in the army and studying at the institute?

In accordance with Art. 11 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation", the periods of care of one of the parents for each child until they reach the age of one and a half years, but not more than three years total. Moreover, these periods are counted in the length of service in the event that they were preceded or followed by periods of work or other activities (regardless of their duration). But in the length of service for assessing pension rights, if the period of care was carried out before 01/01/2002, this time will not be included.

Service in the army is counted in the insurance experience in calendar terms. Double calculus used to be applied, but this provision of the law has been abolished. Under current legislation, studying at a university is not included in the length of service, regardless of when the work book was opened.

Help "EP"

To apply for a pension, citizens must submit an application for a pension to the Pension Fund Department at the place of residence before the retirement age, but not earlier than one month before the right to this pension arises.

To assign an old-age labor pension to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to provide a passport, an insurance pension certificate, a work book, a birth certificate of a child and a document on the change of surname (if necessary), a certificate of wages for any 60 consecutive months until January 1, 2022 ( original) - if in 2000-2001 they did not work or the average salary for the indicated 24 months of work was less than 1800 rubles. When accepting an application, a customer service specialist may offer to provide additional documents. The average monthly earnings of the insured person for 2000-2001 can be taken into account according to the data of personified (individual) accounting in the system of compulsory pension insurance.
