Party script for adults for the new year. Options for scenes for the new year for adults

We offer to organize your favorite holiday the most new year theme- fairy tales. Arranging a holiday in our new scenario for the new year game program"Fairytale Holiday" guests and organizers will be able to participate in entertainment about fairy tales, play a role in a fairy tale and just have a fabulous rest and have a good time together. The scenario is universal, not tied to a specific year or venue, and may well become the basis for a family, friendly or corporate party, both on the eve of the holiday, and directly at its meeting on December 31st.

New Year's scenario" fairytale holiday"

Presenter: Hello dear guests. I am very glad to see you at our Fairytale Holiday. And I am sure that with guests like you, it will be truly fabulous and sincere. On the eve of the New Year, you always want miracles and magic. And even adults begin to believe in them. Where does the magic always happen? That's right, fairy tales. And our evening will be devoted to fairy tales. We will tell fairy tales, guess fairy tales, show fairy tales and live like in a fairy tale. First, let's fill the glasses.


Let's fill our glasses with champagne

So that everyone's heart immediately becomes more joyful!

May this meeting be sincere and pleasant.

And fabulously cheerful our New Year's Eve!

Banquet break.

Presenter: The beginning of the evening was announced, now it's time to get acquainted! After all, you always feel freer and more comfortable in a well-known company, do you agree? My name is… (Name), and I would love to spend some fabulously enjoyable hours with you. And, in order to get to know you better, and at the same time, to raise your mood, I suggest everyone to participate in a funny and energetic chant. I will ask questions, and if your answer is yes, you stand up and shout “I!” loudly.

Table chant "Let's get to know each other better"

Who with a positive attitude

Actively searching now? (guests respond)

He's getting up now

Who is married. (guests respond)

Stand up like this, but not alone,

Who has a son in the family. (guests respond)

Respond those, period,

Who is raising a daughter. (guests respond)

They barely rise

Who has two children. (guests respond)

Who, chur, not melting,

The large family? (guests respond)

Who bought or built a house,

Housewarming celebrated in it? (guests respond)

Who lives in his apartment?

Together in chorus, three or four. (guests respond)

Get up all together

Who is sitting right now! (guests respond)

Presenter: Noticed? They shouted in unison and somehow closer friend became a friend! I propose, right now, to fill the glasses and drink for rapprochement, for the fact that all of you have gathered here so unanimously!

Banquet break

Presenter: And who remembers from which cartoon the phrase: “Oh, these fairy tales!” (guests answer) That's right, "Last year's snow was falling." Do you remember fairy tales? Let's check? We divide into two teams. And we call in turn . (They call in turn for a warm-up). What good fellows, have not forgotten yet fairy tales. Personally, I also love fairy tales since childhood and I know, like many of you, almost by heart. But in the modernized version, sometimes I just don’t recognize them. Everyone who helps me learn a fairy tale, the content of which is conveyed in youth slang, is guaranteed a prize.

Table competition" Guess the tale by slang".

1. “This tale is about one dude with a long snob and a dude with a blue hair. This dude's fater wanted to put him in a SCHOOL. But he was purple before studying, and he hung out with a company, whose boss had one bearded person who beat them hard. The dude stashed himself one expensive little thing. And this boss has been chasing him the whole story.”

(“The Golden Key” - to the one who guessed the prize)

2. “This tale is about one girl. Her vater found himself one hag who pressed her hard. But once she got to a pretentious party. There she fell in love with an authoritative dude. And he had a crush on her not like a child. She pressed him about herself. Then she quickly left the party. But not used to running on cables, she lost one shoe. Because of this shoe, I fell asleep. And in the end, love is carrots and all that.”

(“Cinderella” - to the one who guessed the prize)

3. "This tale is about how one bespontovy girl fell into someone else's haza, ate food, made beds, and when she was burned, she washed off."

(“Masha and the Three Bears” - to the one who guessed the prize)

Blitz-poll of the presenter "Who is in the hall today"

(Below is an option for an unfamiliar company, which, depending on the intended composition or situation, can be adjusted)

Presenter: Thank you, connoisseurs of modern folklore! Where does such knowledge come from? Are your kids teenagers or do you spend a lot of time on the Internet? (approaches those who received the prize, they answer, the presenter gets acquainted with them and asks the last of them). What zodiac sign were you born under? (guest answers, for example, Virgo) Then it is clear why you answered the question, because the representatives of your sign are traditionally famous for their curiosity and attractiveness. There are still Virgos in the hall, in the sense of those who were born under this sign? Stand up, please, we will greet you and admire! (approaches one of the responding guests)

- We all now approximately know the month of your birth? What is your name? (guest answers, for example, Sergey) You came here because you love New Year Or for a company? (guest answers) Anyone else love New Years? Majority! Are there guests with the name Sergey still in the hall? Stand up so we can greet you too! (fits one of them)

- Sergey, did you know that for men with your name the most favorable day of the week is Friday? Did not know? But you probably did, right? Always somehow wanted to spend it in a special way, right? It would be nice in a restaurant, but with a loved one or a loved one? I would prefer with Andrew. And what female name do you like the most? (guest answers, for example, Marina). Beautiful name! Are there girls with this name among us? (guests respond) Hello Marin! (fits one of them)

- Marina, what do those closest to you call you? (guest answers). Do they know that you are very unpredictable? However, here, as the stars converge. What animal is the symbol of your year of birth? (calls, for example, Monkey). Then, everything is fine, only pleasant surprises can be expected from you. I would like to see those who, like the charming Marina, were born in the year of the Monkey? Let's welcome this fun company! (goes to the closest one)

My name is still (Name), how about you? Amazing! Tell me, 2016 was successful for you, was it your year? (the guest answers, the host reacts, depending on the answer, if, for example, yes, then “it should have been so, you will be lucky this year too.” And if not, then that “you will definitely be lucky in the coming year”)

Are there many lucky people in our company who were born in the year of the Dog? Stand up please! Dear guests, remember these faces and try to be closer to them throughout 2018 and touch them more often. I advise you to start today. I would like to introduce you to each of them! (in turn gets acquainted with the guests of the year of the Dog) Let's greet the favorites of the coming year with thunderous applause! (guests applaud) Thank you!

Yes, it’s better to stay close to me today too, our Santa Claus left me one of his bags (shows) and allowed to encourage the most active and quick-witted. And right now I'm ready to give a prize to the one who will be the first to say how many Sergeyevs are among us? (who guessed the prize) And those born in the year of the Dog? (who guessed the prize)

(if this is a corporate party, then you need to give the floor to the company's management)

- And I also have a special prize from Santa Claus for the leader (or leaders) this glorious team. Respond, are there such people in the hall? (distributing prizes and getting to know each other, then offers to make a toast)

Banquet break

Presenter: Friends, have you noticed that the greatest storytellers are men? Andersen, Brothers Grimm, Alexei Tolstoy. Therefore, I can only trust them to participate in this competition, and many of them, for sure, have come across its conditions more than once. (Selects or invites three active men to participate and distributes printed texts and explains the conditions of the competition)

The essence of the competition: You need to read an excerpt from a well-known children's fairy tale, naming only vowels, so that the rest can guess what kind of fairy tale it is. You can help with gestures.

Competition for men "Great storytellers"

Presenter: Before the dance break in our fairy tale, we have already remembered the most long-awaited and beloved fairy-tale characters of the New Year. Who is this? That's right, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Or maybe it's time for us to make a fairy tale come true? Let's all together, as it should be, call Santa Claus. So, all together: “Santa Claus! Father Frost!"

Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out.

Father Frost(Snow Maiden): After all, Snegurochka, it’s not enough for us to give gifts to children every year, so adults also piled on. (to guests) Do you want gifts? And stand on a stool, and tell a rhyme? Okay, I'm kidding. I know that you don’t know anything except as a “beard made of cotton wool”. Well, since I have such a position, you will receive your gifts. But not just like that. And whoever guesses what the gift is, he will receive it.

New Year's riddles of Santa Claus with comic gifts

(guesses Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden distributes gifts to those who guessed)

1. The product is soft, pleasant to the body,

In an intimate setting you will find something to do with him.

Everyone needs it several times a day.

Who will receive it now?

(Toilet paper)

2. It can be sucked, it can be licked,

You can even bite gently.

Any pioneer will tell you -

The longer the pleasure, the larger the size .


3.It's a miracle tool

Everything is repaired in a moment.

Drill, screwdriver and screwdriver

Previously, he deftly replaced .

(Insulating tape)

4. Used to be a luxury item,

Now is a necessity.

Who cares about appearance, who is cross-country.

(Toy car)

5. The miracle of technology is

Without him, well, nowhere.

To get a result

Need running water .

(Washing machine. They give its prototype - soap)

6. That little girl thing

Everyone needs it: both grandmothers and granddaughters.

It can be used to increase volume

Not using silicone.

(Lipstick. Increases the visual volume of the lips)

7. This tool is newfangled

Suitable for men and women.

All you need to do is swing

Will remove everything that grows in different places.

(Disposable razor)

8. Any company will be the soul,

If this item is with you .

(Disposable glass or stack)

9. There will be no release from women,

If you always carry it with you.

With him, female interest in you will not disappear,

Even if without press cubes. (Wallet)

Musical game "Santa Claus guesses wishes"

Father Frost: Well, what do you say, that's not what you wanted, right? Like, Grandfather Frost became old, he forgot how to do miracles, he stopped guessing. (Snow Maiden) It seems to me, granddaughter, that some here do not believe in me. I need to show them that I can.

(Approaches selectively to some guests, holds his palm above their head, music sounds).

Approximate options for musical passages for this game look at folder "Guessing wishes"

Santa Claus games

Father Frost: And now I will fulfill your desires. Of course, not all at once, but some will be lucky if they prove that their desire is really strong. So, stand up, who wants money and wealth, let's go. (Several people exit.) Do you want money? Did you try to work? Okay, I'll give you money, but only one. The fastest one. You know the saying: "Who managed, he ate." So, the first competition.

- 1 contest "Get the grapes".

On a small table is a plate of grapes (seedless). Grapes are one less than the participants. To the music, the participants walk around the table. When the music stops, everyone should eat a grape. Whoever doesn't get it is out. So we weed out half of the participants.

Father Frost: Round 2 There is another proverb: "If you want to live, know how to spin."

Let's see which one of you spins the best.

- 2 contest "Hit the target".

We put targets in front of the participants. (You can have one target and they will do it in turn). The participant is untwisted several times. After stopping, he must hit the target with an improvised projectile. We leave 2-3 winners.

Father Frost: And there is one more wisdom: “If you want to feed a person, give him a fish. If you want him to be fed all his life, give him a fishing rod.” Round 3: fishing.

- 3 contest "Catch a fish"

You can take either children's magnetic fishing rods, or ropes with hooks and something that can be hooked. Everyone from one line begins to cast fishing rods and catch "fish". Whoever catches the most wins. Up to one winner.

Father Frost: Here is our winner who will get his wish right now. (to the winner). You want a lot of money. You know, in order to become rich and have a lot of money, it is important to be able not only to earn, but also to save. (Takes out a piggy bank from the bag, you can put a coin there). Now, every time you receive income, put 10% here. And at the end of the year you will be much richer.

Well, my friends, it's time for me. Happy New Year.

(Father Frost and the Snow Maiden leave)

New Year's toast "To live like in a fairy tale"

Presenter: What a pity, but tonight

Already very close to the denouement.

Let's raise our glasses

To live like in a fairy tale

Eyes from love to burn

And my heart sang with happiness

Relatives so as not to get sick,

And the business was successful.

So that love is mutual with money,

The income was, if possible, passive,

To be strong men

And women so that they are all beautiful.

And I say goodbye to you. But our evening continues. And I invite you to the dance floor.



New Year's party for adults. Scenario

“How evil spirits met the New Year 2018”

Under gloomy music, representatives of evil spirits appear in the hall: the goblin, the kikimora, the devil.

They slowly move in a circle, from time to time freezing in bizarre poses. Then the whole procession is dispersed by Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga. Ugh, devilry! They set up some bacchanalia here. They told me: do not mess with Western agencies! No, in our opinion, in Russian: they would dress up a Christmas tree in the forest, according to tradition, they would steal gifts from Santa Claus. I would dress up as the Snow Maiden, I would prove to everyone that she is not at all cold ... (Notices the guests.)

Oh, and the guests are already here! Hello, vampires and kikimorki, ghosts and all evil spirits! Thank you for coming to my New Year's party!

kikimora. FAQ? What else is a party?

Baba Yaga. Ah, the village! Party is the American holiday. Now Western showmen will arrive, that is, for you, the dark ones, entertainers-buffoons. They will amuse us, entertain us, arrange a New Year's performance in their own way. Only something they are delayed - but that's okay, we'll warm up for now. Make grandma happy, tell me how terrible and vile I am.

Baba Yaga holds a competition.

Terrible Compliment Auction

Participants take it in turns to name the negative qualities of a grandmother. The one who repeated himself, made a mistake or was late with the answer for more than 3 seconds, is out. Baba Yaga presents her portrait to the winner.

From afar, mournful groans and sounds similar to singing are heard.

Oh you are cute

You hear me.

I'm standing under the window

I'm with a guitar.

To whom am I

Did you leave?

Is it really love

Is ours dead?

Do you remember how you

Have you had mercy?

Every bone

Did you grind?

Oh, you are a darling

You are Yagushechka

You come back to me

On a pillow!

Kashchei the Immortal appears with a stunted bouquet of flowers and a guitar.

Kashchei. Yaga! Why didn't you invite me, your most devoted admirer, to your Sabantuy? Maybe, Last year see you!

Yaga. Are you crazy, Kashchei? Or your needle is completely rusted, hee hee hee!

Kashchei. It's you, Yagusya, behind the times. Or have you heard nothing about the end of the world? In 2012, we are all finished, so you and I have only a year left.

Yaga. I'd rather live this year as a free self-sufficient woman than endure your endless frills.

Kashchei. What are you talking about, old lady? Have you completely lost your mind?

Yaga. Exactly. “Old, hag, lost her mind” - Vasilisa the Beautiful, I suppose, you will sing other songs! That's it, my feminine patience has run out. I want to be respected and seen in me not only as a woman, but also as a man!

Kashchei. What are you, Yagusenka. You are very personal with us - both as a woman and as a representative of the forest fauna. There will be more terrible than you.

Kashchei holds the "Scarecrow" contest.

The hosts call two teams of 3 people each (1 lady and 2 gentlemen).

The lady stands between the gentlemen, and they must dress her in a minute, but only in the clothes that they themselves have (watches and rings are also considered). Accordingly, the winning team is the one whose queen has more clothes. The game goes just fine, especially when such a picture appears: 4 representatives of the stronger sex stand in what their mother gave birth to, and two beauties resemble garden scarecrows.

Yaga. It doesn't justify you. You are very rigid. Tell me, how did we have fun? Dinner with toadstools by candlelight and riding on a mortar. And the Americans offered me to dance a striptease.

Kashchei. And what is this nonsense?

Yaga. Now I will demonstrate!

To the appropriate music, Baba Yaga begins to slowly undress.

Kashchei. That's horror! Stop it, Yaga, otherwise the blow will be enough for me before the end of the world comes!

Yaga. Okay, look then soft option.

Conducts a contest "Soft striptease".

Several participants are called to the stage. They are given sheets with small slits. On a signal, they throw the sheets over themselves and begin to take off their clothes. A minute later, a second signal sounds, and the presenters count who took off large quantity items. In the final, you can announce that the clothes of the participants will be sold at the auction, which will take place in 15 minutes.

In the hall, sharp sounds are heard - metal on glass.

Kashchei. What is this? Who is this? (Hides behind Yaga)

Yaga. Do not be afraid, dear guests. This is our foreign showman has finally arrived!

Freddy Krueger appears.

For the audience to recognize him, a hat, a striped T-shirt are enough, and, of course, the notorious hand is needed (2-3 forks are attached to the fingers with a plaster).

Freddie(with an American accent). Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Good evening, Woman Yaga! (Kisses Yaga's hand.) Sorry for being late, bottles.

Yaga. What other bottles?

Freddie. Well, I don't know how to say it in Russian... Transportation collapse...

Kashchei. Bugs, right?

Freddie. That's it, traffic jams... (Notices Kashchei.) And this, as I understand it, is your national superstar hero. (She holds out her hand with the forks to Kashchei.)

Kashchei. Firstly, I still have a lot of old age, and secondly, I myself could organize a holiday for our evil spirits in the forest - we would save a lot of money.

Yaga. Yeah, save money with you ... So they would have watched The Irony of Fate all night ...

Freddie. I will now show you one trick, and you will understand what performance is.

Focus Freddy

Freddy takes out the prepared flowers: 3 red and 3 blue. He pushes back

at a distance of 10 steps from each other two chairs and puts a glass on each. Then he gives red flowers to one spectator, blue ones to another and asks them to remember the color of the bouquets.

Blue flowers are placed in one glass, red flowers in another. Both glasses are covered with colorful handkerchiefs and the audience is asked to keep a close eye on the bouquets. Within a few minutes, Freddy lavishes compliments on Yaga and quarrels with Kashchei. He then states that the flowers are magical and were able to switch places unaided. The handkerchiefs are removed, and, to everyone's surprise, it turns out that blue flowers turned red and red turned blue.

Focus secret. It is necessary to make flowers from white matter. Then two strong infusions are prepared - red litmus and blue. Each trio is impregnated with its own solution.

Before the performance, a little vinegar essence is poured into one glass, and the same amount of ammonia is poured into the other. Blue flowers are placed in a glass with essence, and red flowers are placed in a glass with ammonia. From the action of acetic vapor, the blue flowers will gradually turn red, and from the vapor of ammonia, the red color will change to blue.

Kashchei. Me too, focus! Now I'll show you, I'll show you!

Focus Kashchei

Kashchei demands a hundred-ruble bill from the audience and, holding it horizontally, folds it in half in length. Then he brings a pencil under her. Viewers will see how the pencil, piercing the paper, appears from the other side. Without pulling out the pencil, Kashchei turns the bill vertically and, holding it with one hand from above, with the other sharply lowers the pencil down. It easily passes through the paper, and the bill is safe and sound.

Focus Secret. In the middle part of the pencil, a cut 4 centimeters long is made. Showing the trick, Kashchei moves the pencil from the opposite side of the bill from the audience so that half of it enters the cut. The second half is bent. Seeing a tongue-like part of a pencil, viewers will mistake it for a whole pencil. After that, it remains only to sharply lower the pencil down and release the bill from the cut.

Yaga. Focus is too easy. I want to dance!

Kashchei and Freddie compete in the performance of rock and roll, Yaga involves everyone present in the dance.

Yaga. Well, dear guests, what do you like more: the Western mentality or the Russian soul?

Goblin. We would, grandmother, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. They will be more pleasant than these monsters!

Yaga. All right! Get all in New Year's round dance We will light the Christmas tree and receive gifts!

The guests form a round dance, sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

The holiday is continued by Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, who light the Christmas tree, hold games and contests, present gifts to all those present.

playing out interesting scenarios and funny scenes - a guaranteed way to make any celebratory event exciting, interesting and memorable. Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more of our fellow citizens for the New Year are planning a fun party instead of a banal feast. theme party with games, competitions and skits. Moreover, funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for a fun company or for a corporate party can be found on the net or invented on your own by changing and playing the script from any popular fairy tale, film or book. And to make the guests fun and interesting, each participant in the game can improvise, making their own changes to the game. By the way, the most fun and favorite New Year's scenes for adults are scenes with jokes and well-known fairy tales with comic plot changes. And here we will share ideas and videos of New Year's scenes for every taste - below our guests can find short, funny and fabulous scenes for a corporate party or a friendly party.

  • Funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 Pigs
  • Sketches for the New Year 2019 for corporate parties: Fairy tales with jokes
  • Short scenes for the New Year for adults
  • Cool New Year's scenes for a corporate party
  • The coolest scenes for the New 2019 Year of the Pig for a fun company

Funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for adults

Come up with funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for adult company friends is actually very simple. You can take any topic from life as the basis for the script, as well as great idea will compose a skit based on your favorite comedy movie or Stand Up comedians. But still, the most relevant at the party will be scenes about the New Year, in which you can beat funny, funny or comical cases that happened or could happen on this fabulous night.

Sample script for a funny scene "How not to behave on New Year's Eve"

A great idea for a funny modern scene would be the scene "How to behave in the New Year." To play this scene, you need 2 people who will conduct a dialogue with each other, making everyone present fall with laughter. Below is an exemplary scenario for such a scene, but if desired, it can be changed and supplemented by inventing your own cool examples how exactly you can not behave in new year's eve.

Scenario of the scene "How not to behave in the New Year"

Host 1: Dear guests, I am so glad to see you all at this holiday. Now I will tell you how to properly celebrate the New Year 2019!

Presenter 2: And why are you going to tell us how to celebrate the New Year? I know better!

Host 1: You? Yes, how do you know how to conduct new year holidays? Every December 31, you run to shops and supermarkets until 11 pm, since Santa Claus forbids you to buy sweets and gifts in advance!

Presenter 2: And this is told to me by a person who, at home under the Christmas tree, folds empty boxes tied with bows, photographs it and puts it in classmates with the caption “Look, everyone, how many gifts Santa Claus brought me”!

Presenter 1: At least I don’t give all my friends a box of “Bird’s Milk” bought at the nearest supermarket for a promotion for the New Year.

Presenter 2: But you celebrate the New Year with great fun - at 10 pm you turn on the TV and watch reruns of the show with Petrosyan until 4 am!

Presenter 1: And you, of course, spend old year and meet New much more fun! You go out into the street at half past eleven, approach all the companies you meet, congratulate them, and wait for champagne to be poured for you!

Presenter 2: And you never buy fireworks and crackers! Why, you can also see other people's.

Presenter 1: And you send the same congratulations found on the Internet to all your friends and relatives. Both women and men! And it doesn’t matter that it contains the words “so that your husband loves you and gives you flowers.”

Presenter 2: And you, under the chiming clock, write on a piece of paper the desire “Win ​​the lottery $ 1,000,000”, burn it, pour the ashes into a glass and drink this slop. But something in 10 years, Santa Claus has never fulfilled your desire!

Presenter 1: And this is told to me by a person who has never heard the chimes, since at that time he is already sound asleep on his face in a plate of salad.

Presenter 2: I don’t even know which is better - to sleep in a salad or to call on New Year’s Eve to all the former and drunken voices to tell them that they are bitches and immediately declare their love.

Presenter 1: And you don’t call anyone on New Year’s Eve - you’re busy at this time, telling the hostess how best to cook Olivier and herring under a fur coat, how she was supposed to decorate Christmas tree And what dress should she wear?

Presenter 2: And you never celebrate the New Year at home - you always ask for a visit to someone and sit there until January 3 or even longer, until you eat everything from the refrigerator and drink from the bar.

Presenter 1: And you wake up on January 1 at 8 in the morning and wake everyone up with the words: “Let's go outside to play snowballs, otherwise this year we have not been outdoors yet.”

Presenter 2: And you always take a bottle of champagne from the owner of the house with the words “yes, you don’t know how to open it correctly”, and as a result, you will hit someone in the eye with a cork, then you will break the chandelier.

Presenter 1: And you decided, drunk, to show how to do somersaults correctly, and as a result, you knocked down the Christmas tree!

Presenter 2: Yes, we are both good.

Presenter 1: In general, dear friends, if you want to have a great New Year's Eve ...

Presenter 2: Then remember that you can’t do it the way we do it!

Modern scenes about the New Year on video

On the video you can see a funny and bold modern scene for the New Year for adults "Talent Competition". To make all the guests have fun, you can use the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis skit, but give all participants the opportunity to show their imagination and demonstrate their talents and ideas.

The idea of ​​a scene for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party: old fairy tales with jokes in a modern way

We all love fairy tales since childhood, and even adults believe in miracles on New Year's Eve and are ready to plunge into the atmosphere of a fairy tale. Therefore, a great idea for a scene for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party is fairy tales with jokes on new way. play out funny scene can be based on any well-known fairy tale, and to make the guests even more fun, you need to prepare the appropriate props in advance, with the help of which the participants can transform into fairy-tale characters.

New Year's scene "Grandma Ezhka"

Grandmothers Ezhka in the New Year's scene are funny positive characters who will amuse all the guests with their dialogue. 5 Butterflies Ezhek participate in the scene, they can be both girls and women, and men, and the second option will be even funnier. An example script for this scene is below.

5 grandmas Yozhek come out and conduct a dialogue:

The first grandmother turns to her companions: For a long time we didn’t go anywhere, didn’t hang out anywhere. It's time to shake the old days! Oh look! Why is everyone gathered here (looks around at the guests)? They must be celebrating something.

Second: One hundred percent. If everything is assembled, then we go to Kashchei for a party. (pulls phone out of pocket and dials a number). Hello, Kashchich! All is ready? Then we hurry to you. We fly at full speed (refers to grandmas). Well, what are you going?!

Third: How do we find out what is being celebrated here?

Fourth: Let's just ask (addresses the guests). Hello, tell me what's going on here? For what reason did you gather?

Guests: Celebrating the New Year!

Fifth grandmother: Oh, so the holiday is planned here? Maybe then we’ll stay, otherwise it’s a long way to go to Kashchei, but my back hurts, I might not overcome this long journey.

All grandmothers, except for the second, answer in chorus: Come on, come on!

The first grandmother turns to the second: And you?

Second: What am I?

Third: Well, you and the wilderness! You would fly to Laura and check your ears!

Second: My electric broom is out of order, so I can’t fly to the hospital!

First: Ty, I bought myself a Mercedes a long time ago and cut it everywhere. So what? Are we staying for New Year's Eve?

Second: Of course! Let's show how we can rock?

The first turns to the DJ: Come on, turn on something for us?

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" is playing.

Grandmothers begin to make noise and resent.

Third grandma: DJ, what did you turn on? Come on, our love.

A song about grandmothers Yozhek sounds, and the characters demonstrate an incendiary dance, and then they bow and leave.

New Year's scene "Turnip in a new way" - idea on video

The video below shows another version of the table scene with the fairy tale "Turnip" with jokes. This idea is perfect for a corporate party, which is attended by mature and elderly colleagues, as well as lovers who prefer quiet sit-down entertainment.

Funny short scenes for the New Year for adults

Short scenes for the new year for adults - great way make New Year's Eve fun and add variety to the traditional feast. Moreover, the main advantage of short scenes from long thought-out scenarios is the possibility of improvisation and involvement of all those present in the fun. And below we will share ideas on how to cheer up guests with a funny short scene on new year party in 1-5 minutes.

The script for a fun short scene "Rain for happiness" for the New Year

This scene is called "Rain for happiness." To carry it out, you need two opaque containers (for example, jugs, vases or pots). One container should be filled with water, and the other with confetti, and the leader should put the water container on the table next to him, and hide the jug of confetti so that it can be easily and quickly reached at the right time.

When the time comes for the scene, the presenter rises from his seat, makes a toast and tells that in countries with a humid climate there is a belief that rain on New Year's Eve is good luck and wealth. During his story, he must continually dip his hand into a jug of water so that the guests see the water. When everyone present is convinced that there is water in the jug, it must be discreetly replaced with a container of confetti.

At the end of his story, the host expresses regret that there is no rain outside, which means that everyone present will have to look for another way to become happy and rich in the coming 2019. But then he pretends to have an epiphany and loudly say “But by the way, this should replace the rain”, take a jug of confetti and splash its contents on the guests. Since everyone thinks that there is water in the jug, they will scatter from the table, and when they realize that it is raining confetti, they will laugh at the presenter's joke.

The idea of ​​​​a very fun short New Year's scene "Italian for the New Year"

The idea and approximate script for the funny mini-sketch "Italian for the New Year" is shown in the video. At the New Year's party, you can hold such a scene according to the script with the video, or you can come up with your own based on it. little script, for example, "Chinese for the New Year."

Cool and funny New Year's scenes for a corporate party

Corporate parties are often no less interesting and fun than New Year's Eve with family and friends. Leading corporate holidays, as a rule, think over the theme and script of the party in advance and look for cool New Year's skits for corporate parties, in which all guests can participate.

On the eve of the New Year's Eve, the company's employees themselves can come up with and rehearse a scene that they want to cheer up colleagues at a corporate party. Such skits will provide an opportunity not only to have great fun at the holiday, but also to get close to colleagues and show one more side of yourself.

Video with funny scenes at corporate New Year parties

On video from New Year corporate parties Russian companies can get interesting and cool ideas for scenes for the New Year. And videos with the coolest and funniest New Year's skits for a corporate party we have published below.

The coolest scenes for the New Year 2019 for a friendly cheerful company

To choose the coolest scenes for the New Year 2019 for a fun company, you need to focus on the preferences of all guests. If the majority of those present have acting talents and the ability to improvise, you can come up with and play skits based on fairy tales and films, and if guests like to laugh, short jokes with making funny wishes would be a great idea.

Since 2019 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, a scene based on the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" will be very relevant on New Year's Eve. An example scene scenario is as follows:

The king enters the stage.

The host says: once upon a time there was a king in the world. He owned vast lands. He was powerful and strong, all the neighbors treated him with respect. And he had a beautiful daughter.

Enters the stage beautiful girl and performs a graceful dance.

(At this time, the girl laughs loudly and boisterously.)

Because of this, no one wanted to marry the princess. All the princes and queens avoided her, and the royal daughter really wanted to get married.

The daughter turns to the king: I, father, will go to seek my happiness!

The king blesses his daughter, who goes to the forest.

As soon as she enters the forest, three little pigs come out to meet her. (Each of them needs to come up with a name in advance and interesting story. For example, about one host can say that he is a lover of acorns. For the role of this piglet, it is better to choose a well-fed man. The second piglet can be a womanizer and flirt with the queen. The third hero may be gay. You can come up with other stories on your own, depending on the audience.)

The king's daughter dances with each pig in turn, but suddenly a gray wolf runs out onto the stage. He scares the pigs.

The princess hides on the sidelines, because she was frightened of the wolf.

But the pigs were brave. Three of them attack the wolf and playfully beat him.

The wolf begins to beg for mercy and asks to be released, but the piglets continue their actions, while lamenting about how much trouble the wolf will bring them.

And this is where the princess comes into play. She felt very sorry for the wolf, and she asks the pigs to stop. Before her pleas, they retreat.

The king's daughter comes up to him, starts stroking him and helps him up. The princess falls in love with a wolf. They decide to get married. Of course, three piglets are also invited to this celebration.

In the video below you can see another idea very cool scene for the New Year for adults. This scene is perfect for a group of close friends.

Playing skits for the New Year is a great way to cheer up guests

The script is perfect for a celebration. New Year's Eve cheerful companies, it can be used for stage display. Raise the mood of friends to an unprecedented height! Source site

The scenario of the New Year meets all the requirements:

Contains bright characters;
- texts on roles in verses;
- jokes for adults;
- competitions for adults;
- games for adults;
- humor 18+.


The hall is dark. Mysterious, fabulous music sounds.
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka enter the hall. With a candle in their hands, tiptoe sneaking into the center of the hall

Father Frost:

Don't squeak with your boots
Someone will hear...
At least lubricate the joints
And be more modest

Snow Maiden:

You yourself grumble quieter
Close your mitten
Flu walks the planet
They say he's a pig
By the way, the style of bummers
One of the main symptoms.

Father Frost:

Shut up you fool
Nothing to teach me!
I am a young man
Even with a white beard
Well, I could not sell the snow!
I'm human too!

Snow Maiden:

You are a sales representative!
Firms of our long-liver.
All hope is on you
And you don't drive a damn thing!

Father Frost:

Don't talk, get down to business
Let's untie the bag.
Get money soon
Money now loves the account!

Snow Maiden:

Thousand, two, four, five
Oh don't share again
I'm four and you
I will give a thousand completely ...
Why are you rolling your eyes?
What, you don't trust me?

Father Frost:

I could trust
Just didn't attack that one.
Vaughn shoved the papers
Hid - anywhere!
You say that you dreamed again?
The money seemed to disappear!
Not Snow Maiden! Shame and disgrace!
Even the shorts have a pocket!

Snow Maiden:

What's your business?
Sew a pocket under your beard!
You can even under a bathrobe ...
And don't sit still!
By the way, do you have
Secret places - to hell!
This is me with my outfit
Get smart as you need to.
If I had money, I'll hide everything!
So no one can find it!

Father Frost:

Well, you're greedy...
So that you ... bewitched!
What kind of noise?.. I didn't understand?
Who is there? (candles are extinguished, lights are turned on)

My mommy!

Snow Maiden:

What are you standing with your mouth open?
Smile, people are here!

Father Frost:

Here we are stuck
And you start quickly!
I forgot everything with a fright ...
Where the hell is my apohmelin?

Snow Maiden:

You are such a fool
At banquets or what?
Doesn't remember the words like this fool
And I wanted to work!

Father Frost:

Here! Found!

Snow Maiden:

Walk straight!!!

Father Frost:

Hello honest people!

Snow Maiden:

(beautiful intonation)
Through blizzards and blizzards
We barely got to you ...

Father Frost:

(grunts) They didn't eat or drink
Only the bubble was persuaded

Snow Maiden:

We walked to you for a long time, in a hurry

Father Frost:

Didn't even get a hangover...

Snow Maiden:

Through the forest, eight blocks!!!

Father Frost:

I almost dropped my hooves...

Snow Maiden:

Come on, don't freak out
Execute Grandpa's plan
We are with you my dear
Can't go home without money
You don't have much in your bag
Earn cabbage!!!

Father Frost:

Tables are full of food.
Worth every big thousand!

Snow Maiden:

Yes! The table is full of snacks

Father Frost:

Pass - ka pickle

Snow Maiden:

And pass the plate
What are you looking at?

Father Frost:

Pour it!
Today we are "For" fun
"For" slightly intoxicated potion,
"For" a happy new year,
May he bring happiness!

Snow Maiden:

Stop! Don't pour him!
Five orders ahead!
By the way, how much will we be paid?
Show prices.

Father Frost:

Dear guests, relatives
Jokes are expensive these days
A song is a thing, games are two
Prices are lower than in Moscow
Calling Santa Claus
Cost you eight thousand.
Well, together with the Snow Maiden -
It's already ten

Snow Maiden:

Photo with Frost
Together with the Christmas tree - three hundred ask!
No frost and no Christmas tree
Will do five!

Father Frost:

Sale!!! Hurry!!!
Get our grand prize!!!
When ordering a round dance
Discounts for all people!

Snow Maiden:

White pure snow
Dive into it buddy!
Sit with a friend in a snowdrift
Maybe for half a piece.

Father Frost:

With the Snow Maiden, a lingering
Ordered by that friend!
Can be taken home
But here friends auction!

Snow Maiden:

We offer exclusive!
Erotic motif
Hold grandfather's staff
Worth exactly three meals

Father Frost:

And hold on to the braid
Maybe for sausage!

Snow Maiden:

And how much is the sausage?

Father Frost:

Two hundred and forty-three rubles!

Snow Maiden:

Yes, my stockings are more expensive!
Manicure is more expensive too
And the wig? And the boots?
Look at the suit!

Cosmetologist, dermatologist
Ophthalmologist, venereologist - oh!
Yes, you have a beard
Also very expensive

Where did you get these prices?
We are in the Capital, not in the village!
If everything here is counted
Pulls a thousand by twenty-five!

We don't justify anything.
We're just wasting time!

Father Frost:

Wait, don't boil
Calm down, take a look
Look at the people, what -
Very expensive too
Do you remember the diagram?

Snow Maiden:

Ha! And then!
Done a long time ago!

Father Frost:

Get your wallets!
There is no place for longing
For the holiday friends
We can't spare money!

Snow Maiden:

Here's the magic box!
hold him buddy
Yes, hold it, but don't grab it!!!
Hold it - give it to another!

Put a coin here
And you get candy
DM. Where are you looking?
Yes, no sweets for you!

I look at you diamonds
Emeralds and agates...
In order not to lose them, you need to insure them!
Throw off with a darling for a ruble
I'll pass it on to the insurer.

Father Frost:

Well, why are you sitting?
Don't you want happiness?
Happiness is not enough, not enough for everyone
For a fiver ride

Snow Maiden:

Well, my dear friend
Seems boring without girlfriends?
Drop a coin here
And look, there is no end!

(a snow maiden sits on his knees)

Father Frost:

Modest, quiet, but where are the hands?
Obviously not in my head!

Snow Maiden:

playful little hands
Know the girls will stick!

Father Frost:

So let's get it
From the pockets of rubles,
We will tell you many years!

Snow Maiden:

Let all your troubles turn into ashes,
And improve your budget!

Father Frost:

Be generous not a semaphore
And pay off handsomely

Snow Maiden:

I threw a little, well, so what -
What you sow, you will reap!

Father Frost:

Where is the boss?

Snow Maiden:

Ah, here it is
There is nothing cuter.
For the company to flourish
Whatever the crisis does not know

Father Frost:

For a good season
Debit with credit reduced

Snow Maiden:

So that the tax service
Walked around the office together

Father Frost:

So that always and so that everywhere
You were on top!

Snow Maiden:

Count and write.
Put it in the right felt boot!

Father Frost:

Stop! The banquet is paid!
How did we forget you!
I wrote in my notepad
No matter how scandalous...
We need to return the money.

Snow Maiden:

What to give to the director?

Father Frost:

Here's your first installment on a yacht!

Snow Maiden:

Don't forget to ride!
How many forces and everything is not for me ...
I'll call you in February!

Father Frost:

Enough! I have money.
Work it out, folks!
Let's start the script
Not like it was in the beginning!

Inflate balloons of 4 colors, hang or spread out in different places.

Presenter 1: Hello. We immediately invite you to play the game. What? Listen carefully! You see, in the corners of our hall there are balls different color. Now you will scatter around the corners, to those balls that you like best.
Presenter 1: So, we'll see now, why did you come here?
Presenter 2: Who chose the green ball - came to get drunk. Red - have fun. Yellow - eat something tasty. Blue - nowhere else to go.
Presenter 1: And now once again we chose our balls ...
Wonderful! The following proceedings on the issue; With whom would you like to celebrate the New Year on December 31st?
Presenter 2: The green ball is in your family. Red ball - drunk under the tree. Yellow ball - in a friendly company. The blue ball is with the head of our organization...

Toast, feast.

Distribute to everyone the leaflets on which it is written in a column:
Full name or just a name, it all depends on the quantity,
1 animal
3 characteristic features
2 animal
3 characteristic features
3 animal
3 characteristic features

Game: Three animals. To conduct this game, it is necessary to interview the guests in advance, and without much advertising, so that each of them names three animals (insects, birds - leave it up to them) and each of the named animals has three characteristics.

For example: frog: green, nasty, croaks a lot. And so on three positions. After some time, when the guests have already forgotten about the study, you announce its results.
And the results are as follows: the first animal that the participant named means his condition at home, the second at work, and the third in bed.

For example, at work, like a dog, angry, biting and barking a lot, etc...


To play, you will need a large box or bag (opaque), which contains various items of clothing: panties size 56, bonnets, bras size 10, glasses with a nose, shoe covers, wigs, etc. funny things.

The host invites those present to update their wardrobe by pulling out some item from the box, on the condition that they do not remove it for the next half hour.
At the signal of the host, the guests pass the box to the music. As soon as the music has stopped, the player holding the box opens it and, without looking, takes out the first thing that comes across and puts it on. The view is amazing!

And then, without taking off the outfits

GAME "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends."

1. Who sometimes walks with vodka with a cheerful gait?
2. Which of you, say out loud, catches flies at work?
3. Who is not afraid of frost, drives a car like a bird?
4. Which of you will grow up a little and go to the bosses?
5. Which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?
6. Which of you, so wonderful, always drinks vodka barefoot?
7. Who completes the work assignment just in time?
8. How many of you drink in the office, like at today's banquet?
9. Which of your friends walks dirty to the ears?
10. Which one of you walks upside down on the pavement?
11. Which of you, I want to know, likes to sleep at work?
12. How many of you come to the office an hour late?

Toast, feast.

We read the results of the survey about animals.

Tips on how and what to celebrate this New Year (wanted to read, but did not have time)

Christmas costumes
The New Year is just around the corner, and therefore it is worth considering what outfit you will meet him in. We offer several fairly low-budget options for New Year's decorations, built on hastily from improvised materials.

We take a turtleneck and black sweatpants, and with toothpaste we draw white spots on them. On the ass with a pin we pin the belt from the bathrobe. Further main secret- by the forces of some individual of the male sex, the medical glove of the big size, tied with a rope. The rope is attached to the front of the sweatpants, the whole structure symbolizes the udder. Then it remains only to build horns from two fingers of the second glove, cut off and stuffed with something, and attach them to the hair. You can buy ready-made horns sold in the joke department. The key to success is to periodically insert your weighty "MU" into the topic and not into the topic in any conversation, and occasionally encroach on the owner's potted greens. Fully getting used to the image and leaving cakes on the master's parquet can be traumatic.

We remember if we have a familiar diver. Remembering, we borrow from him a rubber suit with fins and a mask, but without scuba gear. Having dressed in a suit, we attach a portable antenna from the TV to the head with tape. Now all that remains is to walk around, flapping flippers, around the Christmas tree.

A month before the holiday, we begin to eat a lot. Having gained 10 kg for the New Year, we put on something tight, silver-gray, we put a gas mask on our heads. The costume is ready.

For the construction of this costume, we need an assistant with strong nerves, and 3-4 rolls of toilet paper. The assistant, holding back a hysterical neigh, bandages your body toilet paper, in some places leaving cute, freely hanging tails from 20 to 50 cm long. The carcass is bandaged completely, leaving only narrow slits for the eyes and mouth. As a rehearsal, you can run around the room, howling and trembling with fluttering paper tails. The costume makes a special impression when using paper of delicate colors with flowers, hearts and other similar shanks. If the assistant thrashes in convulsive sobs, then the desired effect has been achieved.

We will need two vests, one normal size, the other two times larger. We put on a little vest. We tie the neck of the second vest with a bundle, we release a small rope from the bundle. We put on this structure like pants, so that the bundle with the rope falls on the ass. This will be the tail. Now it remains only to learn how to gracefully kick up the leg, like a ballerina.

Traffic light
We need a tube of some kind of warming cream, with a burning effect. With this cream, we thickly smear the face, neck and décolleté area 2 hours before the celebration. After half an hour, repeat the procedure. When the smeared area reaches the shade of an overripe tomato, we put on a yellow angora sweater and green sweatpants. Everything, the traffic light is ready.

We take some kind of cardboard thread, and cut out the wings of the required size from it. I do not recommend taking a gasket as a layout. Next, generously coat the resulting mugs with glue on both sides. With a sharp knife, we deftly rip open the belly of the pillow, and dip our wings into the resulting heap of white muck. Having rolled them in a feather pile, set aside to dry. Now we need a toilet seat, this is in the form of an open oval. Having covered it with silver or golden paint from a spray can, we glue several raindrops in parallel to it. This will be the harp. Or a lyre. Whoever likes it. We put on a white nightgown (without ducks and daisies), to which wings were sewn in advance, we take it in our hands. As a final touch, with a hairpin we cling to the head of the foil disposable plate(round is desirable, but square will also go especially eccentric), it will be a halo. Everything, now it will remain at the end of the holiday to appear to the especially drunk participants of the celebration, and to broadcast with an angelic voice the coming end of the world.

Dog(with special effects)
We visit elderly relatives and borrow a sheepskin coat and Soviet-style earflaps from them. We put on the sheepskin coat with the fur outward, on the earflaps we dissolve the bow from above, but leave the ears sticking out. We dip the tip of the nose into a jar of shoe polish. For special effects, you will need a large enema and a dropper tube a little more than half a meter long. The enema is filled with water and taped under the knee. The tube is launched along the thigh, the tip is exposed, sorry, between the legs. During the celebration, we walk on all fours. While walking around the hall, you need to bark at beautiful ladies V evening dresses, scaring them away. When a handsome man in a tuxedo appears, it is recommended to lift up the leg (on which the enema is stuck) and by bending the leg up at the knee, with a howl, let a stream of delight flow. At correct application special effect everyone's attention is guaranteed.


Game "Khristoforovna, Nikanorovna". You need space to run, even if it's small. We divide everyone into 2 teams, put 2 chairs, hang scarves on the chairs. On command, the first players run, run to the chair, sit down, put on a scarf, say "I am Khristoforovna" (or "I am Nikanorovna"), take off the scarf, run to their team, the second player runs ...... That team wins which is faster.

The winner gets some small prizes. The losing team sings ditties.

Here are ditties (composed by Embarassed herself, can be replaced by others)

What kind of Christmas tree do we have
Just a feast for the eyes
So what, what's outside the window
spring thaw

I started to celebrate the New Year
As always in advance
Dropped dead at ten
Failed to complete the task

I dressed up as a Snow Maiden
And the people are scared
Looked at what's what
I forgot to wear a dress

Dressed up as Santa Claus
And glued on the beard
And I walk like a fool
Second day in the city

I will dress up as a Snow Maiden
And glue the braid
I really want to get married
For Santa Claus

Once we are in a restaurant
Celebrated New Year
Have fun and laugh
And now vice versa

We've been waiting all year
What will Santa Claus come to us
He came with a bag of gifts
And he took two with him

New Year is coming
fiery dog
I'll drink another 100 grams
I wag my tail

Look soon
I'm rolling down the hill fast
And I scream because
Very painful booty I bet

I decided to meet the New Year
Very exotic
I called the Snow Maiden to the house
very pretty

Toast, feast.


It is necessary to print the wishes below and buy prizes. "Gypsies" enter the hall and offer to tell fortunes to everyone and predict fate.

Lottery forecast
1. Chocolate "Journey"
Lots of events await you.
And interesting trips -
On courses, on vacation, abroad -
Where will fate decide!

2. Lighter
You have to, friends, and henceforth
Burn with creative work.
But you won't burn your wings,
Take care of your health!

3. Cream
You will enter the cream of society
Perhaps you can find a sponsor.

4. Shampoo
your hairstyle, appearance
We will all be pleasantly surprised.
Since then you will continue
Everything is getting better and younger!

5. Sponge
And you household chores,
Lots of homework to do.
But in the family and in personal life
You will do great!

6. Red pepper
Many adventures await you
And a lot of thrills
But everything will end well
It's no coincidence that red pepper!

7. Markers
Love will brighten your days
And they become bright.
All your life in winter and summer
Magically lit up with light.

8. Chocolate "Alenka"
What does chocolate "Alenka" mean?
The Year of the Child awaits you!
To whom what tests -
Birth or upbringing!

Fate will gild your pen,
Send a big paycheck
Or throw a wallet
And all this in the near future!

10. Vitamins
Your health will become stronger
The second youth will come.
You are destined to a hundred years
Survive without any storms and troubles!

11. Tea "Baloven"
You are the minions of fate, which means
You are waiting for success and good luck.
Celebrating your good luck
Stock up on more tea!

12. Condensed milk
You are used to living in the thick of things,
Work is your main destiny.
We do not promise you peace
We treat you with condensed milk!

13. Cookies
You have friends, familiar sea,
And everyone will be visiting soon.
Prepare tea and refreshments.
Here are some cookies to get you started!

14. Can of Beer
Who gets a can of beer
Live happily all year!

15. Toothpaste
Get this tube as a gift,
To make every tooth shine in the sun!

16. Handle
To write down where the pay went,
You will really need this pen!

17. Yogurt "Delight"
For the heart awaits you delight -
Huge salary increase!

18. Coffee
You will be cheerful and energetic
And so the whole year will be great!

Let's call Santa Claus ... .. and the Snow Maiden ..

Father Frost and Snow Maiden come.

FATHER FROST: Hello dear kids!
The Snow Maiden and I have come to you from the very North. For starters, we have a poetry competition planned. You will read poetry, and the one who brings the corkscrew first will win.
SNOW MAIDEN: folk omen: As you meet the new year, so you need it.
- How did you spend New Years?
- I don't know, they haven't told you yet.
SNOW MAIDEN: Newspaper ad: “Ladies and gentlemen! Make the New Year unforgettable for your children, invite Santa Claus to your place!” P.S. Gentlemen, do not deprive yourself of this evening in pleasure - invite the Snow Maiden to your place.
Call to the house of Santa Claus! Give us a call and your heating will be turned off immediately!
Jewish Santa Claus:
- Hello, kids... Buy presents!

They sing a song.

Gop-stop, we came to you for the New Year,
Gop-stop, I dressed like an idiot,
Well look at this hat
With this beard
Well, tell me who do you look like
We are with you now
Now I know for sure
I wore this for the last time.

Gop-stop, well, what kind of Santa Claus are you?
Gop-stop, because you didn’t bring gifts.
You could at least blow your brains,
Look who you threw
You stand, swaying like a mountain ash,
drunk kid
In general, do not pull the rubber,
Let's get out of here, grandfather.

(After a while - a knock on the door. The postman appears.)

Guest: It's me - the postman Pechkin. Many telegrams have come to your address. (Started reading the first one, interrupted reading.)
I would like a glass of wine, I would read to the end! (They brought it to him, drank it, began to read again, stopped.)
No, perhaps it's better to pour two for me! (Posted again.)
Now, perhaps, everything! (Approaches the head of the organization.)
No, brother, pour more! (Drank.)
Now, I know, over the edge!
Itself, the presenter, read, and I'll sit a little, look at your women

Here the presenter suggests calling the real Santa Claus, and for this, compose a telegram.
"….. Santa Claus! In that ……. in the evening we gathered in this …… place to celebrate …… a holiday. We expected to be……,……and………! And that you will definitely visit us and give us ...... gifts. But some ...... deceivers came and did not even give us the most ....... present. We felt very sorry and we became ...... and ....... But we believe in a miracle and are waiting for the real ...... .. Santa Claus!

You need to ask to name Adjective, Adjective, Adjective, Adjective, 3 verbs, Adjective, Adjective, Adjective, 2 verbs, Adjective

It turns out the real Santa Claus m gives gifts.
