Pension supplement for working pensioners per year. Lump sum allowance for pensioners

Or for other reasons.

The number of pensioners in Russia is increasing every year. Already as for 2019 they make up almost 30% of the total population of the country; more than 43 million people. Gaps in the pension system lead to the existence of problems that do not allow pensioners to enjoy a decent old age.

To overcome a possible crisis in pension payments, reforms are being carried out and new pension plans. The last kind of reform did not bypass pensioners who, being retired, continue to work.

Is it profitable to work in retirement?

Depending on the life situation, a person, having reached, has the right to choose - to issue him a pension and go on a well-deserved rest or continue labor activity and postpone her appointment, or continue to work after retirement.

Some citizens after retirement for various reasons continue their careers. This has its advantages and disadvantages.

  • By working, the pensioner increases his. Provided that insurance premiums are transferred for him, this will be taken into account in the annual pension recalculation and will affect the increase in his pension benefit.
  • However, since 2016, pensions for working not indexed. Payments of the indexed part are suspended until the pensioner stops working. Although, after the pensioner quits, his pension will be recalculated taking into account all the indexations that he missed and did not receive while he worked.

How is work experience counted?

Accounting for the length of service (of the able-bodied population and pensioners) is carried out using personalized accounting pension rights citizens. It is maintained by the FIU for all persons registered in the system (OPS) and having (SNILS).

Based on the data received from employers, information is generated on the personal account:

  1. about places and conditions of work;
  2. on periods of work and other activities included in the length of service;
  3. about the transferred insurance premiums;
  4. about the duration of the insurance experience;
  5. about the number of pension points.

All the information above is used by the Pension Fund authorities for conducting (assigning a payment when the right arises for it) and recalculating.

In addition to work, the insurance experience includes other periods life of an employee, such as leave to care for a child until he reaches the age of 1.5 years, periods military service by invitation.

They are taken into account if before and (or) they were followed by periods of work and other activities of a citizen.

Calculation of the amount of the insurance pension

For the amount of pension savings of a citizen is divided by the number of months expected payment period pension, the duration of which is annually determined by law (252 months in 2019).

The amount of the pension additionally depends on the time of application for its appointment. Late application of pension benefits after the onset retirement age increases the payout.

Formula for recalculating pension

Annually August 1 pensions are recalculated - insurance and funded (if it is formed). According to the new rules, pensioners who continue to work do not need to apply to the pension fund in order for them to make a recalculation, now this is done automatically based on employer reports.

This takes into account the funds received on the individual personal account of a citizen during the previous year, if they were not taken into account when assigning a pension or in the previous recalculation:

  • insurance premiums transferred by the employer or the pensioner himself, if he is an individual entrepreneur, notary, lawyer, etc.;
  • results of investment of pension savings;
  • additional contributions to the formation of a funded pension and their investment results.

Recalculation of insurance pensions

The increase in the amount of the insurance pension occurs due to the number of pension points earned from insurance contributions made in the previous year, if they were not taken into account in pension accruals and recalculations previously(art. 18 of the law "About insurance pensions").

To calculate the amount of the pension payment, taking into account its increase, the following formula is used:

SP \u003d SP st + IPC x SIPC,

  • joint venture- pension payment subject to recalculation;
  • SP st- pension before recalculation as of July 31 of the current year;
  • IPK- the number of points earned as of January 1 of the current year;
  • SIPC- the cost of the point as of the day from which the recalculation is made (in 2019, 87.24 rubles).

Maximum amount individual points, which is taken into account in the annual pension recalculation, is legally limited.

Depending on the formation of a funded pension at the expense of insurance contributions, the maximum number of IPC is equal to:

  • 3,0 - for persons who did not form a funded pension in the corresponding year.
  • 1,875 - for persons whose insurance premiums were sent to.

The amount of the pensioner's benefit also increases if the citizen, upon the onset of his right to the appointment of a pension, postponed the deadline for its registration. Law introduced multiplying factors affecting the size of the pension depending on the period of application for it:

  1. Coefficient of increase to the insurance pension.
    old ageEarly
    1 1,07 1,046
    2 1,15 1,1
    3 1,24 1,16
    4 1,34 1,22
    5 1,45 1,29
    6 1,59 1,37
    7 1,74 1,45
    8 1,9 1,52
    9 2,09 1,6
    10 2,32 1,68
  2. The coefficient of increase to a fixed payment.
    Full years of grace periodold ageEarly
    1 1,056 1,036
    2 1,12 1,07
    3 1,19 1,12
    4 1,27 1,16
    5 1,36 1,21
    6 1,46 1,26
    7 1,58 1,32
    8 1,73 1,38
    9 1,9 1,45
    10 2,11 1,53

Adjustment of funded pension

The pension savings of the insured person are subject to annual adjustment due to:

  • amounts of insurance transfers of the employer;
  • additional contributions made to the funded pension;
  • results of investing pension savings.

For 2019 by the Government extended moratorium for the formation of a funded pension at the expense of insurance premiums.

During the moratorium, a citizen can continue to form pension savings, but only through voluntary donations.

Funds not taken into account when assigning a pension or in the previous recalculation are taken into account in the calculation of the funded pension adjustment. The calculation is carried out according to the formula:

NP = PN to / T,

  • NP- the amount of adjustment of the funded payment;
  • Mon to- the amount of pension savings of a citizen as of July 1 of the current year. If a citizen is undergoing an adjustment to the fixed-term pension payment established for him, then the funds of savings taken into account in adjusting this payment are not taken into account as part of the savings, at the expense of which the amount of his funded pension is adjusted;
  • T- the number of months of the expected pension payment period, which is used to calculate the amount of the funded pension, as of July 31 of the current year.

The amount of the funded pension may also be changed based on the results of investing the funds of the payable reserve.

Cancellation of indexation of pensions for working pensioners

The pension system for citizens provides for pension payments due to rising inflation. This leads to additional financial costs for the state. Due to the difficult financial situation in our country, the Government is forced to take measures aimed at saving budgetary funds. In particular, it was decided to reduce government spending on providing for working pensioners.

So, from January 1, 2016 after the entry into force of the law dated December 29, 2015 No. 385-FZ, the annual indexation of pensions of working pensioners was canceled.

It is believed that pensioners who continue to work after retirement receive wages or other income, which is additional financial support for them, which (unlike those who work) do not have.

Accepted restrictions on the indexation of pensions do not apply on, including regardless of whether the pensioner works or not.

Will pensions be indexed in 2019?

Starting from 2016, in order to reduce budget expenditures for working pension recipients, the annual indexation of their payments was canceled. Despite this, in January 2017 they were eligible to receive lump sum payment 5 thousand rubles as compensation for the canceled indexation.

However, the government's plans for 2019 regarding the pensions of working Russians have not changed - their insurance pensions will not increase. Such a restriction is provided for in the PFR budget and it will last until 2021.

After the termination of employment, the pensioner again acquires the right to indexation of his pension payments and after dismissal he will receive a pension including all indexes which were carried out during the period of his work and which he did not receive. The pension recalculated taking into account all missed increases will be paid to the citizen in the month next month, in which the pension fund received information confirming the fact of his dismissal.

Retirement after leaving work

Despite the restrictions introduced, working pensioners were promised to compensate for all missed indexation after dismissal (clause 3, article 26.1 of the law "About insurance pensions"). At the same time, until 2018, the recalculation was carried out within 2-3 months, respectively, the full amount of the pension was received by citizens only after this period, and without any compensation during this time they were not provided.

From 2018, all pensioners who stop working will have their pensions indexed from the 1st month after dismissal, however, pensioners will be able to receive the full amount as before - only 3 months after their dismissal, however, they will be compensated in full.

Pensioner no need(but he has the right) to declare in pension authority about his dismissal to receive an increased pension. Changes in pension payments for inflation will be made based on data submitted by employers.

  • Now, according to the new rules, employers are required to submit monthly information to the pension fund containing information about pensioners, workers and those who have left.
  • Based on these data, the pension fund will be able to timely calculate pension payments, taking into account indexations in the event of a pensioner's dismissal.

After receiving an indexed pension, a pensioner can again get a job, while the amount of his already increased pension payment will not decrease.

Pension abolition law

In order to save the budget by reducing the cost of pensions, the Government discussed the issue of limiting the payment of pensions to those citizens who, while receiving pension benefits, continue their labor activity. Earlier in Soviet times, pensioners had such a restriction, but by doing so, the state pursued a different goal.

In 2015, a bill was issued that would abolish the pension payment to working pensioners, though not for everyone, but only for those who have a high annual income, namely, whose income is over 1 million rubles per year.

The implications of this bill could have a negative impact both on the citizens-pensioners themselves and on the economy of the state.

  • The ban on pension payments may provoke a departure from official salaries for pensioners, and, accordingly, the receipt of insurance premiums and taxes to the budget will decrease.
  • Professional workers of industries important to the state will leave their jobs in order to save their pensions.
  • In addition, such a decision is contrary to the legislative right to pensions for citizens.

Therefore, this bill not accepted. It was decided to keep payments to pensioners, and to achieve a reduction in pension expenses for working pensioners by abolishing the indexation of their pensions.

Measures of social support for pensioners

For citizens receiving or for other reasons, certain support measures have been developed in the form of benefits, compensations and other opportunities. Certain benefits also apply to working pensioners.

There are some advantages in employment relations for working pensioners compared to other workers:

  • A pensioner may, at his will, quit his job, stating this any day. This category of employees is exempt from the obligation to notify the employer of their dismissal 2 weeks in advance.
  • You can terminate an employment relationship with a working pensioner only on a universal basis.
  • Upon written application, the pensioner may at any time take vacation without saving payment(number of calendar days per year: pensioners by age - 14; veterans of the Great Patriotic War - 35; working disabled people - 60).

A pensioner can use the service of the employment service to improve their skills or get a new one in another field of activity.

Employees receiving a pension, as well as, have tax incentives:

  • exemption from personal income tax for pensions, material assistance issued by the employer, compensation for the purchase of prescription drugs, insurance payments under voluntary pension insurance contracts;
  • tax deduction to compensate for the cost of vouchers to sanatoriums and dispensaries, the amounts transferred by the employer for the purchase of technical devices and means of rehabilitation for working disabled people;
  • tax deduction for the amounts spent on the purchase of housing, land for the construction of a residential building, housing construction or the amounts received from their sale;
  • exemption from property tax;
  • regional benefits for transport and land tax.

Medical Benefits provide for free medical examinations for pensioners (once every three years), as well as free vaccination against influenza for persons over 60 years of age.

Social benefits established for pensioners regionally. This can be free travel on public transport or benefits and compensation when paying for utilities, etc.

Working pensioners of the inhabitants of the Far North and territories equated to them (unlike non-working ones) do not have the right to compensation for the cost of tickets to the place of rest and back.

Working military pensioners have additional benefits:

  • exemption from transport and land taxes;
  • arrangement out of turn for work in a civilian specialty;
  • extraordinary obtaining of places for children and grandchildren in kindergartens, schools, etc.


The government is considering various options reducing pension costs for working pensioners. However, some of the positives pension provision this category of citizens are preserved:

  • a working pensioner has the right to receive both pensions and additional income;
  • work in retirement increases the size of the pension. Due to the deduction of insurance premiums, the pension coefficient used in the recalculation of pensions increases;
  • postponing the registration of a pension for a year or more makes it possible to receive an increased amount of it due to the provided multiplying coefficients;
  • pension for a working pensioner not indexed, however, after his dismissal, his allowance will be indexed in full for the entire period for which he did not receive indexation;
  • many benefits and compensations provided for non-working pensioners, apply to working recipients of pension benefits.

Pensioners in Russia are divided into two categories: those who work and those who do not have an official place of work. Most of the payments are provided for pensioners who do not work anywhere and are on a well-deserved rest. But working pensioners do not always have high wages, so the issue of additional allowances is relevant for them.

How profitable is it to work in retirement?

The benefit is obvious. The person receives an additional source of income. Especially if his salary is at the average level of the region where he lives. Certain categories of working pensioners receive compensation from the state. In particular:

  • persons with disabilities;
  • citizens who have lost their breadwinner.

The retirement age is set at 65 for men. For the weaker sex - 55 years. There is a seniority pension, which is received by certain categories of workers, for example, astronauts, pilots, testers, military, etc. In 2018, pension indexation is not provided for working pensioners. But all pensioners, working and non-working, in the winter of 2018 received 5,000 rubles each.

The question of whether it is worth working in retirement is relevant. Each of the pensioners must add up the total income from wages and pensions, note all the minuses and pluses. Working in retirement is beneficial in that a person receives a salary, which acts as a significant replenishment of the family budget.

The advantage of working in retirement is that by working, the pensioner prolongs the length of service in time. But on condition that the employer sends contributions (insurance) to the funds. The length of service allows you to recalculate the pension, as well as increase it.

The disadvantage of working in retirement is that in 2016 they stopped indexing pensions for mature employees who work on a well-deserved rest. Payments of the indexed share of the pension are terminated while the pensioner is working. After he terminates the employment contract with the employer, the indexed pension will be transferred to him.

Another question arises with those pensioners who work without official registration of labor relations. They can count on pension indexation, but informal work is beneficial for them only if the employer is in good faith. In case of violation of their labor rights, it is quite difficult to prove the existence of a working relationship between the pensioner and the employer.

Law on working pensioners

Currently, this legal act has not been adopted. Provisions regarding working pensioners, the amount of their pensions, allowances, etc., remain at the stage of the bill. Its main provisions:

  1. Starting from 2018, it is not planned to index the considered payments to working pensioners according to the level of inflation. Pensions are indexed every year. But this applies only to non-working pensioners. Only they were the actual recipients of the indexed pension.

  2. IMPORTANT: The plans of the highest body of the executive branch of government have not changed in 2018. Their insurance pensions will not be indexed. The moratorium will last until 2020.
  3. From 2018, the final recalculation of pensions will take into account the length of service earned in retirement, as well as the amount of insurance contributions to the funds made by the pensioner's employer. The individual coefficient will be increased, which also affects the final size of the pension.
  4. In August 2018, it is planned to automatically recalculate the size of the insurance pension. This will not affect all working citizens in retirement, but only certain categories. In particular, those who are paid cash based on old age and disability. The amount of the allowance depends on the salary of the pensioner, which he received in 2016, as well as on the points accrued to the citizen.
  5. Presumably, pension benefits will not be paid to those pensioners who receive more than 1,000,000 rubles per year. The decision, of course, has not yet been made. It will be finalized in the future.

How much do working retirees get paid?

Retirees receive a pension. The payment consists of two parts. This fixed size cash payments, base size pensions. As well as an insurance pension. It consists of the duration of work, the number of points, which are calculated on the basis of deductions made in the FIU.

Retirees working on a well-deserved rest may apply for a recalculation of the fixed payment in the presence of certain life circumstances. For example, in the case of a change in the family related to the number of dependents. If a pensioner maintains no more than three family members who do not work, he is credited with the basic part of the pension (for old age or disability) in increased rate. If a person lives in the conditions of the Far North, the basic part of the pension is increased by the amount of the district coefficient set by the regional authorities.

A working pensioner has an extended insurance period. The employer must make payments to the funds for each employee. And this happens regardless of age. The recalculation of the insurance part is carried out automatically by the PFR. But citizens can apply and make an application. In it, indicate the recalculation of the sum insured pension.

Such an order proves that a person has refused, thereby, from automatic accrual. Such a procedure is possible after a year from the date of the appointment of a pension payment, but it does not always make sense. If pension payments were assigned to a person in January 2015, at the request of a working pensioner, the amount of payments can be recalculated only after a year. This is winter 2016. And automatic recalculation would have been made only in August 2016. That is, if a person intercedes for himself, this will speed up the recalculation process.

To get a decent pension, you need at least 30 years of experience. If a person retired without working out this period, but continues to work officially, he prolongs the length of service, thereby increasing the amount of accruals. If a pensioner has formed a funded part of the pension, then the maximum score that a person can count on is 3 points. If the cumulative part is in the process of accumulation, the score is even lower - 1.875. It is this indicator that will be taken into account in the recalculation.

There are certain cases when pension accruals are subject to recalculation:

  • 80 years - additional payment to the pension, established in each specific region;
  • disability: group change.

IMPORTANT: For recalculation, a declarative procedure is established. The exception is when a person reaches 80 years of age. The calculation in this situation occurs automatically.

Recalculation of pensions for working pensioners

Every year, on August 1, the recalculation begins. The entire pension, both parts of it, is subject to it. The recalculation is made automatically if the pensioner is at the workplace. The recalculation is influenced by employers' reports sent to the FIU for each individual employee. Funds that are redirected to the personal account of a pensioner during the previous 12 months are subject to accounting, if they were not taken into account in previous recalculations:

  • contributions to funds (insurance payments are transferred by employers, individual entrepreneurs, a lawyer, a notary;
  • results of investment processes related to pension savings;
  • other contributions transferred to the formation of the funded part, the results of these investments.

Retirement points accumulated by a person increase the insurance part of payments. They are formed from insurance contributions that were made in the previous 12 months. But on the condition that they were not taken into account in the accruals and in previous recalculations.

Let's use the financial equation:


Let's decipher the values:

  • SP - recalculated pension;
  • SPTS - indicators of the pension used for recalculation on July 31 of the billing year;
  • IPC - the number of points that a person has formed on January 1 of the current year;
  • SIPC - the cost of points on the day on which the recalculation takes place (in 2018, the current cost is 81.49 rubles);

The number of individual points taken into account in the annual recalculation of pension contributions is limited by law. Depending on the formation of the funded part of pension contributions to the account of insurance contributions, the number of points in the maximum indicator is equal to:

  • 3.0 - for citizens who did not deal with funded pension issues in the current year, that is, they simply did not form it;
  • 1,875 points for citizens who, with the help of the employer, directed their insurance premiums for the formation of savings.

IMPORTANT: The amount of the benefit may be increased if the citizen has postponed the deadline for obtaining a pension.

Depending on the term of application for pension payments, their size increases. The pension is subject to adjustment every year. This is due to the amount of insurance contributions of the employer, contributions of an additional nature, the results of investing savings (pension).

IMPORTANT: For 2018, the highest executive authority imposed a moratorium on the formation of savings through contributions. A citizen can continue to save, but only at the expense of his own transfers.

The accumulative part is adjusted using funds that were not taken into account in the previous recalculation. The formula is used:

NP = PNK / T

Let's decipher the formula:

  • NP - adjustment of the funded payment and its size;
  • PNK - the amount of accumulated funds placed on the account of a citizen as of July 1. If a citizen's fixed-term pension is adjusted, then the savings taken into account in the adjustment cannot be taken into account as part of the savings, due to which the amount of the funded part of the pension payment was adjusted;
  • T - the number of months of payment of pension savings, taken into account the size of the funded part;

Indexation of pensions after completion of work

Pension indexation occurs only one month after the pensioner terminates the employment contract. But in practice, this process is delayed. This is due to the fact that, under Article 26.1 of the Law on Insurance Pensions, policyholders do not immediately submit to the Pension Fund an application that the pensioner has completed their employment. Employers submit reports only for the previous month in the reporting period. This means one thing: if a person quit in June, in July he will be considered still working. The next month, after receiving information from the insured that the person has quit his job, the fund makes a decision that the insurance pension should be paid to the person already in an indexed form.

IMPORTANT: The amount of pensions in an increased form will be paid only from the month that follows the one in which the PFR made a decision on indexation.

How is the term of work for working pensioners taken into account

On the personal account of any person, including a working pensioner, there is data on the entire period of his work. Since 2002, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has introduced a program for electronic registration of information about persons who are insured.

Information about the length of service of the employee is provided by the employer, and then data on insurance premiums. The data is reflected in the documents. Now all information about a working person, a pensioner is formed on the ILS.

If the pensioner works on a well-deserved rest, formalized, insurance part pension increases with seniority.

Thus, the undoubted advantage of working in retirement is that by working, a person increases the length of service. But on condition that the employer transfers contributions (insurance) to the fund for him. The length of service is relevant in terms of annual pension recalculation, as well as an increase in the size of the pension.

In addition to monthly payments, pensioners have the opportunity to receive a share of their labor pension in the form of lump sum social payment. The condition for granting such benefits is the existence of certain rights.

Citizens can also count on an urgent pension subsidy formed from additional deposits.

A single payment is provided by the FIU or NPF. It depends on where the working citizen made insurance premiums. The payment of this allowance is regulated by the Government of the Russian Federation.

List of documents

To obtain it, you must visit the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (NPF) and submit a written application. Additionally, you will need to submit the following documents:

  • identification;
  • certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
  • determination of the size of the insurance period and labor pension (the certificate is issued by the inspector of the territorial branch of the Pension Fund);
  • bank details of the recipient of the lump sum payment

The legislation allocates a month for making a decision on the appointment of the payment in question. The countdown starts from the day the employee of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation submits an application supported by necessary documents. With a positive result, the money can be received within two months after the decision is made.

If the appointment of payments is refused, the PF notifies the citizen in writing, indicating the reason.

A third of all Russian pensioners continue to work. For such citizens, one-time accruals of funds are usually not provided. If a working pensioner is laid off due to a layoff, the employer must pay him a standard severance pay.

But a pensioner can improve his situation by applying for SIT. The lump-sum pension is determined by the amount of SIT on the account of citizens at the time they are assigned a labor pension. For persons born before 1967, pension savings were created in 2002-2004. Therefore, the amount of their payments is 5-15 thousand rubles.

Who is entitled to a one-time allowance from SPN

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached retirement age but have not received the necessary seniority or the coefficient set for the calculation of the old-age allowance.

These persons are on state pensions, receive payments for the loss of a breadwinner, disability. List of insured persons who are entitled to lump sum completed by persons disabled due to illness.

If a person has not previously applied for a pension, his accumulated funds are not included in the total amount.

To receive a one-time grant, he needs the accumulated part to be less than 5% of the total estimated amount.

If funded allowance it was previously established that a person cannot receive a one-time subsidy.

Indexation of pensions in 2016

In 2016, at numerous meetings, authorized persons discussed the issue of indexing pension payments. The problem was the lack of funds. The standard indexation procedure involves the recalculation of payments carried out in favor of pensioners. Regular monthly subsidies for this category of citizens are increased by the real rate of inflation.

As a result, an acceptable solution to the problem was not found, and the amount of indexation of insurance pensions amounted to only 4% (status as of February 2016).

The second half of the year is usually chosen as the period for such an increase in pensions. But the economic condition of the state did not allow to carry out the indexation provided for by law at that time. In 2017, indexation will be carried out in full, commensurate with the real level of inflation.

Lump sum in 2017

On August 23, 2016, a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation was held, at which D. Medvedev announced that it was planned to pay pensioners a one-time grant. Its size will be 5000 rubles. This amount will replace indexation. The final adoption of the bill by the State Duma and its signing by the president took place in November.

This lump sum payment will affect all categories of pensioners: unemployed, military. The latter were not initially listed as recipients, since they are taken care of by law enforcement agencies, and not by the FIU. But the president instructed the drafters of the bill to make and adopt the appropriate amendments. The exception will be citizens of retirement age who permanently reside abroad. They will not receive a lump sum. The total number of citizens who received this money will be approximately 43 million people.

Getting benefits

The compensation will be transferred together with the pension for January of the current year or on another day. To receive it, the pensioner does not need to write an application.

When carrying out further indexation, this increase in pension will not be taken into account.

The delivery schedule is scheduled for January 13-28, 2017. For those who receive pensions at home via the Russian Post, both benefits will be delivered at the same time.

If the pensioner cannot receive this money on the set day, he should visit the post office on his own. The schedule for transferring pension funds to bank cards will not change.

Federal laws do not provide for lump-sum compensations relating to all pensioners without exception. They are paid to certain categories in special cases. At the same time, working and non-working persons of retirement age also fall into different groups on concessions. What are the lump sum payments for pensioners? Let's figure it out.

Payout instead of indexing

According to the law, pensions of non-working pensioners must be indexed annually to the percentage of last year's inflation. In 2017, instead of the planned recalculation based on the results of 2016, a one-time allowance in the amount of 5 thousand rubles was paid.

If indexation increases pension provision, then a one-time allowance is not taken into account anywhere and does not affect anything.

In 2018, it is planned to recalculate pensions due to inflation in 2017 in January, April and August. In 2015, the price increase was 15%, of which 4% was taken into account in pensions. The possibility of paying the non-indexed part of pensions in the amount of 10 thousand rubles is being discussed. in 2018.

On the video - a description of the payment:

What are the lump sum benefits for retirement?

Upon settlement in connection with retirement, the employer is obliged to make the final settlement and pay:

  • wages;
  • vacation pay for unused days;
  • severance pay (under a collective agreement or labor agreement).

Earnings and compensation for vacation are calculated based on the hours worked per month and the break between the previous regular vacation. The amount of severance pay is negotiated at the conclusion of a collective agreement or upon employment.

Civil servants receive a one-time payment in the amount of a six-month salary upon retirement.

What financial assistance are pensioners entitled to?

Non-working pensioners with disabilities who receive a labor pension are entitled to regional targeted financial assistance.

Conditions for obtaining:

  • loss of housing and property due to fire;
  • expenses for treatment (operations, examinations) not exceeding 25,000 rubles;
  • costs for household appliances durable use (TVs, washing machines, refrigerators), as well as furniture, personal computers.

The level of income of citizens in need should be below the average per capita in the region.

The lump-sum allowance is made upon application and is paid at the expense of federal subventions.

Documents for receiving a one-time amount

To receive financial assistance, a pensioner must apply to the social security authorities.

Documents that give the right to assistance:

  • certificate of income of family members living with a pensioner;
  • documents confirming the need for treatment and its cost;
  • survey report on the absence of a TV (refrigerator, washing machine or other technology).

A working pensioner in the civil service, as well as other employees, is entitled to a one-time allowance in the amount of double the official salary when taking the next vacation. At the end of the year, they are also entitled to financial assistance (upon a written application) corresponding to the monthly allowance. What payments are due after the death of a pensioner will tell.

An employer can provide financial assistance to a former employee. Purpose of payments:

  • for the funeral of a close relative;
  • compensation for damage from a natural disaster or terrorist attack;
  • treatment, drugs.

For each item there is a non-taxable limit provided by law. To receive money and, you need to contact your previous place of work with an application and evidence papers.

Lump sum benefit from pension contributions

This benefit applies to the following categories of citizens:

  • born younger than 1967;
  • having a ratio of the funded part of the pension (if it is established) to the insurance part of 5% or less;
  • receiving insurance pension disability, loss of a breadwinner;
  • state, if there is no insurance period due to the transition period;
  • those who participated in the State Pension Co-financing Program from 2008 to 2014;
  • in favor of which from 2002 to 2004 employers paid insurance premiums (men born in 1953-1966, women born in 1957-1966).

Find out about the one-time social payment to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for housing.

On the video - a lump sum payment from pension contributions:

Payment is made no more than once every 5 years.

To receive it, you need to contact the place where the funded part of the pension is formed: the Pension Fund or the non-state pension Fund. You can clarify the place of application by applying for a personal account statement at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. He will tell you about benefits for caring for a disabled child.

If deductions were made to the state fund, then the additional payment will be received simultaneously with the monthly pension provision. With an agreement on the disposal of the funded pension part with NPFs and, it will be necessary to make a written application and indicate the current account where to transfer the due amount.

Registration of a one-time monetary compensation to pensioners

The procedure for issuing a lump sum payment in the NPF:

  • statements;
  • passports;
  • SNILS;
  • a certificate from the Pension Fund indicating the receipt of a disability pension (survivor's pension, state), data on insurance experience and individual points (not allowing to receive an insurance pension);
  1. The representative must have identification, registration, residence documents and a notarized power of attorney.
  2. Certified copies of the listed documents are sent by post.

He will tell you about the documents necessary for recalculating the pension.

The day, month, year in the application or on the postal item is the date of circulation.

The term for verification of the specified information is 1 business day.

Reasons for denial of payment may include:

  • the absence of an agreement on the transfer of pension contributions;
  • data inaccuracy;
  • irregularities in filling out the application.

At the same time, the received documents with an explanation of the claims are returned to the applicant.

If the application is accepted for consideration within 30 calendar days, the following is carried out:

  • verification of all data, including those provided by the FIU department;
  • the amount to be paid on the day of application is calculated;
  • informs the FIU of information about the pensioner who is entitled to a one-time transfer.

Find out about military pensions.

Retirees will be able to receive:

  • by mail;
  • at the NPF cash desk;
  • to a personal account.

Lump sum payments to pensioners working and on vacation are provided for in local laws and Government Decrees. The possibility of receiving, and one-time financial assistance arises upon dismissal (for civil servants), repayment of the funded part of the pension, difficult life situations.

If a pensioner continues to officially work at the enterprise, this does not mean that he is not entitled to pension benefits. In 2016, the pensions of older workers were not indexed as the Russian budget was going through difficult times. Currently, regular adjustments to the amount of payments are being made - indexation. But from August 2019, pensions will also increase due to the recalculation of the PFR. From this article you will find out what the pension supplement will be for working pensioners, what the annual indexation of pensions is, and whether any documents need to be submitted for recalculation.

Pension supplement for working pensioners by adjusting the Pension Fund

This year, 2019, employed pensioners are entitled to an increased pension benefit. The changes are related to the recalculation of payments by specialists Pension Fund. This event should not be confused with the annual indexation of labor pensions - in this case, the amount is increased by a fixed percentage, and the new allowance will be calculated on an individual basis. The amount of the additional payment to the allowance will differ depending on the salary of the working elderly person and on his age.

This is explained as follows: the longer the period during which the pensioner receives benefits, the smaller the number of years taken into account, for which the amount transferred in the FIU insurance contributions, which means that the premium will be higher.

Important! The pension supplement for working pensioners cannot be more than 244 rubles - that is how much 3 individual pension coefficients (“pension points”) cost.

You will not need to submit any applications and documents for the recalculation - the adjustment is without application and will be carried out automatically by August 1, 2019. The conditions for receiving the supplement are as follows:

  • the pensioner must be a recipient of an old-age/disability pension benefit;
  • heads of enterprises in which pensioners are employed should have been in the previous year and (or) in the I quarter. 2017 to transfer insurance premiums to the Pension Fund, on time and in full (employment must be official).

What will be the pension supplement for working pensioners

Important! Recalculation is an increase in the size of the insurance pension by age. But if a pensioner also receives a funded pension, it can also be increased.

No matter how long a pensioner employed at an enterprise works, the current laws do not allow receiving an increase in pension benefits for more than the maximum possible number of earned IPC (individual pension coefficients). In 2016-2019, there were no changes to this account - as before, the allowance is calculated only for 3 “pension points”.

The average monthly salary is 24,000 rubles - this is the amount that guarantees 3 points for 12 months of work. But, even if the pensioner's official salary is higher than the mentioned value, the allowance will be recalculated according to the maximum number of points - three. The amount of the fee will depend on:

  • the number of earned pension points;
  • the price of 1 such IPC for the current year.

Pension supplement for working pensioners: calculation example

Pensioner Tatyana has earned 2 "pension points" for 12 months of her work at the enterprise. In 2019, the cost of 1 IPC is 81 ruble 57 kopecks. The pension supplement for working pensioners will be equal to: 2 x 81.57 = 157.16 rubles.

Pensioner Vasily earned 4 individual pension coefficients for 1 year of work. However, for the recalculation of the pension, only 3 points are taken into account, and therefore Vasily's additional payment will be: 3 x 81.57 = 244.71 rubles.

Pensioner Marina receives 15 thousand rubles a month. She worked in 2017 for only 9 months. The pension supplement for working pensioners will be calculated for her on the basis of real data - she will not be able to increase her pension by 244.71 rubles, since her salary is less than 24 thousand rubles, and she has not worked a full year.

Carrying out the recalculation of pensions at the request of a pensioner

The old-age pension may be subject to recalculation (from the 1st day of the next month) after the pensioner submits an application, if there are legal grounds for this:

  • the pensioner maintains dependents (relatives who are unable to work due to various circumstances);
  • the pensioner lives and works in the Far North or in areas equivalent to it.

The applicant must have the following documents with him:

  • passport;
  • a copy of the personal work book;
  • a document that is the basis for the recalculation (certificate of employment in the Far North, the conclusion of a medical and social examination on the assignment of disability to a pensioner's dependent, etc.).

Increase in funded pension for employed pensioners

Important! The larger the amounts transferred by a working pensioner to the funded pension, the greater the amount of the increase after recalculation.

In addition to employees working for the employer, there are employers themselves - individual entrepreneurs, private practitioners, lawyers, notaries and other self-employed citizens. All of them make insurance contributions to the Pension Fund in order to receive a funded pension in the future. All the money that has been accumulated will be paid out in the form of a pension supplement. And after the pension is recalculated, the funded pension will also be increased, if there are reasons for that. The increase will occur if:

  • savings on the personal account are invested;
  • changes in the size of receipts for urgent payments or funded pensions.

Expert opinion on the question of whether a pension supplement for working pensioners is a significant reason to continue working

According to the data Russian statisticians , the proportion of working pensioners out of the total number of elderly people receiving a pension is only 40%. Their salary, as a rule, is less than the pension benefit, and therefore the increase in pension turns out to be completely meaningless. Due to this employees of the pension fund sure that the allowance is not a reason to continue working. The state is trying in every possible way to encourage pensioners to continue working, although this creates problems with the employment of young specialists - jobs are occupied by old people.
