Onyx jewelry stones. The magical and healing properties of onyx

Ancient tales, myths, legends and Biblical writings are not complete without mention of onyx. This mineral has long been associated with power, holiness, witchcraft. A striped nugget adorned the images of priests and rulers, and a black mineral accompanied magicians and shamans.

Today, the gem is used in the same areas as in antiquity. Only the modern world allows everyone to feel the power of the mineral, and not just the elect.

History and origins

The legends of several peoples who professed different faiths tell about onyx. The mineral acted as an obligatory ritual attribute, adorned the walls of sanctuaries, and was used to make dishes and handicrafts.

  1. The ancient Greeks in their myths identified the gem with the petrified nails of the goddess of love, Aphrodite. According to legend, the divine son Eros cut off his mother's nails during sleep. The word "onyx" itself is translated from ancient Greek as "nail". In fact, nugget stones are shaped like nails.
  2. Islamists highly revered the black mineral. The main shrine of Muslims, the Kaab, is decorated with a rare gem.
  3. The Aztecs erected entire buildings from onyx, for religious and secular purposes. Temples were decorated with a striped nugget, and vessels for sacrifices were created from it. This people more than others revered the green mineral of pale shades with orange-brown layers.
  4. Biblical stories on the first pages mention onyx as a stone from the Garden of Eden. The Paradise gem adorned the breastplate of the Jewish High Priest, being one of the 12 gems. The rich robes of ancient Jewish priests were decorated with a nugget. And according to the Old Testament of the Bible, Solomon's temple was built from onyx.
  5. The most extraordinary story tells about sardonyx - one of the varieties of onyx. A legend is connected with the name of the famous artist Benvenuto Cellini. Having once disappeared for a long time from the Vatican, along with an armful of gold and precious stones, the master aroused the wrath and indignation of His Holiness.
  6. In response to abusive reproaches, Cellini presented the Pope with a gem carved from multi-colored sardonyx. The gospel canonical plot showed the Last Supper, where each multi-colored layer of the mineral characterized the characters. Christ was depicted in white, the apostle John was dressed in a blue robe. Peter got a red vestment, and a gloomy tunic of a dark Brown intended for Judas.

This work struck the Pope not only with its skill, but also with the way that an ordinary cobblestone turned into a masterpiece, although for many years it lay needlessly underfoot. So Cellini received forgiveness and the title of the beloved son of the church, and the work of the master to this day adorns the altar of the Cathedral of the Apostle Peter.

Modern architects, following the example of the ancients, use onyx for cladding. Only today such decor is used not in temples, but at metro stations, restaurants, private residences of high-ranking persons.

Place of Birth

Onyx refers to minerals that are widely distributed throughout the globe. The most rare and exotic specimens have deposits:

  • Brazil.
  • Uruguay.
  • Arabian Peninsula.
  • India.

Turkmenistan is famous for its cave deposits, where nature has created entire galleries from onyx, decorated with stalagmites and stalactites.

Industrial onyx raw materials have:

  • Pakistan.
  • Türkiye.
  • Afghanistan.
  • Iran.
  • Mexico.
  • Egypt.

Russia is also rich in onyx deposits. The mineral is mined in Kolyma, Chukotka and Primorye.

Physical properties

Onyx is a silicon dioxide, it acts as a variety, in which minor impurities form parallel multi-colored layers.

Onyx is hard, frost-resistant, endowed with the ability to absorb water. These properties exceed those of Granite and.

Color varieties

Jewelry with a mineral

Natural stone is not only beautiful, but also easy to process due to its physical properties. Therefore, jewelers do not miss the opportunity to create a variety of jewelry with onyx.

The cost of such jewelry depends more on the setting and the accompanying gemstone inserts than on the onyx itself. However, rare gems of black and white flowers valued more than usual. Such specimens are sent in gold or silver. Therefore, the price of these jewelry is several times higher. For example:

  • Gold earrings with black onyx start at 10,000 rubles.
  • A pendant in gold can be purchased for 4,000 rubles and more.
  • Average price for silver rings- 1000 rubles, for gold - 15 thousand.
  • Silver cufflinks cost 4,000–5,000 rubles, while gold cufflinks cost about 30,000 rubles.
  • Bracelets start from 1000 rubles.

Beads made of multi-colored onyx vary in price from 1000–2500 rubles, given that handmade costs more.

How to distinguish a fake

Onyx is available and inexpensive, but fakes still occur. Most often imitate a black gem. You can recognize a linden mineral as follows:

  • A natural nugget cannot be scratched with a blade.
  • The natural mineral is endowed with harmonious colors without sharp transitions. The unnatural brightness of the color also signals a fake.
  • The Linden Gem will be suspiciously cheap.
  • Natural stone is always cool and almost does not absorb the heat of the hands.

Usually, the cheapest agate, painted with all kinds of chemical dyes, acts as an imitation.

How to wear

Traditionally, we first choose an auspicious day to buy a talisman. Sardonyx and carnelian, prefer their days for acquisition. Sardonyx is recommended to be bought on the 24th lunar day, and worn from the 10th of the next cycle.

Carnelian is demanding by the 3rd day of purchase and the 17th moon day to start using. As for the rest of onyxes, such stones are brought home on the 5th lunar day, starting to be used from the 19th lunar day.

When buying an amulet, you should try to establish a primary energy contact. Hold the gem for a few minutes in your hands. Pleasant sensations will signal friendliness, and discomfort will signal an undesirable union. Remember that you do not choose onyx, but he chooses you.

It is believed that it is useful to wear onyx all the time so that magical abilities manifest themselves continuously. However, there is one “zest” here - with prolonged contact, a stone that does not tolerate deception can push the owner to impure desires. For example, to improve the financial situation by any means. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the change in human behavior - if the owner of the stone has become rigid, it is necessary to remove the jewelry for a while.

Onyx is considered a cold mineral, so it is best to wear jewelry in late autumn, winter or early spring. The stone has the strongest effect on middle-aged and older people.

Onyx gives a person positive energy, but is able to accumulate negative energy. Therefore, periodically the stone must be energetically cleansed. Cold running water will do this best. After the mineral is charged under the moon.

How to care

Storage and care of onyx does not require special approach. It is recommended to keep the jewelry in a spacious box to avoid rubbing the stones against each other.

For cleaning, a soapy solution and a brush with medium-hard bristles are suitable. A small amount of baking soda can be added if the decoration is complemented by other minerals. Another cleansing option is wiping with bread crumbs.

The gem is not afraid of high temperature, however, bright light leads to discoloration of the mineral.

Compatibility with names and zodiac signs

Onyx refers to the patrons of such names:

  • Zhanna. The mineral contributes to the concentration and proper direction of the energy flow. Also, the amulet protects Jeanne from trouble.
  • Makar. Onyx will bring joy, emotional balance to his life, drive away depression and bad thoughts, pacify passions and protect him from dangerous actions.
  • Pauline. The gem will help her to assert herself, give confidence, help defend her own interests, expelling gloomy thoughts.
  • Ruslan. Excessive raging passions will help overcome the onyx talisman. The stone will help Ruslan concentrate in the right direction, warning against rash decisions and actions.

As for the horoscope, onyx contradicts one single sign -. The mineral is dangerous for them only because the people of this sign are versatile individuals who are looking for themselves in many areas of activity. Onyx, on the other hand, will push Gemini to choose one side, which will create an unpleasant uncomfortable union that will bring a person to depression.

(“+++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is categorically contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+
  • Aries. Perfect match. The temper and outbursts of anger of Aries will be able to cool the gem. The mineral will push the representatives of this family to the goal, helping to bring the things they have started to their logical end.
  • Onyx will help Capricorns cope with laziness, contributing to the personal growth of the owner. This sign will receive an incentive from the gem to develop itself, to move along the intended path. With such a talisman, there is every chance of making a successful career.
  • Virgo. The talisman will overcome natural shyness in Virgo, help develop the qualities of a speaker, give determination and confidence.

With the rest of the signs of the zodiacal circle, the mineral will be almost neutral.


Onyx is an amazing, magical gem. A rare mineral compared to its magical and healing powers. And the natural prevalence of the nugget makes it accessible to every person.

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In this article, we will get acquainted in detail with the onyx mineral, find out who this stone suits according to the zodiac sign, and who is better off avoiding wearing jewelry with it. You will also learn about all the varieties of onyx, including black, green and white, and its meaning.

Brief description of the stone

Place of Birth

To date, there are only six deposits with large reserves of onyx, the volumes of which allow mining on an industrial scale, and all other sources are insignificant.

All major deposits, as well as the features of the extracted stones, are discussed below:

  1. Pakistan. The main sources of yellow, green and pink stones located in the border areas, gems are actively supplied to China, the USA and Spain.
  2. Afghanistan. On the territory of this country there are large deposits white, beige and green colors, but due to the difficult situation within the state, their production was actually completely stopped.
  3. Iran. In this state, the extraction of white, green and brown stones. The main sales market is in Italy, China and Japan.
  4. Türkiye. On the territory of this country, the extraction of yellow-green and yellow-brown gems has been established. Turkey has impressive reserves of onyx, but the development of sources is progressing very slowly.
  5. Egypt. Previously, this country was one of the leading leaders in the extraction of onyx, now mining is carried out on a small scale. Mostly the honey variety of the gem is exported to other countries.
  6. Mexico. On the territory of the country there are deposits of green, pink and yellow stones, which have characteristic inclusions in the form of spots or stripes. Mining is carried out in small volumes, most of the onyx is shipped to the United States.
  7. Among the CIS countries deposits of this mineral are found in Armenia, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. However, the sources are not so large that these countries can compete with world leaders.
  8. Russian Federation. There are only two deposits on the territory of the country, which are located in Yakutia and the Irkutsk region. IN Sverdlovsk region, Tatarstan and some other subjects also have sources of onyx, but they are too insignificant to establish production on an industrial scale.

Who suits

It is believed that the powers that onyx is endowed with can benefit people who are engaged in the following activities:

  1. Entrepreneurship running your own business. The stone will allow them to accumulate energy, as well as improve self-discipline and will contribute to the correct distribution of time and effort for certain tasks.
  2. Any kind of art, creative activity. People who work in these areas are very good fit black onyx: it will help to discover new and hidden talents or will contribute to the development of existing professional skills.

Onyx can also be a good talisman for people with the following names:

  1. Zhanna. The stone will help to accumulate positive energy and focus on important things, as well as provide protection from various adversities and troubles.
  2. Pauline. Onyx is able to help get out of depression and increase stress resistance, in addition, it will add self-confidence.
  3. Makar. Talismans with this stone will help to pacify passions, smooth out the character, provide peace of mind, relieve depression and protect against rash and dangerous actions.
  4. Ruslan. This mineral will have a positive effect on an overly passionate and hot character, and will also allow you to concentrate energy and use it in the right direction.

Onyx Properties

Physical properties

Below are the main physical properties of this mineral, which nature endowed it with:

  1. The color range is very rich, there are stones of various shades, while they can be monophonic or have various inclusions in the form of spots or stripes.
  2. Most gems have transparent structure and well illuminated.
  3. The stone is solid and fairly durable, according to these indicators it is comparable to marble.
  4. Most specimens have increased degree of stability to low temperatures.

magical properties

Onyx is mentioned in the Bible, as well as in various occult treatises. Shamans, healers and sorcerers have always paid special attention to him, because it is believed that he has the following magical properties:

  1. Development of mental abilities, giving its owner the opportunity to comprehend the plans of enemies and ill-wishers.
  2. Security power over other people.
  3. Security protection against assassination, injury and premature death.
  4. Security happiness and peace in marriage.
  5. elimination excess energy which leads to humility and inner peace.
  6. Bringing good luck.
  7. Getting rid of indecision and shyness, ensuring independence.
  8. Strengthening spiritual forces.

Healing properties

IN folk medicine also available a large number of mentions of onyx, because it has a wide range of medicinal properties.:

  1. Removal of pain, regardless of their nature and nature of origin.
  2. Ensuring emotional stability, relieving stress, getting rid of depression.
  3. Hearing sharpening.
  4. Elimination of age-related changes, general rejuvenation of the body.
  5. Restoration of lost sexual functions.
  6. Removal of fatigue.
  7. Removal of inflammation.
  8. Suppression of the emerging feeling of hunger, which helps people who want to get rid of excess body weight.
  9. Normalization of sleep, getting rid of insomnia.
  10. Treatment of nervous diseases.
  11. Treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Which zodiac signs are suitable

Onyx is well suited as a talisman for people born under the following zodiac signs:

  1. The stone is ideal for Taurus, since representatives of this sign are usually characterized by increased energy, and onyx will allow them to direct their forces in a productive direction, which will positively affect the achievement of results.
  2. Virgin, who often withdraw into themselves, when wearing jewelry with onyx, they will become more liberated and emotional, and will also learn to show their feelings.
  3. Taurus this mineral will allow you to get rid of the characteristic laziness and set them up for vigorous activity. It will also help to ensure protection from ill-wishers and eliminate dependence on the opinions of others.
  4. The gem also has a positive effect on Capricorn, who gain the ability to accumulate energy, concentrate their attention and increase activity.

The only zodiac sign that needs to avoid onyx is Gemini. This is due to the incompatibility of energy, usually people born under this sign have diverse interests, and focusing on something specific negatively affects their activities and creates a certain discomfort.

Types and colors

As already mentioned, gems of various colors are found in nature, the main varieties of this mineral are discussed below:

  1. Greens stones are the most common option, while they can have both rich and bright emerald tones, and a faded light green tint. There are monochromatic minerals without any inclusions, but many gems have veins: their absence or insignificant thickness makes a particular specimen more valuable.
  2. Sardonyx- This is a type of mineral, which is characterized by a brown or orange-red color. Stones with a pure red color are rare and for this reason are very highly valued.
  3. carnelian- These are striped gems that combine red and white.
  4. light stones with a grayish tint are quite common, and pure white gems are considered rare, so their price is quite high.
  5. black stones also considered a rare variety, but they are very often used to make expensive jewelry. The most highly valued are black gems, which at the same time have white stripes - such a mineral is called Arabic onyx.

Amulets and talismans

Any jewelry, into which onyx was inserted, may be powerful talisman. It is believed that rings are best suited for such purposes; such amulets are able to fully reveal the power of the stone.

However, it is necessary to show patience and endurance, since a person is not able to feel the effect of a gem right away: it will take him some time to get used to his new owner and understand his aspirations.

With complete inaction, this may not happen, therefore it is necessary to independently contribute to the process of achieving the goals set, then the talisman will begin to act and provide assistance.


The cost of jewelry with onyx inserts depends on:

  • sizes
  • gem quality

On average, earrings and rings can be purchased at a price of 1000 rubles.

In most cases, the mineral is inserted into silver, but at the same time, products that are encrusted with other precious stones, such as diamonds or pearls, are very popular. Their cost on average varies from 15,000 to 90,000 rubles.

Imitation and ways to distinguish the original from a fake

Today, artificial onyxes are common, which are inherently fakes. Simulation can be done using one of two technologies:

  1. Coloring cheaper agates with various chemical reagents, but the final result is very unstable.
  2. Creation polymer material synthetic origin, which has an external resemblance to natural stone.

Distinguish the original gem from a fake instance in the following ways:

  1. Handling strong detergents , which are able to wash out the coloring reagent from the pores and cracks of the mineral.
  2. Too much low price is one of the main signs that a mineral is a fake.
  3. The mass of the stone. Fake specimens weigh much less, but only professionals can determine the origin of the gem by this criterion.


Onyx needs mandatory care, which will consist of periodic cleaning. You can carry out this procedure in the following ways:

  1. Processing with ordinary toothpaste or soapy water You can remove stubborn plaque with a soft-bristled brush.
  2. Purification of the mineral by ultrasonic method.
  3. Use of special solutions for processing onyx. Such products not only effectively eliminate all contamination, but also create a protective layer on the surface of the stone.

➤ Onyx. gemstone

Onyx (onyx, nogat, sardonyx, chalcedony-onyx, carnelian-onyx) is one of the oldest precious stones known to mankind. Onyx is often mentioned in the Bible among the most beautiful and expensive precious stones, such as diamond, emerald, beryl and sapphire. And according to an ancient legend, the throne of the wise King Solomon was also decorated with onyxes. Which suggests that onyx has been highly valued by people since ancient times.

Onyx is a type of agate. The word itself, translated from Greek, means “nail” (“onyx”; in ancient times, the name “nogat” was also in use, which is considered a variation of the translation from Greek). What this is connected with will be discussed below.

The fact is that onyx has characteristic parallel stripes (layers). These strips can be of different colors and different thicknesses. For example, stones with black and white stripes are called onyx chalcedony. Brown and white stripes are sardonyx, and white stripes combined with red have carnelian onyx. There are also onyxes with brown and yellow layers. Or the layers can be honey, pink, gray and brown in various combinations with the above colors. And prices for onyxes increase with decreasing layer thickness. So already the ancient Greeks especially appreciated onyxes with a thickness of one layer no more than the thickness of a nail. That's where the name of the stone comes from.

Famous varieties of onyx gemstone:

  • common onyx - onyx with black and white stripes
  • sardonyx - onyx with white and brown stripes
  • carnelian onyx - onyx with red and white stripes
  • onyx agate - greyish onyx with layers of various shades
  • chalcedony-onyx - onyx with gray and white stripes
  • Arabian onyx - onyx with stripes of brown, black, gray and white
  • black onyxes (black agate) - onyxes with black and white stripes (more black)

Onyx was used to make the most various decorations and this stone was greatly revered by carvers.

Onyx gemstone is rich not only in colors. This stone has so many different magical properties that it is sometimes surprising how they can be combined with each other. For example, ancient Greek orators placed an onyx stone under their tongues to impress their listeners with their eloquence. In the East, onyx was considered a bad stone. The Arabs called onyx a “stone of sadness”, while the Chinese generally bypassed the mines where onyx was mined, fearing bad news and signs of fate. The Yemenis believed that onyx was very similar to the eyes of dead women, so they generally tried not to deal with this stone.

And in the West, onyx is known for completely different characteristics. The Romans revered onyx as a very strong amulet, the French had a belief that onyx could only be found by a sinless and pure in thought person. Onyx among many peoples was recognized as a stone of leaders and leaders. This gem attracts good luck, strengthens the human spirit, speeds up the reaction (especially in difficult situations) and can even save you from premature death.

In terms of healing properties, onyx is good in everything - this gem has a beneficial effect on the entire body and effectively neutralizes the entire spectrum of negative manifestations.

Onyx is a very complex stone. Since ancient times, the quality of the so-called "stone-dog" has been recognized for it. Onyx will be a devoted friend, especially if the owner shows himself on the positive side. However, onyx is very suspicious and will “look closely” at its “owner” for a long time before starting to protect and help it.

Physical properties of onyx

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/chernyj-oniks-1.jpg" alt="ball of black onyx" width="220" height="237">!} Onyx black is a mystical beautiful stone. Jewelry and other products with it radiate an attractive force, and for good reason. Gem of the Deep dark color absorbed the energy of all the rays of the rainbow and willingly shares magical and healing power with those who wear it. At the same time, the mineral is considered an inexpensive ornamental material, which determines its availability for everyone. But does black onyx benefit everyone in a row?

Description and properties of the stone

Onyx is a gem of many faces: both in color and in origin. Black is a type of stone that is mined from agate. Refers to chalcedony fibrous quartz. It can be monophonic, or it can have whitish layers. The best samples are isolated from the agate rocks of the “zebra” variety, where the pattern is made up of contrasting stripes.

In its original form, the gem is plain and unremarkable. But after it has been in the hands of a master cutter, a wonderful metamorphosis takes place with the stone. The gem seems to come to life, the edges acquire a characteristic playful glassy luster, which is inherent in minerals with considerable hardness. In black onyx, it is above average, about 7 units on the special Mohs scale. The stone is quite dense, has an uneven matte fracture.

Products made of onyx jewelry are amazingly good: coal color favorably refreshes skin color, emphasizes a beautiful oval and regular facial features. All sorts of cameos, figurines, figurines, souvenir crafts, interior decorations made of black onyx are also popular.

Png" alt="" width="80" height="68"> The best stones are mined in the Arabian Peninsula. The deposits of the USA, India, Uruguay, and Brazil are also rich in mineral.

Gem Legends

The stone has been familiar to man since ancient times. There are biblical references, descriptions of the mineral in ancient manuscripts. The throne of King Solomon himself was inlaid with processed black onyx. The Egyptians were very fond of this stone, which is confirmed by numerous archaeological finds. They used it mostly for aesthetic purposes.

Jpg" alt="Arabian Onyx" width="230" height="179">!}
But the South American tribes of the Aztecs were imbued with the magical properties of black onyx - it served as an attribute of sacred rites. Hindus revered black onyx as a stone of financial growth and luck.

But still, in many eastern cultures, the black gem was demonized. Arab sources have been preserved, where onyx of the most mystical color is called “eljazo”, which means “sorrow”, “sadness”, “sorrow”. There was a belief in the Yemeni quarries that the black onyx mined should be quickly sold, since the stones resemble the eyes of a dead woman.

IN Ancient China it was believed that disturbing the onyx mines unnecessarily - to global misfortune. Nevertheless, everywhere they believed in the healing and magical power of the gem.

Black healer: onyx in lithotherapy

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/chernyj-oniks-3.jpg" alt="onyx ring" width="200" height="211">!}
The energy of the stone is of a concentrating nature and can literally “pull out” ailments from the human body. Onyx copes well with pain, just apply it to the area of ​​discomfort: with intestinal colic - on the stomach, with headaches - in the forehead, etc.

The therapeutic properties of the stone are more pronounced when it comes to diseases. nervous system. Depression, stress, emotional stress, panic attacks, apathy recede before the powerful positive energy message of the mineral. Onyx is also recommended to be worn for heart disease. Separately, the positive effect of onyx on the organs of hearing, speech and vision was noted. It is also believed that the gem strengthens memory.

The magical power of black onyx

Black onyx has unique magical properties. Since the stone absorbs and accumulates the energy of the entire light spectrum, it is a powerful stimulant for its owner. Gem Shapes leadership skills, helps to emerge victorious from most life situations.

Jpg" alt="black onyx earrings" width="150" height="231">!} An interesting belief is associated with this ability: a husband should not give his wife jewelry with a black mineral if he does not want to family life wife was in charge.

Another stone perfectly eliminates complexes and suspiciousness, increases self-confidence, and gives decisiveness. The owner of the talisman of this black stone, as a rule, is a person who is able to defend his own interests, to show the necessary timely perseverance. He is persistent in achieving results. At the same time, the gem helps the owner to control outbursts of emotions, gives clarity of mind and concentrates his strength on the main thing.

The energy magnetism of the mineral gradually passes to its owner, this is manifested in signs of attention and respect from the people around him. Therefore, the amulet must be worn by directors, representatives of the political and business spheres. It is also believed that the gem induces a thirst for enrichment and endows the owner with activity and enterprise.

The uniqueness of black onyx amulets is not only that it is reliably able to protect from the evil eye by bad people and induced damage. This mineral is almost the only talisman from love powders. It is believed that a person who possesses it cannot be bewitched. Even if the love spell ritual has already been completed, the stone will help remove its unwanted effects. And as a love talisman, a black gem is not suitable, it cools amorous passions and ardor.

Black stone in astrology

The mineral can be safely worn by almost all signs of the zodiac. Each of them is affected by a black gem with a certain ability:

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/lev-.jpg" alt="Lion" width="50" height="50"> Львы. Они уже лидеры от природы, поэтому минерал дополняет это качество уверенностью в своей правоте и в силах.!}

Jpg" alt="Gemini" width="50" height="48"> Близнецы. Представителей этого зодиакального созвездия амулет из оникса наделяет творческим энтузиазмом и защищает от дурного влияния со стороны.!}

Jpg" alt="Cancer" width="50" height="38"> Раки. Мнительные и неуверенные, они получат от чёрного талисмана защиту от негатива и чувство самодостаточности.!}

Jpg" alt="Scorpio" width="50" height="50"> Скорпионы. Люди-загадки, рождённые под этим знаком, станут более открытыми миру. Также самоцвет поможет им справиться с апатией и меланхолией.!}

Jpg" alt="Aquarius" width="50" height="50"> Водолеи. Увлекающимся и быстро остывающим натурам волшебный камень поможет довести начатое дело до конца.!}

Jpg" alt="" width="50" height="50"> Taurus Amulet with onyx will help this sign to get rid of bad passions and craving for bad things.

Jpg" alt="Aries" width="50" height="50"> Овен. Упрямых носителей этого знака камень сделает более уступчивыми. А заодно повысит интеллектуальные способности.!}

Jpg" alt="" width="50" height="50"> Virgo. The only sign that the gem affects positively in the field of love and relationships. But to a greater extent this applies to married life.

Jpg" alt="Libra" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="Sagittarius" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="Capricorn" width="50" height="50"> Весы, Стрельцы и Козероги прекрасно гармонируют с энергетикой камня. Им талисман показано не только носить на себе, но и окружать фигурками и другими вещами из оникса в бытовой и рабочей обстановке.!}

Jpg" alt="Pisces" width="50" height="50"> Рыбам чёрный минерал носить нежелательно. Всё отрицательное от камня достаётся именно этому знаку: амулет создает условия для неблагоприятных событий.!}

The mineral concentrates not only positive energy, but also negative. Therefore, black onyx must be washed with running water - this is how its aura is cleansed. Then the gem will serve not only spectacular decoration, but also a reliable amulet.

Onyx (translated from Greek as “nail”) is a stone endowed with strong energy, magical and healing properties. There is a legend that this mineral is a piece of the nail of the goddess Aphrodite, accidentally cut off by her son Eros.

The mineral onychion (nogat, onychiy) is semiprecious stone, one of the varieties of agate. Main Feature, is the presence in its structure of strips of various colors and shades.

There is a classification of varieties of this stone, based on what color of the stripes prevails on it:

The value of a stone is determined by the size and color of the stripes, pure and Arabic onyx are considered the most valuable.

Physical properties, deposits and ancient representatives

Onyx in pure form, without impurities, has White color and thin white stripes. Sometimes the stone may have streaks of brown or yellow color. In jewelry, white onyx has received another name - "Bianco".

The stone is hard in its structure (6.5-7 on the Mohs scale), dense (2.6 g/3 cm3) and transparent. These characteristics make it very popular in various fields of human activity. The mineral is also considered one of the varieties of quartz, therefore, unlike many precious stones, it does not withstand high temperatures and under their influence changes color and cracks.

Onyx deposits are found in Brazil, USA, Uruguay, India, Pakistan. Minerals best quality mined in the Arabian Peninsula. In Russia, deposits are located on the Chukotka Peninsula, in the Kolyma and in the Primorsky Territory. Large deposits of white onyx are found in Afghanistan.

The attitude to the stone has always been very contradictory and ambiguous at different times and among different peoples: he was considered unlucky in the countries of the East. There he acquired the name "al jazz" (sad), and the Indians called the stone "tears of the mountain spirit."

In Yemen, onyx was associated with the eyes of a dead woman, so the people of this country tried their best to bypass its deposits. But among Muslims, “Yemeni onyx” was held in high esteem, since the Prophet had a ring with this mineral, and he said that “reading one prayer with a ring of Yemeni onyx corresponds to seventy prayers performed without it.”

The Assyrians had a positive attitude towards the stone. They used the mineral as a home decoration and noted its beneficial effect on vision and the respiratory system.

In ancient Rome, they treated the stone with trepidation, as they believed that it was one of the strongest amulets. In architecture, it has often been used to create mosaics and installations. And in ancient Greece, orators put it under their tongues to enhance their oratory skills.

The French believed that finding a stone was not given to everyone. Only a person "with a pure heart and with sinless thoughts" will be able to own it. This phrase especially applies to white onyx, since it is he who is most charged with positive energy.

African peoples used it as a currency. The value depended on color, shape and pattern.

Onyx is one of the 12 "biblical stones". The Holy Book mentions a temple in Jerusalem, in which the walls were made of a translucent mineral. The famous church communion bowl is also made from this stone.

The Gonzaga Cameo was made from black and white onyx. This masterpiece jewelry art belonged to many famous people. Louis IX, Pope Clement IV, Charles V and Napoleon Bonaparte were the owners of this cameo. Napoleon even called her the "Great Cameo of France". On this moment The Gonzaga Cameo is kept in the Hermitage.

Medicinal properties

Ancient healers believed that this mineral was able to get rid of physical and heartache. They claimed that the stone passes pain through itself and directs clean and renewed energy to a person, which can improve well-being.

In folk medicine, they also note the positive effect of this mineral on the human body. One of the methods of treatment in folk medicine is lithotherapy (stone treatment).

According to lithotherapists, onyx has a positive effect on the following organs and systems:

Onyx is able to improve hearing, vision, memory and concentration. It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. It is also able to relieve inflammation and swelling, if applied to the affected area.

The magical properties of onyx

The magical properties of the stone were known even to the ancient peoples. Hindus, Aztecs, Sumerians made from it great amount ritual objects (sacrificial bowls, vessels, etc.) and amulets, decorated churches and dwellings with it.

Onyx is considered the stone of leaders and military leaders. It gives strength, power and confidence to its owner. For those people who want to have power in their hands, onyx is the best talisman.

The stone also has protective properties. People who carry it with them are not in danger of premature death. An amulet made from this mineral protects its owner from negative energy effects. White onyx is the best protector against rash actions.

The mineral is ideal for people working in the information field and speakers, it makes the mind clear and endows with the gift of eloquence.

Able to save family hearth amulets and talismans made of onyx. This stone strengthens families and protects from adversity and turmoil. There is an opinion that the mineral helps the elderly a lot, it protects them from loneliness and charges them with optimism.

Drinking from dishes made of onyx, having amulets, talismans and amulets - all this has a positive effect on the human body and energy. Onyx is also used in esotericism. A ball or pyramid made of this stone is an obligatory attribute of fortune-tellers and magicians.

White onyx is very strong energetically, but it is very important to remember that this stone will be an assistant and protector only for those who are pure in soul and thoughts. It is believed that white onyx can give a lot, but it can also demand something in return from its owner (honesty, decency and loyalty).

Black onyx, on the contrary, was considered a stone of people with dark energy. Dark magicians, witches and sorcerers believed that it was possible to imprison someone else's soul in this stone. To this day, it is believed that there is something sinister in black onyx, and many people try to avoid jewelry with this type of stone.

Astrologers believe that this stone is most suitable for Virgo, Sagittarius and Capricorn. Representatives of these signs, the stone gives strength and peace of mind. But no matter how positively onyx influences these signs, astrologers still do not recommend combining onyx with gold in jewelry.

The stone also gives positive energy to people born on Saturday and the 8th, 17th and 26th of each month. Negative impact onyx can have an effect on people born under the sign of Cancer and Libra.

Since information about the influence on the signs of the zodiac differs in different sources, it is necessary to pay more attention to the moral qualities of a person, and not to which zodiac sign he belongs to.

Onyx in everyday life

Due to its density and structure, as well as its similarity to marble, onyx is most often used as a cladding material.

White onyx is especially valuable, since working with it is quite painstaking, takes a lot of time, and the material is very rare and expensive. It is used for the manufacture of floor lamps, countertops and window sills.

Onyx is also known for its bactericidal properties and resistance to chemicals, so its use for wall cladding in saunas, baths, kitchens and bathrooms is more than justified. A fungus or mold will never appear on the surface of this mineral. This factor greatly simplifies the process of caring for surfaces made of this material.

The transparency of the stone is another advantage that designers use to make unusual and beautiful things.

Lamps, columns, floor lamps, shelves, all these products will have an unusual look if they are made of white onyx.

Only an experienced specialist can make things for decoration or do facing work from a mineral. It is very important to correctly calculate the required amount of material, the time that the work will take, as well as evaluate the appropriateness of using this material in specific situations and variations.

Onyx in the interior is a bold decision, but with the right implementation, the result can exceed all expectations.

Although the mineral does not belong to precious stones, its value is by no means small. Despite the fact that the attitude towards it is rather ambiguous, in many areas of human activity, this stone has been and remains in demand.
