Amethyst stone properties suits whom. Amethyst - the luxury of purple and its magical properties

From the ancient Greek language, the name of amethyst is translated as “non-drunk” or “non-intoxicating”, and from time immemorial amethyst itself was considered a stone that protects its owner from alcohol addiction. In ancient Rome the stone was called “blessed”.

According to one version, the name of the stone is associated with the ancient Greek legend about the god of wine, Bacchus. He became angry with people because they began to forget him and stopped honoring him. Bacchus decided that the person who met him first should certainly be given over to the tigers.

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But it so happened that the nymph Ametis was the first on God’s path, and when she saw the fierce tigers rushing at her, she prayed to the goddess Diana for salvation. Diana took pity on the nymph and turned her to stone. When Bacchus saw what had happened, he repented and in despair tried to resurrect the nymph. He poured wine on the stone, trying to bring life back into it, but everything turned out to be useless - the stone only changed color, becoming bright purple. It was this stone that received the name amethyst.

Physico-chemical properties of amethyst

Amethyst is a variety of quartz that is dominated by rhombohedral facets. Chemical formula - SiO 2. Usually the stone is found in the form of druses and neat brushes.

The color of amethyst can be very rich and depends on the iron impurities in the mineral. The stone may lose color when exposed to high temperatures: at 200 °C amethyst becomes very pale, but can return to color when it cools; at 300–500 °C, amethyst becomes colorless irrevocably (only targeted ionization can help); and at temperatures from 500 to 600 °C, amethyst acquires a bright yellow color and turns into.

Amethyst is a mineral of medium hardness - 7 on the Mohs scale. The density is also not high and does not exceed 2.65 g/cm 3 .

Amethyst deposits

There are many active amethyst deposits in Germany and Austria in the Birkenfeld region, in the Zillertal valley and in the city of Chemnitz. The highest quality gemstones are mined in the Urals, Sri Lanka and, in large quantities, in Brazil.

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One of the most famous and oldest (since the 16th century) amethyst deposits is located on the Kola Peninsula and is called “Cape Ship”.

The stone is also mined in Armenia, Uruguay and Madagascar.

Healing and magical properties of amethyst

Since ancient times, the stone has been attributed many healing and magical properties. It is believed that amethyst can heal headaches (if you place it on your head), colds (if you drink water in which the stone was lying the day before), insomnia and even nervous breakdowns. But amethyst helps not only against physical ailments. In case of depression, it helps to perk up, in work it helps to concentrate and promotes the development of memory, in relationships it helps strengthen feelings, and protects against temptations.

The significance of amethyst for lovers has always been great: girls and boys who found their “soul mate” wore this stone in a ring or pendant so that feelings would never cool and the union would not fall apart. If a tragedy happened and a woman or man became widowed, then they wore this stone as a sign of eternal, irresistible love, which even death cannot destroy.

Amethyst is a stone of peace and sincerity. There is an opinion that it can help develop the inner world of the wearer, his intuition, and sometimes insight.

Who is amethyst suitable for?

Amethyst is a very strong stone, and, as a result, its help can be as great as its harm if used incorrectly.

Astrologers believe that amethyst is best suited for Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. For most other zodiac signs, the stone will not bring much benefit, but it will not bring trouble either. The only exceptions are Leo and Taurus - amethyst is categorically contraindicated for them.

In addition, it is worth remembering one more important detail: Women should wear the stone on their left hand and men should wear it on their right hand.

Amethyst- one of the most beautiful and valuable varieties of quartz. Its color can vary from pale purple to dark purple. Amethyst crystals can be either completely transparent or practically not translucent in the sun. It belongs to the macrocrystalline varieties of quartz and owes its violet-purple color to admixtures of iron and aluminum.

See also:


Amethyst consists of silicon dioxide SiO 2 with iron impurities. Crystal structure: trigonal, hexagonal prism. Three segments of axes of equal length intersect in one plane at an angle of 60°, the third axis is perpendicular to this plane, and the segment cut off on it has a different length. In the hexagonal system, three unit cells form a regular prism on a hexagonal base.


Mohs hardness - 7. Density about 2.65 g/cm 3 . Refractive index: 1.544 - 1.553. It can be transparent or semi-transparent. The color of amethyst is very varied in shades and varies from almost colorless pale purple, pink-bluish-violet, bluish-violet to purple, dark purple, to lavender blue, sometimes to almost black. Violet-smoky zone-colored amethysts are also found. The distribution of color is usually uneven; zoning of color is characteristic, sometimes pronounced: intensely colored zones are parallel to the faces of rhombohedrons or are distributed in spots along growth pyramids in the crystal.

The color of amethyst can be very rich and depends on the iron impurities in the mineral. The stone can lose color under the influence of high temperatures: at 200 ° C, amethyst turns very pale, but can return color when it cools; at 300–500 °C amethyst becomes colorless irrevocably (Only directed ionization can help); and at temperatures from 500 to 600 °C, amethyst acquires a bright yellow color and turns into citrine.

The color stability of amethysts from different deposits is not the same; Thus, amethyst crystals from crystal veins are usually resistant to even direct sunlight, while amethysts found in geodes among sedimentary rocks usually fade quickly when exposed to even diffuse sunlight.


Amethyst usually grows on a gray opaque quartz substrate. Common in drusen and crystalline brushes within agate geodes and in tonsils and fissures in volcanic rocks. Unlike simple quartz, the prismatic facets on amethyst crystals are usually weakly manifested; the facets of its crystals are dominated by rhombohedron faces. In addition to the simple forms of crystals inherent in quartz, amethyst often appears in the form of skeletal sceptre-shaped forms, when the subsequent generation of the mineral grows on the previous one at the end of an early generation crystal in the form of a short pyramidal-prismatic formation resembling a mace or scepter.

Sometimes an amethyst contains thin crystalline plates of hematite or needle-shaped crystals of goethite and is then called “hairy”. Common for amethyst crystals, especially large ones, are liquid and gas-liquid inclusions; often they have the form of very thin tubular tubes with constrictions and are located along radii from the center of growth. A natural mixture of amethyst and citrine is called ametrine.


Amethyst was born in the depths of the earth under high pressure and exposure to water. Formed in hydrothermal veins and lava amygdalae. Often deposits are found in volcanic rock and growths on rock crystal. High-quality amethysts are mined in the Urals, Uruguay and Brazil. Another unique deposit has been developed on the Kola Peninsula, famous for amethyst brushes with a fairly even dark purple color. And yet, the most expensive amethysts in the world are mined in Mexico, the Jaerrero deposit. These are dark purple prismatic crystals surrounded by clear or white quartz, growing straight from the center. There are also deposits of the mineral in the USA, Canada, Uruguay, Italy and Germany.


Valuable semiprecious stone, is widely used in jewelry and as a material for artistic carving. Beautifully colored violet-red and violet specimens are highly prized and used in expensive jewelry together with diamonds and emeralds. During processing, the amethyst is given a diamond, step, fancy cut, and cabochonted. Beautiful natural specimens are popular among collectors.

Most often in Rus', amethyst was used to decorate religious paraphernalia (icons, books, crosses, etc.). Both crowns and expensive dresses. The amethyst stone became most widespread as a decoration for the insignia of monarchs and priests. Today, the most common use of amethyst is as amulets. The amulets themselves can have completely different shapes and appear before you, either in the form of a ring or pendant, or in the form of a figurine or rosary.

Amethyst - SiO 2


Strunz (8th edition) 4/D.01-10
Nickel-Strunz (10th edition) 4/DA.05
Dana (7th edition)
Dana (8th edition)
Hey's CIM Ref. 7.8.1

Speaking about precious gems, it is simply impossible not to mention one of the most famous. Amethyst is a stone that is certainly very beautiful, but it is famous not only for its appearance. Interesting story and some of the strongest magical properties among minerals made purple truly legendary.

From our article you will learn what geologists, chemists and esotericists say about the gem. We will tell you who amethyst is suitable for and how to use it for good. It will be interesting!

Translated from Greek, the word “amethyst” is translated as “not intoxicating.” There are several explanations for this name. The most beautiful of them is mythological. An ancient legend tells how Dionysus, the god of wine, fell in love with the beautiful nymph Ametis. But she did not return his feelings. The jealous god pursued the girl for a long time, but he was never destined to arouse love in her.

Tired of the amorous pursuits of the drunken deity, Ametis turned to Artemis. She turned her into stone. Dionysus tried to revive his beloved. He sprinkled it in his magical wine, but the drink only absorbed into the crystal, and that's how it got its purple hue. Later, Zeus broke Amethys into pieces, and so beautiful stones scattered across the earth.

Another explanation is more prosaic. The ancient Greeks and Romans considered it a disgrace to drink strong wine. Therefore, they always placed a clear amethyst crystal next to the jug. The drink was supposed to be diluted with water until it became the same color as the stone. At the same time, violet quartz itself was credited with the ability to protect against intoxication. Therefore, cups were often decorated with it, and necklaces were worn with it at feasts.

In the Bible you can read that purple quartz was one of the stones that adorned the robes of the high priest in Jerusalem. The Chinese wore amulets made of the mineral before battle. In the Middle Ages, the church fell in love with amethyst; it was even called “bishop’s” or “monastic”.

Physico-chemical properties and deposits

Amethyst is a type of quartz - one of the most expensive and beautiful. The deposits most often look like druses - a large number of crystals that have grown together. Most of them are in Russia and South America. Like other quartz, the stone has a fairly high hardness on the Mohs scale - seven points. It is uniform in density and transparent.

The leaders in the production of purple gems are Russia and South America.

Amethyst is mined in industrial quantities in Brazil, but Brazilian minerals do not differ in quality. Asian specimens are most valued, but there are very few of them. The ideal compromise between price and quality is Russian minerals. A raw gem from the Urals, mined at great depths, the so-called “deep Siberian”, can be quite expensive, but the quality will be at the same level.

The properties of amethyst are such that when exposed to direct sunlight, it changes color and then begins to fade. In the USSR, they learned to grow artificial purple quartz that does not fade in the sun, but their price is lower than that of natural ones.

Types and colors

Amethyst has many varieties. They all differ in color, price and magical properties. You should always remember that a transparent sample is more valuable. The following options are distinguished by color:

  1. Purple amethyst is the most common, one might say, classic European variety. The color can range from soft lilac to rich, almost black.

  2. , or green amethyst. Needle inclusions give it a specific lemon shade. Typically, high-quality prasiolites are obtained by calcining an ordinary mineral under special lamps.

  3. Pink amethyst has opaque specks that give it a special beauty. The most sensitive to sunlight of all stones.

  4. Black crystals are the rarest. They are also considered the most powerful in a magical sense. Sorcerers are willing to pay a lot of money for such a stone.

  5. You can take rose quartz and calcinate it. You will get a version of the stone called lavender.

  6. Extremely rare, only slightly more common than black, is blue amethyst.

By chemical composition The following types of amethyst are distinguished:

How to distinguish from a fake

The main property that distinguishes a natural mineral from a fake is hardness. Quartz stones are stronger than steel. When purchasing amethyst products, take a knife or blade with you. Try to scratch it; you won’t be able to scratch a real gem. This method is enough to distinguish the mineral from a crude fake made of glass or plastic. But if you have purple quartz grown artificially, or artificially enriched with color, scratching will not help.

Real amethyst is highly durable.

The color method allows you to identify not only colored glass, but also quartz that has received color under a special lamp. Natural minerals will have a slightly uneven color, some richer, some paler. Perfect transparency is extremely rare in nature. In a word, a flawless stone will most likely be, if not an outright fake, then most likely simply synthetic.

Jewelers love such crystals more than natural ones. They look more impressive in jewelry.

Water will also help you distinguish real jewelry from fake. Just put the pebble in a glass of water and hold it there for a minute. A real stone will seem to absorb water, its edges will become more transparent. Synthetic - no.

Try warming the mineral in your hands. Quartz stones almost do not absorb heat. Therefore, the natural copy will remain cold to the touch, while the fake will heat up from your palms.

The sun will also be a good help if you leave the decoration under the rays for an hour or two. Natural amethyst loses color evenly under their influence, artificial amethyst does not.

Examine the stone under a magnifying glass. We have already written that ideal precious minerals are almost never found in nature. Of course, the question of authenticity is primarily a question of price. If they try to sell you fake diamond at the price of natural, then the seller is a banal fraudster.

If there are no cracks, chips, or inclusions on the surface of the stone, then it is most likely artificial.

But in general, synthetic stones have their advantages. Jewelers love them more, so if you just need beautiful decoration- buy an artificial crystal. But for magical purposes only natural ones are suitable.

Amethyst care

Protect your jewelry from sudden changes in temperature and moisture.

In order for the stone to serve you as long as possible, follow several simple rules how to wear amethyst.

  1. To prevent the crystal from losing its magical power, it must be recharged from time to time. It is best to do this during the waxing moon.
  2. As already mentioned, purple quartz fades when exposed to sunlight. Don't wear amethyst jewelry yet, keep it in a dark place. And wrap it in soft cloth to protect against damage.
  3. Quartz is poorly affected by temperature changes. Over time, they begin to crack and fade.
  4. Bracelets with amethyst, like rings, are best removed when washing dishes, washing by hand, or doing wet cleaning. Household chemicals bad effect on stone.
  5. Quartz jewelry collects negative energy. To cleanse them of negativity, wash your jewelry regularly. Running water is best, and not from the tap.
  6. It happens that the crystal becomes cloudy. In this case, it needs to be cleaned. The most advanced cases should be dealt with by a jeweler. But there are some things you can do at home. To do this, keep the stone in the soapy solution for a while and then clean it with a soft toothbrush.
  7. Protect the crystal from falls and impacts. It is quite strong, but still not worth the risk. The most fragile stones are cheap amethysts from geodes in Brazil.

Magic properties

The history of amethyst makes its meaning clear. The stone symbolizes calmness, purity and purity. Purple quartz protects against bad habits and attachments, as well as insomnia. This crystal will be a good amulet for people who live by strict moral principles.

Amethyst is able to predict the weather and darkens when a storm approaches.

According to its properties, amethyst becomes, as it were, a complement to its wearer. Because of this, a light and pure stone during conflicts is reconfigured in harmony with the negative emotions of the owner. If you see that a quarrel is brewing, remove the jewelry out of harm’s way, and then hold it under running water.

The purple color of amethyst corresponds to the Sahasrara chakra, located at the crown of the head. She is responsible for spirituality, wisdom and foresight. Therefore, harmony with the crystal will contribute to the development of such qualities. It will also teach you to sense insincerity and hypocrisy. Thanks to this talisman you will get rid of irritability and hot temper.

The magical properties of such a talisman are quite contradictory. It can either strengthen a marriage or destroy it. It happens that amethyst is given as a gift for the purpose of a love spell. In this case, the crystal really causes reciprocity (and can destroy an old marriage or relationship), but such witchcraft will not bring happiness.

In the old days, purple quartz was used to predict the weather - it darkens when a storm is approaching. Of course, only natural amethyst has all the properties we talked about. A laboratory-grown crystal is magically dead, no matter how flawless it may be. We generally keep quiet about painted pieces of glass.

Medicinal properties

Purple quartz will help you relax and cope with insomnia.

In lithotherapy - a branch of alternative medicine that treats with stones - it is believed that amethyst improves hormonal levels. Purple quartz also helps oxygenate the blood. Amethyst beads normalize the digestive system and help cope with lung and heart diseases. You can also gently massage your face with them to keep your skin youthful.

Purple quartz energizes water well, helps relieve bruises and swelling, and reduces pain in joint diseases. Earrings with amethyst can cure hearing problems or otitis media. In order to defeat migraines or just headaches, lightly rub the area of ​​the head that hurts the most with the mineral. To help your child sleep soundly and peacefully, place a pebble under his pillow.

The healing properties of amethyst help with neuroses and depression, but it is better not to take risks with schizophrenia, although there is evidence of the treatment of this illness. The stone also reduces cravings for drink and drugs. If the crystal is used for healing purposes, it is important that it directly touches the skin. The best frame for it in this case is silver.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

When buying a talisman, take into account your horoscope compatibility with it. . Enjoy reading!

People's requests to nature for help did not go unanswered. The Creator of the surrounding world generously gifted humanity with everything necessary for a happy existence.

Amethyst is an underground gift that gives the inhabitants of the planet energy, knowledge and the ability to cope with opponents of the human race, evil forces and vices.

History and origin

Ancestors created legends about the formation of a wonderful crystal. The story of the intoxicating passion of the ancient Greek god Dionysus for the nymph Amethys, which led to the death of the unfortunate woman, is the most famous among fans of myths.

The ancient Roman interpretation of the story about the origin of the gem sounds somewhat different, but the essence remains the same. The God of winemaking, having decided to punish people for not showing proper worship, set fierce beasts on the laity. The predators, having stumbled upon a nymph petrified with fear, took off running.

With the help of wine, Bacchus tried to revive the girl, but did not get any results. The stone into which Amethys turned was turned into pure water by the strong drink. In the old days, thanks to legends, people could learn a lot. The myth of the petrified nymph gave humanity the knowledge that a magic crystal helps get rid of drunkenness and aggression.

The mineral is formed among crystalline rock formations. Amethyst druses or brushes are found in cracks in volcanic rocks and inside agate ores. There are stones with inclusions and... A widely known natural mixture of amethyst and, called.

Place of Birth

South American mines are famous for their deposits of high-grade gems. The deposit located in Mexico produces high-quality precious crystals dark lilac color. Gems from Asia and Africa enter the world market.

However, gems mined on the hot continent are not as numerous as in other locations. Unique specimens of gems are mined in Russia. The loud name “deep Siberian” is given to a purple pebble from this region. Jewelry amethyst, mined in the mines of the Urals, has a high collection value.

Physical properties

The semi-precious stone is transparent, with a glassy, ​​pearlescent luster. Due to the physical properties of the stone, amethyst is widely used in jewelry, as it is processed and cut. Hard and durable colored crystals are highly valued as an ornamental material.

FormulaSiO2 (silica)
ImpuritiesFe²+, Fe³+
Density2.63 - 2.65 g/cm³
Refractive index1,543 - 1,554
KinkConchoidal, rather fragile.
ShineGlass, mother-of-pearl.
ColorViolet to pale reddish-violet, black, pink.

Healing properties

The ability of amethyst to heal any ailment has been known since ancient times. The Egyptians, Romans and Greeks believed in healing power stone and knew in which cases the properties of the gem work most effectively.

The mineral, sacred in those days, helped to overcome any addiction. In modern times, you can also cope with harmful addictions with the help of amethyst. Constantly carrying a crystal framed in silver with you acts on the mind as a way to weaken the craving for a bad habit.

In addition to the main healing properties free from harmful addiction, the gem helps the body cope with the following problems:

  • eliminates disturbances in the endocrine system, normalizes the production of hormones;
  • gives a calming effect, relieves muscle tension, restores emotional state;
  • has a beneficial effect on mental condition, eliminates nervousness, stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • improves blood circulation, promotes blood saturation with useful substances;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system, helps normalize blood pressure;
  • helps stabilize the gastrointestinal tract, helps cure diseases of the stomach and pancreas;
  • helps restore the liver, rids the body of toxins, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin;
  • helps improve the health of the genitourinary system, relieves kidney disease, reduces swelling;
  • improves vision and hearing;
  • gives an analgesic effect, relieves migraines;
  • has a beneficial effect on sleep, helps get rid of nightmares.

In the old days, medical luminaries used amethyst to treat people with a weakened psyche. Tinctures with the mineral were used in the treatment of apathy and depression.

Important! Healing stone is not medicine, and a battery charged with positive energy that enhances the effect of drugs and accelerates the absorption of nutrients. By the force of vibration, the crystal “forces” the body to accumulate vital energy, which gives a speedy recovery.

Magic properties

In the distant past, due to its miraculous properties, amethyst was called the “apostle’s stone.” The gem is the personification of purity of spirit, devoted feelings and bright thoughts.

The sacred crystal gives peace, drives away anxious feelings, and helps to understand premonitions. The beneficial energy of the mineral protects from adversity and protects from negative influences.

How magic stone, amethyst is very picky in choosing the ward whom he will favor. Selflessness and honesty are the qualities that the owner of the amulet should be endowed with.

For a person with a similar set of traits, the gem helps to take a happy path, gain health, well-being and get rid of evil influences with the help of black magic, damage and the evil eye. If the owner of the talisman has bad character traits, the energy of the stone is unlikely to cope with the assigned tasks.

A magical artifact affects the state of mind and harmonizes the inner world. Protects the owner of the stone from “bad” thoughts, conflict mood, and helps to cope with attacks of aggression.

Finding yourself in the midst of a quarrel or a brewing scandal, you have to remove the jewelry with the stone, since the gem is not able to quickly transform the negative charge and this flow rushes towards the owner of the amulet. After the event, the crystal requires cleansing of negativity.

It is not for nothing that one of the varieties is purple, the same as the ajna chakra. The crystal helps to reveal superpowers and develop clairvoyance.

For those who do not intend to reveal hidden psychic talents, the gem helps to avoid lies and insincerity, and to expose evil intentions. Anxiety and worry develop suspicion and irritability. The amethyst talisman helps to clearly contemplate on current events, which helps dispel all doubts and relieve tension.

Natural stone helps to improve relationships in the family and work team. The amulet protects its owner from pretense and flattery, which makes communication open and truthful. Using a gem for communication helps you see through your interlocutor.

Empathy awakens in the owner of the amulet, which not only promotes empathy, but also makes it possible to get to know a person better. Higher spiritual quality helps to understand the people around you and set the tone for communication.

For family relationships, amethyst has a special purpose, the settlement of relationships. This is the case if the partners have common views for life if they have common tasks.

When a couple does not have unity, if there is violence or aggression in the relationship, then this union should not exist; the gem can speed up the breakup. If a stone looks like a heart, it is the best protector sincere feelings. The talisman becomes a reliable protector of lovers.

What matters for a person living in today’s hectic world is his predisposition to art, sports, and maybe science. For whom amethyst can be used as a magical artifact, it is recommended to use it to reveal natural talents, artistic or musical taste, or a thirst for knowledge.

Important! In some cases, amethyst jewelry is used to attract a loved one. The enchanted item can be donated as a love spell artifact. The ritual will have an effect, however, the result obtained is unlikely to be satisfactory. Such actions do not give happiness, but the bitterness of disappointment. This is even more true for minerals, like the Apostle’s Stone.

Jewelry with Amethyst

Amethyst is popular among jewelry lovers who enjoy the healing and magical properties of the stone. The gem is used as a precious, semi-precious and ornamental mineral.

Rare collectible samples are in private collections, but many unique items are put up for sale. The compatibility of the mineral with other gems contributes to the creation of jewelry masterpieces. Crystal matches with various types precious and inexpensive metals, which greatly affects the cost of the product.

  • Brazilian amethyst for a keychain costs only $3;
  • a crystal fragment from Kazakhstan, measuring 1.5x2 cm, costs $3;
  • crystal (tumble) of the highest quality, from Zambia, size 1.5x2 cm costs $5;
  • earrings made of jewelry alloy with amethyst beads, diameter 10 mm, cost $5.5;
  • Brazilian mineral pendant costs $6;
  • heart pendant, Brazil costs $7;
  • a dowsing pendulum made of amethyst and cupronickel costs $8-10;
  • a crystal drop pendant from Namibia costs $11;
  • cupronickel pendulum, gem from Botswana costs $13;
  • cut jewelry amethyst, weighing 0.5 carats, Zambia deposit, costs $15;
  • druse size 7x8 cm, lavender color, Uruguay, costs $30.

From the above statistics it is clear that the price varies depending on the size of the stone, its deposit and the quality of the mineral. Judging by the list presented, anyone who wishes can buy a natural gem.

More information about jewelry with Amethyst:


It is known that the colors of gems depend on what impurities they contain. The most popular variety of amethyst is considered to be the one that has a purple hue. However, the stone is also found in other colors and is therefore of considerable interest among jewelers and collectors.

How to distinguish a fake?

Many people know about artificially grown minerals. To distinguish a natural crystal from a fake, it is proposed to test the stone.

  • The first is a careful examination of the gem for the presence of inclusions and microcracks. A perfect stone that has no defects is most likely fake.
  • the second test is learning appearance, color. A crystal that is too bright and does not have imprecise drawing lines casts doubt on its originality.
  • The third method is immersion in water. A natural gem will appear much lighter around the edges, which will not be true for a fake.

Important! Hard and durable stone is difficult to scratch. If you run the point of a needle across a natural crystal, it is unlikely to leave a mark on it.

Caring for stone products

At proper care jewelry adorns its owner for a long time, and later passes into the possession of descendants. In order for an amethyst to serve as a decoration or amulet for as long as possible, there are certain care rules for this.

  • Do not use chemicals to clean dirt. Can be cleaned with soapy water and running water.
  • Do not dry in the sun or near heating devices. Can be dried in a dark place, at room temperature, or using a fabric that absorbs moisture well.
  • You cannot save a magic stone together with other jewelry. Can be stored in a separate case or box.

Compatibility with names and zodiac signs

Anyone interested in the magical, healing properties of the mineral will be curious to know what astrological properties amethyst has, and which zodiac sign will receive greater support from the crystal.

(“++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion-
  • Aries - these representatives of the zodiac circle receive protection and support from purple and lavender crystals. The gem gives control over emotions, promotes the right choice, and helps in resolving conflicts.
  • Capricorns, Aquarius, Libra, Gemini get the help of the pink variety. The gem has an effect on improving health, improving relationships in the family and at work.
  • For Virgos and Scorpios, the best amulets will be black amethyst. The gem relieves negativity and bad thoughts. Sets you up for positivity and gives a favorable solution to the problem.
  • Cancer and Pisces are favored by the influence of the lilac crystal. The mineral protects family ties and helps in the implementation of plans.

Names that harmonize with amethyst:

  • Alexander, with the help of the stone, gives up excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Alexey reveals his creative potential.
  • An amulet helps Ivan on the path to enlightenment.
  • Daria ceases to be ashamed of her own judgments.
  • Elena is limited from bad habits leading to deterioration of health.
  • Taisiya receives a favorable charge of energy that improves health.

At the core the right choice The amulet is based on purely personal preferences and internal sensations.

Is this stone right for you?

The ancient history of the amethyst stone contains great amount legends, not only about its history, origin and meaning, but also about its magical properties. Today, amethyst is recognized as the most luxurious and precious type of mineral such as quartz.

Alluring purple shades speak for themselves, he is so beautiful that there is absolutely no doubt about his magical powers. What unique abilities does this gem have? Does it really contain enormous magical power? Since ancient times, it has been given a wide variety of meanings. During medieval Christianity, it was recognized as a symbol of humility and faith.

The mineral is endowed with a fairly wide range of shades - from delicate violet tones to blue-red flowers. According to legend, it is the dark gem that is able to detect hidden information, reveal secrets and recognize conspiracies. In ancient times, bowls and various cups were made using this natural stone, and they believed in the power to prevent intoxication, which is why today, the name of this gem translated from Greek means “not intoxicated.”

Many magicians, sorcerers and people endowed with psychic abilities they believe that it can endow a person with extraordinary insight.

Amethyst stone, magical and medicinal properties with which he is endowed:

  • the ability to drown out the mental and emotional pain of loss;
  • eradication of anxiety and stress relief;
  • amethyst stone magical properties for women - has a specific effect on a person’s female aura, can change its colors, fill it with pure light, fill and replenish a person’s weak and damaged aura;
  • can help a person not only recover from emotional swings, but also allows you to open the so-called “third eye” - in the Indian religion, the Ajna chakra.

How to charge an amethyst with your energy to obtain maximum effect during use? The stone needs to be warmed up a little and held in your hands. A ring with this mineral brings good luck to players, but such a talisman is by no means the patron of overly gambling people.

Amethyst stone: magical properties, zodiac sign

Amethyst is a symbol of the element of Air and patronizes these particular signs of the Zodiac: Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. The purple stone is contraindicated for Pisces, Leos and especially Capricorns - it will only harm these signs, causing a storm of emotions, and not creating the balance that its magic calls for.

However, the green amethyst stone is perfect for these signs; its magical properties will positively influence and influence these signs. It is quite acceptable for other representatives of the zodiac circle to use it magical powers. It is especially good to have jewelry for people whose choice is creative, creative and active professions: artists, writers, athletes, sailors.

The product catalog will allow you to purchase a wide variety of jewelry, both precious and semi-precious natural stones highest quality.
