Private or public garden. Private or public kindergarten: pros and cons, selection criteria

The editors of ProDetki wondered which kindergarten choose for the child - private or public. We decided to figure out whether to choose, and if so, what rules to follow.

  1. Why choose?

Parents face a choice the best option for your child every day. What to cook, how to teach, and how to keep everyone comfortable? The kindergarten system copes with these and many other problems. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to send their child to kindergarten, and even government programs unable to cover the need for kindergartens in full.

If a parent signs up for a “kindergarten” too late or has no idea why they need to send their child to a state organization at all, then a choice appears. Give it to grandma? Bring up on indefinite leave? Maybe use the services of a private garden? In any case, there are factors that are paramount for each of the alternatives. if such a situation arises.

  1. What are the pros and cons of a private kindergarten?

In most cases, a private kindergarten works in the same way as a public one, because the educational standard is the same for everyone. There is an opinion that everything is much better in a paid kindergarten - from nutrition to the quality of education and attitude towards children.

If you got a good private garden ik and you are ready to invest a certain amount in the child, then everything is in order. But how to understand that a non-governmental organization is really better?

  • Ask the opinion of parents whose children are already attending a private kindergarten.
  • Talk to the employees of the "firm", check the registration of the company, call the Education Department of your region. "Find Inquiries" to find out the details of interest.
  • If there is such an opportunity, then send the child to kindergarten for a certain period and see what happens.
  • Be sure to find out how sanitary standards are observed in a private kindergarten, how food is prepared in a kindergarten, what children do in their free time.
  • If you are interested in the issue of education, then look for a kindergarten according to this criterion - ask about the availability of developing programs in advance.
  1. What should I do if I can't send my child to kindergarten?

Most likely, it will not be possible to send children to a kindergarten if they do not fit the age standards or cannot attend the general kindergarten group for health reasons, and there are no alternatives from the state yet. Private kindergartens sometimes require a lot from the parent, including financially.

Also trust in private educators is necessary, because, according to an old habit, for some reason parents have hopes for state specialists, but not for “private workers”, although there are no objective reasons for this. Have to look individual approach, which would allow to send the child somewhere at least for the time of work, given the irregular schedule, household chores, etc.

  • Perhaps a paid educator, a nanny, the help of friends or family, as well as a "home garden" is suitable for you - this is the same private kindergarten, only without a separate "space".
  1. What is a home garden?

"Kindergarten at home" is an organized form of raising children preschool age which involves childcare at home. Usually a kindergarten at home is a small team, up to 7-10 people, depending on the conditions that an individual entrepreneur has. More often than not, a home kindergarten is much cheaper than a regular private one.

The main requirements for raising children at home are: specialized pedagogical education, basic knowledge of first aid, psychology. Important sanitary and medical standards that do not allow a large number children in tight spaces. A necessary condition may be the close location of the kindergarten-home, good, pleasant individual character traits of the educator.

How fast our children are growing! Yesterday, it seems, the kid was just learning to take his first steps, and today it's time to choose a kindergarten for your treasure. All caring parents dream that the child feels comfortable in a new environment, surrounded by attention and care. Therefore, the choice of a kindergarten is a serious issue.

Initially, parents should decide which kindergarten to choose - public (conditionally free) or private (paid). And for this it is important to know about the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

State kindergartens: time-tested classics

Let's start with the state kindergartens familiar to each of us. Let's talk about the features of this type of preschool institutions.
  • An important argument in favor of public kindergartens is the cost of visiting them, which is available to every family. In addition, parents pay for the child's attendance at various circles.
  • It is also important that "free" gardens are usually located near the house, so the trip there and back does not take much time.
  • In the staff of the state kindergarten, the duties of all employees are clearly delineated: there are educators and their assistants, cooks, medical staff, a music worker and a physical education teacher. By the way, the presence of experienced teachers is one of the strengths of budget kindergartens. Although in Lately the problem of shortage of qualified personnel for preschool institutions is urgent.
  • To get into the "free" garden, you need to take care of it in advance. The ideal option is to be on the waiting list immediately after the birth of the child. And children are admitted to such kindergartens, as a rule, from the age of three.
  • Groups in state-type kindergartens are completed large (up to 40 children). And behind so many boys and girls it is not easy to see even for yourself. a good teacher! Needless to say, one can only dream of an individual approach to each baby.
  • Developing classes in state preschool institutions approved by the program and are generally standard. Methodological support is checked by educational institutions of different levels. But not as much time is devoted to such activities as some parents would like.
  • Nutrition in public kindergartens is a separate issue, on which there will probably never be a unanimous opinion among parents. Some of them are quite satisfied with the balance and usefulness of the diet, while others consider it meager and monotonous. If you look from the outside, then garden cereals, vegetables, soups and meatballs, on which more than one generation of children have grown up, will definitely not hurt little gourmets. But the absence of overseas fruits and "non-children's" delicacies in the garden menu is quite possible to survive.
  • In the "free" garden, the atmosphere, the quality and quantity of toys and benefits are not always pleasing. These are clear echoes of insufficient funding for children's institutions from the local budget. Therefore, parents have to purchase many toys and the necessary equipment at their own expense.

Private kindergartens: an individual approach for your money

Private preschool institutions appeared relatively recently. Many parents would like their child to attend a private kindergarten. Consider the features of this type of gardens.
  • We note right away that visiting a private kindergarten is not a cheap pleasure. Perhaps only a family without serious material problems can afford it. But is the high cost of visiting a private garden always justified? The answer is probably not possible. But you can look at this issue from the other side: most of the funds go to strengthen material base garden, purchase of educational toys, sports equipment, tickets for visiting various events, sightseeing trips, etc.
  • The advantage of private kindergartens is the absence of long queues; you can send your child to such an institution without waiting for him to turn three years old. The ability of parents to pay is the main condition!
  • But the location of such a garden is not always happy. Often, parents have to take their child to a private garden, which is located on the other side of the city. It is worth considering how the baby will react to daily tedious trips in public transport or standing in traffic jams.
  • Groups in paid private preschool institutions are formed small (from 5 to 10 children), so each child receives an individual approach, enough attention and care, which allows him to maximize his abilities and talents. For example, such an important point early development, like the correct memorization of verses, is much easier in small groups. At the same time, some kindergartens fail to create a full-fledged group of children of the same age. And therefore it happens like this: kids from one and a half to three years old and even older are together. This, of course, would be avoided.
  • Group and individual developmental classes, as well as preparation for school, the work of various circles in a private kindergarten are given maximum time and attention. Learning a foreign language, choreography classes, visiting the pool, developing classes (for example, modern drawing techniques, as a rule, causing complete delight in children) - this is not a complete list of opportunities that paid kindergartens provide to their pupils, taking into account their inclinations to this or that. other type of activity. At the same time, in such a kindergarten one cannot be completely insured against the use by educators of dubious and unexplored methods of teaching and early development.
  • We talked about nutrition in detail in the context of state kindergartens. Owners of private preschool institutions assure parents that their child will always be fed with wholesome and high-quality food. In some kindergartens, an individual menu for a week is discussed in advance with the parents of each baby. For example, for children with allergies, this opportunity is a big plus.
  • Teachers in most private kindergartens are carefully selected. Mandatory conditions are the presence of higher pedagogical education, work experience, the ability to find special approach to every baby. But even in private kindergartens, conflicts between parents and teachers are not uncommon due to an inattentive attitude towards the child.
  • The material and technical equipment of these preschool institutions is good: there are enough toys and equipment necessary for intellectual and physical development pupils.
  • By sending the child to a private kindergarten, parents can be sure of ensuring his safety. In addition, cameras are installed in some gardens, allowing moms and dads to see what their children are doing at any time.

The choice is up to the parents

We talked about the advantages and disadvantages of public and private kindergartens. We hope that this information will help parents to competently and balanced approach the choice of the best preschool institution for their child. The main thing is to find a garden, visiting which will bring joy and pleasure to the child.

When a baby appears in the family, a very difficult life question arises before his parents: whether to send the child to kindergarten and how to choose the right institution for your child. Of course, no one forces moms and dads to send their child to kindergarten, but if they don’t have the opportunity to be with the baby all day, it’s worth looking for such an institution as early as possible. In addition, in kindergartens, kids undergo a serious social adaptation, without which it is difficult for many children to develop. However, in choosing a garden, parents must make one more important choice- a public or private institution.

Advantages and main problems of public kindergartens
Of course, there are such kindergartens in almost every yard in all cities of the country. However, this is precisely the crux of the whole problem with them. There are a lot of state-supported kindergartens, but it is rather difficult to finance them properly. That is why groups in such gardens are very different from private ones. Usually they have standard sets of toys, rather large groups with 15-20 children, very few specialized educational programs - music, English language, swimming and others. Also, many parents are outraged that in these institutions control over the stay of children in them is not always welcome, because far from all managers will allow putting a lock on a kindergarten with magnetic keys or installing cameras around the perimeter.
Nevertheless, such kindergartens have one indisputable advantage, thanks to which the groups in them are always overcrowded. It's all about the price, as paying for food and recurring fees don't hit a parent's wallet that hard.

Advantages and disadvantages of private gardens
Compared to public kindergartens, enrolling in private kindergartens is very simple, just go here: and submit necessary information. Naturally, sending children to such institutions will cost parents dearly, but almost always the financial costs are fully justified. In addition, private gardens are rare in cities, so parents may need to take the baby to the other side of the city. The main differences of a private institution are as follows:
-Small groups, up to a maximum of 15 people, which allows you to give each child more attention.
-Availability of various curricula and courses, for example, learning languages, music, working with special techniques, and so on.
-Such kindergartens often work until 20.00, and some even around the clock, so parents always have time to pick up the baby after work.
- The possibility of the presence of parents in the classroom and record the learning process.

It cannot be said that one type of kindergarten is better, and the second is worse. They have both pluses and minuses. In addition, everything depends on the quality of teaching and educators. The kindergarten will be the second home of the child for many years, so do not neglect the choice and be lazy in the search for a worthy institution.

How to understand the diversity of preschool educational institutions? What educational programs are used and the conditions of stay. How to choose the right kindergarten?

Part I

● What you need to know before you start choosing a kindergarten

IN last years Great changes have taken place in the system of preschool education.

If earlier absolutely all institutions were considered kindergartens and worked with children according to one general “Kindergarten Education and Training Program”, now the stories of two neighbors in the playground about a kindergarten can differ like heaven and earth.

And in order for your child to be among those who go to kindergarten, as for a holiday, you must take care to choose the best and most suitable for him.

It rarely happens that an urban family can afford a luxury home raising a child before school.

As a rule, if not one and a half, then three years after the birth, the mother goes to work. It remains to make a decision - who will be with the baby during her absence, will give him love, teach him and develop him comprehensively.

There are usually three options: a grandmother, a nanny and a kindergarten, while most parents resort to the last social service.

Classification of kindergartens by direction - what are they

Kindergarten- the most common type of state preschool educational institution. In him supervision, care and rehabilitation, education and upbringing of children are provided.

  • general developmental type;
  • child development centers;
  • compensation garden;
  • combined type kindergarten;
  • health-improving kindergarten
  • kindergarten supervision and rehabilitation;

There are four types of kindergartens according to their affiliation and forms of management.

  • municipal,
  • departmental,
  • private (commercial)
  • home (family).

Depending on the type kindergarten the training program will vary, and the number of children in the group, and the quality of food and toys, and even in many respects the psychological atmosphere.

Municipal kindergartens

The most popular type of kindergarten.

It has a small monthly payment and works strictly according to the developed educational methods.

A lot of them depend on the manager or director - under equal conditions, some kindergartens are known throughout the district, and parents try to get in line there for several years.

In the state kindergarten, there is a “general education program”, walks, physical education, modeling, drawing and music, etc.

Some of them provide paid additional services that you have the right to refuse, even if all the other parents in the group want to use them.

Advantages of the municipal kindergarten:

  • little cost. It is established by law and amounts to 150 rubles per month. There are categories of beneficiaries, for example, single mothers, mothers of many children, widows, etc.
  • proximity to home. In addition to the fact that doctors do not recommend taking the baby to the kindergarten if the journey takes more than 20 minutes, in the nearby kindergarten child there will be an opportunity to make friends with whom he can spend his free time and on weekends.

Cons of a municipal kindergarten:

  • Too many groups. 25-30 people for a state kindergarten is not uncommon. As a result, for example, reading or writing still has to be taught at home, the teacher does not have time to explain incomprehensible moments to such a number of wards.
  • low quality of care and supervision, uniformity in classes. There is no question of an individual approach to each child. This is also partly due to the problem of "overcrowding".
  • lack of any delicacies in the diet. If the child refuses to eat any meals, he will have to remain hungry until the next meal.

Departmental kindergartens

They are not directly controlled by the Department of Education, their programs and procedures are determined by the enterprises and organizations in whose department the kindergarten. Such kindergartens are more expensive, but children of employees of the enterprise are given discounts. There are few departmental gardens now, and their number is declining.

Advantages of a departmental kindergarten:

  • a relatively small (compared to the municipal) number of children in the group,
  • Better conditions stay of children (again compared to municipal kindergartens),
  • thoughtful menu.

Cons of a departmental garden:

  • rather high payment (up to several thousand),
  • sometimes there are difficulties with the enrollment of children "from outside".

Private kindergartens

An ideal option in the absence of financial difficulties.

They work, as a rule, until 20-00 or 21-00, or around the clock.

In private kindergartens, very intensive and rich program development. As a rule, they are well provided with games and toys, visual aids; children can be taken for a walk to the nearest forest park zone.

Control over the work of non-state preschool educational institutions is carried out with the help of licensing, accreditation, program certification And certification of teachers.

License(from Latin licentia "right") - permission for the right, or the right to perform certain actions, which can be certified (confirmed) by a document of the same name.

Certification(lat. certum - true + lat. facere - do) - a form of confirmation of compliance of objects with the requirements of technical regulations, the provisions of standards, carried out by the certification body.

Certification- confirmation of qualifications, the level of knowledge and skills of a person - a review, a characteristic. Result attestations The document is called a certificate.

Advantages of a private kindergarten:

  • a small number of children in the group - about 10-12 people, the child receives enough attention
  • children adapt more easily to kindergarten
  • varied and delicious food, the ability to please every kid, an individual approach to children, which makes it possible to maximize their abilities. Several educators work in each group, speech therapists, psychologists, pediatricians, subject teachers monitor the development of children.
  • parents have the right to influence educational process- for example, through boards of trustees. In particular, they can inspect the kitchen, demand a financial report, even attend classes.
  • many private kindergartens work on the system "kindergarten - school".

The only disadvantage of a private kindergarten is its cost.

Home kindergarten (family kindergarten)

One of the types of private kindergarten.

It is usually kept by a married couple in your apartment, or founders rent a room, in which they equip the bedroom and the game room.

They invite a teacher, a nanny and a cook, for older children - teachers of a foreign language, music, drawing.

Benefits of home daycare

  • maximum care and attention, no injuries, conditions close to home, to life big family,
  • a small number of children - 3-5 people,
  • individual approach to nutrition.

Cons of home daycare

  • very high pay
  • possible problems associated with lack of equipment or premises.

The rules for choosing a kindergarten are the same as in the previous case.

According to the level of education, preschool educational institutions (DOE) are divided into categories:

The category of preschool educational institutions is assigned in accordance with the level of implementation of the educational program of preschool education, that is, how well this preschool educational institution works (versatilely, qualitatively, efficiently, etc.).

I category- this is the Child Development Center, that is, a preschool educational institution that implements an educational program in accordance with the requirements that exceed the state educational standard (mandatory minimum) in all areas of its activity.

The largest group of kindergartens is a preschool educational institution of the II category:

General developmental type;
- compensatory type (special, i.e. for children with speech, vision, hearing impairments, intellectual development, with cerebral palsy);
- supervision and rehabilitation (for children with poor health);
- combined type (there are general developmental, compensatory and recreational groups)

Everything good has to be paid for. It's okay when everything is really good.

Continued on page 2.

1. Number of children in the group

Kindergarten is the first step in the socialization of a child, and communication with peers is one of the most important conditions for proper development. However, the time and attention that the teacher gives to the child is no less important. According to the requirements of SanPiN, the number of children in a group is determined by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe playroom. For groups of children under 3 years old, each child must have at least 2.5 square meters. m, from 3 to 7 years - at least 2 sq. m. There are no other restrictions. In fact, the number of children in a group in a municipal kindergarten varies from 15 to 25 people, in a private one - from 6 to 15 people. Obviously, if there are few wards, educators get the opportunity to devote more time to each child.

2. Methods of education and curricula

As a rule, most public preschool institutions follow the traditional approach and apply the classical general developmental education system. The programs of such kindergartens usually do not differ much from each other and contain time-tested traditional methods. In turn, modern private kindergartens provide parents with a wider choice. Now on the market you can find preschool institutions that work on one or more of the many foreign or Russian copyright programs - for example, the methods of Maria Montessori, Cecile Lupan, Waldorf and many others. There is a growing number of kindergartens that are ready to seriously approach teaching children foreign languages: many offer native speakers from the United States and Europe as teachers, and buy special literature and equipment abroad. Provide training at this level government agencies unfortunately not ready yet.

3. Teachers and staff

As already mentioned, the number of caregivers is an extremely important issue. In public kindergartens, as a rule, there is only one teacher per group, which means that quality control over children is not always ensured. In private kindergartens, several teachers of different profiles are usually assigned to one group. Also in such preschool institutions it is possible to pay for the work of other specialists: a choreographer, a gymnastics coach, depending on the requests of parents. In the municipal kindergarten, children usually receive the necessary skills to enter school, however, for sections, circles and developmental activities, parents take them to children's centers, gyms or cultural centers.

4. Control system

Traditionally preschool education does not involve such an intense intellectual load as at school. However, it is also important and necessary to monitor and control the progress of pupils in kindergarten. In municipal institutions, they are limited to oral reports during parent meetings. Private kindergartens may develop their own control systems. In addition to feedback from educators, which parents receive once a week, a speech therapist and a psychologist also give their reports on working with the child. A separate card is issued for each pupil, where all the achievements of the child and the stages of development are noted. Thus, the parent gets the opportunity to systematically track the growth of his child.

5. Power quality

The organization and quality of meals in kindergarten often become a sore point for parents. The nutrition of children is regulated and strictly controlled by government agencies, but situations when a child refuses to eat in the dining room are far from uncommon. Private kindergartens, unlike public ones, have the right to independently choose food suppliers. As a rule, in such establishments they can offer a better and more varied menu. It will also be much easier to agree with the administration on individual nutrition for the child here.

6. Security

It is obvious that the security system in a kindergarten must be at the highest level, which means that it is necessary to take into account much more nuances than in any other institution. In addition to the safety of the building and the surrounding area (playgrounds, recreational areas, landscaping items - benches, fences, flower beds, etc.), control over children's walks should be ensured. All state organizations receive centralized control, but on the street, the same educator looks after the children, as a rule, as during the classroom. In private institutions, specially hired personnel are usually responsible for the safety of children.

7. Leisure

Leisure in municipal institutions is usually limited to the preparation of matinees and performances dedicated to traditional holidays: New Year, March 8, February 23. Private kindergartens, as a rule, approach the issue of leisure a little differently. Here, the holidays are more focused on exploring the world and developing abilities, a lot of time is devoted to country studies: children study the customs and holidays of other countries, make traditional handicrafts with their own hands.
