Choosing the best deodorant for feet from sweat and odor. Choosing a deodorant for sweaty feet

The body's normal response to hot weather or physical exercise is sweating, it cools the body and removes unnecessary substances from it, but if this process does not depend on external environment, should be considered. The problem of excessive sweating of the feet, even in the cold season, torments many men and women, but not everyone knows how to deal with it. One of the effective remedies is foot deodorant, it not only eliminates bad smell, but also reduces sweating itself, which allows him to acquire an impressive list of positive reviews.

What is this tool

Seeing the word "deodorant", many will think of the usual cosmetics ah that we use daily for the area armpits however, they are two completely different things. We can buy an ordinary deodorant in any store or supermarket, and its daily use will not bring any unpleasant consequences. Foot deodorant is a more intense remedy, it allows you to remove most of the bacteria from the skin of the feet, the waste products of which cause an unpleasant odor. However, the daily use of such a drug can adversely affect the skin, so you should strictly adhere to the time period specified in the instructions.

Deodorants for sweaty feet can lead to the following improvements:

  • elimination of a specific smell;
  • prevention of sweating for a certain period;
  • disinfectant effect;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • dryness prevention;
  • additional protection against fungal infections;
  • relieve skin irritation.

Such funds may be issued in different types, for example, spray, gel or ointment, so everyone can choose the best option for themselves. Deodorants are usually sold in pharmacies, sold without a doctor's prescription. But if you look at the range of these drugs, you may be confused, because many companies produce these products, offering a different ratio of price and quality.

How to choose the right option

First of all, you should decide what effect you expect from the use of the remedy. All such drugs are divided into three main types:

  1. Masking bad odor. If the problem of sweating is not critical, which cannot be said about the characteristic smell, you can try this type of application. It, in turn, is divided into 2 types - flavored and non-flavored products, according to customer reviews, the former are more often used. When choosing a masking preparation, you should start from the smell, you can choose an unobtrusive light fragrance that suits your image.
  2. Reduces perspiration. When choosing these products, you need to be careful, some of them can have a very aggressive effect on the skin or leave behind a pungent odor, which, although it will overshadow the previous one, will also add another problem. Therefore, you should carefully study the features of the tool so as not to get into a mess.
  3. Complex impact. Contrary to a well-known misconception, human sweat is odorless, the waste products of harmful bacteria living on our skin smell unpleasant. The fight against these microorganisms allows you to get rid of bad smell, and the effect of the product on the skin narrows the pores, as a result of which sweating also decreases.

You should also consider the following criteria:

Before buying a deodorant, you should still consult a doctor, because often self-medication leads to undesirable consequences. In addition, excessive sweating can be not only an independent disease, but also a symptom of another, more serious illness. If the doctor does not find anything serious, he will help you choose the most suitable variant of the pharmacy.

Deodorant Deo Control

Reviews about the drug Deo Control are rather contradictory, for one it helped to completely get rid of the problem, for others it did not help at all. What are its pros and cons?

The drug is produced in a 30-ml jar in the form of a thick fat cream, it comes with a convenient spatula for application. It is not recommended to use this remedy with bare hands, as it can dry out the skin of the hands. If the spatula is inconvenient for you, you can use ordinary rubber gloves or apply Deo Control with a cotton pad. You can find 2 different products - from Rexona or from the Kalina concern, they are exactly the same.

According to the package, Deo Control allows you to get rid of an unpleasant odor for up to 1 week, it is not recommended to use it more often, since you can dry out your feet. Some prefer to apply it at night, while others prefer to apply it before leaving the house. But keep in mind that Deo Control is quite oily, so it can leave marks on socks and shoes. In addition, the cream is absorbed for a long time, this must be borne in mind so as not to be late, waiting for drying.

The advantage of this tool can be called its delicate effect on the skin, it makes it soft and tender. In addition to eliminating unpleasant odors, Deo control also reduces sweating, but not in all cases, sometimes the drug only slightly muffles it. The effect manifests itself differently for everyone, it depends on the individual characteristics of each person.

Some try to use Deo Control also in the armpit area, but it is better to purchase a specialized product for this area. Basically, in this zone, it only masks the smell, and sweat continues to stand out profusely. Moreover, he can leave greasy spots on clothes, which will bring only negative emotions.

Some buyers react negatively to a pronounced smell, some compare it with a flower, others with a sweet mint, but often it remains even after the drug dries.

Another plus of this tool is the cost. One jar of Deo Control will cost you less than 100 rubles, while for some, one package is enough for a whole year, the benefit is obvious. Deo Control is one of the proofs that expensive drugs are not always the most effective.

Scholl deodorant

Scholl foot deodorant spray has gained quite a lot of followers, its use can effectively remove both perspiration and odor. This manufacturer specializes in various means for legs, which inspires confidence in all products of the brand.

The tool is a 150 ml can with a spray, you can find white or yellow-blue packaging, they are identical. The cost of one can fluctuates around 200 rubles, one package is enough for several months.

Scholl spray should be applied after a morning shower on dry feet, spraying at a distance of about 15 cm on the foot area and between the toes. The layer should be uniform and thin, do not spray too much, this will not increase efficiency. It should be borne in mind that the drug leaves a light white coating on the skin, similar to talc, so it is better to wear light-colored socks and shoes.

As for the smell, the opinions of consumers are divided, for some it seems intrusive, while others say that after application it quickly disappears. Therefore, it is better to test the tool, for example, on a weekend, in order to know exactly what to be prepared for.

Cream Lavilin

This Israeli antiperspirant for feet is extremely effective, as only one drop is enough for a single application, and the effect will last for a week. In this case, you should not worry about playing sports or visiting the pool, bath or sauna - the product is well absorbed and is not eliminated by these factors.

Lavilin is available in a small jar of pale turquoise color with a volume of 10 ml. Compared to the two previous drugs, this one is quite expensive, the cost can be from 500 to 600 rubles. But this price is offset by huge advantages: Lavilin does not contain alcohol and aluminum, which can be seen in other products, which allows it to have a delicate effect without harm to health. It contains natural ingredients such as herbal extracts and vitamins. Thus, Lavilin does not disrupt the natural functioning of the sweat glands, killing only harmful bacteria and having a disinfecting effect. Also, due to its composition, the cream does not cause allergies and does not dry out the skin, so it can rightly be called a leader among safe deodorants.

Means brand Mavala

This Swiss brand produces two very effective products - gel and talc. You can use them separately, but for those who have a very pronounced sweating problem, it is better to resort to using both.

Mavala gel is available in a 120 ml tube. The product is applied once a day, in the morning or in the evening, its action lasts up to 10 hours. It provides freshness to the skin, does not irritate or overdry it. The advantage is that it does not negatively affect the process of normal sweating, only regulating it and eliminating unpleasant odors. Apply the product to pre-washed and dried feet.

Talc is available in a 150g pack. It fixes the effect of the gel, after some time after treating the legs with the first remedy, you need to apply it in a thin layer, they should treat not only the feet, but also the area between the fingers. After treatment, you can wear natural socks and shoes, in most cases, even after a long day at work, consumers have completely no moisture on their feet and an unpleasant smell.

Both of these products have a light, unobtrusive aroma, which adds another plus to Mavala's treasury of benefits. However, this product also has its drawback - high cost. A tube of gel costs around 700-800 rubles, and talc is about 500-600.

Any tool must be used correctly and try to get the maximum benefit from its use. To effectively get rid of the problem of sweaty feet and unpleasant odor, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  1. You should not rely only on the action of the product, in any case, you must remember about proper hygiene. You need to wash your feet twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, it is advisable to use household or tar soap, they additionally dry and disinfect the skin. Socks and shoes should be chosen from natural ingredients so that the feet have the opportunity to "breathe", especially in hot weather.
  2. Deodorants are applied to pre-washed and dried feet, at least two days must pass between applications of different brands. Do not apply the product if the skin is damaged.
  3. For additional treatment of the feet, you can regularly use baths based on herbal decoctions; oak bark allows you to effectively deal with the problem. In addition to it, you can use chamomile, calendula and other soothing herbs.
  4. Attention should be paid to shoes, in order to get rid of an unpleasant smell, you can put scented pads or ordinary dry tea bags in it at night. Insoles should be changed at least once every 2 months.

These simple rules will allow you to achieve exactly the effect that you expected, while the care will be comprehensive. Excessive sweating is a common phenomenon, you should not take it as something shameful, it can and should be treated.

Cases of intense sweating of the legs, which lead to the appearance of an annoying smell, are not uncommon, especially in men. Experts believe that, in principle, a person should not have pronounced sweating. The reason may be only hot summer time or increased exercise. To eliminate unpleasant odors, there is a deodorant for the feet.

What is this tool

It is worth noting right away that anti-sweat cosmetics are completely different from deodorant, as it has more intense qualities that can cleanse the feet of harmful bacteria, their metabolic products. They are the cause of the unwanted stench.

Such drugs should not be used daily, as they can leave Negative consequences on the skin.

Therefore, before using a deodorant, you must read the instructions for use, follow the manufacturer's recommendations exactly.

These remedies will help you improve the condition of the feet:

  • Remove bad odor.
  • Suspend the release of sweat for a certain time.
  • Suspend inflammatory processes.
  • Prevent dry feet.
  • Protect against the development of various infections.

How to choose the right option

These preparations for foot sweat are available in such forms as gel, spray, cream. Each person can choose an individually suitable option for himself. Medications can be bought at pharmacies without a prescription. First of all, it is necessary to determine for what purpose this deodorant is needed, what result you expect from it. They can be divided into 3 types.

  • Camouflage. They are suitable for men and women who do not have a critical situation of sweating, but sweat has a characteristic stench. Camouflage deodorants are flavored, not flavored. The most popular of these are flavored substances.
  • Reduce sweating. They can be aggressive, affect the skin negatively. In addition, some of them leave a pungent stench mixed with sweat. Such deodorants should be chosen with special care.
  • Complex action. Such substances fight against harmful microorganisms that are on the skin, emit an unpleasant stench. Due to the action of the deodorant, the pores of the skin are narrowed, and sweat is reduced.

Foot deodorant should be used as directed. In this case, you can achieve the maximum effect from its use. So, no sweat remedy will help if you don’t wash them. laundry soap twice a day. To combat this problem, it is recommended to choose shoes, socks made from natural fabrics.

Medicinal products should only be applied to clean, dry limbs, without any damage.

For feet, you can use additional treatment with the use of herbal, herbal baths: chamomile, oak bark. To remove stink from shoes, there are special fragrant pads that are placed in shoes overnight.

Foot spray for odor and sweat

Manufacturers produce medications for the treatment of hyperhidrosis in the form of sprays, powders, gels, ointments. Some of them are applied to the skin in problem areas, the action of other substances is aimed at disinfecting shoes.

Cooling spray

This foot spray is most often used in the hot season. It is able to reduce sweating in the feet, tones the lower limbs, and eliminates bad smell. When using this type of sweat remedy, it is important to wash it off at the end of the day so that the skin can breathe for a while.

The composition of most cooling sprays includes such active elements as menthol, lavender oil, natural extracts of some plants. This combination of substances effectively affects the fight against stink.


The main advantage of gels is their disinfectant property. They can relieve inflammatory processes, kill bacteria, as a result of which sweating is reduced, the stench is removed. However, these drugs often cannot be used, as it tends to dry out the skin.

The gel is applied to dry clean skin. 30 minutes after application, the product should be washed off with warm water and soap. One procedure is enough to get rid of sweat for 10-14 days. Be aware that with frequent use of the gel, its therapeutic significance is reduced several times.


To achieve the best result and a strong disinfectant effect, it is recommended to use an antiperspirant. It is suitable for almost all patients, while it does not cause side effects.

As well as the foot spray, this remedy is the most convenient method of combating sweating. You can always carry it with you so that you can use it when needed. However, the cost of antiperspirant is quite high, not everyone can buy it.

Cream deodorant

This tool will perfectly protect your feet from bacteria and, accordingly, from the stench. Moreover, the more often you use the cream, the higher its effectiveness. The cream does not dry the skin of the feet, as it does not contain alcohol.

In addition, the product contains no a large number of deodorizing elements, so the feet will not emit a suffocating smell. One jar of deodorant can last for a whole year.

What deodorant helps with odor

When choosing a foot product, it is important to choose the right product that can help you eliminate bad smell. To do this, it is necessary that the product meets the following criteria: masking the smell, killing bacteria, reducing perspiration.

As we already know, the cause of the unpleasant odor of sweat is the action of bacteria. To get rid of their occurrence, you should use drugs with antibacterial, antifungal substances. The most effective means of this type are deodorants, which include Triclosan, Chlorhexidine.

From sweat and excessive sweating

Means to reduce sweating should contain components that contribute to the narrowing of pores. It can be metals such as zinc, aluminum. The disadvantage of these drugs is that their frequent use can cause side effects, including blockage of pores.

In stores, you can buy deodorants for people with excessive sweating, but not suffering from hyperhidrosis. They are also able to protect the client from excessive sweating. Some of them bring good results in the fight against sweat, as well as pharmaceutical preparations.

For shoes

Means for eliminating odor in shoes have an antibacterial and bactericidal effect. Using a sprayer, it is necessary to process all parts inside the boot. After that, it is advisable to leave the shoes for a couple of days without socks.

To buy a quality product to combat bad shoe odor, you should choose well-known manufacturers of these products. Also, you need to consult with your doctor. To eliminate the smell of shoes, there are sprays, special pads, tablets, deodorants.

Foot antiperspirant: a review of the best products

It is important to know that even safe means may lead to the development of side effects. Therefore, the choice of medicinal preparations to eliminate the smell of sweat and sweating should be approached with all responsibility.

Overview of the best funds

Do not use deodorants that cause itching or skin rashes. Antiperspirant for feet is better to buy on the recommendation of a specialist. Preparations aimed at eliminating sweating and bad foot odor can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.

In addition, the price range of these funds is quite wide, so any consumer can choose. Consider the safest and most effective drugs for the treatment of feet.


The composition of this product, which is available in the form of a gel, contains formaldehyde. When using this drug, no manifestations of an allergic reaction are observed. According to the instructions, the medication is able to eliminate the problem of sweating of the legs after the first procedure.

Formagel should be applied to thoroughly washed and dried feet. After applying the gel on the skin of the feet, a thin film is formed, which should be washed off after 30 minutes with warm water. Depending on the condition of the body, a second procedure may be necessary after 2-3 weeks.

Teymur paste

This tool has been used for a long time. She has established herself as a very effective tool that works instantly. However, this drug has some disadvantages, which is why it is not very popular. To get a strong effect, it must be used twice a day. In addition, the paste may leave traces on clothes and bedding.


This foot antiperspirant is also widely used among people suffering from hyperhidrosis. You can buy it in a pharmacy in the form of a powder, which has anti-inflammatory and antimycotic qualities.

In addition, consumers note the convenience in its use: the powder can be poured into shoes. After that, there is a noticeable decrease in the release of sweat and bad smell from the feet and shoes.

Medicines for combating sweaty feet based on herbs contain only natural substances. They do not cause side effects, and they do not have any contraindications.

It is worth noting such drugs as Belloid, Bellaspon. They are great for getting rid of foot odor. Before using these products, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions, and it is better to get advice from a specialist.

To eliminate excessive sweating and unpleasant odor, foot deodorant will help. This remedy in the form of a spray, cream or talc prevents infection with fungal infections, reduces chafing and fatigue. It is most effective when hygiene is observed and there are no diseases that cause damage to the feet.

Mechanism of action of foot deodorant

A good foot odor deodorant acts in a complex way and performs several functions at once. The main one is the disguise of amber, which occurs against the background of the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. For this, aromatic fragrances are used, male, female or neutral. Other properties of deodorants:

    Antiseptic action. Destroys microbes, does not allow bacteria to multiply. Protects against fungal infections.

    Sweat control. Reduces it by narrowing the pores.

Mode of application

Before using the product, regardless of which deodorant you have purchased, you need to wash and dry your feet. The method of direct application depends on the form of release of the product:

    Cream. Evenly distribute a little funds, leave for a few minutes to be absorbed.

    Spray. Shake the bottle. Spray all over the foot in a circular motion. Do not splash the product inside the shoes.

    Talc. Apply to feet with fingers, spreading deodorant evenly. Wait a few minutes for it to soak in.

Popular foot deodorants for sweat and odor

Review the best means from sweat and odor in the table below. Keep in mind that the price indicated in online stores, in regular markets it may vary slightly.



Price, rubles


Deodorant foot spray. Contains aluminum hydrochloride, menthol, triclosan, oak bark extract. Removes unpleasant odor, reduces sweat, softens the skin, prevents chafing.

Long-lasting effect (up to three days), eliminates unpleasant odor well, suitable for men and women.

It cannot be purchased at a pharmacy, only at NNPTSTO points.

Dry Dry "Foot Spray"

Long lasting antimicrobial antiperspirant. Refreshes (thanks to the menthol in the composition), reduces sweating. The main active ingredient is aluminum hydrochloride (10%).

Economical, hypoallergenic, convenient dispenser.

It helps not the first time (accumulative effect), an unpleasant smell when sprayed (does not remain on the legs).

Oriflame "Reviving Foot"

Refreshing spray with pleasant smell. Works instantly. Contains eucalyptus and mint oils.

Can be used on the inner surface of shoes, refreshes well, economical.

Disappears quickly.

Talc " Perfect legs» from Vitex

Deodorant for feet from sweat and smell of Belarusian production. Active ingredients: tea tree oil and farnesol. It has a liquid, gel texture. Suitable for daily use

Budget, absorbed in 15 seconds, light, pleasant aroma, relieves fatigue, tension in the legs.

Not found.

Oriflame Feet Up Comfort

Foot deodorant cream. Contains tea tree oil, sage extract, menthol. Non-greasy, can be used every day.

Convenient packaging, pleasant aroma, evenly distributed, non-greasy texture, quickly absorbed.

Accumulative effect, helps not the first time.

Beauty Formulas All Day Deodorizing Foot Powder Antibacterial

Antibacterial foot powder. Absorbs moisture, softens, reduces perspiration.

Cost, protection against bacteria.

cumulative effect. Can't handle heavy sweating.

Floslek Dr Stopa Foot Therapy Refreshing Foot Deodorant

Multipurpose spray. Refreshes, eliminates sweat, has antibacterial properties.

It is economically consumed, evenly distributed, has a lasting effect.

Not found.

Pharma CF No.36 Deodorant

Unisex foot antiperspirant. Universal protection against sweat and foot odor. It is in the form of a spray. The active ingredient is tea tree oil.

Has a neutral smell, convenient to use, good effect.

Can't handle heavy sweating.

Over time, shoes acquire an unpleasant odor. The cause of the smell is increased sweating of the feet. Moisture accumulates inside the boots, becoming an environment for the development of bacteria and fungi, which, when decomposed, emit an unpleasant nauseating odor that is almost impossible to remove with any improvised means. The only thing you can do is get yourself a new pair of shoes and a good deodorant for your feet so this doesn't happen again.

For many, the combination of foot deodorant sounds like something out of the ordinary. There really are such antiperspirants, and it is much easier to purchase them than it seems at first glance.

But not all deodorants are right for you. It all depends not only on the intensity of sweating, but also on factors such as:

Deodorants come in the form of gels, ointments, creams and sprays. Unlike conventional sweat odor products that are used to treat underarms, foot antiperspirants are much stronger. They are not only able to withstand, but also do it much longer in time. The remedy is valid from 2 to 7 days. Their action is not based on the narrowing of pores. The deodorant for feet after application forms a film that prevents perspiration. True, not all act as a remedy for sweat. Some products only mask an unpleasant odor without eliminating the cause of its appearance, that is, these are simple aromatic products that will not help solve the problem. Usually such deodorants are either produced by unknown manufacturers, or they are not designed for the feet. In any case, the use of such funds is not recommended.

Review of the best deodorants for smelly and sweaty feet

In the market for cosmetics and medicines foot deodorants are represented by several dozen manufacturers, among which there are very few that really produce high-quality products. These companies are known and have been operating in our country for a long time. Below are the best foot deodorants available in most cities or mail order:

Whatever the means, applying deodorant requires special rules. Sweat protectant is applied to cleanly washed and dried skin of the feet. There should be no large wounds or burns on the skin. To avoid the occurrence of an allergic reaction, the first application is carried out on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and incubated for 20 minutes. If redness, rash, fever and other symptoms characteristic of an allergic reaction have not occurred, then an antiperspirant can be used.

Where can you buy?

You can buy foot deodorants in almost any store or pharmacy. They can also be purchased from official representatives. Cosmetic companies such as Avon, Oriflame, MaryKay have their offices and representatives in almost every more or less large city. Foot deodorants can also be purchased online at large online stores. Try to purchase only from authorized representatives.

Unfortunately, there are too many unscrupulous sellers on the market who sell fakes under a well-known cosmetic brand. Therefore, before buying, check the form and packaging on the company's website. By the way, on the company's website you can order the product you like and it will be sent to you by mail anywhere in the country.

How to choose the best deodorant for sweat and foot odor

When choosing a foot deodorant, pay attention to such important aspects as:

In order to choose a quality product that allows you to get rid of the unpleasant smell emanating from your feet, you should highlight three main criteria that this product must meet:

Remedies for sweat and foot odor are used to eliminate negative symptoms with increased sweating. This category of deodorants and antiperspirants provides an antibacterial and refreshing effect, which is necessary when discomfort arises.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor

The appearance of an unpleasant odor with increased sweating has various causes. Sweat glands play an important role in the body and are responsible for its thermoregulation.

The characteristic odor may be due to the active work of sweating as a result of exposure to high temperature(wearing warm clothes during hot weather).

Sweat glands produce up to 200 ml of sweat per day, which, by its nature, does not have a pronounced color and smell, but contains a small percentage of salts, ammonia, chlorine and acids.

The reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor is pathogenic bacteria that thrive in a warm and humid environment. The intensity of the secreted fluid may depend on the individual characteristics of the organism.

A separate category of people suffer from excessive sweating of the legs due to active work sweat glands. This condition does not require treatment, but it is best to try to find effective deodorants with antibacterial action.

Causes of a pathological nature:

  • Fungal diseases on the legs;
  • Violation of the hormonal background;
  • Nervous disorders, increased anxiety;
  • Diabetes mellitus in a progressive form;
  • Violation of the endocrine system;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
  • Wrong nutrition.

If the appearance of an unpleasant smell of sweat was not previously observed and grows with greater intensity, then in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor and identify the cause of the discomfort that has arisen.

At the same time, there are also provoking factors that affect the formation of characteristic symptoms:

  • Lack of proper personal hygiene;
  • Prolonged wearing of socks, tights;
  • Use of clothes made of synthetic materials;
  • It is preferable to wear shoes closed type even during the hot season;
  • Constant presence of wet feet.

Feet affected by various fungi

The progression of the fungus depends on the immune defense of the body, since with reduced resistance, the disease successfully develops on the skin and is difficult to treat.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, a qualified consultation of a dermatologist is required, who will conduct the necessary studies and prescribe an appropriate treatment regimen. Treatment is based on the use of the following categories of drugs:

  • Antifungal medicines in the form of tablets (Ketoconazole, Fluconazole, Itraconazole);
  • Sprays (Terbix, Lamisil);
  • Antimycotic creams (Nizoral, Zalain);
  • Special nail polishes (Lotseril, Batrafen, Demikten).

The success of treatment largely depends on compliance with the prescribed prescriptions, regular hygiene of shoes and feet, wearing clean socks and tights.

How to eliminate bad smell

Eliminating the unpleasant smell of sweat from the feet is possible with an accurate clarification of the cause of the disease and the appointment of the necessary treatment. For example, if the symptoms are caused by some disease, then in this case, deodorizing agents will not give the desired effect.

In a normal state of health, it is necessary to reconsider personal hygiene, exclude the re-wearing of socks, tights, and use effective antiperspirants.

  • Daily foot wash in the morning and evening. After the procedure, it is preferable to pour over the limbs cold water;
  • Regular cleansing of the feet, legs when using various scrubs and peels;
  • Thorough drying of the space between the toes after washing;
  • Wearing socks, tights natural materials(cotton, linen);
  • Selection quality shoes from genuine leather, which fits perfectly in size;
  • Regular change of socks, tights without fail after washing the feet;
  • Treatment of shoes with antiseptic solutions (potassium permanganate solution, hydrogen peroxide, other special products).

Remedies for excessive sweating of the legs during pregnancy

Many women experience excessive sweating during pregnancy. This problem is caused by a sharp change in the hormonal background and an increase in the pressure of the growing uterus, which compresses nearby organs and leads to the formation of characteristic symptoms.

If the cause of sweating is physiology, then you can use effective remedies at home:

  • Compliance with the drinking regime, since dehydration in the body can cause increased sweating. The minimum amount of fluid in the body is at least 2 liters;
  • Limiting prolonged exposure to the sun and moderate physical activity, as sweating increases significantly at elevated temperatures, which leads to an unpleasant odor;
  • Basics proper nutrition and the exclusion of products that contribute to increased sweating (coffee, hot spices, spices). The diet should be dominated by sour-milk products, cereal cereals, fruits, vegetables in moderation;
  • Proper selection of clothing made from natural materials, as synthetics contribute to clogging of pores and profuse sweating;
  • Proper observance of hygiene procedures (regular washing of feet, feet at least 3-4 times a day);
  • Compliance with the normal sleep regimen (at least 8 hours a day), since with a good rest of the body, the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the production of sweat, functions in the usual way.

If we talk about the appointment of pharmaceuticals during pregnancy, then they are necessary when any parallel disease is detected in the body. The dosage and course of treatment is prescribed individually by the attending physician, taking into account the possible risk for the development of the unborn baby.

Remedies for excessive sweating of the feet in children

The presence of excessive sweating in children under the age of 1 year is not pathological condition, since the sweating system is not quite perfect and is gradually formed by the onset of this period.

If the child has excessive sweating for other reasons, then the following remedies can be used:

  • Taking drops of Aquadetrim containing vitamin D is preferably in winter to prevent the occurrence of rickets;
  • Regular preventive examinations by a pediatrician and a neurologist in case of low muscle tone. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to undergo a course of therapeutic massage;
  • Increased intracranial pressure, pyramidal insufficiency implies taking funds for the normal functioning of the brain. This method of treatment eliminates excessive sweating.

Excessive sweating in women can occur for a number of specific reasons:

  • Wearing fashion shoes on heels made of artificial materials that have the wrong block and contribute to profuse sweating;
  • The use of socks, tights made of synthetic fabric;
  • Staying for a long time in closed shoes with warm socks at an elevated temperature in the room;
  • The presence of a hereditary predisposition;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Diseases of an infectious nature;
  • The course of the oncological process in the body;
  • Severe nervous disorders and stress;
  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Prolonged dieting.

Means for excessive sweating of the legs for women are presented in a wide range (various deodorants, antiperspirants, creams, ointments, crystals rocks natural origin). The selection of the appropriate remedy largely depends on the cause that caused increased sweating.

Pharmaceutical products for foot sweating

Treatment of excessive sweating of the legs with pharmaceutical products is necessary for severe hyperhidrosis, when the usual conservative technique does not give the desired result. The basis of such drugs is the presence in the composition of Formaldehyde, which blocks the work of the sweat glands.

Use of Furacilin

Furacilin is an antibacterial agent that is used to treat the skin with increased sweating of the legs. The medicine helps to destroy pathogenic microorganisms and eliminates the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

The drug can be purchased in the form of tablets and prepare the necessary solution for skin treatment. The duration of treatment and dosage are prescribed in the instructions for use or should be prescribed by the attending physician.

The most convenient form of release of Furacilin is a special aerosol that can be easily sprayed on the feet after washing as a prevention and treatment of hyperhidrosis.

The ointment is best used preferably at bedtime and applied to a clean surface of the feet, between the fingers with light rubbing movements. Then put on cotton socks to obtain the necessary therapeutic effect.

Furacilin has practically no contraindications, which is an advantage of this drug. The drug is not recommended for use in bleeding, dermatosis, severe allergic manifestations.


An effective drug for excessive sweating in the form of a transparent gel, which is applied to the skin and forms a protective film, preventing excessive release of fluid.

After 30 minutes after application, the feet are rinsed with cold water, and the effect obtained lasts for 3 weeks. If necessary, you can conduct a second course of treatment if the result obtained did not bring the expected result.

Teymur paste

Teymurova paste is a proven remedy for excessive sweating. The preparation contains an antiseptic, peppermint oil and glycerin, which provides the necessary effect and protects the skin from excessive drying.

The paste is applied to cleansed skin and kept for 20-30 minutes. And then the remnants of the product are washed off. Treatment lasts for 1 week with a break of 30 days.

An effective antiperspirant powder for shoes with antibacterial and antifungal effects. The drug well eliminates unpleasant odors and protects the skin from various dermatological diseases.

The main properties of the drug:

  • The content of salicylic and boric acid penetrating deep into the skin and contributing to the softening of calluses on the legs;
  • Zinc eliminates excess moisture and prevents heavy sweating;
  • The presence of mint, camphor, caramine eliminates severe itching, normalizes blood circulation and prevents the appearance of cracks in the foot.

The dosage of Borozin is ½ sachet intended for one pair of shoes. The duration of treatment is about 5 days, and the effect obtained lasts for several months. The cost of packaging is 150-200 rubles.

Zinc ointment

A proven remedy for excessive sweating of the feet, which has a pronounced drying effect. The ointment is commercially available and available to all categories of the population.

Application consists in applying a thin layer to cleansed skin for 20-30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the product is washed off and dried with a towel. The procedure can be carried out once a day, preferably at bedtime.

A clear advantage of the ointment is its low cost (about 25 rubles) and high efficiency. In this case, the product has a pronounced specific smell.

Cream chistostop Deo

Effective drug Russian production with a large number of positive reviews. The composition of the cream is based on the content of components of natural origin:

  • Extract of oak bark, hazelnut leaves, laurel, grapefruit seeds;
  • Essential oil of cypress, bergamot;
  • Beeswax;
  • Oil obtained from cocoa fruits;
  • Vitamin B3.

With regular application, the cream prevents heavy sweating, cleanses and dries the skin, disinfects it and eliminates the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The average cost is 130-150 rubles. Pricing policy is available for all categories of the population.


A drug that has a large number of positive qualities and prevents blockage of the sebaceous glands, which prevents a violation of sweating. The circulatory system redirects fluid secretion and normalizes perspiration.

The tool is considered harmless, as it has no serious contraindications and side effects. Excess sweat is evenly distributed over all parts of the body, which does not cause any negative manifestations in the body.

A combined action drug that prevents the formation of increased sweating and eliminates pathological processes that develop on the skin. The content of starch of natural origin ensures good moisture absorption, which is necessary with a strong release of liquid.

Zinc in combination with salicylic acid prevents the development of pathogenic microorganisms and various fungi. The drug is on free sale. The average cost is 80-100 rubles.


An effective preparation in the form of a powder with a pronounced antibacterial effect and a drying effect. The composition of the drug contains components such as zinc oxide, talc, starch, salicylic acid.

The product is sprinkled on the skin of the armpits, preferably at bedtime after washing. Reviews about the medicine say about ease of use, high efficiency and inexpensive cost in the range of 300 rubles.


The substance is prescribed in the treatment of severe hyperhidrosis. The drug has an antiseptic and drying effect. After contact with the skin, the activity of the sweat glands is blocked for 10 days.


An antiseptic drug to eliminate excessive sweating in the armpits, palms and feet. Before direct application, the problem areas of the skin are washed, wiped dry and the procedure is carried out. This tool has a pronounced specific smell.

Remedy for excessive sweating of the legs "5 days"

An effective remedy for excessive sweating and unpleasant foot odor in the form of a powder that is used to treat shoes. The composition of the product is based on the content of triclosan, talc, camphor, zinc oxide, stearic, boric, salicylic acid.

With regular use, the powder has the following effects:

  • Gentle skin care;
  • Removal of fatigue in the legs;
  • Elimination of excessive moisture;
  • Destruction of pathogenic fungi and microorganisms.

Means from the Galenopharm series

A series of Galenopharm products is designed to eliminate the negative symptoms of increased sweating and is presented in the form of various powders and ointments. These drugs have a pronounced antibacterial, drying effect.

The composition of the funds is based on the content of salicylic, boric acid, camphor, talc. The application consists in applying the ointment on cleansing the skin and treating the shoes with powder. The effect obtained lasts for 6 months. The average range of cents is from 200 to 400 rubles.


Elimination of increased sweating is possible with the use of proven cosmetics, as they prevent excessive fluid secretion and the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

One of the most popular means is "Deo control" containing esters, paraffin, zinc. The product is applied to cleansed skin in accordance with the instructions for use. It is not recommended to use in the presence of open wounds on the skin.

Cream brand "Vichy" well eliminates excessive sweating with regular application during the week. The tool is in demand among consumers and has a hypoallergenic composition.

Means "Cliven" in the form of a cream well eliminates the manifestations of hyperhidrosis and gently cares for the skin. Application is not recommended for open wounds on the body. In order to prevent negative symptoms, it is necessary to follow preventive measures (regular washing, use of pumice stone to cleanse keratinized areas).

Use of deodorants

To eliminate unpleasant foot odor and excessive sweating, various sprays can be used to provide the following effects:

  • Masking the pronounced smell of sweat;
  • Ensuring antiseptic effect;
  • Narrowing of pores and elimination of profuse sweating.

The most popular means:

  • Avon Foot works deodorant is well suited for use during a hot period, as it quickly prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • Oriflame Revaiving Foot, with regular application, eliminates unpleasant symptoms and relieves severe leg fatigue;
  • School Fresh Step helps to eliminate unpleasant odors and gently cares for the skin without causing irritation or an allergic reaction.

After applying deodorants, it is best to wear socks made of natural materials (linen, cotton), as they contribute to the natural breathing of the skin.

Medicinal decoctions using various herbs

Successful treatment of hyperhidrosis is possible with the use of various medicinal decoctions, which are discussed in more detail in the list below:

  • The combination of oak and willow bark in equal proportions is poured with 1 liter of water, brought to a boil and infused for 1 hour. The finished product is used for baths;
  • A medicinal decoction of chamomile is also effective in hyperhidrosis, as it has pronounced antiseptic properties;
  • Preparation of a solution of 400 grams pine branches certified in 5 liters of boiling water. The finished product is infused for several hours and used for its intended purpose.

Carrying out baths

Baths are an effective technique for eliminating hyperhidrosis. Various components are used as medicines:

  • The behavior of the bath with black tea for 20-30 minutes;
  • Breeding in warm water apple cider vinegar, adding chlorhexidine and taking a bath for 30–40 minutes;
  • Taking a bath with black coffee in the proportion of 1 glass of brewed drink with the addition of 1 tbsp. spoons of dry mix;
  • Adding sage, mint to the bath has a calming effect and relieves tired legs.

Various powders

The use of powders is quite effective in eliminating excessive sweating. The most proven means:

  • Adding oak bark, burnt alum to socks;
  • Powdering the skin with products such as baking soda, starch;
  • Using a mixture of talc and starch;
  • Treatment of the feet with boric acid is preferably at bedtime.

All powders should be applied only to dry and cleansed skin, since high humidity is a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

The use of decoctions

An auxiliary therapy for hyperhidrosis is the internal intake of decoctions, as they contribute to the normalization of the sweat glands and can eliminate the negative symptoms of increased sweating.

The most effective remedy is considered a decoction of hyssop, nettle, sage, since these herbs have a number of useful properties. In this case, if there is a predisposition to allergies, it is best to consult with your doctor.

Correct use folk remedies normalizes the circulatory system and provides proper skin care.

Salt use

A good effect in the elimination of hyperhidrosis is given by sea salt, as it contains a unique combination of elements that have a beneficial effect on relieving fatigue, normalizing blood circulation, and eliminating the unpleasant smell of sweat.

The proportion for preparing the solution is 1 cup of salt per 2 liters of cold water. With the help of the product, take a foot bath for 15-20 minutes. After the skin dries a little, you need to apply an antibacterial cream.

This procedure is best done before bedtime, as it brings relaxation and soothing, as well as providing an antibacterial effect, which prevents the appearance of unpleasant odors.

Tea tree oil

This component, by its nature of origin, has strong antiseptic properties and can be used to eliminate excessive sweating in children, as it does not cause skin irritation.

Preparation of a medicinal mixture of olive and tea tree oil in equal proportions. The finished product is applied to cleansed skin in the morning and evening.

Preparation of remedies from cinnamon and onions

Cooked decoction of cinnamon helps to reduce sweating. The finished product is recommended to be used for 1 month to obtain the desired effect.

Onions contain a large amount of antibacterial components, so problem areas of the skin can be lubricated with onion juice until completely dry, and after 30 minutes of exposure, rinse and apply a cream or ointment.

Making your own cream

As effective remedy against sweating use a cream made from rice flour, tea tree oil and the addition of corn or potato starch. The resulting product is smeared on cleansed skin.

The cream is applied with light circular movements, preferably at bedtime, to ensure the necessary therapeutic effect of exposure.
