Openwork crocheted angels. Crochet angel

The master class was created two years ago, since then I have imposed a lot of angels, so I made some additions and changes along the way. I will add this information to the master class with an icon
Here are samples of angels knitted in this master class

The master class was prepared for the Charity event "".
An angel turns out height about 12 cm, it uses very little yarn (I think less than 8-10 g, but it’s hard to say for sure). It takes me 2-3 hours to knit one angel.
Knitting materials:
-- yarn YarnArt Violet or its analogues: Lanoso Gelincik, Altin Basak MAXI, etc. (100g / 565 m)
- SOSO yarn from Vita - it is easier to knit from it, the angel is less airy, but more “white”, elegant
-- hook No. 2
-- for finishing: Violet or Iris colored and with lurex, YarnArt Camellia with lurex (20g / 190 m, for her - hook No. 1.5)
-- ribbons, beads

Knitted from various yarns:
MAXI (like Violet) - I liked it, it is even whiter than Violet (it is yellowish compared to Maxi), but quite thin - it turns out, of course, very soft and airy.
SOSO - I liked it too, very white, smooth, not mercerized, but slightly shiny due to the smoothness, not so thin, so easier to knit
Iris - colored, for finishing the wings in the company of Maxi
Begonia is a bit thick, not suitable for angels
YarnArt Camellia is very thin, so it was used either for wings or in conjunction with thin Vita Daisy cotton (then the thickness was adequate for Soso)
Lurex from - I didn’t really like it as an additive to white yarn (it gave a slight grayish tint to the fabric), but it was well suited for finishing colored wings.
Vita Cristal - thin 100% acrylic, I didn’t like it: it seemed shiny, and at the same time “hairy”, these “shaggy” things fixed with starch were unpleasant both visually and to the touch. And besides, it is not white, but yellowish; I tried everything I could to overcome this yellowness, but in the end I regretfully put it aside for other projects
Vita Baby -- 100% acrylic. At first I really liked the feel of it, but still didn’t hold its shape, so I starched it - it stretched out and began to look a little rough. It was these angels that I spoiled in the oven and decorated with sequins. The yarn is too thick for angels, although it is perfect for other things due to its velvety feel.
Conclusion: acrylic is absolutely not suitable for starching at all.

Before starting knitting, cut off 40-50 cm of thread; we will need it a little later (if the angel is with beads, then you don’t have to cut it).

We knit the head in a spiral, without joining the rows. Since knitting with single crochet stitches in a circle slightly slants to the right, from time to time you need to add 1-2 stitches to align the row along the length. In order to see the beginning of the rows, place a contrasting thread between the first column of the new row.
Later, I began to knit the head more rounded: one row less (up to the 10th row straight, then from the 11th row - decrease), and for the neck only 1 row of 12 stitches. without a crochet.
Head knitting pattern:

Increases and decreases can be placed not on top of each other, but shifted, then they will be less noticeable and the knitting will not turn into a pentagon.
1 row - 5 tbsp. single crochet in amigurumi ring
Row 2 - V 5 times = 10 stitches. without crochet
3rd row - V| 5 times = 15 tbsp. without crochet
4th row - V|| 5 times = 20 tbsp. without crochet
5th row - V||| 5 times = 25 tbsp. without crochet
Rows 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 -- 25 sts. without crochet
Row 12 - /\||| 5 times = 20 tbsp. without crochet
Row 13 - /\|| 5 times = 15 tbsp. without crochet
Row 14 - /\||| 3 (three) times = 12 tbsp. without crochet
15 row - 12 tbsp. without crochet
Row 16 - 12 st. single crochet, 1-2 connecting stitches to align the row in length and height
Rows 15 and 16 are the neck (if you think it’s a bit long, you can get by with one row for the neck). Let's check that the angel's "face" looks good; if there are any flaws, you can tie (or unravel) several columns to get a neat one. the front of the head.


If beads will be tied into the hangers, then the thread after the head can be cut off, leaving a long tail (will be needed for mending the hole and making a loop). And on the second end of the thread, string 18 beads (number 6) or 36 beads (number 8) and continue knitting.

We knit the shoulders with double crochets, in each row we make 2 chain stitches for lifting (in fact, 3 chain stitches are usually recommended, but in this case I end up with holes that draw attention to the beginning of the row, so I make 2 chain stitches. )
Knitting pattern for hangers:

1st row - |V st. double crochet 6 times in neck loops = 18 sts. double crochet
2nd row - |V st. s n. 9 (nine) times = 27 tbsp. s n.
Row 3 - ||V 9 times = 36 sts. s n.
4th row - *1 tbsp. s n. in the column of the previous row, 1 in. p.* repeat 36 times = 36 cells
5th row - 1 connecting st.. under v. n. of the previous row, * 1 tbsp. from N., 2nd century. p.* repeat 36 times = 36 cells

You can knit beads into columns in the 3rd row. Master class on tying beads here:
Here are angels with beads (Czech beads No. 6). Perhaps you should take smaller beads, otherwise you will end up with “beads”.

We fill the head with tweezers. I bought half a kilogram of Fibertek (costs about 50 thousand Belarusian rubles).
The amount of filler in the photo turned out to be even unnecessary.

After this, so that the filler does not fall out, I mend the hole with the same thread 40-50 cm long that we left at the very beginning of knitting (or the tail of the thread left after the head).
First stitches “horizontally”, then “vertically”

We do not cut off the long tail of the thread; we will need it for making a loop for hanging. So as not to interfere with further knitting, you can pull it out through one of the wings (when it appears).
After a certain number of angels, you will already see where the hanging loop should be located and you can do it at this stage - it is much more convenient than on a ready-made angel.

Wings are the most difficult material to explain, although there is nothing complicated about knitting them.
So, the basic diagram for understanding wings:

The beginning of knitting the rows of the skirt will be in the middle of the back, so the last knitting loop points us exactly to the center of the back. The back itself will consist of 5 cells, the front will also consist of 5 cells. Accordingly, there are 13 cells for each wing; we will tie 6 festoons on them.

Attach the thread to the air loops of the 4th square from the hook (from the end of knitting the hanger), knit 6 scallops in accordance with the pink arrows.
We attach the last scallop with a connecting post, knit 3 air loops and a connecting post under the beginning of the wing (this is the green arrow). Thus, our wing folded in half.
Next we knit the second row of the wing binding in accordance with the orange dotted arrows. We attach the connection. in a column, cut off the thread (you don’t have to cut it, but this option will come later).

Then we count out 5 full cells for the breast, attach the thread to the 6th cell and knit another wing.
This is what it looks like "on the ground"

Next, you can knit a row for retracting the ribbon (this row is shown in lilac in the diagram):
1st connection art. under 2 in. p. (which are the center of the back), 2 in. p. for lifting, 2 in. P.,
further *1 tbsp. s n. under 2 in. n. of the previous row, 2 in. p.* in this way:
2 tbsp. s n. on the back
1 tbsp. s n. under the wing
5 tbsp. s n. on the chest
1 tbsp. s n. under the second wing
2 tbsp. s n. on the back
then 2 v. p., 1 connection Art. to complete the row. The result is 12 squares = 36 loops

If you don’t want to make an angel with a ribbon, then you can do it differently.
We do not tear off the thread after the first wing, but knit 16 stitches. single crochet on 5 squares of the breast (do not tighten the stitches so as not to tighten the knitting), then we knit the second wing and 16 tbsp. single crochet on 5 squares of the back.

You can knit another row with single crochets: 2 tbsp. under the wing, 16 tbsp. on the breast, 2 tbsp. under the second wing, 16 tbsp. on the back = 36 st. without a crochet. Tear off the thread.
Let's get this trim between the top of the angel and the skirt

And one more “general note” on knitting wings.
If the second row of the wing is knitted “crawfish step”, that is, from left to right (as it is knitted in the last picture), then the knitting pattern will be slightly different:
-- attach thread
-- knit the first row of wings to the left (indicated in pink)
- knit the orange row - crab-step tying to the right
-- 3rd century n., conn. post to the second edge of the wing (green arrow)
-- tear off the thread or 16 tbsp. single crochet across the chest
-- second wing
-- tear off the thread or 16 tbsp. without a crochet on the back.

I offer 4 wing options. They differ both in pattern and in the degree of “splendor” (so to speak, “spreading out”).
I'd be glad to see other options.

Option 4. Wings with small teeth of medium fluffiness.

1st row - under the first chain of connections. column
under the next chain * 1 in. p., art. with n.* 4 times
1st century n., conn. column for the next chain
2nd row - conn. stitch in stitch, 1st century. P.
*under v. p. between Art. s n. previous row - art. without n., 2nd century. p., art. without n., 2nd century. p.* 3 times
but the 3rd time - only 1 v. p.. connect the column under the trail. chain
I knitted most of the angels with exactly this stitch, only a little differently in the first row: st. double crochet, two tbsp. with 2 double crochets, art. double crochet

Option 1. Silver wings are knitted with YarnArt Camellia yarn (it comes in various shades, but it is much thinner than Violet (190m / 20g) , so I took a hook No. 1.5 and knitted it without openwork so that there was more shine))
True, I haven’t tried starching this yarn yet; I have doubts, because it consists of polyester and metallic. Well, we'll see later.

1st row - st. without n. under the first chain of 2 v. p. of the previous row,
under the following chain: 2 tbsp. with 1 double crochet, 4 tbsp. with 2 double crochets, 2 tbsp. with 1 double crochet,
under the next chain - art. without a crochet.
2nd row - conn. column in st. without n.; Art. without n.
in the first st. from 1 n., half double crochet in the 2nd st. s n.,
2 tbsp. s n. in four st. from 2 n. (= 8 dc),
half double crochet in st. from 1 n., art. without n. in the second art. from 1 n.;
connect column in st. without crochet

Option 2.. This is a slightly modified method from the mammy3 master class on Osinka (

1st row - under the first chain of st. without crochet, 1 in. P.,
under the next chain *2 in. p., art. with 2 double crochets* repeat 2 times,
2nd century p., art. from 1st century, 1st century P.
under the trail chain st. without n.
2nd row - without turning the knitting, from left to right “crawfish step”: 1 tbsp. without crochet under each v. p. (2 columns under 2 v. p.)

Option 3 Quite fluffy wings. I think an angel with wings like these would look better in all white, maybe trimmed with just a ribbon or beads.

1st row - under the first chain of st. without n., 1st century. P.
under the next chain of art. from 1st century, 2nd century P.,
*Art. from 2 n., 2 v. p.* 3 times
Art. from 1st century, 1st century P.
under the next chain of art. without n.
Row 2 - st. without n. over 1 in. P.
*under 2 in. p. of the previous row - art. without n., 3rd cent. p., art. without n.* 4 times
Art. without n. under 1 in. P.

As I wrote above, the connection between the top and the angel skirt can be designed in different ways - one next to the holes for pulling in the ribbon (silver angel), or a row of single crochets (yellow angel), or two rows of single crochets (pink and blue angels).
The main thing is that the final number of loops is 36. This number will allow us to knit different patterns skirt - with a report of 3,4,5 (skip one loop), 6, 7, 9 loops.

I like this skirt pattern because it is not too lacy (not see-through), interesting due to the raised columns, and at the same time calm, not too distracting from the upper part of the angel.
But I want to experiment with other patterns in the future.
The diagram shows how to knit a skirt if the row for pulling in the ribbon is knitted before it. Please note that we begin the skirt pattern above the loops for lifting the previous row, then the pattern will lie symmetrically on the front of the angel.
If the previous row was a row of single crochets, then we will start the skirt above the loops to lift the last row of hangers ( white), then the pattern in front will shift by 2 loops, but will also lie symmetrically (see pink and blue angels - they are connected differently in this place, but the front is symmetrical in both places).
In any case, after the first row of the skirt, we check that everything in the front of the skirt looks symmetrical and neat.
When knitting according to the pattern below, in the 4th and 7th rows there is a sharp expansion of 18 loops. Therefore, over time, I began to knit a little differently: in the 3rd and 6th row we make increases similar to the 4th and 7th rows (1 ch before and after the tick), BUT only through one track - this will give an increase of 10 loops, and in the 4th and 7th rows another 8 will be added - it will turn out much neater.

0 row - row for retracting the ribbon, for more details, see the “WINGS” diagram in lilac color
1 row - 2 in. p. for lifting, 2 in. p. pattern, art. s n. in the same loop where the lifting loops come from,
skip 1 base loop, st. s n.
*skip 1 base loop, “check” (1 dc, 2 ch, 1 dc in the same base loop), skip a base loop, st. with n.* repeat until the end of the row
conn. Art. in lifting loops
2nd, 3rd row - connect a stitch under the chain, repeat until the end of the row * "tick", convex double crochet * (at the beginning of the row - a checkmark with loops for lifting, similar to the 1st row)
4, 5, 6 row - repeat * “tick”, 1 st. p., convex st. from N., 1st century. P.*
7, 8, 9 row - repeat * "tick", 2 in. p., convex st. from N., 2nd century. P.*
10 row - tying with finishing color: 8 tbsp. s n. under the checkmark chain, 1 convex st. single crochet under the convex column of the previous row.


Later, I began to knit the nibm differently, closer to its Catholic version: a chain from the 12th century. p., tie tightly with single crochet stitches (approximately 22 stitches fit). You can knit another row of stitches if you wish (something like this: *2 single crochets, increase*). Sew the halo from the back to the top so that it is visible, but not as obvious as in the master class. There is no need to even starch it, it comes out tightly anyway.
It turns out like this

I will also leave the option from the master class. Maybe someone will like just such a halo.

Close 5 V. p. in a ring
1st row - 12 tbsp. s n. in a ring
2nd row - *1 tbsp. from N., 2nd century. P.*
3rd row - *1 tbsp. without n., 3rd cent. P.*
Leave a long end of thread for sewing.

I like to sew it so that the halo is behind the head, as it looks on the icons.
We apply the halo to the back of the angel’s head, look from the face so that it turns out beautifully and symmetrically, and then sew it on from the inside, approximately in the same triangle as I marked with a contrasting thread.

The side view looks like this

From the thread remaining after darning the hole for stuffing, we make a loop. It is located approximately in the first row of knitting hangers. (But if you like, you can do it on the top of the head, or on the back of the head, behind the halo).

To do this, fold the angel exactly in half, stick the needle in from the inside out, slightly to the side of the center, and back, so that it turns out symmetrically. It is convenient to work hard, either by turning the wing up, or by turning the angel with the wrong side of the skirt facing out. We fasten the thread from the inside out and get a loop, one thread thick, which is not visible when the angel is standing.

We thread the needle through all the ends of the threads.
We admire it. Our angel is ready!

I know what gives shape to knitting different ways: starch, sugar, gelatin, PVA.
I tried it only with starch: for 2 glasses of water, 1 tablespoon of starch, bring to a boil and transparency in a water bath. Dip the angel into the paste, leaving the head dry, soak, and squeeze out. If it doesn’t wring out well, you can blot it lightly with a clean towel.

To dry the angels, I glued cardboard cones together. I rolled a bag out of cardboard, put an angel on top, adjusted the cone to the shape and size of the angel, and glued it with tape.

I put a thin plastic bag over the cone with a corner, pull the wet angel on top, straighten the wings (I don’t fix them with anything, just maybe adjust them several times during drying, but they hold up well on their own), and check that the bottom line of the skirt is horizontal. So they dry on the cone.
And one day I was in a hurry - there were more angels than cones, so I removed the slightly dried angels from the cones, put them on a cutting board (stuck in a bag, of course) and dried them over the radiator. And she dressed the following angels on the cones. Everything dried out fine too.
I also repeatedly dried it in the oven at minimum temperature with the door ajar. They dry in about 3 hours, but you need to monitor the temperature so that the beads and lurex do not become cloudy.

While I was composing a master class and knitting angels, many ideas arose that I would like to try to implement: stretch Grass yarn into the wings of an already starched angel or make separate sewn wings from plush yarn or Grass (possibly with monofilament or fishing line to hold the shape), attach sequins and sew-on decorations such as sequins in the form of flowers, leaves, stars (after all, we will have angels for summer, different cheerful colors and decorations are acceptable, as it seems to me), sew on flowers - from ribbon or knitted (I saw “Flower Angels” here in the Country of Mothers ); or maybe make completely white angels with bright ribbons for decoration - a lot of beauty and ideas for inspiration can be found by searching on the Internet, on Osinka, in the Country of Mothers.

I hope that my master class will be useful. This is my first MK, so I am very grateful for the pluses and approval.
I will be very glad to see your incarnations.
Good luck!

Angels are creatures without flesh who protect people from misfortunes and protect each person individually. Some people believe in guardian angels, but others don't. In any case, if you crochet and give someone a beautiful, openwork guardian angel, then it can become a real talisman. If the gifted person does not share your faith, then he can hang crochet angel just on the Christmas tree as a toy. But to be honest, we have never come across people who are indifferent to angels. That's why we decided to prepare large selection crochet angel patterns.

Crochet angels can be flat, in the form of appliqués. Such angels can serve as decorations on the wall or on the window during the Christmas holidays.

Volumetric angels, often openwork, are crocheted with thin threads and can be used as New Year's decoration to the Christmas tree. Or they can become your amulet.

Is it necessary to starch crocheted angels?

On our website and on the Internet we found several detailed wizard- classes on knitting angels. It's worth noting that if you tie an angel large size 20-25 cm from thin threads with hook No. 1-1.2, then you will have to strengthen its shape using a solution of PVA glue or starch. You will also need a base on which the angel will dry.

If you take thicker threads and a hook, the angel will hold its shape on its own. Although it won't be as impressive.

How can you decorate an angel with crochet?

  • You can crochet an angel from multi-colored threads
  • use gold or silver yarn for the binding if it is a Christmas angel
  • You can give the angel a heart, a staff, a flashlight, again depending on the theme of the angel
  • do beautiful hair(contrasting color) or curl your angel
  • beads and sparkles are perfect for New Year's angels

Choose the most beautiful angels crochet and knit them for the upcoming holidays: New Year, Christmas, Valentine's Day.

Crochet angel, patterns from our needlewomen

Crochet angel, master class from Irina Sheiko

This is the Angel Irina knitted for Christmas. Height 17cm, skirt diameter 7cm. In this work I used Chinese threads of the “Iris” type with the inscription on the label “Gold thread”, 100% cotton, 0.9 mm hook.

Two angels, crochet

Angel with bells (model 1).
Height: 12 cm. Materials: “Iris” yarn (100% cotton), 15 g white; a little green; white small beads; narrow green satin ribbon; suitable shape; a little padding polyester; hook No. 0.9.
Angel with a flower (model 2).
Height: 23 cm. Materials: “Iris” yarn (100% cotton; 87 m/10 g), 30 g white; a little nylon brown; 1 bead; colored satin ribbons; hook No. 0.9.

Crochet snowflake and angel, Irina's work

Crochet angel, work by Elena

Crochet angel, work by Anna Ratova

Angel size: height approx. 20 cm.

Materials: yarn (100% cotton), approx. 30 g white, hook No. 1.5.

Crochet angel pendant, original work of Maria Casanova

The “My White Angel” pendant is knitted using the Irish lace technique from Italian yarn “Lana Grossa (Secondo), and the mesh is made from yarn “Katia” (Syros). It can be hung on the Christmas tree or on the door.

New Year's still life: flowers and crocheted angel

I present a “New Year’s still life” that will fit well into the interior and create an atmosphere of celebration and mystery. For the composition I used the remains of wool and acrylic threads, hook No. 2.7 (Clover).

Crochet angels

A little angel.
Loin knitting.
Materials: “Iris” yarn (100% cotton), 8 g white; satin ribbon; passe-partout; hook No. 0.9.
Size: arbitrary.

Big angel.
Materials: “Iris” yarn (100% cotton), 11 g white; hook No. 0.9. Height: 23.5 cm. Width: 21 cm.

Crochet angel, diagrams and descriptions from the Internet

Crochet heart angel, master class from Galy from the Country of Masters

I’ll make a reservation right away - I didn’t come up with this (I only gave the heart to him). This angel is from Valya Valentina magazine. Unfortunately, the author of the work is not indicated in the magazine and I don’t know who to thank for the wonderful angel. Let's start slowly. I used “Snowflake” cotton threads and a 0.7 mm hook.

Angel Constance crochet

Master class from Ekatrina Novoselova.

For work we will need: Threads Rose 100% Cotton and hook 0.8.

Simple crochet angel

Size – about 18 cm
Materials and tools:
You can use any thread, because starching is not required (in my version, the threads are Turkish acrylic “etamine”), for the wings and bell, Turkish iris with lurex, a small piece of foam rubber, 10 mm thick, a little synthetic filler for the head and body, a piece of cardboard for the base, a small piece of fabric for cone and base, a hook for the thickness of the threads, small beads or large beads for decoration (in my version, Czech beads).

Openwork crochet angel, master class!

For knitting you will need:

  • Cotton threads (Iris or Snowflake)
  • Hook 1.25
  • Beads and decorative elements (mine is a heart held by an angel.)
  • Wire
  • Sugar syrup and starch paste.
  • Glue gun or super glue.
  • Angel starch mold (I use a piece of linoleum)

Crochet angel from zelyonka

Three angels according to one scheme

Openwork angels with diagrams and descriptions

Mexican crochet angel

Crochet air angel

You will need: the remains of white Iris yarn (100% cotton) and a hook No. 1.4, a little padding polyester.

Crochet Christmas angels

Angels are connected without assembly.

You will need:

  • cotton thread No. 10, white 640 m, pink 18 m, green 18 m.
  • 4 white beads with a diameter of 6 mm
  • 76 cm of white twisted cord with a diameter of 1.3 cm
  • 1.8 m satin ribbon width 0.3cm
  • artificial flowers
  • filler
  • paint brush
  • White paint
  • scotch
  • starch solution
  • food film
  • foam mold 5*13*25 cm
  • a piece of thick cardboard measuring 41 cm
  • stainless steel pins
  • wooden ball 3.8 cm in diameter with a flat bottom
  • glue gun
  • hook No. 1.8cm

Crochet angels patterns and description:

Crochet angel, design Joan Glass

Knitted from Yarn Art Violett yarn (282m/50g) with crochet number 1.3.

Crochet angels with patterns:

How can you decorate a Christmas tree beautifully? Can buy beautiful toys, garlands, bright firecrackers and others original jewelry. Or you can go the other way - make them yourself, involving the whole family in this activity. For example, children will be able to make interesting decorations from paper, plastic boxes and other scrap materials, and mother will be able to knit beautiful angel. The work, however, is quite painstaking, but the result will exceed all expectations. The master class and a detailed diagram will help make angel crochet work enjoyable and exciting. This cute product can not only be a decoration for the Christmas tree and home, but also an excellent souvenir that can be given as a gift. The Christmas holidays will become even warmer with such beautiful crafts, the patterns of which even a novice needlewoman can understand. Angels are the most beautiful knitted symbol of Christmas.

Openwork weightless angel

Knitted toys have some special magnetism; they charm and warm. And this sweet, airy angel will please everyone who sees him. It is not difficult to knit it, and such work will bring a lot of pleasure. Master class with detailed description will simplify knitting this openwork and light decoration for the Christmas tree or just for the interior.


This cute Christmas angel can be knitted with white yarn, a product in a soft blue color will look good. Iris yarn is best suited; you should not take synthetic yarn, but rather linen or cotton. You also need a crochet hook No. 1 - 1.5. You will need padding polyester or any other filler, pins, PVA glue, cling film, plasticine, and decorative tape.



These cute Christmas angels are crocheted from the top of the head. You need to start with a chain of air loops enclosed in a ring. The chain must be tied in a circle, increasing the number of loops. And thus form a knitted ball (this will be the head), and when it is almost ready, it must be stuffed with padding polyester. Reduce the number of loops to the initial cast-on edge. There is no need to break the thread.


Knit the body without tearing the thread from the head. Detailed master class not needed here, since you need to make the body in the shape of a cone with any arbitrary pattern. Experienced needlewomen can use their favorite patterns or come up with something unusual, and beginners can be advised to knit double crochets.

Sleeves and arms, wings

The Christmas angel is almost ready, now we need to make knitted sleeves and arms. It is important to place them symmetrically.
Separately make knitted wings in the shape of a butterfly (no need to sew them on yet).

Shaping toys

Take plasticine and mold it into a cone that will fit the size of the tied torso. Wrap the prepared cone in cling film. Place the angel's body on this base and securely secure it with pins at the bottom. Take glue and generously lubricate the body of the toy with it. Be sure to saturate your head, but there is no need to be zealous. Knitted hands and also moisten the sleeves in glue and give them the desired shape. Do the same with the wings, only you need to fix them with pins, leveling them on a piece of film.

When everything is dry, then everything related details can be connected. Sew on the wings, additionally securing them with glue. When the toy is completely dry, you can tie it on decorative cord to the angel's back and hang it on the Christmas tree or other place.

Such a simple master class is convenient because every knitter can choose what she likes best, use her favorite patterns and patterns.

Christmas Angel: video master class

Angel knitted with a granny square pattern


When 1 loop remains at the end of knitting the ball, you can proceed to creating handles.
Cast on 14 ch, then make 1 st in the 8th loop from the beginning. b/n, tie 7 ch. Connect to the beginning of the chain. Do the same for the second handle.


Now there will be a master class on knitting a halo for a toy.
1 p.: 20 v.p.;
2 p.: rise, 1 tbsp. b/n, in the next 2 loops knit 2 tbsp. b/n, and then in each - 2 ss2n. Knit 2 ss3n into 3 loops, then make 2 yarn overs, etc. in mirror order.
Connect the ends of the headband, leaving threads so that it can be sewn to the head.

Granny squares

A master class on creating a granny square will teach you how to create this simple but beautiful knitted pattern. You will need 3 squares. The classic granny square is knitted like this:
6 v.p. - into a ring;
1 r.: 3 ch, 2 tbsp. s/n, 2 vp, 3 tbsp. s/n., repeat twice;
Rows 2-4: knit under v.p. 3 tbsp. s/n, and between them make 2 vp;
The corners of the square are obtained like this: 3 tbsp. s/n, 2 vp, 3 tbsp. s/n.
Tie 2 colored squares with white yarn and connect them. Sew all the details.

The knitted crystal angel for the Christmas tree is ready!

Inspired by such wonderful master classes, this time I decided to pick up a hook and thread myself and knit a small New Year and Christmas souvenir with my own hands. Knitting fascinated me so much that I knitted practically without patterns; or rather, the description below was “born” by combining several master classes and patterns on crocheting angels.

Every figurine, toy and even thing has meaning. The white angel is a sign of kindness, a kind of small amulet and protector of the home. Great New Year's souvenir people you care about.

If you wanted to place a little winged friend in your home (or knit it as a sign of friendship, love, etc. for someone), from me to you:

Detailed master class: how to crochet a Christmas angel for a Christmas tree

You will need:

  • thin cotton or acrylic threads of white color (as an option - iris);
  • hook No. 1,2;
  • holofiber;
  • white thread with a needle;
  • gold ribbon;
  • golden thread.

Knitting heads

We start knitting from the head. We make an amigurumi ring and knit 6 single crochets under it, then knit in a spiral.

2nd row: from each loop we knit 2 (12 single crochets) 3rd row: we make increases through one loop (18 single crochets) 4th row: we make increases through two loops (24 single crochets) 5th row: we make increases through three loops (30 single crochet) Rows 6-8: 30 single crochet without increasing. 9th row: we make decreases (we skip the columns of the underlying row) through 3 loops, 24 single crochets. Row 10: 24 single crochets without increments. 11th row: we make decreases (we skip the columns of the underlying row) through 2 loops, 18 single crochets. Row 12: 18 single crochets without increments. Row 13: make 4 decreases at equal intervals, you should get 14 single crochets. We knit rows 14-15 without increments - this is the angel’s neck. Next, fill the head with padding polyester or holofiber.

We continue knitting the angel dress.

1st row: 3 in. p., 1 double crochet in the base, * 1 in. p., skip the loop of the underlying row, and knit 2 tbsp in the next one. with 1 nak., between them - an air loop**, 1 v. p., skip the lower loop and knit from * to ** to the end of the row. (there should be 7 double columns with one base point in total)

2nd row: 3rd century. p., 3 single crochet stitches under an arch of one chain stitch between two single crochet stitches, 3 chain stitches, a connecting stitch in the next chain stitch, etc. until the end of the row.

3rd row: arches of 5 air loops (see diagram) above knitted 3 double crochets and spaces between them.

Rows 4-10: repeat rows 2 and 3.

The diagram shows 8 rows, I increased it by 2 rows.

Row 11: we knit arches from air loops, and above the 3 columns of the previous row we knit 5 stitches. p., and above the gaps - 7 c. P.

Row 12: Under the arches of 7 chain stitches we knit 11 double crochet stitches, under the arches of 5 chain stitches we knit a connecting stitch in the middle. The result is a kind of knitted fans. There should be 7 pieces in total.

Let's move on to knitting the wings.

24 air loops, 3 in. p. of these are lifting loops, then we knit 20 single crochet stitches.

We unfold the knitting and knit 1 chain stitch, 6 single crochets, 7 single crochets, skip 2 loops, and in the next one we knit a fan of 5 single crochets, skip 2 loops, 3 single crochets.

We unfold the knitting, chain stitch, double crochet, chain stitch, etc. That is, under the knitted fan below we knit double crochets plus one in. p., 2 single crochets.

We unroll the knitting again and knit single crochets under the fan posts, only this time we knit two chain loops between them.

Then we tie the wing with single crochets, making a picot of 3 chain loops every 2-3 loops.

We knit another angel wing according to the above description.

Crown for an angel

We dial 30 v. p., close it in a ring, knit double crochet stitches in each loop - 1 chain stitch between them.

Next, to form the cloves, we knit 5 sts. p., make pico from 2 c. p. (i.e., turn the knitting and knit a connecting stitch into the second loop), 3 in. n., connecting column through two underlying loops. It turns out this halo-crown:

These patterns can serve as a guide to knitting a dress and angel wings:

Assembling a knitted angel

We starch all the details of the angel. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of starch in ½ glass of water, add to boiling water (1/2 glass), stir thoroughly, heat, but do not bring to a boil, turn off and cool. Since the parts are knitted from white threads, we wash them in soapy water, rinse them, dip them in a starch solution for five minutes, wring them out, and dry them. Moreover, we dry the angel on an inverted glass or other suitable vessel :), and the wings and crown on a flat surface. First, you should carefully straighten everything so that no distortions occur.

Christmas angelsymbol of New Year and Christmas. Such a figurine can become not only a gift, but also a talisman for a loved one if you connect it with your soul.

Volumetric angel

Crochet angel is very beautiful and gentle. In this master class we will crochet a beautiful three-dimensional angel. It will fit perfectly into the interior or become a good gift for someone close to you. Detailed step by step description works from craftswoman Anna.

  • Yarn “Iris” is white;
  • Yarn “Children's novelty” for hair;
  • Hook 0.95;
  • Sintepon;
  • Needle.

The angel is knitted from the head. We cast on 2 VPs and start knitting in the 2nd loop from the hook.
1p: 6 RLS.

9 - 12r: RLS without increases.
13r: 6 RLS, decrease - we repeat all this further.
14r: 5 RLS, decrease - we repeat all this further.
15r: 4 sc, decrease - we repeat all this further.
16r: 3 RLS, decrease - we repeat all this further.
Fill the part with padding polyester.
17r: 2 RLS, decrease - we repeat all this further.
18r: 1 RLS, decrease - we repeat all this further.
19 - 22r: no reductions.

We continue knitting.
23r: 1 RLS, make an addition - we repeat all this further.
24r: 2 RLS, make an addition - we repeat all this further.
25r: 3 RLS, make an addition - we repeat all this further.
26r: 4 RLS, make an addition - we repeat all this further.
26-36r: no increases.
We knit the bottom separately. We collect 2 VP.
1p: knit into the 2nd loop from the hook 6 RLS.
2p: make an increase in all loops.
3p: 1 RLS, make an addition - we repeat all this further.
4p: 2 RLS, make an addition - we repeat all this further.
5p: 3 RLS, make an addition - we repeat all this further.
6p: 4 RLS, make an addition - we repeat all this further.
7p: 5 RLS, make an addition - we repeat all this further.
8p: 6 RLS, make an addition - we repeat all this further.

We stuff the angel's body with padding polyester and sew the bottom with a sc stitch crochet.

Next we knit the dress. We knit straight from the body. At the end of the row we always make a connection and at the beginning, instead of the CCH, we perform 3 VP.
1p: 1 dc in each loop and make 1 ch between them.

2p: we knit 1 dc under VP, 1 ch and another 1 dc. We skip the next VP and knit the same element. So along the entire row.

3p: we have ticks in the previous row. We knit in 1 and 2 ticks on the same new tick from 1 Dc, 1 VP and 1 Dc. Next comes the next checkbox. But we knit a new tick between it and the previous tick (which we have already knitted). This is how we perform the increase. We repeat everything again along the entire row.

4p: we knit only 1 increase in this row, as in the previous one. At the very beginning of the row. And then we simply knit check marks into the check marks of the bottom row.
And we knit further down another 9 rows. That is, we simply knit 1 dc, 1 ch and 1 more dc under the VP.

We knit a border for a dress.
1p: make 5 VP and knit 1 RLS under the VP of the bottom row (that is, in the middle of the tick).

2p: we knit 9 dc under the arch. Under the next arch we knit 1 sc. We make 5 VP and knit 1 sc under the next arch. Again we perform 5 VP and 1 RLS under the next arch. And then we repeat everything in the row again.

3p: we knit 1 dc above each dc and 1 ch between these stitches. There are 9 CCHs in total. Then we knit 1 sc under the arch. We make 5 VP and under the next arch we again knit 1 RLS. Next we repeat the knitting.

4p: and knit the last row of the border. We knit 1 sc in each loop. We knit a dc under the first ch of the previous row and make a picot from 3 ch. Then we knit a sc under the next ch. Next we knit a sc under the next ch and make a picot. So we alternate the picot over the fan. There will be 5 picots in total above the fan. Under the arch of 5 VP we knit 5 RLS.

We knit the wings.

1p: knit 6 dc in a sliding loop.
2p: 1 dc, make an addition - repeat all this further.
3p: in each dc we knit 1 dc and make 1 ch.
4p: we knit a tick in the first DC, that is, 1 DC (3 VP instead), 1 VP and 1 more DC. Next we knit the same checkmarks under the VP of the bottom row. And we will also knit a tick into the very last DC of the bottom row. In total we will have 10 ticks.
5p: we knit a new tick into each tick.
6p: make 5 VP and 1 RLS in the middle of the tick under the VP - we repeat all this further.
7p: under the arch 9 dc. Under the next arch we knit 1 sc. We make 5 VP and knit 1 sc under the next arch. Again we perform 5 VP and 1 RLS under the next arch - we repeat all this further.
8p: above each dc there is 1 dc and 1 ch between these columns. There are 9 CCHs in total. Then we knit 1 sc under the arch. We make 5 VP and under the next arch we again knit 1 RLS and repeat all this further.
9p: 1 sc in each loop. We knit a dc under the first ch of the previous row and make a picot from 3 ch. Then we knit a sc under the next ch. Next we knit a sc under the next ch and make a picot. So we alternate picots over fans. There will be 5 picots in total above the fan. Under the arch of 5 VP we knit 5 RLS.
We knit 2 such wings.

And all that remains is to tie pens.
We collect 2 VP. We knit 9 sc into the 2nd loop. And we knit 16 rows in a circle, sc.

Now let's make an angel hair. You can knit a small piece of fabric in garter stitch and let it sit for a day and then unravel it. Then your hair will turn out wavy and beautiful.
We cut the yarn and sew it in the middle to the angel's head.
The side strands can be pulled back and secured there with a thread.

Sew on the arms and wings. And starch it well. The angel must be firm.
You can decorate it with artificial flowers.
Charming angel, isn't it?

A similar angel from Anna, just as cute:

Angel with a halo

Christmas angel figurine knitted with “Children’s” yarn, height 9 cm.


in\p - air loop,

s\b - single crochet,

s\n - double crochet.


Knitting a ball:

  • we make a ring, there are 6 s/b in it, we tighten the thread, we connect a row with a loop,
  • in each column we knit 2 s/b, there will be 12 loops (f1),

  • next row we go in repeat *1 s/b, 2 s/b in one column*, connecting, you get 18 loops (f2),

  • We make 4 rows in a circle without additions (f3),

  • we begin decreasing, for which we knit with rapport *1 s/b, then 2 loops together*, there will be 12 loops left in the circle (f4),

  • then we knit every 2 loops together, 6 loops (f5),

  • put filler into the ball (f6).

  • make 2 in\p, and in the same loop 1 s/n, then 2 s/n in each loop (f7),
  • We also knit the next row (f8).


  • 5 in\p, yarn over, insert the hook behind the front wall of the next loop, knit 1 s/n, then repeat *2 in\p, 1 s/n behind the front wall of the next loop*, at the end we connect a row of loops (f9),

  • for the first wing, insert a hook under each arch of air loops, and knit 6 times with rapport *1s/b, 4 s/n, 1s/b* (f10, 11),

  • further under each chain 5 times with rapport *1s/b, 2 in/p 1/s/b* (f12),

  • we knit the second wing,
  • we knit the remaining arches to the end of the row with rapport *1s/b, 2 in/p, 1s/b*,
  • We connect the last loop to the first (f13).


  • From the wrong side of the work, behind the back walls of the loops between the wings (f14), we knit 7 s/b, skip 4 loops, and in the fifth we make 1 s/b, then 6 more times in each loop 1 s/b, at the end a connecting one.
  • There will be 14 loops in the row (f15).

  • 2 in\p, and at the same point we make 2 s/n, then we go in rapport *2 in\p, skip 1 loop, in the next 3 s/n*, at the end 2 in\p, connecting (f16).

  • 2 ch/n, next loop 1 s/n, then another 1 s/n, then rapport to the end of the row * 2 ch/n, skip the loop, 1 s/n, 1 s/n, 1 s/n in the chain *, 2 vops, connecting (f17).
  • 2 in\p, 1 s/n, 1 s/n, then rapport *3 in\p, skip a loop, 1 s/n, 1 s/n, 1 s/n*, 3 in\p, connecting,
  • 2 in\p, in the next loop 2 s/n, then 1 s/n, and in the air chain we make another 1 s/n, * 3 in\p, 1 s/n at the top of the second column, then 2 s/n in next column and in the chain 1 s/n *, 3 in/p, close the row (f18).
  • 2 in\p, in the next we knit 2 s/n at one point, then 1 s/n, in the next 1 more s/n, and in the chain we knit 1 s/n, then repeat *3 s/n, in the top of the second column 1 s /n, in the next loop 2 s/n, then 1s/n and 1s/n in the chain*, knit 3 in\p, and connect the row with loops (f19).

We tie the edge of the skirt at our discretion.

Halo above your head:

We knit a chain of air loops,
close it with a ring,
we tightly knit single crochets into it,
close the row.

Ours is ready! May it bring you happiness!

And two more master classes from Anna.

Little angel

To knit an angel we will need:

  • Yarn “Pekhorka high-volume” or similar white;
  • Hook;
  • Needle;
  • A little padding polyester.

Let's start knitting the angel from the head. And we will dial 2 air loops. Now let’s knit 6 stitches into the loop further from the hook. We knit the head with single crochets.
Having knitted the first 6 stitches, we make increases. And we knit 2 stitches in each of the loops.
This will make 12 new columns.
Then we will knit the increases again. But now not in every loop, but through one. After this, we will perform 4 more rows. In them we knit 1 stitch per loop.
Let's make some reductions. Knit 2 loops together. Then we knit 1 loop. And then we repeat knitting along the row. Having finished the row, we knit a new one and knit the first 2 loops together. Then we knit 4 columns. And we will knit the next 2 together again. And we finish the row with single crochets.
Let's fill this part with padding polyester.
Let's do 1 row. This will be the angel's neck.

Now let's move on to the wings and dress. We knit with double crochets.
The first column will be replaced by 3 air loops. We knit with an increase through a loop. That is, 1 column, then 2 columns in a loop. And so this whole series.
Next we will knit a row where we will make 2 stitches in a loop.

In the new row we knit a double crochet and 2 chain stitches. We pass the loop further and then knit a double crochet. We repeat this further down the row.
Then we knit 1 double crochet over each underlying stitch and make 3 chain loops between them.

Now we need to tie the 5 windows that we got. We pass under the chain of loops. And we knit 5 double crochets. In the next window we knit a single crochet and again 5 double crochets. And so we will tie only 5 windows.

Let's skip 2 windows and knit 5 windows again, like the previous ones.

Now we knit 3 single crochets into the empty window. We will also knit a single crochet and a double crochet from the previous row. And repeat in the next window 3 single crochets.
We immediately move on to knitting on the other side in empty windows. We knit them the same way.
We connected the angel's dress in 2 places.

We knit further in the circle. We make double crochets with increases through a loop.

Next, we knit a double crochet in a new row, then make 2 chain loops and knit another double crochet in the same place. Let's make 2 air loops again and skip the loop at the base. And in the next one we will knit 1 double crochet. And let's do 2 again air loops. We will repeat all this further down the line.

Now in the resulting slingshots we will knit 2 double crochets, 2 chain stitches and again 2 double crochets. We make 2 air loops. And in the next lower column we knit a new double crochet. We perform 2 air loops again. And then we repeat knitting until the end of the row.

Then in the new row we knit 3 double crochets and 2 chain stitches into a slingshot. Then again 3 double crochets. Repeat 2 chain stitches and double crochet into the next base loop. Then we repeat everything.
The next row is exactly the same. But instead of 2 air loops, we knit 3 loops everywhere.

Let's tie the edge of the dress. We knit according to our elements (slingshots) in each loop using a single crochet. We knit 3 stitches under the air loops. And we have 2 windows between the elements. They are separated by a double crochet. In the first window we will knit a single crochet. And in the double crochet we will make 5 double crochets. And in the next window we will knit a single crochet. Next, we again knit only single crochets up to the first window. And we repeat.

Let's tie bezel on the head of an angel. We need to perform 12 double crochets in a sliding loop. Tighten it to form a semicircle.

Unfold and knit 6 loops. We skip a loop at the base, and perform a single crochet in the next one. We repeat such arches until the end of the row.

And sew the headband on the back.

White and pink angel

Beautiful crochet angels look great in the interior. Especially at Christmas. In this master class we will crochet an openwork Christmas angel.

To knit an angel we will need:

  • White and pink yarn (“Pekhorka” high-volume);
  • Hook;
  • A little bit of padding polyester;
  • Needle.

To knit the head, cast on 2 loops and knit the first row in 1 loop. We knit only 6 single crochets.
Then we knit 2 stitches into each of these 6 loops. And in the next row we knit a single crochet into a loop. Next time we will perform 2 columns. So let's knit this row.
Next, we will knit 3 more rows in a circle. And we will make reductions to narrow it. We knit a stitch and knit the next 2 together. So let's complete this entire series.
We will randomly make 2 more decreases.
photo 1

Now we move on to knitting double crochets. We knit a row of such columns. There are 2 stitches in each loop.
photo 2

Then we knit 3 loops and 2 more. We skip 1 loop at the base. Next we knit a double crochet. And again we do 2 aerials. We skip the base loop and knit a double crochet. That is, we knit double crochets through a loop. And between them we perform 2 air loops.
photo 3

In the new row, under each chain stitch we knit 3 double crochets. And then we make 1 chain stitch and again knit 3 stitches under the next loop.
photo 4

The next rows will be the same. We also knit 3 double crochets under each chain stitch and make 1 chain stitch. We knit only 5 rows.
photo 5, 6

Let's tie the dress with pink yarn. Attach a thread under the chain loop and knit 3 double crochets under it. And in double crochets we knit 1 single crochet.
photo 7

To tie the wing, we will make a sliding loop. And we will make 4 double crochets into it. The first column will be 3 air loops for lifting. Between each column we will make 1 air loop.
photo 8

Now, in the space between the stitches, having unrolled the knitting, we will make 2 double crochets, 1 chain stitch and 2 more double crochets.
photo 9

Unroll the knitting again. And we recruit 4 air. We knit a single crochet under the chain stitch of the bottom row. And we repeat. We knit the last stitch into the outer double crochet of the bottom row.
photo 10

And we will make a binding with pink yarn.

We knit 2 single crochets into the arches, 3 chain stitches and 2 more single crochets.
photo 11

We knit the second wing for the angel. And we sew them on.
photo 12 You do the same beautiful crafts? Send photos of your work. Best photos We will publish and send you a diploma of the competition participant.
