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New Year's quiz for schoolchildren with answers

Purpose: this material will be of interest to teachers primary school in preparation for the New Year holidays.
Target: introducing students to the history of the New Year, New Year's characters.
Tasks:- develop interest in New Year's traditions, customs,

To form cognitive, communicative UUD,

Cultivate a love of tradition.
New Year's Eve
V. Shumilin
On New Year's Eve, like in a fairy tale,
Full of wonders.
The tree hurries to the train,
leaving winter forest.
And the stars shine bright
And they dance.
Under New, New Year!
Laughs like snowflakes
They fly all night, they fly.
And songs everywhere
They sound funny.
The wind whistles
Snowstorm sings
New Year's Eve New Year's Eve
Under New, New Year!

Questions of the New Year's quiz.

1 .In Russia, the New Year will be the first to celebrate:
A) Residents of Chukotka, Kamchatka and Magadan region +
B) Residents of Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo regions
C) residents of the Moscow, Tula, Novgorod regions
2 . In Russia, the New Year will be the last to be celebrated by residents:
A) Kaliningrad +
B) Astrakhan
C) Petersburg
3. The needles of the needles of this tree are not prickly, wider and longer than spruce, and the cones grow up, not down, like spruce:
A) Cedar
B) Fir +
C) Pine
4. The prototype of the modern Santa Claus:
A) Saint Nicholas +
B) Saint Peter
B) Saint Ivan
5. This is how the people called January:
A) Prosimets
B) Prosinets +
B) promorozets
6. Russian artist, author of the painting "Snow Maiden":
A) I. Levitan
B) V. Vasnetsov +
B) I. Shishkin
7. Composer Rimsky Korsakov created the opera:
A) Snow Maiden +
B) granddaughter
C) Beauty
8. So the people called December:
A) Morozailo
B) It's cold +
B) Gonyailo
9. The type of horse movement found in the famous children's song about the Christmas tree:
A) Trot +
B) Allure
B) gallop
10. The most famous New Year's fruit:
A) apple
B) Mandarin +
C) Banana
11. Santa Claus needs this not only to lean, but also to work miracles:
A) boots
B) Belt
C) Staff +
12. Santa Claus has a long one, to the waist:
A) fur coat
B) Beard +
C) hat
13. In Rus', when the whole family gathered at the New Year's table, the children tied the legs of the table with a bast rope. What did this New Year's custom symbolize?
A) The family in the coming year will be strong and should not be separated +
B) The family in the coming year will be cheerful and should not be sad
C) The family in the coming year will be rich and should not be poor
14. What gymnastic trick does the Earth perform by the time of the next New Year?
A) Rondat
B) screw
C) Turnover +
15. Which country is the historical homeland of the Christmas tree, and then the New Year tree?
A) England
B) Germany +
B) Denmark
16. What is the name of the Russian old, but ageless dance at the New Year tree?
A) Polka
B) Round dance +
B) Waltz
17. Christmas tree lullaby singer:
A) Storm
B) Blizzard
C) Blizzard +
18. What is customary to wash for the New Year in Hungary in order to be provided with all year round?
A) water
B) Money +
C) snow
19. In which country, during the New Year holiday, thousands of lanterns are lit to light the way to the New Year?
A) Poland
B) China +
B) Japan
20. When was the New Year celebrated in pre-Petrine Rus' of the 18th century?
A) January 1
B) September 1 +
C) March 1

New Year's quiz that requires a full answer. (3-4 cells).

2. American Santa Claus.(Santa Claus.)

3. Three necessary things without which Santa Claus cannot appear "in public"?(Without beard, staff and gifts.)

4. Snowflake's cousin?(Icicle.)

5. How many times, according to ancient tradition, Santa Claus must hit the ground with his staff for a miracle to happen?(Three times.)

6. Transportation of Santa Claus?(A trio of horses harnessed to a painted sleigh.)

7. How many times do Russians celebrate the New Year?(Twice: the first of January according to the new style and the fourteenth - according to the old.)

8. Which Russian writer, playwright is considered the "father" of the Snow Maiden?(A. N. Ostrovsky, author of the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden".)

9. Famous Russian composer, author of the opera "The Snow Maiden"?(Rimsky-Korsakov.)

10. Which movie screening on New Year's Eve has become a good tradition?("Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath".)

11. A close relative of Santa Claus?(His granddaughter Snegurochka.)

12. Who invented the calendar?(Ancient Romans.)

13. Favorite delicacy of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden?(Ice cream.)

14. The birthplace of ice cream?(French town called Plombières.)

15. Children's fairy tales, in the title of which Santa Claus himself or his immediate and distant relatives appears?("Frost", " The Snow Queen”, “Snow Maiden”, “Moroz Ivanovich”, “Mrs. Metelitsa”, etc.)

16. New Year's "confetti guns"?(Clapperboard.)

17. The name of the famous New Year's song?("The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree".)


"New Year's mosaic" - The game involves two teams of three people each.

Exercise. Each team is given an envelope in which a proverb or a saying on a winter theme is enclosed, and each word is written out on a separate piece of paper. It is necessary in a minute to compose scattered words into a proverb or saying: “Take care of your nose in a big frost”; "Winter and summer don't get along."

"Snowball Catcher" - a comic competition in throwing "snowballs" is arranged. Two players stand facing each other at a distance of about three meters. The player in front of whom lies a “pile of snowballs” (pre-made paper) throws at the second player, who has a small waste basket in his hands. With this basket, he must catch the snowball. The task of the second player is to catch as many snowballs as possible with his basket.

One snowflake, two snowflakes... - two or more people participate in the game. Task. Blindfolded for a certain time, collect as many "snowflakes" scattered by Santa Claus as possible.

"Christmas tree elegant ..." - Both girls and boys take part in the game. Girls are Christmas trees, which young men must dress up and embellish for the holiday in a certain time. In front of each of them is a box with various ladies' cosmetics, jewelry and accessories: beads, bows, clip-on earrings, lipstick, blush, eye shadow, hairpins, Christmas decorations and tinsel. The winner is the pair of players that aroused the greatest sympathy among the audience. Voting is "regulated" by friendly applause.

"Blind Game" - Two players are involved. In front of each of them is a large sheet of paper and a pencil. Condition of the game: blindfolded, draw, for example, a snowman. The winner is the one whose drawing will come out more successful and reliable. The winner receives a "sweet prize", in the form of a large candy with a surprise "filling". Rewarding the winner, Santa Claus imperceptibly pulls the string and the “candy” popper suddenly explodes in the hands of an unsuspecting player, showering him with colorful confetti.

« Balloon my fly ... "- The game is played by two or three pairs of players. They are given the task: during a fast, rhythmic dance, do not give hot air balloon touch the floor. The winner is a couple who successfully completed the task, which receives an amazing gift from Santa Claus as an encouragement: by tapping on the floor with his magic staff, he prophesies an amazing and brilliant future for young people.

“Two silver horses will rush me in an instant ...” - two rival players, using roller skates as ordinary skates, must simultaneously leave the "same destination", overcome a certain distance and return safely. The winner is the one who is more confident and quickly cope with the task.

Traditions of the New Year in different countries.

Let's start with Germany, from where the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree at the New Year's Eve spread throughout the world. By the way, this tradition appeared there in the distant times of the Middle Ages. The Germans believe that Santa Claus rides on a donkey, so children put hay in their shoes to treat him. And in Berlin, at the Brandenburg Gate, the most interesting thing happens: hundreds of thousands of people pronounce toasts to the reunification of East and West Germany - the holiday is celebrated there very emotionally.

And in Vietnam, the beliefs are even more interesting - the ancestors of modern Vietnamese believed that the New Year sails on the back of a carp, so today there is a tradition there to buy a live carp for the New Year and release it into a pond or river. And the main symbol of the holiday there are the branches of a blossoming peach, which are placed in the house and give each other.

Another common tradition today was given to the world by another European country - England. This is a gift to each other greeting cards. And among the unusual things associated with the New Year there, one can single out the same tradition of treating a donkey with hay that the Germans have, as well as the ritual of kissing lovers under a sprig of mistletoe for the strength of relationships. And you need to do this to the sound of bells ringing at 12 o'clock in honor of the New Year. It is unusual that these bells begin to ring even before 12 at night, but until the New Year comes they are wrapped in blankets so that they sound quiet, and when it comes, the blankets are removed and they begin to ring with all their might. And in the British Isles, people literally let out the Old and let in the New Year: to do this, they first open the back door of the house when the clock starts to strike 12, and then open the front door - so that the New Year enters the house.

But Sweden gave the world the first glass Christmas decorations (in the 19th century). There, on New Year's Eve, it is customary not to turn off the lights in the houses and brightly illuminate the streets - this real holiday Sveta.

Another Europeans, the French, celebrate the New Year very extravagantly. They bake a pie in which they put one bean, whoever gets this bean is declared the bean king and on a festive night everyone obeys his orders. Yes, many of us would like such a tradition, it is strange that so far it has not reached and taken root in Russia. And good French winemakers are simply obliged to drink for the future harvest with a barrel of wine: you need to clink glasses with it and congratulate it on the New Year!

In the United States, where in 1895. the world's first luminous electric garland was hung at the White House, and from where the tradition spread around the world to write "New Year's tasks" with promises and plans for the coming year, it is not customary to arrange solemn feasts, as well as give gifts, all this is arranged there only for Christmas , and they necessarily transplant Christmas trees into the ground, and do not throw them away, as we do.

But the Finns arrange solemn meals on Christmas and New Year. It was from Finland that the tradition of melting wax and lowering it into cold water, and then, based on the resulting figures, guess what awaits a person in the coming year.

Japan gave the world the tradition of celebrating the New Year in new clothes, building ice sculptures and castles. The most unusual tradition there is to buy a rake before the New Year, which "will help to bring more happiness."

An unusual and quite common New Year's tradition in many countries is making noise - the louder the better! Panamanians loudly shouting and knocking, ringing bells, including sirens and car horns so appease the New Year. Hungarians in the first second of the arrival of the New Year whistle loudly - drive away the bad and attract well-being. Iranians - shoot from guns.

Whatever the New Year's traditions, the most extravagant among them, nevertheless, can rightfully be considered those in which something is thrown out of the windows. So, in Cuba, at 12 o'clock, water is poured out of the windows, which is collected in advance in all the utensils in the house - in this way, Cubans wish the New Year a clean and bright path like water. Italians throw old things out of the windows so that new things take their place, and they do it with all their inherent passion, loudly and cheerfully. In some areas of Johannesburg (the capital of South Africa), refrigerators fly out of the windows, which makes the New Year in this country very dangerous, but in general it is customary to throw something old out of the windows, too, like in Italians. But in Nepal, old things are burned in large fires at sunrise.

The Bulgarians behave very unusually in the first 3 minutes of the New Year: they turn off the lights everywhere - these are the minutes of New Year's kisses, the secret of which is kept by darkness. Well, far behind in terms of extravagance new year traditions all left the Ecuadorians. The men there dress up women's clothing, put on wigs and make up to arrange a "widow's lament" for bad husbands and burn dolls.

But in general, all Ecuadorians believe: if you have time to put on yellow underwear during the strike of the clock, then money will fall like snow on your head, if red, then there will be happiness in your personal life, if you run around the house at the same time with a big bag or suitcase, you will be traveling all year round.

There are many more interesting New Year's traditions.

NEW YEAR QUIZ for schoolchildren of 1-8 grades

Target: improve skills for New Year.
1. develop logical thinking;
2. expand horizons and vocabulary;
3. increase interest in learning the language;
4. cultivate respect for the culture of the country of the language being studied.
5. promote development creativity students
6. cultivate a sense of kindness, empathy, instill interest in art.
Equipment: presentation, certificates and assignments on cards.

Quiz for schoolchildren about the New Year

What winter holidays do we celebrate twice: according to the old and new style?
(Christmas - December 25 and January 7. New Year - January 1, according to the new style and January 14, according to the old style. The phrase old New Year is our domestic invention and tradition.
In Rus', when the whole family gathered at the New Year's table, the children tied the legs of the table with a bast rope. What did this New Year's custom symbolize? (This meant that the family in the coming year would be strong and should not be separated.)
Why in 1699-1700 Russians celebrated the New Year twice with an interval of four months?
(In 1699, a few months after the Russians had already celebrated the New Year on September 1, they had to repeat the celebration. Because on December 19, Peter the Great issued a decree on the reform of the calendar in Russia. According to this document, the New Year began to be celebrated on 1 January and the Christian chronology was adopted - from the Nativity of Christ.The first January festive New Year in Russia was celebrated very widely for almost a day.)
When issuing a decree on the celebration of the New Year, Peter I wrote that on this day, January 1, “to decorate houses from pine and spruce trees and branches. To inflict shooting on each in his own yard, and do not inflict much drinking and massacre on this day ... ". Why did he forbid drinking and fighting that day? (According to Peter, "other days are enough" for this.)
In pre-Petrine Rus', traditional New Year's treat festive feast were fresh apples. Why? (After all, before the calendar reform of Peter I, the New Year was celebrated on September 1 - at the time when apples were picked.)
In Japan, New Year's Eve is announced by 108 strokes of the bell; in the UK, New Year's midnight is beaten off by the London clock Big Ben. But in Russia?
(Moscow Kremlin chimes.)
Why didn't the future poet Pushkin have a Christmas tree in his childhood? (The Christmas tree in Russia began to be used as Christmas tree only from the middle of the 19th century.)
With the advent of Soviet power, the custom of decorating a Christmas tree for Christmas was abolished as a religious one. And when was it restored? (Only in 1935, they began to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year.)
When did January 1 become a non-working day in Russia? (The decision to do so was made in December 1947.)
Residents of which countries are the first in the world to celebrate the New Year?
(Inhabitants of New Zealand and the State of Fiji. This is due to the fact that these territories are geographically located closest to the date line.)
What advantage do the inhabitants of the Chukchi village of Uelen have over the rest of the Russians?
(They celebrate the New Year first. Uelen is the easternmost village in Russia. It is located not far from Cape Dezhnev in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. Its inhabitants celebrate the New Year 8 hours earlier than in Moscow.)
Residents of which region of the Russian Federation celebrate the New Year later than all other Russians? (Kaliningrad region, the westernmost region of Russia. The New Year comes to them an hour later than to Moscow.)
How many times can you celebrate the New Year in Russia? (Now, in accordance with the new law "On the Calculation of Time", there are 9 time zones passing through the territory of Russia. Therefore, in Russia, the New Year can be celebrated 9 times. And more recently, there were 11 time zones, and therefore the number of New Year's meetings in our country decreased by 2.)
What gymnastic trick does the Earth perform by the time of the next New Year? (Reverse.)
At what beat of the Kremlin Chimes does the New Year begin in our country?
(According to the rules of the exact time service, a new hour comes with the last sound signal, including the last strike of the clock.)
Who were the first people on Earth to celebrate the New Year in space? (These are Russian cosmonauts Yuri Romanenko and Georgy Grechko, in orbit of the Salyut-6 station on January 1, 1978.)
For Americans, he is a saint; for the French, he is a father figure. And who is he to us, the Russians?
(In America, Santa Claus brings gifts to Americans, Per Noel - Father Christmas - to the French deputy, and Grandfather Frost distributes gifts to little Russians.)
What ancient Belarusian forest is considered the birthplace of Santa Claus? (Belovezhskaya Pushcha)
In what month does our Santa Claus celebrate his birthday? (In November, more precisely - November 18. What is the age of the winter wizard is not known for certain, but it is for sure that it is more than 2000 years old. The children themselves came up with the date of birth of Santa Claus, since it was on November 18 on his estate - in Veliky Ustyug - that the real winter, and frost strikes.)
In what region of the Russian Federation is Veliky Ustyug, the patrimony of Father Frost?
(In the Vologda region. Veliky Ustyug is one of the oldest cities in the Russian North. It was officially named the birthplace of Father Frost in 1999.)
When did the Russian Grandfather Frost have a granddaughter Snegurochka? (Recently, she was invented by the Russian playwright A.N. Ostrovsky, who in 1873 wrote a play in verse - the poetic "spring tale" "The Snow Maiden".)
What Russian city is the historical homeland of the Snow Maiden?
(Kostroma. In Kostroma, the Snow Maiden has both a tower and a living room, where she cordially receives and entertains her guests of any age.)
When did the song “Yolochka” (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest ...”) appeared, which is sung by all children and adults in our country at the New Year holidays?
(For the first time, the poem "Christmas Tree" was published in 1903 in children's magazine"Baby" with a pseudonym of two letters. Composer L.K. Beckman wrote music for the poems. Only in 1941 was the real author of the words identified - Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva, a Russian writer.)
What beauty dresses up once a year?
(Christmas tree.)
Which country is the historical homeland of the Christmas tree, and then the New Year tree? (Germany.)
Name the children's storyteller who invented the Planet of Christmas Trees.
(Gianni Rodari.)
What is the name of the Russian old, but ageless dance at the New Year tree? (Round dance.)
Name the performer of the lullaby for the Christmas tree. (Snowstorm.)
What is the name of the New Year's two-faced ball? (Masquerade, carnival.)
New Year's drink for risky people is ... What? (Champagne.)
What is the name of the most peaceful New Year's warhead? (Clapperboard.)
What do New Year's crackers start with?
Not only a winding road in the mountains, but also a Christmas tree decoration. What is this?
What was the name of the village in which amazing events took place on Christmas night, which N.V. told us about? Gogol? (Dikanka.)
What were the names of the boys from the story of Arkady Gaidar, who came to their father in the distant taiga to celebrate the New Year with a geological expedition? (Chuk and Gek.)
From which film by Eldar Ryazanov did the catchphrase fly out: “There is a setting to have fun celebrating the New Year”? ("Carnival Night".)
name our most new year movie, to show which on the eve of the New Year has become a real Russian tradition which is over 30 years old.
(“The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath”, directed by Eldar Ryazanov, 1976. They joke, in order to tactfully find out the age of a woman, you need to ask her how many times she watched this film on New Year's Eve. The number of views will equal her age.)
But Santa Claus harnesses not deer, but deer to the Christmas sleigh! What proves the truth of such a statement? (The presence of horns. After all, male deer take off their antlers in the fall.)
Why is it impossible to return existing debts on New Year's Eve?
(In order not to do this all year later. You need to return all monetary debts in advance, but it is not recommended to take on old debts on the New Year.)
In Greece, on New Year's Eve, guests put a stone on the host's doorstep, wishing him that this thing always weighs no less. What is this thing? (Wallet.)
What is customary to wash for the New Year in Hungary in order to be provided with all year round?
(Literally money!)
Why in Hungary new year's eve no ducks, no chickens, no geese are served on the table?
(So ​​that “happiness does not fly away from home.”)
Why, on the evening of December 31, do Italians only walk strictly in the middle of the pavement?
(They are afraid to walk along the edges of the pavement for safety reasons, as the Italians on New Year's Eve throw old trash and furniture out of the windows.)
In Germany, these seasonal workers must be at least 180 cm tall, with a bass and a beard. They are given uniforms free of charge. What color is she? (Red, it's Santa Clauses.)
In which country during the New Year's street processions - the most exciting part of the holiday - thousands of lanterns are lit to light the way to the New Year? (In China.)
Which island state has such a custom: before the New Year, people fill all the dishes with water, and at the moment when the clock strikes twelve times, they make a real flood, at the same time pouring water out of the windows, wishing themselves that in the coming year life would be the same bright and clear like water? (At Cuba.)
What month is Eastern New Year? lunar calendar? (In February.)
* * * * * *
In which month in the history of Russia was the New Year NOT celebrated?
A. Mart. V. September.
B. January. G. November.
(The ancient Slavs celebrated the New Year on March 1 with the onset of heat and the beginning of field work. In 1492, the beginning of the year in Rus' was officially postponed to September 1. Since 1699, the New Year began to be celebrated on January 1.)
When was the New Year celebrated in pre-Petrine Rus' of the 18th century?
A. January 1st. B. March 1st.
B. June 1st. G. 1 September.
How affectionately called Santa Claus in some Russian fairy tales?
A. Freezer. V. Morozko.
B. Morozets. G. Kholodets.

What is the name of Santa Claus' magic wand?
A. Scepter. V. Wand.
B. Staff. G. Mace.
What headdress does our Russian Santa Claus wear?
A. Kolpak. B. Boyar hat.
B. Chalma. G. Pot.
(And Santa Claus walks in a red cap.)
Where does Santa Claus get presents for Russian kids on New Year's Eve?
A. From the chest. B. From the bag.
B. From the safe. G. From a sock.
What is the name of the tale of V.F. Odoevsky?
A. "Moroz Ivanovich". V. "Kholod Petrovich".
B. "Kolotun Nikolaevich". G. "Stuzha Semyonovna".
What fairy tale did G.Kh. Andersen?
A. "Spruce". V. "Pine".
B. "Fir". G. "Kedr".
What is the name of the place where Christmas trees are sold?
A. Green market. V. Christmas tree market.
B. Green auction. G. Coniferous supermarket.
Which Kremlin tower appears on TV screens on New Year's Eve?
A. Borovitskaya. V. Nikolskaya.
B. Spasskaya. G. Kutafya.
What item does every Japanese consider it his duty to acquire in order to rake in new happiness in the coming year?
A. A shovel. V. Fishing net.
B. Bamboo rake. G. A straw basket.
Under the guise of a representative of which of the professions is the Mongolian Santa Claus on New Year's Eve?
A. Cook. V. Shepherd.
B. Steelworker. G. Cosmonaut.
What time of year is New Year's Eve in Australia?
A. Summer. V. Autumn.
B. Winter. G. Spring.


1. The most important grandfather on new year holiday. (Freezing.)
2. Nickname of Santa Claus. (Red nose.)
3. The city where the residence of Father Frost in Russia is located. (Great Ustyug.)
4. Rod of Santa Claus. (Staff.)
5. Santa Claus gift store. (Bag.)
6. Granddaughter of Santa Claus. (Snow Maiden.)
7. Part of the world where the custom to celebrate the New Year at the Christmas tree arose. (Europe.)
8. Mandatory attribute of the New Year holiday. (Christmas tree.)
9. Giving the Christmas tree a New Year's look. (Decoration.)
10. Place for the New Year's sale of Christmas trees and Christmas tree decorations. (Bazaar.)
11. Threads of lanterns on the Christmas tree. (Garland.)
12. They are lit both on the Christmas tree and on festive table. (Candles.)
13. Shiny Christmas ribbon. (Tinsel.)
14. Long narrow tape from colored paper, which is thrown at each other at the New Year's holiday. (serpentine.)
15. Substitute for snow on the Christmas tree. (Vata.)
16. Multi-colored paper circles, which are showered on each other at the New Year's holiday. (Confetti.)
17. Colored decorative lights flying into the air. (Fireworks.)
18. Close people with whom they most often celebrate the New Year. (Relatives.)
19. Time of day when the New Year is celebrated. (Night.)
20. A chain of children and adults holding hands, who walk around the Christmas tree with songs. (Round dance.)
21. A cold sweet treat that looks like snow. (Ice cream.)
22. The last day of December in relation to the New Year. (Eve.)
23. A branch of a Christmas tree. (Paw.)
24. It is customary to give them for the New Year. (Present.)
25. A toy that, when torn apart by impact, makes a sharp sound and throws out confetti. (Clapperboard.)
26. Costume ball on New Year's Eve. (Masquerade.)

Which country in the world New Year's grandfather called Peer Noel? (France)
And in what country is New Year's grandfather called Toshigami? (Japan)
Which country has a tradition of naming the New Year's old man Yolupukki? (Finland)
Which of the Russian cities is considered the birthplace of the Snow Maiden? (Kostroma)
Where is it customary to decorate with bamboo for the New Year? (In Vietnam)
Which country in the world has a tradition of decorating the New Year holiday with holly twigs? (USA)
In this country, instead of a Christmas tree, a tangerine tree is brought into the house for the new year. (China)
Where on New Year's Eve they dance around a house made of palm leaves instead of a Christmas tree? (In Ghana)

New Year's quiz for grades 1 and 2

1. Which New Year's grandfather has a long red fur coat, a boyar hat, a broad white beard and a long staff in his hands and a very kind smile?
2. This Santa Claus has a white beard, a red hat with a pom-pom, bright swimming trunks on a tanned body, sunglasses and a surfboard. Where is he from?
3. In this country, the New Year coincides with the festival of cattle breeding. Santa Claus comes to the children in the clothes of a cattle breeder, with a fox hat on his head, a long whip in his hands, a flint and a snuff box on his side. What country are we talking about?
4. From which movie is this catchphrase: “There is a setting to celebrate the New Year cheerfully”?
5. Which city is declared the geographical homeland of the Russian Father Frost?
6. In what country does the local Santa Claus Bobbo Natale distribute gifts, but the fairy Befana with a red cap and crystal shoes?
7. In what country does Santa Claus have such a funny name - Joulupukki?
8. What is the name of the Spanish Santa Claus?
* * * * * *
Now let's change the problem a bit. You will need to choose the correct answer from the three given.
9. In what country is the New Year's grandfather called Baba Zhara?
1) In Panama; 2) in Cambodia; 3) in Sudan.
10. In which country do residents make a New Year's greeting bouquet from pine, bamboo, plum, woven into rice straws with the addition of fern and tangerine branches?
1) In China; 2) in Japan; 3) in Thailand.
11. In which country, before the New Year's holiday, houses are decorated with branches of a coffee tree?
1) In Nicaragua; 2) in Brazil; 3) in Kenya.
12. In what country is the New Year celebrated at the palm tree?
1) In Cuba; 2) in Nepal; 3) in Saudi Arabia.
13. In which country is a red-flowered metrosideros tree used instead of a Christmas tree?
1) in Ghana; 2) in Australia; 3) in Singapore.
14. Where on New Year's Eve are bamboo shoots thrown into the hearth to scare away evil spirits with crackling and hissing?
1) In Korea; 2) in Japan; 3) in China.

New Year's quiz for grades 3 and 4

1. What was the first Christmas tree in France in 1600 decorated with? This year is the first mention of the New Year tree in literature.
2. What are the trees in the Philippines made of? What dish in Holland is served only for the New Year's table?
3. In Japan, on New Year's Eve, branches of two plants are tied at the door - a symbol of fidelity and longevity. One of them is pine, and the other?
4. In which country (in the city of Payakylä) is there a Santa Claus post office?
5. In Bulgaria, it is customary to bake coins and …
6. What must be sewn for the New Year in Korea?
7. What man, today a rare profession, is considered a symbol of happiness in Austria?
8. The heroine of which play by Ostrovsky would be very useful to us here at the New Year's Eve?
9. In 1638, gilded and silver-plated toys appeared on Christmas tree branches. Which?
10. In which country was the day when the first snow falls the beginning of the new year?
11. What do they break in Sweden for the New Year?
12. What is the name of Santa Claus in Italy?
13. What do the inhabitants of Hungary use to drive away evil spirits before the New Year?
14. What do Japanese children draw and put under their pillows on New Year's Eve?
15. Cubans on New Year's Eve fill all the dishes with water. What do they do with this water?
16. What is strictly forbidden to do in China on the first days of the New Year
17. In which country is it customary to joke on New Year's Eve, like we do on April 1?
18. Why is it not worth standing under the windows on New Year's Eve in Panama?
19. Why do the Scots bring a piece of coal to visit on New Year's Eve?
20. What was the name of the boy with the heart of ice?
21. The hero of what fairy tale fought with the Mouse King on the eve of the New Year?
22. In which Russian city does Santa Claus live?
23. Who was the first in the world to establish the custom of celebrating the New Year?
24. The tree lives the longest in one of the cities in the US state of Indiana. What's the name of this town?
25. In Australia, Santa Claus does not come on a sleigh, but on what?
26. The inhabitants of which island are the first to celebrate the New Year on our planet?

Riddles are not a genre for children. In ancient times, they played an important role in human life. The riddle of logic is a kind of test of intelligence. Guess - you will go from fools to princes, you will get a princess and half the kingdom, as usual, in addition! And today, at a matinee for a child and at a holiday for a parent, at any walk, New Year's riddles will come to the court.

We have something for every taste: serious and comic, simple and complex, for children and adults, with and without answers. All of them are about the New Year 2020 and its symbol - a rat. Entertaining and instructive, with and without rhyme, a little sad and funny. Enjoy your holiday with our creative puzzles!

It's time to prepare a festive dinner. What does every housewife throw into the pan first?

What kind of fashionista comes to every house and sits like a guest at the table?
She is dressed in a warm fur coat, a dark red special color.
(Herring under a fur coat)

How many boiled eggs can you eat on an empty stomach on the first of January?
(One egg because the rest will not be eaten on an empty stomach)

The rat, the symbol of the coming year, is a patient, intelligent, thrifty creature. And the question is this: can she call herself an animal?
(No, because rats can't talk)

About the symbol of 2020 - the rat

We celebrate the Rat in the new year. No one remembers the old New Year. The symbol of 2020 is an economic mother of many children, a nimble, smooth rat in a white dress, and a slender charming rat in a golden outfit, and a thrifty Mouse-Lock. Riddles about different rats and mice are waiting to meet you!

It's funny and sad to the point of tears!

A keen sense of smell and keen hearing
little feet,
She has a ponytail
And he's afraid of cats!
(Rat, mouse)

I'm fine with:
I have a closet with me.
Where is the closet? For the cheek!
Here I am cunning!

She feels for a long time
That the ship will go to the bottom.
She doesn’t care about rye, she doesn’t care about rice -
Escapes from the ship

What is the name of an endless, self-defeating, meaningless pursuit, or a routine lifestyle that leaves no time for rest or entertainment?
(Rat race)

She is not loved by the female
Always met with a loud squeal.
And hiding from her on the table,
When she gets close.
(Rat, mouse)

Funny with a trick (for adults)

When adults are alone at home, despite their age, they also like to play pranks. They arrange a banquet for themselves, come up with and guess riddles for the new year. All sorts of tricky questions and puzzles are especially popular. They are suitable for both corporate and casual cheerful company. Joke to good health! All of our jokes are free!

Who got drunk on New Year's Eve?
Who, grunting, climbed dressed in the shower?
Didn't guess, not a pig,
And like a pig (husband)!

Question:“What is the most wonderful gift a woman dreams of receiving for the New Year? There is a hint! The length of the gift is 15cm and its width is 7cm.” Guess the wish of your beloved!

Answer: hundred dollar bill.

Question: Why does our beloved Santa Claus have a red nose?

Answer: Why does Grandpa have a very red nose?
Maybe he got cold on the way?
It's because the fabulous old man
I'm used to steaming in a hot Russian bath.

Question: “Who is the warmest dressed in this room?”

Who is not afraid to freeze
At minus thirty to the bone?
Maybe a fox coat
Someone hid from the guests?

Look at each other
And answer me now:
Where is this coat?
What is invisible to the eye?

(herring under a fur coat on the table)

Question:“Have you ever wondered why a snowman, like a real man, has a bucket on his head, and not a hat?”

The answers might be: it can be assumed that such a headdress is very practical - it does not get wet, it does not fly off from the wind, it suits the snowman. Or maybe such family tradition, and the bucket is passed down from generation to generation. Of course, anything is possible!

But in reality it was...
Once, on New Year's Eve, the wife asked her husband to take out the garbage. Reluctantly, he looked up from the TV, which showed an old funny comedy, dressed and went out into the yard ... Two weeks passed. On the night of the old new year, the doorbell rang. The wife opened - on the threshold stood an unshaven, lost husband. He handed his wife an empty bucket. She appreciated the joke, took a bucket and with great pleasure put it on her beloved husband's head ... This is such an unusual story for the whole family.

Why is this happening? Another funny poem:

If at night your doors
The animals opened without a key
They began to eat salad with peas,
Brazenly demand potatoes
Loudly slurp and laugh,
Don't reflect in mirrors
And tap with a hoof,
And in the eyes slightly double, Look at the calendar:
It's not winter in the yard!
Don't delay, come on
Call urgently!

New Year's riddles for children

Children believe in miracles! Not only kids 3-4 years old and preschoolers, but also quite adult senior students. They believe in a fabulous grandfather who will certainly come and give a miracle. Just like that, he will open the bag and give away the most valuable thing he has for free (that is, for free)! Let the childish naive faith in a miracle stay longer! The New Year lives in our mysteries. Each of them is not only fun entertainment among friends, but also a good lesson.

In verse:

An expensive ribbon lay on the Christmas tree.
The lights flash in different colors.
They are connected by a miracle - wiring.
Light bulbs are powered by electricity.

Around the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve
There is a round dance at the school.
What is where friends?
I don't see anyone.

On the palm of a warm melts quickly
Lace little ice.
It is a pity that there are no repetitions.
Each is unique (snowflake.)

She is a beautiful queen.
green and young
And sparkles on the crown
Star of Bethlehem.
(Christmas tree)

mice next to each other
Behind the mice is a cat.
It's not a hunt, it's
(round dance!)

Who is from a fairy tale, who is from a miracle
Did he come to us from nowhere?
With a beard so fluffy
And a childishly pure soul?
Who brought gifts?
Let's shout out loud:
(Father Frost!)

And when the guests arrive
And pour champagne
Pull her tail
There will be fireworks!

About what winter holiday They say?

This holiday is friends with the Christmas tree,
Hanging the lights in a row
He is a green needle
He embroiders an outfit for her.

Children are not given
They repeat their verse.
Dads are laughing
Fallen snow is falling.

Moms in the kitchen cut
A full basin of Olivier.
Answer me who knows
What kind of holiday is in the yard?

(New Year)

Look, whose footprints are in the snow?
Never understand them to the enemy.
Confused, confused paths.
Even the wolf can't find him quickly.

And here are the tracks of a predator.
Run away so that there is no trouble!
Don't mess with this beast
A hare can immediately swallow.

Someone covered their tracks with their tail.
So that the hunter does not enter the house
Predators of unprecedented beauty
Sly Patrikeevna

Who sleeps in the lair and does not hear us?
That's right guys

Game "Cool". Finish the rhyme

Good luck and success await you
If you eat from the Christmas tree (nut.)

You will travel the world
If you take off the Christmas tree (candy.)

You will become unrealistically smart.
If you can find (lemon)

You can study "excellently"
If you gobble up a jar (mustard.)

Suddenly a sausage will be found on the tree,
Do not share with anyone, but eat (yourself!)

I hope your sense of humor is ok?
Do you like funny riddles?

You can guess very quickly.
This famous artist.
News will show, a film,
Even the president's address.
And while the clock chimes strike,
He will show (holiday fireworks!)

Good old new year coming soon!
Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden will come.
Guess what's in the bag
Will grandpa bring it this time?
And don't just wrinkle your nose!
This is a rhetorical question!

Man has always been attracted by everything interesting, mysterious. In riddles, folk wisdom, the salt of the earth, is collected drop by drop. For many years she improved, honed rhymes, deepened the idea, polished like a diamond. How many mysteries are there? How many Christmas decorations Or how many stars are in the sky? There is an answer, but it is not given unambiguously. It's like printing the same picture and expecting a different result.

Try to compose yourself! At first short riddles. Look for answers in poetry or prose. Try writing simple childish or cool adult quiz writing. This is a great exercise for the mind.

New Year's quiz.

The game consists of 5 rounds, designed for an audience of primary school students.

Goals: introduce students to some facts from the history of the New Year holiday; develop creative imagination students; help to strengthen friendships between children.

Students are divided into four teams, come up with a name associated with winter and the New Year holiday.

Quiz progress:

It's snowing in the yard New Year's holiday is coming soon
The needles glow softly, The coniferous spirit comes from the Christmas tree.
Branches faintly rustle
Beads shine bright.
And toys swing, Flags, stars, crackers.
And decorating the top
There it shines, as always,
Very bright, big
Five-winged star.

He comes on a winter evening
Light candles on the trees.
He starts a round dance
It's New Year's Eve!

Leading: Probably there is not a single person on Earth who would not love this magical holiday. Both adults and children are looking forward to New Year's Eve, they believe that a miracle will definitely happen on this night, and the good Santa Claus will fulfill his most cherished desire, and under the Christmas tree there will certainly be a gift for everyone.

And today we will learn a lot of interesting things about this holiday and, of course, we will play.

1 round. Warm up.

The teams take turns asking questions. The time for discussion is 1 minute. If a team does not answer, the right to answer passes to the next team. The maximum score is 5.

Not a single New Year (Santa Claus) can do without it. Where do you think Santa Claus came from? Santa Claus was born from the imagination of the inhabitants of Europe more than 2 thousand years ago. On ritual nights, they threw cakes, pieces of meat over the threshold of their house, poured out wine, persuaded Santa Claus not to get angry, not to interfere with hunting, not to spoil crops. Santa Claus is, of course, a fairy tale. But it turns out that there is such a Santa Claus who does not take off his outfit all year round- all 12 months he serves and receives a salary for it. He lives in a small village where there are zoos, the Murrr-Murrr castle, and a puppet theater and a toy workshop, and a fairy tale room. The country where the real Santa Claus lives is called Finland. Guess who helps Santa Claus answer letters from children from all over the world, trade in a souvenir shop, ride guests on reindeer sleds, deliver gifts.


In Japan, the arrival of the New Year is announced by 108 strokes of the bell. In Japanese cities, ice palaces and castles are being built, snow sculptures are being erected. It is customary to decorate the doors of houses with tree branches. Plum means love of life, bamboo - fidelity. Guess which tree represents longevity?


What is the name of the Russian folk game with singing and dancing, which is usually held on New Year's Eve?


The custom of decorating Christmas trees has been preserved since ancient times. Now we decorate Christmas trees with garlands and toys. And once people believed that spirits were hiding in the branches of evergreen trees. Question: what did people hang on Christmas trees to appease the spirits?


- Name the obligatory attribute of New Year's Eve.


It is customary to give gifts on New Year's Eve. The custom comes from ancient Rome. In Italy, for example, they are waiting for the good fairy Befana, who arrives on a magic broomstick at night, and, entering the room where children sleep, fills children's shoes with gifts. For those who studied poorly or were naughty, Befana leaves a pinch of ash or coal. It's a shame, but you deserve it! In Holland, they give toys, fruits, candy flowers. What is customary to give each other for the New Year in England? By the way, this type of congratulations is widespread in our country.


Round 2 "Father Frost"

Teams are asked questions in turn, each is worth 1 point. The maximum number is 5.

1. What was the name of Grandfather Frost's great-great-grandfather? (Morozko or Grandfather Treskun)

2. How many fur coats does Santa Claus have? (Three)

3. What colors are Santa Claus's fur coats? (Red, white, blue)

4. What is the name of Santa Claus' magic stick? (Staff)

5. How many horses does Santa Claus harness to the sleigh? (Three)

6. What does the three horses symbolize? (winter months)

7. Name the month in which the new year begins. (January)

8. Who helps Santa Claus do good deeds? (Snow Maiden)

9. Who do the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus consider their relatives? (Snowman and Snowman)

10. How many snowballs does the Snowman's body consist of? (out of three)

11. What tree do we call the symbol of winter? (Spruce)

12. What modern and safe device was used to replace the wax candles that were attached to the branches of the spruce? (Electric garlands)

13. How many years ago did shiny balls for decorating Christmas trees: one hundred, two hundred, three hundred? (One hundred)

14. Who is in charge in Northern Europe in winter? (The Snow Queen)

15. What is the correct name for a place where Christmas trees are usually sold? (Christmas market)

16. What is the name of the winter wizard in Western Europe and America? (Santa Claus)

17. What is it about when, decorating a Christmas tree or a room, they say that they need rain? (About decoration)

18. What is serpentine made of? (From colored paper)

19. Where does Santa Claus usually put his gifts? (Under the tree)

20. In which country do children and adults find new Year gifts on the windowsill? (In Germany)

3 round

Teams are given cards with an encrypted word. Whoever collects it the fastest is the winner. A win is worth three points.

You have already heard today that the Italians are waiting New Year's miracles from the fairy Befana.

Cross out the letters that appear more than once. Make a word from the remaining letters. Get the name of Befana's favorite thing. (broom)

Fan game:

1. The most important grandfather on the New Year's holiday (Frost)
2. Nickname of Santa Claus (Red Nose)
3. The city in which the residence of Santa Claus is located in Russia (Veliky Ustyug)
4. Rod of Santa Claus (staff)
5. Santa Claus Gift Storage (Bag)
6. Granddaughter of Santa Claus (Snow Maiden)
7. Part of the world where the custom arose to celebrate the New Year at the Christmas tree (Europe)
8. Mandatory attribute of the New Year holiday (Yolka)
9. Giving the tree a New Year's look (decorations)
10. Place for New Year's sale of Christmas trees and Christmas decorations(Bazaar)
11. Threads of flashlights on Christmas tree(garland)
12. They are lit on the festive table (candles)
13. Shiny Christmas ribbon (tinsel)
14. A long narrow ribbon of colored paper, which is thrown at each other at the New Year's holiday. (serpentine.)
15. Substitute for snow on the Christmas tree. (Vata.)
16. Multi-colored paper circles, which are showered on each other at the New Year's holiday. (Confetti.)
17. Colored decorative lights flying into the air. (Fireworks.)
18. Close people with whom they most often celebrate the New Year. (Relatives.)
19. Time of day when the New Year is celebrated. (Night.)
20. A chain of children and adults holding hands, who walk around the New Year tree with songs. (Round dance.)
21. A cold sweet treat that looks like snow. (Ice cream.)
22. A branch of a Christmas tree. (Paw.)

23. It is customary to give them for the New Year. (Present.)

24. A toy that, when torn apart by impact, makes a sharp sound and throws out confetti. (Clapperboard.)
25. Costume ball on New Year's Eve. (Masquerade.)

Round 4 Say a word.

Participants must complete a riddle, poem or proverb about winter and the New Year. The correct answer is worth 1 point. Questions are asked to teams in turn. If the answer is incorrect, the question moves to the next team.

Who whitens the glades with white

And writes on the walls with chalk,

sews downy feather beds,

Did you decorate all the windows? (winter)

Apples on the branches in winter!

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples fluttered!

After all, this is ... (bullfinches)

He was a black cloud at first

He lay down in white fluff on the forest,

Covered the whole earth with a blanket,

And in the spring it completely disappeared. (snow)

No hands, no eyes

And he knows how to draw. (freezing)

Name it guys

A month in this riddle:

His days are shorter than all days,

All nights are longer.

To fields and meadows

Until spring, snow fell.

Only our month will pass,

We celebrate the New Year (December)

What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

Doesn't sew anything

And in needles all year round. (spruce)

Frost is not great

yes, stand ... (does not order)

Winter scares summer

yes, anyway ... (melting)

The snow is cold

and from the cold ... (covers)

Round 5 Guess the melody and cartoon.

Participants listen to the melody. The team that gives the signal first answers. In case of an incorrect answer, another team or fans may answer. Each correct answer is worth three points.

Summing up the quiz.
