Can a down jacket be washed in a washing machine? The secrets of washing a down jacket in a washing machine

Any outerwear is washed at least once a season, dry cleaning services cost a lot, so it is important to know how to wash a down jacket at home. You need to take the idea as seriously as possible, because negligence can cost your favorite thing.

A down jacket is popularly called any coat or jacket with a filler. This can be misleading, as holofiber and goose down will react differently to brushing.

How to wash natural down jackets

Natural down jackets are made from the down of waterfowl. The best down is eider and swan. The price of such products is very high, so manufacturers produce lines on goose and duck down. The feather of waterfowl is not afraid of moisture, does not rot, does not “suffocate”, which cannot be said about chicken.

It is chicken down that the Chinese manufacturer uses. In such products, it is categorically impossible to get into rain or sleet, especially wash them. If the price of the coat is extremely low, and the label indicates the production of China, take the product to the dry cleaner for dry processing.

A popular filler is camel hair. Jackets from it are very warm, it is allowed to wash in a typewriter, but you can not wring out.

Preparing a down jacket for washing

Collars, cuffs and pockets are most often dirty. The down jacket is washed as carefully as possible, so the fabric in these places must be processed in advance. You should apply stain remover or foam from liquid detergent to dirt, rub with a brush and leave for a couple of hours, then rinse. The same applies to individual spots. Pay attention to the properties of the stain remover: if the coat is colored, then the cleaner should be for colored things.

If the down jacket is white, then the following composition will cope with the stains:

  • 0.5 st. hydrogen peroxide;
  • 0.5 st. soda;
  • 1 st. hot water.

Mix ingredients, pour into a spray bottle. Treat the stains, slightly pulling the fabric away from the fluff, leave for 10 minutes. The time can be increased up to 7 hours, depending on the contamination.

The neck of a jacket in women gets dirty from cosmetics. Pure ammonia will help remove lipstick marks, and foundation- 10% ammonia with baking soda. It must be distributed over the stain previously treated with ammonia and left for a couple of hours. If you mix half a teaspoon of ammonia with two teaspoons of glycerin, you will get an excellent liquid for removing stains from coffee, tea and cocoa.

Before washing, the natural down coat is placed in a thin laundry bag. If the filler slips out through the seams, this will save the washing machine from clogging.

Washing in a washing machine

  1. Button up the down jacket and turn it inside out. Place in a laundry bag.
  2. Put 2-3 rubber balls into the drum. Animal balls work well, they don't have to be light. If the choice fell on tennis balls, then first they should be washed with soap, make sure that they do not shed. Their purpose is to whip the fluff in the machine to avoid caking.
  3. From detergents, you need to choose only liquid ones, without phosphates. Any powder will leave streaks that will be difficult to get rid of.
  4. Select the delicate wash program if the machine does not have special settings for washing outerwear. After completion, so that there are no streaks, run a second rinse. Squeeze at 400 rpm.
  5. Carefully remove from the drum, lay out to dry.

How to dry a down jacket

The winter down jacket is not dried in an upright position - all the fluff is caked below and it will be difficult to distribute it. The coat is laid out on the floor or table, placing towels. If the house has a floor dryer, then it is better to put a coat on it - this way the air will circulate better.

Do not dry with a hair dryer or heating devices: natural material loses its properties, becomes hygroscopic and ceases to store heat well. It is allowed to use a conventional fan without heating. From time to time, the jacket is turned over and fluffed up so that the fluff does not go astray.

Features of washing down jackets on artificial filler

Natural filler is difficult to clean and dry, it can cause allergies. Artificial materials came to replace him, down jackets began to be made on synthetic winterizer, holofiber, from membrane isosoft and polyester. Every year, manufacturers release new fillers to make the jacket warmer and lighter.

Can this coat be washed, and if so, on what mode, at what temperature? It's written on the label. The manufacturer will note which material was used and give all the necessary recommendations. One thing must be remembered: no matter what powder you wash, stains will still remain, so you should choose special agent for jackets, shampoo or liquid gel. The coat should be treated with a stain remover in especially dirty places, turned inside out, put in a drum.

The temperature should not be higher than 30 ºС, wash on the "Delicate" mode or on a gentle program.

If there is fur, it must be unfastened and cleaned without washing. To do this, fall asleep with any starch and comb out. You can dry such jackets on a hanger, synthetics do not cake and do not go astray, a fan heater or hair dryer will also not hurt.

Precautionary measures

  1. Do not use washing powder. The result depends on what means to wash and how many degrees the mode is set.
  2. Check the coat for small holes or split seams.
  3. When treating stains with ammonia, work with gloves, try not to inhale harmful fumes.
  4. If stains remain after drying, moisten the sponge with clean water and wipe these places.

How to fix a bad wash at home

  • If the filler is caked, you need to beat it with your hands or with an old carpet beater. interesting way- distribute the fluff over the product with a vacuum cleaner. Remove the nozzle, set it to low power and lead the tube from the stray edge to the free one.
  • If stains remain, rinse with a clean sponge dipped in water with ammonia. For 1 liter of water, you need half a teaspoon of ammonia.
  • Musty smells are harder to remove. It occurs if the thing is not turned over and whipped. You can try to treat it with an odor neutralizer and dry it well under a fan.


It is quite possible to wash a down jacket in a typewriter on your own, but you need to take into account the filler and the quality of the seams. What to do if manipulation with tennis balls did not help? Dry, try to manually distribute the filler: the better the ventilation, the faster your favorite thing will come into shape. Given all the tips and tricks, you can easily save on dry cleaning services.

A down jacket is a rather capricious thing and requires special approach. There is a lot of information around about damaged down products that have become unwearable after washing. The Internet is replete with photos of jackets with down down, terrible stains all over the product ... But there is no need to panic ahead of time and throw away your favorite thing!

Today, the market pleases buyers with a wide selection of various outerwear.

For a season in a row, down jackets have been incredibly popular: they are warm and reliable, the price category is wide, and everyone can choose the design according to taste and color.

Sometimes there are situations when just one awkward movement can stain your favorite down jacket. Do you not know about the catastrophic lack of time, which there is certainly no time for washing a down jacket by hand.

Then the question arises: can the down jacket be washed in washing machine ?
And our answer is clear: yes you can!

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Washing a down jacket in a washing machine. All eyes on the tags!

There is a very widespread opinion among the people that down jackets should never be washed in a machine.

They say that the fluff will crumple, the jacket will smell terribly, and ugly white stains from washing powder. This should not be taken as an absolutely true statement.

It is possible that your product is not allowed to be chemically treated, which will immediately completely block the way to dry cleaning for processing this product.

Laundry hacks. Part 1

Preliminary operations with a down jacket: Be careful

Once you figure out if your down jacket is machine washable, you can start preparing your jacket or coat. Check pockets and close them if there are zippers and zippers.

Examine the jacket for any stubborn stains. Also, cuffs, the area around the collar and near the pockets get dirty very often.

They should be pre-washed with laundry soap or with a special tool. Pay attention to the condition of the seams of the jacket.

If enough comes out of them a large number of fluff, this indicates a high probability of damage due to washing in a typewriter. In this case, it is better to abandon the machine wash of the jacket.

With a removable decorative fur or a hood they must be unfastened from the thing. The down jacket should be buttoned up and turned inside out.

Laundry hacks. Part 2

The best detergent for washing down jackets in a washing machine

You can wash the down jacket in the washing machine only with the use of special liquids and powders for washing clothes. Almost every housewife can afford a special tool for washing down jackets in a washing machine.

In the 21st century, there is no problem to find such things on the shelves of hardware stores, in the department of household chemicals.

They are produced by various brands and in different formats: liquid gels, powders for down jackets, capsules for washing down jackets.

Here the best means for washing down jackets:

  • Profkhim
  • Heitmann Daunen Waschpflege
  • Domal Sport Fein Fashion
  • Nordland Sport Eco
  • Down and Wool Wash
  • Nikwax Down Wash
  • Kongur Wash Delicate

In any case, you can consult with the sales assistant in the store. Despite the desire to save money on buying a bottle, it is better not to risk it. As everyone has long known, the miser pays twice.

Buying professional tool for washing down products, you minimize the risk of damage to your favorite wardrobe item. Why can't a down jacket be washed with ordinary powder or rinse aid?

The fact is that down is a natural material. For this reason, it actively absorbs chemicals, but rinsing them out will be very difficult.

Powders for down products differ from others in their chemical composition, with which there will definitely not be problems associated with rinsing chemicals.

With poor-quality rinsing, pronounced stains and stains from washing powder will remain on the product, the fluff will get off and the product will definitely have to be thrown into the trash.

Watch the video: Means for washing down jackets. How to wash - step by step

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How to wash a down jacket in a machine? More space!

Do not try to put several down jackets into the washing machine at once, nothing good will come of it.

Thus, the probability of damage to products will increase significantly. The jacket or coat should spin freely in the drum.

It is not necessary to interfere with the downy product in washing machine with different clothes. The down jacket must be washed separately from other things.

This will not allow the fluff to stray into one lump, which is usually immediate and leads to irreversible damage to the product.

Laundry hacks. Part 3

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine: Delicate thing - delicate wash

An important element in the proper washing of a down jacket in a washing machine is the correct mode of the washing process.

On the machine, it is necessary to set the “delicate wash” mode (on some machines these are the programs “washing woolen products” or “washing delicate fabrics”), the temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.

In addition to the delicate wash mode, it would not be superfluous to add the “extra rinse” function, since the fluff strongly absorbs the detergent, but it is not in a hurry to give it away.

But it is better to exclude the usual spin function from the program. The fluff can crumple or even get out of the thing.

On more modern models of washing machines, there is a special mode “washing down products”, it is ideal for this procedure.

Laundry hacks. Part 4

Drying down products, or the finish line. The jacket is like new!

The most responsible and important, the final stage of washing a down jacket in an automatic machine has come. With proper preparation and the washing process itself, even the smallest error in drying will ruin the product.

It will be very disappointing to throw away a jacket or coat after all the efforts and manipulations.

So, in no case should you dry a down jacket:

  1. hung over a gas stove, next to a fireplace, a hot battery;
  2. in hot weather with direct sunlight;
  3. covering the radiator or battery with a jacket.

How to dry a down jacket? You need to hang it on a hanger in a well-ventilated area (preferably on a glazed balcony).

At the same time, it is advisable to check the product every 3-4 hours, periodically shaking and straightening the wet fluff inside the jacket or coat with such movements as if you were gently wrinkling cotton wool through the fabric.

Thanks to this, your product will dry evenly, there will be no smell of rotten laundry, and the fluff will not gather in lumps.

Laundry hacks. Part 5

Following this simple but important instruction on how to properly wash a down jacket in a washing machine, you will surely cope with this procedure successfully and without much difficulty.

Competent care for a wardrobe item, including a down jacket, will allow you to wear a thing with pleasure for the longest possible time.

Read other useful articles about laundry and stain removal on the Guardian of Cleanliness website. Stay with us!

A down jacket is a warm, light and practical piece of clothing. Unlike expensive fur coats and sheepskin coats, a down jacket is affordable, so almost everyone can buy it. However, this type of clothing requires special care. You can’t just take it and throw it into a washing machine or a basin of washing powder. You need to know how to properly wash a down jacket in a typewriter, and which program to prefer in order to maintain its original appearance and warming properties.

Experts advise washing a down jacket in a typewriter - automatic. Given the large number of modes and functions laid down, the home assistant can cope with the task of any complexity, including washing down products.

On what mode to wash a down jacket so that the fluff does not fall into lumps? First of all, you need to make sure that the care of the product involves washing. There are certain fabrics or fillers that are dry-cleanable only. Therefore, when buying clothes, you should definitely look at the label with special symbols that contain information on caring for the item.

Important! If there is a symbol on the label that shows a crossed-out basin of water, washing the down jacket in a washing machine or by hand is prohibited at all. If a hand is shown dipped into a basin of water, then only hand washing is allowed.

If cleaning the product in the machine is allowed, it is better to wash it on the “delicate” or “gentle” wash program. It is this washing mode that will avoid high mechanical stress and at the same time clean the fibers of the fabric and the downy filler from dirt. If there is no such program in the washing unit, you can select the “wool”, “silk” or “hand wash” mode - all of them provide for gentle washing of linen.

Down jacket washing instructions

Having decided on the mode in which to wash the down jacket, it is worth talking about the process of cleaning the product from dirt. The sequence of actions in this case includes several points:

After that, it remains only to press the "Start" button and wait for the machine to finish the cycle.

Important! Do not load 2-3 items into the drum at the same time. Wash each down jacket separately. Moreover, do not wash winter items together with other linen, otherwise small lint and fibers may remain on the jacket or coat, which will be difficult to remove.

Drying rules

Remember! The faster the down jacket dries, the better. With prolonged drying, the downy filler will acquire bad smell. However, you should not dry the jacket on a radiator or with a hot hair dryer - with such drying, the clothes will lose their warming properties.


The rules for caring for a down jacket will be useful to many. Even if an inexperienced hostess previously washed the product incorrectly and the fluff fell off, she can try to restore a jacket or coat. To do this, just follow the instructions in the article.

Not knowing how to clean a down jacket from dirt, many take it to a dry cleaner, where professionals will carefully remove all dirt. It is wise to do this at the end of winter, before removing all warm clothes in the closet, since dry cleaning is quite expensive and will take a lot of time. But what if the down jacket gets dirty during the winter or autumn? It remains to wash it by hand or in a washing machine. Faced with such a situation for the first time, many do not dare to wash the down jacket on their own, but there is nothing terrible and difficult in this. One has only to take into account some features of the down product and familiarize yourself with the basic rules of washing.

What is a real down jacket made of?

Everyone is accustomed to down jackets to attribute all voluminous winter jackets, regardless of what they are made of. In fact, inside a real down jacket there should be down (goose, swan, eiderdown or duck). On the tag of such a product should be marked "down". But such a label is extremely rare. Often, down jackets are filled with down and feathers, in which case the tag will contain the inscription - “feather”. It is these downy products that require special care and delicate handling when washing.

Not only down jackets require careful handling, but also outerwear filled with other heaters that have a synthetic nature of origin:

That's why general rules washing a down jacket will be quite relevant for owners of other insulated winter jackets.

Down jackets require special care

Basic rules for washing a down jacket

    Before you start washing the down jacket, you need to clean all pockets, valves and lapels from small debris, parts and other things. This can be done with an ordinary vacuum cleaner.

    All buttons, zippers and rivets must be fastened so that they do not deform during washing, and their parts cannot spoil the down product. Some models of down jackets are made quilted in order to fix the down more securely. Before you start washing such a jacket, it is best to sew open seams so that later the wet fluff does not move to other cells.

    Before you start washing the entire down product, some especially soiled areas are best treated with a special stain remover or solvent. In this case, it is imperative to pay attention to the material from which the down jacket is sewn, so as not to accidentally spoil it or damage the integrity of the fabric.

    Before you start washing the down product, you need to find a label on the inside of the down jacket that indicates the recommended temperature for washing. As experience shows, it is best to follow the instructions and take into account the temperature, since its increase can significantly affect the quality of the wash and the plastic fittings of the product.

    To clean the down jacket from heavy dirt, you can use only soft brushes and foam rubber sponges.

    It should be noted that down refers to materials with a fine-mesh structure, which retains water well and, accordingly, all detergents Therefore, for a better washing result, the down jacket must be rinsed several times.

    It is also worth considering that in order to give the material from which down jackets are sewn special protective properties, it is impregnated with a special solution, which is gradually washed out with each subsequent wash.

Washing a down jacket in a washing machine

In addition to its positive characteristics, fluff also has a number of negative ones, such as:

    ability to accumulate dust

    crumple when wet

    absorb water and detergents well,

    hold water and sms for a long time.

Therefore, before you start washing a down jacket in a washing machine, you need to remember that:

    Only one down jacket can be loaded into the washing machine.

    Washing of a downy product should be carried out at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees.

    The down jacket should be washed only in a delicate mode at low speeds.

    Before washing the down jacket, it must be turned inside out so that the feathers that tend to crawl out can not spoil appearance products. You also need to fasten all buttons, rivets and buttons.

    The down product should be spun at the lowest speed of the washing machine.

    For washing a down jacket, only special liquid synthetic detergents can be used.

The down jacket must be washed on a delicate cycle.

Some models of down jackets are sold complete with special wash balls, which, together with the down jacket, are placed in the drum of the washing machine. If such balls were not offered to you when buying a down jacket, then they can be replaced with the most ordinary tennis balls. Even three or four balls in the drum of the washing machine will not allow fluff to stray into lumps. The wringing process of your down product can take place along with tennis balls.

Modern models of drum-type washing machines allow you to gently clean the down jacket from heavy dirt. When washing a down jacket, no other things should be present in the drum of the machine, since particles of down that fall into the water have the ability to penetrate into the fabrics of other things, and their removal will take a lot of free time.

Why is it not recommended to use washing powder? Washing powder will not cause any harm to your fluff, it is simply very difficult to rinse out of the small fluff cells. When using washing powder, you just need to rinse the down jacket more thoroughly.

If your down jacket is not seriously soiled, then it is not necessary to wash it in a washing machine, you can also resort to a more gentle cleaning method - hand washing.

A down jacket can be found in almost any person. Few will refuse this practical, warm and cozy piece of clothing. However, problems often arise with washing - for some reason it is believed that a down jacket cannot be washed in a washing machine. In fact, the thing will not deteriorate if it is washed correctly.

Preparing a down jacket for washing

First, the product must be prepared - carefully inspect the pockets, unfasten the fur, if any. Next, you need to treat the stains - as a rule, there is dirt on the down jacket in the area of ​​​​the collar, cuffs, pockets. These contaminated areas can be treated laundry soap so that stains do not remain even after washing. Fasten all zippers.

Then the down jacket needs to be turned inside out - it should be washed in this form. It is not recommended to wash several things at once at a time - as a result, down jackets either do not wash off normally, or even deteriorate completely.

Choosing a detergent

The use of powdered products can lead to ugly streaks on the down jacket. Therefore, it is better to purchase a special liquid agent designed for down items, for example, Sport Fein Fashion, Eco Nordland Sport, Woly Sport Down Wash & Clean, Unipuh. Use in accordance with the instructions.

Means Sport Fein Fashion It is very cheap, but it is difficult to find it on sale. The label immediately indicates what can be used for washing down products. A bottle of Sport Fein Fashion with a capacity of 750 ml is enough for 10 washes.

Eco Nordland Sport suitable for both down jackets and sportswear. The product is effective already in water at a temperature of 20 degrees. According to the instructions, a 750 ml bottle is enough for 25 washes.

Unipuh- a liquid suitable for washing blankets, pillows, down jackets and other products from the same material. A 250 ml bottle is enough for about 5 washes.

Woly Sport Down Wash & Clean- Same effective remedy for washing a down jacket (one of the meanings of the word Down is down). Available in containers of 250 ml.

These are far from all the products intended for washing downy things - in any store there is something suitable for downy jackets. Considering that one container is enough for about 10 washes, and the down jacket is washed 1-2 times a year, you should not save money - it is better to buy a special product, and not experiment with ordinary powders.

In order not to lose fluff ...

... Use balls - "hedgehogs" made of PVC. In addition, they also improve the quality of washing. A couple of balls for one down jacket will be enough. You can also use "hedgehogs" when washing other things - they will become softer. You can also use tennis balls - judging by the reviews, they are no less effective. However, they need to be thoroughly washed first to make sure they don't shed.
In addition, special laundry balls can be found in stores or on Chinese websites. They are somewhat reminiscent of "hedgehogs", but differ in design.

Let's start washing in the machine

Wash down products are required at a temperature of 30 degrees. It is good if the washing machine has a special function for washing down jackets and similar things - for example, a “duvet”, etc. If it is not there, any delicate mode will do (it is important to ensure that the temperature does not exceed 30 degrees).

If there is a “super rinse” mode, you need to use it - the problem is that in the manufacture of down jackets some components are used that, after drying, the product will leave white stains on it. As a rule, such a nuisance can be encountered only during the first wash.

Spinning should be carried out at low speeds - no more than 600. At high speeds, fluff can crawl out of the seams.

How to dry a down jacket

If it is not there, then you need to leave the down jacket in an upright position and wait until the water drains from it. Before drying, all zippers and other fasteners must be unfastened, pockets turned inside out, but the down jacket itself must not be turned inside out.

Before hanging the down jacket on the coat hanger, it is advisable to stir up the fluff a little and try to evenly distribute it among the cells - even when using balls, it falls off a little. During the drying process, it is recommended to whip the fluff several times a day - this way it dries faster. It is important to dry the down jacket until it is completely dry. If the fluff does not dry completely, then subsequently it will begin to rot and emit a nasty smell. It is clear that in this case you will have to say goodbye to the product.

Even if you really want to dry the down jacket faster, you should not rush and put it on the battery, dry it with a hair dryer, etc. High temperatures negatively affect the fluff, and can cause the down jacket to become worse warm in cold weather. You can dry the product only in the bathroom or on the balcony. If the machine supports the drying function, you can use it, the main thing is not to take out the balls, which will whip the fluff in the process.

If the fluff is off

If a suitable washing mode was selected, and they did not forget to add a couple of balls to the machine, then, as a rule, the fluff does not stray much. If this happens, you need to try to evenly distribute the fluff over the down jacket with your hands, and even when it is wet. If this is not possible, you need to wash the down jacket again - this time in a suitable mode and with balls.

It is also sometimes advised to put a damp down jacket in the freezer. We can hardly imagine how you can stuff a bulky down jacket in there, and besides, it is not very hygienic. Therefore, we advise you to initially follow all the rules of washing and drying, so that later your household is not surprised by surprises in the refrigerator.

What not to do when washing a down jacket

A down jacket is a rather capricious thing, and some actions can ruin the product. Once again, we remind you that it is absolutely impossible to do:

  • wash in water with a temperature of more than 40 degrees (the best option is 30 degrees, with more high temperatures the fabric may shed, but in case of severe contamination that cannot be dealt with in cold water, temperature 40 degrees is allowed);
  • dry the down jacket in a horizontal position;
  • dry the down jacket with a hairdryer, on a battery, under the kitchen ceiling above the stove, etc.;
  • pre-soak;
  • use bleaching agents;
  • include spinning at a speed of more than 600 revolutions;
  • wash two or more down jackets at once.

As you can see, washing a down jacket in a washing machine is quite realistic. In addition, it is much safer than dry cleaning, after which the thing can cause allergies - especially in young children.
