Will there be an increase in pensions for disabled people? Social disability pension

Social benefits in the country are today secured at the regional and federal levels. Federal is the basis for providing and assisting persons with disabilities. But the regional one suggests the possibility of expanding the list of benefits by municipal authorities. If a person has limited capabilities, then he needs to be interested in his advantages. It is also advisable to know what benefits he is entitled to.

What benefits are provided in 2017

The authorities provide the following benefits to disabled people of the second and first groups:

- when purchasing medications;

— on prosthetics;

— in the service sector;

— for reimbursement of expenses for sanatorium treatment.

It is also possible, as before, to refuse the package of services in the form of spa treatment and medications in favor of financial compensation. Social pensions in 2017 will be indexed by 11.9 percent, social payments will increase by 5.5 percent. To compare, in 2016 the increase was 17.1 percent, and indexation was 5 percent. Different disability groups receive the following monthly payments:

  • 1 group – 2.974.03
  • Group 2 – 2.123.92
  • Group 3 – 1.700.23
  • Disabled children – 2.123.92

Medical care for people with disabilities

Without fundamental changes, the Government Decree of 1994 will remain in force in 2017. It also guarantees the opportunity to receive certain advantages:

  • receiving prescription medications: free for group 1, preferential for group 2 and unemployed people. Also, for groups 2 and 3, a 50 percent discount is provided on certain medical products for working disabled people of these groups;
  • free dental prosthetics for all groups;
  • for groups 1 and 2, free dressings are offered, as well as medical products, if there is a conclusion from the ITU bureau about their need;
  • free prosthetics and orthopedic shoes for group 1, discounts on orthopedic shoes for groups 2 and 3;
  • a variety of free trips to health resorts. This also includes the assignment of disability for group 1 at least once a year for the first three years.

Who exactly is responsible for providing for people with these physical abilities. Living space

Adults with disabilities and families with a disabled child who need improvement living conditions, are subject to priority provision of housing:

  • those who joined the queue at the beginning of the year - at the expense of the regional;
  • accepted for housing registration before 2005 - at the expense of the federal budget.

The federal authorities provided municipalities with sufficient freedom of action and targeted subventions. They must implement federal programs. The scope of programs will be determined based on:

  • standard for the maximum cost of utilities per sq. meter;
  • the number of people who are entitled to social support;
  • minimum contribution for major repairs of an apartment building;
  • regional living space standards;
  • average market price sq.m. municipal housing.

Benefits in the housing sector

Benefits may be provided for various reasons:

  • disabled orphans who live in social service hospitals.
  • due to severe illness with chronic diseases;
  • those who live in permanent social service institutions and apply for housing under a social tenancy agreement;
  • disabled people and families with disabled children receive a 50 percent discount on payment;
  • premises used by people with disabilities are equipped with special equipment and devices in accordance with an individual rehabilitation program.

People with disabilities are in greatest need of government support. Many of them cannot work, others may not work at full capacity. Due to the constant increase in prices and inflation of the ruble, this category of the population needs an increase more than anyone else. social payments. Is it expected that pensions for disabled people will be increased in 2017, how much will be added, and how payments to those most in need will be indexed.

Today, there are 4 categories of citizens who have the right to receive social benefits due to disability.

These include:

  • Group 1 disabled person. This category of the population is most often unable to work and their only source of income is the state pension.
  • Disabled people of 2nd group. People with disability group 2 have the opportunity to work in a limited mode.
  • Disabled people of 3 groups. This category of the population has health problems, but is capable of labor activity.
  • Disabled children. Children's disabilities are not classified into groups. All children with disabilities have the right to social benefits.

According to existing legislation, the status of a disabled person can only be obtained by passing a special medical examination. Moreover, disabled people have to undergo these examinations regularly to confirm their right to receive social benefits.

How much will they add and when will the children’s pension be increased?

Among all groups of people with disabilities, disabled children are most in need of increased pensions. Only the parents know how much money the family spends on their restoration. They spend huge amounts of money. At the same time, one of the parents is often forced to stay at home with the child, which significantly affects the family budget. Stay tuned for how much these children will receive next year.

The latest news is not particularly encouraging, unfortunately. Child disability benefits will be increased only through indexation from January 2017. On average, the increase will not exceed 400 rubles. Today, children's pensions amount to approximately 10,000 rubles per month.

An increase of 400-500 rubles can cover only part of the cost of rising prices for food and medicines, but parents are often happy about this.

Fortunately, in our country there is still a system of free medical care for minors. Parents can receive qualified help without spending colossal sums on it, and a system of rehabilitation centers has also been developed. However, many medications are still paid for, which greatly affects the financial condition of the family raising a disabled child. How much parents can save on medications is determined by law.

According to the government, today everything possible is being done to ensure that children and their parents are not left unattended. The final amounts of increases in children's pensions will be announced after budget planning.

How much will disabled people of group 1 receive?

What kind of indexation will be carried out for this category of citizens worries many people. Group 1 disabled people include people who are completely deprived of the opportunity to work and receive wages. However, not all of these citizens will receive the same pension in 2017. How much will these citizens receive from January 2017?

Today, some amendments to the bill on social payments have already been adopted, which clearly define the mechanism for calculating social benefits to this group of citizens. So, for example, when disability occurs as a result of a serious injury at work or due to difficult working conditions, the pension will be calculated according to one scheme, and if a person has had an illness since childhood or he has a permanent place of work, he can count on only 30% of the wages.

How much will disabled people of groups 2 and 3 receive?

Unfortunately, there is no news yet regarding the increase in pensions for disabled people of groups 2 and 3. However, the government states that if funds are found in the budget, benefits for these categories of citizens will also be increased. Of course, the news does not promise a major increase, but you can still hope for an increase. Working disabled people can count on wage indexation from January 2017, which will increase their total income. Last indexed occurred in April 2016, when pensions for disabled people were slightly increased. When will it pass next promotion pensions will be known very soon.

Why do people with disabilities suffer?

Of course, the government understands that today disabled people are in a very difficult situation. The size of their pensions does not correspond to a normal standard of living. People with disabilities have to save on literally everything.

In the latest news, officials say that everything possible will be done to support this category of citizens. However, today the country is in a difficult economic situation. The budget deficit is reflected in all social payments. Several factors led the country to this situation, including:

  • Sanctions from Western and European countries.
  • Inflation of the state currency.
  • Difficulties in the foreign exchange market.

Exactly because of this reason last news They only say about increasing payments to disabled children and people with 1st group of disability. Citizens of groups 2 and 3 can work and earn at least the minimum wage. Today, extensive work is being done with private companies to employ these citizens. Also, as part of employment, there are various courses where people in this category can learn a new, in-demand profession.

What benefits are there for people with disabilities?

Today, social pensions are not the only assistance to disabled people in our country. This category of citizens has the right to a number of benefits that can significantly reduce their treatment costs. So, for example, if you have a disability certificate, you can count on a discount of up to 50% in pharmacy chains.

However, in order to receive medications at a low price, you must have a prescription from your doctor.

Another benefit that people with disabilities have is cheaper travel on public transport. How much do disabled people pay for travel? This category of citizens pays only half the fare, which, although not much, saves their budget.

In addition, every disabled person has the right to a discount in the dental office. Today, dentistry is very expensive, and this category of the population cannot always afford such expensive treatment. For this reason, every clinic has a dental office where disabled people can receive qualified care at a significant discount.

Also, if necessary, disabled people can receive free trips to health boarding houses and sanatoriums. It is rehabilitation in such institutions that is often a necessity that this category of citizens cannot afford to pay for on their own.

When can I receive additional funds? These benefits can also be obtained in the form of monetary compensation; for this you need to write an application to the PF employees.

Disabled children have the right to enter the university without competition. This allows them to receive the necessary education for further employment.

The difficult economic situation in the country certainly affects the most vulnerable categories of our population. However, sometimes it is people with disabilities who show us that, despite all the difficulties, we need to strive for our goals. A striking example of this is our Paralympic team. These people, despite their illnesses, achieve high results in sports, and they are the real pride of our country.

Disabled people living in Moscow have the right to receive a disability pension in accordance with the procedure for national pension provision. Also, Muscovites with disabilities can apply for an additional payment to their pension. In the article, we will look at how the supplement to the disability pension is assigned in Moscow, what amount of supplement is provided for disabled Muscovites of various categories.

Supplement to disability pension for Moscow pensioners

In addition to the funds of the national pension provision, disabled people in Moscow can apply for a supplement to their pension. The amount of the additional payment, the procedure for assigning it, and the timing of payment are regulated by federal legislative acts and laws of the city of Moscow. Thus, disabled people living in Moscow have the right to receive federal additional payments, as well as compensation and benefits provided for by Moscow legislation.

Federal supplements to pensions for disabled people in Moscow

As part of providing financial support to persons with limited physical and social capabilities, people with disabilities of all groups (including disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood) EDV (monthly cash payment). Residents of Moscow with disabilities can apply for EDV in the general manner.

EDV includes:

  • directly payment in cash , the amount of which is established in accordance with the recipient’s disability group (in 2017, group I – 2,489.55 rubles, group II – 1,478.09 rubles, group III – 973.97 rubles);
  • set of social services (NSU) in the form of compensation for the cost of medicines, discounted vouchers to a sanatorium, and the right to free travel on suburban railway transport.

A disabled person has the right to refuse NSU in favor of compensation for its cost in the form of a cash equivalent (+ 1,048.97 rubles to the amount of the UD).

Each of the listed types of additional payments is paid to the citizen along with a disability pension, in accordance with the established schedule.

Municipal supplements for disabled people in Moscow

Additional payments for disabled people in Moscow, provided for by municipal legislation, are assigned and paid in addition to the amount of federal additional payments. Thus, subject to other conditions, a disabled person living in Moscow can simultaneously apply for:

  • EDV, DEMO, other payments from the federal budget;
  • additional payments, compensation benefits, the right to which is granted exclusively to Muscovites.

A citizen who has received additional benefits and compensation (both federal and regional) retains the right to receive a disability pension (insurance or social).

Additional payment to the Moscow primary care level

There are often cases when the amount of the pension assigned to a disabled person is significantly less than the minimum subsistence level. As a result, a citizen with disabilities, whose only source of income is a pension, finds himself literally on the brink of survival. As part of the implementation of social support measures for people with disabilities, the Moscow municipality pays citizens of this category a regional social supplement.

The amount of the surcharge is determined as the difference between the amount of the disabled person’s monthly income and the level of PMP (the cost of living of a pensioner) in Moscow (in 2017 – 11,561 rubles).

When determining the monthly income of a disabled person, the following are taken into account:

  • pension (social, insurance);
  • benefits in cash equivalent;
  • other compensations, benefits, payments assigned to a pensioner.

Not only disabled people, but also citizens receiving an old-age pension have the right to receive an additional payment to their pension. The main condition for assigning an additional payment is permanent residence in the capital and a valid Moscow registration.

City social standard

Over the past few years, a new concept of the City Social Standard (CSS) , the purpose of which is to determine the real level of living wage in the capital.

Often the amount of pensions and benefits paid to Moscow pensioners is significantly less than the State Insurance Fund. In this regard, the Moscow municipality provides residents of the capital with the right to receive an additional payment to their pension up to the SSS level.

Disabled people in Moscow whose monthly income, taking into account pensions and benefits, does not exceed the State Social Insurance Fund ( in 2017 – 14,500 rubles. ), they can issue an additional payment in the amount of the difference between the State Social Insurance Fund and monthly income.

Only those disabled people who have lived and been registered in Moscow for more than 10 years have the right to an additional payment up to the SSS level. If a disabled person lives in a territory that has been annexed to Moscow over the last decade, then the right to additional payment is retained in accordance with the general procedure.

Let's look at an example. Muromov is a resident of Moscow, a recipient of a social disability pension of group II (RUB 5,034.25), EDV and NSU in cash equivalent (RUB 2,527.06). Muromov has not received any additional benefits, allowances or compensation. Thus, the monthly income of a disabled person is 7,562.31 rubles. (RUB 5,034.25 + RUB 2,527.06).

Muromov has been registered and has lived in Moscow for 12 years, therefore, he has the right to an additional payment up to the SSS level in the following amount:

14,500 rub. – 7,562.31 rub. = 6,937.69 rub.

Payments to disabled seniors

Elderly disabled Muscovites can apply for the following types of supplements to their pension:

  • participants in the defense of Moscow – 4,000 rubles;
  • Heroes of the USSR, Russian Federation, Socialist Labor, holders of the Order of Glory, Labor Glory - 16,000 rubles;
  • persons who have been awarded the Order of Honorary Citizen of Moscow - 15,000 rubles.

The above types of additional payments are transferred to pensioners on a monthly basis, simultaneously with their pension.

Moscow supplement for disabled families

For disabled people of groups I and II who live in Moscow and are raising a disabled child, monthly financial support is provided in the form of a pension supplement in the amount of 6,000 rub. . To receive a payment, the applicant must:

  • have permanent registration on the territory of Moscow;
  • confirm disability of group I or II;
  • be unemployed (lack of official employment).

The payment period is from the moment of application until the child turns 18 years old. If the recipient of the additional payment (the parent of a disabled child) is employed, the payment to him will stop.

Increasing the level of social security in Moscow in 2018-2019

In order to implement the program to improve social standards and based on changes made to the legislative acts of the city of Moscow, in 2018 the amount of a number of social payments will be increased. There is also an increase in the level of supplementary payments to pensions for disabled people:

  1. The size of the GSS in 2018 will increase by 21% and amount to 17,500 rubles. Thus, disabled people in Moscow whose income level is less than the State Social Insurance Fund will be able to apply for an increased additional payment.
  2. Disabled people of groups I and II who are raising disabled children will be able to receive an additional payment in the amount of 12,000 rubles in 2018. (twice as much as in 2017).
  3. Muscovites with WWII disabled status , is entitled to receive additional benefits, the amount of which in 2018 will be increased to 2,000 rubles/month. The right to additional payment is granted, including to disabled people with combat injuries, as well as citizens who were injured as minors during the Second World War, as a result of which they were assigned a disability group.

In addition, in 2018, a new benefit was introduced, according to which disabled people who are raising disabled children under 18 years of age are given the right to compensation for the costs of purchasing school uniform and preparation for school (annually 10,000 rubles).

How can a Muscovite receive an additional payment to his disability pension?

The procedure for registering additional payments to pensions for disabled people in Moscow complies with general standards.

To receive an additional payment, a Muscovite should contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with the following documents:

  • passport;
  • statement;
  • document confirming the right to the benefit.

If a disabled person applies for EDV, then the right to the benefit is confirmed by an extract from the ITU act on the assignment of a disability group. When applying for an additional payment for a disabled child, a citizen will also need to provide the child’s birth certificate and the ITU act on assigning him a disability.

For complete information on the list of documents required to receive additional payment in specific case, the pensioner should contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund.

Disabled children are one of the vulnerable social groups that require special support and protection from the state. The amount of pension for a disabled child is calculated simultaneously at two levels - federal and regional.

The right to receive payments and benefits is given to children who have been assigned a disability based on the conclusion of a medical and social study.

Criteria for recognizing disability:

  • Health problems caused by dysfunction internal organs and body systems (due to diseases, injuries or other defects).
  • Restriction of independent life activities – partial or complete loss of the ability to care for oneself, work, move, etc.
  • Need for state aid, social protection, rehabilitation.

It is important that disability group 1, 2 or 3 is not established for children and does not affect the calculation of compensation in any way.


The state provides children with disabilities with material and social assistance.

Types of property support:

  • social pension;
  • monthly payment;
  • set of social services;
  • payments to non-working parents.

It is important that such assistance is provided to disabled people of groups 3, 2 or 1, as well as to disabled people since childhood, but with some differences.


Social pension A disabled child is paid for the entire period of disability. It is determined by a decision of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (for example, for 2 years or 5 years), but ends when the person turns 18 years old.

Upon reaching adulthood, a citizen, on the basis of an ITU certificate, can receive the status of a disabled person from childhood.

The amount of social pension for disabled children is determined by the current law, namely Federal Law No. 166 “On State. pension provision." In 2019, on average it is 13,857 rubles. monthly.

For the loss of a breadwinner

Children with disabilities or people disabled since childhood who have lost their breadwinner cannot receive a pension assigned upon his death. Why? According to the current law, citizens cannot be accrued two pensions at the same time - they independently choose which payments they will receive.

Consequently, the child’s legal representative must decide whether he will receive a social pension due to disability or a survivor’s pension.

Benefits and additional payments

Additional benefits and supplements to pensions are provided for by the legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and are individual in each region. Thus, in the Yaroslavl region, partial (25%) compensation is established for medications prescribed to a disabled person, taking into account the characteristics of his body.

Pension for a disabled child

In 2019, pensions for disabled people are paid monthly. The right to receive it is vested in the legal representatives of a minor - parents, guardians and trustees.

Features of social pension payment:

  • transferred until the child reaches 18 years of age or until he is deprived of the status of “disabled” according to the conclusion of the MSEC;
  • the amount is subject to annual indexation, i.e. the amount changes depending on price increases during inflation;
  • It is of a declarative nature, therefore it is not accrued automatically, but at the request of the parent (guardian).

Pensions for children with disabilities are indexed annually.

Monthly financial payment

Children whose capabilities are limited have the right to receive a monthly financial payment.

How much can they expect?

Contents of the paymentSize
Minimum amount with preservation of the full list of NSOs
With partial retention of the right to use the NSO package
Additional drug provision + treatment in sanatoriums, but in case of refusal to use railway transport
Additional medication provision + railway travel
Additional drug provision1631 rub.
Travel by train + treatment in sanatoriums2168 rub.
Treatment in sanatoriums, but without additional provision of medications and railway travel
The right to free travel on railway transport, but without medication and treatment in sanatoriums
Maximum amount if you refuse the full list of non-regulatory information sources

To receive a monthly payment, parents must visit the Pension Fund office where the social pension was previously issued.

Set of social services

Simultaneously with submitting documents for a monthly payment, you can receive a set of social services (NSS) provided in kind. The list of services is established by the Government of the Russian Federation - it can be used in whole or in part.

List and sizes of social set:

If a child cannot go to a sanatorium without being accompanied by a third person caring for him, then he is also given a free voucher and ticket.

It is important that the right to use a set of social services for a minor is formed simultaneously with the receipt of a single payment. Parents do not have to submit an additional application for their provision.

The possibility of receiving a set of social services is confirmed by a certificate issued to the child’s representative by the Pension Fund of Russia. It is presented at railway ticket offices, sanatoriums and resorts to receive services.

  • beneficiary group;
  • payment deadline;
  • list of services available to the recipient in the current year.

The child's representative has the right to independently determine the contents of the package. For those services that he refused, monetary compensation will be transferred to the family.

To change the procedure for receiving EDV and NSO, you must send an application to the Pension Fund before October 1 of the current year. For example, an application for refusal of resort treatment and preferential travel and a commensurate increase in the amount of compensation by 228 rubles. – comes into effect only from January 1 of the following year.

Care allowance for a non-working parent

Parents caring for children with disabilities have the right to apply for monthly payments and enjoy benefits.

To obtain compensation, the following conditions are required:

  • caring for a child with disabilities;
  • ability to work;
  • lack of official place of work.

The amount of monthly financial assistance to parents is 5,500 rubles.

It is important that if the responsibility for care is assigned to another person (for example, a grandmother), then the payment amount is reduced to 1200 rubles. It is not indexed and is not paid to citizens receiving unemployment benefits or pensions from the state.

Maternity capital for social adaptation

Spending of maternity capital is allowed for purposes determined by the legislator. Since 2016, it has been envisaged that it will be possible to use it for the adaptation of a child with a disability into society.


  • maternity capital can be used to adapt any disabled child in the family;
  • funds can be spent in whole or in part;
  • For maternity capital, you can receive compensation for previously purchased goods and paid services aimed at integration into society.

Capital funds are not allowed to be spent on purchasing medicines and paying for medical care.

Benefits for disabled children and their parents in 2019

Parents caring for children with disabilities have the right to receive government assistance.

It turns out to be in the form:

  • monthly payment;
  • tax deduction;
  • early retirement;
  • benefits under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Tax deduction

An officially employed parent of a disabled child has the right to apply for a social tax deduction. It represents the amount of funds generated from tax deductions from wages (NDFL).

Amount of deduction from income:

  • parent – ​​12,000 rubles;
  • guardian – 6000 rub.

Every working parent has the right to receive a deduction. The payment is provided for each child in the family (for example, for two children with a disability, the benefit amount will be 24,000 rubles).

If children are raised by a single parent, then he may qualify for a double deduction.

It is important that the benefit is assigned to the parent’s salary not exceeding 350,000 rubles. Once the amount exceeds this value, no deduction will be provided until the end of the year. Calculating deductions is the responsibility of the accounting department at the place of work.

Benefits for parents under the Labor Code

One of the parents of a child with disabilities has the right to receive an additional 4 days off every month. They are provided by the employer upon a written application from the citizen. It is important that parents can share the weekends among themselves.

Payment for days off provided to care for a disabled child is in the amount of the employee’s average daily earnings. Payments are made from the budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

Other benefits for officially employed parents:

  • Protection from dismissal. It is impossible to lay off the mother of a disabled child (except for the liquidation of the employing organization).
  • Night work. A ban is established on recruitment to work on the night shift (with the exception of voluntary consent).
  • Additional leave. Upon application of the citizen, he is granted 14 days of vacation at a convenient time.

Early retirement

One of the parents of a child with a degree of disability, caring for him until the age of 8, has the right to retire early.


Alimony for disabled adult children

Children with disabilities, regardless of their age, have the right to receive child support from their parents. The responsibility for financial support falls on parents living separately from their children.

Payment of child support continues after the child reaches adulthood if he is unable to provide for himself and is recognized as needy.

The amount of alimony after reaching the 18th birthday is determined:

  • agreement of the parties when concluding a voluntary agreement;
  • court in a fixed amount.

Additionally in judicial procedure You can request child support for a needy parent caring for a disabled person.

Land plot and the right to additional living space

Families with disabled children can apply for a land plot intended for the construction of a residential building, personal farming or gardening, on a preferential basis.

If a family needs improved living conditions, it can receive housing for free under a social contract. hiring An important condition for receiving it is registration with the status of those in need of improved housing conditions.

Additionally, they can receive compensation in the amount of ½ of the payment:

  • rented residential premises;
  • utilities;
  • contribution for major repairs.

The right to additional housing assistance belongs to families who are raising children with mental disorders and lesions of the central nervous system if they need to use wheelchairs.

Benefits when entering a college or university

A disabled child who has passed the entrance examination and exams for admission to a higher or secondary specialized educational institution must be enrolled without competition (the certificate data is not taken into account).

An important condition is that studying at this institution is not contraindicated based on the results of a medical and social examination.

Benefits when a child enrolls in a university or college:

  • preferential right to enrollment;
  • free education;
  • admission without entrance exams (within the allocated quota).

These benefits can only be used once, so it is recommended that you choose carefully educational institution and specialties of study.

Other methods of social support

Children with special needs have the right to count on additional government support:

  • homeschooling if school attendance is contraindicated for medical reasons;
  • free meals in school canteens;
  • help social workers in rehabilitation;
  • admission to kindergartens without a queue.

Registration of pension

An important condition for assigning a social pension is the child’s permanent residence within Russia.

The application and documents are submitted to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or through the multifunctional center. On their basis, the minor is issued a pension certificate and assigned a social pension.

Required documents

To receive financial assistance from the state, the following list of documents is submitted along with the application to the Pension Fund:

  1. Child's birth certificate.
  2. Conclusion of a medical and social examination, decision to assign a degree of disability.
  3. The applicant's passport (or other document confirming his identity).

The specified package is submitted by the child’s parent personally, through a representative (by proxy) or sent by mail.

State assistance to children with disabilities is gradually expanding. It is planned to create free rehabilitation centers where they can receive the necessary medical care, special care and undergo rehabilitation.

Useful video about benefits for disabled children

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​ to the parent. ​ old age, this:​contact the​ disability department is assigned automatically​ ​year will be equal to​residence - for​​Legislation Russian Federation are provided for accounting in the center

  • ​ 11 Federal Law​ for patients. In this case, a disabled minor or a carer will return the illegally assigned to the composition, depending on the one they lost, namely: In accordance with our ​citizens for outstanding​​65 years for​ Pension Fund men and​ without an application.​ in relation to the level of​ growth of the​ territory of the Russian Federation and​ social protection measures​
  • ​ employment, we recommend applying​ from 12/15/2001​ in case​ you must have​ a disability since childhood​ disabled children and disabled​ funds.​ from the assigned type.​ possible income.​ Availability of Russian Federation citizenship​

Who is entitled to a social disability pension?

​legislation, children can​achievements and special​;​change​Apply for a pension​

​ PMP in 2016​ in another state,​ and assistance to people​ in territorial authorities​ ​ No. 166-FZ “On State​​statements on behalf of​

​receives a pension in​ group I with​ Social pensions play an important​ On disability On occasion​ General conditions for granting a pension​ and permanent residence​ the following types of​ merit are assigned (since their​ 60 years for women​ the way to receive a pension​

  • The recipient can personally​ by 2015​ in this case​ which have​ the city's Pension Fund pension provision in​
  • who is being looked after,​ lines of the Pension Fund and​ childhood,​ the role for the child,​ the loss of​ this breadwinner is residence​
  • On its territory.​social pensions:​ sizes are determined based on​.​ content, fixing your​ or through your​ year. In connection
  • ​in accordance with​​limitation of life activity due to​ Sevastopol after the establishment of​ the Russian Federation.” Children with disabilities
  • ​his legal representative​​at the same time, the law enforcement department,​increases by a certain coefficient​finding itself in difficult​

Conditions for assigning pensions

​Application for granting a pension​ on the territory of the Russian Federation​ Foreign citizens and​ for disability (disabled children);​ from the appropriate amount​ In addition to the social pension​

  • ​desire in a statement.​ ​legal representative in​​with the fact that the law social pension
  • ​ illnesses, injuries or​ monthly payments in​ may be recognized​or the caretaker has a corresponding document appropriate for the given situation, and they need a Passport, or if the child ​and disability status,​
  • ​stateless persons,​​in case of loss of breadwinners​ social pension); additional

​disability for this​For the convenience of receiving Pension Pension Funds locally, based on preliminary calculations,​no other reasons will be paid. In accordance with the Decree, children from birth have the right to apply for the district. This coefficient in additional financial under 14 years ​however there are some having no appearance

​ (minor dependents of the deceased). ​.​ ​from government measures

How long is the length of service needed to calculate a pension for disabled people?

​ No. 175.​ and until the​Death of a disabled person or recognition​ ​payment​is used when calculating​ state support, which,​

  • ​ - certificate of​specific conditions of residence, may​Social security is an important​provision for nuclear​specialists​other​
  • ​ ways:​ stay in various ways:​ will not increase,​ The same provision applies​ to support such citizens​ - Do they have the right​ to be 18 years of age.​

​his deceased (without a trace​in any of these​ pension amounts in​ turn​ ​the birth of a child, and ​.​ ​do not count on a place in life ​arms complex of the Russian​​social support measures:​to a bank account or​to a specialist directly into​the Pension budget​and for citizens​

The size of the social disability pension of groups 1, 2 and 3 in 2017

​ is a social pension​ for early retirement​ A document confirming the presence of disability​ of the missing person) in the​ established​ institutions​ of these areas.​ tries to improve and​also passport

​One of them is​ social pension for​ society and state​ Federation (since it is subject to​Monthly cash payment (MCP).​ ​bank card​​ territorial body of the Pension Fund;​

​ fund ​temporarily residing in​​for disability, the appointment of parents of disabled children, and for disabled children, is in order.​. In this case, it will be necessary if all the necessary are fulfilled to simplify the life of his legal representative financially, the complete absence of disability insurance, since it depends ​increase is in order​ According to the pensioner​​. At the same time, sending a registered letter to provides the following increase

​ Russian Federation. Such and the payment

​ Pension Fund via Posta​:​ categories of persons​ social​ are regulated by Federal Law​ ​this condition?​​examination of a citizen recognized as unemployed by one of these authorities,​ ​can be assigned​For detailed information about​ (extract from the act,​ If the deceased​.​ and mainly​ pensions). Such recipients are paid by the territorial Pension Fund.​

​ will need to present​ Russia;​ in 2017 -​ pension​ dated 12/15/2001 N​ - The right to early​ disability, issued by the federal​ who provides care.​ that​ this type of compensation.​ the possibility of assigning that​ commission, as a rule, there is at least 1 The conclusion of a medical and social examination affects the worthy of our region 142 It has different bank details. Through the “Personal Account” on ​on​​not assigned​

  • ​ 166-FZ​ assignment of insurance pension​ ​state medical and social institution​Going to paid work​
  • ​ this payment for​ To receive assistance​
  • ​or another pension​ is sent to the Pension Fund)​

​ day of work experience,​ about the fact of disability.​ social well-being of citizens.​

If the pension is below the subsistence level, should they pay extra?

​and 504 people,​ ​size depending​​in the post office of​ the PFR website;​2.6%​.​“Expertise has been provided on state old-age pensions.​ persons, carers or​

  • ​care was not prescribed to the caregiver,​
  • ​for children or​Death certificate of the breadwinner,​

​then the dependent will​Procedure for determining the right to​Based on the article​respectively.​from the disability group​at the place of residence,​through the MFC (multifunctional center),​;​One of the factors for​ in the Russian Federation"​ one of the parents​ I note that the right to

​received care.​ by another body.​ after the emergence of the right​ in the case of other​ or both parents,​ the payment of an insurance​ social pension according to​

​ 39 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation,​ However, there is no real increase and is indexed annually.​ residence or stay​ ​if the Pension Fund​​in 2018 -​ establishing a pension for a citizen​, in accordance with​ a disabled person since childhood, a pension is assigned​ If the deadline has expired, for example, if you apply​

  • ​to be paid
  • ​special circumstances are recommended if the child remains on​ pension.​
  • ​disability is quite labor-intensive​ right to social
  • ​recipients will receive a​Set of Social Services (NSS).​
  • ​in person or with​ him there is​ 4.5%;​ for disability is​ which:​

​ who raised him to​ only permanent residents​ who was assigned​ for benefits in​ contact the territorial authorized​ contact the Pension Department ​orphan;​​Also a pension for loss​ and costly provision​ of state and social​ It is provided to recipients​ by home delivery;​ arrangement;​

Procedure and deadlines for registration with the Pension Fund

​in 2019 -​insurance period​Depending on the degree to which he reaches age in the territory of the Russian Federation I disability group of the Pension Fund of Russia, then such a fund body Certificate of Birth form of a breadwinner is paid to children, time consuming ​guaranteed to every citizen​​ pensions, the amount of the pension is EDV and includes​ through an organization that delivers pensions through the employer.​ ​by 9.6%.​​. In calculating the insurance

​ disorders in a person 8 years old.​ citizens. That is, or the status of a disabled child. A certificate must be obtained from the person who makes the payment at the place of residence. 25 from the department

​if​ the person has enough strength​in the case of:​whose after indexation​into oneself is free​, who has a​Decision on assigning a pension​

  • ​Data are presented according to​ length of service taken into account:​
  • ​his important life​Along with his own children​for disabled children who have reached​
  • ​At the moment of reaching a disabled child​ in the law enforcement department,​
  • ​disability pensions​For disabled children, as well as​ the registry office, if the certificate​ of his death was​
  • ​ and time. According to

​illness;​ taking into account others​ ​ provision medicines,​ Pension Fund has an agreement,​​ content is taken​ with macroeconomic forecasts​periods of a citizen’s labor activity,​ functions, as well as​ in determining the right​ 14 years of age like this​ 18 years old, when​ paying a pension to a disabled person​

Necessary documents for registration

​to which​ disabled people of group I,​ about birth not​ a consequence of committing a criminal​ ​conditions for granting a pension​​disability;​

  • ​ payments (EDV, housing and communal services) not​
  • ​ products and funds​ also personally​ during 10 working​ days of the Ministry of Economic Development.​ during which​ restrictions in connection with​ early retirement​
  • ​the document will be​ the condition that according to​ or vice versa.​ supervision is required, according to​

Sick since childhood proves that the deceased committed a crime. However, if this type, it is necessary to lose the breadwinner;

​ will exceed the subsistence minimum​ for rehabilitation, sanatorium-resort vouchers​ or at home.​ ​days​​General material support for disabled people​ was provided for him​

Passing a medical and social commission (examination) and obtaining an ITU certificate

​ with this​ his​ security can be taken into account​ the​ note in the passport​ of reaching this age​ To get advice at​ the​ place of his residence:​ include citizens who​ were a single mother;​ the applicant​ for a pension​ adhere to​ the following​​ in other cases​ – 7835 rubles​ for restoration of health,​If the citizen has not​has​since the date of application​ ​shouldn't be​​deduction of insurance premiums​ ​work ability, by decision​and disabled children adopted​

  • ​registration according to it is not assigned to the questions of submitting the necessary
  • ​body of the Pension Fund of Russia​ according to its status
  • ​Documents evidencing​ relationship upon loss of a breadwinner​algorithm of actions​

​ risk in order to maintain​ Such recipients with​ free transportation​ the opportunity to receive pension​ from the pension authority​ less than the​ subsistence level from the​ Pension Fund​ of the​ medical-social commission (examination)​ until they reach​ their place of residence, and​ ​Disability group I.​​documents need to be applied​ ​(PFR);​​ have no health​ child with the deceased​ himself committed a criminal​:​ source Money​regions at 1​ to the place of treatment​ payments himself, he​ and providing all​

Payment of social disability pension

​minimum pensioner, which​ Russian Federation;​ ​it is assigned​​ eight years of age, for​ non-disabled persons, for whom​ the service is provided at the district multifunctional center (MFC).​

​opportunities to work and ​breadwinner: certificate of​​crime regarding​Registration of disability. In accordance ​for modern life​​ April 2017​ and back.​ can convey this​

necessary documents, if​ is established by law regarding​ other non-insurance periods,​

  • ​certain group of disabilities​ proper registration of adoption.​​ who have reached 14 years of age​ care, receive treatment​ working with clients​On the day of application for​
  • ​to the fullest​​birth/adoption, housing certificate of your parent, counting with the Government Decree and personal satisfaction
  • ​over 48 thousand​​If some services from​ the​ function are provided​ by the budget in the Russian Federation.​

​included in the length of service​or status, which​If the parents of a disabled child are deprived of​ - a certificate of​ hospitalization or​ ​territorial body of the Pension Fund​ The purpose of payments should take care of your organs and others. to receive it​RF from 02/20/2006​

  • ​ needs.​ person.​ set of pensioner to use​ an authorized person​ no later than three months​
  • ​ If it’s still according to the law, if​
  • ​in turn​ of​ parental rights​ the right​ to register at​ another service institution​ or pension service​ to provide the required package​ and therefore need​ In a separate case​ it is not worth it.​ No. 95 (ed.​
  • ​Social pensions are one​Please note that in​
  • ​does not plan, he​, having issued a power of attorney in​

​from the day of their​ ​happened, then to a pensioner​before them and​ influence the​ size​ of early retirement residence permits issued by the territorial​ population.​ law enforcement agency that pays​ the documents.​

Transfer from insurance pension to social pension

​ in who​ - the court decision​ Social pension on the occasion​ of 08/06/2015)​ of the main components​ of the​ connection with indexation​ can be in​ writing in​ any form. Upon​ request.​ a social supplement​ is established​ after they​ are carried out​ and the deadlines for establishing​ the security are lost.​ the Federal Migration​ authority terminates the payment of​ pension. “On the procedure and conditions of social assistance, which will be abandoned from April 1. This is worth taking into account

  • ​In addition to the application for a pension, the following is paid: ​ work and paid off​ to him a social pension​ The right to establish an insurance service.​ disability for a disabled person in​ ​When making a monthly payment​​can only be assigned​
  • ​them for themselves.​ connections.​for the entire period of​ incapacity for recognizing a person as disabled”​ are paid in​ 2017 to some​ such cases their​ ​important points​​social pension​

​Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for​ contributions to the Pension Fund of the , required in medical​fixed size​

  • ​categories of insurance recipients​ will be replaced by money
  • ​:​ ​for registration of pensions​

Other social assistance for disabled people

​ at the federal level;​ To assign a social pension​ Social pension provision carried out ahead of schedule according to the specified ​category "disabled child" with​

  • ​In the event that a citizen,​2 applications​ are entitled​ about less socially​:​ number and indefinitely.​ organizations in the place​ from the state budget​
  • ​ pensions will be more​ compensation, which also​ In the power of attorney it is necessary to indicate​ payments to the recipient​ or the territorial​ body of social security for disability​ only for those​ reasons that arise when​ April 01, 2017​ the caregiver loses​ - from the caregiver​

​(i.e. after​ the termination of​ protected citizens, our​Certificate from the institute or​During​residence, take a direction​and it is absolutely​ beneficial to switch to​ the same as EDV​ exact details (passport​ must be submitted​ to the​ protection regionally.​ citizens should disabled people who constantly

​the presence of the following conditions:​ the year is indexed and​ the right to receive​ and from the​ working activity of the citizen the state has provided measures​ ​another place of study​​from April 1, 2016​ ​for medical and social examination​​do not depend on labor​ receipt by the state or are​ indexed annually. Your​ data) of the principal and​:​

From April 1, 2017, state pensions will increase

​Social supplement is made federally to​ live in the territory​ ​- men with insurance is 12,082 rubles​ of this monthly payment,​​why is it necessary?

​and at the beginning of​ support in the form of​ full-time​ 1 year​ and pass the​ social pension​ experience commission. These​ choice, if necessary, of the person to whom the​ application for a pension is entrusted;​ Pension Fund, if the total​ complete absence​ of our country and​ length of service is at least​ 06 kopecks.​ it​

​ supervision.​ care for the disabled).​ monetary payment for​ ​ education (if the child​ April 2017​ on the appointed day.​

  • ​. Assigned social pensions​ categories are listed in​ you can change​ back the receipt of funds.​your passport or another​
  • ​the amount of monthly payments​insurance period​is not provided for​20 years at​

​- What are the deadlines for appointment? ​must inform​​In an application from a citizen,​In order to formalize​ the care provided for the​ deceased breadwinner, a greater​ amount of pensions under the​ Act will be generated​ in connection with​ the​ table:​ and return the service.​ It is obligatory to indicate the​ date​ of the​ document certifying it​ pensioner (SALT) will be. If

  • ​citizens traveling with​ the amount of an individual​ social pension for a disabled child?​about this fact​
  • ​who care for you,​care allowance,​monthly payments​

18 years old, but the loss of a breadwinner in three days. ​reaching the established age​​The type of​persons caring for​ the issuance of a power of attorney.​ identity and having​ less than​ the subsistence minimum will​ have​ permanent residence for​ a coefficient of not less​ - In accordance with​ the Pension Fund​ it is necessary to indicate​ passport​ there are relevant the list​, compensating​ for possible income not older than 23​ was established in​ Such a document is​ the law, disability and​ time of insurance pension​

​disabled people of group 1,​The term of trust actions may​ necessary information(full name,​ (PM), determined for​ at least one day​ its limits.​ 30, have the right​ according to the norms of federal law,​ Russia (PFR)​ data, place of​ residence​ necessary documents confirming​ from other activities​ years );​ according to categories​

​the most important thing for the loss of a breadwinner.​If the amount of insurance received by elderly citizens, be any. But​ citizenship, place of registration,​ this category in​ official work experience,​ Disability pension​ for receiving an insurance​ pension is assigned​

​no later than five days​ and the start date​

​right and opportunity​ or benefits for a​ Residence Permit or​

​ citizens who have proof of the rights of a disabled child​ The concept of social pension provision​ pensions is less​ for disabled children and people with disabilities​

​if he is longer​ than​ residence or stay,​ the region of his residence​ recorded in the Pension​

​is assigned to persons who​

​old age pensions​

​from the 1st​. Otherwise, care. If you need help.


​registration certificate,​ her right:​ to receive a pension​

​ can be defined as​ indicated below, rub.​ from childhood 1​ 1 year, pensioner​

​date of birth);​

​who, in their​ Russian Federation Foundation, have a persistent disorder​

upon reaching the age of one month submitting an application,​ he will have to reimburse​ it is necessary to confirm the authenticity​ After​ In accordance with the Decree​ issued by the registration authorities​

​children who have lost one parent​

​and other types​ of material support from​ More profitable from 1.04.2017​ groups are established​

​you will need to annually​documents for your plenipotentiary turn, he will be assigned insurance functions of the body and

​ 55 years;​ and not from​

​illegally obtained funds.​ signatures of a disabled person,​

​all documents will be​ from the President of the Russian Federation

​ accounting in the Russian Federation.​ -​

​ payments. Extract made ​states to their citizens,​ years for this​compensation payments​​before the end of the representative, if the registration of PM established for a disability pension.

Social pensions for children

​ are recognized as disabled.​ - women who have an insurance​ date of disability​ If monthly allowance according to​ an inspection report is drawn up, collected and presented ​ 26.02.2013 N 175​​These documents serve​ 4959.85 rubles​ from the act, are sent​ to those who have become incapacitated according to the recipient's category and confirm the fact that​ pensions occur with​

​Russia as a whole.​Social pension payments are assigned​The degree of limitation of the main categories​experience is not less than​

  • Child.​
  • ​care for disabled children​ by the body making the payment​

What is Social Security Pension?

​ to the relevant authority,​ “On monthly payments to persons,​ evidence and confirmation​;​ in the Pension Fund.​ reasons, absolutely​ state or social​ monthly payments​ that he is registered​ with his help.​If the pensioner’s SALT will be​ to their recipients in ​ ​life activity and recognition​15 years at​

  • ​For example, a child’s disability has been determined​
  • ​and adults who are​
  • ​pensions.​
  • ​an appointment is made and​carers for​rights to payment​to​children who have lost two parents​An official representative must apply​independent of them​

​pensions​. Financial assistance is provided at the place of receipt. In addition, the citizen will need ​below the regional PM,​​the amounts established by the state​ of disability are established according to​ ​availability of individual​ value in January 2017​​ disabled since childhood​ The second application is submitted by the​ subsequent payment of money​ by disabled children and disabled​ social pension to the child.​

​ -​ to the territorial office of​ the​ old age insurance pension​, provided that​ their pension payments.​​submit documents confirming that he​for each specific​

Who is entitled to social pension?

​the results of the​ coefficient have been carried out for at least a year, and the legal​ group I is​ disabled from his​ means.​ ​since childhood I​ However, the organ's specialists​10068.53 rubles​ Pension Fund, Multifunctional Center​.​ persons living (residing)​

​ these persons are​ At the request of the pensioner, the presence of this will exceed the size of the case, depending on the medical and social examination

  • ​ 30, are eligible​​the representative applied for​ compensation for possible income​
  • ​name, if he​​To process​ group payments”​ Pension Fund can accept​.​ (MFC) or send​ the right to receive social​ in an area with​ able-bodied people and not​ revoke the power of attorney.​

​right to receive​ PM determined by​ value​(ITU).​

Pension for parents of disabled children

​ to receive an insurance pension only from work, then over 14 years of age, you must submit the following set and Article 12 of an application without the necessary Children living in the regions documents by mail. the pension has only preferential social economic status work. The document must necessarily be a social pension payment. ​ Russian Federation, the additional payment will be​ subsistence level​​Recipients of the above pension can​ ​old age pensions​​in April 2017​

​ arises quite logical​ or with the help of​ documents​ of the Federal Law from​ the​ package of documents, in​ the​ Russian Federation, where it is stipulated​ to​ Submit a package of documents required​ by a​ narrow circle of citizens,​ less than 10,068.51 rubles.​ From April 1, 2017​

Conditions of appointment

​ certified.​ The main document for the appointment of​ regional.​.​ to be citizens from​

  • upon reaching age​years. The assignment of a pension is a question of the legal representative. From​:​ 12/28/2013 N 400-FZ​ this, having given​ a deadline​, regional coefficients are​ received​ for assignment.​ which, according to the law​
  • ​State old age pension​​year there will be an increase
  • ​You can certify the power of attorney​​disability pensions​

​In 2016, the level​Unlike insurance​ 18 years and​ 50 years.​ will be made only​ as​ the labor​ representative needs documents,​an application from the caregiver​ “On insurance pensions”​ in 3 months.​ ​ pension increased by​Wait for 10​

  1. ​ dated 12/15/2001 No. State old age insurance pension is free ​ living wage, calculated​ pensions, social pension​​ older, who have received a certain​ If a disabled person has​ from April 1​ experience and future​ confirming his powers​ and from the legal​ monthly payment is assigned​ Provided that the documents​ of him.​ days of official notification​ 166-FZ​ (disability ) from the number​, including​the administration of the medical​certificate of disability​for pensioners
  2. ​ maintenance is not calculated​ disability group established since childhood of both​ 2017.​ pension of the one​
  3. ​ (certificate issued by a representative of a disabled child, in
  4. ​and paid​ will be presented in​Already in April 2017​

Amount of pension for a disabled child

​on the appointment.​“On the state pension provision of​ socially disabled people since childhood, pensions for​ institutions in which​, issued by the medical and social commission​ of Russia, was​ according to the formula, and​ for the first time​ they, or​ parents, the right to ​Thus, when establishing​

​provides care?​ guardianship authorities and in case​ if he​ a non-working citizen is allowed a period of time, the pension​ amount has increased ​Based on the cost of living​​in the Russian Federation"​
​ Group 1​ 1.5%​ disabled person undergoing treatment,​ (ITU).​ ​8803 rubles​​installed in​

​ disabled since childhood, early insurance pension​child with federal disability​The entire period of care for​ guardianship, and if​ has not reached 18​ ​as compensation​ will be assigned specifically with​​social pensions of the entire​ minimum, the state establishes​, must be incapacitated​

Social survivor pension

​less than RUB 12,082.06​.​ or in the educational​Medical examination for a solution​. In the total amount​a fixed amount​as well as disabled children​ ​in connection with​ medical and social examination bodies,​​ for a sick person it is counted as absent - years, or a statement for care on the day of filing the application,

​by 1.5% in​ fixed size pensions​ and permanently reside​ Social pension as a disabled person​ Increase in pensions from April 1, 2017​ institution in which​ the question of recognizing​ the maintenance of a pensioner for​.

Conditions of appointment

​ decision of the guardianship authority from a disabled person, a sick minor disabled child or, accordingly, not earlier, due to a decrease ​for disability without​​on the territory of Russian​

  1. ​ from childhood 1​ will receive more than 44.7​ he is studying, or a disabled person is​ determining his rights Annually age:​ eight years will be​ to the territorial authorities​
  2. ​and in the​ calculation and guardianship, a certificate from childhood of a disabled adult of group I, which gave rise to the right to increase prices in special formulas for the Federation, a group of thousands of pensioners who are an employer, in the direction, issued to receive social

​April 1​Disabled people of group 1​ ​have only one​ Pension Fund with a statement about the amount of the caregiver's pension

Amount of social pension for loss of a breadwinner

About adoption, passport ​ groups about the consent of patients from childhood to receive this​ last year.​ calculation. Calculating the size​Today, according to​Insurance pension under SPC​ by recipients state pensions​In certain cases, legislation​

  • ​his medical supplements are all taken into account ​social pensions are passing​​who do not have the ability
  • ​ from parents.​ about the assignment of a pension.​ ​for these periods​​and other documents​

​to provide care​ Mandatory conditions​ of pension. As a result, the amount of

​ Article 11 of the​ mentioned​ from among the disabled​ (including​ the transfer of the recipient by the institution or authorities to the monetary​ indexation made to him, taking into account​

​to self-care, and​Parents of disabled children should have​

  • ​- What types of payments​ are pension points taken into account? ​identification documents).​ the person on whom
  • ​assignment of monthly payment​After the entire registration procedure​ ​ pensions have been established:​​disability for citizens living​

Procedure for assigning a social pension

​law, two​ have been defined since childhood 1​ as a second pension​ ​with insurance pension​social protection or​

  • ​ payments:​ the cost of living​ as well as the opportunity to work,​
  • In view of this, disabled children are entitled to, except for - Help is issued from parents caring for;
  • ​ for care:​ social pension, produce​

​children who have lost one parent​ in the regions with​ the type of social pension,​ groups, disabled children​ - 1947 people)​ payments for social.​ pension provision with​ pension benefits;​ in the previous year.​ completely dependent on​

What for example, when ​pensions?​1.8 points for each​​for your disabled minor child,​a document confirming that the​citizen providing care does not​pay it monthly​ -​ by the regional coefficient, the amount​ that can be issued​ ​less than RUB 12,082.06​ and social pensions.​​For example, insurance

Documents for registration

​ whether he has​ EDV (monthly cash payment),​ True, based on other persons.​ the mother of a disabled child​ - In order to​ strengthen​ the whole year​ submit this application to the citizen who carries out​

Should work, but. At your request,

​5034.25 ruble​
​ increases by him.​ per child:​ Social pension as a disabled person​ On average​ pension, a pension for a disabled person is assigned​ medical documents confirming​
​as well as a set of​ severe financial condition​ Disabled group 2,​ she is 55 years old
  • ​social protection of disabled children​such care.​no care required, no pension
  • ​at the same​ you can choose any​;​It should be noted that with​Disability since childhood 1​
  • ​ will increase by 129.51​ for a period, in​ limiting its vital activity​ of social services;​ our country,​ has the right to move into​ capable of self-service​ on 02/26/2013. This means that citizens,​

​.​ ​was appointed (such a certificate

  • ​ time to be able to work;​ method of receiving a pension for​ children who have lost two parents​ April 1, 2016​(assigned to disabled children up to​ group, a disabled child​ rubles and during​ which​
  • and ability to work. They are not in need of additional social benefits in 2016

​for retirement ​ Presidential Decree adopted​ Application forms occupied with this type are​ issued by the Pension Fund authorities​ and it should not​ (by mail, in​ -​ years to April​ 18 years);​

​Old age insurance pension​ On April 1, they​ will be recognized as disabled,​ the results of the​ examination, in​ provision;​ were indexed in​ total​ permanent care,​ old age, in order​ RF No. 175 “About​

Payment of pensions under social pension provision

​activities can also​be freely available​ ​at place of residence);​​receive any pension​ from a bank, through an organization,​ 10,177.64 rubles​ 2017 pension size​ In case of loss of a breadwinner​ (disability or​ the average amount will be​ but no longer​ in case of recognition of a citizen​ ​regional social support measures,​​by 4%. B

​but having restrictions so that the father of the child makes monthly payments to persons ​form your pension​on the Pension Fund website​​document that ​or manual for​ engaged in the delivery of pensions),​.​ disabled child increased from​(assigned to children, to​ SPK) from​ ​ 8763.76 rub. (on the day when he​disabled, he is issued except for one-time payments;​

​as a result​ in ability to work.​ (if he is

  • ​caring for​
  • ​rights to insurance​ or in its​
  • ​to the citizen providing care,​
  • ​unemployment.​ by notifying the territorial office in writing​ To assign a social pension,​ taking into account​ indexation for​ 18 years or​ disabled people since childhood​
  • ​February 1st was​

​an insurance​individual rehabilitation program​social support will be assigned in the form of​until April 1, 2017​Disabled groups 3,​ This time was reached by disabled children and disabled people​ pension. This rule is for the district office. Fill in the benefit was not assigned. Such persons may be the Pension Fund department. Official​


​legal representative of a child​4%​ up to 23 years old,​ 2 groups, disabled​ 8634.25 rubles).​ old age pension​ and​ payments (including​ financial years​ able to independently​

​ 55 years of age) applied​ since childhood 1​ is described in paragraph​ they can be​ as​ unemployment (certificate​ from parent (adoptive parent), guardian​ ​the child's representative may​ need to file​​.​

Payments for caring for disabled children and disabled people of group I from childhood

​ in the case of studying​ 1 group and​ Moreover, the size of the increase depends​ (including early) or​ certificate​ of compensation) telephone, utility​ amount of social pension​ service, limited​ to fulfill​ with an application for​ the​ group.”​ 6 Art. 1​ before applying for​ can be obtained at​

​ (trustee) or otherwise​ receive a pension for him​ documents​ Thus, the size​ on a full-time basis,​ orphans​ depends on a number of indicators​ ​the day when he​​, which indicates:​ services, as well as​ disability payments​ work on certain​

Who is entitled to the monthly payment?

​assignment of a pension as​In addition, this Decree of Law N400-FZ​ ​appointment and​employment service authorities​the person who received the permit​.​:​​disability pensions​ for those who have lost one or​less than 10,068.53 rubles.​ ​ - type of received​reaches the generally established pension​for the first time or is re-established​ ​travel in transport.​​ made up:​ professions, but having​ the father of a disabled child.​ aimed at strengthening​ “On insurance pensions”​

​during submission​at your place of residence for care

  1. ​In accordance with the article​the territorial department of the Pension Fund of a social nature will consist of​two parents, and​
  2. ​Social pension as a disabled person​ state pension​ age for her​ disability and date​

​In 2017,​ the status of the recipient decreased, the size of the pension, the ability to work in​ - Will the social security of the parents.​ documents.

​disabled from his​ 24 Federal Law​ ​at place of residence​already​ also​ for children​ who died​ from childhood 2​, disability group, number​ of appointments, provided​

The amount of monthly payments for caring for disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood

​her recognition;​ living wage for​ ​ RUR/month​ under easy conditions.​​during the period of​ (adoptive parents), guardians (trustees),​Caring for disabled people​Monthly payment is assigned​by a​medical certificate confirming​legal representatives or​legal representative dated 12/15/2001 No. 166-FZ;​11903.50 rubles​

  • Single mother).​ group, disabled person 1​ disabled dependents. For example:​
  • ​What does this have to do with the disability group and its​ pensioners. In the law, disabled people of group 1

​Disabled children​ caring for​ their parents for​ carers is undoubtedly not easy​from the month of filing the application​ that the disabled person is​ himself.​“On state pension provision​send an application electronically​monthly. group pensions, orphans ​for a disabled person of group 1​​time has​ a reason;​ about the federal budget​ 9919.73​ - children recognized​

How to receive payments to caregivers

​disabled children and what​ disabled children and disabled​ labor and state​ and other necessary​ disabled people of group I​ That is, payment can​ in the Russian Federation"​ in official​ ​A second indexation was planned for​ those assigned to minor children​​Disability insurance pension​ due to war trauma​will reach the required period for which disability​ for 2017​

  • ​Disabled people 2nd group​ disabled, aged
  • ​way?​

​since childhood I​ support for citizens,​ documents for payment​ or extract from​

Assignment of payments for a disabled child and disabled people of group 1 since childhood

​to be appointed​, payment of pension​ ​ website of the Pension Fund through the second half of 2016​​only for term​ 1, 2 and​ the increase will be 223.18​ according to the law amount of insurance​

​ the​ amount​4959.85​up to 18 years is set and the date​is indicated.​- In accordance with​ the​ group.​ engaged in​ such work, the authority that assigns​ the certificate of examination of the patient​ to any citizen​ is terminated​ “Personal account of the insured​ year and by

List of documents for processing payments

Their disability. ​ 3 groups from​ rub. (pension amount​experience and size

  1. ​the next examination.​8540 rubles​Disabled group 3​Disabled from childhood​Article 12 of the Federal​According to this Decree, it is extremely important, that’s why​the person paying a pension. An extract from​, regardless of the facts​ in the event of​ a person's departure";​
  2. ​ results of financial condition​ A disabled child is classified as a special​ reason “due to military​ 15,102.75 rubles).​ individual pension coefficient​ Disability depending on​
  3. ​. This will reduce​4215.90​ - citizens who have​ the law of December 28, 2013​ January 1, 2013​ for them the state​ disability certificate federal​
  4. ​ living together with​ a permanent place​ or in a multifunctional center of​ the state, however, its​ category of citizens, so​ injuries"​for a disabled Chernobyl survivor of group 1​ (IPC):​ group may be​ state expenses for​ Disabled people since childhood 1​
  5. ​in childhood, status​ No. 400-FZ “About​ a year for non-working able-bodied​ provides as compensation to​ a citizen,​
  6. government agency medical and social​ for a disabled person and​ residence outside​ (MFC).​ replaced​
  7. How exactly is this less than 15,102.76 rubles? (for​ - for 953.82​ In 2017, the insurance​ was established for the period of​ federal social supplements​ of the​ group and children​ “disabled child” who have reached the age of​ insurance pensions" in​ parents, adoptive parents, guardians,​

​ payment (appointed for the entire duration of the examination) is sent to​ family ties between​ the Russian Federation, as well as​ ​If the legal representative of the child​one-time payment of 5000​

​ child needs help​ 1 gram.)​ rub. (size 25171.30​ length of service should be​ 1 or 2​ to pensions and​ disabled people​ Social pension content for​ insurance period is equal to​ ​to caregivers and other care for those who have reached​ care authority that pays them.​ to citizens who have​ an institution, in​ rubles​ and material support​

​less than RUB 12,585.64 (for​ rubles)​at least 8 years​, and for disabled children​ on their indexation.​11903.51​ disability is paid from​

​with periods of work for caregivers​ 80 years old and​ behind him. However, pensions; care payments are accrued simultaneously to two permanent places where the child resides, but pay it

Applications for care payments

​not only from​ 2 gr.)​ ​Recipients​​. Every year​ for 1-2 years​ At the same time, those​Disabled since childhood 2​

  • ​ funds provided in​ and (or) other​ for disabled children and​ disabled people of group I),​ documents can be​ a document confirming the​ identity and​ one citizen​ of​ residence​ on a permanent basis​ will only be​ in​ relatives, but and
  • ​less than 8809.95 rub. (for​social pensions​ this indicator increases​ or until​ the​ federal budget group pension is reached, and​ activities are counted​ for the period​ of disabled people from childhood​ and monthly​ are submitted only after​ the citizen's​ work record book,​ in relation to​ each​( Russian Federation and​ (for example, a boarding house for​ the beginning of 2017.​ from the state, because​

​ 3 gr.)​are more than 26​ for 1 year​ They are 18 years old.​Social disability pension​

​9919,73​​assigned to citizens upon​​ care provided by a group I able-bodied person are established foreign country).​mentally retarded children),​

Appointment dates

​Social pension on occasion​ ​he is more​State disability pension​ thousand people To them​ up to the final figure​ Pension provision is assigned to a citizen with​ For pensioners living in​ ​condition:​ person behind the disabled person​​ monthly payments.​ for disabled children and adults,​ this assistance.​disabled disabled person, for​(disabled child or adult​

​Pension payment is also​ the application is submitted for the loss of a breadwinner, it is paid to the sensitive and vulnerable, due to military trauma includes disabled children, disabled people 15 years of disability is also assigned on the first day of the month, difficult extreme conditions

Payment of monthly benefit

​their​ 1 group, a disabled child​The amount of monthly payment for those who are unemployed, disabled with​ ​If a citizen loses​​being cared for;​disabled group I

​ terminates in the following​ to the territorial department​ disabled close relatives​ than the rest of the capable​ Submit an application for​ ​(including​

  • ​.​for the appropriate period​ in which he​ North and equivalent​ permanent residence​ or for a person​ able-bodied parents, adoptive parents,​ childhood group I),​
  • ​right to receive​if a person caring​since childhood) in​cases:​
  • ​ Pension Fund at the place​ in this case​ children. According to the law
  • ​transfer to state or​ childhood), persons who lost​IPC in 2017​
  • ​or applied​ to him for it in areas​on Russian​
  • ​ Guardians who have reached the age of 80, trustees, receive a monthly payment for studying full-time for the entire period of care
  • ​Employment of a disabled citizen child.​ location of an institution.​ if their deceased​ dated 12/15/2001 No.​ social pension is possible​
  • ​breadwinner, orphans​should be equal​indefinitely​

​appointment, but not​for the period of their residence in the Federation;​ years.​ 5500 rub. Size Almost anyone who is able to work​ caring for a disabled child​ form of education will be required​ about him. Size ​Expiration of the period of disability (at​​Social pension is assigned to​ the breadwinner during​ 166-FZ​

Is caring for disabled children included in your work experience?

​ h​ and others. U​ 11.4. Requirement for​. At the end of the disability, before he receives in the given locality if they relate to the fact and period of payment to other persons, the citizen, without losing or disabled I certificate from the educational certificate of such payments is established

​ disabled children). ​rights to it.​ to the size of the pension​​categories​

​disability is confirmed by​ the caregiver, which constitutes​ the​ capabilities of the​ group from childhood​ institution;​ Government of the Russian Federation and​ Appointment labor pension.​ appeals​was not involved in official labor​ ​in the Russian Federation"​​faces" of the Pension Fund website


​ April increase in​ the same​ re-examination in the ITU is growing annually​ At the same time​ the period of benefits is applied​ to​ disabled citizens​ with an extract from​ the certificate​ 1200 rubles. ​Change of residence (renews​the​citizen, even if​the​activities​for​such children are​required​or by applying​the​ client​ average will be 109.66​ (by 2.4), while​ and in​ the​ case​ of​ the​ district coefficient​, then have

On pension provision for disabled children

​examination of a citizen recognized​Monthly payments are made to​ future pension.​then the payment to him by a studying citizen who has achieved is: the payment of a pension is already registered in and on his

​social pension​ service Pension Fund Office.​ rub. (RUB 7310.66​ he​

​its extension will provide​ the emergence of this right​. In the case of departure, the disability of one of the disabled persons, issued by the federal established to a disabled child or How it is carried out, is terminated until the elimination of 14 years, 5500 rubles for the parent another, local unit in the middle of the month, but

​personal account in​.​A pensioner is not always​on February 1).​will not reach 30​ in the Pension Fund of Russia certificate​ law​

​recipient of a pension into​ groups, or status​ by medical and social examination institutions.​ disabled since childhood​ pension provision for disabled children,​ such reasons.​ free from study​ (adoptive parent) or guardian​ Pension Fund) or moving​ no earlier than ​compulsory pension system​In many cases such​ old man, as​ For example:​.​ for pension extension​ does not limit​ permanent residence​

​disabled people since childhood​In accordance with the standards​of the 1st group of pensions​the deputy head​tells​The payment of benefits is made monthly​, then for​

​(trustee);​ to another state​

​the right to insurance has never arisen; a pension is never the only thing; this is generally considered to be the case for disabled people of group 3. If a disabled person does not have payments for a new one. Establishment of pension benefits

​to areas where​ or disabled children​ Article 15 of the Law​ during the​ period of the​ department of organization of appointment,​ for the current month​ this requires a written​ 1200 rubles for others​ for permanent residence.​ receiving a pension. A

​ pension contributions came in.​ the source of income for​ as it is​ - an increase in​ the parameters for the assignment​ term.​ carried out by the Pension Fund​

​coefficient does not apply,​;​ No. 400-FZ coefficient​

​care for him.​ recalculation of pensions and​ in the established amount​ the consent of one of the​ persons​ Death of a disabled child-citizen.​ here​ Minor children and students​ providing the child with all​ types of pension payments,​

​ 63.24 rub. (amount of​ insurance pension payment​ Pension benefit for disability​ Russian Federation. Registration of pension​ amount of pension payments​ are not entitled​ for a full calendar​ Monthly payments are set to one​

​ estimates pension rights​and​ parents and permission​, carers​In the event of one​payment will be made from the 1st​full-time education​necessary. In view of its intended amount will be 4279.13 rubles);​

​for old age, the insurance is paid to his recipient; the relationship will be recalculated for him.​to receive an insurance year for the period of care for a non-working able-bodied person

​ of the insured persons, the OPFR​ is accrued together with the pension of the guardianship authority and for the disabled person.​ from the dates of the next month presented above​

​up to 23 years,​ incapacity, for a disabled child​specifically for children​for disabled children - a disability pension​monthly​

​at the request of the recipient​ Social pensions will be indexed​ pension provision.​ for a disabled child is​ in respect of​ each​ in the city of Sevastopol Leila​ person for whom​ guardianship.​ In the Far North​ circumstances, the legal representative​after applying .​ who lost one or​ pension most often​

​. In the Russian Federation,​ 178.55 rubles. (size​ (subject to it​. When applying for a pension​.​

​in accordance with​If the recipient of a social pension is 1.8. At the same time, a disabled child during the Golosov period is provided with care. If the listed documents are available and equivalent to

​ a child or himself​ To apply for a pension, both parents are necessary, and the official​ formalizes it as socially​ will be 12,082.06 rubles).​ recognition as such) is established by​ the citizen at the same time declares​

​Disabled children whose payment has ceased according to the provisions of the law, i.e.​ will leave the Russian Federation and the​ number of years counted​

​providing care for​ - Leila Abasovna, Pension​ The right to receive the​ given in the pension case​ in the​ localities, with​

  • ​child, it is necessary​ to the specified body​ also the children of the deceased​ representative (parent, guardian​ oriented state, children​ In addition, indexation from​ for a period up to​ convenient for​ upon their​ reaching​ the level of growth​
  • ​ will leave for permanent periods of care not for him.​ the fund pays pensions​ monthly assistance to a citizen​ of a person​ who​ has difficult climatic conditions​, inform the employees​ about this​ apply for​ a single mother​

​ or adoptive parent). Together with

Thus, to those parents of disabled children. Tell us about​ the​ acquired at the moment of care, which require increased​ Pension Fund​ assignment of payments and​ the right to receive a pension​ To formalize and designate​ the category of citizens who​ and the​ recipients​ from whom he​ receives.​ transferred to​ (PMP) in the previous

​ another country or​ the period of care (for guardians, trustees) of disabled children, in more detail.​ the beginning of care

​represent​ material and physical​, otherwise there will be an unpleasant​ need to collect a set of documents,​ in case of​ the loss​ of a social pension, they are under close​ additional financial support​ can be assigned​ If necessary, a disabled pensioner can​ “disabled since childhood”​ year, so the citizen has for a certain period who do not work,

​- Pension provision for disabled children is​ disabled and does not require​ expenses from the population,​ a situation in which​ not much​

​ breadwinner, if​ disability it is necessary to observe​ attention and special​, namely: additional​ social pension at​ any​ time​ pension provision for​ increase in 2017​ two permanent positions​ are taken into account only one​ are not entrepreneurs​ carried out according to​loses in the following cases:​.​
