What you need to know when choosing a real estate agent. How to buy an apartment with a realtor? Key Features

A good realtor can save you a lot of hassle associated with the acquisition of real estate, save you money, time and nerves. A bad agent, on the contrary, can drag out the search for an apartment for several months. Everything depends on you. Find a good intermediary and sign the right contract with him.

When choosing a realtor or real estate agency, the following criteria should be considered.

Also look through magazines and newspapers. Reputable agencies do not spare money for advertising. You should not cooperate with companies that do not even post photos and detailed descriptions real estate objects.

However, it is not at all necessary to apply only to large companies. They often have a high turnover of staff. Realtors themselves have a minimum of requirements. Also promoted agencies in contracts with clients relieve themselves of all responsibility for an unsuccessful transaction.

Pay attention to the license number of the agency you have chosen. If the document number is in the first few hundred, it means that it was issued a long time ago. The company has been successfully operating in the market for a long time. If the agency was registered a long time ago, and the license was issued recently, then, most likely, the court has already deprived the organization of permission to carry out activities. Probable Cause- Violation of the law.

It is best to work with a realtor who lives in your area. Registration of documents, discussion of the terms of the transaction - everything will take place more quickly. In addition, such an agent knows better the situation on the real estate market in your area.

Hold a meeting with several applicants. Tell us about your requirements for an apartment, how much money you are willing to pay for it. If during the first conversation the realtor cannot specifically answer your questions, then it is better to contact another agent immediately.

Registration of the contract

After the applicant is approved, it is necessary to sign a cooperation agreement with him. Read all points carefully. If you still have questions after that, it is best to contact a lawyer.

It is very important to conclude an agreement with an authorized person. Otherwise, the document may be invalidated. If the contract is concluded with an agency, then it is signed by the director and sealed. In the event that the search for an apartment for you will be engaged in private realtor, then he is registered as an entrepreneur. He or his authorized representative signs on the document.

Subject of the contract

This paragraph specifies all the services provided by the realtor: search for housing, negotiation, preparation of documents, legal support of the transaction. Also in the section it is necessary to indicate the requirements for the apartment that you would like to purchase, its cost. The more detailed your conditions are, the better.

Most realtors offer their clients to sign an exclusive contract. According to its terms, the buyer does not have the right to cooperate with other intermediaries or independently look for housing. These requirements are absolutely legal - Art. 1007 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If the client violated the contract, he is obliged to pay compensation to the agent. Its size is also indicated in the document. It is very important to indicate in it the period that is given to the realtor to search for an apartment. If he does not cope with the task, then you have every right to terminate the agreement.

Practice shows that if you do not sign this agreement with a realtor, he will not make every effort to find you housing.

Contract time

It is better to draw up a document for a short term, otherwise the search may stretch for a long period. If the duties of an intermediary include only the search for an apartment, then it is better to draw up a contract for one month.

In the event that the realtor is also involved in registering real estate or an alternative transaction is being executed, the period may be longer - up to three months. As a rule, agents insist on drawing up a contract for 6 months. But it's not in your best interest.

Also, a clause may be included in the contract according to which it is extended for a new period if the client has not terminated it. Insist that this condition be excluded.

Issuance of a power of attorney for an agent

If you plan to transfer all operations for the purchase of real estate (preparation of documents, opening a safe deposit box) to a realtor, then you must issue an appropriate power of attorney to him. In it, specify in detail all the powers of the agent.

You can terminate the contract unilaterally if the realtor does not fulfill the assigned tasks. In this case, the customer must pay the costs incurred by the agent. But they do not stop there and in the contract indicate the amount of fines for its termination. This point can be challenged in court.

How much do realtors charge for their services? The cost of the work must be specified in the contract. As a rule, agents take 2-5% of the cost of purchased housing.

A high-class specialist in frayed jeans can work for you, and you will refuse the services of a clerk in a three-piece suit. What's the matter? The fact that the first "dog ate" on the sale of apartments. And the second, except for polished shoes, has no experience or knowledge behind his soul. And it's good that you were able to see this before the first problems appeared.

However, it is quite difficult for an ordinary person to distinguish a specialist realtor from a non-specialist. Moreover, it is even more difficult to check the quality of his work, because the seller or buyer himself is not a specialist in this industry. Here, relations with the service provider are primarily built on trust and, of course, on the points of the contract.

Let's start with trust. The main indicator of a good real estate agent is the recommendation of friends. If this person was contacted several times, and all transactions went smoothly, then it is worth taking a closer look at this particular person. At the same time, on average, checking the "purity" of one object costs from 10 thousand rubles.

- You should like the realtor (both externally and internally), - says Albina Muratova, a leading specialist of the Department of Secondary Housing of the Kompanion Academy of Sciences. - You, as a client, must trust him, because. for some period of time he will be your only source of information, adviser and assistant.

Many assume that the larger the real estate agency, the more abundant its advertising, the closer to the center and the richer its office, the better the services are provided there. This is not entirely true.

- It is not necessary to order real estate services from a widely advertised real estate agency, - Irina Sidorocheva, a lawyer with a higher education, a private agent, is sure. - Another small agency or private realtor will help you to conduct real estate transactions often faster, cheaper and more professionally.

Indeed, all the funds spent on PR are already included in the transaction amount. Is it worth paying extra for a name while getting the same services? The question is rhetorical. But remember that the responsibility of the agency, as a legal entity, is much greater than that of a private specialist. In any case, you need to choose a person, not a big name of the agency.

It is known that wealthy people will not trust to execute transactions with just anyone. They have something to lose, and they calculate their risks very well. And any other sane person will not come to the agency or to the realtor "from the street." An ordinary Chelyabinsk resident carries out real estate transactions on average only 2-3 times throughout his life. At the same time, the amounts included in the contract of sale are very, very significant. Many of us won’t make money on an ordinary one-room apartment even in 10 years (if you put aside 10 thousand rubles every month, for simplicity of calculations, not taking into account inflation, it’s enough only for a “killed” Khrushchev building). Only a too short-sighted or adventurous person will decide to entrust a significant part of his life and money to the first person he meets.

“But even if you have been recommended a realtor, immediately specify his specialization,” advises Irina Sidorocheva. - Maybe he spends more time renting rather than selling apartments, or specializes in suburban real estate, rather than urban facilities. Each direction has its own specifics, so let him advise you on a specialist in your field.

So, according to Albina Muratova, a professional realtor should have the following skills: efficiency, punctuality, sociability, sociability, attentiveness, balance and "sobriety of mind". Also important is the ability to work with numbers (prices, meters, terms), clearly formulate your thoughts and express them intelligibly. But still, the main thing in the work of a realtor is the desire to constantly improve and grow, the desire to work with people and for people. A good realtor is a person with a developed sense of intuition, logic, methods and skills honed to professionalism. This is at least good psychologist who knows how to value his time and the time of his clients. He is an excellent salesman and negotiator, a skilled speaker and an intelligent specialist. A good realtor always works for the reputation (of his agency and his own), the quality of the work and the transaction is important to him, and not the number of transactions and interest.

This is ideal. But what is it really?

Wherever you spit - everywhere a realtor

In the West, the work of real estate agents is seriously different from the Russian one. Abroad, specialists look for suitable options and, after obtaining consent from the seller and buyer, bring their own lawyer. Now all the interests of clients are represented by specialists with legal education. They discuss the details of the contract and draw up all the necessary documents. At the same time, they can negotiate for quite a long time. There are cases when lawyers “shake out” the points of the transaction for up to six months.

In Russia, the opposite is true. I'll tell you my own experience with realtors. We are advised by a person, he comes and walks through the apartment. Asks if all documents are in order. We, in fact, do not know if everything is in order, but we honestly show that there is. The agent leafs through the papers for a long time, utters a thoughtful “yeah, this needs to be completed” and disappears in an unknown direction, sometimes answering phone calls with something indefinite “working”. Advertisements appear on the Internet for the sale of ours with the amount we need, plus a surcharge of 100-200 thousand (depending on the agent's appetites). People begin to look at the apartment, while many of them do not know where the windows go or initially do not want to live in Khrushchev, they refuse to inspect right at the entrance when they mention that we have the last floor. Most buyers have little to no information about the property for sale. Naturally, we never finalized the deal with this unfortunate agent. The oral (!!!) contract had to be broken after a couple of weeks.

Surely you also remember a similar negative experience work with a realtor based on the stories of relatives, friends and colleagues. With the unprofessionalism of a real estate agent, albeit indirectly, each of us has come across. All this can be explained quite simply: in Russian reality, realtors do not have a specialized education. Real estate activity is not licensed, not certified, no one teaches realtors. In addition, there is no single law regulating this type of activity. All relations of the “realtor-client” type are regulated only by the clauses of the contract, if there is one at all.

In the field of buying and selling apartments on this moment chaos reigns. However, often people are afraid to get into the burden of paperwork and do not want to understand the intricacies of legislation themselves. And this job is in high demand. Therefore, home-grown specialists do not practice: housewives, active youth, dishonest individuals who have a thirst for easy money on the total legal illiteracy of the people.

Current realtors do not even look at the standard package of documents. And it doesn't matter who it is: a professional who has been working on the market for 15 years, or a young creation, a school graduate. The unfortunate agent does not request an elementary certificate from the Criminal Code about the citizens registered in this apartment. And then it turns out that the sale did not take into account the interests of a minor child or a person in the MLS. Or like this:

We bought the land with the help of a real estate agency. A neighbor stretched a branch of gas through it. As it turned out, we were sold the land without cadastral documents, that is, our allotment of land did not officially exist. It turned out that only a couple of plots were allocated and formalized on the territory of the village.

In another case, with the established cadastral coordinates, the site turned out to be not along the road, but somewhat shifted relative to it. So much so that a third of the site was under the highway. For the seller, the real location of the plot was also a revelation.
Both cases are from real judicial practice. And the realtor sold and forgot.

What a great realtor!

But there are still qualified specialists in the field of real estate. Good real estate agents often rely on their own legal knowledge (higher legal education will be of great benefit), and accumulated experience. Professionalism is developed over the years, a variety of transactions and analysis of litigation in this area.

The essence of the work of a real estate agent is reduced to three areas:
– Selection of options and showing apartments
— "Sale" of the advantages of the apartment to the buyer, the belief in the value of housing
— Preparation of documents and legal support of the transaction.
Each direction should be dealt with by a separate person, but in Russian realities only one is involved in all this: a half-salesman, half-lawyer, half-psychologist. At the same time, none of us, even sometimes the employees of real estate agencies themselves, often do not know what they take money for. And if earlier the realtor demanded the amount simply for the selection of options (and it’s good if at least half fit your requirements), today, in a single information field and free access to the Internet, each of us can do it on our own.

You should have a clear certainty what services you get by paying for the work of a realtor. If they are ready to work with you without a contract, if the realtor cannot clearly explain what exactly he will do, do not use his services.

An interesting point of the real estate agent's job is cutting off unnecessary options. The specialist finds 10 apartments that match your requirements, and travels to all addresses in order to see firsthand that the description matches reality. From each apartment, he must provide a detailed written or telephone report, possibly with photographs. Somewhere the view from the window let us down, somewhere the house squinted, somewhere the layout turned out to be not what we needed. Thus, you can narrow down the choice to 2-3 options. And a lawyer is already starting to work with them.

He digs up details about the former owners of the apartment (house, plot, etc.). To begin with, the specialist orders a certificate-extract from the Unified State Register of Rights (EGRIP), its cost is about 250 rubles. In just a day, you will receive information about who the owner of the apartment is and whether there are unremoved encumbrances on it (bank deposit, minor children, etc.).

“You can get this certificate yourself, knowing only the address of the apartment,” Irina Sidorocheva smiles. - However, you will be provided with information only about the last owners of apartments. It is worth remembering that changes to this register are made within 10 days, and the dates and number of requests issued are not saved. That is, 9 days ago, this apartment may have already been sold, but today you will not know about it. It is interesting that quite often several agents can order an extract for a “tidbit” at once. They even line up together.

A good realtor will try to trace the basis on which the property was transferred from one hand to another. This is necessary to see the exact all transactions taking place with the apartment. Theoretically, grounds for terminating each of them can be found at any stage of this chain. However, a specialist with experience in these documents will be able to assess all possible risks.

Lawyer Andrey Korshunov believes that it is necessary to choose not an agent, but a lawyer. Because the greatest part of the risks is concentrated in the legal component of the purchase. And without a good decision legal matter not enough here.

In addition to checking documents, a good agent calls in experts to analyze the total cost of ownership of the house, which will indicate all the upcoming costs of operating the building. Houses are aging, dilapidated, and most of the money is spent not on utilities, but on major and current repairs.

Another sign of a good specialist is a fixed amount of remuneration: as a percentage of the cost of housing or in thousands of rubles for one transaction. If the unfortunate realtor offers you to sell an apartment, for example, for two million rubles, and everything that he bargains from above, he takes himself, run away from such a specialist! He is able not only to confuse both you and the buyers, but simply to disrupt a good deal.

Each of us understands that if any, even minor, shortcomings of the apartment are found, the buyer will begin to bargain. Even if the announcement contains a laconic “no bargaining”, this does not mean at all that the owner is not at all able to “move a little”. At this moment, hell begins: the realtor is trying to negotiate for himself an extra 10-20 thousand, the buyer fundamentally does not make such “sacrifices”, but you are left without a profitable sale for the funds that you wanted to bail out. In this case, even if the transaction took place, but was subsequently terminated, then you must return the full cost of the transaction along with the realtor's fee. And if he "earned" a tidy sum on this deal, get ready to part with it.

The illiteracy of realtors can add hassle to any, even the most successful transaction. Contracts are drawn up on the run, the time of inspection of the apartment is postponed several times, dates and required documents to complete the transaction ... And what is one statement worth, that "according to the law, you must vacate the apartment within two weeks." When asked to show this law, or at least give its number, such agents do not know what to answer. This requirement is illegal. You are free to agree on reasonable terms in which you can move, and write them down in the contract. Only then will they need to follow.

“The initial free consultation is not an indicator of a good realtor,” notes Albina Muratova, a leading specialist in the Secondary Housing Department of the Companion Academy of Sciences. - If a person is a good specialist, then he values ​​his time and is not ready to spend it for free on various kinds of meetings, even with potential clients.

What about guarantees?

A good one does not decide for you whether to buy this apartment or not. He can only warn about all the possible risks associated with the purchase of this property. At the same time, the vast majority of people expect guarantees from a realtor. And no one can give them. Not a single person can check the entire history of the sale of an apartment and assure of its crystal legal purity. And none of us are immune from problems.

You will never be able to foresee whether a property that is inherited has an heir from another area. For example, you buy an apartment, and a month later an heir to its share from Khabarovsk is announced. A will is not a reinforced concrete document, it can be forged, disputed, written hundreds of times in different cities .... Real estate transferred under a will should be treated with particular care.

“A good specialist will always provide the seller and the buyer with preliminary agreements, the signing of which allows you to avoid unnecessary disputes during the transaction and after,” says Albina Muratova. – He will make sure that the main alienation agreement contains all the necessary phrases that complicate the possibility of challenging the transaction in court, and that all additional papers necessary for the complete completion of the transaction are signed (a certificate of acceptance and transfer of the apartment, receipts for receiving money, etc.);

A separate conversation about the forgery of documents. Do not hope that this will not affect you, that in Chelyabinsk the use of forged documents is rather an isolated case. Any "fake" certificate can bring you a lot of problems from long-term courts to the cancellation of a real estate purchase transaction.

For example, you were given fake documents indicating the virgin cleanliness of the apartment, and you decided to buy it and even made an advance. However, when registering a transaction, the facts emerge and you refuse to buy a home. And a person with your advance can disappear, end up in a hospital, or drink money away, can this be? At the same time, the advance payment can be quite decent, you may not have enough money left for another option. And how do I get my deposit back? Judgment is a slow process. And you could check the legality of certificates if you ordered and received them yourself, and avoid many problems.

Buying an apartment on a mortgage also does not secure the buyer. Although the bank checks the cleanliness of the apartment. It turns out that you do not need to spend money on a realtor. Cheap and cheerful! It wasn't here. To collect all required documents it takes a lot of time to get a mortgage, or…that's right, one real estate agent. It is also worth remembering that banks are great at selling real estate, and if something happens, your mortgage apartment will be put up for sale, and you will have to pay the rest of the mortgage anyway. The bank has nothing to lose. So there are no guarantees either.

“The so-called title insurance can become insurance against all kinds of risks,” says Albina Muratova, leading specialist of the Secondary Housing Department of the Companion Academy of Sciences. - This is a document indicating the resolution of all disputes by the insurance company. And if, by a court decision, your apartment has to be returned, you will be reimbursed for the costs of its purchase.

Competent experts in the field of real estate recommend that you first do not resort to the help of agents, but try to become a realtor for yourself. And if at some point you give up or you need legal assistance, then you will know exactly why you are contacting a specialist. And demand (namely demand) to solve your problem for a certain amount.

And the main advice: do not rush when processing documents. Weigh the pros and cons. Even if everything suits - think. Give yourself three days to do this. You are not buying Chinese socks on the market ....

According to the specialists of the Academy of Sciences "Companion", when buying and selling an apartment, it is necessary to check the following list of documents:
- Passport of the owner
— Title document(s) (base document)
— Proof of title(s) document(s) (certificate of ownership)
— Certificate from the housing office (HOA, etc.) on the composition of the family and the absence of debt
– Purchase and sale agreement, which will be submitted for registration to the Federal Registration Service

How to choose the right realtor, at the same time good and reliable? Which is better: to choose a private realtor or a real estate agency? And which realtor to choose: handsome or smart? And where can I choose it and how much does it need to pay? And what advantages will appear in working with a realtor, if you can solve all the issues on your own?

Where? Search Sources
Recommendations and reviews (friends, acquaintances, relatives, employees)
The first place where I would advise you to look for a realtor is among your own, better than any advertising
Personal experience working with a realtor
If it was positive, then it is logical to re-apply to the same specialist
Contact information in advertising, on banners
In this case, it is better to pay attention to the personal qualities of the realtor
Internet (Google and Yandex search, forums, youtube, social network)
Where, where, and in online selection limitless, but at the same time, it is also better to first study a specialist
Printed editions of newspapers, magazines, catalogs
In articles, news, registration information…
Office visit
Find the one closest to your home or work
On the Internet, print media, external media and other media

What should the client pay attention to?

A realtor can work for 10 or 20 years, but at the same time he will not have a list of loyal customers who turn to him again. That is, experience does not always mean success in closing a question. Such specialists, as it were, are serving their role and that's it, they have no goal of building a trusting relationship with their clients. But the experience is worth it.
And at the same time, the “youth” working for a couple of years can better close questions. Most likely, this is due to previous experience gained in other areas of business.
But still, I advise you to pay attention, initially to personal qualities.

Not mandatory today in Ukraine, and not always indicative in confirming professionalism, as it might seem to many. But there may be some advantage in this case. Since the specialist himself takes care of his professional name, one of the confirmations of his professional qualities may be the presence of his data in the register of market specialists.
But at the same time, I personally know many excellent realtors, without different regalia, titles and the presence of various kinds of certificates.

Segmentation and location of work
Even in a professional environment, disputes and discussions are still sharpening on the subject of how best to work: in a specific area, in a specific segment, specialize only in sales or rentals, or be a universal realtor? That is, to be a narrow-profile specialist or not?
Both the first and second cases have the right to life. Since there are many examples of the successful implementation of their professional sides in both options.

Questions to the realtor

To begin with, the client must initially consult with a realtor on the account of the "opportunities" of the second to close questions similar to the client's request.
Then, the client would be recommended to ask a realtor a question - for what, that realtor receives a commission (remuneration)? If there are answers in the style: “for legal support”, “a large database of objects” and other nonsense, I advise clients to continue searching for a specialist.

The client needs to ask as many questions as possible to the realtor in order to paint a general picture of him as a specialist who can close the question. The more questions - the more answers, and the more understanding of the expediency of a realtor in the process of buying and selling real estate, with the possible creation of additional value for the object.

The client must decide for himself: does he need a realtor at all? For what? What to expect from a realtor?
If the client expects that the realtor has some kind of magical client base, then I can disappoint you, such databases do not exist. Clients either close their questions and disappear from such lists, or this indicates the lack of professionalism of a realtor who has similar databases with “hanging” clients. Exceptions are rare and apply to investors and exchange cases. But as practice shows, some clients expect that their objects will attract the attention of some oriental sheikhs, and with some hope they ask about such customer bases.

The client must ask and understand whether the realtor will have enough time to work with a specific object, this specific client, or the realtor will already have the 10th, 100th, 1000th object in his database and he will not particularly strain and sweat for a specific object. For the normal work of a specialist and full-fledged marketing, a realtor cannot have more than 3-5 objects at the same time (exceptions up to 10).

Once again on the issues of bases and legal services - if realtors show their advantages by this, then does the client need it? Maybe we just need to hire a lawyer and file ads ourselves? A realtor should not only place ads and hide behind full-time lawyers.

Object cost

Inflated price expectations are the main reason for non-sales, with delays and often lost profits for the owner. To create demand for an object, it is necessary to form the correct starting price, based on the statistics of sales of analogues in recent years, the availability of demand today, as well as analytics on the exposed objects, at the time of formation of the cost.
Many realtors take advantage of this moment, follow the "wishes and expectations" of the client, subsequently showing that the market is not interested in the object. Thus, subsequently lowering the price, which previously could have been higher, and with the loss of time, and possibly several potential customers.
Some owners want to find out the price (figure) from the realtor by phone, that is, whoever says more will work with that. As if the realtor will buy the object. The realtor is not a buyer, he can describe the picture of what is happening on the market, it is in his power. And sometimes, as you read on the Internet, realtors are to blame for everything. From the owner - because prices are lowered, from buyers - because prices are raised. That is, the economy of the state and other circumstances, except for realtors, does not affect pricing. Funny.

Nuances and details in the list of realtor services

Treaty. Before signing, the client needs to familiarize himself with what conditions, rights, obligations and responsibilities arise from the parties to the process. So that some moments do not become a stumbling block already during the process.
Advantages. You can ask a particular realtor how he is better than other realtors, what are his strong moans as a real estate specialist.
Terms of sale. Must be agreed before signing, as well as pronouncing possible situations if the issue is not closed within the time limits specified in the contract. What action will be taken in this case?
Number of objects. A little higher I wrote that the normal situation, if there are objects at the same time in operation, is no more than 3-5. Or the same number of projects (search for purchase, rent) at the time of the client's request.
Process dynamics. Shown by the realtor, will be essential for communicating with the client. The realtor can advise what possible development of events, where the final decision on the choice should be with the client, and not with the realtor (otherwise it may be pressure in their own mercantile interests). The dynamics should be expressed in the realtor's report for a certain period.
Client interests. And only one, with whom the realtor has built fiduciary relations, signed an agreement.
Sales figure. I advise you to be careful about this if they say how much you can sell for. A professional can announce the starting price at which you can create demand for the object. How can he or the owner know (foresee) how much the object will be sold for. The most interesting thing is that the buyer himself may not know how much he will be willing to pay for the object of interest to him.
Cost of services. If the commission is small, relative to the market, then the realtor will not be able to make the greatest demand, with the connection of colleagues to the sale. Thus, there is a risk that sales are not at the maximum market price. Billionaire Rockefeller seemed to be guided by this saying: "Do not be afraid of big expenses, be afraid of small incomes." The realtor must work out his remuneration, and the client must understand what he is paid for.

How to choose a realtor when selling, buying and renting?

By itself, the process of searching and selecting a realtor is approximately as follows:
Calling the client to the realtor(s) meeting with the realtor(s) getting answers to questions from the realtor accepting or not working methods - in a positive case, cooperation with the realtor

How do owners choose a realtor?

Now the question is regarding the cooperation of a realtor, specifically with the owner. You can summarize the previous information posted above and answer the question “how to choose a realtor when selling an apartment, house and other real estate?”.
If a realtor works on approximately the following points, laid out below, then the “product” is at least good, “good boots” should be taken :)

Realtor needs to speak 3 main possible scenarios, and focus on what will happen if everything goes pessimistically. For example, everything did not go according to plan, then the client decides in this case: lower the price, continue further in the same direction, freeze the sale, look for another realtor ...

When selling, I personally follow this rule: to go for the first couple of days, the first calls and appeals, A for the first week - the first views began. Otherwise, I ask myself the question: “what have I personally done wrong if there is no demand for the object?”.

The realtor needs to create and accumulate demand for the object of his client. And the client needs to ask questions how he will do it? Will the real estate community be attracted to the sale, how will he motivate them, what kind of marketing plan will be created to promote it? What channels of attraction will be involved: the Internet, print, outdoor advertising?

The realtor must offer his client pre-sale preparation to improve the “presentation” of the property, which in the end can increase the final cost.

If the realtor does not work under a written contract, then he does not take responsibility for closing the issue of his client.

A realtor should work in the interests of only one of the parties, while being honest and open to all participants in the process.

The professional regularly reports on the dynamics of work (daily, weekly). The report records requests, views, counter offers, thanks to which the owner understands why he hired a particular realtor who will close the issue on the most favorable conditions.

If a realtor does not take such steps to sell, then the question is - why is he needed?

How can a buyer choose a realtor?

Now for the adherents of the question “how to choose a realtor to buy an apartment, house, new building and other real estate?” I will also briefly try to show the main points that the buyer should pay attention to.

The first thing a realtor must provide to his client-buyer is the adequate price of the property at the time of purchase. And the object should be the best among analogues in terms of price-quality ratio.

The buyer should not be in a situation of possible psychological pressure from the owner and his representatives. On viewings and negotiations, the main party from the buyer should be his realtor.

The realtor should try to minimize the possible waste of his client.

The specialist must double-check the documentation for the property of interest to the buyer.

As a rule, in real estate purchase and sale transactions, the buyer has the right to choose a notary. Therefore, the realtor is interested in the fact that the notary or their choice is suspended on a reliable specialist.

When searching for a purchase - do not limit yourself to any list, the objects should correspond to the preference of the client, but not always with the exact adherence to the initial search parameters.

How to choose a real estate agent for renting real estate?

In this case, the questions may sound like this: “how to choose a realtor when renting, renting real estate?”.

As for the lease, everything here can be considered by analogy with the purchase and sale. Where customers can be on one or the other side. The landlord acts as the owner, and the tenant, as by analogy with the sale and purchase, the "buyer".
With some difference, transactions do not end with the re-registration of ownership, but with the right of temporary use.

That is, if a realtor works in the interests of the owner, then he needs to hand over the object (apartment, house, office, premises or other real estate) as soon as possible, at the maximum market price.

In the case of working in the interests of the landlord, the realtor achieves the most favorable conditions for renting to his tenant client with the selection best offer among similar properties.

How to choose a realtor in Kyiv?

As for the choice of a specialist in Kyiv, the first place I would advise you to turn to is the list of realtors from the RPS () who work on the SPP ().
After that, you can choose the one who is more oriented in a particular segment of real estate, as well as in a specific location (in the area). Everything is simple, but the number of such specialists is still quite small, as for the total number of all realtors in the city of Kyiv.

Realtor or agency?

I don’t know who is better and closer by choice. If you contact a private realtor, he is personally responsible for the entire process. If you contact the agency, then, as a rule, the client will be assigned to some realtor appointed by the head. And then the realtor, but the one who appointed him, will still be responsible for the competence of the services provided. And the client will pay for the consequences. This point is not unimportant, and it should be taken into account when choosing a realtor or agent company.


It is clear that the choice must be approached with all seriousness, because the sale of real estate is not a sale. soap bubbles or ice cream on the beach. And when clients say that they are not interested in how the process of buying and selling or renting is planned to be carried out, such an attitude is extremely incomprehensible to me. Although I understand that most of this kind of statements were formed on the previous, not very positive cooperation with intermediaries. But the professional follows a parallel path with his clients, in common interests. In order for the result to be maximum, the client must fully trust the specialist, one can say so - to show all the cards.
After all, placing an ad on the Internet or in newspapers does not take a lot of mind, but to do the job so that the client not only pays the commission, but is thankful many times over, leaves positive reviews and recommendations, this is the merit of real professionals.

For an analogy, I will give a story that will give an understanding of why a professional realtor is needed:

Scientist Kapitsa, visited the plant of Simmens and Schuckert for the production of generators. The owners of the plant showed him the generator, which did not want to work, and offered 1,000 marks for fixing it. Kapitsa quickly realized that the central bearing was skewed and jammed, took a hammer and hit the bearing housing - the generator started working.
Embarrassed customers asked for an invoice for the work done. Kapitsa wrote: "1 hit with a hammer - 1 mark, for knowing where to hit - 999 marks."

Where do you think and experience most customers come from?

The question is always relevant for those who have decided to engage in the exchange, purchase, sale of real estate, but do not find the strength to independently deal with bureaucratic red tape and other troubles associated with this business.

So, you have decided to entrust your housing problems to a specialist. But how to find it? Today there are more than a thousand real estate agencies in Moscow, not to mention huge number private brokers. When you open any real estate newspaper, you will see a lot of advertisements for the provision of real estate services. How not to get lost in this flow of information?

The most unwise thing to do in such a situation would be to take a chance and turn to the one whose ad you simply liked more in terms of text or design. After all, mistakes in real estate transactions are often irreparable. Therefore, it is better to have a little patience and do a systematic search.

According to statistical surveys, the first thing people do when they think about solving housing problems is turn to friends and acquaintances. Most people look for their realtor through the recommendations of friends and acquaintances. And in fact, why not take advantage of the already "acquired" experience of others. How does the slogan of a large real estate company sound? "We are recommended to friends"? So, any good realtor can refer to this phrase: about 60% of the clients of a broker or a brokerage office seek help on the recommendation of friends or acquaintances. And if your friends recently successfully "turned" the exchange / purchase / sale of housing through an intermediary, consider yourself very lucky: call them and "get" the specialist's phone.
If no one has been recommended to you, don't despair. Look carefully at newspaper advertisements. (It is better to file a specific publication, for example, a newspaper. "From Hand to Hand"). Despite the negative attitude in society towards advertising, it is primarily information. You just need to be able to analyze it correctly. The text itself in the ads is rather monotonous - a list of services, sometimes a slogan. But here's what you need to look at.

License number.
Most often, in advertisements, the company indicates the number of its license. Well, if this figure is included in the first two hundred. This means that your brokers have been working for a long time - at least five years. And all this time it works flawlessly. After all, the license is "renewed" every year. And if the history of the agency is overshadowed by any illegal incident, it simply will not be renewed. Even in the case when the agency manages to "hush up" an unpleasant story, it receives another license. But she will no longer be "one of the first."

The amount of advertising is also information.
From room to room, over the course of several years, the company has been publishing ads of the same size? So, her position is quite stable. At the beginning, some company had "modules" (ads within) big size and then decreased? It is likely that the firm is currently experiencing better times. For a prosperous and self-respecting firm, advertising costs can only increase.

See where the office of the company is located - after all, you have to go there. By the way, the location of the agency is very important from another point of view: in most cases, the company is actively working in the surrounding areas. This, of course, does not apply to large agencies whose branches are everywhere. But most realtors are well aware of the market situation is "their" area.
This is especially useful if you are selling an apartment or are going to buy it in a very specific area. In general, in recent years, real estate agencies specializing in real estate transactions in a single area have been formed from many municipal exchange departments and simply from the initiative of individual people. Such a "narrow specialization" helps them to survive next to the monsters of the real estate world, which employs more than a thousand people. As a rule, these people are really well aware of the price situation in "their" territory. So they really will make every effort to sell your apartment for more and buy it for less.

Free consultation.
If this type of service is indicated in the ad, be sure to use it. After all, this is a great opportunity to get acquainted in absentia with the atmosphere of the agency, with the people who work there. Comments of the head of the department of the real estate agency "Bely Gorod":
- When you first call the agency you have chosen, it is desirable that the broker talks to you, and not the dispatcher. In my opinion, this is the strongest proof of the firm's serious attitude towards its client - not to entrust the first conversation to a person who is illiterate from a professional point of view.

Tell me how much you take and I'll tell you who you are.
It's a good idea to ask over the phone about the size of the agency's commission. This will help you understand how sincere the people on the other end of the wire are. Because the services of realtors cost about the same 5% of the transaction (the amount of realtor "fees" in amounts will be given at the end of the article). If you are called a smaller amount, for example, 2%, then this does not mean at all that the remaining "interest" will not end up in the pockets of the company. You just won't know about it.
Often, especially in transactions aimed at socially unprotected segments of the population, such as exchanges from a larger area to a smaller one, moving to a less prestigious area or in the Moscow region, realtors say: "We won't take anything from you." But, of course, you are aware that these words cannot be taken literally: after all, you are not applying to a charitable organization, but to a commercial institution. Therefore, no one will work for you for free. The agency protects the interests of the party who pays for its services. And at the same time realtors in this case do not lie. You will not pay any money in cash, they are automatically deducted from you when making a transaction. And since all these real estate transactions are calculated on the fact that a person as a result receives a surcharge for surplus living space or a change of area, then, therefore, your surcharge will equal the real amount "minus" the agency's percentage.
And yet it is better not to show independence - in operations of this kind it is better if a solid organization stands behind your back. After all, the phrase "socially unprotected" segments of the population often means "defenseless." And doing "amateur" or turning to "kind" black brokers for help, you can be left without a living space, and without additional payment.

Professionals with a capital letter.
We are talking about agents with a Broker's Personal License Card, which, after appropriate certification, is issued by the Moscow government. Irina Perkovskaya says:
- Many professionals working in the real estate market dream of getting a Broker's Personal License Card. A good agency only encourages its employees in this. Of the 100-150 employees of the agency (the number is typical for medium-sized firms, free from the shortcomings of both "giants" and "dwarfs" of the real estate world), about 30% must have a personal license card.

MAGR, RGR and others.
- And why choose him, a realtor. I called the MAGR - after all, a solid organization. They will recommend someone.
Indeed, would recommend. One of its members (there are about 60 agencies in the MAGR). In general, this organization had a noble goal - when our legislation was imperfect, it acted as an "arbitrator" between agencies, and we must give it its due - it judged fairly. However, why in the past tense? And now he is judging. True, today the legislative framework we have quite a decent one, but court delays scare away not only ordinary citizens, but also legal entities, so the members of the MAGR prefer to sort out all the relations between themselves in the MAGR "court".
But that's just the point, that "between themselves". If your agency is a member of the MAGR, and its offenders are not, then all misunderstandings will have to be resolved in the usual way. So, membership in the MAGR, of course, speaks of the good reputation of your agency, but the absence of such in no case should be considered as evidence of the professional failure of brokers. Moreover, not all brokers are willing to pay very tangible fees just to be on the lists of numerous guilds and associations. I remember that from one head of a small real estate agency I happened to hear the following words:
- Yes, these associations? What are they doing? Basically, membership dues are collected. Sometimes I myself want to organize some kind of guild or association. Good way make money on prestige.

Which agency is better: big or small?
Many people ask this question.
Large agencies are more reliable in the sense that among them there will almost certainly not be fraudulent offices whose favorite scheme of actions is to collect money and dissolve. The giants are simply not able to curtail activities even in one or two weeks, not to mention two or three days.
Why are giants bad? Yes, with its bloated state. One person will talk to you on the phone. The other is to check the documents for the apartment. The third is to select an option for you, the fourth is to show it, the fifth is to put money in the bank? And so on. Comments by Irina Perkovskaya:
- With such a workflow, the individuality of the transaction is lost. Meanwhile, in each specific case it is necessary to take into account a lot of different factors: the condition of the apartment, the number of people registered, the view from the window, the secret and obvious advantages and disadvantages of the living space, and finally, the human factor. And if the agency's activities are put on stream, many details are simply overlooked by its employees.
As for small agencies, they are usually poor. And therefore they cannot afford good lawyers, cannot give professional education to agents.

Solo brokers.
Turning to them without the recommendations of friends or acquaintances is most likely unreasonable. Of course, among such people there are much more professionals than scammers, but the risk is too great. After all, even if a person from a real estate agency working with you finds himself in a difficult situation, behind him is the professionalism of many other employees. Solitary "floating" excludes the possibility of such a "safety net".
Employees of some real estate agencies sometimes offer such a move: some transactions are made according to the usual scheme, some - on their own, that is, without concluding an agreement, requiring payment only for their services (without deductions to the agency), which, of course, cost the client an order of magnitude cheaper than the usual "branded" "deals. Imagine that you have accumulated 10 thousand to exchange from a smaller area to a larger one. The agency, let's say, will take two thousand dollars from you for such services, and an ordinary employee, if you work with him directly, will charge 200-400 dollars, depending on the complexity of the exchange. It is not difficult to calculate that in the first case, you have 8 thousand dollars left for additional footage, and in the second - $ 9800 - $ 9800. At average price per meter at $ 650, this means at least 2.5 sq.m. extra living space, a hundred with our footage is not so little. And since, with such a scheme of work, the broker uses the channels and connections developed by the agency, the risk in such cases is minimized.
But this option of cooperation is offered only to those people who come from former clients - after all, if the agency finds out about such "left" transactions, the broker will lose his job. So if you are a person from the street, is it any harm to be able to use this "know-how" of our ordinary realtors.

If you have already chosen an agency and arrived at the office, pay attention to the sample contract. Irina Perkovskaya says:
- If the agency gave you a standard contract on one sheet, it is better to leave it. In fact, the contract must take into account many nuances, often the firm's lawyers have to supplement it, rework it in accordance with each situation. By the way, there should be at least two lawyers in the firm.

The average commission rates today are approximately as follows:
Sale - $1000-1500,
Exchange - 2000-2500 $,
Registration of ready-made options - $ 500.
Someone, of course, takes more, someone - less. But my advice - do not save on quality.

RussianRealty, Maria Galitskaya

Buying an apartment is an important decision that requires serious investments. Many real estate agencies are involved in intermediary sales of residential premises. With such a busy real estate market, it is difficult to understand which organization to entrust such a responsible matter - the choice of housing. must comply several criteria: have a good reputation, have qualified employees, set an acceptable price for the provision of services.

Respectable realtors make the process of buying a home as transparent as possible, but caution is never excessive. For security purposes, it is necessary to carefully study the contents of the proposed contract with, in order to accurately indicate the obligations of the organization, as well as its rights and obligations.

How to check a real estate agency for cleanliness?

When choosing an agency, you must use the following algorithm of actions:

  • Familiarize yourself with the registration documents of the organization. Make sure that it has the appropriate certificates, attestations, and is also registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRLE).
  • Find out in the tax authorities or in the arbitration court if there are compromising information about the organization, and also make sure that there is no bankruptcy case.
  • check the realtor for availability with the organization in which he works.
  • Carefully read the contract drawn up with the organization.
  • Find out if the organization checks the apartments for sale for the rights of the owners and the authenticity of the documents. As a rule, in the staff of serious organizations there is a lawyer who is responsible for these issues.

You can find out about the reliability of an intermediary organization on your own or with the help of notaries and lawyers.

Realtor services

When concluding an agreement with a real estate organization, the buyer must be sure that the entire process of buying an apartment is carried out under the supervision of an experienced realtor. In this case, the realtor undertakes:

  • Conduct an analysis to find out the availability of apartments that will suit the buyer according to the required parameters and material resources;
  • with limited financial resources, select the best ways;
  • choose the right time to show the apartment;
  • negotiate with the seller about the price and other features of the sale of real estate;
  • reconcile the documents of the owner of the apartment to determine possible risks;
  • lead preparatory work to collect papers for the transaction, draw up sales contracts;
  • participate in the process of mutual settlement of the parties ( , use );
  • control the observance of the rights of the buyer when registering papers with a notary;
  • agree on the discharge of all tenants from the purchased apartment with a subsequent check;
  • to carry out all necessary actions and execution of documents according to the state

It is necessary to find out if the real estate company is registered in the program of professional liability insurance, so that in case of a mistake by the realtor, the buyer will be entitled to compensation.

Contract with a real estate agency for the provision of services

Each real estate company has its own model for drawing up an agreement, so you should pay special attention to the content of this agreement. The buyer must review all clauses of the contract.

The following items must be included in the contract:

  • a list of services provided by the organization for the client, and their volume (advertising, legal, consulting services, and others);
  • compliance with the rights and obligations of the parties under the contract. The conditions put forward by the client must be acceptable;
  • the amount of remuneration for services;
  • duration of the agreement (at least one year);
  • a point at which the client can at any time find out information about the work performed by the realtor and the timing of the preparation of a detailed report;
  • termination clause. The buyer has the right to cancel the agreement at any time by paying for all services rendered.

Be sure to read the contents of the text in small print. As usual, there are clauses related to obligations

There are cases when companies illegally introduce the following clauses into the contract:

  1. The right to receive the amount formed from the difference in prices for the actual sale of housing and the one that is fixed in the contract. Is it that hidden commission or balance Money, which realtors always intend to pocket, in addition to the rest of the amounts paid by the buyer.
  2. Regulation on the prohibition of communication between the buyer and the direct seller or his authorized representatives.
  3. Prohibition on cooperation with other organizations. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in penalties for the client.

The buyer has the right to remove such clauses of the contract. Amendments to the document are made in writing as an annex to the contract.

The cost of realtor services when buying an apartment

Any real estate agency sets its own rates for the services provided.

Small offices set the average cost of services determined by the market. Some deliberately lower their prices in order to attract more customers.

Large companies, on the contrary, put forward high tariffs, motivating this with reputation, extensive experience and a huge database.

The work of a realtor is always paid by the user of services. Fees are affected by a variety of factors:

  1. factors of a legal and domestic nature during the transaction;
  2. the actual duration of the contract;
  3. the price of the apartment for sale.

Usually prices are formed in two ways:

  • Establishing a certain amount of money. For example, from 30,000 to 100,000 thousand rubles (regardless of the price of housing)
  • Calculated as a percentage of . As a rule, the price is from 2% to 5% of the price of the apartment.

About the raise retirement age and related changes in payments, read in. We have the most detailed information!

How to terminate a contract with a real estate agency?

The clauses of the contract with real estate organizations, regardless of the conditions and the list of services provided, are guaranteed by the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

According to Article 32 of the Federal Law of February 7, 1992 No. 2300-1, the user of the services has the right to terminate the contract at any time. At the same time, he pays only for the services actually received (if the agency can document them).

You can motivate the cancellation of the contract:

  • unsatisfactory quality of the rendered services;
  • a change in domestic circumstances, after which the client does not want to buy a home.

When canceling the contract, a written notice in two copies is sent to the real estate agency.

Upon receipt of this notice, the real estate organization is obliged to endorse one of the copies with a mark of acceptance.

The notice may be sent by post or registered mail with notification. The document must contain a written intention to cancel and the date of cancellation of services. If a real estate organization requires any compensation upon termination of the contract, then keep in mind that this is illegal.

If the realtor has already received an advance payment, then he must return that part of the money for which the services were not actually performed.

If, after 10 days from the date of filing the notice by the buyer, the organization does not fulfill its obligations to terminate the contract and does not return part of the funds, then the client has the right to file a lawsuit in court (Article 31 of the Federal Law of 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1).

The buyer has the right to compensation in the event of untimely return of remuneration for services in the amount of 3% for each day of delay (paragraph 5 of Article 28 of the Federal Law of 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1).

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