Japanese Asahi facial massage and its rejuvenating effect. Japanese facial rejuvenation systems: Asahi and Shiatsu Japanese facial massage with Anna

To even out the relief of the face, as well as get rid of numerous problems, especially those associated with various kinds of wrinkles, Japanese Asahi facial massage is practiced.

The technique of its implementation, proposed by the famous specialist in the field of beauty and health Yukuko Tanaka, differs significantly from classical and well-known procedures for

Impact on the skin using this method gives a colossal effect and reduces any age-related changes to a minimum.

Since the massage is done according to special rules and is not easy enough to perform, it is necessary to take into account some features and know all the possible problems that may arise after such sessions.

Asahi massage is a special type of facial treatment that results in deep pressure on the epidermis, various muscles and lymph nodes. Movements are made both along clear massage lines and in violation of this order.

In general, the contact of the fingers with the skin is very noticeable and in some places is even aggressive in nature.

When it's done

The procedure is performed if a person has certain problems in the facial area, such as:

  • large fat deposits on the cheeks;
  • saggy or loose skin;
  • extra chins;
  • reduced elasticity;
  • problems with elasticity;
  • insufficiently defined cheekbones;
  • swelling and so on.

Asahi massage technique, watch in this video:

Most experts do not advise resorting to this technique in bad mood, because we are sure that negative energy does not help improve the condition of the epidermis, and often only aggravates the problems.


Japanese massage differs significantly from its main features:

  • fairly strong pressure on the face area;
  • facial and other muscles are worked out;
  • in the area of ​​the eyelids, movements go from the inner corner to the outer;
  • the muscles around the oral cavity are deeply worked out;
  • mandatory execution of a special testamentary element;
  • there is a possibility of some problems arising after the session.

Many women do not consider this procedure painful and easily master the entire technique.

Benefits of Asahi massage for the face

According to the developer of such a scheme, the technique is acceptable and also benefits people of all ages. Moreover, the earlier such sessions are practiced, the more effective and faster the results will be. The main benefits of Japanese Asahi massage:

  1. Contour smoothing: elimination of excess chins, clearer definition of cheekbones, reduction of fat on the cheeks, etc.
  2. Improvement in the functioning of the lymphatic system.
  3. Normalization of blood flow to the cells and tissues of the face.
  4. Complete relief from swelling under the eye area.
  5. Removing toxins from cells. Moreover, after several sessions, toxins and impurities accumulated over many years disappear.
  6. Improved complexion, including getting rid of black circles.
  7. General rejuvenation.

Many people claim that after several massages, the face visually looks much younger, plus the mood improves and the constant feeling of internal anxiety and tension is relieved.

How to do it right

Performing this type of effect on the epidermis must comply with a number of rules. If errors are made in execution, then the procedure will not bring any benefit, and, in addition, can cause irreparable harm to well-being and health in general.

Key rules for Asahi:

Before starting the session, it is necessary to study the location of all lymph nodes so that when performing movements you do not harm your health.

Is it worth performing an Asahi massage on your own? This video will tell you:


The session is performed using a strict technique, which differs in its execution in each specific area of ​​the face.

If a person has a pronounced problem in a certain area, for example, an extra chin or sagging cheeks, then when performing such a massage it is allowed to work on this particular part of the face, ignoring other areas.

Method of performing the finishing movement

A special role is given to the final movement. It is carried out in accordance with certain rules:

  1. It involves pressing on a point located near the ears.
  2. This is done using the pads of three fingers.
  3. Performed strictly at the end of any exercise.
  4. The time you press on the point should not exceed two seconds.
  5. The degree of pressure is constant.

Performing the final movement leads to normalization of the lymphatic system, and the outflow of lymph as a whole depends on how the manipulation is done correctly.

Indications and contraindications

Regular Japanese massage is required for people who have the following indications:

During the procedure, various types of movements occur, including quite strong ones, so such sessions are contraindicated for the following people:

  • if the vessels are fragile or small;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • fungal or viral skin damage;
  • colds;
  • any formations in the facial area;
  • general malaise.

Procedures should be performed with great caution if the skin is hypersensitive. Experts, in any case, advise doing such massages for the first time without excessively strong and sudden pressure.

Possible problems after massage

In some cases, after implementation, some problems are observed that need to be corrected correctly in order to avoid negative consequences. The most common are:

  1. Severe facial weight loss. With this option, you need to significantly reduce the number of procedures performed or stop them completely for a while.
  2. Rashes. Take breaks in sessions until the skin is completely cleansed.
  3. Swelling. It is necessary to replace the oil product used with another one and abandon the actions carried out in the evening.
  4. Increased skin sagging or decreased elasticity.

Increase the amount of oil applied and reduce the level of pressure during the session.

It would be better, at the initial manifestation of any problem on the face, to seek advice from a specialist so that a competent assessment of the current situation can be given and appropriate conclusions can be drawn.


Japanese massage Asahi will bring desired result only if it is properly implemented and taking into account all recommendations. Such procedures need to be done regularly, the main thing is that in case of any negative manifestations on the skin after performing it, take all the required measures, and if necessary, consult a doctor.

Japanese Asahi facial massage is one of the special massage techniques of modern cosmetologists, which is able to restore youth to a woman’s appearance in a fairly short time.

The technique is based on the fact that the master presses on the necessary points according to a certain pattern, due to which the speed of lymph movement increases. This fluid moves in the human body due to muscle contraction. It carries lymphocytes, which supply the tissues with blood.

Thanks to its activation, cells are restored faster and decay products are eliminated faster. All this together leads to the fact that a woman becomes approximately 10 years younger in just a few sessions.

If we touch on history, the idea of ​​lymphatic drainage massage comes from Japan and belongs to cosmetologist Heroshi Hisashi. And stylist Tanaka Yukuko has already introduced her own elements into this technique, thus making the procedure much more effective. This massage has several advantages:

  1. Blood circulation and lymph circulation improves.
  2. Unnecessary fluid and toxins are removed from under the skin.
  3. Puffiness of the entire face is eliminated, and bags under the eyes disappear.
  4. The skin acquires freshness, clear contours appear around the oval of the face.
  5. Wrinkles smooth out and become less noticeable, and in some cases smooth out completely.
  6. The skin in the neck area is tightened and the double chin effect is eliminated.

The correct Asahi Zogan massage technique according to the system of Japanese cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka, common mistakes

The very scheme of Japanese Asahi facial massage is designed to influence muscles located both superficially and deeply. They, in turn, activate the flow of lymph. Therefore, any touch begins directly from the lymph nodes.

The massage involves only two fingers of the right and left hands. This can be the index and middle or, depending on the convenience of the massage therapist, the middle and ring.

The main rule is that all movements are performed towards the central zone from peripheral, according to the lymph flow. From the submandibular nodes - to the ears, from the parotid to the temporal lobes.

Touches should be smooth, but without pressure. Massage of the nasolabial folds is performed towards the sides, and wrinkles on the forehead are smoothed out with light movements from the temples.

It is important to know that massage performed using the Asahi method has a number of features. It is imperative to strictly differentiate the methods of influence, depending on what type of face a person has.

For thin, fat, round, square or oval, completely different systems are selected. All properties of this procedure should be taken into account so as not to cause unintentional harm.

Exist the main mistakes that beginners encounter:

  1. You cannot begin Japanese Asahi massage for the face without prior knowledge of the location of the lymph nodes located on the neck and face.
  2. It is imprudent to perform the procedure without first cleaning the skin.
  3. Massage is recommended for people who have impaired lymph flow, but it should not be performed by those who have a tendency to dry out.
  4. This procedure is contraindicated for persons with pronounced vascular pathology due to the fact that the technique itself is aimed at increasing blood flow, and this can increase the appearance of spider veins on the skin.
  5. You cannot perform exercises without applying a special base.
  6. It is under no circumstances recommended to use force when pressing on the lymph nodes.
  7. Massage is contraindicated if the skin has pronounced inflammatory processes and swollen.

Ignoring the basic rules and carelessness when performing lymphatic drainage massage leads to serious violations. A careless attitude towards your body can cause long-term treatment to follow instead of the expected result.

Lymphatic drainage massage Asahi Zogan for rejuvenating the entire face, treating swelling, slimming the cheeks

Many young women complain that their faces often swell after sleep and their cheeks become puffy. To correct the situation you need to work with central part faces. You should clench your hands to form a fist.

All work will be carried out by the outer part of the index fingers. They need to squeeze the two nostrils, and then move towards the temporal lobes. This exercise must be done 3 times in a row.

The second exercise is aimed at lifting the face. Your elbows and palms should be brought together directly in front of your chest. Then turn your palms up and open your hands. The palms must be placed in front of the lips. Their base is located in the central part of the chin.

Raise your palms to your nose, but do it with pressure, while placing them on your cheeks. Fix this for exactly 3 seconds, then lower your face and make a “smile”, pulling it towards your ears. Then bring your palms to the temporal lobes and complete the exercise. This exercise is also done in 3 approaches.


  1. Facial swelling subsides.
  2. The skin becomes elastic and tightened.
  3. “Cheeks” are eliminated.
  4. An oval face appears.

Japanese massage technique Asahi Zogan for women against sagging cheeks in 10 minutes a day

Another pressing problem is sagging cheeks. To prevent this phenomenon, Asahi suggests the following exercises. It is necessary to firmly press the ring and middle fingers to the center point of the chin.

Applying pressure, you should perform sliding movements to the outer corners of the eyes. Without catching your lips. After freezing for 3 seconds, turn your palms and move them to your temples.

Exercise two. The elbows, like the palms, are in their original position. They need to be folded so that you hold them in front of you. Then open your palms up so that they are at the base of your lips. Using slight pressure, lift them to the nostrils, so that the cheeks are covered.

Stay in this turn for 3 seconds, after which you can release the pressure and spread your palms to your temples.


  1. The skin becomes elastic.
  2. Excess liquid is removed.
  3. The original contour is returned to the face.

Asahi Zogan anti-aging massage for wrinkles: minus 10 years, Japanese technique
Massage aimed at rejuvenating the skin ranks first in demand. First of all, his exercises are aimed at eliminating wrinkles in the forehead and nasolabial folds.

To make the grooves on the forehead disappear, you need to use two fingers to smooth out the upper part located directly above the eyes using light zigzag movements. First from right to left, then vice versa and then again in the same direction.

It is important that the movements are gentle; there is no need to try to move the skin.

And to prevent nasolabial folds, the following exercise is used. The thumbs on both hands should be placed directly under the chin in the center. At this time, do the rest of the nose girth.

It should look like your nose is between your palms. The hands are folded in a praying pose. Extend your palms towards your ears, as if you were doing a face push-up. The task must be repeated three times.


  1. The skin regains its healthy appearance and full of vitality.
  2. The woman becomes much younger than her years.
  3. Small wrinkles and folds are smoothed out.

The effectiveness of Asahi Zogan rejuvenating facial massage at different ages: whether it helps or not

In addition to the frequency of Japanese Asahi facial massage and the professional qualities of the cosmetologist, there is another factor that influences the result - age.

The older a woman is, the less active her lymph outflow will be, which means rapid aging of the skin, premature sagging, the appearance of wrinkles and swelling. Therefore, at a certain age, attention should be paid to the corresponding problem areas.

At the age of 20, neutral techniques are used to maintain youth and preserve beauty. At the age of 30, you should take into account the prevention of the appearance of bags under the eyes, dark circles and puffiness of the face.

At the age of 40, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles, especially on the forehead and nasolabial folds. Maintain the tone of the lower part of the face and prevent sagging cheeks.

At the age of 50, exercises are selected in order to maintain the tone of the muscles of the lower part of the face and the chin itself, which is especially important for this age.

At 60 years old, a woman needs to not skip the neck area, cheek lift and base of the face.

Self-massage at home: short version for 6 minutes a day, implementation schemes, lesson in pictures

Japanese Asahi facial massage is good because it does not require special equipment other than the hands of a cosmetologist. This means that it can be done at home. But if we talk about quality, it would be fair to note that only a trained person can provide a massage at a high level.

Here is a sample diagram. You need to start with mastering the final exercises that should end each session:

  1. Using three fingers (without using only the thumb and little finger), you need to press on a point located near the auricles in the area of ​​the lymph nodes.
  2. In this case, the touch is made not with bunches, but with fingers along the entire length.
  3. This lasts about 2 seconds.
  4. After this interval, you should smoothly move to the collarbones, maintaining the intensity of the touch. This movement is the main one and it needs to be mastered first.

You need to massage the forehead area with the 3 fingers indicated above, pressing it to its center. And after 3 seconds, slowly move to the temples. Turn your palms exactly 90 degrees and move them down. Finishing with the same finishing movement.

When eliminating wrinkles around the eyes, you need to touch the outer corners with your fingertips. And then slip into the inner corners, the famous “beauty spot.” Stay there for three seconds.

The pressure should be increased slightly. The movement itself is performed in a circle, slightly lower than the eyebrow line. Fix at the outer corners and hold for 3 seconds. Return to the inner corners, along the lower eyelid. And execute the completion again.

When the turn comes to the lips in the Japanese Asahi facial massage, the middle and ring fingers must be placed in the center of the base of the face, then press and hold them. Move them in a circle, pressing intensely. Fix over upper lip and stay in this state for a few seconds.

When massaging the central part of the face, you need to press the middle of the chin with three fingers and move towards the eyes. Apply pressure without releasing. Fix near the eyes for 3 seconds and turn your palms towards the temporal lobes.

If, while performing these exercises, you notice that the skin is covered with wounds or pimples, then be sure to stop the session. This type of Japanese Asahi facial massage is contraindicated for you.

The pressure itself should be quite strong, but it should not cause pain. Before starting, sit comfortably, keep your back straight, nothing should distract you from the procedure.

It is preferable to do the exercises in front of a mirror so that you can make sure that you are performing them correctly.

Japanese Asahi facial massage must be carried out in a prepared state. Without negative thoughts, with an attitude towards a positive result.

Features of performing Asahi Zogan facial massage in specific cases: the opinion of a specialist doctor

Quite often the question arises whether there are any contraindications to its use after cosmetic procedures. Each case must be considered individually.

After Botox injections

After a Botox injection, there is a general prohibition on any physical impact on the face. It lasts about a month. But after thirty days, such exercises are both permitted and encouraged. Because they can be used to improve appearance women.

But before taking active steps, you need to consult a specialist.

After fillers

Fillers allow women to perform contouring of problem areas of the lips, eyelids, chin, and nasolabial folds without surgery.

But after this procedure, you are prohibited from touching your face for the next six hours. If you violate the recommendation, a hematoma may occur.

But there is no need to talk about massage for the next thirty days. But in some cases it is prescribed specifically to ensure uniform distribution under the skin. In this case, you should definitely seek advice from a specialist.

After facial cleansing

In beauty salons you can find such a service as facial cleansing. Is it allowed to combine this procedure and massage according to the Asahi system? To answer this question, it should be noted that cleaning can be done different ways: manual and mechanical, as well as using an electric current laser or ultrasound.

In some cases, cosmetologists perform a massage after manual cleaning. It stimulates collagen production. This substance quickly restores damaged skin. But when deep cleaning you should not resort to this service, since it can cause harm to those areas of the skin where microtraumas have appeared.

Therefore, there is no way to do without additional consultation regarding permission to perform massage after cosmetic procedures.

Prices for Asahi Zogan massage in major cities of Russia: what does the cost depend on

This service is very popular and is offered in most salons. The cost of a massage depends on the level of the clinic and the duration of the session. The price of cosmetologist services in Moscow and St. Petersburg is approximately the same. They range from 1500 to 2000 in 30 minutes.

So a fifteen-minute session in Novosibirsk salons will cost about 300-400 rubles, the same as in Yekaterinburg. So a fifteen-minute session in Novosibirsk salons will cost about 300-400 rubles, the same as in Yekaterinburg.

How often should you do an Asahi Zogan massage for rejuvenation: recommendations from experts

Experts recommend performing massage 2 times a day. For one session, 10-15 minutes are enough. And if the results are positive, after a while you can switch to 2 or 3 times a week. Everything will depend on the condition of the skin and the intensity of the recovery processes.

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Hello! From this article you will learn how Japanese facial massage is performed, what makes it unique, what problems can be solved with its help, what actions need to be performed during massage depending on age.

Features of Japanese facial massage

Japanese facial massage differs from most techniques in the maximum impact it has not only on the epidermis, but also on the muscles and lymph. Thanks to this, the muscle frame is strengthened, as there is increased production of collagen and elastin. The lymphatic drainage procedure effectively eliminates swelling and defects under the eyes in the form. After just a few procedures, patients note a change in the shape of the face, because with the help of massage it is possible, in the literal sense of the word, to sculpt a renewed, rejuvenated face, changing the shape of the cheekbones, removing the double chin, making the face narrower by getting rid of subcutaneous fat and excess water.

Indications for massage

Indications for the course are:

  • age-related changes;
  • swelling;
  • gray complexion.

What results can be achieved?

A month of using the technique is enough, and the stunning effect will surprise you. The result is achieved thanks to:

  • working out deep-lying tissues;
  • massaging the skin not with the ends of the fingers, but with the whole palm;
  • cellular cleansing by affecting lymph;
  • strengthening facial muscle tissue;
  • delineation of the facial contour;
  • eliminating small ones and reducing deep ones;
  • improvement

Japanese women are famous for looking much younger than their age, so adopting their experience of self-care is a noble cause!

How to do a massage correctly

Detailed video instructions for Asahi Zogan massage - Russian voice acting

The technique of performing Japanese massage is strikingly different from other techniques due to its intense impact. Creating a face without a single wrinkle or defect is not an easy task. It is important to carry out the procedure daily.

Preparing for a massage

To prepare for a massage you should:

  • wash and dry your face;
  • treat the epidermis with a massage agent;
  • warm up your palms by rubbing.

The massage begins and ends with specific manipulations performed by three fingers: index, middle and ring fingers. They should fit snugly against each other. You should press your fingers quite firmly for about two seconds near the shells of your ears. Without reducing the pressure, the fingers slide down the neck line to the collarbone and also stop for two seconds. This is necessary finishing movement for each exercise, as it enhances lymphatic drainage.

Forehead massage

Fix your fingers in the middle of your forehead for 3 seconds, applying significant pressure, move them to your temples, then turn them ninety degrees. Swipe down the side of the face, making a finishing movement.

Strengthening the skin around the eyes

This massage, when performed correctly, helps fight swelling of the eyelids and also strengthens the skin. Gently massage from the outer corner of the lower eyelid to the inner one. The fingers are fixed as standard for two seconds, after which increase the pressure and draw lines along the bridge of the nose to the subeyebrow, along which you should also run your fingers, circling the bone of the eye sockets towards the outer corner of the eye, holding your fingers at this point and increasing the pressure. A few seconds is enough.

The second stage begins (in the same way as the first) with gentle massaging of the lower eyelid from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one. Then, holding your fingers for a couple of seconds at the inner corner, you should increase the pressure and return to the outer corner of the eyes along the lower eyelid.

Massage the area around the mouth

To effectively remove the nasolabial fold and lift the corners of the mouth, it is enough to perform the following movements daily: place the closed ring and middle fingers in the center of the chin, pressing slightly, and linger at this point. Then make a circular movement to the central part of the upper lip and press on this area for a few seconds. After this, the middle fingers are placed in the peri-nostril pits and go around the wings of the nose without pressure (5 sliding movements up and down are enough).

Massage to improve the shape of the nose

The exercise is performed with two fingers. It consists of light pressure and rolling the fingertips from the middle of the nose to its sides, then to the cheekbones and to the temporal area.

Cheek lifting massage

First, the massage is performed on one half of the face, then on the other. The palm should rest on the side of the cheek bone, and the other hand should move from the cheekbone to the eye (inner corner), lightly pressing on this point for a couple of seconds. Next, draw a line to the temple and also linger on the point.

Types of Japanese massage

There are several types of Japanese massage that help maintain or restore youth, such as Asahi lymphatic drainage massage (Zogan), acupressure Shiatsu facials, Kobido massage. For each patient, one of them is individually selected, and the intensity of the effect on the skin is determined.

Lymphatic drainage massage Asahi from Yukuko Tanaka

Japanese massage Zogan (Asahi)- this is real gymnastics that trains the facial muscles, helping to create a facial muscle frame. In addition, massage has a lymphatic drainage effect, eliminating swelling. To carry out a full procedure, just ten minutes a day is enough.

Makeup artist Yukuko Tanaka was able to distribute and describe in her book the algorithm for performing the Asahi massage, which her grandmother taught her to use. Yukuko herself looked much younger than her age, which further inspires millions of women around the world to study this rejuvenation technique. The video tutorials “Japanese facial massage by Alena Sable,” which can be found on the Internet, demonstrate a slightly modified Zogan technique and popularly explain how to correctly perform this particular type of massage.

Indications for massage are:

  • swelling associated with problems in the lymphatic system;
  • double chin;
  • age-related changes;
  • sallow complexion;
  • expression and age wrinkles.

Japanese Asahi facial massage from Yukuko Tanaka, due to its profound effect on tissue, has a list of contraindications:

  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • diseases of the ears, nose and throat;
  • CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome);
  • skin rash;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • mesh on cheeks;
  • reactive thin skin;
  • bad feeling.

There are several Zogan massage techniques, and they are designed both for different types faces and for different ages:

  • at 30 years old, the blue complex is enough;
  • after 45 years, a technique for combating nasolabial folds is suitable;
  • facial massage after 50 years should help restore tone to the skin of the lower part of the face;
  • after 60 years, you need a stronger complex that gets rid of ptosis.

After 30 years

  1. Japanese home facial massage begins from the inner corner of the eyelid, then slowly moves towards the ears along the contour. Don't forget about the finishing movement. Three repetitions are required.
  2. Now, on the contrary, you should start the massage from the outer corners of the eyes and, without pressure, move along the lower eyelid to the nose, then to the bridge of the nose, draw a spiral to the inner corners of the eyes and return to the starting position, bringing it to the ears, followed by the final movement. The number of repetitions is three.

After 40 years

  1. The tool is a ring of closed thumb and index fingers (the index finger should be placed under the thumb to form fists). Place them at the beginning of the nasolabial fold and move the resulting ring along them down to the corners of the lips, to the middle of the chin, hold for a couple of seconds, turn the fists outward, move to the ears and make the final movement down the neck. Repeat three times.
  2. Connect the middle and ring fingers and first press to the chin for two seconds, then also press in the corners of the lips and on both sides of the nostrils, smoothly move to the ears and complete the movement along the neck line. Repeat three times.
  3. Place the connected middle and ring fingers on the cheek muscle, place the other hand on top in a cross to increase pressure and move it to the middle of the ear. The lower hand completes the movement, and the upper hand smoothly goes around the chin. Three repetitions are performed on each side.

After 50 years

  1. Make fist rings with your hands and move from the points located under the corners of the lips (jowls) to the ears, as if smoothing them. Complete the exercises from the ears to the neck down. Repeat three times.
  2. The nasolabial fold is ironed from bottom to top three times, alternately with one or the other hand, then one hand should be placed on the other to increase pressure and held to the auricle. The lower hand makes the final movement along the neck, and the upper one goes around the chin. This exercise is repeated three times on each side.
  3. Using your palms in a vertical position, smooth out the area from the nose to the ear and perform a final downward movement. Three repetitions are required.

After 60 years

  1. Self-massage with the inner edge of the palm from the center line of the chin to the earlobe. Repeat the manipulation three times and complete the downward movement. Repeat on the other half of the face.
  2. Press the cotton fabric to your chin with a grasping motion of your hand. Proceed to sliding your fingers along the jawline to the ear. Repeat three times and complete the exercise with a sliding movement from the ear to the neck. This is followed by a similar massage on the second half of the face.
  3. Grasp your chin from below with your hand, slowly extend your hand in the same position further down your neck. Repeat three times.

Japanese acupressure facial massage Shiatsu

Japanese Shiatsu massage helps replenish missing energy for complete balance. All points on the face are worked with the pads of the fingers, and the area around the eyes - with the palms. No fast or traumatic movements, but there should be clear pressure on specific areas.

The points must be worked out in a certain algorithm, and the number of pressures on one zone should reach up to ten times per second. The massage can be done with one or both hands. Cancerous tumors and leukemia are obstacles to the procedure.

  1. To eliminate swelling of the eyelids: Place the fingertips on the point at the inner corners of the eyelids and press for 3 seconds. Repeat 2 times.
  2. To get rid of: The fingertips are placed at a distance of 1 cm from the points of the outer corners of the eyelids (towards the temples). Apply pressure for a few seconds, moving slightly to the sides and upwards.
  3. For forehead wrinkles: The index, middle and ring fingers of each hand are placed in the center of the forehead. Use all fingers to simultaneously press on these points for 7 seconds. Then move them 1 cm from the center to the sides, closer to the temples, and press again. Then - even closer to the temples, the pressure is directed slightly upward.
  4. For beautiful lips: press for 7 seconds on a point in the hollow above the upper lip.
  5. To get rid of deposits near the mouth: The index and middle fingers are placed in the corners of the lips and pressed on them for 7 seconds.

Ancient massage technique Kobido

Japanese facial massage Kobido is popular in the east. Its task is to stop a woman’s biological clock through accelerated regeneration, increased production of collagen and elastin, and bring facial expressions to a relaxed state to avoid the appearance of facial wrinkles.

To master the technique, just watch the video. The main effect is tapping on acupuncture points. Blood cancer and malignant tumors are also direct contraindications to the procedure.

For the procedure to be useful and safe, you should adhere to important recommendations:

  • cleanse the face with hypoallergenic mild products;
  • should not burn your face;
  • After the massage, you must be at rest for at least three hours;
  • The massage should be performed by a specialist who can diagnose without any problems. All Negative consequences arise from the actions of illiterate massage therapists.

What problems may arise after a massage and how can they be solved?

After the session, the following problems may occur:

  1. Rashes on the epidermis. The solution to this problem is to avoid massage until the rash completely disappears. Then you can try with another massage product.
  2. Facial weight loss. Reducing the number of procedures will help solve this issue, but someone may well have to abandon the procedure altogether.
  3. Morning swelling. It is enough to transfer the procedures from evening to morning, and you will forget about swelling.
  4. The appearance of rosacea mesh. Can be purchased special cream, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries and refuses peelings.


Contraindications for Japanese massage are as follows:

  • pathological processes in lymph;
  • problems with hearing and smell;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • rosacea mesh;
  • thin and sensitive skin;
  • oncology;
  • skin rashes;
  • any kind of ailment.

When performing a massage, you should take into account every little detail, including the mood you are in. Yunuko Tanaka very popularly described in her book the algorithm for performing traditional Japanese massage:

  1. The main postulate is purification. All cosmetics and impurities are completely removed with the usual makeup removers.
  2. The massage is performed on dry skin, so all moisture from the face should be removed.
  3. Pores must be clean, so don't neglect their weekly cleansing.
  4. Before starting the procedure, it is important to feel the lymph nodes. Exactly active influence gives a positive final result. That's why it is called Japanese lymphatic massage.
  5. Movements should not be chaotic. There is a clear direction of the lines, so before starting the procedure it is important to familiarize yourself with the technique more closely.
  6. The pressure should not cause pain, but if the session is carried out correctly, the manipulations will be felt in any case.
  7. A straight back is the key to success in the procedure. It is best to perform the massage in a sitting or standing position. As an exception, if you have a sore back, you can massage your face while lying down.
  8. The procedure time should not exceed a quarter of an hour. The minimum exposure time is 10 minutes.
  9. Any massage cream that does not cause any allergic reactions is suitable for sliding your hands over the skin. Homemade oat milk is ideal for this purpose.

Oat milk recipe

Components and dosages Application
- rolled oats - 3 tbsp. spoons;
- linen bag;
- water.
Place the oatmeal in a bag and place it in water for about ten minutes. Squeeze out excess liquid into a container. This liquid is called oat milk. This massage product is not stored, so it is advisable to use it all up.

In 2007, the book “Facial Massage” was published; its author, makeup artist Yukuko Tanaka, described in detail how the massage should be performed, for what purposes it serves, and presented a lot of video materials. Thanks to this book, many cosmetologists around the world began to use Japanese massage techniques to make their clients’ facial skin younger. You can perform this procedure yourself, but it is important to perform the technique correctly.


To achieve the desired result, for a long time cosmetologist and stylist Yukuko Tanaka had to seriously study different techniques for massage. She was interested in questions of anatomy, great attention she focused on the structure and functioning of the lymphatic system.

After meticulous work and studying the necessary data, she developed a unique technique, thanks to which age-related changes in facial skin were reduced. Now this technique is known not only in Japan, it is also successfully used in other countries. The massage technique is very popular among women of different age categories.

This technique is called "Asahi", meaning "morning sun" or Zogan (Tsogan, Zogan), which means "creating a face". Another name for this technique is “ten years ago,” and this is true if you look at what its creator looks like at her age, and what most Asian women look like. Yukuko Tanaka received her first massage skills as a child from her grandmother, but then she had to make every effort to get the desired result.

This massage cannot be considered ordinary, which can be done in any beauty salon or on your own. Conventional massage assumes that movements during the procedure should be smooth and soft, not causing discomfort. Using the Asahi method, when performing it, a certain pressure is applied to the skin, muscles and bones, since during the procedure it is necessary to press on certain points, because the massage is based on manual technique.

The essence of the procedure is that the effect on muscles and skin occurs in the areas where the lymph nodes are located. After such a procedure, lymph outflow occurs, as a result of which toxins are removed, muscles are strengthened, and wrinkles are reduced.

Thanks to Asahi massage, the complexion becomes better and the oval shape improves.

This procedure consists of two types of massage.

  • Lymphatic massage. Thanks to it, excess fluid is removed from the skin, swelling is removed, and a lifting effect occurs.
  • Deep massage. Thanks to manual techniques, muscles relax, metabolic processes in cells improve, the lifting effect increases, and the oval of the face is leveled.

According to the author, if the procedure is performed regularly and correctly, you can look several years younger. In addition, this procedure is quite simple, and you can carry it out not only in the salon, but also at home yourself. Considering that the skin on the face is particularly sensitive, the procedure should be performed carefully, trying not to injure it, since any new manipulations can lead to complications.

Before any cosmetic procedure, it is important to study its features, find out whether there are contraindications, and consider types of massage.


When performing a deep massage, the skin is applied with little force. When treating the area where the lymph nodes are located, you should refrain from applying strong pressure. If there are painful sensations, which means the procedure technique is incorrect.

Yukuko Tanaka's technique is suitable for women of different ages. It is especially popular among women aged 40-45, when age-related changes become more noticeable. It is recommended for use by women after 50 years of age, because thanks to it you can do without surgical intervention and not have to do facelifts.

Rejuvenating massage has many benefits, including:

  • During the procedure, lymph flow accelerates and toxins are eliminated;
  • blood circulation improves, while a blush appears on the face, and the skin acquires a healthy color;
  • improved cell nutrition occurs;
  • you can get rid of wrinkles;
  • there is an increase in skin tone and turgor;
  • you can get rid of a double chin;
  • swelling decreases;
  • the skin becomes more youthful and the signs of aging are reduced.

When performing a Zogan massage, you need to understand that for each age you need to spend more time working on certain areas.

  • For girls 20 years old, it is enough to carry out only neutral manipulations to maintain their beauty and youth.
  • For ladies about 30 years old, it is important to remove bags and dark circles under the eyes.
  • For 40-year-old clients, it is important to remove facial wrinkles and also get rid of nasolabial wrinkles. Therefore, they should pay more attention to massaging the lower part in the area of ​​the chin and cheeks.
  • For ladies 50+, it is important to pay attention to designing the oval of the face.

Massage should be performed regularly, the procedure lasting 10 minutes or a little more.

The massage should be carried out for 2 or 3 weeks every day, then you can reduce the intensity and do it every other day or two days.

If the manipulations are performed correctly, after a short time you can enjoy the result of the work done, and the reflection in the mirror will be more and more pleasing every day.


This procedure may not be suitable for everyone: such a kind of gymnastics can lead to the fact that the face becomes excessively thin with sunken cheeks. To avoid this, you can perform manipulations only on the upper parts of the face, without moving down, or not massage at all.

Japanese cosmetologists recognize lymphatic drainage massage as rejuvenating, but when starting it, it is better to consult a doctor or cosmetologist, because cosmetic procedure there are contraindications.

Massage should not be performed on people:

  • with diseases of the ENT organs and lymphatic system;
  • for CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome);
  • when feeling unwell;
  • feeling unwell;
  • with inflammation of the skin, rosacea;
  • massage is not performed on critical days.

You should refrain from performing the procedure during a cold, respiratory infections, laryngitis.


To prepare your face for an anti-aging procedure, it needs to be cleansed. This cleaning will definitely be carried out in a beauty salon; it should be done during a home procedure. To cleanse your face, you need to remove your hair, relax and use a damp cloth to cleanse. Immediately apply a damp cloth to one side of the face, starting from the top and ending with the neck, then move to the other part and cleanse.

Facial skin cleansing occurs before and after the procedure. To remove makeup, you should take soft products in the form of cream and milk.

Indeed, in this case the procedure will have to be postponed. The skin should be wiped with an alcohol-free toner or hydrosols based on floral water.

After such cleansing, massage oil should be applied to the face. They do this pointwise, applying it in 5 places so that the oil is on the forehead, cheeks, chin and nose. If desired, massage oil can be replaced with cosmetic oil or a rich cream can be used. It is worth giving preference to flaxseed, almond or apricot oil. During the procedure, it is important how well your hands glide over the skin, so the right amount of oil is applied to them. Carrying out a massage with oil will be most effective.

To get the greatest effect, it is important to follow the technique correctly and perform actions following certain rules.

  • Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the face and prepare it for manipulation; for this, the skin should be rubbed, maintaining medium intensity.
  • When performing all massage movements, it is necessary to carry them out in a certain direction.
  • When performing manipulations, use the index and middle fingers.
  • To massage the forehead, use 3 fingers; to carry out the procedure under the eyes, use 1 finger. When rubbing the cheeks, use the entire palm.

  • Massage movements should be intense, but at the same time they should not be allowed to be painful.
  • When carrying out manipulations, you should not press hard on the areas where the lymph nodes are located. It is only necessary to lightly stroke them towards the outflow of lymph.
  • It is better to sit or lie down during the procedure. If the procedure is performed in a sitting position, it is necessary to monitor your posture.
  • It is recommended to carry out a rejuvenating massage from 5 to 15 minutes.

For quick results, you should do the procedures daily.

When performing a Japanese massage, you should pay attention to the areas where the lymph nodes are located: the parotid zone, occipital, sublingual, in the lower part of the jaw, cervical lymph nodes.

After the next step, the final action is carried out to remove lymph. To do this, you need to place your fingers near the temples, below the ear and move them along the jaw to the chin, moving along the neck, bringing the lymph to the node under the collarbone.

How to do?

Although the Japanese Asahi massage is quite simple, it is necessary to study the materials showing how it should be performed. For many clients of the salon, relaxing music is played during the procedure; it is worth trying to carry out the procedure with music at home, this will allow you to tune in to the massage and relax.

The procedure can be divided into specific areas and worked on them.

Forehead area

It is recommended to start a rejuvenating massage by working on the forehead. During this action, three fingers are pressed to the forehead. After 2-3 seconds, the fingers are moved to the temples. Next, turn your palms 90 degrees, continuing a smooth movement across the face.

Working on the eye area

Few people are comfortable with bags under the eyes and dark circles, so by performing a Zogan massage, you can try to get rid of them. To do this, using your middle fingers, apply moderate pressure to the area around the eyes, while moving from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one. When your fingers are at the end points, you need to hold for 3-4 seconds.

After this, you should increase the pressure by running your fingers between the eyebrows and eyelids. Do it in a circular motion. You need to stop and hold for three to four seconds at the inner and outer corners of the eye.

Lip work

Many women begin to notice with age that the corners of their lips begin to droop. The face begins to look sad and haggard, which adds age. During the massage, the middle and ring fingers are used. Two hands should be used. The fingers are placed in the middle of the chin and, applying moderate pressure, are held at the desired point. Next, pressure is applied to the skin around the lips. Complete the action at the central point of the upper lip; to do this, press it for 3 seconds.

Nasolabial folds

After 30 years, many ladies begin to notice emerging problems in the area of ​​nasolabial folds, they become more noticeable. The problem only gets worse with age, so it is important to work on this area well.

To carry out the procedure, place your middle fingers in the cavity at the wings of the nose, then move them up and down. Next, using the ring and middle fingers, rub the skin on the nose, moving towards the cheeks.

Lower face massage

To work out the lower part of the face, movements are carried out alternately on the right and left sides. To do this, the palm of the left hand is placed on the jaw on the left side. The right palm is moved from the jaw to the corner of the eye. After 3 seconds, the movement continues, moving from below to the temple. For the right and left halves you need to carry out the procedure 3 times.

Cheek work

You can cope with the problem of sagging cheeks with the help of Japanese Asahi massage. The procedure is carried out in a certain way. To do this, you need to put your palms and elbows together. Next, the hands are opened, with the palms looking up, and the base of the palms being applied to the lips. When pressed, they are raised to the nostrils and cover the cheeks. After three seconds, the fingers move to the temples and complete the movement.

Often, when performing massage exercises, many people complain of discomfort; this is a consequence of the fact that the manipulations are carried out incorrectly, so it is worth finding out what the cause of the discomfort is.

Possible complications

In order to perform all the steps correctly, you should watch the videos and get acquainted with interesting information on this matter. But it will be more effective to purchase and read the book by Yukuko Tanaka, in which she described in detail how to perform it. There are no trifles here; during the procedure, everything is important - from well-being to mood.

To avoid possible errors and complications, it is important to fulfill several important requirements.

  • Before the procedure, the skin must be cleansed. It is necessary to remove makeup and cleanse the face.
  • Before performing a massage, the skin must be completely dry. It must be thoroughly blotted with a dry cloth to remove any remaining moisture.
  • To achieve maximum effect, you should use a scrub once a week.
  • For massage to be effective, it is important to study where the lymph nodes are located in order to influence them.

  • Movements are made in strictly specified directions.
  • The pressure applied should be sufficient to not cause discomfort.
  • The massage is performed while sitting or lying down. For those who cannot keep their back straight, it is better to do the manipulations while lying down.
  • Before the procedure, a massage cream is applied to the hands, which must be checked for allergies.

The mistake many women make is that they do not always perform the massage technique accurately. It’s worth studying all the materials well, watching the video several times and then trying it on yourself.

Many women, not seeing quick results, after several procedures stop doing rejuvenating massage, believing that it does not help. To achieve lasting results, it is necessary to carry out procedures regularly for 2-3 months. For the first 2 or 3 weeks, you need to do an Asahi massage every day, after which you can perform the procedures a little less frequently, every other day or two.

According to cosmetologists, the first signs of skin aging appear on the face. Despite professional cosmetics, this becomes more and more difficult to hide with age. Japanese rejuvenating massage with his correct use can slow down the process, making the face 8 or 10 years younger.

The massage that Tanaka offers is aimed at solving the problem with lymph outflow. When fluid accumulates, persistent swelling occurs, as a result of which the oval of the face becomes unclear and the folds become deeper.

Folds on the face will reveal age much more than wrinkles, so it is important to remove puffiness.

To carry out such a technique, strict adherence to recommendations is required.

  • During the massage, the person should be in a calm state. He should not be distracted, be in an excited state, or focus on his problems. If it is impossible to bring yourself into a calm state, it is better to refuse manipulations.
  • You should not massage during colds, so as not to cause swelling.
  • Manipulations are not performed for diseases of the lymphatic system, as this can harm health.
  • Asahi massage is not recommended for women with a thin face. During the procedure, adipose tissue is reduced, as a result of which the cheeks may become sunken.
  • Manipulations are not carried out for herpes, acne, acne and comedones, since during the procedure there is a possibility of damaging the ulcers, which will lead to more severe inflammation.

Asahi massage is quite popular, and a large number of women have already tried it on themselves. Many of them experienced positive results, as evidenced by their reviews.

Women over 40 years old received good reviews after the procedure. But in order to get results, you need to do manipulations regularly.

Improvement can be seen after the first week, the first results for many were visible on the forehead, it became smoother, wrinkles looked less deep. I was very pleased that my complexion also quickly began to change. If earlier the face was yellowish and dull, then after a week of massage procedures a blush became noticeable on it, its color changed.

I was pleased with the review of a 35-year-old woman; she gained a lot of weight after giving birth, and her face became very round. Thanks to regular massage, she managed to make her face thin, while her cheekbones became pronounced and beautiful.

But there are cases when they tried to tighten their face, but did not like the result. For a woman with a thin face, after several procedures, her face became even more drawn out, and her nasolabial folds became deeper.

As a last resort, she advises massaging only the upper part of the face.

Another negative review of this procedure was from a woman who had a massage without applying moisturizer or oil to her face and hands, as a result of which the procedure was unpleasant and she was unable to get results. Considering the above, it is worth saying that when carrying out any manipulations with your face or body, you should carefully study the technique and find out the presence of contraindications. If Japanese rejuvenating massage is not suitable, you can choose any other facial care techniques.

Judging by a large number positive reviews, you can try massage with spoons, it is very simple, you can do it yourself, this procedure has no obvious contraindications.

To perform a massage with spoons, you must thoroughly clean your face of makeup. Any makeup remover, milk or cleansing gel is suitable for this. To the clean dry face apply any cosmetic oil. It can be coconut, olive, flaxseed oil, oil will nourish the skin well grape seed, jojoba, or shea butter.

You need to start the massage from the forehead, gradually moving to other areas. Movements should take place only along massage lines. If the spoons are difficult to move, you can add a little extra oil to them.

To do this, you should put two containers: with warm water up to 50 degrees Celsius, and with cold water, into which you can throw ice. The spoons are alternately lowered into different containers and a massage is performed. Manipulation with cold spoons will reduce puffiness and circles under the eyes. Hot spoon massage provides a lifting massage.

Adherents claim that Asahi massage is extremely effective technique:

* face straightens right before our eyes,

*skin appears younger for 7 years,

* the structure of connective tissue is noticeably improved.

From the above advantages it is clear that this is a multifunctional massage, since it affects

* skull bones, returning them to their correct position;

* connective tissue and deep facial muscles, awakening them (no more weak and flaccid muscles);

* skin, smoothing wrinkles;

* plus on the most important energy channels (after all, this is an energy practice), opening and clearing them, which revitalizes the entire body as a whole.

Since massage affects the bones of the skull, it is clear that it cannot be simple stroking. After all, if you want to put the bones in place, then you need deep and careful study.

By the way, if you decide to straighten your face, namely, set the bones of the skull, then you don’t have to go far, I mean, to Japan. It’s enough to look into the past, because our Slavic ancestors also engaged in straightening bones and called this action “editing.”

With the help of Asahi massage, we also train both superficial and deep facial muscles, giving them vital exercise. Naturally, this increases their tone, which means it gives a tightening effect, plus blood circulation improves.

However no need to overdo it- You shouldn't feel pain! Asahi self-massage should be performed delicately and carefully. In the area of ​​the lymph nodes - quite slowly, and on the rest of the face - energetically.

Asahi massage is a lymphatic drainage massage, so before starting it is necessary to clean the ducts through which the lymph flows. That is, to you mandatory requirement There will be a thorough cleansing of the facial skin!

Like everywhere else, Japanese massage also has its own contraindications. This is a general malaise, diseases of the lymphatic system, any problems and diseases of the head in general and the face in particular.

Massage is done with foam, gel or massage oil. Although in the original it is made using a specially developed composition (cosmetic cream with cotton). But, again, we can involve our relatives folk remedies- oat milk, for example. Soak 2 tablespoons of oatmeal in milk for a short time. Then squeeze the milk into a cup (you can use a nylon stocking). And we already apply this oat milk to our face.

Body position during massage:

* Japanese - standing or sitting with perfectly straight posture throughout the entire ritual;

* European - lying down (it has been noticed that the smoothing effect is better, since the muscles relax much more strongly).

As already mentioned, this is a lymphatic drainage massage. That's why in no case don't start it yet study the diagram of lymph nodes on the face and neck so as not to harm yourself.

Strict rule Japanese Asahi massage: massage the lymphatic system carefully and carefully, adjusting the pressure along the lymph flow, but without putting pressure on the lymph nodes themselves.

I note that the result will only be if you are doing a massage daily And Right. It will take approximately 7-10 minutes.

So, if you are not ready to take care of yourself every day, first study all the intricacies of the Asahi massage itself and, most importantly, the structure of the lymphatic system. Then don't waste your time - this technique is not for you. Well, or go to a professional massage therapist. Just make sure you are professional first. After all, the most important thing in health is DO NOT HARM!

And if you are not afraid of difficulties, then feel free to master, apply and get your stunning results.

Asahi massage movements are carried out from the center of the face to the lymph nodes.

Diagram of the lymphatic system of the face

The result will only be if you massage daily and correctly.
This massage will take you 7-10 minutes a day.

Before starting the massage, The facial skin must be cleansed and a cream (or oil mixture) applied.

CONTRAINDICATIONS for massage are: diseases of the lymphatic system, ENT diseases (especially inflamed tonsils), diseases of the facial skin. It is also not recommended to perform a massage if you feel sick (even during a normal runny nose).

Exercise 1. Strengthening the forehead

Press the index, middle, and ring fingers of both palms flat against the center of your forehead. Count to 3 and apply slight pressure to your temples. Turn your palms 90 degrees down and, reducing the force of impact, move them along the sides of your face to your ears, then, from your ears - perform the finishing movement to the pits on the collarbones, driving lymph away from the face.

Exercise 2. Strengthening the eye area. Preventing puffiness around the eyes

A. Raise your hands to your face, spreading your elbows out to the sides parallel to the floor. Place the pads of your middle fingers at the outer corners of the eyes and lightly, without pressure, move them to the inner corners of the eyes, going around the corners themselves (both internal and external - the Japanese call them the “head” and “tail” of the eyes). Stop at the so-called beauty spots. From them, with sufficient pressure, “describe” a hemisphere along the upper edge of the orbital bone to the outer corners of the eyes (which again go around) and stop for 3 seconds at the temples. Then, again lightly touching the skin, “complete” the circle under the lower eyelid again to the inner corners of the eyes, to points of beauty.

B. From them, again, with some effort, move along the infraorbital bone in the opposite direction, to the outer corner of the orbital socket. Hold near the outer corner of your eye for 3 seconds, applying gentle pressure to the points under your index and middle fingers.

Then continue moving your hands towards your temples. Having fixed the points at the temples for 3 seconds, without pressing, walk the route to the lymph node at the tragus of the ear, and from there perform final move, described above.

Exercise 3. Strengthening the mouth and chin area and lifting the corners of the lips

Place the middle and ring fingers of each hand in the hollow in the center of your chin. For 3 seconds, hold the point with your fingers, pressing on it with some force. Then, maintaining pressure, curl your fingers around the corners of your lips on both sides and connect your fingers at the center point above the upper lip. Press these points again with your fingers, trying to lift the nasal septum with your ring fingers. Keep pressure on these points for 3 seconds.

Sharply lift your fingers from the hollow above the upper lip, and without performing the finishing move, transfer them again to the hollow in the center of the chin.

Exercise 4. Strengthening muscles and eliminating nasolabial folds.

Immediately after completing exercise 3, smoothly move your fingers into the upper depressions of the wings of the nose and make 5 pressing movements down and up, as if you were drawing small figure eights on both sides directly around the wings of the nose. Then, removing the pressure, but without removing your fingers from the skin, smoothly move your middle and ring fingers to the upper part of the bridge of the nose and make 2-3 stretching movements from the central axis of the nose to the naso-cheek fold and back (from the eyes to the cheeks with force, back to nose - loosening the pressure).

Having completed the exercise, press your hands towards the tragus of your ears and perform the finishing move.

Exercise 5. Osteopathic exercise for the cheeks. Raising the corners of the mouth, upper jaw and zygomatic bone

Press the middle three fingers of your hands against the hollow in the center of the chin, as in exercise 3. Pressing quite firmly on the skin, muscles and bones, go around the corners of the mouth on both sides, and “dig” your fingers into the bone of the upper jaw near the nostrils, which should feel like “implanted” on the fingertips.

Squeezing until you feel a slight pain and lifting the jaw up, “reach” your fingers to the cheekbone, then, without stopping, move your fingers further, to the very eyes. Stay for 3 seconds near the eyes, continuing to apply pressure to the skin. Then, spread your fingers to the temples, from there, reducing the pressure and reaching the tragus of the ears, perform the finishing move.

Exercise 6. Strengthening the lower part of the face and lifting the cheeks (zigzag)

The exercise is performed separately for each side of the face.

Fix one side of your face to increase resistance, resting the center of your palm on the lower jaw bone. On the other side of the face, with an effort, dive three fingers of your hand from the beginning of the masticatory muscle (picture on the right), and with very strong pressure, move your fingers along the masticatory muscle, towards the eyes. Continuing strong pressure, linger at the eyes for 3 seconds, then, easing the pressure, move your fingers to the tragus of the ears and perform the finishing move.

Exercise 7. Strengthening the middle part of the face. Elimination of nasolabial folds

This exercise must be performed after the previous one, in exactly this sequence.

Spread your elbows to the sides and place your fingers horizontally on your cheeks so that they “grab” the cheekbone. You can do the exercise as in the picture on the left, making a fist with your hands and working with the outside of your index fingers. Squeezing your nostrils tightly, forcefully move your fingers to the sides, towards the tragus of your ears, and perform the finishing move.

Exercise 8. Osteopathic exercise. Face lift

The position from which we will begin this exercise is slightly different from the picture on the left. Bring your hands together in front of you at chest level so that your forearms and palms are connected, palms vertical, fingertips pointing upward. Then spread your palms upward, almost at an angle of 90 degrees, like the wings of a bird. Place your palms under your chin, press on your chin, which should overcome resistance, for 3 seconds. Then forcefully lift your still-spaced palms up your face. The thumbs then pass along the shell of the ears. The next step is the cheekbones, which should “lie” in your palms, which continue to press hard on your face. As if springing your cheeks with your palms, as if you were “throwing” your cheeks up.

From the cheekbones, pressing with the bases of your palms, spread your hands to your temples along the trajectory shown in the figure. Then lower your hands to the tragus of your ears and perform the finishing move.

Exercise 9. Correction of the oval of the face. Straightening the right angle between the neck and chin

Place the heel of one hand under your chin, fingers pointing toward your ear. It is important to capture not only the jaw bone, but also the muscles located directly under the chin. With noticeable pressure, raise your palm to the tragus of the ear, from which perform the finishing move. Do the same action with your other hand on the other side of your face.

Exercise 10. Elimination of a double chin

Place your palms in front of your face in a “prayer” position, with your thumbs pointing toward your neck at a 90-degree angle from the rest of your fingers. Then spread your palms in a diamond shape, place your index fingers to your face so that your chin lies in the resulting angle. Hide your nose between your palms. Stick your thumbs into the neck under the chin. In the upper area of ​​the face, place emphasis on the index finger.

Folded this way thumbs massage and knead the area directly under the center of the chin by “stomping” there with your thumbs. Do not "slide" out of this area with your thumbs. After this, forcefully move the remaining fingers of the hands in the upper part of the face to the temples, with the index fingers forcefully walking along the infraorbital region. Then perform the finishing move.

Exercise 11. Zigzag smoothing of the forehead

Spread your elbows out to the sides, parallel to the floor. Using the fingers of one hand, gently smooth your forehead from right to left from one temple to the other in a zigzag motion, without trying to move the skin, then make the same movements in the opposite direction. After this, smooth your forehead with both hands, making horizontal pressing smoothing movements, as in the first exercise, and then perform the finishing move.
