Actionable tips on how to get pregnant fast. Useful tips for conceiving a child

An article about how being pregnant feels, a pregnant woman feels, what she is capable of, and about how people around her actually relate to her.

“I want to be a mommy” or “I want a baby” - everything starts with such a thought!

As soon as a young lady decides to get pregnant, a vigorous activity immediately begins, and, I dare to assure you, not only for the future parent, but for her entire family.

The girl finds all the literature, all the articles and opuses from the Internet, in general, all the information that one can imagine about future pregnancy, about the child, well, and about everything connected with it.

All this is conscientiously studied by herself and her husband (and how could it be without it!). All the "levers" and "buttons" are immediately turned on in order to quickly get pregnant.

And now, oh joy - we are pregnant!

We say, because We are the husband too. Yes, yes, if the husband is loving, and cares about health and good mood his wife, too, will feel a little pregnant.

Such a husband will sympathize and empathize with his beloved, and therefore, perhaps, he will physically experience, like his half, a headache, minor ailments, and so on and so forth.

So, being pregnant is not only a physical condition, but also a moral one.

The pregnant woman reacts to everything the world otherwise. Many become more sensitive, tearful; others are calmer, slower.

And some, on the contrary, are more energetic, eccentric, restless and full of all sorts of ideas and plans.

We are talking here about the desired, long-awaited pregnancy, and, therefore, about women taking care of themselves and their unborn child. We are talking about expectant mothers who fulfill all the prescriptions and advice of a doctor, eat well and lead a normal life.

Even under these more than satisfactory conditions, pregnancy may not go very smoothly. Often, pregnant women have swollen legs (you can’t fit into your favorite shoes or boots).

Severe toxicosis can happen at any time, because of which it will become very difficult to fully eat, but doctors always find a way out and prescribe something that helps someone.

There may be a threat of fetal disruption, but even here everything can be solved. They put such mothers for preservation in a hospital or recommend bed rest and drugs that help in such cases. Don't worry, there aren't many such cases.

Basically, especially the first pregnancy, passes easily and without any excesses. You feel great, nothing hurts or swells, you run and flutter to work before the decree, like a butterfly, you don’t feel either drowsiness or fatigue.

In the middle of the night you don't want either strawberries with bacon or watermelon with black bread. In general, you feel great, even more than! An inexhaustible source of energy appears from somewhere, forces and a desire to do something, something grandiose and immense, are taken from somewhere.

And you do it, and you don’t think that you can’t, that it won’t work out - everything works out and the most the best way because you do it with all the inspiration and passion you can muster.

Being pregnant is also a high morale

How do you imagine what was born in you new life that this tiny little man depends entirely on you, goosebumps run down your skin from such awareness.

You unconsciously constantly hold on to your tummy, which is getting bigger and bigger every month. You talk to the baby as if he was already born, you lisp with him, touch and stroke the heels that stick out in small mounds on your stomach.

You sing songs and listen to cheerful music that gives positive emotions, thinking that the baby hears all this. You share your thoughts and feelings with your husband, and he kisses your stomach and puts his ear to hear the baby.

A man often becomes indescribably delighted when, touching with his palm to feel the movement of a small creature, he feels jolts. He reacts so violently to this, asks if it hurts you, and, in general, what do you feel, what do you feel. For them, this is a miracle that nature has created.

You get used very quickly to being given space everywhere, you feel almost like a queen. Girls who do not yet have children look at you with interest, smile, many want to touch your tummy.

Being pregnant - men are in awe of you, even strangers.

There is an opinion that pregnant women should not be denied anything. So, having become pregnant, use this, especially at work. You can sign any paper, ask for a day off or a bonus.

Most often, women bosses remember this sign, but men, I assure you, are also subject to this superstition, so forward to achievements and victories!

The female body is designed to bear and give birth to a child. And for a long time, women had no choice: to give birth or not to give birth. No one asked her if she wanted children, how many, and how she would raise them. Today we have a choice. At least, if you are interested in family planning and do not live in a country where abortion and contraceptives are banned.

However, the unwillingness to become a mother is still considered unnatural for a woman. And the one who openly declares that pregnancy can be terrible, and motherhood is not for them, is still a rarity. One of them was the obstetrician-gynecologist Lea Torres, who in her article revealed the other side of pregnancy, which women prefer to remain silent about.

I'm a gynecologist - and I'm not going to get pregnant

Pregnancy is a pretty bad experience. Anyway, that's what some pregnant women told me. Most of them are my patients. I'm an OB/GYN and reproductive health professional, so I know a thing or two about why pregnancy can be terrible. Fortunately, I myself have never been pregnant (thanks to family planning). And I don't want to give birth. Never!

The fact that many people volunteer to puke for months on end, suffer from hemorrhoids and constipation, and other equally unpleasant things, amazes me every time they come to me for a routine pregnancy checkup.

Since I cannot explain to myself why people do this, I asked one of my patients who was satisfied with my work, and she agreed to describe her feelings to me. I'll give you some excerpts.

“If not for my strongest desire to have children, I would never have dared. And I don't judge people who refuse to have children, because I know that pregnancy sucks ... Vomiting does not go away. This is my third pregnancy, I'm at 37 weeks and still throwing up. And I cry all the time. For no reason. And after that, I get so angry that I burst into tears that I quarrel with my husband in order to defend my right to cry over nothing. At some point, there is nothing to breathe, at least - to breathe freely. The passage from the living room to the bedroom is exhausting. While walking, everything hurts so much that you want to die.

But then the birth of a child is the best part of pregnancy, because all this horror ends. As soon as the baby comes, you let go and everything finally comes out, literally. And this is not because you are consumed by universal love for your child, but simply because he sucked all the juices out of you, and now he has disconnected from your body, and you feel him again.

I love my children more than anything in the world. And they are the reason I agree to go through the hell of pregnancy. I know that I need children, without them my life would not be complete, but I will never pretend that pregnancy is magical and wonderful. Because it isn't."

Yes perishing, nothing beautiful and brilliant. Moreover, pregnancy can be dangerous. The body of a pregnant woman is constantly changing throughout the nine months and is at risk of diabetes, hypertension, heart failure, seizures (and that's not all).

A study published in 2010 in the UK found that pregnancy is more dangerous (that is, it can kill you) than: general anesthesia, hang gliding, scuba diving, rock climbing, canoeing and air travel. And at the same time, the risk of death during pregnancy and childbirth is ten times higher than the risk of death from abortion.

At the same time, we look at pregnancy as something ordinary. We do not understand at all the risks people take to endure and give birth to a living person. Why don't we honor these brave selfless people every single day? Instead, we just brush them off to say some irrelevant banal that seems to sound more or less normal. The fact that we do not support these women (some of you may call them mothers) with the utmost respect is a shame.

"You are pregnant? So why don't you want to risk your life to have a baby? Why don't you feel so helpless it hurts to breathe? Why don't you put yourself and the baby at serious risk of pulmonary thrombosis? Seizures and strokes are not so terrible, what are the problems then?

We accept this approach to pregnancy as normal, when in fact it is anything but normal. At the same time, we shame those who do not want to give birth. Not wanting to be pregnant is just as normal as not wanting to get diabetes, hypertension, heart failure. However, we feel justified in blaming women and passing laws that effectively force them to face deadly risks and dangerous health consequences. Personally, I understand what it takes to endure a child, and I do not want to participate in this. And the more I understand this, the more I become sure that I do not want this. But I can still be your doctor if that's what you want.

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And 38% resulted in an unplanned birth.

If you are experiencing an unwanted pregnancy, you should talk to your partner and consult with your doctor before making any decisions. It's not enough to say "I don't want to be pregnant", you need to know the consequences of any decision you make.

What to do if you are pregnant but do not want this child?

It's definitely a shock when you didn't want a baby but your pregnancy test comes out positive. Here's what you can do:

1. Give up for adoption

Some women who unexpectedly become pregnant often carry a child and then give it up for adoption. Millions of parents cannot have biological children. They will gladly adopt your child. Before you choose this path, you may need to know specific adoption options.

  • Open adoption

You can go for an open adoption through an adoption agency that allows you to arrange an appointment with foster family even before birth. This gives you the opportunity to learn about the conditions in which your child will be. With an open adoption, you can set several rules, ranging from being an active part of the adopting family to having only occasional contact with them. Be sure to speak with an adoption counselor before choosing this method. It is allowed by the legislation of many Western countries, but in Russia and Ukraine it is still not legalized and the secrecy of adoption is usually observed.

  • Closed adoption

This is the complete opposite of the previous one. This method of adoption does not allow you to maintain any contact with the adoptive family. Sometimes you don't even know who adopted your child to avoid any problems in the future. But you can write down some points that would allow your child to contact you, if he wants, after he reaches the age of majority.

2. Abortion

If you don't want to carry your baby to term, you can choose to have an abortion. Be sure to speak with a qualified physician to learn about the risks associated with abortion. Also consult about the various precautions and precautions to be taken before and after the procedure. It is also important to know the abortion laws in your country in order to avoid any legal problems. You may need to involve a parent in the procedure if you are under 15 years old in Russia, according to Art. 54 of the law "On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in Russian Federation» No. 323-FZ of November 21, 2011 or 14 years in Ukraine, in accordance with Art. 284 of the Civil Code of Ukraine "Right to medical care» from 16.01.2003 No. 435-IV. You can choose from two main types of abortions:

  • medical abortion

He is the most suitable choice if you want to have an abortion during the first seven weeks of pregnancy. You will have to take two pills to induce a miscarriage. The first is taken to stop the further development of the embryo, and the second - 36 hours after the previous one. It causes contractions and causes your uterus to expel all the products of conception. You may have severe cramps, which are often stronger than what you experience during your period.

  • Surgical abortion

If you are more than 20 weeks pregnant, you may need a surgical procedure. You will be under local anesthesia while your doctor uses a small vacuum pump to remove the fetal tissue. It is important to stay in the hospital for some time after the procedure to make sure there are no side effects related to abortion.

3. Preservation of pregnancy

The last option is to keep the child and raise him. Even though the pregnancy was not planned, your baby can still be a positive factor in your life. It is important to learn more about prenatal care if you decide to keep your baby. In addition, you must make sure that both you and your partner are ready and financially secure to take on this responsibility.

Experiences of other women with unwanted pregnancy

Taken from a foreign forum where a girl asked the opinion of others to decide what to do with an unplanned pregnancy:

“I got pregnant when I was in my second year at university. Although we took precautions, it still happened. We both couldn't raise a child. Keeping the pregnancy, I would have to leave school and go back to my parents. I even thought that this would negatively affect my relationship with my boyfriend, because we both did not want children. I considered all these issues and decided to have an abortion.”

“I am another victim of an unplanned pregnancy, but we decided to keep it. I am now 25 years old and I am about to give birth. Needless to say, pregnancy is never easy. Because of her, I developed an autoimmune disease. I believe that you need to consider your unique circumstances and never let people blame you for keeping the pregnancy. Always choose what is best for you."

“My first child was born in 2006, but 9 months later I got pregnant again. It was terrible and I didn't want to have a baby because I already had a child who needed to be taken care of. I was in shock for a couple of weeks, but then I decided that this is the same child of mine as the one I already had and whom I loved so much. So I decided to keep the pregnancy, and everything turned out well for me.”

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Are you waiting for a positive pregnancy test result?! Then the following expert advice will help you get pregnant very quickly if it doesn’t work out.

If you have made a clear decision to start a family, you most likely want to do it quickly, right?! If this is about you, then start planning right now. Because getting pregnant quickly means not only having sex at the “right” time, but also creating such a favorable environment in which a healthy embryo will grow into a healthy child after the sperm meets the egg. So what should you do to get pregnant? in front of you step by step guide how to get pregnant faster.

If you are interested in how to increase your chances of getting pregnant, then start taking care of yourself. It's no secret that during pregnancy and childbirth, a woman's body goes through major changes and trials, so be sure to start your journey with important steps towards healthy lifestyle life. Here are a few simple tips, with regards to a healthy lifestyle, following which it will be much easier to get pregnant quickly.

Go to the gynecologist and dentist

The gynecologist (midwife) will analyze your general health and advise you on the necessary lifestyle changes to get pregnant faster. Do not forget to mention cases of infertility that have taken place in the family, as some problems with the reproductive system of a woman can be hereditary. It is also recommended to consult a dentist if there are any problems with the gums and teeth, which are one of the causes of prematurity and poor weight gain of the baby. Before you become pregnant, be sure to tidy up the oral cavity and observe the necessary hygiene daily.


Various kinds of exercises should become a habit, as you need to prepare the body for pregnancy. Even short walks in the fresh air will help stabilize the work of the heart and improve health. Be careful not to overdo it: studies have shown that excessive exercise and training to the point of exhaustion can cause menstrual irregularities and lead to infertility.

Start taking prenatal vitamins

It's never too late to start taking prenatal vitamins. In addition to various vitamins and minerals, they contain folic acid, which is important for a child at all stages of his development. According to scientist, doctor and nutritionist at Harvard Medical School Audrey Gaskins, folic acid prolongs ovulation, helps fertilization and promotes the survival of the embryo in the early stages of pregnancy. Talk to your gynecologist about which vitamin complex is better to choose. folic acid in large quantities found in strawberries, spinach, orange juice and beans.

Do not smoke

Smoking reduces the chances of getting pregnant quickly. It has been associated with a high risk of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. “Smokers have significantly reduced levels of estrogen, which can reduce the chance of ovulation in the cycle and potentially affect the continuation of a pregnancy,” says Gaskins. This habit should also be eradicated by a partner, as smoking negatively affects the number of spermatozoa and sperm quality.

Monitor your caffeine intake

Don't cut out caffeine altogether, just cut back to 1-2 cups (250 ml) per day. Too much a large number of caffeine can lead to reproductive problems.

Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink

Although a small glass of wine will not affect fertility in general, it is best not to drink alcoholic beverages while you are trying to conceive. There is no safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy, and until you get pregnant, it's best to avoid it altogether.

Do not get carried away with fast food and sweets

Eat right, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. healthy eating increases the level of progesterone - a key hormone in maintaining pregnancy, supports the process of ovulation and implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine wall.

Step 2: Stop Birth Control

Probably about it is obvious why you need to stop birth control and stop using a method that helped you not get pregnant. It is also worth noting that depending on the method that you used for these purposes, how quickly the reproductive function will be restored and how easy it will be to get pregnant will depend. If you have used condoms, then the chance of getting pregnant will increase significantly if you forget about them on the bedside table this time. It is the same with the IUD: after removing the coil, the body will be ready for pregnancy immediately. With hormonal contraceptives, the situation is a little more complicated: after stopping the intake, the body will take some time to return to normal.

« If a woman has been taking oral contraceptives for a long time, then after stopping the medication, there may be disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Menstruation may be absent in principle or be scanty, repeated several times a month, etc. - says Eric D. Levens, MD, a certified specialist in reproductive endocrinology at the Shady Grove Clinic. As a rule, after six to eight weeks, the cycle should be restored almost completely. If after 8-10 weeks there are still cycle failures, it is wise to seek the help of a doctor to find out what is happening.

Step 3: Track Your Ovulation

Ovulation is the period of the highest fertility of a woman, so knowing when this period occurs is extremely important in order to quickly get pregnant at home. Precisely determining this moment can sometimes be difficult, but there are several proven ways to track ovulation.

Find out when you ovulate

You need to know the essence of ovulation, understand how it works, in order to further track its symptoms and signs. The first misconception about this is that ovulation occurs on the 14th day from the beginning of the critical days, this is partly true, but if the cycle is constant and lasts 28 days. Every woman has a different cycle. “On average, a cycle can last 24 to 35 days, and it can start 3-4 days later than usual,” says Levens. Depending on the length of the cycle, ovulation may occur 11-21 days after the first day of the last period (maybe earlier or later if the cycle is very short or too long). The timing of ovulation depends on the woman's unique cycle, and for all healthy women, the critical days begin 12-14 days after ovulation.

Use the ovulation calculator

Just as you write down all the important things and plans in your diary or calendar, you should do the same with ovulation, because pregnancy is a very important goal. The ovulation or fertility calculator will determine the length of the cycle and help you determine the very days when the chances of getting pregnant are very high. Just record the first day of your cycle (the start of your period) for several months. Over time, you will begin to notice patterns in when your cycle should start and therefore when you ovulate. The highest chance of conceiving a child is before ovulation and 24 hours after it.

Know the symptoms of ovulation

One of the easiest ways to get pregnant is to listen to your body and know the symptoms of ovulation. You may have one or two, or even more of the following symptoms:

  • Small spotting
  • Colorless, viscous cervical mucus
  • Increased libido
  • Sensitivity and soreness of the chest
  • Heightened vision, sense of taste and smell
  • Bloating
  • Change in the position and firmness of the cervix (it becomes softer, taller and more open)
  • Sharp and steady rise basal body temperature body

Increase your chances of a "miracle" with an ovulation test

Knowing the symptoms ovulation, you can learn more about your cycle. By the time you finally understand all this, most likely, you will already become pregnant. If not, then ovulation tests can help. They are sold without a doctor's prescription in small kits. One set includes several test strips, the task of which is to track the moment of ovulation by measuring the level of luteinizing hormone (LH). LH is produced by the pituitary gland and is well monitored in the urine. The body produces this hormone constantly, but in the 24-48 hours before ovulation, it is produced a lot.

To get the most accurate result, follow the instructions on the package. The test should be done at the same time every day for several days, and do not drink or urinate two hours before. Next, you need to place the test strip in the collected portion of urine, and then view the results on a digital monitor or on the strips. A certain color or sign will appear, signaling a high level of LH. This means that ovulation is coming soon, it's time to get down to business. These tests are very convenient, but not 100 percent accurate because they only check one ovulation indicator. Some health problems can interfere with the test results and show a false positive result (polycystic ovary syndrome or luteinizing neovulatory follicle syndrome), and some medicines containing estrogen and progesterone birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy) can lower LH levels.

Track your basal temperature

Tracking your basal body temperature (BBT) is another way to find out when you're ovulating. When there is no ovulation, normalthe temperature is between 35.6 and 37.2 degrees Celsius. It is necessary to measure BBT throughout the entire cycle, and during ovulation it can be half a degree higher. A special thermometer is used to measure BBT. You need to measure the temperature every morning without getting out of bed. Draw a graph where the y-axis is BBT and the x-axis is cycle days.Record your BTT on a chart for several months. When BBT is slightly higher than usual for several days, it should be concluded that ovulation has occurred.This method takes a lot of time, but it helps to get to know each other better.with your body and create an overall picture of your fertility. If you understand your BBT schedule, then you can safely proceed to conception.a few days before the highest BBT values.

Step 4: Have sex in moderation and properly

When you're trying to conceive, it's likely that you spend every spare moment you have in bed with your partner. But remember, everything is good in moderation. Experts believe that The best way get pregnant quickly - have sex once a day or every other day, during auspicious days before and after ovulation. If you have sex too often, your partner's sperm count may be reduced, and if you have sex too infrequently, the sperm stagnates and the sperm don't move as fast. If you want to conceive a child quickly, do not do the following:

Do not use lubricant

With it, of course, it is more convenient, but some types of lubricant can kill sperm before they reach the egg. So read the labels and choose the best, or try canola oil. You can increase the prelude to stimulate the production of natural lubrication.

Don't shower after sex

Your chances of getting pregnant are lower if you shower immediately after sex. Moreover, there is a possibility of developing pelvic infections. You should also avoid long runs, saunas, hot tubs, or any other activity that raises body temperature immediately after sex.

Position during sex does not matter

Researchers did not find any specific position in sex that contributes to the rapid conception of a child, which means that you can have sex in absolutely any position. “The position you prefer in sex will not prevent you from getting pregnant and will not cause infertility,” says Rachel Gurevich, fertility expert and co-author of the book “ Planning a Pregnancy: A Guide for Dummies". Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment and look for that very favorite position in sex that you and your partner like. “When choosing a position, there are only a few things to keep in mind: the position is comfortable for both of you, brings a lot of emotions from the meeting, and most importantly, orgasm,” says Robin Elise Weiss, Ph.D., certified doula. After sex, you can help the sperm to stay inside you, just lie on your back, bend your knees and pull them to your chest.

How long does it take to conceive a child?

Most healthy couples who have frequent and unprotected sex get pregnant within a year. 38 percent of couples conceive within a month, 68 percent achieve results in 3 months, 81 percent within six months, and 92 percent after a year. In some cases, you have to seek help from specialists to get pregnant.

If you are 30 years old or younger, you and your partner are both healthy, then it is possible to get pregnant quickly just by actively having sex, and without the help of a gynecologist and reproductive specialists, without using contraceptives by yourself. In the end, it is important to remember that even at the peak of ovulation, the chances of getting pregnant in any given month are only 1 in 5.

The reproductive function of a woman decreases with age, so if you are over 35, then you need to seek help after half a year of unsuccessful attempts. The sooner you visit the doctor, the sooner you will get pregnant. Some causes of infertility worsen over time. If you sit back, then the chance that fertility treatment will help will only decrease over time.

The main thing is not to blame yourself for the fact that you cannot get pregnant yet. Infertility occurs in Lately quite often - 1 in 8 couples have problems conceiving or maintaining a pregnancy, according to research by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And don't jump to the conclusion that you are the source of the "problem". Problems with conception can be not only because of a woman, but also because of a man, and even because of several factors at the same time. What to do if it doesn't work for a long time? If you are having trouble, please contact close person for support. Join a group of like-minded people, discuss your problems with them, share experiences and emotions, ask for advice and don't be afraid to be open. It’s not enough just to want, you need to act.

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Very often women call me with such questions: “I found out that I am pregnant, where do I start? What to do? Where to run? What to take? I found it easier to write a detailed short guide than tell it all over again

This article is your quick guide to a new country for you - "pregnancy". It is then that you will study everything that is possible and will be perfectly oriented in all signs and states. In the meantime, I give you quick, concise advice - what to do, what to quit, what to eat and drink, what vitamins to take and others.

So, the first 15 steps:

First - Take a pregnancy test and donate blood for hCG

At the first suspicions, we do a pregnancy test, start doing it no earlier than 1-2 weeks of delay in menstruation. Previously, he may not show anything.

If in doubt, you can donate blood for a hormone secreted by fertilized egg- chorioganadotropin (hCG).

It is IMPORTANT not to do an ultrasound to determine pregnancy!

For some reason, it immediately seems to everyone that they need to run for an ultrasound scan and get registered. This is not true!

Ultrasound - a very strong effect on the fetus, and it can be done no earlier than 12 weeks.

To make sure that you are pregnant, it is enough to donate blood for hCG. This is a very accurate analysis and no interference with the development of the fetus.

Second - Tell your husband and family

After you make sure that you are pregnant, you can tell your husband and family about your happiness. If the pregnancy is unplanned, be patient and delicate.

Tell your husband first, preferably in writing, leave a note in the morning, write that you are pregnant and discuss everything in the evening. Give him time to recover from this news. Then you can tell your family.

Who to tell is up to you. But many girls do this - up to 3-4 months they tell only the most - the closest, and there they already tell everyone.

I think that this is a completely justified decision, the first trimester is usually the most important and difficult for both the baby and you.

Third -Change the pace of life

Of course, pregnancy will require you to change your rhythm and lifestyle. First of all, exhale and relax.

100% of all expectant mothers feel tension, fear and insecurity in the first days of pregnancy. And this is natural, do not blame yourself for this.

You are on the verge of big changes and you don’t know yet whether you will cope with them or not. But you still have 9 months to get used to it.

Although I know from experience feelings of future motherhood will come in the second trimester, and when you feel the first movements of the child, you will understand how strong the feeling of motherhood is in you, and how natural this process is.

In the meantime slow down your pace- Try to rest more and more often. There is a minute - sit down, or better yet lie down.

I often hear, but how to relax - it’s still scheduled - there’s not a minute, where to get the time from. The answer is simple and at the same time very complex - discard EVERYTHING that is superfluous. And what is not superfluous - sleep, food, water.

Everything else can be discarded or postponed: a cafe with a girlfriend, phone calls, work, household chores, movies, books, shopping. Be patient until the 2nd trimester, it will be easier there, and you can make up for everything.

Moreover, your body will help you with this, in the first trimester, all mothers complain of very high fatigue and a constant desire to sleep.

Fourth - Immediately stop smoking and drinking alcohol

As soon as they found out about the pregnancy, immediately stop smoking, drinking alcohol even in small doses, even wine and beer. The consequences can be completely unpredictable.

Every day of the first trimester, a lot of work is going on, the cells of the embryo divide at an incredible speed, the foundation of all organs, systems, cells and tissues is laid. Any intervention in this process can cause great harm.

Fifth - Stop taking medications and any treatment

If you are taking any medications, are undergoing or are about to undergo treatment - stop immediately.

Go to your doctor in the antenatal clinic and tell us what drugs you are taking, the doctor will change the method of treatment.

Any ailment during pregnancy you will not treat the way you used to do it, so if you feel signs of a cold, do not run for fervex or aspirin.

Most drugs should not be taken during pregnancy!

Check out the section , you can find there the answer to the question of whether it is possible to take this or that medicine during pregnancy.

Sixth - Start listening carefully to yourself

Pregnancy is a time when you hear your inner voice more clearly than ever. He protects you from everything harmful and dangerous.

Listen to everything he says unconditionally.

Pulls to wrap up warmer - do it, regardless of the opinions of others. Pulls to sleep - run to perform. Suddenly, a person or a whole family became unpleasant, the smell - well, you will return to them after childbirth.

Keep and protect your body like a temple!

Seventh - Stop playing sports

If you were involved in any sports before pregnancy, stop all activities. (Including running, cycling, horseback riding, tennis, hiking, aerobics, fitness, gym and, of course, all kinds of professional sports.)

During pregnancy, you can dance (all dances except sports), do gymnastics for pregnant women, swim, do some yoga asanas.

Eighth - Start taking folic acid

In the first trimester, it is very important to take folic acid, since it is she who will lay the foundation for the proper development and formation of the brain and the whole nervous system baby.

However, I advise you to take folic acid not in tablets, as is common practice, but only from food sources.

The fact is that, according to recent studies, artificially synthesized folic acid tablets do not have the desired positive effect, their activity and strength fluctuate within 10% of the power that simple spinach can give.

In addition, American scientists have proven the relationship between taking pills containing folic acid and the occurrence of breast cancer at the age of 40-50.

We will talk in more detail about natural and artificial vitamins in the section on nutrition, where a separate block of articles will be devoted to this.

So, you will receive folic acid only from greens and vegetables, taking into account the fact that you need to receive at least 400 mcg per day.

The content of folic acid in products of plant origin:

Product How to eat?
Mash, raw
Lentils, raw In the form of sprouts, adding to salads
Beans, raw In the form of sprouts, adding to salads
Sprouted wheat (germs) In sprouts, adding to a cocktail, to salads
raw sunflower seeds
Spinach (raw) How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
Parsley dill How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
Beets (raw) In juices, in salads - raw
hot pepper Adding to salads
sea ​​kale in the form of a salad

What recipes can I use to saturate yourself and your baby with folic acid?

- So, the very first thing is a green cocktail with spinach (1-2 bunches) and wheat sprouts (greens) (daily 0.5-1 liter). Alternating spinach with parsley every 2-3 days.

- Freshly squeezed juice from carrots and beets (daily 0.2-0.5 liters)

- Salads with bean sprouts, mung bean, green peas (only raw, not canned), cauliflower and white cabbage, tomato.

Ninth - Include calcium-rich foods in your diet

Calcium in the body is not only the material that makes up human bone tissue - the skeleton, teeth, bones, and so on. Calcium is involved in a huge number of processes in the body, more than 179 body functions are known for which calcium is responsible.

Calcium affects:

  • for the work of all human muscles
  • affects the functioning of the heart muscle and the regulation of heart rate
  • is one of the blood clotting factors
  • participates in the formation of anti-allergic defense of the body
  • relieves pain syndrome
  • exhibits anti-inflammatory action
  • affects immune processes
  • normalizes the function of the endocrine glands
  • involved in the transmission of nerve impulses

In the body of a pregnant woman, a lack of calcium increases the risk of miscarriage and premature birth, hypertension and the development of other complications - eclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, etc.

It is clear that calcium is necessary for a person not only during pregnancy, but also in everyday life. Your norm per day is 1500 mg of calcium per day.

However, contrary to popular belief, calcium cannot be obtained with pills, supplements, calcium cannot be obtained from water, milk, cheese, sour cream, etc..

According to recent studies, calcium in water, tablets, mineral supplements is inorganic calcium that is not absorbed by the body, moreover, it is deposited in various parts of the body, causing a lot of problems.

Milk, cheese, sour cream not only do not add calcium, but also wash it out of the bones.

You can read more about calcium in these two articles:

So, you should get your calcium intake from these products:


How to eat?

raw sesame seeds In the form of sesame milk or added to salads
raw sunflower seeds Can be soaked for 1-2 hours and eaten, or added to a salad, cocktail
Almonds, raw As is, raw
Rose hip As a tincture in cold water
Dill How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
turnip tops How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
Garlic How to eat, adding to salads
fresh basil How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
sea ​​kale Raw like lettuce
Dried figs As it is
Seaweed "Wakame" Raw like lettuce
hot pepper Eat raw, add to salads
Beans, raw
Beans, raw Sprout and eat raw, adding to salads
Parsley How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
Lemon How to eat, adding to salads
Mash, raw Sprout and eat raw, adding to salads
beet tops How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
Hazelnut, raw As it is


– Sesame milk

– Cabbage salad with celery, onion, seeds, basil

– Green smoothie

All these recipes are in the article -

Tenth - Include foods containing iodine in your diet

Iodine during pregnancy is very important, as it affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, which provides the body with hormones.

The first 4 weeks, both you and the baby develop and live off your hormones (mother's hormones), which are intensively produced by the thyroid gland, at 16 weeks, the placenta comes to the rescue.

Therefore, the first 3 months you need to ensure that iodine enters the body daily at least 250 mg.

The daily share of iodine will provide you with seaweed, it contains from 500 to 3000 mg of iodine per 100 grams of product.

You can eat it both as a salad and dried, soaking it and adding it to ready-made vegetable salads.

Eleventh - H don't take any vitamins!

Recent studies involving more than 15,000 pregnant women have not confirmed the benefit of taking vitamins.

It was proved that vitamins are medicines, not a food supplement, they should be taken only if, according to the results of the analysis, it was found out that some vitamin is missing, they were prescribed - they drank it and that's it.

You can’t just “drank them on drink” for health, many of them are of no benefit, some are simply not absorbed, and some are harmful.

Vitamins must be obtained from food.

Your vitamins for all 9 months are vegetables, fruits and greens:

We will talk in detail about nutrition, I will write many important articles on this topic, because by changing your diet, you are able to restore yourself completely, get rid of diseases, complications, and prevent all unnecessary diseases in your baby's future.

Above is everything you need to eat to fill the body with folic acid, calcium, iodine and vitamins. Feel free to take the listed products, make up your diet from them.

But remember a few golden rules of nutrition:

  1. No need to eat for two, the child has enough. No need to increase the amount of food significantly. The phrase "eat for two" is not true! Eat as the body asks, but do not indulge all your desires excessively. If your pregnancy is accompanied by nausea and vomiting (vomiting no more than 3-4 times a day and you are not losing weight - this is normal) and you eat almost nothing, do not be afraid, this will not harm the child, he is still developing at the expense of your reserves.
  2. Your diet should consist of: 80% vegetables, fruits and greens.
  3. Fruits and berries should be eaten separately from any other food and preferably in the morning.
  4. Every day in your diet should be a lot of greens. 0.5-1 liter of green smoothie is the key to your happiness and health before - during - and after pregnancy.
  5. Vegetables should only be eaten raw, as they lose most of their vitamins when cooked.
  6. Eliminate animal protein from your diet, this includes meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk and all milk products.
  7. Do not drink water / juice / tea and other liquids during meals and immediately after. Drink a glass of pure water 20 minutes before a meal or 1 hour after a meal.
  8. Do not lean on sweet and starchy foods, such as cookies, rolls, bread, sweets, gingerbread, etc. Instead, try eating sweet or dried fruit, or in extreme cases, pure chocolate.
  9. Stop drinking carbonated juices and drinks: cola, fanta and all the like. Read the label, there is nothing natural except water, the rest are chemical compounds that you will never digest, but only spend the body's strength to remove them. In addition, all carbonated drinks forcefully leach calcium from your bones, teeth and nails, as well as your baby's bones.
  10. Stop eating canned food, sausages, jams, pates, minced meat. Every canned product contains a lot of chemicals, and no one knows how all this will affect you.
  11. Forget about the microwave oven, it destroys not only all the useful vitamins, but also changes chemical composition food!
  12. Avoid excessive salt intake, or better yet, avoid it altogether. This step will help save your kidneys and prevent pregnancy complications such as high blood pressure, preeclampsia, and eclampsia.
  13. Herbs, herbal tinctures and infusions are also medicines, so do not take them just like that without clear recommendations. For example, nettle has the strongest effect - it causes contractions, which is useful only after childbirth, in order to remove the afterbirth and everything superfluous from the uterus, but not during pregnancy.

Thirteenth - Drink water!

Drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily. Please watch this very carefully. In ordinary life, we hardly drink a glass, mostly tea, coffee, juices, soups, but not water.

However, all drinks, pure water stern is food for our body.

Only water is immediately absorbed into the blood, diluting it, helps carry oxygen, and all substances to cells.

With a reduced amount of water in the bloodstream (if you drink a glass a day), under a microscope, you can see that the erythrocytes stick together and “swim” not one at a time, but in a chain. In this form, red blood cells do not carry enough oxygen.

Because one red blood cell must be surrounded by oxygen, if it sticks together with others, it simply does not have free space where oxygen atoms could attach.

At the same time, the blood thickens, the blood flow slows down, organs and tissues suffer from hypoxia. We feel weakness, headache, fatigue, lethargy.

During pregnancy, water is infinitely important., not only does your blood volume increase by 40%, but water is also needed in order to fill the baby’s pool (amniotic sac), to constantly clean it and renew water in it, because the mother’s body takes everything out for itself and for the baby .

Therefore, carry a bottle of water with you everywhere and train yourself to drink as much as possible.

Water sometimes works just wonders - if you have a cold, you can only drink pure water all day and nothing more, the disease disappears completely in 1-2 days, if you are tired after some kind of exercise - increase the amount of water the next day, you will recover in 3-5 times faster.

In the beginning, I know from my own experience, I don’t feel like drinking water, I hardly drink one glass. Everything is drawn to something sweet, carbonated. But time passes (5-10 days) and you feel that you don’t want anything but water.

Fourteenth - Register

Next, you need to find a place where you will take tests and where you will be given everything Required documents (sick leave, exchange card). This can be a Women's Consultation or any paid clinic that has a state license to provide "obstetrics and gynecology" services.

In the LCD, all tests will be done for free, but this, perhaps, is where the benefits end. In a paid clinic, there are fewer queues, more attention to you, better equipment. It will be convenient to visit a doctor for a period of 12 weeks, then it will be possible to do an examination and do an ultrasound.

That's all you need for now! If you have any questions, doubts, please write in the comments to this article, I will be happy to answer you.
