Are paranormal abilities only available to a select few? Paranormal abilities can be developed by everyone with Paranormal abilities.

Probably, at least once in his life, every person wanted to have paranormal abilities, whether it was mind reading, predicting the future, or the ability to cure diseases.

While watching the Battle of Psychics, we often try on certain skills of the participants in the show, but sometimes it’s scary to imagine what the life of those people who have extraordinary abilities really is.
The gift of witchcraft, the gift of clairvoyance, is a great responsibility and a heavy burden. These abilities can be either innate or acquired. An innate gift is passed down from generation to generation, and a certain sequence is laid down during the transfer of the gift: it is passed down either through the female line of the family, or through the male, with a frequency from each tribe to an interval of five tribes.

Congenital and acquired paranormal abilities

An innate gift (birth gift) can manifest both after birth and in adolescence or even adulthood. Very often, a birth gift can develop after the death of an older family member who had a similar gift.
The acquired gift usually passes to the addressee after the death of the addresser of the gift, and the relationship between them is not necessary. The act of transfer always takes place in the personal presence of the addressee. The most common way to transfer a gift is a request to bring water, after which the dying addressee, together with the brought mug of water, transfers his gift to an ignorant addressee. This mainly concerns the “dark” gift, the “light” gift is not transmitted in this way. Soon after the act of transmission, which may go unnoticed by the addressee, the addresser dies, and the recipient of the gift develops paranormal abilities. This method of transmission is fraught for the addressee with the fact that disagreement to accept the gift and develop it can lead to illness and even death. It is impossible to refuse the gift in this case, the addressee has no choice whether to accept this gift or not. In the case of a family gift, situations are known when the successor refused abilities, thereby “moving” their appearance to other generations of the family.
There are cases of the appearance of abilities after psychological shock or trauma, for example, a lightning strike, a fall from a height, as well as clinical death, lethargic sleep and oxygen starvation. The nature of such phenomena has not yet been elucidated, but science has been trying to unravel their secrets for many decades.
Also, abilities can be developed independently by a person who wants to help people with the help of his gift or who dreams of discovering something new in himself. Creative people who have intuition and are able to listen to themselves and their feelings are able to develop the gift in themselves. To expand consciousness and reveal abilities, various different methods and remedies, from religious prayers to chemicals.

And if he picked up the receiver and heard a voice from there, then, perhaps, he would begin to look inside the unknown device and look for little talking people there. At the time of this brilliant scientist, electricity, its properties and practical use. Therefore, even such great minds could not then explain what is now clear to every schoolchild. And so now, modern physics is only on the verge of recognizing and explaining such amazing abilities as thought transmission at a distance (telepathy), vision of the future (proscopia), extrasensory treatment. But facts are a stubborn thing, and if many phenomena do not find explanations within the framework of generally accepted worldview concepts or contradict them, then you should not immediately dismiss such messages, consider them fiction, falsification, errors, or simply pass them over in silence.

Nevertheless, quite recently the French measured the mass of the soul - a dying person was placed on an ultra-precise scale. After his death, the body became a little easier - after all, the soul left the body. But we are talking, of course, not even about milligrams, but about millionths of it. In addition, the so-called Kirlian phenomenon has become quite widely known - under special physical conditions, you can see and photograph a certain glow around the body of an individual - the human biofield. Well, in Moscow there is even a store where equipment is installed that allows you to photograph the aura of any person - the biofield around his head.

Perhaps, there is very little left before scientists fully substantiate anomalous abilities and phenomena. But to this day, perhaps, the best way to explain to us who psychics are, only they themselves. So, the President of the International House folk traditions, healer Anatoly Osipov, holder of two diplomas of an international class psychic.

Anatoly Ivanovich, when did you feel that you had paranormal abilities? What did you do to become a psychic?

I would like to start with the fact that the very word "psychic" means "supersensitive." IN Lately The number of people with such abilities is constantly increasing. It is not uncommon for people who have received brain injuries, to their surprise, acquire paranormal abilities. This is due to the fact that some areas of the brain become as if blocked as a result of an injury, while others begin to function more actively. There are also cases when a person became a psychic after undergoing clinical death. I can’t say for myself that I was born a psychic, but I had some data of hypersensitivity in early childhood. For example, I heard very distant footsteps of people at a time when they were not heard by others. I perceived music pouring out of nowhere, and then my friends could only explain it by saying that “I don’t have everything at home.” Having reached adulthood, I tried to develop my abilities and worked on myself for a long time, purifying my body, following the methods of some philosophical esoteric schools. In principle, no knowledge, skills and abilities can be obtained by a person just like that - you have to pay for everything, so work on yourself is necessary not only to achieve the level of a psychic, but also to maintain this level, to improve it. It is impossible to tell about all the principles of work. An important role here is played by the purification of all cells of the human body from the so-called toxins, primarily by refusing meat products. In addition, any food, in addition to trace elements and energy, carries certain information with it. The cleaner the cell, the more energy-intensive it is and the more energy the person himself has. We can say that a psychic is a person with a very strong internal energy.

Still, it is possible to articulate more clearly how you, psychics, differ from an ordinary person?

We can say, the size of the biofield. Each person has his own energy biofield, enveloping his flesh. In an ordinary person, this field extends to about 5-6 meters. In a person who is in a coma, the biofield is somewhere around 10-15 centimeters. For psychics, it is much more energetic and reaches 9-10 meters or more, the limit of possibilities here is unlimited. However, both for psychics and for ordinary people, the size of the field is not a constant value, they can vary depending on well-being, spiritual mood.

It is very interesting, how do you feel, is a person sick and why? Do you ride, for example, in the subway and see through all the people?

Personally, I do not see through all human organs, although this is also possible. There are also such finely arranged psychics who, as you put it, "see diseases." Often such psychics only diagnose perfectly, but cannot treat, so they work in tandem with another energetically strong psychic, who is an excellent healer. Sometimes one psychic combines these two possibilities at once. I also diagnose and treat purely energetically. For the simplest diagnosis, I need my biofield to “touch” the patient’s biofield, that is, I need to be in sufficient proximity to him. Sometimes, with a certain mood, I can, as it were, get into a person with my biofield and feel where and what hurts him. Another way is manual. The psychic's hand is the most sensitive instrument. By holding it at a short distance from a person, I can feel the different density of his biofield in different areas. How do I feel it? Well, if you try to describe it from the point of view of physics, then imagine that we take two magnets and try to connect them with equally charged poles. The stronger the magnets, the stronger will be the opposition between them. In fact, the human biofield also has an electromagnetic nature, and the example given is not so rough. Thus, if we imagine that the human biofield is not uniform, then when I run my hand (with my magnet) along it, I will feel stronger resistance in some places, and less resistance in others. At the same time, my hand feels slight tingling, warmth, a feeling of springiness appears - as if another field is resisting me, and I am pressing on it. Where the biofield is weak, these sensations are much less pronounced. It is these areas with a weak biofield that are unfavorable places and indicate a diseased organ.

Everyone, probably, very well remembered how the famous hero of the series "Highlander" McCloud energetically recognized "his own". Can one psychic in a similar way immediately “smell” another nearby?

Yes, sure! A powerful biofield is immediately noticeable, one psychic does not need to tell another that he is a psychic. Often a strong biofield happens to just very brave people. You know this expression: “The bullet is afraid of the brave!” Indeed, this phenomenon was observed by many warriors. Sometimes a person who is very confident in himself and in his goal climbed into the most dangerous places. People running next to him were killed, and not a single shell hit him. The biofield of such people has the ability to deflect bullets from their trajectories.

Tell us about the healing process? Are you giving your patient your own energy?

No, I do not give my energy during the session. Of course, I need to focus in a certain way - whether it be prayer or special concentration, in this way I tune into some channel, well, one might say, subtle electromagnetic energy. With the help of this energy, with certain passes of my hands, I seem to smooth out the irregularities of the human biofield, restore its healthy appearance, thereby forcing certain human energy centers to activate and the diseased organ to function correctly. For each disease, the duration and number of sessions are different.

Tell me, after your treatment sessions, do you feel worse or feel weak?

I don't feel weak, because as I said, I don't waste my own energy. However, if I somehow enter the patient's body with my biofield, then I involuntarily experience his pains and disorders. Any, even a traditional good doctor, when he sympathizes, empathizes with the patient and penetrates him, then between them there is energy metabolism, and the doctor himself can then get sick. That is why there are so few healthy doctors. After treatment, both the doctor and the psychic must themselves perform some kind of cleansing. In some cases, to eliminate negative consequences water or a burning candle helps as a talisman, or as the mighty Vanga did - she put a piece of sugar under the pillow. As psychics know, sugar can absorb negative information.

How did you feel about the famous TV shows of Kashpirovsky and Chumak? Why were they not shown?

The fact is that during such television sessions, one psychic simultaneously affects millions of viewers. The audience sees and hears him, but he does not. No feedback! This is very dangerous, the doctor or psychic must know what effect his sessions produce directly in this moment. Well, imagine even such a simple case: a setting is given to lower blood pressure, and a hypotensive patient accidentally appears near the screen - this can even lead to death. Many healers were concerned about this, so the agenda of the 1st Russian Congress of Psychics raised the issue of banning such TV sessions. We sent letters to the Ministry of Culture, to television and got them cancelled.

In your opinion, why does the orthodox religion treat psychics cautiously, if not negatively?

Firstly, the term "psychic" can be called both a charlatan and a really strong healer, but using the so-called dark forces. So, for example, in Russia the psychic Tarasov is well known, but he calls himself a sorcerer, and yet he has a large clientele. Due to some individual characteristics, some people would rather go to a "black magician", a sorcerer, and not to a church or a "white" psychic. Secondly, a psychic is a person, of course, more spiritually developed and has some knowledge hidden for an ordinary person. The Orthodox Church, for example, rejects the vision of God himself by the laity. If at confession a parishioner tells the priest that he saw God or the saints, then he will surely hear that this is supposedly from the evil one, that even Moses was not allowed to see the Almighty, and he will receive advice to drive out the visions with fasting and prayer. The Orthodox Church upholds age-old dogmas, but after all, humanity is changing, evolving, eventually purifying, reaching certain higher states, being in which it comes into contact with a more subtle world, and it is possible for him to see God and hear His voice. After all, the priest is a kind of conductor between common man and God, there are also very strict canons, according to which a priest does not have the right to reveal many sacraments to the laity. But if every parishioner suddenly begins to communicate directly with the Creator, then the need for the Church itself will simply disappear! But the priests themselves, or at least some of them (from the highest spiritual diocese), reach such states. And I know this for sure, I can at least cite Father Herman from Sergiev Posad as an example.

In addition, probably, any psychic will tell you that the Orthodox religion is not the only one that can lead a person to the Kingdom of Heaven. The ways of the Lord are inscrutable - you can come to God by confessing Catholicism, and Islam, and Buddhism, and by studying in some esoteric schools. The paths are different, the methods are different, the goal is the same! But faith alone is not enough for purification and improvement, knowledge is also necessary! But what is this knowledge, how and where to get it? This question is asked by those who are not satisfied with simply attending a church service every week. Seek and you will find, and maybe you will be found. For this knowledge, for such statements, the Orthodox Church, to put it mildly, does not like us, even "white" psychics who heal with prayers.

You, psychics, probably find it difficult to live among ordinary people?

In general, yes. After all, a psychic knows a lot that an ordinary person does not know. He does not know about himself, about others, about society. It is difficult to explain, but the burden of knowledge weighs heavily. I knew people who acquired the ability of clairvoyance, but they were so afraid of such knowledge that they were simply ready to give it up and asked the higher powers about it. In recent years, I have been devoting myself more not even to healing, but to public peacekeeping affairs. In principle, every psychic knows his task given to him from above. I became a member of the Supreme Environmental Council under the Environmental Committee of the Federal Assembly and chairman of Russian and international peace marches. We have already passed through many cities and countries, we plan to pass through Chechnya, all over Europe. Our task is for a peaceful movement for the benefit of mankind to cover the whole earth.

Can an ordinary person, if he really wants to, become a psychic?

In principle, yes, it is possible, since such potentialities are inherent in any person. But, as I mentioned, it is very difficult. It takes knowledge and a lot of hard work. However, we live in transition period from one millennium to another - an era characterized by the emergence of a large number of people with paranormal abilities, people who stand at a higher spiritual level of development. Soon these abilities will be perceived as normal, ordinary. Not far off is the new coming of Christ. “... The good seed, these are the sons of the Kingdom, and the tares are the sons of the evil one ... So it will be at the end of the age: the angels will come out and separate the evil from the midst of the righteous” (Gospel from Matthew, ch. 13). I understand these words in such a way that the grains are people with new opportunities, the tares are weeds, people who, until the second coming, could not realize their hidden potentialities.

The Vedic traditions say that there are four faults in human beings. The main drawback is that human feelings are imperfect - people know very little about the universe, about their true nature, body, and capabilities.
What people see is the truth, but not always everything that is true, people are able to see. Simply put, human feelings do not provide enough knowledge to understand what is happening around. People do not believe in miracles, at least they do not believe that miracles can happen in their lives, and they are sure that nothing can be changed in their lives. Such unbelief is the main obstacle in life.
All people are made up of conventions that deprive them of the feeling of life, deprive them of the hope that something amazing can happen. In fact, life is just the period when something unexpected and unknown can happen.

People are afraid that they will be unable to change along with the changing world. A person, living in a family, knows in advance that over time he will grow old, that feelings pass, romance will remain in the past. He is waiting for the collapse of the relationship already at a time when these relationships are just beginning. A person is afraid of all this long before it all happens. And all because people are afraid that they will not be able to offer adequate internal changes to those new circumstances that change over time - the environment, their own body. That is, most people are afraid of their own inability to change.

Meanwhile, modern scientists say that many things happen in the world that go beyond the systematized explained phenomena. Simply put, scientists have recognized that everything in the world happens according to certain laws, but humanity still does not have a clear understanding of such laws.

On the other hand, science does not accept things that go beyond the traditional framework, because they cannot be reproduced in the laboratory.
But despite this, there are legends in the world about such inexplicable things, in particular, that some people can work real miracles. So, for example, there are many legends about the Russian writer, traveler and theosophist Helena Blavatsky, who had phenomenal abilities. These legends say that Blavatsky allegedly could literally extract from the air necessary items: cutlery, food, things, Jewelry, letters, books and more.

The same abilities, according to rumors, were the Hindu saint Sathya Sai Baba, who lived in the abode of hermits and sages. Once he was asked about where he gets those things that seemed to appear out of thin air. Sai Baba said that they are all from a parallel reality, which the Europeans call. When he was asked why he would not take food in this way and eliminate hunger, the sage answered that providence only gives an example, people should get everything else by their own labor.
In fact, if those products that the hermit got out were eaten very quickly, then the jewels, which Sai Baba just as easily got out of the subtle world and easily presented them to those around him, after some time disappeared without a trace.
It is quite natural that most people who have heard about the miracles performed by Blavatsky and Sai Baba have the idea that such skills can be nothing more than clever fraud or trick. But the examples of other people who have the same abilities refute such thoughts.

So, for example, the famous English medium D. D. Hume, who lived in the 19th century, spent his days in daylight, which made it almost impossible for some kind of forgery and fraud. In his presence, books flew, bells rang. And once the medium even rose into the air.

Eyewitnesses were amazed at how Hume affected the harmonica. He closed the harmonica in a metal basket so that the observers would have no doubts about the veracity of what was happening, and then, at the mental order of the medium, the musical instrument itself performed various melodies.
In the 70s of the XX century in the USA, scientific research was carried out at Stanford University, in which the famous psychic Uri Geller took part. During the experiment, Geller erased tape recordings, bent and broke metal objects, made things disappear and appear. But his experience with radish seeds was especially surprising. Geller forced the seeds to germinate by an effort of will, and then, by an effort of will, forced the sprouts to return to the seed rind. For several years, the phenomenal abilities of Uri Geller were tested in in large numbers scientific laboratories around the world. Everything went on until the scientists were convinced that his skills were not an illusion, not hypnosis, not suggestion, not tricks and not fraud at all, but a real psychophysical phenomenon.

The American physicist Helmut Schmidt, who has paranormal abilities, conducted an experiment in 1971 with a stimulator of random events. This device produced absolutely spontaneously random signals. The main purpose of the experiment was to unequivocally answer the question: is it possible for thought to influence matter?
The device itself, without any human participation, generated and recorded random numbers. According to Schmidt's plan, the operator, by the power of thought and will, had to influence the fact that the number of some signals increased, while others decreased. The result of the experiment turned out to be more than successful, even though it contradicted all known, generally accepted laws of physics. As a result, the answer was found: thought is uniquely capable of influencing matter.

In scientific circles, there is another concept - the so-called "Maharishi effect". It is named after its creator, the Indian guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. This materializing principle was established in the second half of the last century. 1979, summer - Maharishi, who until then was known only thanks to his friendship with the legendary Beatles (the band members were his students), gathered more than 2,000 of his supporters in Massachusetts (America). All of them had to focus on one specific thought on command. As a result of this experiment, the number of traffic accidents in the state decreased by 6.5%, air crashes by almost 21%, and violent crime by 3.5% compared to the control data.

Exactly the same experiments were carried out in Canada, the Philippines, Great Britain and Australia, Israel and other countries. In all cases, the influence of collective thought on matter was proved.

Scientists who have studied the Maharishi effect claim that it is a phenomenon of collective consciousness operating at different social levels (from the group to humanity as a whole). The main condition for the effect is that the individual consciousnesses work harmoniously. If there is no consistency, but on the contrary, there is a polarization of feelings, opinions and moods, this can cause negative physical and social consequences: revolutions, wars, man-made disasters and earthquakes.

In light of the problem of the existence of people with paranormal abilities, there is another theory. So, in psychiatry, the placebo method is very well known, the essence of which is that instead of a real medicine, the patient is given a harmless substance that does not have any physiological effect, but is packaged like a real drug. As a rule, a placebo is used in cases where it is necessary to save the patient from the side effects of drugs. Scientists have determined that in many cases a placebo cures no worse than a real drug. Previously, psychologists and doctors explained this by the patient's high susceptibility to suggestion. At the same time, they had no idea that there are other reasons, which include the effect of materialization. This effect is triggered by the doctor's words and thought, as a result of which the "pacifier" has the same physiological effect as the real ones. medications. This effect is very successfully and widely used not only in medicine, but also in the media.

Thus, we can conclude that thought can actually influence matter, and not only locally, but also on a global scale. The laws of nature that a person observes every day are not the only ones that really exist, and there must be other Universes with other laws. These Universes can become real only if there is an intelligent observer who can translate a huge number of possible states into a single real one. The consciousness of the observer is a necessary component of the Universe, because it is the mental activity of a person that creates this very Universe.

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President of the International House of Folk Traditions, healer Anatoly Osipov, holder of two diplomas of an international class psychic. - Anatoly Ivanovich, when did you feel that you had paranormal abilities? What did you do to become a psychic? - I would like to start with the fact that the very word "psychic" means "supersensitive." Recently, a number of people...

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It does not turn off, as is commonly believed, but is in a special, altered state. Thanks to this, even an ordinary person can, for a while, most likely acquire psychic capabilities to clairvoyance and telepathy. These capabilities and manifest themselves in the form of prophetic dreams, the riddle of which scientists have yet to decipher.

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Like some, she finds various ways to manifest: telekinesis, clairvoyance, telepathy ... Sometimes these capabilities appear spontaneously, but some people may consciously use their psychic energy. In February 1920 ... that oddities varied according to the stage of the disease of the prisoners. When the disease began to recede, electromagnetic capabilities the bodies of prisoners decreased. There was a complete recovery, and the unusual talents of the patients disappeared. A well-known...


Psychic abilities can manifest themselves in different ways, so there is no single criterion to assess their presence. Some are easier to heal, others have a gift, others can influence events, etc. and so on. Unusual abilities can be revealed by conducting a series of simple experiments.

Many people have the ability for bioenergetic healing. On occasion, try to help your loved ones relieve some kind of disease - for example, a headache with high blood pressure. To do this, stand behind the patient sitting on a chair and with smooth hand passes drive the energy clot located in the head area down, distributing it evenly over the body. Then measure the pressure - it should noticeably decrease.

Try to assess your ability to receive information about the future through a dream. Traditionally used for interpretation. But you should know that they work poorly enough for a person who seeks to extract from dreams useful information, you should compose your own . To do this, you need to write down dreams every morning, then, in the evening, compare them with the events of the day. Gradually, you will be able to identify typical plots and signs for you, indicating the approach of certain events.

Put a paper spiral on a vertically mounted needle, cover it with a glass or transparent plastic cap on top - it can be a vase, an aquarium, etc. When the spiral stops completely, try to mentally rotate it in one direction or another. If the spiral obediently follows your thought, then you have certain abilities.

Go to the park, sit on a bench. Look at the clouds. Relax, then choose a suitable cloud and try to mentally cut it in half. You can try to dissolve the cloud, but remember that the cloud must not be single - otherwise the experience will not be pure. Small single clouds melt on their own, so choose one of several of the same type. If “your” cloud has dissolved, and the same clouds nearby have remained intact, then you can be congratulated on having extraordinary abilities.

Sitting on a bench, try to mentally manipulate the birds. Make the bird sit on a branch or fly in a certain way. You can try to program a situation in which someone comes up to you and asks you to smoke or tell you the time. If the world responds to your requests and fulfills its plan, you have unusual abilities.

Try to scan the people you meet. Namely, looking at a person, try to understand who he is, what he is. Do not guess, do not fantasize, just register the images and impressions that pop up in your mind. If possible, check them out. Over time, you may notice that your "guesses" become more and more accurate, which indicates your ability to "shoot" information.

Take a deck of cards. Turning it face down, try to divide the deck by suit without looking at the front side of the cards. According to probability theory, you must guess at least 25%. If this result is noticeably larger, then you manage to get information about the suit of the card without looking at it. Then you can try to guess not only the suit, but also the value of the card. You can feel the front side of the card, this increases the percentage of guessing.

Many people have the ability to telepathy. Find a partner to work with, preferably the opposite sex. The further apart you live, the better. At the chosen time, preferably in the evening, mentally broadcast any images to each other. First one to the other, the next day vice versa. After the session, analyze the information - what was transmitted and what was perceived. Allocate four minutes to broadcast one image, then a minute of rest, then broadcast a new image. It is better to limit the number of images to five.



Few today doubt the existence of special psychic abilities. People who possess them are called psychics. There are different opinions about where these properties come from. Some experts believe that they are inherited or given to a person after some kind of injury or shock. However, most researchers agree that some can be found and developed by any person.


It is best to increase the sensitivity of the hands at the beginning of the journey. With their help, you can feel a lot that is inaccessible to the eye, diagnose and treat diseases, feel the aura. You will immediately understand when the hands will feel this or that phenomenon. They may begin to be attracted to the object, trembling, they may feel hot or tingly. By practicing qigong, you can develop these.
You need to start by working with . To do this, you need to get up early - even before sunrise, train with poplar, pine, cypress, willow, and other trees. Then you can move on to herbs. Then training should be carried out in places where there are mineral deposits. There will be work with geomagnetic fields. When your hands feel them, you can train on, look for sore spots. It usually takes 60 days to develop psychic abilities.

It is best to develop psychic abilities under the guidance of an experienced teacher. However, you can learn to see the aura on your own. Place your palms down with your fingers facing each other. Between the middle fingers should be about 5 mm. Focus on your fingertips. Now move your arms horizontally or vertically. It is best to make movements on a dark background (top - light, bottom - dark). Look at your fingertips. You can see the glow if you're careful.

Now you can learn to see the biofield. Try to see the biofield of the head. To do this, find a partner, ask him to stand in a dark room, 30 cm from him there should be a white wall. Now narrow your eyes, fix all your attention on the partner's head. You will see a glowing circle. It can be of various colors - yellow, red, blue, purple. Some circles will be large, others small.
Then you can study the biofield of the whole body. You have to act the same way. You should train at least 2 times a day for 5 minutes.

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By the color of a person's biofield, one can determine the state of his health, abilities, biological magnetism, the functioning of the "third eye".

Psychic abilities, which are also called superpowers, are inherent in each person to varying degrees. Only in some people these abilities are in their infancy, in others they are more or less pronounced, and only in very few people these abilities are clearly manifested, and their presence is not in doubt.

It also happens that a person himself does not know that he has great abilities for extrasensory perception or magic. Want to check it out? This psychic ability test will help you with that.


Answer the test questions (yes/no):

1. Do you have an interest in magic, extrasensory perception, mysticism, paranormal phenomena?

2. Did you have prophetic dreams?

8. Do you feel subtle energies - for example, an aura, a biofield?

9. Do you sense danger before it appears?

10. Do you feel better alone than other people?

11. Do people react to you in a strange or unusual way?

12. Do you have a stronger energy than most people?

13. Have your eyes changed color?

14. Can you treat pain with your hands?

15. If a person harmed you, then soon he will have trouble?

16. Does the equipment (TV, radio, computer) go wrong when you are nearby?

17. Have you felt the presence of astral beings in the dark?


  • how do i know i have the ability

Our world is unique and mysterious. More and more often you can hear about wonderful things that can not be confirmed by science. Healing people with their hands, moving objects in space, transmitting thoughts over a distance - all this is very attractive and at the same time frightening. But curiosity always overpowers. Probably, many wondered about the possession of mysterious abilities.


We learn about magical abilities, of course, from programs and films. But yogis have always known about them. In the process of training, the ancient yogis noticed that they had skills unusual for ordinary people. They explained it in a special way, energy management and meditation. These abilities were called siddhis. More than eighty different sidkhas can be found in the ancient sutras.

Now many sorcerers offer their help in determining the presence of supernatural abilities for a fee. But pay money for what you can define yourself. First of all, it is necessary to note the events taking place and the oddities happening nearby. Some esotericists say that frequent (it already happened) speak of the presence of abilities.

Think about how often you can finish a thought after your interlocutor, or already know what he will say. It speaks of the presence of abilities and the fact that when the phone rings you, you already know who it is. Impact, the tendency to subordinate them to one's will, speaks of developed hypnotic abilities. If you hear voices and are sure that everything is in order with you mentally, then this indicates that you have clairaudience. In many people, abilities are manifested by flashes of clairvoyance. Maybe you too can predict events. In addition, there are special astrological and numerological tests on the Internet that, by the date of your birth, can determine your propensity for abilities.

Thus, anything unusual that happens to you or around you can indicate the presence of abilities. You can try to develop the skills you already have. To do this, you need to devote more time to the feeling that you have, with strange events. You need to read yogic literature and esotericism.

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Absolutely every person is talented. Another issue is that not everyone manages to recognize their gift. To do this, you should perform a series of exercises to identify your strengths and act according to the dictates of the heart.


Go to professional testing conducted by psychologists in scientific centers to identify your strengths. The result of the test will be a specialist containing the most suitable work profile for you. Having received the most attractive positions for you, feel free to find a job. On, to which the soul lies, it will not be difficult to show your abilities, realize and become key figure in the office space.

Listen to your intuition. What does she tell you? Take on new work responsibilities because you are confident that you can handle them better than others, or start your own business, to which you will devote all your free time? Take on the task with confidence and a mental attitude towards unparalleled success. Meet new people, make business connections and do what makes you happy.

If you're sure you're better at entertaining your friends at a party than a guest host, then take the mic away from them or pair them up to host the event, and you'll see how your guests' eyes light up with your sparkling jokes. Think about it, perhaps your role is a groovy toastmaster or a resourceful KVN player.

Or, let's say you draw well, but there is no one to appreciate your work. Then collect your artwork and go to art school. Experienced teachers will see your efforts, prompt useful advice, and perhaps the next step in your life will be the organization of your own exhibition. And if you're great at dancing, set up an impromptu dance floor in the city center. Turn on the tape recorder and start moving to the beat of your favorite music. A crowd of fans is guaranteed to gather, who will inspire you to further develop your dancing talent with their applause.

Ability in psychology is a feature that allows you to easily cope with one or another type of activity. In most cases, these traits manifest themselves in childhood as an extension of character and a tendency to a certain type of behavior and activity. However, even in adulthood, you can discover new skills and talents in yourself. In addition, unlike inclinations, ability is not an innate quality and requires development.


Analyze your . You can be calm and slow or impulsive and agile; you may have flexibility of body or quickness of thought. Write down character traits on paper, putting qualities into different categories: physical, mental, creative, technical, universal, etc.

Correlate the qualities of the column with the activity: science, technology, sports, other. A category with universal qualities is equally useful in any of the above.
A person from birth has the inclinations and a penchant for several types of activity at once, so several categories on your list will most likely be developed approximately the same, but one of the lists will clearly dominate.

The column with the highest number of qualities indicates the type of activity in which you are especially inclined. This category can be associated either with your professional activities, or with strong natural inclinations. In principle, you can focus on the development of this particular area of ​​knowledge or skills.

The remaining columns, as the set of qualities decreases, are less characteristic of you, but this does not mean that they should be abandoned. The inclinations are the foundation, but not a guarantee of successful activity in a particular area. So if you want, switch to one of the less developed categories.

Develop in yourself the qualities listed in the chosen category. Use special literature, contact teachers and consultants, study on your own. Turn inclinations into truly developing several inclinations at once. Focus on one activity and devote most of your time to it.


  • how to find your ability in 2018

Tip 7: How to discover psychic abilities in yourself

Today you can see psychics on TV, read about them on specialized websites, meet on the street. Or maybe you have psychic abilities? How to discover them in yourself? This can be identified by key features.


The first sign of presence is strange. If you often have to see lucid dreams, as well as dreams, then your third eye is born and begins to open.
Events that you saw in lucid dreams may be repeated during the day. This is a kind of prediction.
In order not to forget your dream, immediately after waking up, retell it to yourself, and write it down later. Do this every day, and then reread the notes.

Another sign of the presence of psychic abilities is synchronization in life. Pay attention, perhaps many of your thoughts or feelings begin to manifest in the space around you. This is the makings of extrasensory abilities. You may begin to attract events that you constantly think about. At the same time, it may not be in your power to control these predictions.
Try to wish for something good man who has problems. Remind yourself of your spell more often. Perhaps, with your help, everything will really work out for him, and you will be convinced of your psychic abilities.

Try to find it with maps. Pull out any card from the deck and, without turning it over, try to guess the color of the suit. If it works out, then you don’t need to stop, try to name the suits, and then the rank of the card.

Take an old family album and move your hands over the photographs of people. Try to understand if the sensations are different from photographs of living people and photographs of dead people. The differences can be varied: temperature, color, a picture may appear before your eyes. If it seems to you that the sensations are different, then test yourself - do the same with photographs of people you do not know.

Tip 8: How to know if I have psychic abilities

A psychic is a person who feels or sees supernatural phenomena or things. To find out if you have such abilities, you should remember or find out if there were psychics in your family tree, analyze your life, turn to specialists.


Analyze your life. Answer the following questions for yourself: 1) Have you seen anything unusual: ghosts, spirits, moving things, white spots, etc.? 2) Have you heard voices or sounds from the other world? 3) Have you seen prophetic dreams? 4) Do you foresee any future events? 5) Do you read or accurately guess the thoughts of another person? 8) Can you somehow control objects with the power of thought or emotions? 9) Have you managed to “jinx” another person or mentally impose your will on him? If you answered “yes” to most of these questions, then you should seriously think about your abilities and turn to specialists.

Contact special centers (for example, the Rosacademcenters of Folk Healing and Psychological Practices), where you can not only be tested, but also taught how to develop or manage your psychic gift.

Helpful advice

Check your health and consult with loved ones. You may just be hallucinating or have a mental disorder.
It is not enough to have a psychic gift, it must be studied and developed.


  • How do I know what my ability is

One can argue for a long time about whether the paranormal really exists in this world. But it is well known that many people have various psychic talents, the origin of which science is not yet able to fully explain. And how can you determine whether you have such abilities in yourself?


Analyze your past. Perhaps some events have happened to you in life that you cannot give a logical explanation for. Such events may include: flashes of intuition that helped you out in difficult situations, or random ones with those with whom you have not communicated for a long time, but whom you wanted to see at that very second.

Take out a deck of cards. For the purity of the experiment, use a new deck. Shuffle the cards carefully. Then, putting the cards in right hand, cover the stack with your left hand. Clearly (or mentally) say the name of the card you have chosen (suit and value). Draw any of them from their deck. Make sure you are right or wrong. Repeat the process as many times as you see fit. Estimate the percentage of your guessing.

Lay the cards face down on the table in front of you. Extend your hand, covering the chosen card with your palm. Name her. See if you guessed right. This method can also be useful as a constant training of your own capabilities. For early exercises, you can use, for example, only one suit.

Ask a stranger to prepare special tasks for you. Let him photograph several variants of the same interior, in which for each photo they will change slightly. Cover part of the interior in the resulting photographs with a black square (a piece of cardboard or an image editor will help you). Your task is to correctly guess what is hidden behind the obstacle.

Or let this one man will find photographs of some strangers for you people about whom he personally knows a lot. For this purpose, images of former or colleagues are quite useful. Your task will be to guess what these people have in common and what is different. For example, you may be asked to determine how many of these people have already been created, and how many have died or are seriously ill.

Answer the question for yourself - do you believe your own fortune-telling when laying out cards or throwing coins? And if you do, how much? If your answer is yes, then you can safely say about the potential, regardless of whether you have doubts about your own abilities.

Try to determine empirically whether your predictions come true for strangers. To do this, select yourself as a client unfamiliar person and make him a prediction or divination with the help of cards. But know that you should be able to follow the development of his future after that.

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Tip 10: How to identify paranormal abilities in yourself

It is believed that unusual capabilities almost everyone has it. The only difference is that for some they are clearly manifested, while others have to listen to themselves in order to reach a new level of self-development. How to discover an extraordinary beginning in yourself?


Definition of unusual abilities

Zener cards are traditionally used to determine clairvoyant ability. The subject is asked to guess what is drawn on the cards taken out of the pile in random order: a circle, a square, a cross, a star, or wavy lines. It is necessary to perform at least 50 attempts, after which the results are processed according to a special algorithm. The resulting figure allows us to determine that clairvoyant abilities are completely absent, weakly expressed, well-manifested, or unique. On the Internet, you can find special programs that work according to the described principle.

The ability to foresight can be determined by tossing an ordinary coin. Sufficiently long series are needed, approximately 100 toss-ups. If the number of guessed tosses is consistently above 50%, then you can be congratulated for having the ability to foresee.

The ability to wordless suggestion is most easily tested by trying to get the people around you to perform some harmless action. For example, look around, scratch your head or ear. Such actions do not pose a threat to a person, therefore they are not stopped by his subconscious. Important point: do no more than 3-5 attempts, then take a break for at least a day. The order itself should be very light, without aggressive mental pressure.

Telekinesis ability is tested with paper pinwheel suspended by a thread inside an inverted jar. If from a distance of 2-3 meters you manage to get the spinner to spin in the right direction, you have the ability to telekinesis. Just wait until the turntable comes to a complete stop.

For treatment, first of all, very good sensitivity is needed. You can evaluate it like this: run your relaxed palm over a live wire - for example, an ordinary room extension cord. If from a distance of 2-3 centimeters you catch a clear feeling of the presence of an electromagnetic field, you almost certainly have the makings of a non-contact treatment. Then you can read the relevant literature and test your strength in practice.

The ability to influence events is tested as follows: being somewhere in the park, mentally intend the implementation of a simple event. For example, it can be a dove that has landed on the path in front of you, or just a bird that has flown past you. It can also be a car signal, car door slam, etc. and so on. The desired event should appear after your will within 5-10 seconds, no more.

The Dangers of Developing Extraordinary Abilities

Many psychics and magicians warn that the development of extraordinary abilities can be very dangerous. It's a one way road - unusual abilities are hard to develop, but even harder to get rid of. Practices related to the development of clairvoyance and premonition are especially dangerous - sensitivity rises sharply, a person opens up to those forces that he simply did not notice before. The result can be very sad, up to a fatal outcome or a clinic for the mentally ill.


In order to find a psychic, you can go to thematic forums, look at special topics and chat with people about whether they know someone who can solve your problem and tell you about your future. Sometimes on such resources you can even meet a person who calls himself a clairvoyant or psychic. However, you don't need to contact him right away. To get started, read
