Quilling paintings of flowers, bouquets: a master class with photos and videos. Quilling: learning to create real masterpieces using paper rolling technique Quilling unusual flowers

If you are looking for an interesting hobby or try quilling! This simple at first glance needlework will make your imagination play, and for children it will be a useful activity for developing motor skills. Don't believe? See for yourself!

What is it?

Interesting! The name comes from the English quill, which means "bird feather". If you choose a Russian analogue, you can call this technique paper rolling or more elegantly - the art of paper filigree.

The essence of quilling is to create flat or voluminous paintings and crafts using twisted in a special way thick paper strips. Lines and hanks are organically intertwined, creating the outlines of flowers and animals, drawing landscapes and portraits.

They do quilling, relying on their own imagination or on quilling patterns. Previously, a pen was used to twist the ribbons, which was reflected in the name of the art. Now needles and toothpicks are used for these purposes, and the choice of paper has become much wider. And the most important advantage of this art lies in the fact that it is available to almost everyone - the main thing is to understand its basics.

A bit of history

Information! If the East is considered the birthplace of origami, then the situation with quilling is more complicated. A number of sources date the origin of this type of needlework to the 1st-2nd century. The choice of time is not accidental - in 105, paper was invented in China.

According to another version, Catholic nuns were the first to engage in paper rolling in the 14th-15th centuries. The creation of do-it-yourself medallions and postcards from quilling attracted secular ladies. Commoners could not afford paper for a long time, so this technique was the prerogative of wealthy citizens. Paper rolling has taken a particularly significant place among the applied arts of Korea.

Whatever it was, but the quilling technique was enriched by traditions different countries and times. And unlike the first products made in it, it has come down to us intact.

Product types

Of course, the differences between Western and Eastern quilling crafts are as noticeable as the difference in the mentality of people from different countries. Thus, European samples are simple, clear, and do not require a long time to be performed. In the East, masters painstakingly work on each curl and create massive, often three-dimensional paintings, figurines and ornaments.

Idea! Depending on the preferences of the person to whom you want to present quilling for a birthday or other occasion, you can choose the style of execution. If the recipient is fond of Japanese culture, voluminous and, consisting of many intricate details, sakura will be just to his liking. Lover modern you can please with a concise and uncomplicated, but at the same time thoughtful postcard.

On a note! With the help of quilling, not only pictures are created, but also figurines, vases, snowflakes, jewelry boxes, decorative cups and saucers and even chess.

Idea! Very bright look made in the technique of quilling butterflies. You can make several different color and place them on the leaves of indoor flowers.

Set of tools

Quilling is good because you do not need a special office or super-complex professional tools. The set of funds comes down to a small list:

  1. strips of paper different widths(3, 4, 6 and 10 mm);

    Advice! Save on paper whenever possible. Not only the final result, but also the process of the work itself will depend on the quality of this material. After all special paper easier to bend and less damaged.

  2. A device for twisting ribbons. It can be a needle, a toothpick, or a needle stuck into a wooden stick with a large but bitten eye. A special machine can be found among other needlework products.
  3. Tweezers. To prevent your fingers from sticking to the parts and cardboard when gluing, you need to use tweezers with flat ends.
  4. Scissors. Sharp and thin will work best.
  5. Glue with a brush. White PVA glue is perfect, which is easy to find in any stationery store. If there is no brush in it, use a toothpick to lubricate the parts - this will avoid marks on the paper.
  6. The basis. Cardboard is great for canvas. In addition, you can choose the desired tone, in harmony with the image.

Advice! To create a fringe, you can resort to using a special device that cuts it without any extra effort. By finding such a tool, you can save a lot of time. Also useful stencil with different circles.

In addition, ready-made paper rolling kits can be found in stores specializing in quilling and.

Ideas for beginners

How to make quilling? If you do not often do needlework, do not worry, as it is not difficult to comprehend this art from its very basics. After all, even simple crafts look nice if done neatly.

On a note! Quilling for children is a fun and useful activity that contributes to the development fine motor skills and imagination. It’s even better if you work together on the craft. Having carried away, the child will be able to express himself, which does not always happen in school.

Before, you need to master the technique of creating parts. Perhaps the easiest way to make petals for flowers. To do this, you need to take a strip of paper, twist it into a tube, and then flatten it on one side. Having made several of these parts, you can lay out a flower that will decorate any postcard.

From similar parts, you can create a more complex craft. For example, a heart with candy. For this, in addition to the tools already listed, you will need the following materials:

  1. Candy. It is desirable that the delicacy be round, but its packaging protrudes from both sides beyond the contents.
  2. Thick white cardboard base.
  3. Colored (red or pink) paper.
  4. Transparent narrow tape.
    • Step 1. Creating a cardboard base. We draw a heart with a central axis of 7 cm, a width of 8 cm. Draw a circle inside. A stencil is useful for this, you can also use a compass. From the top line of the circle, you need to retreat a centimeter down and put a point, draw a semicircle through it. Cut out the resulting oval.
    • Step 2. Next is the preparation of the tubes, as described above. By the way, you can not compress them. Then you get closed, round spirals. Or, on the contrary, you can close the skein from two sides, getting something that looks like an eye.

Advice! Use one or both options at your discretion.

Stunning canvases are created by needlewomen using the quilling technique. In quilling paintings, flowers and bouquets will wonderfully decorate the interior or become a wonderful gift on holiday.

Creating such a picture is quite painstaking and requires a lot of time and accuracy. But the beauty that is obtained as a result delights with its grace and is worth the time and effort spent on it.

Simple elements

To create paintings, you first need to learn how to make basic quilling elements.

They are made from multicolored paper strips. Using a special tool or a toothpick, twist the strip into a roll. Then, using a special ruler-template, the desired diameter of the element is selected. The free edge of the strip is glued to the roll. By giving the desired shape to this blank, a certain element is obtained. From such small elements, magnificent openwork paper flowers are created.

For beginner needlewomen, it will be useful to learn how to make different colors. On step by step photos shows the most common ways to create flowers.

by the most in a simple way make dandelions and daisies. For dandelions, cut a wide paper strip two-thirds along the edge. You will get a fringe on one side of the strip. Wind this tape with the whole side onto a stick, glue the edge of the strip. Press on the center of the roll from the back so that the shape becomes concave. Now straighten and fluff the fringe, and the dandelion is ready.

If you glue an ordinary strip to the edge of the fringed strip and twist it into a tight roll, you will get daisies.

Knowing how to make a “drop” element, you can make a camomile.

On a note! If you make a fringed roll and place it between the petals, then the chamomile will be with a fluffy center.

The basis of almost every petal is a tight roll. And depending on how much to “free” it, the petal will be more openwork or less. A weakened roll can be safely given any shape by squeezing one or two of its sides with your fingers. By changing the shape of this universal blank, they create different types petals and glue various flowers from them.

The buds and bases of flowers are made from rolls, the middle of which is pressed inward. This results in a cone or funnel. Also, this element can serve not only as part of the bud, but also as a “skirt” of a narcissus or a lily of the valley flower.

By gluing the edges of the strips of different colors and making a roll, you get a two-color blank, from which a beautiful petal of two colors will form.

Beautiful petals are created from several rolls of the same color, glued together and connected to a border of the same or another color.

The petals of some flowers are made from dense rolls, the centers of which are concave inward. This allows you to give a natural shape to the petal and become even more like a real one.

lush flowers

This master class will help to show the step-by-step production using the proposed example beautiful flowers and connecting them into a bouquet for a picture.

To create flowers, you will need paper strips of green, light green, peach and orange. From these strips, you need to make blanks for petals and leaves in the form of weakened rolls.

To make the centers of flowers, you need to cut strips from colored paper of light green and peach colors, three times wider than usual. Then cut the fringe on one side paper tapes.

Glue the ends of the strips of different colors and twist a tight roll, starting with a peach strip. Glue the resulting roll and straighten the fringe from the center to the edges.

Now petals. Three orange blanks are formed in the form of a leaflet and glued together at the base.

Four peach blanks are formed in the form of drops.

Now we place the peach elements between the orange ones, as shown in the photo.

Then the resulting part must be glued around with an orange strip.

For smaller petals, details are made not from seven elements, but from three.

Now from the details you need to glue the flowers. Make a tight roll from a strip of paper and, pressing the center, make a funnel. Glue the details in a circle into it.

Each flower will consist of five such details.

Glue the prepared centers into the center of the flower.

Make cones for buds from light green strips. Spread them from the inside with glue and attach small parts.

Between these elements we glue four teardrop-shaped elements.

Then glue three more elements in the form of a drop as in the photo.

When creating flowers and leaves, you can change the combination of colors, this will make the bouquet of flowers look more interesting.

It's time to glue the flowers and leaves on the base. Cardboard is suitable for her, on which to stick a piece of embossed plain wallpaper. Flowers and leaves should be arranged in tiers, fixing only some details to the base. Tiered paintings look more realistic and attractive.

Video on the topic of the article

In the video you can see the creation of various flowers from paper strips and the formation of paintings from flowers.

Hello dear blog readers! For a long time I worked hard volumetric quilling and somehow the quilling flowers faded into the background. So I decided to renew my ideas and implement them in a new quilling picture "Summer Bouquet" - quilling for beginners. Flowers gathered in a bouquet instantly, under a creative impulse I could not be stopped, and as a result, quilling flowers gathered in a summer composition. Although I present the quilling picture to you far from the warm season, I hope it will warm you with its warmth and richness of color. I also want to introduce you to quilling for beginners - a master class in the painting "Summer Bouquet", with detailed description and step-by-step photos of production.


  • Paper ribbons 7 mm, 29.5 cm long, 80 g/m: white, orange and dark yellow
  • Paper ribbons 3 mm, 29.5 cm long, 80 g/m: dark green, green, light green, pink, purple, and white
  • Paper ribbons 1.5 mm, 29.5 cm long, 80 g/m: white, pale yellow and green
  • Scissors
  • Quilling ruler
  • PVA glue
  • glue gun
  • Twisting tool
  • Corrugating tool
  • scallop
  • Light yellow cardboard 44.5 x 45 cm
  • Black marker
  • Lily stamens
  • Large yellow stamens
  • yellow small stamens
  • White little stamens
  • Beige beads
  • green wire
  • Fabric openwork white ribbon 4.5 cm wide
  • Basket (woven from a vine)

We make 2 crescent quilling elements from white paper ribbons 3 mm wide (the diameter of the unraveled roll is 35 mm).

Gluing them together glue gun.

We make 2 more crescent elements, only from pink paper ribbons 3 mm wide (the diameter of the loose roll is 40 mm).

We draw dots on the pink elements with a black felt-tip pen.

For a lily flower, we need 3 of these petals.

We make another similar glued element with 2 crescents of white paper tapes 3 mm wide (the diameter of the unraveled roll is 35 mm).

We make 2 crescent elements from white paper ribbons 3 mm wide (the diameter of the unraveled roll is 40 mm).

We glue the elements together as in the photo with a glue gun.

We glue the glued elements with white paper tapes 3 mm wide (we use 8 tapes).

For a lily, we need 3 of these petals.

We take a purchased lily stamen.

We glue the finished petals and stamen together with a glue gun. The lily flower is ready - quilling for beginners!

For the picture we need 2 lily flowers.

To make a pink flower, we need: 1. 4 semi-balloon elements with a diameter of 24 mm; 2. 5 elements of a semi-balloon with a diameter of 29 mm; 3. 6 elements of a semi-balloon with a diameter of 36 mm; 4. Large yellow stamens. We twist the flower petals from pink paper ribbons 3 mm wide. We glue each semi-ball on one side with PVA glue.

We begin to glue the quilling flower from small elements around the bunch of stamens with a glue gun.

The next ball of petals will be medium-sized semi-ball elements.

For the painting, we need 2 of these flowers at this stage.

And the last step will be gluing large petals with a glue gun. The flower is ready - quilling for beginners!

For a quilling picture, we need 3 of these large flowers.

We make 3 more quilling elements for a semi-ball from pink paper ribbons 3 mm wide with a diameter of 26 mm.

We glue the elements together as in the photo with a glue gun.

For a quilling picture, we need 5 rose buds.

We make a loop element using a comb of purple paper ribbons 3 mm wide (5 loops on each side).

We connect the loops together and glue with pink paper tape 3 mm wide.

To make a quilling flower, we need 5 petals.

We make a semi-ball from white paper ribbons 1.5 mm wide with a diameter of 10 mm. We glue the element from the inside with PVA glue.

We glue the finished elements together with a glue gun. Quilling flower is ready - quilling for beginners!

For a quilling picture, we need 7 flowers.

We form a bud from 3 petals glued together with a glue gun.

We make a cone of green paper ribbons 3 mm wide, 10 mm in diameter and 12 mm high. We glue the cone from the inside with PVA glue.

For quilling the picture "Summer Bouquet" we need 2 of these buds.

We make light green flowers from paper ribbons 3 mm wide. We twist the roll and dissolve it on a ruler up to 15 mm in diameter. We form a horseshoe element from the roll and glue the ends together with a glue gun. After that, glue together 4 finished petals. We take a white small stamen and paste it in the middle of the flower. That's it - quilling for beginners!

We cut a small fringe with scissors on white paper tapes 7 mm wide.

We twist a roll with a diameter of 10 mm from fringed ribbons.

We take a yellow small stamen.

Glue the stamen into the middle of the roll.

For a quilling picture, we need 11 of these flowers.

We make 5 more of the same fringed rolls only with a diameter of 8 mm.

We make 5 quilling eye elements from white paper ribbons 3 mm wide (the diameter of the unraveled roll is 12 mm).

We glue the elements together with a glue gun.

We take beige beads.

Glue one bead into the middle of the flower.

We make a cone of white paper tapes 3 mm wide, 7 mm in diameter and 12 mm high. We glue the cone from the inside with PVA glue.

We take the green wire.

Glue the cone to the wire with a glue gun.

Glue the flower to the cone with a glue gun.

For a quilling picture, we need 8 flowers.

We make the same element as the previous one.

We make a semi-ball element from white paper ribbons 3 mm wide with a diameter of 7 mm.

Glue the ball to the cone with a glue gun.

For the painting "Bouquet of Summer" we need 3 of these buds.

We twist the rolls of pale yellow paper ribbons 1.5 mm wide with a diameter of 7 mm.

We make a cone of pink paper ribbons 3 mm wide, 5 mm in diameter and 10 mm high. We glue the cone from the inside with PVA glue.

We glue 4 rolls and 1 cone together with a glue gun into a small flower.

For a quilling picture, we need 16 flowers.

We make 6 quilling elements for a semi-ball from pale yellow paper ribbons 1.5 mm wide with a diameter of 9 mm. We glue the elements from the inside with PVA glue.

We cut a small fringe with scissors on orange paper tapes 7 mm wide. We twist a roll with a diameter of 8 mm from fringed ribbons.

For a quilling picture, we need 12 fringed rolls.

We also cut a small fringe with scissors on dark yellow paper tapes 7 mm wide. We twist a roll with a diameter of 8 mm from fringed ribbons.

For a quilling picture, we need 10 fringed rolls.

We make 2 drops from dark green paper ribbons 3 mm wide (diameter of the loosened roll is 40 mm).

Glue the droplets together with a glue gun.

For the quilling picture "Summer Bouquet" we need 7 dark green leaves.

We make 2 drops from green paper ribbons 3 mm wide (diameter of the unraveled roll is 40 mm).

We make an eye quilling element from dark green paper ribbons 3 mm wide (the diameter of the loose roll is 35 mm).

We glue the elements together as in the photo with a glue gun.

Using the tool, we crimp dark green paper tapes 3 mm wide.

We glue the leaf with corrugated ribbons.

For a quilling picture, we need 9 of these leaves.

We make 9 elements of a semi-balloon from green paper ribbons 1.5 mm wide with a diameter of 13 mm. We glue the elements on one side with PVA glue.

We glue the elements to the wire as in the photo with a glue gun.

For a quilling picture, we need 6 leaves.

From light green paper ribbons 3 mm wide, we make an element as in the photo (the diameter of the unraveled roll is 28 mm).

We make a horseshoe from green paper ribbons 3 mm wide (the diameter of the unraveled roll is 24 mm).

We glue the elements together with a glue gun.

For a leaf, we need 3 such elements.

We glue the finished elements on the green wire with a glue gun.

For a quilling picture, we need 5 of these leaves.

Once they gave me a bouquet of fresh flowers in a wicker basket made of vines, after the flowers faded, I kept the basket. And now it's useful to me! I cut the basket into three even parts and used one of the parts for this picture. I glued the basket to the light yellow cardboard with a glue gun.

Decorated the top of the basket with a white openwork fabric ribbon. And began to form a bouquet.

At the bottom of the basket I glued a few flowers with a leaf.

The bouquet itself began to stick together from the location of the foliage.

I glued all the elements of the bouquet with a glue gun.

That's all, quilling for beginners - the picture "Bouquet of Summer", is ready!

Thank you for your attention!

Decorate the interior with a painting self made- isn't that a dream? But such a pleasure can cost a pretty penny, and it’s good if you can afford it, but if you are not ready to spend money on such an acquisition, or your soul requires creativity, make a picture with your own hands.

One of the ways to make paintings is quilling (paper rolling). A quilling painting may well become a real masterpiece, because you can create a bright, exciting composition from plain paper. Of course, most often quilling paintings are made in the form of flowers, but this is not the only solution, because you can create images of birds, insects, animals, people, nature, etc. Butterflies, birds on a branch turn out beautiful, and even more interesting - real gold fish, which you can then make wishes.

Today "Dream House" offers you a very detailed step by step master class for the manufacture of such a beautiful picture of flowers using the quilling technique.

Quilling paintings - master class

How to make a picture using the quilling technique with your own hands

A bright and cheerful picture, made by hand using the quilling technique, will decorate any home. This cute composition will surprise, please and, of course, will be a wonderful handmade gift.

For the manufacture of flower arrangement you will need:

  • a set of multi-colored paper strips 3mm wide, 10mm wide and 50cm long;
  • colored cardboard measuring 15x20cm;
  • a fragment of beige textured paper (in this version, non-woven thick wallpaper was used);
  • green paper;
  • stationery knife;
  • ruler;
  • tassel;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue for paper;
  • blue beads;
  • shiny powder of red and silver colors;
  • toothpick;
  • picture frame.

Stages and method of performing work on the manufacture of a picture

To make a red gerbera, it is necessary to glue together white and red strips, 25 cm each. You will get one strip 50 cm long.

Then, using a toothpick or a special quilling tool, twist them into rolls with a diameter of 13-14mm with a red stripe inside.

Using tweezers, shape the spiral into a petal shape. You should end up with 12 red and white petals.

According to a similar scheme, twist spirals with a diameter of 9mm (13 pieces) and 7mm (10 pieces) from red stripes. Also squeeze on both sides to get red petals of different sizes.

Then cut out a circle with a diameter of 4 cm from the paper. Inside it, draw a circle with a diameter of about 15mm. This will be the border of the core of the gerbera. To the center of the circle, make an incision, with which we will form a small cone for further attaching the flower to the picture.

Quilling flower pattern master class

Glue large petals on the inside of the cone. Let dry.

On the reverse side in a checkerboard pattern, slightly retreating from the edge, glue the middle petals.

While the blank for the quilling painting is drying, you can start making the core. To do this, glue a black stripe 3mm wide and 15cm long and a peach stripe 10mm wide and 20cm long. In the latter, make cuts along the entire length.

Twist the core, fix the end with glue.

Then glue the small petals first, and then put the straightened middle on and firmly drown it inside the flower.

In a similar way, make the rest of the gerberas.

To make flower buds, it is necessary to twist into tight rolls and glue strips of green and light green shades.

Then, using a thin stick or pencil, shape the rolls into a bowl shape.

Inside each bud, coat with an even layer of glue and allow to dry.

We make a picture using the quilling technique

Insert three petals into the bud and a thin core made from a strip 7-8 cm long.

There are two types in this composition. The first twist from two green stripes of different shades. Then gently evenly stretch the spiral to a diameter of 3-4cm.

Press with fingers on both sides. So make the rest of the leaves.

Quilling - flowers for the picture

The leaves of the second type are made of ordinary colored paper. Better if it is double sided. Fold the paper in half, cut out a leaf with notches symmetrically.

Then fold again and fold several times with an "accordion".

Unfold the blanks, straighten them a little. Thus, make 4 leaves.

Now, when the main elements of the composition are made, let's start forming the background of our picture. Glue a beige rectangular fragment on top of the colors. To make it look aesthetically pleasing, it is better to cut the background with a clerical knife, and not with scissors.

Before fixing the flowers, the petals can be decorated with glitter. So that it does not crumble, you need to apply a PVA solution on the tips in half with water. And on top with a dry brush, apply powder.

Glue the gerberas, slightly stepping back from the center.

First, attach one sheet to the flowers.

And then others.

Insert the buds inside the leaves. Inside one of them, you can glue stamens from beads.

Arbitrarily glue curly branches. They are also made from twisted but well-spread 15cm long strips.

Quilling - a picture of flowers

And at the end, glue the remaining leaves under.

Let the composition dry for 3-4 hours.

Quilling paintings are unusual in their beauty. The master class is selected specifically for beginner needlewomen. You will learn how to make not only flat, but also three-dimensional panels. In the latter version, quilling flowers can be used as a decorative bouquet.

The basics of needlework

Quilling is the twisting of paper strips into certain elements, from which the pictures are "assembled". For this needlework, special paper is sold, cut into narrow strips. It differs from other types in density, which affects the stability of the shape of the elements. The special one can be replaced with a toothpick and a ruler with different circles.

What elements are quilling patterns for beginners made of?

  • "Tight roll". Round the edge of the strip, insert it into a toothpick, wind it into a ball. Glue the other end to the PVA and remove from the toothpick. The hearts of flowers are made from such a roll. And if you push its middle, forming a "cone", you can get a berry.
  • "Free roll". Also twist the paper on a toothpick. Remove the resulting roll and put it in the circle of the ruler. So the element takes the size of a circle. Glue the other end of the roll. From it and form different shapes.
  • "Curl". Fold the strip in half. Roll from each end. Glue the end.

Free roll elements

We continue to consider the main elements of which quilling is made

Quilling Secrets

Each master has his own secrets for making elements, patterns and figures. Some needlewomen use a comb to form layered flower or Or, needles are stuck into the foam according to the pattern and braided with strips, creating interesting bends and patterns. So you can create "zigzag" leaves like a rose, grape, maple.

From simple petals of different colors, you can make unusual quilling pictures. Draw the borders of the grass, trunk, crown with a pencil and fill the sheet with "petals", "curls", "eyes", "leaves".

If you combine several colors in one element, you can make a brighter picture. Mixing shades allows you to make the picture more realistic. In order for the elements to keep their shape, they can be glued along the edge with a strip. This technique allows you to fix the desired bend. Many masters make butterflies this way,

Lush flowers can be obtained from elements made of paper plastic. For example, a wide strip is wound to a "tight roll", one edge of which is cut into thin petals. The end is glued, the workpiece is removed, and the petals are straightened.

Quilling paintings: lilac master class

The three-dimensional image will attract attention at first sight. Bulk work can be created from improvised materials using several layers. Let's get acquainted with the master class on making lilacs.

From lilac paper, make the petals an "eye" element. Part glue into flowers of three and four parts. The other half is suitable for plot correction. Use several shades of lilac, and decorate the middle with yellow beads. So the flower will turn out more colorful.

On cardboard, draw small and large sheets of lilac. Make crescents ("eye" on both sides bend into a semicircle). Arrange the elements on the template, connect them together. Glue the edges of the sheet with a strip that passes into the trunk.

Mark the location of the lilac branches. Glue on skewers or wire. Work on the bottom layer first, and then finish the foreground. If you want to create a composition, then draw a background or glue a vase. Try to make flowers small, then the lilac will look like a real one.

With the help of a color print, "natural" quilling patterns are created. You can see a photo of the finished master class below.

Color game

The print allows you to create not just a panel, but a real picture. If you can draw, you can make your own background. Choose paper according to the photo, then the plot will completely convey natural colors. For example, you want to depict an autumn rowan. Buy paper in green, marsh, brown, yellow, red, orange.

Place dark figures in the background or on the shadow side. Place light shades in front, on more If the part should be White spot, then we recommend resorting to one of the following techniques (this is how many quilling paintings are created). The master class involves three options for solving the problem.

  • Connect a figure from several elements. For example, glue a rowan leaf onto a strip (branch) of seven "eyes" of different shades.
  • Make an element from different colors. For example, the same one is completely made of green paper, and only in the middle of some elements is there a light shade.
  • The whole picture is made of white paper, and then painted with paints.

Rhinestones, microbeads are glued to some elements. In order for volumetric details to keep their shape (flowers, leaves, animals), you can apply transparent glue on the wrong side or paint the top layer with a special glue-paint.

Quilling paintings: a master class for beginners

  1. Mark the location of the vase and flowers with a pencil.
  2. Cut out the shape of a vase from foam, cover with a cloth, decorate with braid.
  3. Glue to sheet.
  4. For twigs, leaves are needed from the "eye" and "leaf" elements, as well as flowers from "cones", which are made using a "tight roll".
  5. Glue the flowers on the stem with the convex side, like a lupine.
  6. Arrange the leaves.
  7. Make several long branches that you insert into the foam. These flowers will make a lush bouquet, and not just quilling paintings (photo with blue lupine).
  8. Glue short stems and "grow" flowers with leaves on top.
  9. Then insert the finished flowers into the foam base. Frame your work.

This is how quilling paintings are made. Flowers according to this plan can be made almost any. For example, glue a cone-shaped sepal on the stem. Put the petals in it in a circle, and decorate the middle with a "tight roll".

Ideas for panels or postcards from cones

You make a vine from "convex rolls" (pull out a tight ball a little, forming the shape of a bowl). Glue the berries in several layers. You form a branch and antennae from a spiral. The leaves are simply cut out of paper, crushing the veins in places.

Acorns are made from two cones. One forms the fruit, and the pericarp is made from the "calyx". Wire-twigs are glued inside. The leaves are collected according to the oak leaf pattern. That is, you connect the "eyes" together, and glue the edges with a strip of paper, adjusting the shape of the sheet.

Rosehip is also made from two long cones. Insert a bundle of thin wire or strips from one end, and fasten the stem from the other. Leaves are cut out of paper or formed from the "eyes".

Globular flowers are collected from long cones. Glue the first row into a circle, put a new layer on it. When forming a ball, the middle becomes convex. Insert cones into the last row, forming half of the figure. You make flower quilling pictures from hemispheres. The master class on the formation of a whole ball must be repeated. That is, turn the hemisphere over and glue it with rows of cones.

Brief summary

Quilling is convenient because the same image can be presented in different ways. For example, willow is collected from white "eyes" and marsh sunken petals. The branch is represented by a strip of paper. And you can experiment with cones and build voluminous "bunnies".
