March 8 is his story. How did Women's Day come about?

Target: Create a holiday atmosphere in the game.

1. Introduce students to the origin of the holiday
2. The development of memory, attention, organization, independence, the ability to coordinate interests in the process of overcoming certain, relevant age characteristics, difficulties.
3. Formation of a team, exclusion of disunity
boys and girls.

Preparatory work:

Choose a creative group that will prepare an information block for the classroom.

Viewing the exhibition of pupils' works "Festive Postcard".

Decor: holiday cards, books about Russian women.

Plan class hour

2. Competition program.

3. Summing up (reflection).


Year after year, always in spring,

There is March and the eighth day.

Health, happiness, long life

You have no other wishes!

Let the lilac bloom every day

Let the sun shine bright

May you have every day

Like a day on March 8!

1. From the history of the holiday on March 8

This beloved holiday on March 8 dates back to the traditions of Ancient Rome in the 1st century BC. It was believed that the goddess Juno, wife of the great Jupiter, was endowed with great power and had great opportunities. She had many names: Juno - Calendar, Juno-Moneta. .. She gave people good weather, harvest, good luck in business and opened every month of the year. But most of all, the Romans bowed before Juno - Lucius (“bright”), patronizing women in general, and especially during childbirth. She was revered in every home, she was brought gifts upon marriage and at the birth of a child.

The most joyful for the female half of Rome was the holiday of March 1, dedicated to this goddess and called the Matrons. Then the whole city changed. Festive dressed women walked with wreaths of flowers in their hands to the temple of Juno Lucius. They prayed, brought flowers as a gift and asked their patroness for happiness in the family. It was a holiday not only for respectable Roman women, but also for slaves, whose work on this day was performed by male slaves. On March 1, men gave generous gifts to their wives, relatives and girlfriends, did not bypass the attention of maids and slaves ...

In the modern world, Women's Day is celebrated on March 8th. The history of this holiday began in the 19th century, and it was timed to coincide with the day of the struggle for women's rights. It was on March 8, 1857 that a demonstration of workers of clothing and shoe factories took place in New York. Then they demanded that they be given a ten-hour day, acceptable working conditions and equal pay with men. Before that, women worked 16 hours a day and received mere pennies for this. After March 8, 1857, women's unions began to appear, and for the first time women were given the right to vote. But only in 1910, at the International Women's Conference of Socialists in Copenhagen, Clara Zetkin was asked to celebrate World Women's Day on March 8th. It was a kind of call to women all over the world to join the struggle for independence and equality; and they responded by joining the struggle for the right to work, respect for their dignity, for peace on earth. For the first time this holiday was celebrated in 1911, but only on March 19, in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. Then more than a million men and women took to the streets of these countries, and the demonstration was held under the slogan: "Elective rights of workers - to join forces in the struggle for socialism." In Russia, International Women's Day was first celebrated in 1913 in St. Petersburg. Its organizers called for economic and political equality for women. One of the most powerful performances of women took place in Petrograd on March 7, 1917. And in 1976, International Women's Day was officially recognized by the UN.

Today, March 8, is a holiday of spring and light, a tribute to the traditional role of a woman as a wife, mother, friend.

Who was the founder of the holidays on March 8: Clara Zetkin or Esther?

Many may have a question: was Clara Zetkin the only ancestor of March 8? Historians also believe that the celebration of this celebration is connected with the legend of Esther. Many centuries ago, she saved her people from a terrible death. Therefore, it is to her that the most fun party Jewish people - the holiday of Purim. It is celebrated almost at the same time as International Women's Day: at the end of winter - beginning of spring, on March 4th.

Once, in 480 BC, all the Jews captured by the Babylonians gained freedom and could freely return to Jerusalem. However, there were practically no people who wanted to leave Babylon, where the Jews spent almost their entire lives. Hundreds of thousands of Jews remained in the Persian Empire, and not at all as a labor force. Many of them managed to get a very good job and earn a good living.

Over time, the Jews took root in Babylon so much that even the indigenous people no longer understood who conquered whom: the Persians of Jerusalem or the Jews of Babylon. Then one of the ministers of the powerful ruler of Xerxes - Haman - came to the king and told him that the Jews had flooded their state. Xerxes decided to exterminate all the Jews.

About the terrible plan of Xerxes, his wife Esther accidentally found out, who hid her ethnic origin from her husband (she was Jewish). Clever Esther did not beg the king for mercy, but decided to use Xerxes' love for herself. When the king was under the influence of her spell, she took from him a promise to exterminate all the enemies of her people. Xerxes agreed to everything, and only some time later he discovered that he had promised his beloved wife to destroy all the enemies of the Jews, but it was no longer possible to retreat ...

And on Adar 13 (the month of the Jewish calendar: approximately the end of February - the beginning of March), a royal decree regarding pogroms is distributed throughout the Persian Empire. But it was radically different from what was originally intended to be created: this decree of Xerxes made it possible to compose Esther and her cousin and teacher Mordecai.

“And the royal scribes were called, and everything was written as Mordecai ordered to the rulers of one hundred and twenty-seven regions on behalf of the king - that the king allows the Jews who are in every city to gather and stand in defense of their lives, destroy, kill and destroy all the mighty in the people and in the region that are at enmity with them, children and wives, and plunder their possessions ”(Est 8, 8-11). And for two days, “all the princes in the regions, both the satraps and the executors of the king’s affairs, supported the Jews. And the Jews beat all their enemies, and destroyed them, and dealt with the enemies according to their will" (Est 9, 3-5).

Minister Haman, who gave Xerxes the idea of ​​exterminating the Jews, was executed by hanging along with his entire family. During this struggle, about 75 thousand Persians were destroyed. The Persian Empire was practically destroyed. The day of this significant victory for the Jews is honored and celebrated to this day.

Among the greatest sages, “there is even an opinion that when all the books of the prophets and hagiographers are forgotten, the book of Esther will still not be forgotten, and the Purim holiday will not cease to be observed.”

Perhaps this legend was true, and Esther really saved her people. And in gratitude for such a feat, the Jews honor the savior at the present time, celebrating Purim. And everyone understands that such a legend about the celebration world day women also have the right to exist

While the snows are still whitening on the fields.
And the river depth is hidden under the ice,
But winter leaves in all calendars
Already torn off, spring has come to the country.
March is coming! Did you notice
Something happens to people in the spring.
Women have all become unusual -
Glorious... gentle... every single one!
Today, beauty rules the show here.
She, stepping in all her majesty
On this stage, will light up the whole hall
Wonderful girlish smiles.
All best flowers at your feet.
They are a declaration of love
Today we have a holiday of beauty.
You are all Miss Charm today!
With the help of chamomile, on the inside of which the names of two teams are written, the girls are divided into teams.
(Two teams are selected).
2. Competition program

modern woman should not only be a good housewife, but also have a sharp mind and ingenuity. And how inherent these qualities are to you, the next competition will show."Lucky case" . The team with the most correct answers to the questions will win.

Questions for the quiz

Team _________________

    Is it possible to prompt the interlocutor with a word that he finds difficult to find?

a) It is possible, and the sooner the better;

b) It is better to refrain from such "help";

c) It is possible, but only in a private, not in an official situation.

    You sneezed, and those nearby wished: "Be healthy!" How to be?

a) Pretend not to have heard;

b) to thank;

V) Sorry.

    A big army went on a campaign ...

Behind the house

And human warmth.

Sparkling ice ahead

Lake Chudskoe.

    We will remember the harsh autumn

The rattle of tanks and the gleam of bayonets.

And in the hearts will live 28

Your bravest sons.

    Which of the notes is not needed for compote?(Note "salt")

    What part of the word can be found in the ground?(Root)

    Which composer's last name is similar to a hunter's shot?(Bach)

    Can I bring water in a sieve? (Can. piece of ice)

    Which wheel does not spin in a car while driving?(Spare)

    Who speaks all languages?(Echo)

    Night bird of prey.(Owl)

    frill on the dress(Shuttlecock)

    The bird that first comes to us in spring.(Rook)

    Which city is flying?(Eagle)

    The largest state in South America.(Brazil)


Team _________________

    What is the best way to respond to compliments?

A) Thank you humbly;

b) In no case do not thank, compliments do not imply gratitude;

c) Reply with a compliment.

    How many times a day can you say hello to the same person?

a) Only once - at the first meeting;

b) Every time we meet;

V) Several times, if the meetings are separated by a more or less significant period of time.

    The east is burning like a new dawn.

Already on the plain, over the hills

Cannons roar...

Beloved sons of Victory,

The Swedes are tearing through the fire of the trenches.

4. Everything breathed such silence,

That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed.

Who knew that between peace and war

There are only five minutes left.

    What kind of fabric is not to sew a shirt?(From the railway)

    Which wing never flies?(car fender)

    hidden treasures(Treasure)

    Birch basket.(box)

    Smooth, shiny surface that reflects.(Mirror)

    Plot of land for vegetables.(Garden)

    Women's sleeveless dress.(Sundress)

    The Old Russian prince, the legend of which was used by A.S. Pushkin for one of his works.(Oleg)

    Liquid that gives shine to the treated surface.(lacquer)

    Water in a gaseous state.(Steam)

    What Russian word consists of three syllables and indicates 33 letters?(Alphabet)

    Simultaneous move of the king and rook in chess.(Castling)

Team _________________

    How should a girl behave if an indecent joke was told in her presence?

a) There is nowhere to go - you have to laugh;

b) You will have to pretend that you did not understand anything;

c) It is dry to notice the narrator how tactless he is.

    Can I borrow wardrobe items?

a) You can, with some exceptions: underwear, socks, etc.

V) Sometimes you can, but only for family members.

    There was no such battle!

And even if you ask someone,

"Mama's Massacre"

Everyone knows in Rus'!

(1380 Battle of Kulikovo)

    Skids creak, creak along the Nevsky.

On children's sleds, narrow, funny,

They carry blue water in saucepans,

Firewood and belongings, the dead and the sick.

(1941-1942 Siege of Leningrad)

    Equilateral rectangle.(Square)

    The outer layer of the fruits of citrus plants.(Zest)

    Place on the square for trade.(Bazaar)

    Lint-free carpet.(Palace)

    Paper bag. (Envelope)

    Break between parts of the concert.(Intermission)

    Place of performance in the circus.(Arena)

    A bright green mineral used for crafts.(Malachite)

    Unicellular fungi used in winemaking, brewing, baking. (Yeast)

    Hero of Russian folk puppet shows.(Parsley)

    Tropical palm fruit.(Coconut)

    Pickled baked milk.(Varenets)

Quiz "Listen carefully and answer"

    Which river has a female name?

    Name the first female taster.

    Name the flower of lovers.

    Which fairy tale heroine had blue hair?

    What is the name of a woman who knows how to sew, knit, embroider?

    Which of the planets in the solar system has a female name

    Which children's book heroine ended up in Wonderland?

    Earth's closest satellite.

    What is the name of the woman we love the most?

What qualities should a modern girl have?

Kindness, beauty, grouchiness, intelligence, sociability, sense of humor, curiosity, resourcefulness, cowardice, sedateness, seriousness, pride, openness, simplicity, ingenuity, leadership skills, cunning, stupidity, laziness, diligence, fantasy.


    Do you like spicy food? D -3, H-2

    Do you feel good in the company? D -2, H-1

    Do you sometimes feel like jumping up to the ceiling for joy? D -4, H-2

    Can you host guests? D-3, H-2

    Do you often have headaches? D-1, H-2

    Do you ever forget to brush your teeth? D-4, N-1

    Are you charging? D-3, H-1

    Do you always wear the same hairstyle? D-3, H-1

    Do you like to solve crossword puzzles? D-1, H-4

    Do you like to work in silence, in a calm environment? D-4, H-1

3. Summing up (reflection).
Today we learned about the history of the holiday on March 8. There were interesting and entertaining competitions. Who was the founder of the holidays on March 8?

Children's answers:

The time was not wasted. We learned a lot of interesting things about the history of the holiday on March 8.

Who was the ancestor of the holiday Nothing depends on us anyway. We won't change anything.

We heard beautiful lines from poems about girls. About women.

This day belongs to those holidays that everyone is waiting for: adults and children, men and women, boys and girls.

Some of them are preparing gifts, someone just thinks what to give to loved ones on March 8, and someone can’t wait to hear nice words congratulations. But everyone, without exception, considers this holiday the Day of spring, warmth, femininity and love.

However, over the course of a century since the emergence of this holiday, it has caused a lot of controversy and criticism.

Perhaps a careful look at history will help to understand the reasons for this attitude to this holiday. The origin of the holiday on March 8 Not everyone knows where March 8 came from. This holiday arose in connection with the struggle of women for their rights. For the first time, representatives of shoe, textile and clothing factories in New York gathered to protest on March 8. And this happened in 1857, when the working conditions of women were extremely difficult: they worked for 16 hours, while the hardest work was estimated very low - women received only a part of the amount that was due for the same work to men. That is why the main requirements of the workers were to ensure that the working day (with the most difficult conditions) lasted no more than 10 hours, and the wages were the same as for men.

Numerous demonstrations led to the fact that some of the requirements were met, including the introduction of a shorter working day. In those years, trade unions were formed everywhere in the United States.

One of the consequences of the demonstrations that took place on March 8, 1857, was the formation of a trade union whose members were exclusively women. In addition, from that moment on, women began to demand that they be granted voting rights. More than 60 years passed before the moment when Clara Zetkin, at the 2nd International Conference of Women Socialists, proposed to celebrate March 8 as Women's Day at the international level. At that time, he was associated with the struggle of women for their equality. The appeal of Clara Zetkin led to the fact that in many countries women began to fight against a beggarly existence. They defended the right to work and decent pay. Since 1911, March 8 has been celebrated in Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. Today, March 8 is no longer perceived as a political holiday.

And in every country everyone is waiting for this holiday to tell about their feelings to caring mothers, younger and older sisters, beloved spouses, respected colleagues.

Fashionable image for March 8 March 8 - the most spring holiday and a great excuse to dress up. On a festive day, you can dress in a floral print from head to toe. Choose feminine silhouettes and bright colors, and then your spring mood will surely be transmitted to everyone around.

March 8 - "International Women's Day", a holiday of spring and increased attention to women. March 8 our lovely women expect tenderness, flowers and gifts from us. This is the tradition of this day. We are all waiting for this holiday, rejoice in it when it comes, but rarely does anyone delve into its original meaning. Over time, the meaning of the holiday on March 8 disappears completely, and we sometimes ask ourselves the question: what, in fact, and why do we celebrate March 8 on International Women's Day?

March 8, initially, was conceived not at all as a day of glorification of the Beautiful Lady, but as a holiday of a revolutionary woman. It was this holiday that the Pravda newspaper at the dawn of the revolution called "the day of the Women's Workers' International", this is the holiday of those women who strive and strive to be equal in rights with men, this is the day of emancipation. Unfortunately, at present, the holiday has lost its former historical purpose. Although, in many countries, mass actions of feminists are still taking place on this day, and many women perceive this day as a day of struggle against the stronger sex.

America, or the first women's union
In New York in 1857, on March 8, workers in clothing and shoe factories gathered for a demonstration. Their demands were to improve working conditions, reduce the length of the working day, equal wages with men. In those days, women worked up to 16 hours a day, and received pennies for their work. After decisive speeches, men still managed to achieve the introduction of a 10-hour working day. At that time, trade union organizations began to appear in many enterprises in the United States. On March 8, 1857, another trade union was formed - and for the first time women were its members. On this day in New York, hundreds of women demonstrated in many cities, demanding that they be given the right to vote.

Clara Zetkin
Europe. The history of the March 8 holiday is traditionally associated with Clara Zetkin. This woman created a revolutionary detachment, which consisted only of women, she decided to include the irrepressible energy of women in the fight against the exploiters. The creation of this detachment was not a matter of one day, but nevertheless it was decided to choose that day, which could be considered the birthday of the "women's proletariat."

In 1910, at the 2nd International Conference of Women Socialists in Copenhagen, at the suggestion of Clara Zetkin to establish a "day of struggle for the rights of women," a resolution was adopted to hold an annual women's day, "which primarily serves to agitate for giving women an electoral rights". It sounded like a call to all the women of the world to rise up in the fight for equality. In response to this call, many women from different countries join the fight against poverty, stand up for the right to work, respect for their dignity, for peace.

At the suggestion of Elena Grinberg, a member of the Central Committee of the Social Democratic Party, the date of the International women's day was approved March 19. And it was on March 19 that the first International Women's Day was celebrated in Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland. In 1912, it took place in the same countries, but on May 12th. In 1913, due to organizational difficulties, there was complete discord: March 12 was celebrated in Germany, March 9 in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Switzerland, Holland, and March 2 in France and Russia. But only in 1914, for the first time, International Women's Day was held everywhere on March 8, due to its coincidence with Sunday, in other words, with a non-working day - a day off. So the holiday "International Women's Day" was fixed on this date.

Anti-Semitism... According to the very popular theory of Deacon Andrei Kuraev, the choice of the number belonged to Clara Zetkin, who connected the birth of a new detachment fighting against injustice with the history of the Jewish people. Many centuries ago, Queen Esther, with her cunning, saved the people from destruction. It is this woman who is dedicated to the annual, most cheerful Jewish holiday - the holiday of Purim. It is celebrated on the transition from winter to spring, and in 1909 it was celebrated on the eve of March 8th.

The official position of the Russian Orthodox Church was unequivocally expressed by Alexy II at the end of 1991 in New York at a meeting with American rabbis: “The unity of Judaism and Christianity has a real basis of spiritual and natural kinship and positive religious interests. Christianity, not contrary to Christianity, but in the name and strength of Christianity, and the Jews are united with us not in spite of Judaism, but in the name and strength of true Judaism... The Jewish people are close to us in faith.Your law is our law, your prophets "These are our prophets. The Ten Commandments of Moses oblige Christians, as well as Jews. We wish to live with you in peace and harmony, so that there are no misunderstandings, enmity and hatred between us."

Holiday Purim - "Brother" Maslenitsa
Purim is not a religious holiday, it is the brother of our Maslenitsa, European Carnival, Greek Dionysius (or Bacchanalia), Bulgarian Kukere, Persian Novruz-Bayram. This is a holiday in honor of the beating of enemies and dates back to 480 BC, when the Old Testament people, the "cruel" people, with the help of Esther's cunning, freed themselves from the power of the Persians. The story of Queen Esther is described in detail in the book of the same name, which is part of the Bible.
Queen Esther is revered by our Church along with other Old Testament righteous on the week of the Forefathers (two weeks before the Nativity of Christ).

In Russia
For the first time in Russia, International Women's Day was celebrated in St. Petersburg in 1913. In a petition addressed to the mayor, it was announced the organization of "... a scientific morning on the women's issue." The authorities gave permission and on March 2, 1913, one and a half thousand people gathered in the building of the Kalashnikov Grain Exchange on Poltava Street. The agenda of scientific readings included the following issues: the right to vote for women; state support for motherhood; about the cost of living.

From the first years of Soviet power, March 8 became our public holiday. In March 1917, the women of Russia received the right to vote, and the Constitution of 1918 consolidated the policy of equal rights for women as a state policy and the Soviet authorities began to implement it (it can be recalled that the Soviet idea of ​​"equality of the sexes" led us to the emergence of such a "purely female "professions like an asphalt paver...).

Gradually International Women's Day lost its political connotation.

Since 1965, this day has become a non-working day. There was also his festive and official ritual: on solemn events the state reported to the society on the implementation of the state policy towards women.

But during the perestroika period, many women were literally thrown to the sidelines of life. Terms appeared: female face unemployment”, “violence against women”, “male parliament”, “maternal family”, “maternal mortality”, “ social orphanhood”, “female alcoholism”. Discrimination against women in the labor market was officially recognized.

At the IV World Conference on the Status of Women (Beijing, 1995) the Government Russian Federation finally announced its commitment to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women. In 1996, the Concept for the Advancement of the Status of Women and the National Action Plan for the Improvement of the Status of Russian Women were adopted. Similar documents were adopted in the subjects of the Federation. However, neither on March 8, nor on Mother's Day in November, there were any reports on the implementation of these important state documents.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, March 8 remained on the list of public holidays in the Russian Federation. Women's Day is also celebrated in the CIS countries: in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine as International Women's Day; in Belarus and Uzbekistan as Mother's Day; On April 7, Armenia celebrates Motherhood and Beauty Day.

XXI Century. Russia
"And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them" (Genesis, ch. 1, article 27). If human society were guided in its development by these words, there would be no need for International Women's Day, because women would not have to prove that they are also people and fight for their human rights.

But, alas, only in the 20th century humanity, in the person of its best representatives, has grown to the realization of this truth, and in 1948 the United Nations adopted a document - the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights", which says:
Article 1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards each other in a spirit of brotherhood.
Article 2: Everyone shall have all the rights and all freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin. , property, estate or other status.

The Declaration became the basis on which other international documents were adopted aimed at protecting the social, political, economic and human rights of women (on September 1, 1985, the governments of 88 countries of the world signed the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women).

But claiming a right and ensuring its implementation are completely different concepts. After all, even today women and children are subjected to violence and humiliation: this is human trafficking, forced prostitution, cruelty manifested during armed conflicts and wars. Increasing poverty and disregard for human rights are the root causes of violence, and poverty itself is already a form of violence. And the victims of poverty, as you know, are primarily women and children.

The twentieth century was marked by socialist, scientific, technological, cultural and sexual revolutions, and one can only regret that in this series there was no place for a spiritual revolution. And without this, all the declarations and appeals of the UN, UNESCO and other organizations will remain the voice of one crying in the wilderness.

The Feast of the Myrrh-bearing Women, or give flowers to women not only on March 8!
The founders of the Soviet state were militant atheists, and were hardly guided by Jewish religious motives when choosing a date for Women's Day. They needed to create their own system of beliefs, rites and rituals in opposition to the Church. Soviet traditions are a parody of spiritual life, a fake, a propaganda dummy. The party instead of the Church, the corpse of the leader instead of the Savior, portraits of leaders instead of icons, party congresses instead of church councils, demonstrations instead of religious processions ... Instead of honoring the Most Pure Mother of God, the lumpenized worker-peasant crowd was offered a "Women's Day", which so successfully fit into the Soviet calendar . And it's hard to choose best time for celebration than early spring, when nature awakens from its winter sleep, the sun begins to shine like spring and the first snowdrop flowers bloom.

Our contemporaries do not particularly think about the origins of the celebration of March 8, but simply perceive this day as an occasion to give flowers to their loved ones. dear women. But it is worth remembering and honoring the traditions, especially since in the Orthodox Church the third Sunday after Easter is dedicated to the remembrance of the myrrh-bearing women, who on the morning of the Resurrection hurried to the Tomb of Christ and were the first to receive the joyful news of His resurrection from the dead. And if so, then let's remember that we can congratulate our wives and mothers, sisters and colleagues when the Church glorifies the care and fidelity of the myrrh-bearing women. And even better: let's not forget them on other days! That's why - give gifts and flowers to your beloved women not only on March 8th.

International Women's Day is a bright spring holiday that is celebrated annually on March 8 in many countries, including Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Cuba, China, Laos, etc. Every year on March 8, men congratulate all women - wives, mothers, daughters, grandmothers, sisters, girlfriends, colleagues, trying to fill their day with pleasant emotions, high spirits and vivid impressions. In some countries, the meaning of International Women's Day is equated with Mother's Day, dedicated to all mothers.

The date of Women's Day is extremely suitable for this holiday: at the beginning of spring, nature wakes up after a winter sleep and the first flowers adorn the earth. But the origin of the date of the holiday is connected with its centuries-old history.

The history of the holiday

Women's rally in New York February 28, 1909

All Women's Day has been celebrated for more than a century. The first celebration on this occasion took place on February 28, 1909 in New York and was called "National Women's Day". This event was organized by the American Socialist Party in honor of the rally on the same day in 1908 on the New York streets of 15 thousand women who demanded better working conditions and women's suffrage (i.e., to vote under the same conditions as men).

Related materials:

In 1910, at the Copenhagen International Women's Conference, representatives of the socialist forces proposed to establish an International Women's Day dedicated to women's solidarity in the fight for their rights. This initiative was unanimously supported by more than a hundred women from 17 states.

International Women's Day was first held on March 19, 1911 in Europe - Denmark, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Switzerland - where over a million people took part in demonstrations. In 1913, the date of the holiday was moved to March 8, which has survived to this day.

Interesting fact: Women chose March 19 to celebrate Women's Day, because in 1848 on this day the ruler of Prussia promised to introduce women's suffrage. This reform never took place.

In 1975, the United Nations drew attention to the global problems of women, calling on states to hold an International Women's Year. And in 1977, the UN assigned the name "International Day for Women's Rights and International Peace" to March 8, as a result of which the holiday received international status.

Related materials:

Why is Indian summer so called?

Women's Day in Russia

In Russia, International Women's Day became a mechanism of resistance to the First World War in 1913-1914. This festival was first held in last sunday winters of 1913 in the context of the social movement for peace. The following year, women from European countries gathered on the streets, protesting against the military situation and in solidarity with other activists.

DAY AFTER TOMORROW not only Russia, but the whole world will celebrate International Women's Day. The celebration of March 8 in modern Russia is associated primarily with an extra day off and obligatory flowers and gifts for women, while the original political and social meanings of the date are almost ignored. However, this was not always the case. We understand how International Women's Day appeared, why today March 8 is perceived differently than a hundred years ago, and how it can be celebrated.

daria tatarkova

Was March 8 always
"Women's Day"?

Yes and no. The two main gender-defined holidays have been inherited by modern Russia from Soviet times. February 23 and March 8 were not so unambiguous at the time of their occurrence. They came up with the idea of ​​celebrating the 23rd in 1922 as the Day of the Red Army and Navy, over time the name was changed twice, and those marking quite strongly deviated from the essence. Instead of honoring military personnel, February 23 gradually became a day to celebrate all men and the idea of ​​masculinity. A similar fate and have 8 March. Invented as a symbol of the struggle for gender equality and respect for women's work, the holiday has become just an excuse to give a woman a gift once a year, except for her birthday. In modern folklore, the essence of International Women's Day was fully expressed by the phrase "be quiet, woman, your day is March 8" (3 million results in the Yandex search), and the most popular joke on VKontakte about the holiday remains, for example, this video.

How did it appear
International Women's Day?

The date was coined by the socialist movement. In February 1909, the women of New York took to the streets demanding equal pay and giving women the right to vote - it's amazing that a century later, the question of wages is still open. German socialists and the notorious communist Clara Zetkin, along with Rosa Luxemburg, agreed at the Women's Conference the following year that a holiday was needed that would promote equal rights for women, including suffragist ideas.

The celebration reached Russia in 1913. Women's Day was not at all as peaceful as it is now, but was accompanied by rallies and demonstrations. So, on February 23, 1917, according to the old style (that is, March 8, according to the new style), the strike of textile workers and the subsequent organized procession demanding equal rights for women became one of the triggers for a further wave of protests that led to the February Revolution. Coincident in date with one of the most important turning points in the history of Russia, the holiday as a tradition has become stronger in the USSR. Until about the 70s, March 8 was primarily associated with the participants in the revolution and their successful struggle for the independence of women. One way or another, the history of the holiday in the West and in Russia shows that, first of all, it was invented as an instrument of emancipation and popularization of respect for women.

Why is it customary in Russia to give gifts on this day,
rather than strike for equal pay?

History is silent when and why marches and demonstrations were replaced by the current candy-bouquet tradition of celebrating March 8. Some authors believe that the reason for this was the conscious and consistent policy of the Soviet leadership. Already in the 1930s, the much-needed zhenotdels, which were engaged in agitation, education, assistance and the struggle for women's rights, were abolished. Thus, women have lost their social lift, and have not reached new heights in equality. Subsequent women's organizations were largely nominal. Gradually, the revolutionary theme disappeared even from postcards, and the emphasis shifted to the glorification of female beauty and motherhood, making the holiday more like Mother's Day in other countries.

In 1966, under Brezhnev, March 8 became a day off, so that the active idea of ​​the date finally died out. Today, the holiday has finally turned into a day of following stereotypes about women. This is noticeable both in traditional gifts and in the description of International Women's Day on the Russian-language Internet. According to the Levada Center, in Russia the most popular

gifts on March 8 are flowers and sweets, as well as perfumes and cosmetics. According to VTsIOM, only 5% associate the holiday with emancipation. On the one hand, this survey shows a positive trend in terms of equality - the number of those who believe that women deserve the same privileges as men has increased by 1.5 times. On the other hand, every fifth respondent still considers men much more capable than women. The gender of the survey participants was not specified.

Where else is March 8 celebrated?

International Women's Day is recognized as an official holiday not only in Russia, North Korea and China, but also, for example, in Burkina Faso. In the rest of the world, March 8 is not considered a public holiday, but every year it is gaining more and more popularity, while maintaining a feminist bias. The main promoter of the date today is the United Nations. In 1977, the United Nations invited the participating countries to choose any day to sing the ideas of women's equality and world peace, they became March 8.

Countries that supported the UN primarily use the holiday as an occasion to raise important for women social issues. From year to year, the UN selects a priority topic on which efforts will be directed. In 2013 it was an opposition to violence against women, last year - "Equality for women - progress for all." In 2015 - "Inspiring Women - Inspiring Humanity". The purple ribbon is the symbol of the holiday.

As noted
March 8 this year?

This year's theme comes with the #MakeItHappen hashtag. In Afghanistan, men donned burkas and protested to support women's rights. In India, March 8 this year has become a date against which women continue to demand justice for the victims of violence, who are not protected by law or society. Many publications focus on remembering the origins of the date and offer to mark it not with flowers, but with a call to action and attention, such as key health issues and brave feminists in world history. Forbes explains the real difference in the salaries of men and women and gives advice on how each can improve the situation. Among other things
On March 8, the #UpForSchool petition will be launched to get world leaders to educate 31 million boys and girls around the world.

Today, the Internet plays a key role in making International Women's Day a part of global pop culture. Since 2000, the number of searches on Google in the format "International Women's Day + current year" has grown from 49 million to 196 - that is, 4 times. Specifically, in 2015, on the eve of the holiday, a hashtag appeared #DearMe, under which video bloggers send inspiring messages to themselves - a teenager from the past. This, perhaps naive approach has resonated with the audience, and girls from all over the world write grateful comments for moral support. The hashtag became number one on the service. Many YouTubers just focus on gender role-themed videos, like Kristen from Stuff Mom Never Told You. Must see sketch about "gender rolls" - behind the funny wordplay lies a clear and relevant message that it's time to stop imposing behavior patterns on us depending on biological sex. Social networks the matter, of course, is not limited. Internet favorite and UN Women's Rights Envoy Emma Watson, for example, will host a Q&A on International Women's Day and answer all the viewers' questions about sexism and inequality. Here, by the way, great way celebrate.

Women, therefore, have
meaningful holiday,
but what about men?

What other days do they celebrate
important events for women?

The UN actively promotes March 8 as a universal date, but there are several other major holidays. One of them is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. It is celebrated on November 25 to commemorate the Mirabal sisters who were killed in the Dominican Republic. Violence against women is still an incredibly common problem that is often not brought to justice. On this day, countries are encouraged to hold events that increase publicity of the problem and talk about ways to solve it.

October 15 marks the International Day of Rural Women, whose rights are sometimes given very little attention. In South Africa, they celebrate their women's day - August 9 - and at the state level. The date is intended to commemorate the struggle of local activists against the tyranny of the apartheid government. So, on August 9, 1956, they prevented the introduction of compulsory passportization of women in South Africa.
