The final kind of collection in 1 ml gr. Parent meeting in the first junior group "Development of fine motor skills of hands in young children using non-standard equipment

We will tell

you about:

How are we in the garden

his -

Very funny

we live!

morning exercises

"Kids strong men went to exercise, kids strong men do exercises!"

We are funny guys, we love to run and play

"Well, try to catch up with us!"

Physical development

Be friends with physical education

To be healthy and strong.

Jump, crawl, roll the ball

And throw bags into the distance.

Cultural and hygienic skills

Oh okay, okay, okay

We are not afraid of water.

Wash clean -

Mom smile!

Not everyone knew how to eat with a spoon, but they grew up with a year - a little bit,

Now look quickly

We can eat ourselves!

Self-care skills

Put on tights and sandals .

Artistic creativity

We love to sculpt

Draw and paint!

We try so hard friends

Sometimes it can't be washed away.

Musical development

We dance and sing

We have a lot of fun!

Games with didactic material

Here are nesting dolls - all sisters,

All girlfriends are small

You are fun to play with

Disassemble and collect.


We love to play with water

And mess around in the sand

We will bake a pie. We will invite the animals to visit.


For a walk! Who is faster? Let's invite friends along After all, communication in the game So helpful for kids! Let's take some toys with us Let's not get bored!

Our Dandelions:

Girls and boys

There were quite a few

Grow up a little

You rejoice for us

Clap your hands!

Creating a favorable family atmosphere
Remember: how you wake up a child depends on his psychological mood for the whole day.
Everyone needs time for a night's rest purely individually - this is an indicator that the child has a good night's sleep and wakes up easily when you wake him up.
Learn to meet children. Ask neutral questions: "What was interesting? What did you do today?"
Rejoice in your child's success. Do not get annoyed at the moment of his temporary failures.
Patiently, with interest, listen to the child's stories about the events in his life.
The child must feel that he is loved. It is necessary to exclude shouts, rude intonations from communication, create an atmosphere of joy, love and respect in the family.
Education of industriousness in children in the family
Encourage your child more often for independence, initiative, and the quality of work performed. If not everything worked out for him - do not get annoyed, but patiently explain again.
Involve your child in big family affairs and teach your child to complete the work that has been started.
Each member of the family, including the child, must have responsibilities for the care of the family. But never punish a child with labor!

Nurturing kindness in children
Communication is the essence of human life. If we want to see our children kind, we must bring the child the joy of communicating with us - this is the joy of joint knowledge, joint work, joint play, joint rest.
Kindness begins with love for people and nature. We will develop in children a feeling of love for all living things.
Teach children to hate evil and indifference.
As much love for the child as possible, as much exactingness to him as possible.
Let's do good, good deeds, children learn good things from us.
Let's learn to control ourselves!

21.04.2016 16532 567 Ablyazova Svetlana Anatolievna

Final parent meeting in I junior group
Purpose of the meeting:
summarize the results of the joint activities of the educator and parents over the past year;
determine prospects for the future.
Tasks parent meeting:
track the dynamics of mental and physical development children in the past year
identify individual problems in the development of children and outline ways to overcome them; to promote the development of parental initiative, the ability to communicate;
Meeting duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Venue: music hall
Event type: parent evening
Equipment required for this parent meeting:
exhibition creative works children (drawings, crafts),
musical accompaniment,
candlestick with a candle.
What should the teacher prepare for this parent-teacher meeting in nursery group:
preparing a presentation;
design of an exhibition of crafts for kids of the group;
questionnaires, memos (Appendix 1), diplomas;
preparation of speeches of educators at the end of the year in nominations;
The plan for holding a parent meeting in a nursery group:
1. Introductory remarks by the educator.
2. Show presentation.
3. Viewing the creative works of pupils.
4. Awarding by nominations.
5. Presentation of memos for parents.
6. “Do you know…” (comic quiz for parents), Appendix 1.
7. Questioning.
8. "Light a candle" (minute of revelations).
9. The final word of the group educator.
Parent meeting script
1. Introductory word of the educator
Good evening dear parents! We are glad to meet you again!
This meeting takes place at the end of the year, let's sum up the results together, think about working on problems, celebrate achievements, and evaluate the results.
Your children went to nursery for a whole year. They came so small, defenseless: they were afraid of everything and cried, and, of course, they called for their mother. And now look at what they have become, can you say that they are crybabies and capricious. Of course not. They are quite big with us, they know how to eat with a spoon, and they will be able to put on pants, and they will sing a song, and read poetry, but how they can draw.
Our little helpers help us put things in order in the group, put away toys.
In order for our children to grow up healthy, dexterous and strong, we conducted physical education classes with them. They played mobile games. At music lessons, we developed the ear for music in our pupils, taught them to listen to music, developed artistic perception.
I want to start our meeting with questions.
1. Is there a change in your child's development?
2. Has he changed in a year?
3. What's new?
This is important to find out, because some parents do not see these changes, do not notice in what face their child speaks, do not see his needs, etc. It is very important for parents to know about the developmental features of the child.

Reminder for parents

In the third year of life, children become more independent.
Speech comprehension continues to develop. Children continue to master the names of surrounding objects, learn to fulfill simple verbal requests from adults.
The number of words understood increases significantly. Children begin to understand not only the instruction, but also the story of adults.
Active speech of children develops intensively. By the age of 3, children are trying to build simple sentences; in a conversation with an adult, they use almost all parts of speech. The active dictionary reaches approximately 1000-1500 words. By the end of the 3rd year. speech becomes a means of communication between the child and peers.
New activities are being formed: playing, drawing, designing. The main thing in the game is actions with game objects that are close to reality, in the middle of the 3rd year. there are actions with objects - substitutes.
The child is already able to formulate the intention to depict any object. Typical is the image of a person in the form of a "cephalopod" - a circle and lines extending from it.
Visual and auditory orientations are improved, which allows children to accurately perform a number of tasks: choose 2-3 objects by color, shape, size; distinguish melodies, sing.
Improved phonemic awareness. Children perceive all sounds mother tongue, but pronounce them with great distortion.
The main form of thinking is visual - effective. The child actually acts with objects.
Children are characterized by unconsciousness of motives, impulsiveness and dependence of feelings and desires on the situation. Children are easily infected by the emotional state of their peers. However, arbitrariness of behavior also begins to take shape. Children develop a sense of pride and shame. The child realizes himself as a separate person, the image of I is formed.

Reminder for parents

"10 Rules for Raising a Child"

1. Love your child! Accept him for who he is, do not insult him, do not humiliate him, do not undermine his self-confidence, give him a reason to love you.
2. Guard your child! Protect him from physical and mental dangers, sacrificing your own interests and risking your own life.
3. Be a good example for your child! A child should live in a family where there is honesty, modesty, harmony, where the family is friendly, where old people are respected and loved.
4. Play with your child! Make time for him. Play the way he likes, take his games seriously.
5. Work with your child!. Help him when he tries to take part in the work. Teach to participate in all household chores.
6. Let the child gain life experience, even if not painlessly, but independently! Give him the opportunity to accumulate his own experience. An overprotective child often becomes social disabled.
7. Show your child the possibilities and limits of human freedom! It must be shown that any person must recognize and observe certain limits in his actions in the family ... in the team ... and in society.
8. Teach your child to be obedient! Parents are obliged to monitor the behavior of the child and guide him in such a way that his actions do not harm him or others.
9. Expect from the child such opinions and assessments as he is capable of in accordance with the stage of maturation and his own experience!
10. Give your child the opportunity for experiences that will have the value of memories!

Download material

See the downloadable file for the full text.
The page contains only a fragment of the material.

Evgenia Churina

Final parent meeting

What have we learned in a year?

Target: summarizing educational activities.

Tasks: to acquaint parents with the achievements and successes of their children; sum up the results of the joint activities of the educator, children and parents.

Our meeting agenda:

1. Showing the presentation "What we learned in a year" Churina E. Yu.

2. Miscellaneous.

1. Introductory remarks by the educator

Good evening dear parents! We are pleased to welcome you to the final meeting of our group. How we lived this year, what was interesting in our life, what we learned and what we still have to work on - this is our conversation today.

I want to remind you that in our group "Dandelions" children of two ages are brought up - these are children from one to two years old (Group 2 early age) they stay with us for another year and children from 2 to 3 years old (1 youngest) we are now releasing these children.

During the year, all the kids developed according to their age, mastered the program material and showed positive dynamics in all areas of development.

All children have adapted well to kindergarten. Based on the results of adaptation, 7 newborns were admitted, 3 children underwent mild adaptation, 3 children underwent adaptation, there were no severe ones, and one girl is still undergoing an adaptation period.

Exercise "And with us"

Dear parents, we would like you to brag too and say what happened to your baby in your opinion, what he learned, what surprised and pleased you, and maybe scared you. Parents take turns passing the flag and “boasting” about some quality, skill, ability of their child that he has acquired this year.

I would like to say about the sad, the average incidence was 17.4%. At the beginning of the year, we were given the incidence of chickenpox and quarantine from October to January. During the year, frequent outbreaks of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections gave a low attendance of only 51.5%.

The issues of preserving and strengthening the health of young children should be approached with all seriousness: it is no secret to anyone that the immunity of a small, fragile person, due to a sedentary lifestyle, outbreaks of colds, weakens during the adaptation period and babies often get sick. Therefore, I consider the main task in my work to be the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children. Throughout the year, we carried out physical culture and health work and tried to create conditions for hardening the body.

My presentation will be accompanied by a presentation, on the slides of which you will see some interesting moments from the life of the children of our group.

“We will tell you about how we live very happily in our garden!”

The day starts with morning exercises. Gymnastics complexes are painted for each month in a playful poetic form. “We are hares”, “Bears”, “Cockerels”, here children have the opportunity to transform into various animals.

During the day we play outdoor games, hold physical education sessions, pay attention to respiratory and finger gymnastics. Our kids are very fond of playing games where someone is catching up with them, “Catch up, catch up”, “Wake up the bear cub”.

And we also love to celebrate birthdays, we always drive a “Karavai” to the birthday boy and give a balloon as a gift.

We carry out health work before going to bed (barefoot, air baths, according to the temperature regime. Walking along massage paths with buttons, knots, rubber footprints for the prevention of flat feet. In the warm season - sleep without T-shirts.

Exercise in bed after waking up. First we do gymnastics in cribs, and then we move on to air baths and games.

Twice a week, classes for the development of movements are held with the kids.

The group has all the conditions for physical activity during the day (slide, dry pool, physical education aids: a bench, a box for jumping off, a ladder, racks, gates, etc.)

At the end of the year, it is worth noting that children are physically developing, they move with desire, they are interested in performing a variety of physical exercises, they have learned to perform actions with physical education aids. In accordance with age capabilities, they develop coordination of movements, are able to quickly respond to signals, switch from one movement to another. They learned to perform tasks and with great desire enter into game actions.

It is necessary to continue hardening activities in preschool and at home, walk with the kids more often. We have prepared for you instructions on hardening babies at home, we will be very happy if you use them.

Cultural and hygienic skills

During the year, the simplest cultural and hygienic skills were formed in children.

While washing (kids still with the help of an adult) and older children learned to wash their hands on their own: lather them with soap, rinse, wring out, make a lock and dry with a towel, as well as use a handkerchief. All children know their towel and potty.

During meals, children hold a spoon (at our age it is possible in a fist), we teach them to eat carefully (although it doesn’t always work out), use a napkin and give thanks after eating. kids good helpers in table setting: arrange bread bins and napkin holders. The elders help the kids to bring a high chair, aprons. Fulfill requests. We teach them to clean up toys (individual tasks are more suitable here).

With a little help from adults, they can undress (remove tights, shoes) and fold clothes on a chair. Dressing is given to us a little more difficult, but we are still learning.

Educational activities

In educational activities, they learned to group objects by color (6 primary colors: red, yellow, green, blue, white, black, size (large, small, shape (ball, cube). Name one and many objects.

Kids know and name some domestic and wild animals, their cubs. There are some vegetables, fruits (1-2 types). They have elementary ideas about natural seasonal phenomena.

Learned to listen to accessible content poems, fairy tales, stories. Look at the illustrations in the books on your own. They know short poems, nursery rhymes. With the help of the table theater, they themselves play and display a familiar fairy tale.

Development of children's creativity

Children know that they can draw with pencils, felt-tip pens, paints and a brush. They learned to draw horizontal and vertical and rounded lines, to convey images in the drawing.

The kids got acquainted with plasticine, they know how to roll out a lump of plasticine with straight and in a circular motion hands; break off small lumps from a large lump of plasticine, flatten them with your palms. Sculpt simple figures. Repeatedly used testoplasty (sculpting cookies, sweets, and then dried and used in the house, shop.

On musical development

Which leads music director- Bakhramova D. A. kids are actively involved in joint activities, reproduce dance movements (clap, stomp, convey images of animals: a bear, a hare).

Get to know musical instruments. Babies react emotionally to familiar children's songs.

In constructive activity:

In the process of playing with table and floor building materials, the children got acquainted with the details (cube, brick, trihedral prism, plate, they know how to build elementary buildings according to the model (pieces of furniture, houses, a fence, etc.). Toddlers - turrets, paths. And happy to beat them.

Game activity:

Children enjoy playing didactic, educational games. They fold a pyramid, a nesting doll, collect inserts, a mosaic. They know where the board games are located, that they need to be played at the table, and then put away.

Mastered the basic skills of the plot-display game. Toddlers bring familiar activities into play. The doctor - treats, the driver - drives a car, the hairdresser - cuts, they begin to use in gaming activity substitute items. It is necessary to continue to support and develop the game initiative, to play with children more often.

Children's experimentation:

This is a favorite pastime for kids. During the year, experiments were carried out with snow and ice; experimented with water, sand, pebbles.


The subject environment of our group allows us to solve specific educational tasks, involve children in the process of learning, developing their curiosity, creativity, and communication skills. All group space is divided into developing Centers that are available to children: toys, didactic material, games (at the last parent meeting, we met with them).

This year, the group acquired new toys: a kitchen game module (stove, sink, board games, cars, dolls, table theater, etc.).

And also our subject environment is replenished with your gifts, with which the kids are very happy and play with pleasure.

This is the end of our parent meeting. We would like to thank you for your help and cooperation throughout the year. We are very glad that they came to our final meeting and I hope they were happy for the kids, saw the results and their small achievements. All the best!

Final parent meeting in 1 junior group
MDOU No. 3 "Star" for the 2014 - 2015 academic year
Purpose of the meeting:
- sum up the results of the joint activities of educators and parents over the past year;
- to determine the prospects for the future.

Tasks of the parent meeting:
Track the dynamics of the mental and physical development of children over the past year;
Identify individual problems in the development of children and outline ways to overcome them; To promote the development of parental initiative, the ability to communicate;
exhibition of children's creative works (drawings, crafts),
photo slides or photo exhibition,
musical accompaniment,
Thanksgiving letters,
candlestick with a candle.

Preliminary work:
preparation of photo slides;
design of an exhibition of crafts for kids of the group;
registration with children (make small elements) of invitation cards;
memos and letters of thanks to parents;
preparation of the teacher's performance at the end of the year in the nominations.

Parent meeting schedule:
1. Speech by the head of the MDOU
2 Psychologist's speech
3. Presentation of the teacher of the group.

Nomination awards.
The work of parents in "groups".
Reminders for parents.
Photo slide show.
"Light a candle" (minute of revelations).
Closing remarks by the nursery educator.

The course of the parent meeting
1. Speech by the head of the MDOU
2.. Psychologist's speech
3. Speech by the group educator
Good evening dear parents! We are glad to meet you again!
Today we have gathered all together to celebrate a small but very important event. Your children went to nursery for a whole year. They came so small, defenseless: they were afraid of everything and cried, and of course they called for their mother. And now look at what they have become, can you say that they are crybabies and whims. Of course not. They are quite big with us, they know how to eat with a spoon themselves, and they will be able to put on panties, and they will sing a song, and they will read poetry, but how they can draw. This meeting takes place at the end of the year, let's sum up the results together, think about working on problems, note achievements, evaluate the results.
4. Awards for pupils in nominations.
Most Adapted
The strongest and most agile
Most Musical
the funniest
Best Artist
Best Reader
The healthiest
The very mother
best helper
The most accurate
the most talkative
Best dreamer
best eater
The friendliest
The friendliest
Etc. by the number of children in the group.
Parents are awarded diplomas in the nominations where their child has achieved the best results (it is important that each child is marked).
5. Work in "groups" of parents. We divide the parents into conditional groups and ask each group questions, it is better to distribute cards with questions.
Group 1 "If you want to be healthy, temper yourself"
On the forms of hardening (barefoot walking, taking sun and air baths, water procedures).
Group 2 "Culture of food"
What we eat, how we eat: o rational
