How to grow hair color beautifully. How to grow your hair color

Tired of permanent coloring, some girls want to return to their natural hair color. Therefore, the question arises. How to grow your hair color fast? If you are a happy owner of a short haircut, then after a couple of three haircuts your hair will be with your native color. Unfortunately, if you have long curls and you don’t want to shorten them at all, you will have to be patient. Growing will take more than one month and will require from you not only desire, but also some skills. But the result matters.

Ways to hide regrown roots

If the difference between regrown roots and dyed hair is very noticeable, then you need to slightly soften this contrast. You can dye your hair with the same tone as your natural hair and gradually cut off the ends as it grows. Can buy tint shampoo, which slightly blurs the transition from natural to dyed hair.

It will not be easy for girls who lightened their hair. Considering that during lightening you washed out the coloring pigment from your native hair, then during the subsequent dyeing with a darker dye, the hair may acquire an undesirable greenish-blue tint. This can be avoided only if the master does repinmentation in the salon. The essence of this method is that the specialist will cover your hair with paint that matches your natural tone by mixing it in a certain proportion with water. The oxidizing agent is added only after half an hour.

If your hair was dyed a color darker than natural, we recommend highlighting. The intensity of light strands can be adjusted. However, it should be remembered that lightening is too traumatic for the hair. It dries out your curls and makes them more fragile.

You can try to restore your hair color in the salon. But everything related to highlighting applies to this procedure to an even greater extent.

If you have categorically decided to refuse staining at this transitional stage, then you will have to look for other options for solving this problem. You can experiment with styling. Remember, any hairstyle that shows roots is not good for you. Forget about different braids and smooth styling for a while. In this case, a gentle hairstyle, in which soft curls are inherent, is suitable. It will minimize the difference in color mismatch.

You can hide the line of regrown hair with such fashion accessories like a scarf, scarf or ribbon.

Given that hair grows at a rate of 1 cm per month, it is worth resorting to different ways which allow you to enhance hair growth by 2-3 times.

  • No stress. In a stressful situation, a slowdown in hair growth is noticed up to its complete stop.
  • Nutrition. Eat the right, healthy food. Whole grain cereals, vegetables and fruits, fish and meat, herbs and dairy products, seeds and nuts, legumes and berries are your food for the next period. With such nutrition, not only the hair, but the whole body will thank you.
  • Physical activity. Go in for sports. During physical activity blood circulates at a faster rate and carries oxygen to every cell in your body. Choose the type of physical activity that suits you and do it at least two to three times a week. Run, jump, swim or just dance in front of a mirror. It does not matter. Main good mood and movement.
  • Massage your head with a massage brush natural bristles. Make it a habit like exercising or brushing your teeth. It is not only very pleasant, but also very useful. Just 10 minutes a day and your hair grows twice as fast.
  • Strengthen and nourish your hair. Buy good mask, go to the salon, make a mask according to folk recipe For the most part, it doesn't matter. The main thing is to do it regularly, and you will accelerate the growth of your hair up to 3-5 centimeters per month.

Folk ways to accelerate hair growth

If you can't afford dear salon procedures, then they can be quite noticed with home masks. Some ingredients will have to be bought at the pharmacy, something to get from the refrigerator, why go to the market. Do the main thing, and the result will not be long in coming.

Here are some examples of masks for simulating a hair follicle

  • Mask, which includes a tablespoon of coffee, 2-3 drops of ylang-ylang oil and one liter of chamomile decoction. Oil is added to the cooled coffee grounds and all this is diluted with warm chamomile broth. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp and distributed along the entire length of the hair. Wash off after 30 minutes.
  • The mask with the use of castor oil. In addition to butter and coffee, its composition includes yolks and cognac. The composition is rubbed into wet hair and left for 10 minutes, after which they wash their hair well with shampoo.
  • A mixture of castor, olive and coconut oils is a powerful stimulant. Hair can grow up to 10 cm in six weeks, and up to 15 cm in nine weeks.

By cutting off the regrown tips, you will gradually return your natural color hair.

Hello my darlings! I decided here that it is worth making a separate post about how I am given the growth of my color, and after all, 13 months have already passed, that is, I can safely say - more than a year! -How did you survive? - I do not know)))

Already in the process of growing its color.

in the process of growing its color.

February 14, 2017 I dyed my hair for the last time. Well, not to celebrate Valentine's Day and the upcoming wedding anniversary with regrown roots?!
For the last time I enjoyed the density and density of freshly dyed hair - oh, how beautiful this effect is!

I love my hair here.

This time, the path of "splicing" the painted length did without a wash. For which thanks to the soft dye. - It began to wash off so smoothly from the length that even I personally, even under sunlight, cannot say with accuracy where the dyed hair ends, and where my color begins ?!

?Why did I stop dyeing my hair?!

The reason for this is probably not even so desire naturalness, but a practical inconvenience.
I always paint myself. In the cabin, it costs about 5-7 thousand and it spoils all the fun. And with the birth of Lera, it became inconvenient to dye her hair every month.
First, I simply realized that I did not want to do it myself. There are simply no forces. I had time, but I could not bring myself to stir the dye and start the procedures. Even spending 7,000 in a salon seemed less unpleasant than painting yourself. - Fortunately or not - 7 thousand for this was not)))

The second moment, when I still forced myself to paint, when I had the strength, for some reason it always coincided with the fact that Lera was there. And for about an hour I could not pick her up, because I had paint on me, and everything would be fine - I would have survived, but for some reason it always coincided with her crying, which no one could control ...

For a long time I didn’t admit to myself that I really wasn’t going to dye my hair anymore. It seemed to me that if you say it out loud, you will definitely break. But after about 6 months, I suddenly thought that I like the color, I feel comfortable with it and I really just don’t want to paint.

?How has the quality changed? Hair thickness.

At first, I switched to a very, very gentle hair wash to reduce the frequency and strength of pigment leaching. I knew that as soon as the hair loses the lion's share of the color, it will become terribly thin, very brittle and generally unkempt. And I always advise others in such situations - do glazing! This is a good way out of the situation, but as you have already read above, there was neither the strength nor the desire to do it on your hair.

I must say that this stage, when I tried to reduce the frequency of washing and make it softer, really became a good and right decision.

1. I had sebum-regulating ampoules in my care to reduce oily skin.
2. Dry shampoo to push back the day of washing by 1-2 days.
3. Soft shampoo without sls or co-washing, which I also practiced for a long time.

And from washing every day, I moved on to washing once every 4 days. And for a very, very, very long time, I was surprised to note that there really is no strong thinning of the hair.

I noticed that my hair became very thin only when Lera was about a year old. I touched my tail and couldn’t understand whether I finally noticed the consequences of postpartum hair loss from 2-4 (5) months after childbirth, or it was caused by non-critical but noticeable hair loss against the background of breastfeeding, which repeated 2 times a month at those moments when I didn’t have tonics for hair loss in my care, or the paint was washed off critically strongly ... - But I touched my tail and it became just Sad!
So that you understand the degree of sadness: before pregnancy, I had a hair girth of 9 cm, at the end of pregnancy 10 cm, about a year after giving birth - 7 cm! - And I’ll run ahead a little, saying that recently I nevertheless did glazing and the density became 8cm. - So the washable paint from previously multi-colored hair takes volume very strongly.

?Hair brittleness

Here I was in for a big surprise. I was expecting more brittleness. But in fact, with well-chosen care, my hair in terms of softness and elasticity came to life a lot. About 4-5 months after dyeing, I touched them just after the balm and could not believe that I had achieved such softness with a very multi-layered care, but now I just washed my hair. The brittleness of the hair has greatly decreased, we can say it has completely disappeared.

For example, in the photo latest haircut was 7 months ago, and the density of the cut is better than after 6 months of breaks with regular staining.

Here, of course, care has also changed. If during staining I leaned more on keratin, proteins. Now, mainly on hyaluronic acid and other moisturizers.

? Hair shine.

My regrown roots shine of course perfectly. And all the products in the care only enhance their shine, which simply fades away on the previously dyed length. It is more difficult to make an unpainted length shine.

? Hair color.

The most vile color has become now - in the second year of growing. And I think that I will probably do something about it and I will definitely share it with you.


Hair became less obedient in styling. They hold a straight shape worse, when straightened they lie less advantageously than when they were painted. But the curls curl themselves and quite beautifully (in the photo above - this is a natural type of hair without styling)

? Do I want to color my hair again?

There is only one thought that scares me in all this - more than one year must pass so that the hair again becomes not only no worse, but also better than it was before. It's been 1 year already, I think 2 more years at least. - And how insulting it will be to walk for 3 years with not the most best hair, so that after 3 years suddenly again paint them. Basically, to be honest, I don't know. So far, I won’t touch them for the next year, but I’ll start tinting the painted length soon!

Women love to experiment with their looks. And hair often suffers greatly from these experiments. It also happens that the hairdresser changed your color not quite successfully. What then to do?

You don't need to get upset. Many methods have now been developed to restore natural color hair. You just need to choose one that suits you. So, how to grow your hair after dyeing?

An easy way is to grow your hair out. This method is suitable for those women who do not want to harm their hair using "poisonous" dyes. Growing out has a "plus": it does not require effort, and is absolutely harmless. Disadvantages: the shade of natural hair may not be pleasant, you will have to constantly cut off the ends of the hair.

How to grow your hair color from blonde? Lightening curls, of course, "hit the hair", injuring their structure. If the shade turned out to be unsuccessful, you can change the situation by carrying out another staining or tinting in the color that is as close to natural as possible.

This procedure cannot be performed 1 to 3 days after staining. You have to wait at least 2 months. And it is better to contact the salon, where a professional master will help you choose the best tone of paint. The second option is ombre. This technique is gaining popularity. This type of coloring does not affect all the hair, which will make it possible to find your natural hair color, slightly adjusting the tone of the bleached strands.

Why is it harder for brunettes?

If the hair was dyed dark color, the natural tone will be difficult to return. How to grow your hair color from black?

In the salon, the master will be able to wash off the dark pigment by selecting the desired composition of the product. In addition, a professional will give advice on hair care.

In the event that a woman is the owner blonde hair, you will have to use a wash 2-4 times. The first time you can perform the procedure in the salon, and then at home, with your own hands. Without the help of a master, you can wash off the dark pigment with a mask of kefir, natural honey, a mixture of salt + soda. After such manipulations, the hair needs enhanced nutrition and hydration.

How to get natural hair color after highlighting?

How to grow out your natural hair color? After highlighting, the tone of the strands will be different. If, for certain reasons, it is necessary to change the shade of hair after highlighting, then it is better not to do this at home. To return your natural color of curls, it is better to contact a specialist in the salon.

If you dye your hair yourself, the paint can lie unevenly on the strands, and the result of dyeing will disappoint.

Attention! Do not use basma or henna to paint over the strands. The master from the salon will professionally and safely perform the procedure for tinting strands that have been highlighted.

Natural Hair Growth Remedies

Exists a large number of natural remedies to quickly grow back your natural hair color. It should be noted that some of them may change tone.

Peeling of the scalp with coffee. Coffee well removes dead skin cells, and improves blood circulation. If you are making a scrub, then coffee grounds will do. You can use pure coffee, or mix with any vegetable oil. Even sunflower will do. This scrub is optimal for girls who have dark hair.

Ampoules with nicotinic acid are now popular. Masks have a good effect mustard powder, pepper tincture, vodka. These ingredients warm up and irritate the scalp, increasing blood circulation, and promote hair growth.

Stimulate accelerated growth hair and masks using ginger, aloe, bread, kefir, eggs, onions. If you use the funds in a complex, you can achieve a good effect, and the hair will begin to grow quickly.

Haircut - why not a solution to the problem?

Do not be afraid of drastic measures! Maybe it suits you short haircut? You just have to choose the one that fits perfectly. IN short hair you can also find many advantages. But once every 2-3 months, cut the ends at the hairdresser.

What about growing roots?

If a girl becomes the owner of a short haircut, hair care becomes different. This long curls can be treated more calmly, experimenting with them: dye in different colors, curl, not always on time to care. Indeed, in a month - one and a half, their ends will have to be cut off anyway. With growing curls, you will have to follow certain simple rules:

  1. In order for the curls to comb well, you need to buy the right comb with frequent teeth.
  2. Buy a spray so you don't have to tear your hairs in the morning to detangle them. In addition, the waves will turn out more natural and beautiful, with the use of a spray.
  3. Use of hot styling. That's a moot point. Someone thinks that you can use a hair dryer when the hair grows out. But there is another opinion that it is better to save every centimeter of hair so as not to harm them.
  4. Hair needs care, so the use of oils, creams, masks is appropriate.

How to grow your natural hair color fast? The main thing is not to forget to pay attention to the hair, and they will certainly respond to care with their healthy and attractive appearance!

Tired of constantly dyeing your hair and constantly monitoring it? Want to give yourself more natural look and save money on trips to the hairdresser? What could be better than your natural hair color? After all, it was chosen by your genes just like the color of your eyes and skin. Follow these steps and you'll be on your way to easily acquiring your gorgeous natural hair.


    Get a haircut. Cut your dyed hair as short as possible and keep it as short as you can handle it. The short haircut is the most The best way speed up the growing process natural hair because there are many different fashion styles to choose from. If you prefer more long hair, you can always use monthly dyes and wait until your roots grow back. Consider the rule thumb: The longer your hair, the longer you will have to wait for noticeable results. It's entirely up to you, your patience and your preferred style.

    Color your hair for the last time. You can skip this step and go directly to the third if you can no longer tolerate the dyed hair on your head after the first step. Otherwise, dye your hair a shade that is as close to your natural hair color as possible. If you've recently dyed your hair, it's best to wait until your hair has grown at least an inch before doing it again. Thus, it will even be easier for you to determine which shade is more suitable for your natural color. If you're having trouble with this, a professional colorist in the salon can help. Boxed hair care kits in pharmacies are suitable for those who are tight on money. There is also the option to achieve the Ambre look, a style that has become quite popular these days.

    Buy the right means to take care of your hair. Just because you no longer color your hair doesn't mean you should forgo good shampoos and other products you can do without. Even normal hair needs good care to make them look their best. good shampoo and conditioner should be the two main products for permanent hair care. This does not mean that only the most expensive brands good quality. Brands such as Aussie, Herbal Essences, Dove, Sunsilk, Garnier Fructis and Loreal have also earned a good reputation. Baby shampoos are very inexpensive and are great for all types of hair, including perm. While baby shampoo is mild enough to use on children's hair, it's gentle enough for your hair too. You may not use the air conditioner if you have greasy hair. Conditioner also makes hair less tangled when mixed with water and poured into a spray bottle.

    Don't get carried away with shampoo. The shampoo you have in your shower can also be the main culprit in dry and damaged hair. Contrary to popular belief, it is harmful and even unnecessary to wash your hair every day, especially if your hair has been chemically treated. This dries out the scalp, preventing hair from growing properly. Washing every other day is all you need. Try going without washing your hair for at least four days. If your hair is a bit greasy after that, use a dry shampoo. If this does not happen, mix cornstarch with baking soda, sprinkle on the roots and top of your hair, then rinse thoroughly. If you feel the need to use dry shampoo after the third time, it's time to wash your hair. Dilute the shampoo with enough water to make a soapy mixture. This is a great way to wash your hair without drying it out. By doing this, you save on the amount of shampoo you use and save money in the long run.

    Do more exercise. It provides many benefits to the human body such as maintaining body weight and improving overall health. But did you know that it can also help boost hair growth? Exercise makes the heart pump faster, which increases blood flow to the entire body, including the scalp, resulting in faster hair growth. What are you waiting for? Grab your running shoes and go for a run or a long walk in the park. Learn a new dance, try yoga, jump on the trampoline! You can also pick up strength training. Find a program that works for you, stick with it, and you'll see results in your hair and body.

  1. Work with what you have. Don't fight the natural texture of your hair. Thermal styling products can damage and possibly break your hair. Avoid styling products such as irons, blow dryers, and curling irons at all costs. There are many ways to enjoy your hair without using these things. If you have curls, soften or strengthen them with special means which is made especially for them. If you want waves or curls, curlers are very inexpensive and do much less damage. Or you can use a special spray that creates them when you wash your hair. If you tie your hair into a high ponytail before bed and remove it in the morning, it creates volume. Feel free to experiment, find out what's best for you, and have fun with your hair while you wait to see it branch out.

    • Resist the temptation to dye your hair again and avoid the dye shelves in the store. Remember that you want to get rid of the addiction to dye your hair, and, in the first place, it will be contrary to the goals of growing it out.
    • Eat healthy food, drink plenty of water, exercise, take multivitamins as they are very beneficial for hair growth. A healthy body will have healthy hair.
    • Be patient, growing hair takes time for most people. So never expect any noticeable results for months to up to a year, depending on how fast your hair usually grows. If you are not one of the lucky few who have been blessed with fast growing hair, don't think too much about it. Live your everyday life, and you will not notice how satisfied you will be with the results.
    • Avoid stress as much as possible and limit your caffeine and alcohol intake.
    • Rinsing hair with one tablespoon of white or apple cider vinegar mixed with 1 glass of water after shampooing and conditioning is great way clean the hair, get rid of any buildup on the scalp, part the hair, keep it shiny, give it volume, relieve itchy scalp, reduce dandruff, passive frizz, and increase curls.
    • Trim your hair regularly.
    • Wear a swimming cap when swimming to protect your hair from the salt at the beach or the chlorine in the pool. Using a cheap and light conditioner like VO5 or Suave instead of shampoo is ideal for curly and frizzy hair.

Decided to change the image and unsuccessfully painted? Now the problem arose: how to grow your hair quickly after dyeing. There are many methods for returning to a natural tone. Among them are radical (short haircut or wash) or gentle (masks, natural dyes).

What determines the natural hair color

The hair contains 2 coloring pigments:

  • melanin - dark;
  • pheomelanin is reddish.

Their number is determined genetically. Asians are dominated by melanin, which is why they are predominantly brunettes. The inhabitants of the northern countries have little of it, and pheomelanin is practically absent. Therefore, they are dominated by light brown, blond, beautiful ashy hair tones.

With age, the synthesis of pigments is reduced, due to which gray hair appears. It often happens that a child is born blonde, and after 5 years the tone changes and the hair darkens. This is due to the fact that at this age the body begins to produce melanin. During puberty, hair can once again change tone.

How to get your color back after dyeing

There are several ways to restore the natural shade of hair. The easiest is to wait until the strands grow. The method is suitable for women who do not want to burden their hair with chemistry.

Growing natural hair color has advantages: harmlessness and simplicity. But you will have to put up with an unsuccessful tone for a while.

How much to grow? The process is long. On average, hair grows 1-1.5 cm per month. For a year it is 12 - 15 cm. If you do not want to wait a long time, and are radical, you can choose the methods described below.

In dark or black

The most difficult thing is to quickly grow back your natural hair color after dyeing it black. But don't give up. A little patience, everything will work out.

Try these methods.

  1. Contact the salon to have your hair color washed. The hairdresser will select a gentle composition.
  2. If you are blonde, dyed brunette, you will most likely have to wash your hair several times.

The first procedure is carried out in the salon. The rest can be done at home using special shampoos. Some products will help wash the coloring pigment from the hair. These include:

  • natural honey;
  • a mixture of salt and soda;
  • kefir mask.

After washing, the hair needs enhanced hydration and nutrition.

After bleaching or bleaching

The simplest case, requiring almost no effort. It is enough to let the bleached hair roots grow a little, and then create smooth transition colors from natural to dyed. The technique is called ombre.

If you are against such image changes, you can paint over the clarified curls with a tonic that is as close as possible to natural in color. The procedure will have to be carried out regularly.

After highlighting

Highlighted strands grow more slowly than just dyed ones. Therefore, waiting until the hair grows back is not an option. Stylists have come up with several ways to return the native tone after highlighting. But do not try to recreate them at home, as there is a high risk of doing something wrong. Then a shocking result in the form of purple, green, bright red hair is not ruled out.

  1. Re-staining. The color is selected as close to natural as possible. The advantage is that the transition from regrown roots to dyed hair will be almost imperceptible.
  2. Repigmentation. During the procedure, the stylist dilutes the paint with water to minimize its harm. The oxidizing agent is not added immediately. Hair looks much healthier than with ordinary dyeing.
  3. Coloring with a natural tone of individual strands. A long and difficult method, but the safest for hair. First, a third of the hair is dyed, then another third. In the future, the volume of processed curls approaches 100%.

Modern techniques for quick restoration of natural color

The salons offer 2 procedures.

  1. Decapitation. Washing off the coloring pigment from the hair with specialized products. The procedure is expensive. If you choose the right drug, you can do it at home.
  2. Bleaching. A very aggressive method of removing pigment and creating a base to restore a natural tone. The result allows you to quickly grow your hair into a light brown or red color after dyeing, but if done incorrectly, the result may be unexpected.

See photos before and immediately after.

Washing out unwanted shade at the hairdresser

There are two types: superficial and deep. The second provides a good result, but contains a lot of oxidizing agent. It is used only by professionals, strictly adjusting the proportions of the drug, so as not to harm.

Surface washes are gentle. They are more often used to neutralize light shades and colors, for example, natural blond.

Each girl chooses the method by which she fights for her natural tone. But there is general recommendations. They, according to reviews, should not be neglected if you decide to grow your hair color from blonde.

  1. Choose shampoos containing keratin. They make curls strong, healthy after highlighting, heal them.
  2. Masks are most effective oil. They act directly on the follicles, which is why the hair grows faster, restores color. Make masks at least once a week.
  3. If you use care ampoules (health products based on proteins), apply them continuously for no longer than 3 weeks.
  4. You can stimulate growth with special combs - electric or laser. They act on the skin with impulses, activating the bulbs.
  5. A daily head massage will help speed up the growth of strands of your color.

Masks with natural remedies

Very effective, especially with the addition of pepper, mustard. The components of the masks have a warming effect, stimulate blood flow to the roots, supplying them with nutrients and oxygen, and restore their own color.

Pepper mask, ingredients:

  • 4 tsp white clay;
  • 2 tsp cinnamon powder;
  • 1 g red pepper.

Preparation and application of the mask.

  1. Dilute the clay with warm water, mix with pepper and cinnamon.
  2. Keep the mask on your hair for 15 to 30 minutes.
  3. Do it once a week for 2 months.

Mask with mustard, ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. l. powder;
  • 2 tsp Sahara;
  • yolk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. castor or burdock oil.

Preparation and application of a hair mask.

  1. Dilute the powder in 2 tbsp. l. water.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients to the mask, mix.
  3. Apply under polyethylene for 30-40 minutes.
  4. For a mask for dry strands, halve the amount of sugar and increase the amount of oil.

Wraps with oil

Provide deep cleansing, moisturizing hair, deliver oxygen, amino acids, vitamins, minerals. Masks with oil stimulate blood circulation, normalize the functions of the sebaceous glands. Heals the roots, and, consequently, the hair itself, their natural tone.

The masks are easy to make.

  1. The product is applied to the hair.
  2. The head with the mask is wrapped in something warm.
  3. Lasts from 20 minutes to an hour.
  4. The mask is washed off in three stages: first with slightly warm water, then with shampoo, rinsed with acidified lemon or apple cider vinegar water.

Try oil wraps.

  1. Olive. For a mask 4 - 5 tbsp. l. heated and used.
  2. Tea tree. 50 g of herbal mixture (clover flowers, nettle, St. John's wort), pour half a bottle of oil, insist in heat for 10 days. Strain and use an oil mask.
  3. Kastorov. To prepare the mask, the bottle is mixed with 10 ml of vitamin D, 1 tbsp. l. honey, lemon juice, yolk.

Use of tonic

Many girls, in order to grow their hair from light to sharply black strands, prefer tonic. He:

  1. It has a gentle effect, does not destroy the natural pigment.
  2. Does not penetrate deep into the hair structure.
  3. Caring carefully. Natural substances give shine, moisturize, make strands obedient, silky.
  4. Produces an unstable effect. The tone is washed off gradually, within 2 weeks. This makes it possible to correct in case of an unsatisfactory result.

The work will need:

  • water;
  • toning balm;
  • crest;
  • gloves;
  • plastic or glass container;
  • shampoo;
  • tassel;
  • towel.

How to use.

  1. Comb your hair, put on gloves.
  2. In a container, dilute the tonic with water (the proportions are indicated on the tube with the product).
  3. Moisten the strands, apply the composition with a brush from the parting to the center and down.
  4. Cover with a towel.
  5. Rinse with shampoo after 15-20 minutes.

Some use tonic like this. Add a few drops of the product to regular shampoo and wash their hair. At the same time, the intensity of staining and tone are less pronounced and not so persistent.

short hair experiment

A great way to speed up the natural hair growth process. How longer curls the longer you have to wait for them to grow back. And short strands grow faster.

There are many stylish hairstyles to choose from, no need to use a dye monthly to even out the tone.

How to eat to grow and restore natural hair

Enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals.

  1. B: oatmeal, nuts, buckwheat, prunes, poultry, liver, fish, beef, apricots, bananas.
  2. A: pumpkin, carrots, peaches, watermelon, grapes, fish oil, cottage cheese, cheese, milk.
  3. E: almonds, vegetable oils, cereals, peanuts.
  4. C: citrus fruits, cabbage, greens, rose hips, sea buckthorn, strawberries, tomatoes, black currants.
  5. Iron: seaweed, calf's liver, brewer's yeast, egg yolk.
  6. Sulfur: garlic, liver, fish.
  7. Silicon: cereals.
  8. Copper and zinc: walnuts, shrimp, beans.
  9. Molybdenum: peas, kidneys, liver.

To moisturize curls from the inside, drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. It saturates the skin with moisture, prevents dryness, loss, aging.

Tips from experts on growing your hair after dyeing

  1. Decided to return the natural color? Forget about the tone of your hair for at least six months. Approximately so much time is needed for the paint to wash off and the curls to have enough industry. Yes, it is difficult, but thinking about it every day will not save the situation.
  2. Color the strands 2 shades darker than your natural shade. Over time, the paint is washed off, and the color evens out.
  3. Enlist the support of a friend. In moments when you want to change your image, this person will remind you of your goal.
  4. Align the tips at least 1 time in 3 months. The split ends go up and you will have to cut more later.
  5. Food is one of the main things. If you can not balance the diet, buy vitamins, such as Perfectil or Complevit.

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