Reviews about "Special school for children and adolescents with deviant behavior (closed type)". Closed special schools for difficult teenagers: boarding house or prison

Special schools are not only educational institutions with in-depth study of mathematics or French. It is also essentially a prison boarding school for teenagers under 14 years old. Although legally, of course, special schools do not belong to the penitentiary system, but to the Ministry of Education.

The fact is that teenagers under 14 cannot be sent to places of deprivation of liberty according to the law. Therefore, for children who have committed crimes, special schools are a kind of colony.

I remember we had a hooligan boy in the 5th grade. He robbed youngsters, often fought, teachers said about him: he would end up in jail. Once in a fight he knocked out another kid's eye. After that, we all heard this harsh word - "special school". That's where our bully was sent.

What is a special school? Officially, this institution is called so - an educational institution of a closed type. That is, in fact, a boarding school. Teenagers of 11-14 years old who have committed criminal acts get there.

Until the age of 14 in Russia, children are not subject to criminal prosecution, although legislators have been cherishing the idea of ​​lowering this age for many years, which, in principle, is logical. Crime is getting younger. Now there are both ten-year-old killers and twelve-year-old sexual maniacs. There are many who, after the crimes committed
do not bear any criminal responsibility. Childhood and teenage crime is quite natural - in Russia great amount homeless children.

Special schools for all juvenile delinquents are sorely lacking. Although it also happens that the special school is filled to half its limit: there are too many escapes. It is not difficult to make a "jerk" from there. I spoke with a convict who was serving a sentence in a juvenile colony, and before that he spent a year and a half in a special school. He said that it was easy to escape from this place and the guys gave a tear every week.

According to the teachers of these closed institutions, many of their "guests" do not know how to read and write at all. And therefore educational process it is almost impossible to build with them. According to statistics, 88% of graduates of special schools subsequently end up in prison. I spoke with one of these, Anton V., when he was already in the pre-trial detention center. He landed in a special school at the age of thirteen for domestic murder. Coming out of it, he held out for a year, and then for robbery he landed in the “juvenile” zone. Well, now and at all on the "adult". This is the career ladder. And it all started with a special school. These are really teenage "universities" in front of the zone. And the orders there are appropriate.

In principle, a special school, although it is not an institution related to the prison system, according to a veil, it certainly is. Already there, children receive basic behind-the-barrel knowledge: there is also a common fund, there are their own authorities and “offended”. When at such a tender age something is laid in the head, then this is for life. If everything is fine with the “concepts” in special schools, then everything is very bad with the protection of such institutions. Almost only women work as teachers, and they are not particularly upset about running away - anyway, there are not enough funds for all the children.

concern big amount juvenile delinquents walking free, resulted in the authorities not so long ago in the idea to increase the number of special schools. Of course, on the one hand, this is correct. But in their current form, special schools and orphanages can injure a child's psyche even more than the street with its cruel laws of survival. In addition to the fact that children from the very early age live according to the laws of the zone, and their teachers, "guardians" sometimes do such atrocities!

Probably, every six months there is this or that scandal around a sadistic teacher who regularly beats, rapes, and tortures children. And in principle, teachers do not show much zeal for their work for ridiculous money. And this work is extremely difficult: difficult children are not sugar. In many correctional colonies, it has now been possible to establish both living conditions and the educational process. Therefore, in the case of special schools, it is worth starting with this. And a simple increase in the number of schools will only establish conveyor deliveries to the zones of young, but already literate in all criminal bells and whistles, criminals.

It may be worth lowering the age of criminal responsibility for juvenile delinquents. After all, the special school gives them a sense of impunity: no matter what you do, even murder, nothing will happen to you. After all, such a feeling of permissiveness remains for life, that's what's scary. In this case, it is appropriate to recall the famous case. It thundered throughout the Soviet Union.

The only case in history when a juvenile murderer was sentenced to death and carried out. This teenager smoked from the age of 4, from the age of 7 he was registered in the children's room of the police, stole, drank. On the day of his fifteenth birthday, Neiland brutally murdered a woman and her two-year-old son. The purpose of the murders is a raid on a wealthy apartment. I got the idea from the Izvestia newspaper, where the adventures of Vladimir Ionesyan, a well-known mugger named Mosgaz, were published in those days. On the corpse of a woman, 17 chopped wounds, 32 bruises and 33 abrasions were later found. To the question of the investigator: why did Neiland need to kill also a two-year-old boy, the killer shrugged: “When the woman screamed, the child woke up and began to cry loudly. I got angry with him and first stunned him, and then hit him on the head with an ax until he stopped talking.

After the murder, Neiland calmly climbed into the refrigerator and had a delicious lunch. And the proceeds from the robbery amounted to only 57 rubles. Arkashka was detained on orientation in Sukhumi. He, despite his minority, was sentenced to death. The world community was indignant: how is it, what kind of morals are in the USSR when psdrostkov are executed ?! But Secretary General Nikita Khrushchev confirmed the verdict by his order.

Experimental schools for boys and girls - reviews of experts on the advantages and disadvantages of a separate form of education.

At the mention of men's and women's schools, the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens and the cadet corps for young men come to mind. But there are "same-sex" classes in modern Russia, and disputes about whether it is worth sending children to such a school do not stop.

Today in Russia, separate education exists on the basis of urban experimental sites - GEP. The guys do not study in different schools (separately for boys, separately for girls), but in parallel classes based on the same educational institution. It is this form that makes it possible to avoid the disadvantages of separate education, while maintaining its advantages.

In the Komi Republic, 400 schools participate in the program, in the Stavropol Territory about 100, in Moscow - just over 10. As a rule, these are not general education schools, but schools with in-depth study of certain subjects: foreign languages, mathematics, etc.

The experiment is under the supervision of psychologists: they diagnose children, conduct trainings for teachers, meet with parents, and conduct individual work with students. In their opinion, gender education is especially useful for children who have problems with health, upbringing and academic performance.

The idea of ​​separate education is not new: all pre-revolutionary educational institutions worked on this principle. Boys could study in gymnasiums, lyceums and universities, and for girls there were special educational institutions offering a peculiar set of disciplines - mainly in. Higher education was also inaccessible to women until the end of the 19th century. Therefore, in many ways, joint education arose in the wake of the struggle for equality, and since 1918, boys and girls began to study together. They returned to the division in 1943, but not for long: after 11 years, the students were united again. However, military, sports, choreographic schools remained ...

Who is for and why...

Among the supporters of separate education are doctors, psychologists, geneticists, teachers. Their main argument is that boys and girls develop differently - they have different interests, games, addictions. Therefore, it is better to teach children separately, taking into account physical capabilities, puberty and the psychology of perception.

Indeed, in biological psychological development boys are two years behind girls, so in primary school usually study worse. Girls perform better, they are more often praised by teachers - and this can suppress the desire to study well in the “strong half” of the class. A simple example is a change: girls are diligent, they can continue to work during the break to finish what they started. And after the call, the boys cannot be kept, it is better to let them go, but they concentrate faster and easily catch up with the lost time.

Some scholars look even deeper. According to Vladimir Bazarny, head of the Scientific and Implementation Laboratory of Physiological and Health Problems of Education of the Ministry of Defense Administration, when studying together, boys imitate girls and adopt their inherent qualities: diligence, the desire to please and please, the absence of protest attitudes, etc. In other words, the values ​​of male characters disappear, natural inclinations are leveled - and boys develop according to the female type, assimilating the female standard of social behavior. While in separate classes they learn to build relationships in their team, not hiding behind the backs of girls, they are brought up with typical masculine traits: will, courage, determination, etc.

According to statistics from the Institute of Hygiene for Children and Adolescents, who have been monitoring the health of students in some Moscow schools for 40 years, blended learning negatively affects the health of 94% of girls: circulatory, digestive and nervous system, they are haunted by constant colds, because of which they often miss lessons.

Schools for girls finished in due time:"Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of Great Britain; former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright; the current one is Condoleezza Rice; former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meyer; Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hewlett-Packard Carlton Fiorina.

Share and learn?

Boys and girls have their own peculiarities of thinking, perception of new information. So, you need to use different methods and forms of teaching! Teachers are advised, for example, to carefully conduct competitions in "girl" classes, because emotional girls sometimes react very sharply to failure if they lose, while boys, on the contrary, can spur competition, make them think faster, look for the right answer. It's not about two training programs. It’s just that children study the same discipline at different rates, often the lesson itself is built differently.

Rozalia Chalimova, teacher of physics of the highest category, responsible for the GEP at school N 1257:

- The girls need to explain the topic in detail, give examples, and then check how they learned the material by offering to solve the problem. Boys tend to look for new ways, to be pioneers. It is better for them to suggest that they first cope with the task on their own, and only then summarize, tell how and why it was necessary to act.

At school N 1257, the first enrollment of children in separate classes began 15 years ago. For 11 years, the school had both mixed and single-sex classes.

Educators note a number of advantages of separate education:

  • performance has increased: for girls who adolescence they are more concerned not with lessons, but with appearance, with separate training it is easier to focus on the subject
  • efficiency has increased - you can "go through" more, analyze complex topics in more detail
  • it is easier to maintain order and silence, to set the guys up for study
  • the psychological state of students has improved, they feel more comfortable at school
  • children are not shy to answer incorrectly or ask again if they do not understand something
  • at physical education lessons, girls do not complex in the pool, confidently jump over the "goat", and boys are not afraid to miss the ring, do less pull-ups, push-ups, etc.

A spoon of tar

Despite all the positive aspects, separate education has many opponents. Their main argument is that the difference between the sexes is greatly exaggerated, so there is no need to separate children. Good results can also be achieved in joint classes by practicing individual approach. Of course, the gender of the child determines a lot, but his personal characteristics are much more important. Not all girls are neat and diligent, just as not all boys are naturally flighty, hyperactive, sloppy and competitive.

Igor Dushenko, psychologist-teacher of the psychological and pedagogical center "Intetika":

There are many more benefits to co-education. The main thing is that it gives a strong additional incentive for learning and development. We need to meet the needs of children in communication, and not fight it. For example, one form of intensive learning - work in small groups - takes this into account. Schools should focus on developing friendly relations between children in the classroom, including between boys and girls. In such a properly formed, close-knit group, the development and "interchange" of positive qualities takes place.

There is no lack of communication!

The main disadvantage of separate education, which its opponents pay attention to, is the loss of communication skills with the opposite sex. Children come to school not only for knowledge, they learn to live in a large team, to establish contact with adults and peers - both girls and boys. This is the social role of the school, which should expand the possibilities of the individual, and separate education narrows and impoverishes them. Children from separate classes are predicted to have difficulties in studying at universities and in later life: after all, outside the school walls, no one divides people by gender.

This reproach against separate education is also recognized by its supporters, who do everything for the successful socialization of their students: girls and boys receive a full-fledged education, and not limited only to "female" or "male" subjects. In addition, some lessons (music, dance) are held together. A well-thought-out system of leisure and entertainment helps to avoid a lack of communication. extracurricular activities: children go on excursions together, go to the city, spend holidays, communicate at breaks.

Need different schools

Despite the fact that so far few educators support separate education, the majority still recognizes the need for a differentiated approach to boys and girls. This requires different textbooks for individual subjects and different programs learning. But they don't exist yet.

More than ten years have passed since the resumption of separate education, but it is still too early to draw conclusions, all the more categorical and unambiguous. There are unconditional pluses, but there are also omissions over which it is necessary to work.

Even supporters of separate education recognize that it will be difficult, and not necessary, to extend it to all comprehensive schools. Rather, this form is more beneficial for educational institutions with specialized training and special schools - to improve the quality of teaching.

Separate education is classified as a health-saving technology: it allows you to adjust the load depending on gender, in order, on the one hand, to achieve good results in learning, and on the other hand, to avoid overwork.

According to teachers, it is advisable to start separate education from the 1st grade - then the children better adapt to the educational process.

The United States is experiencing a real boom in segregation: according to Leonard Sachs, director of the National Association for Gender Education, the number of segregated schools has increased more than 50 times since 1998, and thousands of new schools will soon join the pilot program.

In some countries, such as the UK, separate education is adopted mainly in private elite schools. So, 19 prime ministers, prominent military leaders, parliamentarians, church leaders came out of the walls of Eton. But the most famous "graduate" of Eton is James Bond! According to the creator of agent 007 writer Ian Fleming (by the way, a student of Eton), a real man and a super professional could only study at this most prestigious school in Britain.

Foreign experience

What awaits graduates of "single-sex" schools

Scientists at the London Institute of Education conducted a large-scale sociological research and concluded that graduates of girls' schools are much more likely to succeed in life. Scientists interviewed 13 thousand people whose school years occurred in the 1970s, when the idea of ​​separate education was especially popular in the UK. This system was then practiced in a quarter of all secondary schools in the country (compared to today's one-eighth). After analyzing the answers of respondents about how their future life turned out, sociologists found that graduates of schools for girls on average earn 10% more than their peers who studied in mixed schools - most likely because in the absence of a "strong" half in the class girls are more actively mastering traditionally male disciplines: physics, mathematics, etc.

Scientists believe that there are many advantages in separate education for girls:

  • acquisition of skills required in any field of activity
  • wide opportunities for choosing a profession
  • freedom from sex stereotypes
  • developed competitive spirit
  • healthy ambitions, etc.

As for men, alas, the way of education had no effect on the careers of graduates of boys' schools. But ... had a detrimental effect on them family life. The divorce rate among them is much higher than among those who studied in a mixed school. Apparently, the lack of communication skills with the weaker sex affects ...

However, British professor Alan Smithers, the country's leading expert on education, argues that all the talk about the benefits of same-sex education has no basis. He analyzed statistics from different countries world, gathered for 50 years, and came to the conclusion: the quality of education does not depend on which school the child graduated from - mixed or separate.

The scientist's statement caused dissatisfaction in pedagogical circles: a new boom in separate education is just beginning in Britain, and the number of "single-sex" schools is starting to grow again.


Tell me, is there a school for GIRLS near Khimki. Please answer! :-)

03/20/2008 20:40:41, Yana

Each child is an individual. And everyone needs their own approach. You can’t take and generalize all the children like that. There are pluses in both systems, and there are minuses in both. I agree that with separate education, attention and efficiency are more intense, and grades will be better, but at the same time, the barrier in communication and mutual understanding of opposite sexes is growing every day. But no one divides adult life into two camps of sexes.

06/05/2007 22:33:53, Ruslan

The author distorts, mixing Russian and foreign separate education programs. Meanwhile, the goals of such a division in our and Western schools are directly opposite. And here it turns out that the “Bazarny school”, focused on growing exemplary housewives, will give the girl everything the same as the American women's school - “freedom from sexual stereotypes, a developed competitive spirit and healthy ambitions.” In fact, education in separate classes in Russian schools is aimed at blocking the mental development of girls - they are instilled that they are unable to think for themselves, their strength lies in perseverance, accuracy, diligence, and also in the ability to "serve and please." All tasks for girls involve rote learning or the accurate execution of clear step by step instructions- no "amateur", no tasks for quick wits. The ability to invent, analyze, experiment, draw independent conclusions and look for solutions on your own is the business of boys. A girl who can do the same is masculine, she cannot become a good mother and housewife, and besides, she also causes complexes in boys - some kind of girl, and suddenly she is not inferior to them in intelligence!
In the West, on the contrary, separate education is introduced on purpose so that the natural abilities of girls are not suppressed and not replaced by "persistence and helpfulness" so that boys can brilliantly prove themselves against their gray background.
So do not confuse God's gift with scrambled eggs and claim that in " women's classes"Bazarny schools are being raised by Condoleez Rice and Margaret Thatcher. If this happened, these ladies would be considered a pedagogical marriage of the worst kind and scandalous evidence of the complete failure of the entire pedagogical system.
If your girl is really dumb, diligent and obedient, and the boy is ambitious, quick-witted and active - this school will suit you. (Although parents are often mistaken in such things, a priori considering their sons "capable, but lazy", and girls - narrow-minded, but diligent.) If a girl has an IQ above average and (or) a vivid imagination, she has nothing to do in such a school. If a boy is shy or slow, he will be very uncomfortable in a classroom where there is constant competition to see who can shout out the answer first.

24.01.2007 10:00:40, Galina B.

in our ordinary "yard" school, physical education is separate from the 1st grade.

19.01.2007 11:24:06, Evia

On the one hand, it turns out well ... But on the other hand, if they asked me if I would like to study separately from the boys, I would say no. (But in kindergarten I would prefer heterogeneous groups).

It seems to me in ordinary schools it is logical to separate the physical education lesson after grade 3. After all, there are separate labor lessons (although it would be nice to learn how to cook for boys, girls, and so life will teach).

Yes, in general, the idea is not bad. I'm afraid that a specific implementation can mess things up. For example, to divide - they will divide, but they will teach in the same way, because why should the teacher take a steam bath once again ?. Either they will conduct joint lessons formally, or they will not give joint communication, because there are a lot of tasks, etc.
I also like the idea of ​​forming small collaborative groups. Even better would be just small classes, 10-15 people, here an individual approach can be implemented if there is a desire and skills. Only, I suppose, it will turn out that it is economically inexpedient.
I wonder if your child is treated individually at school? Mine is still small, but I'm already afraid of school :-))))

I would definitely not send my children to a school with separate education. IMHO it's weird.

I am completely in favor of separate schools. Only then the children at the universities will still be together, won’t this lead to even worse results? ..

01/18/2007 08:58:52 PM, Natasha

We have just such - 1257 - next to the house. ... And all the 15 years that there has been separate education, parents have been "fighting" for joint education. The phrase that “gender education is especially useful for children who have problems with health, upbringing and academic performance” also does not fit with the selection that is being made there.

(I have a boy, in order to get there, I had to start coaching at 4 years old: ((). I'm not talking about a thorough examination of medical records and only 1 health group, requirements regarding speech therapy and other things. Before recruiting, they conduct 2-month courses - to on behavior to weed out objectionable children and / or parents.In general, "children with special needs" have nothing to do there.

All this parsley continues at school - big d / z, if the child does not learn something - the problem of the parents (for example, in the 1st grade - setting the hand). Those. teachers give instructions, and parents teach :(. It is no coincidence that they prefer to take children with non-working mothers ...

I talked with the graduates of these schools. Extroverts then have no special problems in communication, but for introverts, the problems are aggravated. Most of the graduates (who I have met) unequivocally regret and do not want to send their children to such a school.
I don’t know about the boys - but in the girls’ classes a bitchy women’s team is formed almost 100%, but :(

Globally, as always, the idea may not be bad, but there should be various textbooks and different ways submission of material, but this is not (or - only on paper). The ideal option would be for boys to be taught by a male teacher. But where can you get them in a modern Russian school?

The eldest is studying in such a second grade. I don’t see any cons yet, solid pluses :) And they communicate a lot with the girls outside of the lessons.

I would send my children to a separate school. Too bad we don't have any.

Yaroslavl investigators continue to work on the case of bullying a schoolgirl. The girl was tortured by 16 people. Two have already received punishments - for a year they will go to special closed schools. The one who is 16 years old will go to court. The rest are still waiting for their fate. But the investigators are determined: they want to get a fair punishment for the rest of the participants in the case and send all those responsible to special institutions.

And what are these closed special schools? Is this a juvenile prison, a rehab facility? Or maybe even a boarding house, where naughty kids learn their wits and several times a day tell psychologists about their problems? And does the specifics of education in special schools differ from ordinary educational institutions?

Can't go over the fence

– The difference is that children in special institutions are limited in their movements. That is, they can go out into the school yard, but outside the territory - no longer. The guys get there by court order. They live and study there. These two guys will go there for a year. Then a special commission, after observing them and talking with teachers, will decide whether the children can go back to their schools,” said Svetlana Morozova, head of the juvenile affairs department in the Yaroslavl region.

Visiting room with parents

The Department of Education clarifies: even for parents, they allocate special days when it will be possible to come to see their child. To do this, allocate a special meeting room. Well, why not a prison? Not yet a prison, but the last step before the educational colony.

Study and work

– Children study according to special curricula with an emphasis on labor education. Each child is looking for an individual approach. There is also an intensive work of educational psychologists. After studying in such places, children, if everything is fine, return to their schools, graduate from them, and can enter universities. That is, there are no barriers to further education. And it seems to be impossible to say that this stain is for life. But, of course, since it is the court that sends children to special schools, there is a record about this in the personal file, the department of education explained.

Memories of former pupils

By the way, there are no closed special schools in the Yaroslavl region. Previously, such a school was in the Tutaevsky district. At first, only girls studied there, since 1994 - boys. Interestingly, pupils and graduates of the school speak very warmly about her.

- In the summer, the school was just a pioneer camp. We went to the fire with the whole school, baked potatoes, sang songs. It was great,” recalls Natalya Chistyakova, a pupil of the school.

“Anyway, those were good times. Because it was childhood. And because we have never seen anything sweeter than carrots ... - says another former student of the Krasnoborsk school, Olga Vinogradova.

- Then it seemed that we were deprived of freedom, childhood. In fact, they gave it to us. I remember when I was leaving, they couldn’t tear me away from the fence, it was so scary to go home into the unknown,” recalls Natalya Mikhailova.

Yaroslavl schoolgirls will go to other regions

At the end of 2011, the school was completely closed and became a haven for migrants awaiting deportation to their homeland. And this means that two Yaroslavl schoolgirls will go to other regions for a year.

Recall that on August 16, a terrible video appeared on the Web in which schoolchildren mock their peers: they force them to eat dirt and dance naked. Yaroslavl investigators, juvenile affairs officers and the Commissioner for Children's Rights are investigating this case. Yaroslavl residents did not stay away from this story. It became known that several dozen people committed reprisals against one of the schoolgirls who beat the girl. And two other students

Hello. I want to place boys with deviant behavior. Who can help?

How to arrange a difficult child in the cadet corps or the Suvorov School? Please tell me I need URGENT HELP! The situation is this, a friend's child (12 years old), after being raised by his father, is completely uncontrollable and physically dangerous for the family. He lies, steals, offends physically weak old people on the sly, sets fire to the house. In short, having taken the child from the father, they do not know how to save both him and themselves. The question is where to turn for help in such a matter, is it possible to arrange a child in the cadet corps or Suvorov ...

In what city is your institution located and what is needed to identify a child of 12 years old to you and how to contact you? Tel.: 89530902408. Abinskiy district, pos. Akhtyrsky.

Hello. Here is the situation we have. Many years ago my parents adopted a boy from orphanage, he was 2.6 years old, at the age of 3 he had meningitis. Before school, we learned that this disease gave a complication in vision and hearing. We put him in a school for the visually impaired. Now he is already 13 years old. The child is not controlled, does what he pleases, gets into a fight with his dad and stepmother, does not listen to anyone at all. Everyone at school is complaining. Now she is in the 5th grade, but she doesn't even know the alphabet and numbers from 10...

My son is 16 years old, he was asked to leave school in the 9th grade, he entered the school and also does not go. Disappears for days on end, does not say where and with whom. You start a conversation, and he screams, sends. Please help, I'm afraid of losing my child, but I can't do anything. Tel.: +79787483153.

I love my son very much, I made many mistakes in my upbringing, the child grew up selfish, loving only himself. It’s my fault, I couldn’t bring up any human qualities in him. We are registered, substance abuser, drinks, does not sleep at home. I cannot wrest him from the clutches of bad company, I live like in hell, the eternal fear of losing him. Psychologists ask to let him go, but how? The police are talking about a closed school, what is there? Help!

Help me please! My sister disappears, she is 15 years old, in January 16. She does not want to study at all, she may not appear at home for weeks, I just feel sorry for my mother, she exhausted all her nerves.

What documents do you need to get in. Natalia, tel.: 89851502263.

There is Hogwarts in Moscow, and it is in the department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. It all starts, as a rule, at the age of ten with an unexpected letter. You can get here only thanks to the origin, almost no one knows about this school, and the best teachers are believed to teach here.

“One fine day in February 2008, dad returned from work and said: “The telegram arrived today.” We didn’t really have the Internet yet, - graduate Tanya, who lived with her family in a military camp in the Far East eight years ago, chatters, throwing long hair from shoulder to shoulder and stirring coffee with marshmallows. - It was reported that a cadet corps for girls was being opened in Moscow. The first intake - 180 people, the criteria are very strict: the average score is not lower than 4.7, perfect health, girls only from the outback, fathers are officers, heroes of Russia or fought in Chechnya. Dad asks: “Do you want to? If you pass, you will get a ticket to life, because this is Moscow.Tanya big eyes, thin wrists with bracelets and mobile facial expressions - when she frowns, her forehead touchingly folds into a kind of inverted comma. At twenty-two, she is simultaneously studying for a master's degree, works as an administrator in a beauty salon and runs an amateur PR agency: together with her friends, makeup artists and photographers, she arranges shootings, in which she also acts as a model.

Tanya is one of the first graduates of the Boarding School of the Ministry of Defense. The closed school for girls was founded eight years ago; eight and a half hundred people from all over Russia study in it. Enrolling in the fifth grade, girls spend seven years in a boarding school. Here, as in a monastery - you can only go to the city on an organized excursion with educators, once a month on leave or going home on vacation . “I’m from a military family, I moved so many times: as soon as you settled in, found new friends, dad comes and says:“ We are being transferred, ”we collect things in a day and leave for another city. Thought it wouldn't be a problem. But this is the toughest thing in my life" says Tanya.


Hogwarts of the Ministry of Defense is located behind a blank brick fence on the territory between Dynamo and Begovaya. Inside the case yellow color, gazebos, exemplary lawns and a fountain. A notice at the checkpoint forbids bringing laptops into the property. Between the corps they run in groups in the same way dressed girls different ages. “Hello! they say. - Hello! - Hello! - Hello!" The rules of the boarding house require each pupil to greet any passing adult without fail, so in the five minutes of the road from the checkpoint to the assembly hall, I manage to say “Hello” several dozen times in return. However, there are, apparently, few strangers here: neither parents nor friends are allowed to enter the fence.

Students of the Moscow Cadet Corps on the territory of the boarding school of pupils of the Ministry of DefensePhoto: Mikhail Japaridze/TASS

Journalists need to be accredited by the Ministry of Defense. The formal basis in my case is the qualifying round of the cadet KVN: they came to the boarding school to the pupilsSuvorov students from Moscow, Tver and Kazan, as well as students Moscow military music school. All boys, of course.

“What sets us apart from the rest? We are the only team that put on makeup today, - the pupils of the boarding house joke from the stage. - Well, we hope!

Participants joke mostly about sleep, food and selfie sticks. From time to time, the incomprehensible word “ridge” sounds from the stage. As eighth-grader Arina explains to me in the hallway, it means "dismissal". Only if the cadets go to the "ridges" every Sunday, the pupils of the boarding school - once a month. At the checkpoint, the girl must be met by her parents or a trusted person, and after nine hours, bring her to the same place. After school, Arina wants to enter a military university, but for now she works as a journalist on a school television channel, not so long ago she interviewed cosmonaut Leonov who came to the boarding school. The press secretary of the boarding house Taisiya hangs over Arina. Talking with pupils is allowed only in her presence. “For violating the rule,” the press secretary warns with a bloodthirsty smile, “it will not be her problem, but the editorial office.”

And how do you spend the lulls? - I ask Arina.

I meet with my parents, and we go to some shopping center.

So! What other mall? Under no circumstances should this be written. We go to museums, to theaters, - Taisiya hisses.

What's wrong with going to the mall? I ask.

Not allowed. A military establishment, everything is strictly according to the regulations. They change their underpants here according to the schedule, - not at all embarrassed by the presence of Arina, Taisiya confidentially informs me , after which, in full accordance with Vyazemsky's phrase that the severity of laws in Russia is moderated by their non-execution, it suddenly disappears without a trace, giving me complete freedom of action.

However, without a watchful eye, the smiles of the pupils do not become less sincere, and the stories - less cheerful. Yes, it is very difficult to enter: you need to pass Russian, English and mathematics and pass an interview with a psychologist.Yes, training is completely free. Yes, all graduates go to university. No, there are almost no fights.Yes, the discipline is tough, but there are many circles and it is interesting to study. The punishment for misconduct is deprivation of dismissal or expulsion, but the girls cannot remember a single such case: “Behavior does not suffer.”

Classes at the School of JournalismPhoto: Mikhail Japaridze/TASS

Can I hang a poster on the wall in my room?

Yes, there is a special magnetic board above the table. Well... If it's not the first floor. We have a demonstration building, and it must be perfectly clean, because guests are coming.


According to the stories of its graduates, the daily routine at the boarding school for pupils of the Ministry of Defense is built as follows. Rise, breakfast, after breakfast - building on which they check appearance pupils. It is forbidden to paint, let down your hair or collect it in a ponytail too - it is prescribed to wear braids. “If there is a rumor that one of the chiefs is on the line, everyone boils, especially those with manicures, and immediately hide.”

The state pays for everything, from pens and notebooks to laptops and air tickets home twice a year.In the rooms, the girls live in pairs, two rooms - a block, in each block there are two toilets, a bathroom and a separate dressing room. Clothing, ranging from tights and sports uniforms to down jackets and ball gowns, pupils are also provided by the boarding house. There are many things: for each day of the week a separate set. The pupils are completely spared from everyday worries: bags with dirty clothes are handed over to the basement and the next day they get clean by lunchtime.

when the girls return from the “ridges”, their bags are inspected at the checkpoint for prohibited items

Food is healthy. “Almost the country’s chief nutritionist came and looked at what was left on the plates, what we eat, what we don’t eat.” Potatoes are given in the form of mashed potatoes on holidays. Pasta "never happened at all", instead of them - zucchini, eggplant or stewed cabbage. Chips, crackers, condensed milk, mayonnaise are prohibited: when the girls return from the “ridges”, their bags are examined at the checkpoint for prohibited items.

After lunch - additional classes: a choice of theater studio, singing, dancing, swimming, equestrianism, tennis, football, figure skating with ex-world champions and yoga. Almost every week - trips to museums and theaters, plus meetings with interesting people: over the eight years of the boarding house, celebrities from Putin to Vika Gazinskaya and Ksenia Sobchak have visited here (Sergey Shoigu is traditionally considered a favorite guest).

Boarding school students in the libraryPhoto: Mikhail Japaridze/TASS

Girls from elementary grades receive mobile phones in the evening for a couple of hours - the rest of the time the equipment is with the teachers. From the tenth grade, they stop picking up phones. WiFi access and social networks after the release is limited.

Communication with the opposite sex is also strictly regulated: joint activities like the same KVN, students of military schools are brought to the boarding school, and discos are held several times a season. The culmination of communication is sustained in a fabulously romantic spirit: a ball for which dances are learned all year long.“Ball gowns are getting straight up fun. Their whole room, you stand like a princess. The only way to go on a date with a boy before leaving the boarding school is to do it at the time of dismissal (if parents or a trusted adult allow).

The only way to go on a date with a boy before graduation from the boarding school is to do it at the time of dismissal

On Saturdays, in the political information class, the girls appointed by the teacher briefly retell the news of the week. They talk a lot about patriotism in the boarding school, but they don’t set up graduates for an indispensable military career - they rather say that they “should grow up good mothers worthy wives and generally educated people. In recent years, 10-15% of girls have gone to military universities.


The graduates' stories about the tricks they had to use to overcome the prohibitions will make a full-fledged play for Theatre.Doc. The play will be anonymous - most girls still value relationships with teachers and caregivers and regularly come to the boarding house.

1. “Your clothes were taken away, there is not enough sweets. There is always something to be done. You can't sit down and say, "Please don't touch me." Only at night or while showering. But if you have been in the bathroom for a long time, this is already explanatory. I wrote explanations for everything. I had this stack. She put on her shoes - explanatory. After lights out, she was furious - explanatory. Watched a movie at night - explanatory. We have already made fun of: who will get more. Even if you put on a short skirt on dismissal, they will certainly tell you: “You are a pupil, how can you!”

2. “Discotheques were rare. Of course, we were getting ready, trying to somehow imperceptibly put on makeup - after all, it’s also impossible at a disco. It is light outside, the music is different, in general, a specific spectacle. It happened that for all the tenth grades - we had a cycle of 100 people - fifteen unfortunate cadets would be brought. Skinny, little ones. It wasn't very great. I personally did not welcome communication with the cadets: it seemed to me that the relationship was doomed, there was no point in seeing each other once a month. In addition, they live in the barracks for twenty people, discussing all the details, sharing. But this did not bother many, as soon as the boy appeared: “Oh, we should rather communicate.” Novels, calls, texts, only the lights out begins, life immediately. They came to the checkpoint, some gave flowers, some gave chocolates. Someone at the discos even managed to kiss, but this was followed strictly, and then everything was sorted out at the formation. There was another case: a Suvorov worker approached the boarding house on his dismissal, called from below, the girl looked out the window, because of this they made such a fuss!

Mini football trainingPhoto: Mikhail Japaridze/TASS

3. “You go out with your girlfriends on Sunday, all in the same clothes. In the metro, everyone is looking at us, whispering: “Boarding school? Not a boarding school? The views are slanting, it infringes. Now all the stalls have been demolished, but before there was a stall on a stall near the metro. And the thought occurred to me: why not meet a girl in some stall, change into your clothes somewhere in the bushes, leave things for her and calmly go for a walk, like a free man? It was so scary the first time! We approach the girl, she was selling fruits and vegetables near Begovaya, her name was Marina. We say: “We are from a boarding house” - “Yes, I often see you, they are the same.” - “Can we leave your jackets and pick them up in the evening?” She first: "How so?" - “Well, like this, quietly. The main thing is to hide it so that no one takes it, otherwise the things are state-owned, we will be punished for them. In general, Marina became her own person, every Sunday she had packages with blue jackets, all signed. We carried sweets and chocolates to her in gratitude.

4. “From the dismissal, everyone dragged forbidden food - they hid it in boots, and sewed secret pockets. Fantasy worked in this regard. When they told us that they were checking the dormitory buildings - and they are completely inspected, the clothes in the closets are sorted out - they took them away in briefcases with them to lessons so that, God forbid, they would not be found. At the end of the month, stocks ran out. The most offensive thing is when someone gets sick with chickenpox, for example, quarantine will begin, and for three months in a row you can sit in a boarding house without leaving. But nothing, you sit and endure. Each of us understood that it was not easy. educational institution, we are special, since you study here, this is your choice.

5. “In a boarding house you always dream: it’s evening, you would go for a walk, you envy those who are free. And now you think: how good it was, they will feed you and clothe you, and now you have to do everything yourself. What was the most unusual thing about leaving the boarding house? There are no such dull faces as in the rest of Moscow. The boarding house is a separate country, there is always green grass, the sun is shining, everyone is friendly. Usually you won't see rudeness. And the streets of Moscow are full of it.”

Elite of Russia

“For the first six months, I called my mother every day. There is a seven-hour difference with Khabarovsk, it’s three in the morning there, and I’m crying: “take me out of here,” Tanya shares her experiences with enthusiasm, as a person who tells about trials she has overcome long and triumphantly. She is more frank than other graduates: partly because of her character, partly because she graduated a long time ago and has already managed to graduate from the university with honors.

Why do girls and their parents need all this?

There is one more rule, which the press secretary of the boarding school warns about from the threshold: it is impossible to ask pupils about families. The risk of hurting a nerve is too great: the school is primarily designed for the daughters of the military from distant garrisons and those whose fathers died in military conflicts recent years. The fact that the boarding house is the only available social lift is clearly explained to the girls on enrollment: “You will become the elite of Russia and will go all your life with this title” - and then they repeat it so many times that the girls themselves begin to believe in it. Limitations of freedom within this logic turn out to be a necessary condition and a symbol of one's own exclusivity. Everyone is proud of the boarding house, and sooner or later the words “elite”, “a unique place”, “a rare chance” will flash in everyone’s speech. In a word, all the same Hogwarts - only specific, in Moscow.

Preparing for classes in the hostelPhoto: Mikhail Japaridze/TASS

“When I graduated from the boarding school, I was faced with the fact that I ran out of classes at three in the afternoon, and I don’t understand: what should I do? Tanya continues. - Previously, the day was always scheduled. At first I tried to perceive it as a vacation, and then I realized that I needed to organize some kind of movement. You are already bored with life, you need to constantly be somewhere, develop, I have not one job, but two, and I am also studying at the magistracy. And in reality, Moscow does not believe in tears: no one will pity you, will not pat you on the head, I myself learned this Moscow anti-sympathy ... People who slow you down - you need to refuse them, and to people from whom you can learn, on the contrary, strive. In the same Khabarovsk, I have only two friends left, but both of them have an active life position: one bought a car, got her license, the other finished makeup courses, she will give a head start to many in Moscow. When I come to my city, I see that people there are softer, they have a measured life, they are kinder. I am not like that. I think so - well, what does she whine, she can go and do everything herself: learn, earn. Thanks to the boarding house, I was in all the museums, I saw all the performances, I can keep up the conversation about the theater, I saw Putin when he came to the boarding house, I asked Serdyukov a question personally. Yes, I even know corny how to hold a fork, and what kind of knife to eat. Why could I and you can't?

Thank you for reading to the end!

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