Mathematical corner that should be there. Subject-developing environment in mathematics in dow

ANNA Bruder

An indispensable condition for the development of children mathematical creativity is enriched subject-spatial Wednesday. This is, first of all, the presence of interesting educational games, a variety of gaming materials as well as games fun math stuff.

primary goal: use entertaining material- Formation of ideas and consolidation of existing knowledge. At the same time, an indispensable condition is the use by the educator of games and exercises for the active manifestation of cognitive independence in children. children: the desire and ability to learn, to carry out effective mental operations.

Fun math corner is a specially designated, thematically equipped with games, manuals and materials and in a certain way artistic decorated place.

Basic requirements for fun math corner:

corner should be a specially designated area;

it is necessary to ensure free access to it for children;

All materials should be colorful decorated.

Math Corner our kids loved it!

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When designing the "Corner of Entertaining Mathematics" in the second junior group we were guided by the following tasks: 1. Development of qualities.

Tasks: Mastering by children the ability to use the standards of forms: a ball, a cube, a circle, a square, a rectangle, a triangle; mastering simple connections.

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Math Corner- This is a specially designated place, which is equipped with mathematical aids, games, thematically selected books and materials.

Target: to promote the development of cognitive activity, logical thinking, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection.

Tasks: develop children's mathematical abilities; interested in the subject of mathematics.

The corner is organized using special shelves in a cozy, quiet and peaceful place. At the same time, free access of children to the materials used is provided. Thus, children are given the opportunity in their free time to choose a game that interests them, a manual of mathematical content and play individually or together with other children, in a small subgroup.

The selection of game material corresponds to the capabilities and level of development of children preparatory group. A variety of mathematical material can be classified into 3 categories: entertainment; mathematical games and tasks; educational games and exercises. Each child can choose a game according to their interests. These are desktop-printed games, games for the development of logical thinking, puzzles, logic tasks, cubes, chess, educational books. To stimulate collective games, creative activity, magnetic boards, counting sticks, sketchbooks, and a poster with mathematical problems were used.

The composition of the mathematical corner may not change for a week or even two when both the teacher and the children constantly need to contact it. But, if a change in the material has occurred, the children should be pointed out to this or asked to notice it, given the opportunity to consider new mathematical material.

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A corner of entertaining mathematics.

Creation of pedagogical conditions.

In order for the tasks of the development of children to be realized by means of entertaining material, it is necessary to organize the pedagogical process so that the child plays, develops and learns. simultaneously.

To effectively solve educational problems, it is very important to equip a group of children with the necessary playing aids. In the game room, a specially equipped place is allocated, where all games and manuals are concentrated -

Entertaining mathematics corner is a specially designated, thematically equipped place with games, manuals and materials, and in a certain way artistically designed. You can organize it using the usual items of children's furniture: a table, a wardrobe, providing children with free access to the materials located there. These same children are given the opportunity to choose the game they are interested in, a manual of mathematical content and play individually or together with other children, in a small subgroup.

"Corner" - this is not only an opportunity to provide children with materials for creativity and the opportunity to act with them at any moment, but also the atmosphere in the team. It is woven from a sense of external security, when the child knows that his manifestations will not receive a negative assessment from adults, and a feeling of inner looseness and freedom due to the support of adults for his creative endeavors.

In kindergarten, it is necessary to create such conditions for the mathematical activity of the child, under which he would show independence in the choice of game material, games, based on his developing needs and interests. In the course of the game, which arises on the initiative of the child himself, he joins the complex intellectual work.

Tasks of the "Corner of Entertaining Mathematics":

1. Purposeful formation in children 4-7 years old interest to elementary mathematical activity. The development of the qualities and properties of the child's personality necessary for the successful mastery of mathematics in the future: purposefulness and expediency of search actions, the desire to achieve a positive result, perseverance and resourcefulness, independence.

2. Parenting in children needs to occupy their free time not only with entertainment, but also with games that require mental stress, intellectual effort. Entertaining mathematical material in the preschool and subsequent years should become a means of organizing useful leisure, and contribute to the development of creativity.

Success gaming activity in the corner organized in the group is determined the interest of the educator himself in entertaining tasks for children. The teacher must have knowledge about the nature, purpose, developmental impact of entertaining material, methods of managing independent activities with elementary mathematical material. The interest, enthusiasm of the teacher is the basis for children to show interest in mathematical problems and games.

The creation of the corner is preceded by selection game material, which is determined by the age capabilities and the level of development of the children of the group. A variety of entertaining material is placed in the corner so that each of the children can choose a game for themselves. These are board games, games for the development of logical thinking, leading children to mastering checkers and chess: "Fox and Geese", "Mill", "Wolves and Sheep"; puzzles; logical tasks and cubes, labyrinths; games to compose a whole from parts, to recreate silhouette figures from special sets of figures; movement games. All of them are interesting and entertaining.

Currently, many children's magazines and newspapers have headings that focus on entertaining material. You can also choose it from books on entertaining mathematics for schoolchildren, popular collections and other publications. It is necessary to accumulate, systematize it, place it in special albums.

When organizing a corner of entertaining mathematics, one must proceed from the principles of accessibility of games to children in this moment, put in the corner such games and game materials, the development of which by children is possible at different levels. From mastering the given rules and game actions, they move on to inventing new versions of games. There are great opportunities for creativity in the games "Tangram", "Magic Circle", "Cubes for All", etc. Children can invent new, more complex silhouettes not only from one, but also from 2 - 3 sets for the game; the same silhouette, for example, a fox, to be composed of different sets.

To stimulate collective games, creative activity of preschoolers, it is necessary to use magnetic boards, flannelographs with a set of figures, counting sticks, albums for sketching tasks invented by them, composed figures.

During the year, as children master games, their types should be diversified, more complex games should be introduced with new entertaining material.

Decoration corners should meet their purpose, attract and interest children. To do this, you can use geometric ornaments or plot images from geometric shapes. Plots are acceptable, the characters of which are the favorite heroes of children's literature: Dunno, Pinocchio, Pencil, etc. In the design, you can use photographs, enlarged illustrations from books on entertaining mathematics for preschoolers and parents, children's fiction.

The organization of the corner is carried out with the feasible participation of children, which creates in them a positive attitude towards the material, interest, desire to play.

Management independent mathematical activity in the corner of entertaining mathematics is aimed at maintaining and further developing children's interest in entertaining games. The teacher organizes all work in the corner taking into account the individual characteristics of the pupils. He offers the child a game, focusing on the level of his mental and moral-volitional development, manifestation of activity. Attracts inactive children, interests them in the game and helps to master it. Interest in the game becomes stable when the child sees his successes. The one who made an interesting silhouette, solved the problem, strives for new achievements. The guidance from the side of the teacher is aimed at the gradual development of children's independence, initiative, creativity.

Instructions for guiding children's independent activities in the corner of entertaining mathematics:

1. Explaining the rules of the game common ways actions, excluding the communication of ready-made solutions to children. Stimulation by the teacher of shown independence in games, encouragement of the desire of children to achieve results.

2. Joint game of the educator with the child, with a subgroup of children. At the same time, children learn game actions, their methods, approaches to solving problems. The children develop self-confidence, an understanding of the need to concentrate, think hard in the search for solving problems.

3. Creation of an elementary problem-search situation in a joint game activity with a child. The teacher plays, makes a silhouette, guesses the riddle, the moves of the labyrinth and at this time involves the child in evaluating his actions, asks him to tell him the next move, give advice, make an assumption. The child takes an active position in a game organized in this way, masters the ability to reason, justify the course of the search.

4. Combining in a joint game children who have mastered it to varying degrees, so that mutual learning of some children by others takes place.

5. Organization of various forms of activity in the corner: competitions, competitions (for the best logical problem, labyrinth, silhouette figure), leisure evenings, mathematical entertainment.

6. Ensuring the unity of upbringing and educational tasks in all types of activities. Purposeful organization of independent children's activities in order to ensure a stronger and deeper assimilation of the program by preschoolers. educational material, using it in other types of elementary mathematical activities, games. The implementation of the comprehensive development of children, individual work with pupils who are lagging behind their peers in development, and those who show an increased interest in mathematics.

7. Propaganda among parents of entertaining mathematical material for classes with children at home. The teacher recommends that parents collect entertaining material, organize games with their children, and gradually create a home game library. Unity in work kindergarten and families will contribute to the comprehensive development of children, preparing them for their schooling.

When forming in children mathematical representations through entertaining material, several stages can be distinguished, each of which can be conditionally attributed to a certain age of children.

Stages of formation of mathematical representations:

1. Junior preschool age:

    familiarity with the shape and name of geometric shapes, primary colors, size, comparison of two objects;

    learning how to examine objects (overlay, application), selection of objects that are the same and different in shape, size (large, smaller, small);

    to promote the emergence of interest in participating in gaming activities;

    to teach to realize the goals that an adult sets for a child;

    introduction to the mathematical fairy tale.

2. Middle preschool age:

stage is associated with the acquisition by children of skills and knowledge on:

    distinguishing geometric shapes by characteristic features (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, ball, cube, cylinder);

    figure classification;

    allocation of spatial relations up-down, right-left, forward-back; the implementation of the objectification of the created object according to the verbal scheme (guessing riddles);

    the arrangement of objects in descending order (5-6 sizes of the object);

    laying out pictures from 4-6 parts.

    the formation of arbitrary attention, active inclusion in the plot of a mathematical fairy tale.

3. Senior preschool age:

    at this stage, there is a deepening of children's ideas about the properties and relationships of objects, mainly through games for classification and seriation, practical activities aimed at recreating, transforming the shapes of objects and geometric shapes;

    develop cognitive and Creative skills children: the ability to generalize, compare, identify and establish patterns, connections and relationships, solve problems, put forward, foresee the result and the course of solving a creative problem;

    communicate freely with an adult about games and tasks;

    mastery of games for movement, checkers move;

    guessing tasks-jokes, puzzles, mathematical riddles;

    development of curiosity, resourcefulness, ingenuity with active participation in a mathematical fairy tale.

"Corner of entertaining mathematics" is a magical land of fun mathematics. Through didactic games Mathematical content educators teach children curiosity, inquisitiveness, forming a desire to learn to count, solve puzzles, puzzles, entertaining tasks. The corner is equipped with logical and mathematical games, non-standard mathematical tools - Dyenes blocks, Kuzener sticks, visual models, layouts, symbols, etc.

In an entertaining way, children are given the opportunity to improve counting skills, learn quantitative and ordinal counting, the concepts of "little", "many", "less", "more", the composition of the number, find the excellent and common. Logic games of mathematical content bring up cognitive interest in children, develop logical thinking. Unusual game situation with elements of problematic character for each entertaining task are always of interest to children.

Thus, a properly organized corner is an integral part of the harmonious all-round development of a preschooler.

Ludmila Bazanova

"Design and content of the mathematical corner in the senior preparatory group"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Syavsky kindergarten "Bell".

Performed: Bazanova Ludmila Alexandrovna Educator. Preparatory group No. 1 "Forget-me-not"

Math Corner- This is a specially designated place, which is equipped with mathematical aids, games, thematically selected books and materials.

Purpose: to promote the development of cognitive activity, logical thinking, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection.

Tasks: to develop mathematical abilities in children; interested in the subject of mathematics.

The corner is organized using a children's table and a shelf in a cozy, quiet and peaceful place. At the same time, free access of children to the materials used is provided. Thus, children are given the opportunity in their free time to choose a game that interests them, a manual of mathematical content and play individually or together with other children, in a small subgroup.

The selection of game material corresponds to the capabilities and level of development of children of the senior preparatory group. A variety of mathematical material can be classified into 3 categories: entertainment; mathematical games and tasks; educational games and exercises. Each child can choose a game according to their interests. These are desktop-printed games, games for the development of logical thinking, puzzles, logic tasks, cubes, chess, developing books. Magnetic boards, counting sticks, sketchbooks, and a poster with mathematical problems were used to stimulate collective games and creative activity.

The composition of the mathematical corner may not change for a week or even two when both the teacher and the children constantly need to contact it. But, if a change in the material has occurred, the children should be pointed out to this or asked to notice it, given the opportunity to consider new mathematical material.

Entertaining mathematical corner gives its artistic design. Geometric ornaments, images from geometric shapes (houses, sun) were used for decoration.

Svetlana Isaeva

At design"Entertaining Mathematics Corner"in second junior group we were guided by the following tasks:

1. The development of the qualities and properties of the child's personality necessary for successful mastering mathematics in the future: purposefulness and expediency of search actions, perseverance, independence.

2. Raising the need for children to occupy their free time not only with entertainment, but also with intellectual games.

Entertaining material in preschool years should become a means of organizing useful leisure.

IN there are: large mosaic, voluminous inserts, prefabricated toys, pyramids, lacing, games with modeling and substitution elements, lotto, paired pictures.

There are games: "Geocont" (plate with carnations) to study the shape, color with the help of multi-colored rubber bands; a set of colored sticks, with the help of which the children build various images of objects according to the instructions; game "Big wash" to consolidate the knowledge of colors and geometric shapes.

In addition, there is a magnetic board, counting material, insert boards, a set of voluminous bodies, cut subject pictures.

Math Corner our kids loved it!

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