Methods for diagnosing the formation of children's labor activity. Development of labor activity of a preschooler

Indicators of the moral and volitional development of children and the level of mastery of labor skills

(according to the research of G.N. Godina)

The educator can detect and evaluate the development of moral and volitional qualities, labor and organizational skills and abilities in their pupils.

General indicators of the formation of skills in relation to children of different age groups are considered differentially. So, mastering children junior group separate effective actions in the process of self-service (soaping hands, washing, wiping, fastening buttons), household work (laying out spoons, cleaning toys, etc.), labor in nature (feeding fish, watering plants) indicates the presence of labor skills.

Skills can be identified by observing the child while washing, dressing or undressing. So, while dressing, you can note how he puts on (takes off) individual items of clothing on his own or with the help of an adult, and when washing, you can find out how the child, on his own or with the help of an adult, washes himself, washes his hands, face, and wipes himself with a towel.

The independence of the baby, manifested in his independence from the adult, testifies to the mastery of these actions.

If a child learns only individual actions in self-service work, then children of middle preschool age already master the integral processes of labor (dressing, undressing, washing, preparing food for animals and the ability to feed them, setting the table, participating in preparation for classes). How children have mastered these processes can be judged by such indicators as the performance of all actions in their sequence, taking into account the execution technique (accuracy, speed) and the manifestation of independence.

To identify these indicators, the child is offered to perform a labor process familiar to him, and his actions are observed.

The following is to be assessed:

    whether the child performs the necessary techniques and actions;

    whether they are in sequence;

    performs work independently or with the help of an adult;

    the accuracy of the actions and their pace.

The basis for assessing the labor skills of middle-aged children is their mastery of the method of performing the labor process, speed of action, and independence in completing the task.

In senior preschool age pupils master big amount labor skills. This can be judged by the same indicators as in the middle group. However, the requirements for the technique of performing actions are increasing. Children must perform them deftly, accurately and beautifully.

The presence of labor skills of older children is determined by the following indicators:

    the way the labor process is performed, the observance of the actions to be followed;

    degree of independence;

    techniques for performing techniques and operations.

When evaluating the labor skills of older children, attention is drawn to the accuracy, beauty, dexterity of movements, independence in the performance of a labor action. The presence of work skills in children of older preschool age is evidenced by automatism in the performance of familiar labor actions, the ability to select materials, organize a workplace and clean it after work.

In addition to labor skills, organizational skills are also formed in children: preparation of materials, equipment, planning of the labor process, preparation of the workplace, cleaning of materials, etc.). These skills are formed in children already in middle group.

The ability to plan the labor process can be judged by the plan, how and in what sequence the children follow the order of actions.

To find out if the child has an idea about planning, you can invite him to talk about how he will carry out this work process.

This work is evaluated according to the following indicators:

    does the child name all the actions;

    indicates their order.

Simultaneously with the ability to plan the labor process, children develop the ability to control it. In this case, visualization is used ( subject pictures), teach preschoolers to check every action.

The purposeful actions of children, the qualitative result and the timeliness of the completion of work are subject to assessment.

The ability to plan individual work affects the collective work of children, when it is necessary to distribute the amount of work among all.

The children's ideas are evaluated according to their ability:

    name the materials and equipment necessary for this labor process,

    specify the execution process;

    talk about the cleaning of materials, equipment and the workplace.

The following indicators testify to the ability to plan labor activity:

    how the child selects materials, equipment;

    whether it rationally places everything in the workplace;

    whether he thinks over the method of execution (it must correspond to the given content of the work) and whether it exactly follows it;

    whether it achieves a quality result of the work;

    whether he finishes work on time.

Gradually, the volume of labor skills increases in children, it becomes possible to fix not only the level of mastery of labor skills, but their volume. This is due to the expansion of the content of labor.

Indicators of the moral and volitional development of children can be used in labor training. In any activity, including labor, there are two sides: operational and emotional-motivational. The operating side does not have a direct impact on moral development the child, but the formation of such qualities as independence, diligence, activity, responsibility, purposefulness, perseverance depends on the mastery of these skills.

The influence of skills on the development of moral and volitional qualities is enhanced if the goal of labor is formulated as moral, and the child is oriented towards its fulfillment.

Children of younger preschool age are taught to perform labor actions, increase interest in work, cause a desire to work, develop such qualities as diligence, independence.

Performance is evidenced by:

    exact reproduction of the method of action when performing the familiar content of labor;

    goal achievement.

Independence can be judged:

    to perform actions without outside help;

    to achieve results at work.

Purposefulness is measured by how the child persistently achieves a result.

It is possible to identify these moral and volitional manifestations of children by organizing, for example, self-service in the form of a game. You can invite the child to dress the doll, noting:

    mode of action (techniques, operations);

    the degree of mastery of individual actions;

    interest in performing actions (distraction, erratic transition from one action to another, refusal to perform actions);

    whether the child makes efforts to achieve the goal;

    degree of independence;

    whether it achieves results;

    the quality of the result;

    interest in the result (what the child says about this).

The nature of these manifestations allows us to conclude that children have independence, diligence, purposefulness, and their attitude to this labor process.

It is at a younger preschool age that children actively master a number of labor actions that put them in a position independent of an adult, causing a desire to imitate him, developing diligence, a desire to master an action, and interest in a labor task. Having mastered the techniques for performing actions, the kids show independence in self-service, they can help their peers, take care of him. This indicates a high level of independence in children.

In the middle preschool age, along with skills, such qualities as diligence, accuracy, careful attitude to materials and objects of labor are formed, indicating a positive attitude towards work.

Accuracy can be judged by the quality of the product of labor. Indicators of the careful attitude of the child to the equipment of work are:

    method of use (as intended);

    nature of use (uses carefully, does not throw, cleans up after work).

The careful attitude of children to materials can be judged by the following indicators:

    the amount of material used (as required);

    nature of use (whether it puts in place after work).

In the middle preschool age, the level of independence increases, manifested in the fact that children can

    organize without the help of an adult individual activity;

    pick up everything you need for work

    put it away after work

    determine the sequence of actions.

Performance gradually develops into responsibility. Its indicators are:

    the ability to accept the purpose of work proposed by adults;

    determine how to execute

    make efforts to achieve the goal;

    achieve quality results.

When evaluating this quality, it should be taken into account that the child must immediately respond to the request of an adult to perform a labor task (regardless of the attractiveness of the goal). If the content of the work is familiar, the child himself determines the method of its implementation. The perseverance of the pupil's efforts, the ability to achieve a high-quality result are evaluated.

In children of the middle group, the attitude to work changes in general. They begin to take an interest in the purpose of the work. This is expressed in two indicators: firstly, children, with rare exceptions, refuse to perform those tasks that an adult sets before them; secondly, they begin to more willingly carry out those affairs that are of social significance.

Their interest in the labor process is noticeably increasing. This is evidenced by the minimum number of distractions during work. Often preschoolers are ready to continue it, although the result has already been obtained.

Children's attention to each other increases during work: they begin to take an interest in who is doing what, offer help: they do it either on their own initiative or on behalf of an adult.

By the end of the year, in the middle group, children begin to realize that the result has been achieved thanks to the skills they have and the efforts that they make during work.

In order to identify the attitude of a preschooler to work (its goals, process, result), it is necessary to organize the individual work of the child, while noting the following:

1. Attitude towards the goal:

2. Attitude to the process:

    whether he was fascinated by the matter (distractions, their nature, the reason for the distraction, the time spent on the distractions);

    whether he made efforts, efforts;

    the degree of independence in the performance of work;

    whether the result was achieved, what is its quality.

3. Attitude towards the result:

    How did you evaluate the result (what did you say);

    How did you behave in connection with the high-quality (poor-quality) performance of work or its non-fulfillment (disappointed; indifferent, cheerful)?

Using these indicators, one can generally give an answer about the child's attitude to work. The data obtained during the organization of labor are supplemented by preliminary observations of the child.

As practice shows, in the older group, as they master labor and organizational skills, children acquire greater independence and independence. They develop a habit of working. Such a quality as independence is filled with new content, including such skills:

    set the goal of work;

    select materials, equipment;

    distribute work among comrades (with collective forms of labor);

    plan the work process;

    achieve high quality results;

    clean up materials and equipment, wash and dry equipment;

    tidy up the workplace.

Older children are accustomed to participate in labor.

In an individual conversation with a child, it is possible to reveal the presence of socially valuable labor motives in him. During the conversation, questions are asked: what would you like to do: counting cards for yourself (they will be needed at school) or for the children of the whole group? Why would you like to do this job? If a child prefers work for others, it means that he has formed a socially valuable motive for activity.

Indicators that the child is guided in his labor activity public motive are:

    willing acceptance of the social goal of labor;

    purposeful actions to achieve this goal;

    achieving a high-quality socially significant result.

If these indicators can be noted in the child's activity, then we can say that it is based on the social motive of labor.

Mastering the skills of a culture of activity, older preschoolers also show organization, which is expressed in the timely and high-quality performance of work.

Another important moral quality - responsibility - is also being improved. It highlights such an indicator as diligence, which is the basis of conscientiousness.


Labor education is one of the most important aspects of the upbringing of the younger generation. IN children's institution labor education It consists in familiarizing children with the work of adults, in introducing children to work activities available to them. In the process of getting acquainted with the work of adults, the educator forms in children a positive attitude towards their work, a careful attitude to its results, and the desire to provide adults with all possible assistance.

Labor education in the program is a mandatory component of the development of basic and creativity child, the most important means of forming a culture of interpersonal relations.

The task is to gradually develop in children (taking into account age-related capabilities and gender characteristics) an interest in the work of adults, instilling a desire to work, skills in elementary labor activity, diligence.

In accordance with the program, labor education includes the main types: self-service, household work, work in nature, manual labor, and the forms of its organization - assignments, duty, general, joint and collective labor children.

Self service- this is the work of the child, aimed at serving himself (dressing, undressing, eating, washing).
Many preschool children who come to us do not have self-service skills (they do not know how to dress, undress, eat on their own, wash, brush their teeth, wash their hands, etc.) and it is in the admission department that children receive the initial self-service skills.

Household work- work on cleaning the premises, on duty in the dining room, etc. Unlike self-service, it has a social orientation. The child learns to create and maintain the environment in an appropriate form. The child can use the skills of household work both in self-service and in work for the common good.

All children in the admissions department are on duty in the room, preschool children dust, stack toys. In the warm season, they clean the territory, sweep it. Leaves are removed in autumn.

labor in nature- caring for plants and animals, growing vegetables in the garden, window sill, gardening the site, participating in cleaning the aquarium, etc. In the summer, they take care of the flower beds, water the flowers, tear the grass.

Manual and artistic labor- labor aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person (making handicrafts).

Basically, all children love to do manual and artistic work, but not everyone knows how to work with scissors, to hold a pencil in their hand correctly, so we teach children to cut out, carefully outline the details for crafts.

In the admission department with a quarantine block, according to a comprehensive program, there is a direction "Labor adaptation and vocational guidance".

The purpose of the direction is to develop an understanding that work is the basis of all life, that everything is achieved with great work, to form the interest of students in professional work, to expand knowledge about the modern world of professions.

Includes a cycle of classes "Labor is the basis of life", "Bread is the head of everything", "ABC of professions", "On a conscientious attitude to work", "Labor makes a person beautiful", "Guess the profession", "What is man-made labor". These classes introduce children to the importance of work in human life, instill respect and love for work and people of work, show the need for work, convince pupils that their main goal is study.

2. Empirical study of the level of formation of labor skills of children of senior preschool age

Organization and research methods

Diagnostics were carried out every day for two weeks. Children were observed during meals, hygiene procedures, shifts, walks, and manual labor classes. The children were given various assignments and tasks, individually and collectively, assessed accuracy in work, conscientiousness, ability to complete the work begun, interaction with peers, quality of work, interest in work and careful attitude to equipment.

  • LOW LEVEL OF FORMATION - the effectiveness of labor activity is low, instructions are required, direct assistance from an adult in the performance of labor activities.
  • INTERMEDIATE LEVEL - the work of the child is effective with a little help from adults; The child has a desire for independence.
  • HIGH LEVEL - the child is completely independent in the work of caring for plants. Labor is productive.

At the second stage, a formative experiment was carried out, aimed at developing the labor skills of pupils with the help of our program, "Rainbow".

We expanded children's ideas about the work of representatives of various professions, introduced them to agricultural labor through cartoons, fiction, illustration. Children had to learn that a lot of work is spent on growing bread, vegetables and other agricultural labor, that the results of this work must be valued and protected.

Control was exercised over the activities of pupils in self-service (they reminded them of the need to monitor the cleanliness of clothes, maintain the cleanliness of personal belongings). Children were involved in cleaning cabinets and bedside tables, sorting and neatly folding things.

Errands were used as a form of work organization (for example, two boys were assigned to keep order in the toy and book corner for one week, and two girls were assigned to look after the girls' room for one week). Before starting work, we asked the children questions to encourage them to think about how they would complete the assignment (for example, “Tell me, how will you complete the assignment? What will you do first? Why?). This contributed to the development of independence and initiative in children, forced them to actively use the existing experience.

Every 3 days, the children were united into one duty unit, which was responsible for all types of duty. So we gave the children the opportunity to negotiate on a daily basis about who will do what work. During the day, we turned to the children as our helpers, approved for good execution assignments and advice.
The work of children was evaluated fairly, concretely, and kindly. Not only the results of labor were evaluated, but also the attitude of children to their duties - conscientiously, diligently or carelessly did the work, whether they worked together.

3. Analysis of the labor activity of preschoolers.

For the period from February 2016 to February 2017, 31 children aged 4 to 6 years were admitted to the admission department with a quarantine block. The diagnostics of the formation of labor skills was carried out using the method of observation and modeling of the situation.

Diagnostics gave the following results:

Analyzing the results, we found the following:

  • There were no children with a high level of development of labor skills.
  • The majority of children with an average level of development of labor skills - 23 children. They dress and undress on their own, and have a good command of cutlery. But cleaning their bed after sleep and caring for indoor plants cause them difficulty. They are not interested in participating in cleaning rooms, crafts from natural and waste material are unable to perform.
  • WITH low level development of labor skills of 8 children. They do not know how to take care of plants, make the bed poorly after sleep, and do not take part in cleaning the rooms and the plot. Unwilling and unable to do various crafts from waste, natural and paper material.

Further, taking into account the low rates of development of labor skills of children of senior preschool age, we had a program for labor adaptation and vocational guidance "Rainbow", block "Labor is the basis of life". compiled, with the help of which we conducted a formative experiment.

As a result of the studies carried out under the program, positive dynamics are visible.

Analyzing the results, we found that with a high level of development of labor skills of children in the group, the majority - 15 children. They are good at cutlery, neat and clean, and take care of houseplants with pleasure. Always take an active part in cleaning the rooms and the site. They always finish what they start. Divide from junk and natural material they are beautiful, interesting and neat.

With an average level of development of labor skills - 10 children. They own cutlery, neat, but without interest and desire, they clean their bed after sleep and take care of indoor plants. They are not interested in cleaning rooms; crafts made from natural and waste materials are not done neatly.

With a low level of development of labor skills 2 children, no result due to mental retardation children or mental disorders.

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  7. Loginova, V.I. Childhood: Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten. / Loginova V.I., Babaeva T.I., Notkina N.A. - M.: Detstvo-Press, 2008. - 224 p.
  8. FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Basic general education program

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Marina Avdoshina
Self-analysis of the GCD lesson “Let's help plants in a corner of nature”

Conducted direct educational activities with children senior group, age 5.10-6.0 years old. There were 13 children present.

Prepared methodological development GCD on the topic « Let's help plants in the corner of nature» ; an envelope with a letter; nature corner plants; work equipment; schemes indicating the type of inventory; schemes - cards with symbols of the necessary conditions for growth plants; watering cans, sprayer, baths, aprons, oilcloth, rags, brushes, sticks. Arranged the tables so that the children were comfortable.

In preliminary work with children were carried out: monitoring plant corner of nature(features of appearance, structure, observation in favorable and unfavorable conditions (experimentation) observation of the work of the educator, acquaintance with the model of the labor process). Conversations, viewing illustrations, compiling stories about plants, guessing riddles, labor activity, reading.

Before NOD, sanitary and hygienic conditions: done assistant educator wet cleaning in the group room; corner ventilation (at this time the children were in the music room). The furniture is arranged so that during the GCD the child is comfortable throughout classes.

The material, visual aids, equipment for GCD were selected at an accessible level for children, corresponded to their psychological characteristics and was rational for solving the set goal and tasks. Their appearance- colorful, bright, aesthetically designed, meets general requirements.

Directly - educational activities- complex type.

Integration of educational regions: cognitive,

social-communicative, speech.

Program content:

Target: Cultivate children's interest in plants

In the introductory part, it was decided task:

cognitive development:

Cultivate children's interest in plants.

In the main part, they decided tasks:

cognitive development:

Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge of how to care for plants and the sequence of work.

Train children to identify plants in need of care draw conclusions about the lack of certain conditions.

Cultivate children's interest in plants, cause a desire to observe and care for them.

Socio-communicative development.

Strengthen the ability to plan their activities and distribute responsibilities among the participants.

To consolidate knowledge about actions with inventory.

Develop a culture of work activity, curiosity.

speech development:

Develop dialogic speech.

In the final part, it was decided task:

speech development:

Develop dialogic speech.

Purpose, tasks GCD complies with program requirements age group("The program of education and training in kindergarten" under. edited by M. A. Vasilyeva).

The duration of the NOD is 25 minutes. Introductory part - 3 min. ; main part - 18 min. ; final part - 4 min.

The duration of the GCD was the requirements of the program.

In the introductory part of the GCD, to create interest in the topic, I used a technique - a surprise moment (letter).

In the main part, the GCD used techniques - a conversation, showing methods of action, using samples, and explaining.

There was individual work with children in the main part of the GCD - she gave instructions in a word.

In the final part of the GCD, the analysis of children's work was carried out with by looking, questions.

All parts of the GCD were interconnected, subordinated to a given topic, goals and objectives of the GCD. Properly organized change of activities helped to prevent fatigue and oversaturation of children.

Applied methods:

Verbal (for questions to children, encouragement);

visual (removals);

Practical (in the performance of the task);

Control method (in the analysis of the work performed - approval and praise).

All teaching methods and techniques corresponded to the program content and age characteristics children.

The speech was expressive, calm, reasonable.

Used health saving Components: change of postures of children; to keep the interest of the children.

I believe that the form of organization of the children's NOD that I chose was quite effective. During the entire educational activity, UUD were formed (educational universal activity, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard).

Analyzing the activities of children in GCD, I would like to note that they showed cognitive activity in environmental education, used competently having knowledge and skills in cognition, in labor activity in nature. They were interested, attentive, organized. Involved indecisive and shy children in the answers to questions asked, helped verbal instructions at work. The children aspired on one's own analyze your work and the work of your comrades.

Analyzing the conducted GCD, we can say that the goals and objectives were successfully achieved.

Children worked at their own pace, the task was completed by virtue of their individual capabilities.

The children pleased me with the fact that the kindness of the child's soul, their curiosity, interest in the environment, was felt throughout the entire NOD.

Related publications:

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Observation and analysis of the organization of labor activity of children.

Analyze the tasks of forming the labor skills of children for this age group, the content and volume of labor activities in different types labor for this age group (according to the program "From Birth to School"). For 1 or 2 half days, observe the organization of the educator of the labor activity of children or their independent labor manifestations.

Record the results of the observations in the protocol and then analyze them according to the questions suggested below. The protocol must reflect all the structural parts of the labor process: motivation and setting the goal of labor, planning the labor process, preparing and cleaning equipment and materials, labor progress, evaluation of its results.

protocol form

Date, time of observation: 05.02.2018

Age group: senior group

The content of the work: I bring to your attention a summary of the collective work on caring for indoor plants in the senior group. This summary will be useful in the work of educators of older age groups. kindergarten. Number of participating children: 15 Forms of organization of work: collective work

Structural part

Actions and speech of the teacher

Actions and speech of children


Motivation of children to work

Guys, let's take care of the plants today

Well and gladly began to prepare the equipment.

Setting the goal of labor

Guys, today a mole came to visit us. But the mole did not just come, he came on business. The mole decided to warn us and save our plants in the group.
- Listen to what the mole says!
- "Guys! Trouble! The evil wizard found out that we have a lot of beautiful plants and decided to take them away from us! He sent his assistants - dust and dirt, so that they settled on the plants, and they withered.

Children carefully listen to the teacher and the mole.

Invites children to answer the questions: - How should flowers be cared for? (At firstspray

Workflow planning

Improve the ability to work in a team. continue to teach children to work in a team; Exercise them in the ability to offer their help to a friend; Cultivate a sense of responsibility for a common cause, satisfaction from the successful completion of work

Preparation of equipment, materials, yourself and the workplace

2 basins, rags by the number of children, aprons by the number of children, dry brushes, watering cans, sprayers, a mole toy.


Before starting work, the teacher fixes the rules with the children, compliance with which improves the quality of work


Children remember that one should not be distracted, that any task must be performed carefully, etc. The teacher reminds that in order for the task to be completed, one must help each other. In the process of collective work, the teacher checks how the children have assigned responsibilities, what relationships are developing, whether they skillfully use the equipment

Cleaning materials and equipment

Now the attendants will take the basins to the washroom, pour water out of them and put them in their place, and all the other guys will hang the rags on the battery, put the brushes in the box, the aprons in the cabinet, fill the watering cans with water.

Evaluation of labor results

Children are happy with their work

Abstract of a practical lesson in the senior group on the care of indoor plants

Form of organization labor : collective labor

Type of labor : labor in nature

Educational tasks :

    Improve the ability to work in a team.

    continue to teach children to work in a team;

    Exercise them in the ability to offer their help to a friend;

    Cultivate a sense of responsibility for a common cause, satisfaction from the successful completion of work;

    Equipment: 2 basins, rags according to the number of children, aprons according to the number of children, dry brushes, watering cans, sprayers, a mole toy.
    Indoor plants: sansevera, coleus, violet, balsam, evergreen begonia, birch, tradescantia

we will wipe with a wet cloth, and small leaves -sprayfrom fleecy leaves - brush off with a dry brush

Guidance during

The teacher distributes the children into groups, appoints those responsible, determines the amount of tasks. Advise children to distribute work within the link itself


Before starting work, the teacher fixes the rules with the children, the observance of which improves the quality of work. The children remember that one should not be distracted, that any task must be performed carefully, etc. The teacher reminds that in order to complete the task, we must help each other. In the process of collective work, the teacher checks how the children have assigned responsibilities, what relationships are developing, whether they skillfully use the equipment

Labor analysis

All the guys are involved in the analysis and evaluation of the performance of work. Offers them the following questions: - Why did you manage to do the job quickly and well? (Because the children worked together, neatly removed the dust, brushed it off with a dry brush.) - Which of you did your comrades help? (To Artyom and Vova.)

Summary of work

The teacher summarizes the work:That's what you are all good fellows! As you try, you work together, all the dust was removed from the plants, now the evil wizard will never get to them! The mole thanks you, and now he will go and tell everyone what good, kind children we have in the group, how they work together!

Analysis of the organization of labor, the formation of skills of labor activity of preschoolers:

Self-service, independence labor education

Cultural and hygienic skills

The child has formed the habit of keeping the body clean, neat clothes, hairstyles; the child knows how to brush his teeth, wash his face, wash his hands as necessary. Knows how to keep nails clean; Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing and sneezing.

The child has improved food culture: the ability to properly use cutlery (fork, knife); the child knows how to eat neatly, silently, while maintaining the correct posture at the table.

Self service

The child knows how to quickly, neatly dress and undress, keep order in his closet (lay out clothes in certain places), and make the bed neatly.

The child knows how to independently and timely prepare materials and manuals for the lesson, knows how to independently lay out the materials prepared by the teacher for classes, clean them, wash brushes, rosettes for paints, a palette, and wipe tables.

Socially useful work

The child has a positive attitude to work, a desire to fulfill feasible labor assignments. The child has formed the necessary skills and abilities in various types of work, brought up independence and responsibility, the ability to bring the work started to the end.

The child is familiar with the most economical methods of work. The child is able to evaluate the result of his work (with the help of an adult).

The prerequisites (elements) of learning activity have been formed in children.

Children know how to help adults maintain order in the group: wipe toys, building materials, etc.

Children are taught to conscientiously fulfill the duties of dining room attendants: set the table, put it in order after eating.

labor in nature

Children are involved in helping adults and doing what they can in nature: in the fall - to harvest vegetables in the garden, collect seeds, transplant flowering plants from the ground into a corner of nature; in winter - for raking snow to tree trunks and shrubs, growing green food for birds and animals (inhabitants of a corner of nature), planting root crops, creating figures and buildings from snow; in spring - for sowing seeds of vegetables, flowers, planting seedlings; in summer - for loosening the soil, watering beds and flower beds.

Respect for the work of adults

Children have expanded ideas about the work of adults, the results of work, and its social significance. A careful attitude to what is made by human hands has been formed. Children are instilled with a sense of gratitude to people for their work.

Safe behavior in nature

The child has formed the foundations of ecological culture and safe behavior in nature. Concepts have been formed that everything in nature is interconnected, that a person should not violate this relationship so as not to harm the animal and plant world.

The child is familiar with the phenomena of inanimate nature (thunderstorm, thunder, lightning, rainbow), with the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm, with the rules for providing first aid for bruises and insect bites.

5 - 6 years

Development of labor activity:

Follows the sequence in dressing and undressing, folds and puts away clothes, puts them in order, dries wet clothes, takes care of shoes;

Independently brushes teeth, washes as needed;

Independently performs the duties of a dining room attendant, sets the table correctly, performs tasks for caring for animals and plants in a corner of nature.

Education of a value attitude to one's own work, the work of other people and its results:

    brings the work started to the end, maintains order in the group and on the site of the kindergarten;

    can evaluate the result of their work;

    enjoys the process of performing activities that are interesting to him and useful to others.

Formation of primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of each person:

Has knowledge of various professions, including creative ones: artists, writers, composers;

Has an idea of ​​the importance of the work of adults, feels a sense of gratitude to people for their work;

Carefully treats what is made by human hands.

Questions for the analysis of the organization of labor, the formation of skills of work activity of preschoolers:

    Determine the compliance of the content and volume of work with the requirements of the educational program for this age group.

    Determine the correspondence of the tasks set by the teacher to the program requirements, the characteristics of individual children.

    Determine the correspondence between the forms of labor organization (in collective labor - forms of combining children) with the level of development of the labor activity of children, their experience.

    1. how they convince children of the importance of work:

      how they affect feelings, stimulate the desire to achieve the goal;

      how much they teach to independently determine the need for work, its high-quality performance;

    1. what method of planning was chosen by the teacher (children's action according to the plan proposed by the teacher, planning - instructions, planning for questions to children, collective planning by children), whether it corresponds to the experience of children;

      does the content of the plan cover all stages of planning (organization of work, self-training, sequence and methods of performing labor operations), does it provide for self-control of work by children;

      in collective planning, evaluate how and in what way friendly relations between children, how the teacher encourages them to do so;

    1. how pedagogically justified is the participation of the educator in the work of children;

      what moral and volitional qualities are manifested in preschoolers in work and how the teacher contributes to the consolidation of positive manifestations, how it encourages them (prevents or resolves conflicts);

      how much the methods of the teacher's guidance contribute to the solution of the tasks set for the formation of labor skills and the upbringing of the positive qualities of the personality of children;

    1. the attitude of children to the result of the activity, the degree of adequacy of the results obtained;

      independence of children in evaluating their work, the work of their peers;

      the nature of peer assessment (positive, critical, negative);

      what methods the teacher uses to develop in children the skills to evaluate their work, to find the causes of mistakes or successes.

Based on the results of the analysis, make a description of the state of organization of the labor activity of children in this group, note the positive aspects of the work, its shortcomings. Determine the directions for correction and improvement of work, suggest the measures required for this. Make appropriate entries in the Diary of Teaching Practice.

Analysis of the organization of productive activities of children

Date 06.02.2018 MBDOU No. 21 senior group

Type of occupation; drawing

    Organizational aspect;

1). airing, wet cleaning, the lighting regime is observed, the children are set to work positively, expressing positive emotions.

    stylistic design of the premises for classes on the development of children's fine arts;

    the design of the room is stylistically harmonious

    room functionality:

5) constructability of the room: available

    the constructive side, subordinated to other aspects, the zoning is well thought out;

6) children's access to materials and manuals:

    children have free access to materials

Readiness of the teacher for the lesson

    availability of a lesson plan;

    various benefits and stimulating material are available

    aesthetics and pedagogical expediency of the prepared material is present

Analyze the lesson (drawing, modeling) according to the proposed scheme:

Date N° dow group

Class type

Stage: training, consolidation, improvement (underline as necessary).

I. Organizational aspect:

Readiness of the premises for the lesson:

    availability of equipment and materials necessary for the work of children and the teacher (choose one answer):

    equipment and materials are diverse and fully correspond to the type and content of the lesson;

    equipment and materials are not fully thought out and do not always meet pedagogical standards;

    the available equipment and materials do not correspond to the organized lesson;

    your choice;

    compliance with psychological and hygienic requirements for the lesson;

    stylistic design of the premises for classes on the development of children's fine arts:

    the design of the room is stylistically harmonious;

    design for classes is traditional, many aspects do not reflect a single concept;

    in the design there is complete stylistic chaos;

    your choice;

    room functionality:

    the room is functional, convenient to use;

    the room is not always convenient and practical;

    the room is not practical and functionally inconvenient;

    your choice;

    building structure:

    the constructive side of the room is subordinate to other aspects (functions and aesthetics), the zoning is well thought out;

    the constructive side of the room is not always subordinate to other aspects, zoning is not always flexibly thought out;

    the constructive side in the design of the room does not correspond to either the functional purpose or its aesthetics; there is no flexibility and dynamism of the zones in the room;

    your choice;

    children's access to materials and manuals:

    children have free access to materials;

    children have limited access to materials;

    children do not have independent access to materials at all;

    your choice;

Readiness of the teacher for the lesson:

    availability of a lesson plan or outline plan;

    the availability of various benefits and stimulating material;

    aesthetics and pedagogical expediency of the prepared material;

    the psychological mood of the teacher before the lesson and throughout it.

Organizational skills of the teacher:

    1. professionalism in organizing children in the classroom; creating a positive atmosphere in the group; ability to interest children;

      the ability of the teacher to correctly allocate time between all parts of the lesson;

      the ability of the teacher to vary, if necessary, parts of the lesson without violating its integrity;

      the ability of the teacher to complete the lesson;

      the ability to qualitatively and pedagogically correctly analyze the lesson and analyze the activities of children;

      principles of dividing children into subgroups (or there is no division).

      1. Didactic aspect:

        1. the correctness of setting tasks;

          the degree of implementation by the teacher of the tasks set, the implementation of the program content;

          characteristics of the methods and techniques used by the teacher in the classroom;

          expediency of methods and techniques;

          conformity of methods and techniques age group;

          mastery of the material by the teacher;

          skillful use of stimulating material;

          teacher's ability to individual approach to children;

          the presence of multi-level tasks;

          the presence of interdisciplinary connections in the classroom.

      2. Educational aspect:

        1. the degree of solving educational problems;

          the presence of a connection between fine art and other aspects of education;

          the nature of the formation of aesthetic taste in children.

        Personal aspect:

        1. appearance of the teacher;

          pedagogical culture;

          speech of the teacher;

          the ability of the teacher to resolve emerging conflicts or negative aspects that manifest themselves on the part of children in the classroom;

5) the ability of the teacher to maintain the mood and interest of children throughout the lesson.

V. Children's activities:

          1. degree of interest;

            degree of activity;

            skills in a particular type of creativity;

            children's possession of materials;

            mastery of work methods;

            possession of color;

            possession of the form;

            possession of compositional construction;

            possession of techniques;

            the presence of an individual style in children's work;

            expressiveness of the image created by children;

            the ability of children to carry out their work step by step;

            the ability of children to return to one of the stages, in case of failure;

            the ability of children to come to the aid of other children;

            the nature of the relationship of children with each other in the classroom:

    children work independently, in isolation from each other, do not communicate during the lesson;

    children communicate, but only on the topic of the lesson;

    children do not communicate with each other, but constantly resort to the help of a teacher;

    children try to peep at each other, copy, but at the same time not express dissatisfaction;

    children often complain about each other during class;

    tension is pronounced in relationships, children show envy and aggression towards each other;

    your option:

    the ability of children to analyze their own work and the work of other children.


Positive aspects of the lesson: _______________________________

Negative moments of the lesson: _______________________________

General conclusions:_______________________________________________

Observation and analysis of the organization gaming activity children.

Analyze the tasks of leading various types of games for this age group (according to the program "From Birth to School"). For 1 or 2 half a day, observe the teacher's organization of children's play activities and their independent play.

Record the results of the observations in the protocol and then analyze them according to the questions below. The protocol must reflect all the structural parts of the organization by the educator of children's play activities: identifying play interests, assistance in the distribution of roles, planning the play space, preparing and cleaning play equipment, paraphernalia, teacher participation in the game, evaluation of its results.

All appeals of the educator to the children and their answers, if possible, write in the protocol in direct speech. Conduct a more detailed observation of 1-2 children, fixing in as much detail as possible all their manifestations, reactions to the actions and speech of the educator and peers.

After finishing the recording, read it immediately, restore the abbreviated words, give the necessary notes characterizing what you saw.

protocol form (better to use horizontal (landscape) page layout):

The content of the work: ________________________________________________

Number of participating children: ______________________________________

Types of games organized by the teacher: _________________________________


Types of games organized by children: ___________________________________


Structural part

Actions and speech of the teacher

Actions and speech of children


Identification of gaming interests

Assistance in the distribution of roles

Play space planning

Play equipment preparation

Game progress

Play equipment cleaning

Evaluation of game results

Questions for analyzing the organization of play activities, the formation of play skills in preschoolers:

    Determine the relevance of the theme of games to the age of children and their diversity;

    Determine the correspondence of the tasks set by the teacher to the program requirements for the development of gaming activities;

    Indicate the variety of organized types of games, the variety of topics role playing preschoolers:

    1. what games children play before breakfast, their duration;

      the nature of the children's games after breakfast, the direction of the games that the teacher sets, their compliance with the nature and content of the upcoming classes;

      what games the teacher organizes between classes, do they provide children with rest before the next lesson;

      types of games for a walk, their topics;

      what types of games children play on their own, how many children take part in one game;

      the actual time allotted for children's games during the observation period, its compliance with regime requirements.

    1. what method of identifying playing interests was chosen by the teacher (questions for children, a surprise moment, creating an objective environment), whether it corresponds to the experience of children;

      whether the teacher offers plots for children's games, which ones and in what form;

      what techniques are used in the distribution of game roles (“magic arrow”, the desire of children, a motivated choice for a role);

      what techniques are used to organize the playing space, prepare and distribute gaming equipment, paraphernalia;

      whether the participation of the teacher in the direct game is organized, how it is done (playing partner in the main or additional roles, adviser);

      what techniques are used to sum up the results of the game, to create a setting for the further development of this type of game;

      what techniques are used to guide children's independent games (advice on choosing games, game partners, assistance in creating a game environment, distributing roles, drawing up a plot plan);

    1. how pedagogically justified is the participation of the educator in the children's play;

      which moral qualities stimulated in preschoolers in the game and how the teacher contributes to the consolidation of positive manifestations, how it encourages them (prevents or resolves conflicts);

      how the teacher manages children's relationships in the game (does he see conflicts, does he solve them correctly);

      how much the methods of the teacher's guidance contribute to the solution of the tasks set for the formation of playing skills and the upbringing of the positive qualities of the personality of children.

Based on the results of the analysis, make a description of the state of organization of the play activities of children in this group, note the positive aspects of the work, its shortcomings. Determine the directions for correction and improvement of work, suggest the measures required for this. Make appropriate entries in the Diary of Teaching Practice.

. Observation and analysis of the organization of musical didactic games children

Analyze the tasks of managing musical and didactic games for this age group (according to the program "From Birth to School"). For 1 or 2 half days, observe the teacher's organization of musical didactic games and their independent games.

Record the results of the observations in the protocol and then analyze them according to the questions below.

All appeals of the educator to the children and their answers, if possible, write in the protocol in direct speech. Conduct a more detailed observation of 1-2 children, fixing in as much detail as possible all their manifestations, reactions to the actions and speech of the educator and peers.

After finishing the recording, read it immediately, restore the abbreviated words, give the necessary notes characterizing what you saw.

protocol form (better to use horizontal (landscape) page layout):

Date, time of observation: ____________________________________________

Age group: _________________________________________________

Number of children involved in the game: _______________________________

Types of musical and didactic games organized by the teacher: ________


Types of musical and didactic games organized by children: ____________


Structural part

Actions and speech of the teacher

Actions and speech of children


Making a game

review of game material

Statement of the game problem

Explanation of game actions and rules of the game

Provision of a trial run

The nature of the teacher's participation in the game

Evaluation of game results

Questions for analyzing the organization of musical didactic games:

    Determine the relevance of the theme of musical and didactic games to the age of children and their diversity;

    Determine the compliance of the tasks set by the teacher with the program requirements for musical and gaming activities;

    Specify the variety of organized types of musical and didactic games, the variety of their topics:

    what games are organized before breakfast, after classes (in the evening), their duration;

    the use of musical and didactic games for a walk, their topics;

    what types of musical and didactic games children play on their own, how many children take part in one game;

    the actual time allotted for musical and didactic games of children during the observation period, its compliance with regime requirements.

    1. how the introduction or suggestion of the game by the educator is organized (questions to the children, a surprise moment, the creation of an objective situation), whether it corresponds to the experience of the children;

      how children are introduced to the material of the game;

      what techniques are used when setting a game task, explaining game actions and game rules;

      what techniques are used to organize the playing space, prepare and distribute game material;

      what role does the educator play in the process of musical and didactic play;

      what techniques are used to sum up the results of the game, to create a setting for the further development of musical and didactic games;

      what techniques are used to guide children's independent musical and didactic games (advice on choosing games, game partners, assistance in creating a game environment, determining a leader, etc.);

    1. how pedagogically justified is the participation of the educator in the game;

      what qualities are stimulated in preschoolers in the game and how the teacher contributes to the consolidation of positive manifestations, how it encourages them (prevents or resolves conflicts);

      techniques for including timid and shy children in the game, ways to help overcome indecision;

      how much the methods of the teacher's guidance contribute to the solution of the tasks of musical and gaming activities and the upbringing of the positive qualities of the personality of children.

Based on the results of the analysis, make a description of the state of organization of musical and didactic games in this group, note the positive aspects of the work, its shortcomings. Determine the directions for correction and improvement of work, suggest the measures required for this. Make appropriate entries in the Diary of Teaching Practice.

PEI SPO "Armavir College of Management and Social Information Technologies"

Labor activity of preschoolers: features of labor, analysis and diagnostics

44.01.02 - Preschool education

Armavir, 2015


Labor education is one of the most important aspects of the upbringing of the younger generation. In kindergarten, labor education consists in familiarizing children with the work of adults, in introducing children to work activities available to them. In the process of getting acquainted with the work of adults, the educator forms in children a positive attitude towards their work, a careful attitude to its results, and the desire to provide adults with all possible assistance.

The study of pedagogical literature showed that the formation of a positive attitude towards work among preschoolers is influenced by various factors: the formation of knowledge and ideas about the work of adults and its social significance, the development of labor motives, the assimilation of skills and abilities, the creation of a highly emotional atmosphere, methods and techniques of pedagogical influence.

Kindergarten No.__ of Zelenogorsk became the basis for the practice. The kindergarten is working on the problem of creating conditions for the social and personal development of preschoolers.

The basis for planning the section "Labor education" is a comprehensive educational program "Childhood".

The organization of the process for creating conditions for the labor education of preschoolers is regulated by regulatory documents: the Charter of the preschool educational institution, job descriptions of educators and specialists, an agreement with parents, orders for core activities.

During the practice, the main questions were raised for the observation and analysis of the labor activity of children:

1. Organization of collective work for cleaning a group room or plot, repairing and gluing books, boxes for games, caring for crops and plantings in the garden and flower garden, etc. in the older group.

2. Organization of work with small groups of children: cleaning the premises, play areas, washing and ironing doll linen; repair of toys and books, production of play equipment, handicrafts from natural materials; work with fabric in the senior and preparatory groups for school; work in nature, organization of crops and plantings, plant care; work in the garden and flower garden; animal care, etc.

3. Organization of labor assignments and work with those on duty: training them to fulfill their duties, providing assistance and evaluating the result.

4. Observation and analysis of the organization of the labor activity of children: labor assignments, duty, collective work.

5. Observation of the performance of labor duties or assignments by some children, analysis of the level of formation of labor skills, attitudes towards work.

1. Features of the work of preschool children

Labor education in the program is an obligatory component of the development of the basic and creative abilities of the child, the most important means of forming a culture of interpersonal relations.

The task is to gradually develop in children (taking into account age-related capabilities and gender characteristics) an interest in the work of adults, instilling a desire to work, skills in elementary labor activity, diligence.

When organizing labor, the educator is guided by the "Kindergarten Education Program", which determines the content of the labor activity of children in each age group. Gradually, from group to group, the tasks of labor education become more complex and broadened. Starting from the second junior group, in the section “Labor in nature”, the subsection “Work in a corner of nature” is highlighted, and in the older group, manual labor is introduced as an independent type of labor.

By organizing labor activity, educators ensure the comprehensive development of children, help them gain confidence in their abilities, form vital skills and abilities, bring up responsibility and independence. Kindergarten teachers take into account the main aspects of managing the work of children, namely:

- emphasize the social significance of labor;

- make sure that all types of labor and their content correspond to the age capabilities of children;

- strictly observe the norms of the load performed by children, preventing their overload and overwork;

- gradually expand the independence of children;

They create a favorable psychological atmosphere, form in children a benevolent attitude towards all participants in labor activity, the desire to help each other;

- direct the attention and efforts of children to the qualitative performance of labor activities.

Children of senior preschool age can perform the following types of work, united by the concept of "household work": keep their toys, board games, study aids in order; wipe and wash some toys; wipe furniture (together with one of the adults); wash clothes for dolls, small personal items (handkerchiefs, ribbon socks), napkins for breadbaskets, etc.; set the table, clean the dishes after eating; wash cups, spoons; sweep the floor in the room, with a small broom path in the yard; provide all possible assistance in various household chores: hang or remove small-sized linen from the rope, help carry a shopping bag, buy bread, bring, carry a thing, pick up a fallen one; take care of the younger ones (help dress, walk, play, sing a song, recite a poem by heart).

In accordance with the program, labor education includes the main types: self-service, household work, labor in nature, manual labor, and the forms of its organization are assignments, duties and collective labor of children.

Self service aimed at personal care (washing, undressing, dressing, making the bed, preparing the workplace, etc.). The educational value of this type of labor activity lies, first of all, in its vital necessity. Due to the daily repetition of actions, self-service skills are firmly acquired by children; self-service is beginning to be perceived as a duty. At the senior preschool age, new self-service skills are acquired: making the bed, caring for hair, shoes. The processes associated with it are used to solve more complex educational problems: the formation in children of the habit of neatness and cleanliness, the skills of behavior in an environment of peers. The child serves himself by being close to others, and therefore he must understand the needs and difficulties of others.

tutor on concrete examples explains how to act, taking into account the needs of others: step aside in the dressing room to let the one who has already undressed pass; when washing, let the attendants go ahead (it is more important for them to wash as soon as possible in order to start their duties), do not linger at the tap so that everyone can wash on time, ask for permission to pass so as not to cause inconvenience to anyone, etc. All this forms elementary in children caution, respect for others.

Household the work of preschoolers is necessary in Everyday life kindergarten, although its results are not so noticeable in comparison with other types of their labor activity. This work is aimed at maintaining cleanliness and order in the room and on the site, helping adults in organizing regime processes. Children learn to notice any disturbance in the group room or on the site and, on their own initiative, eliminate it.

Household work is aimed at serving the team and therefore contains great opportunities for cultivating a caring attitude towards peers. In the older groups of the kindergarten, household work is even more enriched in content, it becomes systematic, in many respects turning into permanent duty duties. Children maintain cleanliness in the room and on the site, repair toys, books, and help kids. A feature of the household work of older preschoolers is the ability to independently organize it: pick up the necessary equipment, conveniently place it, put everything in order after work. In the process of labor, children show diligence, striving for a good result, and treat their peers kindly.

labor in nature provides for the participation of children in the care of plants and animals, growing plants in a corner of nature, in a garden, in a flower garden. This type of labor is of particular importance for the development of observation, the upbringing of a caring attitude towards all living things, and love for native nature. It helps the teacher to solve problems physical development children, improving movements, increasing endurance, developing the ability for physical effort. For the older group, plants and animals that require more complex care methods are placed in a corner of nature, planted in the garden different kinds vegetables with different growing seasons, which makes the work more systematic. The amount of child labor is also on the rise.

Preschoolers spray plants from a spray bottle, brush dust from fleecy leaves, loosen the ground. With the help of a teacher, children feed plants, recharge the aquarium, dig up the ground in the garden and in the flower garden, plant seedlings, collect seeds of wild plants (to feed wintering birds). In the process of labor, the teacher teaches children to observe the growth and development of plants, to note the changes that are taking place, to distinguish plants by their characteristic features, leaves, seeds. This expands their understanding of the life of plants and animals, arouses a keen interest in them.
