Bologna fabric: Italian greetings from the USSR. Bologna fabric: Italian greetings from the USSR Actual colors and prints

Her homeland is the region of the same name in northern Italy. Bologna fabric came to our country in the middle of the last century. She quickly gained popularity among her compatriots. Let's say more: there was a period when the bologna cloak was a status thing, and the fabric itself was scarce, expensive.

Fabric history, manufacturing process, composition

The silk factory located in Naro-Fominsk was the first to adopt the experience of producing this material. Gradually, Bologna began to be made in other cities of the then USSR. Gradually, jackets and raincoats (see photo) from it ceased to be in short supply, they appeared in all outerwear stores.

The bologna base is nylon or capron, which has a waterproof (internal), two- or four-layer coating of silicones and polyacrylates. A little more detail:

  1. The first layer is a moisture-proof coating, high viscosity polyacrylates.
  2. The second layer is decorative. The same polyacrylates, but lower viscosity.

Bolognese fabric, another option. More attractive and slightly more expensive:

  1. The first and second layers are exactly the same as in the previous version.
  2. Two more layers are added, in the last - an additive of metallic powder with a shade that repeats the main color of the coating.
  3. Finishing with silicones.

We suggest reading a useful article and comparing it with main character our article.

Description, main characteristics, pros and cons

As we have already mentioned, bologna is a fabric with a base of nylon or nylon. Always a very dense weave, smooth, with a slight sheen, slightly rustling when worn. By itself, even at a high density, it allows moisture and air to pass through a little, but with all the coatings applied, it becomes almost like cellophane: nothing will get inside or come out.

Bologna jacket fabric is not afraid of alkalis, acids, bacteria practically do not multiply on it. Resistant to wind and heavy rain. It cleans well from street dirt, whatever it is. Very light, cotton, for example, is twice as heavy as it. Products made from this material fold very compactly: a men's raincoat can be turned into a small bundle. Strong enough, but if carelessly caught on a nail and pulled, it will tear at an angle, like any synthetic canvas.


  • Bologna - the material has zero vapor permeability. The body in clothes from it does not breathe, all vapors remain inside.
  • When exposed to sunlight, the moisture-proof coating is gradually destroyed.
  • Afraid of Bologna and frost. The coating at sub-zero temperatures simply breaks from crushing.

For bolognese fabric, the price starts from 150 rubles, and on average, a meter will cost 250 rubles.

Important! For all its resistance to external influences, water-repellent impregnations of bologna are easily corroded by any organic solvent. One drop of white spirit (for example) - and there will be a stain of bare nylon.

And we have an article, it will be interesting!

Application and care, cost

Of course, Bologna is not only known to people who, at a conscious age, made the USSR bologna fashionable coats (with what they wore, see photo), jackets and raincoats. They are still sewn today, but the fabric is also used to make many other things, except, perhaps, women's dress:

  • Trousers, capes, windbreakers, parkas, vests.
  • Umbrellas.
  • Backpacks and bags in bologna fabric.
  • Tourist equipment.

Bologna clothes do not require special care. The main thing is to protect from frost, direct sunlight and organic solvents. A full wash is often not required: street dirt is simply washed off under running water. Additionally, you can use any (only without bleach) detergent and sponge. There is no need to wring out, the jacket is simply hung on the “hangers” so that the water swells.

And since we are talking about moisture protection, we propose to continue the discussion in another article, which tells

Fashion of the 60s in the USSR - myth or reality? But talking about the complete absence of the fashion industry in the USSR at that time would be unfair.

Blogger marini talks about fashion in the USSR and scarce things.

Bologna raincoat, mohair and crimplain. Memoirs of an Eyewitness Designer.

“I ran straight to GUM, straight to Uncle Monet, I need a Finnish suit, I need a bologna raincoat, and of course - mohair, and a coat to boot - and not that, old x-r, you won’t build a dacha!...” - I don’t remember the author of the song?

"My friends, at least not in Bologna, but they don't drag them from the family, and they drink filth out of economy, even in the morning on their own..." Vladimir Vysotsky.

Pay attention - the guy in the "bologna" carries a handbag, it was a sign of courtship.

I have never seen anything like this in an urban environment, because until the age of 16 I lived in Sochi, and this city was second only to Odessa in fashion, where sailors constantly brought fashionable foreign clothes and shoes.

Tbilisi was also a very fashionable city, Georgians are generally spectacular women, and they dressed simply chic, it’s in their blood, and they didn’t stand behind the price - Moscow and Leningrad, even the “stars” of cinema and stage of those times (and they all came to Sochi) - in comparison with them looked rather poor.

From the age of 16 I lived in Moscow, in the center, and I also never saw a guy with a handbag, maybe among the limiters could you meet such a thing? Such moments sometimes occurred in Soviet cinema - a guy takes her small handbag from a girl's hands.

But back to the topic, it is very interesting for me to write about all these things, because I have such a property of memory - I remember the costumes for several decades, the style and every line.

Maybe it's professional, but I often look at what people are obviously born in the 70s in posts about fashion in the USSR and I see that the pictures are not the same!

Here is the little that I have found so far, for the rest of the posts I will ask for the help of friends, for sure many have photos from family albums and a scanner. So...

Raincoats "Bologna"

Bologna is a raincoat fabric with a one-sided waterproof coating, as well as a raincoat made of such a fabric (named after the Italian city of Bologna, where such a fabric was first made). In the 60s they replaced the Chinese "Friendship" raincoats and anthers.

These photos are late, the first "bolognese" appeared when the girls wore "hairpins" and "babettes", but I did not find such photos.
Italian raincoats were in super short supply, they cost 50-60-70 rubles from hands, people received such a salary then. The Italians used this material for work clothes. Although the raincoats had inserts with holes under the yoke and in the armpits, they did not let air through well. On the other hand, if you wear them on a sweater, you could wear them until winter, in Sochi they went in the winter.

When folded, a cloak made of such material almost did not take up space; a scarf or beret was also attached to the "signature" bologna. They were of different colors: brown, blue, khaki and even white and red, it was a special chic! Then we began to produce them, and they became just a uniform! But we often sewed them without a coquette, then came "bolognese" with colors, most often terrible, and already in the 70s they were replaced by bologna jackets.


Another craziness of the 60s is mohair! Mohair scarves were worn around the neck by men and on the head by women.

They were a terrible deficit, they cost big money, 50 rubles - it was considered cheap, they were sold at a higher price.

They were red and black, green and black. They did everything to imitate a mohair scarf: they dyed batting, combed ordinary checkered scarves, but these were pitiful attempts.

Here is a typical fake for a "firm" - an uncharacteristic cage and not that quality.

Mohair scarves were so prestigious and scarce all the time, until the 90s, that they were a distinction along with muskrat men's hat and a sheepskin coat, which were not generally available for sale!

As a reward, delegates of party congresses were sold with them along with other clothing shortages.

Scarf "made in Scotland", late 70s.

They were in "Birches", but before the introduction of checks in the mid-seventies there were certificates, and if my memory serves me, they could only be bought for stripless ones, they were not sold for "yellow" and "blue".

Also in vogue knitted hats from mohair, it was very profitable to carry skeins of yarn, a skein of 25 grams at first cost 25 rubles!

Everyone brought mohair: artists, ballet dancers, athletes, my classmate married a football player, he told how the whole team took turns tamping packages with mohair yarn into suitcases and bags to fit more! It was possible to knit a large-knit hat from a hank, it turned out to be almost translucent, with large holes, but they were combed and a cover was also made so that the holes were not visible.

I found only one, reminiscent of the shape, but this is wool combed like mohair.

They gave shape to such hats on a three-liter jar, as a result, something domed-tiara-shaped was obtained.

This is the shape obtained after drying on a jar.

As a rule, such a hat was worn by ladies with a drape coat with mink, but it was considered a "collective farm", an imported wool coat with mink was prestigious, with large stitching and glued shelves, they were only cap. production and got them on the exclusive pull! And he relied on a mink hat to match the color of the collar.

We could not sew such coats - there were no adhesive pads for thin coat woolen fabrics, while the drape was hand-sewn onto the bead.

The girls did not wear this form of mohair hats, but the ladies who made the hairstyles "babette" (colloquially: "lousy house") and "hala" were very fond of her, they were tall and such a hat, dried on a three-liter jar, just fit on these hairstyles.

I managed to find the "correct" pictures of these hairstyles, which came into fashion in the 60s, with great difficulty, although they stayed in fashion for twenty years!

There are few pictures "what is khala in the USSR", I will post them in the next post along with other hairstyles of the 60s, for one of them I had to transfer to another school - such was the conflict with the classroom, it came to the Komsomol meeting with collective condemnation and GORONO!

I would be very grateful if you send me a photo of the 60s: "hal", mohair hats and everything else!


Unfortunately - only Western photos.

These dresses were the super-squeak of the late 60s. They were beautiful delicate colors: blue, light green, pink, white.

Crimplene peaked in popularity in the USSR in the mid-70s, and in the 60s it only appeared. It was a terrible shortage, but Sochi is a rich city, and some of our girls even wore crimped suits to school! We didn’t wear uniforms in high school, so everyone dressed in what they liked.

A crimple suit, and even textured with a pattern, was a cherished dream, but their price from hands in the 60s reached 300 rubles, naturally, teachers at school could not afford this, these were several teachers' salaries in those years, and the daughters of the .restaurants or bases - could.

The teachers envied, but were silent - they also received a deficit from such parents.

One girl, the child of trade workers, Anya Mirzoyan, even came to class in a crimple suit, pale blue with golden lurex, she was also the first in her class to have elastic stockings (here in LiveJournal there is my classmate, she won’t let you lie).

I will write more about crimplain and fabrics with lurex, after all, their peak did not fall on the 60s. There were styles that are wild in the current view - a collar "hare ears", etc.

I would also like to recall nylon shirts, an indispensable attribute and pride of a man of the 60s, for women it was considered pride to have a nylon blouse with a frill, lace and frills, the most interesting thing is that "advanced" men, especially entertainers, also wore such! I did not have time to find a photo, but, as far as I remember, Karel Goth had such a shirt.

They also wore woolen "deuces" (a blouse with short and the same top with long sleeves), shirt-fronts made of guipure from the GDR, very beautiful.

On the right - "deuce", in the middle - a sweater "noodles", but this is the early 70s.

Turtlenecks in the 60s would be a special squeak! Branded ones were in short supply, they were ready to sell their souls for them. When they were "thrown out" in Gum or in Tsum, it was a murder.

But in Georgia and Abkhazia, the shop workers quickly set up the production of turtlenecks, the quality was much worse, they were rougher, the "overlock" at the seams was always torn. But in the provinces they were also bought for decent money, speculators brought them from the Caucasus in hundreds and decently welded them.

Friends, I could write further, because I remember a lot about clothes. But without a photo from our life, it seems to me that it is not so interesting. I really need photos of hairstyles, hats, and especially summer boots of the early 70s, I have my own photo in such, but there is nothing to scan.

They were made of suede, these are not braids, as in the "Diamond Hand", but simply a combination of different straps, often with buckles, the height is up to the knee.

We also really need our, Soviet photos (there are Western ones, but this is not interesting) also from the 60s: white stockings, colored stockings, stilettos, then low-heeled shoes, the first short and high boots. fur coats from faux fur. Flared trousers from the knee of the late 60s and early 70s! Mini, dresses with flared sleeves, bell dresses, sundresses with blouses. Crimplen and the same one with lurex, which we wore.


Fashionable raincoats today are a whole passage of models that amaze with their beauty and different colors. The cloak is one of the oldest clothing, the main function of which is shelter from the rain. Over time, these clothes acquired aesthetic functions, and did not go into oblivion. It is so nice to put on a raincoat that will not only protect you from the rain in the off-season, but will also emphasize the style and beauty of your figure. Let's try to figure out what kind of raincoats offers us today's fashion.

In rainy weather, it is difficult to imagine clothing more comfortable than a raincoat. In a sense, it is an intermediate option between a jacket and a coat, so the style of the raincoat can be both casual and strict. Being basic elements wardrobe, the raincoat does not leave the catwalks and famous collections of brands. Therefore, the raincoat combines all modern fashion trends, and does not belong to conservative clothing, as many believe.

Features and Benefits

The main feature of the raincoat from other outerwear is a special layer of waterproof fabric that does not allow moisture and wind to pass through. The raincoat options offered by designers also have differences in cut, fabrics and colors. The design of the raincoats has unusual decorative details, which is an advantage over the previous season. Many models of raincoats have almost weightless fabrics, so wearing such comfortable and light clothes is a pleasure. Another important advantage is the unusual cut and sleeves of different lengths.

How to choose

You should choose a raincoat taking into account the peculiarities of your figure, the style can model the silhouette, which means hiding flaws. On small women, a long cloak will look ridiculous. A knee-length cloak, flared from the waist, will help to balance a large figure; also lush women should avoid large details in the form of pockets. If you have problems with the waist, then a good belt will be able to "draw" the waist. Light tones expand and enlarge, while dark tones slim and make more elegant.

Such a practical thing should first of all hide from the rain, so feel free to check out this feature. A drop of water should dry in 4-5 seconds. When trying on, be sure to check the raincoat for marriage and the correctness of the seams. A manufacturer with a good reputation is also important, so choose successful brands. If you take into account all the parameters we recommend, you can be congratulated on the purchase of a great item.

Fashionable styles and models

At the peak of popularity today are all kinds of trench coats, capes and capes, which instead of sleeves have slits for the hands. Trench coats, the main detail of which is a bright collar, also occupy a leading position. Models with low waist, asymmetrical cut, with or without three-quarter sleeves also deserve special interest. Unusual options are relevant, for example, a cloak with a smell, with a zipper instead of buttons, as well as a cloak on which only one button is originally “bored”. As we see, fashionable raincoats latest collections very original.

trench coat

This type of raincoat can be safely called a basic wardrobe item, its relevance passes from season to season. The classic version of the trench coat is a light coat with a belt, a turn-down collar, shoulder straps, a back slit and beige patch pockets. Today, the trench coat comes in all sorts of variations of colors, styles and other elements. The trench coat has not gone out of fashion since Coco Chanel introduced this type of clothing in women's clothing, because before that the trench coat was exclusively men's clothing.


An excellent trend of recent seasons are insulated raincoat models. These models not only decorate, but also perfectly warm in cool weather. The thin lining of the warm layer does not make the raincoat models look like bulky coats, this secret makes the model more versatile. Therefore, such models successfully combine elegance and elegance. Shortened, elongated models of a variety of colors allow you to choose a warm raincoat for every taste.


The flared version of the cloak is beautiful way keep warm in the cold autumn. It will add femininity to the silhouette, as it resembles a dress with its lines. This season, designers offer fashionable flared models, which have added retro-style details. The actual length is just below the knee, an interesting detail of the season is a bright belt, which does not have to be from the same fabric as the raincoat itself. A variety of colors and fabrics are involved in the creation of such a model, the hit of the season is multi-colored flared raincoats.


Fashion is very fond of repetition, maybe that's why a somewhat forgotten jacket has returned to us. This is an intermediate option between a jacket and a coat, its distinguishing feature is high turn-down collar. For the production of French use the most different fabrics: tweed, alpaca, cashmere, velor and many others. French refers more to the business style of clothing, but there are different options for boring use, for example, a romantic or casual look.

A well-chosen jacket is able to update and add zest to even the most ordinary wardrobe.

Water repellent

This is a great model for bad weather and rain protection. The enhanced drainage property does not mean that they look like a model devoid of femininity and beauty. Raincoats in a modern design are stylish and fashionable, they are in no way inferior in fashion to ordinary models. In addition, wearing such a raincoat, you will no longer need to carry an umbrella with you. Such coats have different length and all sorts of colors.


Retro raincoat pattern with short sleeve is the original highlight of the season. This raincoat is more like a windbreaker, as the purpose of such a raincoat is more decorative than to shelter from the rain. A short sleeve raincoat is a light summer-spring option that will add femininity and personality. Feel free to combine feminine models with dresses and skirts, casual options with jeans and leggings. Shoes should be light and match the entire style of the image.

raincoat parka

For the off-season, when it's so easy to catch a cold, a raincoat parka is perfect. Parks are usually presented in different styles: in sports, casual and military. Most trendy colors- olive, mustard, khaki and other unusual shades. This model is distinguished by practicality, so this model is often endowed with pockets and a hood. IN Lately thanks to the designers, parka raincoats gravitate towards a glamorous style that loves chic and decorations, for example, fur.


Bold improvisation of designers allows you to create the most different models, moving away from hackneyed patterns. The collarless cloak is another example of an unusual variant of the cloak. This little thing quickly became a top model in the wardrobes of fashionistas. The lack of lapels and sleeves in the minimalist trend makes this model a lightweight, non-compulsory garment. The relaxed style of such a raincoat dictates its own rules to the whole image, so all things should be of the same “languid” class.


Not for sports bad weather, so fashion thought about fashionable athletes. Increased level of comfort bright colors and freedom of movement in such a raincoat is provided to you. Lightweight "breathable" fabrics (linen, cotton, etc.) are involved in the creation of such a raincoat. In such a raincoat it is easy to go for a walk in the country, for shopping, so these raincoats go well with jeans and other sports items. Puma, Adidas, Nike present great models of sports coats that combine comfort and style.


Women's outerwear in the form of a quilted raincoat - a great option for a cool autumn. A quilted raincoat is a retreat from the classics in favor of originality. Such models do not have a water-repellent property, but are endowed with elegance. You will be warm and cozy in this autumn outfit. Quilted raincoat is easy to combine with scarves and hats. A variety of colors and styles allow you to make a successful choice even for the most capricious fashionista.

Cloak cardigan

Another unusual option for a raincoat is a warmed cardigan. A cloak in the form of a cardigan is much more than a cardigan. This type of coat is able to give natural lines. female figure. An incredibly comfortable option that seems to envelop with care and beauty. Warm up with taste!

cloak coat

Classic pieces that never go out of style are always worth their weight in gold. Modern fashion miraculously knows how to combine different things in one product. Therefore, such a thing is both versatile and stylish at the same time. The lightness and water-repellent properties of the raincoat, plus the severity and elegance of the coat, make this item indispensable in autumn. This model is presented in a variety of colors and designs.

Models by season

Advanced fashion magically presents the same type of clothing in a variety of seasonal variations. If earlier the raincoat was only a purely spring-autumn attribute of fashionistas, today we can purchase both summer and winter versions of the raincoat. Fashion designers are advised to look at the raincoat not only as conservative clothing.

The main criteria for choosing any raincoat, like any other thing, are combinability, style and color. Always remember that the raincoat is in the top of the basic women's things, so it should be present in every woman's wardrobe.


For those who are tired of heavy down jackets and voluminous fur coats, it is worth trying on a winter raincoat. It goes well with large-knit scarves and a variety of hats. This raincoat option is made of heat-shielding fabric that provides comfort and warmth. Cashmere, tweed, suede, drape and leather are far from full list materials from which raincoats are sewn today for the winter cold. A winter coat is a great way to stay elegant and beautiful even in winter.


A demi-season raincoat is an indispensable option in the off-season. Therefore, every season, the raincoat invariably returns to the catwalks and stores in a new guise. Choose the color of your raincoat carefully, because it can become vividly your autumn. Brands offer a variety of options for raincoats, choosing which even the most advanced fashionista will feel dizzy. Do not forget about accessories and shoes with which you will combine the raincoat.

Raincoats for children and teenagers

Children's fashion is very inventive and interesting. Therefore, the designers came up with a very interesting move - this is copying adult collections in children's clothes. Raincoats for children and teenagers are no different from adult models, except for the size. If you dress your child exclusively in children's models, then the brands have prepared the cutest options for raincoats of various colors and colors for your choice. The most common raincoat options for kids are parkas, raincoats, and sports raincoats.

Actual colors and prints

Capricious fashion changes colors every season. Prints and the most trendy colors are present in all collections of fashionable raincoats. Classic colors in the form of black, beige and white are the must-have colors of the season. Delicate pastel, amber and a variety of prints are the real highlight of the season. In such a palette of colors, you are sure to meet the raincoat of your dreams.


This color, due to its neutrality, has a wide rating among fashionable ones. Grey colour in the modern understanding of designers, these are a variety of shades, starting with a color approaching white and ending with gray tending to black. New shades of gray prove that gray is not boring at all. An excellent combination with other colors allows you to wear such a raincoat often. You can't really go wrong with this coat.


In the new line of raincoats, the brown raincoat occupies one of the leading places. The same goes for blondes and brunettes. By choosing companion pieces from warm shades, you can create a bright and sensual look. Combined with beige, you will get an image in the color of coffee with milk. Other bright warm colors will give contrasting and interesting combinations. The raincoat can be of a very different shade, the hits of the season are chocolate, olive and tiled shades.


This cloak is constantly present in fashion shows. Looks great with any style of coat. Goes great with black. A leopard print coat is a striking piece of clothing in itself. Other things should only participate in the form of a "background". A leopard-colored raincoat is a real find for fashionistas.


Bright and warm color in the form of a raincoat will add color to cloudy weather. Such models are well-deservedly popular due to solid combinations with other colors. This is a chic addition to the wardrobe, so as not to get bored in the gray autumn. An orange cloak can be presented in a variety of styles. It goes well with black trousers and a skirt, jeans and sweaters.


lovers bright colors we advise you to pay attention to the cloak of turquoise color. This is a very romantic model. Cloak of color precious stone always looks cheerful and gentle. Depending on the shade, this color is combined with many colors. A different styles will help you choose this color exclusively for your figure.

In a cage

The cage has always been a frequent "guest" in the design of coats and raincoats. Designers do not leave this classic and familiar pattern aside. The model in a cage is able to model the figure in the right direction. A cloak in a cage today is a great variety unusual options and colours. The most incredible colors and sizes of the plaid make sure that the plaid is always fashionable.

Used materials and technologies

Since a raincoat is a thing, first of all, a functional thing. That is why designers, when creating these textile creations, think about the properties of materials. Modern technologies allow the use of fabrics with Teflon coating, membrane properties and even with paraffin treatment. That's why actual models raincoats usually consist of several layers. All these properties of the raincoat protect against dust, wind and moisture.


This cloak drove the fashionistas and fashionistas of the USSR crazy after Alain Delon played the main role in the film "Rocco and His Brothers". Wearing a raincoat of Italian origin at that time was incredibly prestigious. This is a fairly inexpensive version of the raincoat, which can be found in a variety of styles and styles. The modern bologna coat surpasses the "capabilities" of its prototype. Today, ultra-thin waterproof fabrics are involved in the creation of the bologna raincoat.


A raincoat, in the creation of which membrane fabric is involved, is perfect for the off-season. The lightweight and breathable fabric makes it comfortable to wear in dry weather, and the waterproof effect makes it perfect for rain. Things from membrane tissue often form the basis of a sports collection. Therefore, if you want to purchase a raincoat made of a membrane, then a sports model is most suitable for this role. Bright colors your new raincoat will make your look interesting this fall.


Familiar, but still very unusual and bright look varnished raincoats. Lacquer raincoats can perform in the most different colors and design solutions. This is a bold enough option, so do not overshadow the image with other accessories. You can choose such a raincoat in a minimalist or retro style. Lacquer coat can be combined with all things that are not affected by fashion.

Nylon with PVC

As a rule, such a raincoat is specialized and is produced using the latest technologies. High protection against moisture allows you to wear this model in the most adverse weather conditions. The designers decided to use this great idea and embodied it in their creations. And here we have excellent raincoats that delight fashionistas and reliably protect them from rain and wind. Choosing such a raincoat, you will not be mistaken, especially since the models and styles are in no way inferior to other fashionable raincoats.


Perfectly cover from the rain raincoat made of vinyl fabric. In many ways, according to aesthetic principles, it resembles lacquer. But vinyl is not as capricious as varnish and costs an order of magnitude more expensive. This version of the cloak is quite extravagant, but interesting. In addition, vinyl has a different embodiment, for example, the effect of glossy or matte leather.


We are very lucky that in our time it is fashionable and everything at once. For example, the length of the raincoat is very different today, ranging from shortened raincoats to the longest ones. The most popular raincoat length today is medium, that is, up to the knee or slightly lower. In order to look great, every woman should choose the length that best suits her.

For women of high, medium and vertically challenged these will be different length options, in addition, each woman has her own favorite length at which she will be comfortable wearing a raincoat.


Long raincoats were very popular in the Soviet Union in the 1990s. In fact, the cloak appeared in long version in order to hide the person as much as possible from inclement weather. Today, designers have again paid attention to long raincoats. And they weren't wrong. Designer original collections of long raincoats conquer with their eccentricity and rigor.


The short raincoat, which appeared in the 1960s, has not lost its fashionable positions since then. It is great for young women, light and so incredibly beautiful. A short coat is always stylish and comfortable. Agree that a short raincoat looks much more elegant than any fancy jacket. When putting on a skirt or dress under a short raincoat, remember that the hem should not peek out from under the raincoat.

What to wear

Many stylists would unequivocally answer this question, which is absolutely with everything! Choosing a raincoat should be based on your main style or purpose, for example, you choose a raincoat for walking. Here, to create an image, the principle of combining things and colors works flawlessly. Modern raincoats in casual style are perfectly combined with jeans and sweaters. The images shown in the photo once again confirm the opinion that a raincoat can be combined with anything.

Bologna raincoat(date of appearance in the USSR - approximately, 1962)- the Soviet name for an unlined cloak, made of thin nylon bologna raincoat fabric, which was in great demand in the Soviet Union in the 1960s, especially after the movie “Rocco and His Brothers” was shown on the movie screens, where the hero of Alain Delon appeared in one of the scenes in similar raincoat. It was very prestigious to have a bologna cloak. From the Soviet magazine "Health" in 1978: "Bologna" is a capron treated with an acrylic-containing polymer composition, which makes the fabric water-repellent, but at the same time makes it airtight, which reduces the hygienic properties of the fabric.

The model of the Soviet "Bologna" of the 1960s, factory production, was a wide cloak straight cut with a belt, with an English collar, welt pockets, a yoke at the back and front, a mesh lining for ventilation under the yokes, at the ends of the sleeves in straps with metal buckles that regulate the width of the sleeves.

Most common color raincoat Bologna in the 1960s - greenish, moreover, this color was exactly the color of the Bologna raincoat and it is difficult to describe it in words, blue, also quite specific, dark and light brown, other colors were less common. Together with the cloak, a scarf made of bologna fabric was sold. On the black market, it was possible to buy models that differed in tailoring from Gost Soviet raincoats that had entered the country illegally.

Bologna raincoats were worn in the 1960s not only in the USSR, such raincoats could be found in many European countries, but to a greater extent in socialist Eastern Europe. It was from there that the main flow of raincoats was sold on the Soviet black markets. In world fashion raincoat bologna remained an inconspicuous passing thing, and only in the Soviet Union became a cult thing of the decade.

The Soviet people thought cloak a very fashionable and convenient thing, as it could be rolled up and put in any bag and even in your pocket. Raincoats were really comfortable in the rain, but like all synthetic raincoats, they did not let the air through at all. Synthetic fabrics were very popular all over the world in the 1960s.

Nylon fabric Bologna began to be produced in the Italian city of Bologna, but in Italy itself, fabric and products made from it (cloaks and jackets) did not gain much popularity. Bologna was just one of the many fabrics produced in Italy (products, mainly jackets, are still made from bologna in Italy).

In the USSR, bologna raincoats can be called one of the fashion symbols of the 1960s. The fabric called "bologna" began to be produced at the Naro-Fominsk silk factory, where a film coating workshop was built, the only one in the entire USSR. Specialists from the plant, together with the director of the factory, traveled to Italy to adopt the technology for the production of this fabric. Bologna was produced from nylon fabric, then in the film coating shop the canvas was impregnated with moisture-proof resin. Regarding the introduction of new technology, Kosygin himself came to the factory. It is worth noting that raincoats the beginning of the sixties of domestic production were sewn quite soundly and had a very decent appearance.

The official price of the Soviet bologna raincoat- about 50 rubles. In commission stores and "from the hands" raincoats were sold for 70 - 80 rubles. Raincoats in the Soviet Union Bologna produced until the 1980s, later models raincoats got worse and worse. Most often, these were bright monophonic, or gaudy products with drawings, without coquettes, without decorative details, and sometimes without belts. In the 1970s and 1980s, such products were not successful and were considered very old-fashioned. But Soviet fashion magazines continued to publish options raincoats from bologna fabric.
