Holiday for parents - Education - Regional educational portal of the Pskov region. "Mom is the main word"

Holiday script

"Mother's Day" in primary school

- Hello, my dear! Today we have gathered in this hall to congratulate our wonderful mothers. This is the most tender and most touching holiday for everyone.

- Childhood is a golden time.
How wonderful to know what's wrong with me
Mom is like an angel of kindness
My friend is the best, dear.

- Dear Mommy, Mommy
Dear dear person
We love hard and kiss
Be happy all your life.

- Beloved mother, I congratulate you,
On Mother's Day, I wish you happiness and health.
You are in my heart, even if apart,
I always remember your tender hands.

- May your every day be filled with light,
Be warmed by the love of your relatives, like the sun.
I'm sorry, sometimes I upset you
Believe that involuntarily ... I scold myself.

Together in chorus:
We give our mothers our love
Today we sing songs for them.

The song "For my beloved mother .."

- Who came to me in the morning?

- Mother!

Who said it's time to get up?

- Mother!

- Who managed to cook porridge?

- Mother!

- Who managed to pour tea?

- Mother!

- Who braided my pigtails?

- Mother!

- Who swept the whole house?

- Mother!

- Who picked flowers in the garden?

- Mother!

- Who kissed me?

- Mother!

- Who childish loves laughter?

- Mother!

Together in chorus:
- Who is the best in the world?

- Mother!

- To our mothers from the bottom of our hearts, with love and joy, we give this wonderful funny numbers.


We are funny friends
We dance and sing
And now we'll tell you
How we live with mothers.

Galya washed the floors,
Katya helped
It's just a pity - mom again
Washed everything.

Dad solved my problem
Helped with math
We then decided with mom
That he couldn't decide.

Mom in the morning our Mila
Gave me two candies
I barely had time to give
And then she ate them herself.

We sang to you as best we could
We are only children
But we know, our mothers -
The best in the world.

Mom washes - I dance,Mom cooks - I singI'm in household chores momI will help you a lot.

Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers.
We are for everything, for everything, relatives,
We say: “Thank you!

Scene "Assistant".

The boy Dima is diligently sweeping the floor, singing "a grasshopper was sitting in the grass." A dressed mother enters the door, a bag in her hands, a key in her mouth. He looks at his son with round eyes, frightened dropping the keys, asks:

Mom: Dima, what happened?

Dima: Nothing!

M.- How nothing? Why are you sweeping the floor?

D. - But because it was dirty.

M. - Dima, I beg you, tell me what happened? The last time you swept the floor was when you got an A for behavior, and the penultimate one when you wanted to recycle.

Have you wiped the dust?

D. - Wiped!

M. - Himself!

D. - Himself!

M. - Dima, tell me what happened? Tell me what have you done?

D. - Yes, I say nothing! It was just dirty and I cleaned it up.

M. - (suspiciously) And why did you remove your bed?

Dima.- Just like that. Removed everything.

M. - (ties his head with a towel and sits on a chair) Dima, the truth!!! Why am I being called to the principal of the school?

D.- Don't be afraid, mom! Everything is fine. I did my homework, had lunch, washed the dishes, and brushed my teeth.

M. - Himself?

D.- Sam.

Mom faints.

D. - (frightened) Mommy! What happened to you? Now I'll bring you some water.

(pouring water)

D.- Day of help to parents, day of help to parents !!! Here, enjoy! (points to mom) I should have said right away that it was only for one day.

M. - (raises his head with interest) Will everything be the same tomorrow?

D. The old way, the old way! Don't worry mommy.

(Mom faints again)

PRESENTATION "Mother's portrait"

SCENES "Children talking" (Children enter the stage and start talking among themselves .)

Child 1: Yes, here they are, adults, they just got it already, they don’t understand us at all!

Child 2: This is correctly noted - they do not understand. And most importantly, they want to deceive us, as if we are so stupid and unintelligent!

Child 3: I sat down to dinner yesterday, and dinner was fish. After all, they know that I don’t like fish, but they still cook it for me! And most importantly they say this: eat fish, it is good for the mind. But I'm so smart! And then they add - fish is good for bones! Yes, I'm so skinny!

Child 1: And I was punished for nothing at all !!!

Child 2: How is that? For nothing at all???

Child 1: Well, yes. I was late for dinner, and my mother tells me not to say a word at dinner. I just open my mouth, and she immediately - not a word! And so the whole lunch. And when they ate, she asks me - what, they say, did you want to say? And I answer - the younger brother pours condensed milk on the shoes in the corridor! And I was punished for not saying it right away! And the whole dinner - be quiet! Be quiet!

Child 2: No, well, sometimes it makes sense that you're still small.

Child 1: For example?

Child 2: My parents make me play the violin twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. But I do not want. So they buy me ice cream for what I play. And my neighbor buys me three ice creams so that I don't play.Child 3: Yes, adults themselves happen, they will come up with this! Here, for example, how to understand the inscription in the zoo - do not feed the animals. But how do they live if they are not fed?

Child 1: And my dad keeps telling me: why do you need this computer? Why do you need this phone? Why do you need this game console? This was not the case in my childhood! I even think my dad saw dinosaurs!

Child 2: And my mother cleaned the fish, and I played nearby and constantly cursed a little. My mother says to me: if my father is not at home, this does not mean that I will not give you bream for him. And then it hits me on the head. Well, here's how to understand it - after all, my mother cleaned crucian carp, and threatened to give me bream?

Child 2: Okay, we've got to go. Soon the flower shop will close, and we will not have time to buy flowers for our mothers, because today is Mother's Day.

Child 1: Indeed, it's time to go!.

I decided to cook compote
On my mother's birthday.
I took raisins, nuts, honey,
Kilogram of jam.
I put everything in a saucepan
Stirred, poured water,
Put on the stove
And added fire.

To make it taste better
I won't regret anything!
Two carrots, onion, banana,
Cucumber, flour glass,
Half a cracker
I will add to my compote
Everything was boiling, the steam was swirling,
Finally the compote is cooked!

I took the pan to my mother:
“Happy birthday mommy!”
Mom was very surprised.
Laughed, admired.
I poured compote for her -
Let's try it soon!
Mom drank a little
And ... coughed into her palm,
And then she said sadly:
“A miracle - soup! Thank you! Tasty!"


Scenes for the holiday Mother's Day with the participation of 2 people: mother and son, which can be easily played
1. The plot of the scene. In the morning, mom tries to wake up her son, who has to go to school.
- Get up, son, you'll be late for school again!

- Don't want! Petrov always fights with me!

- Well, son, you can’t do that, it’s time to get up, otherwise you’ll be late for school for the start of classes!

- Nu its, this school! Ivanov throws a rag at me!

- Come on, son, get up, you'll be late for school again!

- Will not go! Sidorov is shooting at me with a slingshot!

- Son, you have to go to school, you're still the director!

4. Son: Now I will talk with my mother in verse on the day of the holiday.
Mom enters with heavy bags.

Son: I can’t even find words,
Well, how can you, mom,
Carry weights in purses
Ten kilos?
I look, a little light has come again
Are you from the supermarket...

Mom: So what do you do? Give advice?
Son: Go twice, mom!

- Anyone who lives in the world,
To love who can, think and breathe,
On our blue planet
There is no dearer word than mother.

- Thank you, dear mother.
For kindness, kindness and love.
I was disobedient and stubborn
But you, with patience, forgave everything again.

I love you mom, why, I don't know.
Probably because I live and dream.
And I rejoice in the sun, and a bright day
That's why I love you, my dear.
For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.
I love you mom.
You are my best friend.
We wish you health, joy,
Mental strength in reserve,
Thank you dear
For everything you've done for us.
For tireless worries
For the world of family warmth,
God grant that you are always in everything

And henceforth it was the same!
Mom dear, dear,
You are our dear
We congratulate you
Be happy, our mother,
Stay close to us!
Everyone needs, no one can replace,
We love you very, very much.
Let sorrows pass by
Be healthy, just as fun.
Girls and boys!
Let's go with us
Say thanks to grandma
Thank you mom.

Competition program

    contest. Do you know your children well? (question to mothers). And you will never confuse your child with someone else's? Yes? Now let's check. The first competition is called: "Know your child by ... ear."

2 competition. Our moms are the best in the world! And they should look good, because they are the most beautiful with us. Children, help them dress up so that they are the best.

( In the big box there are different things that you can wear. Moms should stand still (they are still sleeping). Standing .... And the children dress them.) 3rd competition: "Crocodile". This is a famous game. For those who are not familiar with this game, let me remind you the rules. A word will appear on the screen, everyone will be able to read it, except for the mother participating in the competition. The child must explain this word to his mother with gestures, facial expressions in two minutes, and the mother must guess it

There are a lot of solemn and fun dates in the school holiday calendar. Some of them are repeated from year to year, the culprits of other celebrations are only first-graders or graduates. Let's remember the main holidays so as not to forget anything in the everyday bustle. Because the school academic year is not equal to the calendar, we will talk about the holidays starting from September.

Farewell to the alphabet (Feast of the primer)

When is celebrated

A mobile holiday that does not have an exact date. Most often occurs in January-February.

The meaning and history of the holiday

This is another purely school holiday, which concerns representatives of only one parallel - first-graders. History is silent when in our schools farewell to the primer turned into real holiday. It is only known that it has been celebrated for more than a decade. Moreover, in those places where, in addition to Russian, children also learn national languages, they celebrate farewell to both the Russian alphabet and the first textbooks mother tongue. So, for example, children from the Crimea, studying in the Crimean Tatar language, say goodbye not only to the alphabet, but also to the elifbe.

As noted in schools

Teachers and parents try to turn parting with the alphabet into an unforgettable and touching event: they put on skits, learn songs, make crafts in the form of letters, arrange tea parties.

What to gift

Children on this day are given useful gifts(colorfully designed dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, puzzles) and, as a rule, leave their first textbook, the ABC, as a keepsake.


When is celebrated

Also a holiday without a specific date, dedicated to the last week before Lent (usually in February - early March).

The meaning and history of the holiday

Shrovetide week in Rus' has long been a time of festivities. The tradition was not interrupted even in Soviet times, it was just then that Maslenitsa was called the farewell to winter. In the celebration of Maslenitsa, one can see traces of paganism and echoes of ancient rituals, but the joy at the end of winter and the onset of the long-awaited spring is understandable and close in our time.

As noted in schools

Darling folk holiday a long time ago . They do not forget about it in schools, organize festivities, craft competitions, bake pancakes, which have lost their ritual significance in our life and have become just a traditional, but very beloved national dish. Like Christmas, Maslenitsa is celebrated with pleasure by representatives of the most different peoples our country.

What to gift

IN Pancake week gifts are usually not given, they are limited to tasty treats.


When is celebrated

In the second half of June, after the end of the exams

The meaning and history of the holiday

One of the oldest holidays among those celebrated in schools. In Russia, graduates celebrated their graduation from educational institutions back in the time of Peter I. Moreover, it was customary to celebrate “going out into the world” widely and with imagination. And this wonderful tradition has not been violated for decades and even centuries. But in 1941, the holiday fell on one of the most tragic days in the history of our country: on June 22, the Great Patriotic War began. However, in peaceful years, the custom of a cheerful celebration of the transition to adulthood resumed and has not been interrupted for more than seventy years. At the same time, in last years more and more classes decide to forego chic outfits and expensive entertainment, celebrating at their own school and transferring the money saved to various charitable foundations.

As noted in schools

Pass solemn events And graduation balls. On this day, school graduates are awarded certificates, certificates and diplomas and congratulated on an important event in their lives, they wish to enter the selected educational establishments. traditionally begins in the evening and continues until dawn.

What to gift

What to give a child who has graduated from school is a matter of taste and material possibilities of parents. Many decide not to rush and give gifts not at the end of school, but on the occasion of entering the university.

"Family is the cradle of happiness"

At the beginning of the event, each family receives ribbons of a certain color, which can be tied around the wrist beautifully like a bracelet.

(to the folk melody, the presenter appears in a Russian folk costume)

Maryushka:- Good evening, invited and welcome guests, I am glad to see you visiting us. In our upper room - the lavatory. There will be a holiday, a joyful holiday. According to the old custom, they are called sit-round gatherings. Today, in the morning, from nowhere, look, they sent a chest-pattern, the color of an emerald. It is in golden divorces and bound with silver ....

Here's to find out what's hidden

In an old chest!

Maybe there is a treasure hidden in it?

And treasures lie?

(tries to open)

Does not work! Does not open!

To the music, brownie Kuzya enters the hall

Kuzya: I am a good-natured brownie

I live behind the chimney.

I love to listen to the cricket

Drink milk at night.

I am very small

But the grasping and daring.

And my name is Kuzma,

I am your neighbor - brownie.

Maryushka: Hello, Brownie! We decided to have a get-together. Thinking about this beautiful chest. You visit many houses, make friends with household items. Do you know what this chest is? I wonder what's in it? Maybe surprises for our guests?

Kuzya: This chest is not simple,

The treasure lies there golden.

There is value, but there are no things

And locked with seven keys.

My keys mean values

What bricks for a family fortress.

So that you can open the chest,

They need to be empowered.

(brownie shows multi-colored keys on a bunch)

Maryushka: Brownie, take a closer look! Our guests today came with their friendly families. I think they understand family values ​​and probably know the secrets of a happy family.

Kuzya: I wonder if they can open the chest with my keys. The first key to good.

Maryushka: This key symbolizes GOOD

Kindness is for all people.

May there be more good ones.

They say not in vain when they meet:

"Good afternoon!" and "Good evening!"

And it is not for nothing that we have

Wish "Have a good time!"

Kindness is from the age -

Human decoration!

I will ask families with yellow ribbons to come out.

You now need to make the tree of kindness bloom.

(Two or three families enter the stage. Each receives a set of leaflets or butterfly patterns with proverbs and sayings about family and home. One word is missing in each proverb, you need to enter it and, having reached the tree, attach a sheet. Which family will get more leaves)


- Being a guest is good, but being at home is better)

- No treasure is needed ... (when the family is in harmony)

- When the family is together ... (so the soul is in place)

- Alone in the field ... (not a warrior)

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).

When the family is together ... (so the soul is in place).

My home is my castle).

No treasure is needed when ... (family way).

The hut is not red with corners, but ... (red with pies).

As parents lived, so did we ... (blessed).

There is no better friend than your own ... (mother).

Matushkin's anger is like spring snow - (a lot of it falls, but it will soon melt).

It's warm in the sun, but in mother's... (good).

(The music of transformation sounds, the key is endowed with kindness.)

Kuzya. The second key is LOVE.

Maryushka. This key symbolizes love.

Love in the family for no particular reason
For being a grandson
Because you are a son
For being a baby
For what you grow
Because he looks like mom and dad.

A family without love cannot exist.

Presentation "Peter and Fevronia"

In Rus' there is a tale about

Like Fevronia with Peter

Were an exemplary couple

Friendly, loving and faithful.

endured many troubles,

But we couldn't part

Faithfully kept the marriage

And respect each other!

That time has flown by

No Fevronya, no Peter

But they are an example of a family,

honest, sincere love

I will ask families to come out with red ribbons.

"Broken Hearts". (Each family receives cut paper hearts in the form of a puzzle of a certain color. 4 large hearts and 4 small ones. In the allotted time, who will collect more hearts without errors.)

(The music of transformation sounds, the key is endowed with the power of love.)

Kuzya. The third key is CARE

Maryushka. Who is the most caring in our families? Of course, mothers and grandmothers.

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

Let families with blue ribbons come out into the hall. Mothers or grandmothers participate.

“Know your child” It is necessary to touch with closed eyes - to recognize your child by hands.

"Portrait of my child" (on balloon mothers draw a portrait of their child, then release the ball from their hands, quickly changing the flight path of the balls lands in different places hall - the task of mothers is to find a ball with a portrait of their child, whoever does it faster is the winner.

(The music of transformation sounds, the key is endowed with care.)

Kuzya. The fourth key is RESPONSIBILITY.

Maryushka. The strongest, most reliable in the father's family. They have a big responsibility to their children and wife.

Come out dads who got green ribbons.

A Russian proverb says "My home is my fortress". Today we invite participants to build the facade of the house.

“Build a house” (parents with a child from the proposed Velcro modules construct a house according to the model)

"Drivers" Dads get up first. They will be machines. Their eyes are closed. They are followed by the rest of the family. Who becomes the second after the pope, those will be the drivers. His task is to control the car so as not to collide with other cars. The rest of the family members are passengers. They can also help the driver.

(The music of transformation sounds, the key is endowed with responsibility.)

Kuzya. Fifth key - RESPECT

Maryushka. In a family, respect is indispensable.

Where has the respect gone?

All day, not just for a moment.

Everyone in the family quarrels, shouts,

Everyone wants to prove something.

It was afraid of scandal

And live on the street left.

It is afraid to return to the house,

In tears, he is afraid to choke.

It does not like fights, quarrels,

Insults, screams and strife.

We ask everyone for forgiveness

It is impossible in a family without respect.

Then it will return home

And mom will smile again

Grandma will go to the kitchen

And bake us a delicious cake.

Riddle for boys

She radiates light

A dimple from a smile ...

Nobody is more valuable

Than native…

Children: Mom.

- Who are you for mom?

Riddle Girls

Who is not joking, but seriously

Will a nail teach us how to hammer?

Who will teach you to be brave?

Having fallen from a great, do not whine,

And scratched my knee

Don't cry? Of course (dad)

What are you to dad?

fragrant jam,

pies for treats,

delicious pancakes

At the beloved ... (grandmother)

He did not work out of boredom,

He has callused hands

And now he is old and gray

My dear, beloved ... grandfather

What are you to grandparents?

Do grandparents have children? Your parents - mother and dad.

I'm not alone with my mother

She also has a son

I'm small next to him

For me, he is the eldest ... (brother)

I will ask those who have white ribbons on their hands to take part.

Do you know family titles.

"Who belongs to whom?" You need to buy treats for everyone and don't forget anyone. We go to the fruit shop. In the basket are balloons with the inscription of family members. The facilitator asks the question who - who belongs to whom. The participant runs and chooses a ball with the rank that is needed. Whoever completes the task correctly first is the winner.

Who is a girl for mom? (daughter)

Who is a boy for mom? (son)

Who is a boy for a girl? (Brother)

Who is mom to dad? (wife)

Who is a girl for grandfather? (granddaughter)

Who is the boy for grandma? (grandson)

Who is grandma's mother? (daughter)

Who is mom's dad? (husband)

Who is grandma's dad? (son).

(The music of transformation sounds, the key is endowed with respect.)

Kuzya. The sixth key is TRADITION

Maryushka. Our old album

He is the keeper of traditions.

Here is the relatives at the table

With cheerful faces.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

Every family has its own holidays, but we'll see how you prepare for them now.

Who has blue ribbons, go on stage
"Preparing for the holiday" - mom sets the table, dad inflates the balloon, the child puts on a suit (whose family is faster)

"Birthday with the whole family" And I invite two family teams here: mom, dad and child. Dads put on a tie, get into the car - a hoop and go to the market for flowers, return for mom. Mom puts on beads, takes a bag. He sits in his father's car. They go together for a gift. They return home for the child and go to visit together. Whose family is more likely to come to the birthday and ring the doorbell, she won.

Maryushka. Family traditions...

They contain the wisdom of our ancestors

Family traditions...

They are the seal of time.

Family traditions -

A wonderful heritage.

We will bequeath it to the children.-

Some families have a family heirloom. Families are invited to present their special tradition, family heirloom, or talk about family collecting.

(The music of transformation sounds, the key is endowed with family traditions.)

Kuzya. The Seventh Key - COMMUNICATION

Maryushka. In the family to communicate - there is nothing more valuable,

After all, life is getting longer.

Look how many of us are in a round dance today. And we are all one friendly family - family Club "Kaleidoscope"

So let's talk - but we will do it in a special way. Let me go on the family stage with pink, blue, yellow, red, white ribbons.

Dance-game M.A. Berlyakova, S.L. Panina

(The music of transformation sounds - the key is endowed with family communication)

Maryushka. Well, it's time to see if we managed to endow the keys with special powers. Can we now open the chest and look into it.

(All the keys are sounded again and the chest opens. In the chest are crafts that the children made with their own hands, the chamomile talisman.)

Maryushka. Chamomile is a very gentle symbol - after all, this wild flower is a symbol of family, love and fidelity.

Let the sun shine joyfully!

Protects the house with rays!

Let the house be full of goodness!

And the sun will always be in it!

(Children give their parents a talisman "chamomile".)

Maryushka. Let's honor family values

Let's always love our loved ones,

After all, we will find support only in the family.

May your house always be a full bowl!

Let children and adults always remember -

Family is the most important! Years later

Be able to carry your happiness,

Let only the best lies ahead!

Goodbye, dear guests,

Goodbye, guests, good afternoon.

It has been established in Russia for a long time

Business before pleasure!

Scenario for children 10-12 years old. The work can be used at school on classroom hours Or in preparation for the holidays. The script requires little preparatory work: children are given the task to compose a poem for one of the competitions, bring their mother's photograph ten years ago. It is also necessary to purchase props: whatman paper, cardboard, flowers, felt-tip pens.

Scenario for Mother's Day "Heart for Mom"

Small children and teenagers all confess their love for their mother, they give them their concert numbers. They read poetry to them. They thank their mothers for their kind heart and give them little hearts in return. Included in the script official congratulations and honors.

Scenario for Mother's Day for children 5-6 years old "My dear mother"

Scenario matinee in kindergarten dedicated to the day mother. A selection of small quatrains for children, as well as songs that are easy to perform. The script involves a group of twenty kids. If there is no special hall, all the action can take place in a group.

Scenario for Mother's Day "Family game: Mom and me!"

Game for children school age and their moms. Number of teams - 4-6. The number of viewers is unlimited. The game requires preparation on the part of the participants. You need to come up with a team name and emblem. Prepare a small joint room. Prepare a story about each other: mom briefly talks about the virtues of her son (daughter), the child talks about mom (my mom is the most ...

Scenario for Mother's Day for high school students "The light of motherhood is the light of love"

A touching, sentimental congratulation of mothers on Mother's Day. Children will read poetry, dance a waltz, sing songs - everything for the most beloved person on earth. If the scenario for the event is implemented wisely, I guarantee that the children will be able to make their mother cry.

A small script for children "Mother's Day"

Every spring the whole world celebrates the wonderful Mother's Day. The little script designed for children senior group kindergarten or primary school schools.

The script for the children's holiday "Funny search with Kuzey and Anfisa"

Scenario children's holiday"Funny searches with Kuzey and Anfisa" can be used for children aged 5-8 and is timed to coincide with Mother's Day. You can spend a holiday in any room if there is enough space (cafe, kindergarten, school, apartment). Leading holiday clowns Kuzya and Anfisa. They, along with the guys, are looking for stolen gifts or sweets.

Scenario of Mother's Day in elementary school "I love my mother very much, I will sing a song to my mother"

Mother's Day is an excellent, touching, tender holiday. Preparation for this event takes time, but the warmth of feelings and sincerity of emotions is worth it. In order for the holiday to be successful, you need to take care not only of the design, but also of the script. This version of the holiday concert is perfect for students in grades 3-4.

Mom is the dearest and close person who will always understand and support. Who, if not mommy, will give advice and warm with warmth when we are hard and sad?! Scenarios of Mother's Day will help to create a sincere and festive atmosphere, and to celebrate this celebration at its true worth. Mom is the first word, the main word in every fate ...

We are good together

(lyric music playing)

Me: Good afternoon, dear children, dear parents and guests! Thank you for putting aside all your affairs and worries and coming here with your children.
Welcome to our family celebration"Together we are good."

Sounds 1 verse of Y. Antonov's song "Under the roof of your house"

I would like to note that along with all the holidays on the calendar, such as October 1 - the day of the elderly, November 25 - Mother's Day, February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8 - International Women's Day, the UN proclaimed International Day of the Family on May 15.

In Russia, 2008 is declared the YEAR OF THE FAMILY.

Q-1: Every good family certainly has such a tradition: to get together on a certain day to rejoice at the success of loved ones, to celebrate some significant event, or just to sit like this, shoulder to shoulder, to remember all the best , nourished by the warmth of close hearts.

Q-2: We also have this tradition, those who study in our class, for whom this class has become a second home, i.e. without which a person cannot imagine his beginning.
A song is performed to the motive "The Island of Bad Luck"

On Kurchatov Street, a magical land,
It is full of mysteries, full of secrets,
As a class, we went in search of miracles,
We will tell you about our adventures here.
At first, the fifth kingdom was waiting for us on the way,
Although the fifth grade is difficult, we managed to pass.
The teacher, although strict, sometimes helped us,
And our friendly class, we moved to the sixth.
Then, as if on cue, the years suddenly flew by,
We were thrown into the abyss, then lifted up.
We met the seventh grade on our way,
Everyone managed to pass it quite successfully.
And then the last eighth grade came to us,
And this one quietly finished with you.
There were many difficulties on every turn,
It seemed that we had already achieved everything we needed.

Cl. hands

Here came the 9th grade -
All the guys are like a selection,
Tall, slender, beautiful,
Just a little lazy.

Song to the motive "Turn" by the group "Time Machine"
(performed by boys)

We promised ourselves
Be at school at half past seven
But somehow no luck.
That alarm clock brings us down
That such laziness finds us to move forward.
Here is our ninth year
How much hassle.
What does it bring us:
Fall or rise
Omut or ford ...
And we won't figure it out until we're through
Our 9th year.

Cl. hands And the girls are all calm,
Don't shout, don't swear
Words do not say too much.
No problem with discipline
In the lessons "deaf and dumb."
Song to the motive "Yellow Leaves"
(girls sing)
Do not live in this year for us (2 times)
Without exam, (2 times)
Previously, they were waiting for the summer, (2 times)
And now... (2 times)
What awaits us in the summer
Believe we don't know
How the exam will pass, we are already guessing.
Unfortunately, we can't hide from him.
And we will always dream of exams

Cl. hands But all the artists, athletes
They will surely rescue you.
Activists, jokers,
Rescuers and strongmen.
Contests, competitions,
festivals, competitions,
They will draw a newspaper
That is successful where they will dance ...
(girls run out)

We are very glad to see you.
And so now
On this day and at this hour
Under a lucky star
We will dance our dance!

Parents It was a long time ago
And it seems like yesterday.
Fearfully and timidly entered
Here for the fifth time kids.
And we saw off with excitement
Your daughters, sons,
And now we look with tenderness
For older children.
Vedas 1: Each region is wonderful in its own way,
Choose whichever place you want.
And if you want to see a miracle
Go wandering around the wide world.
Z. Find out where the parents came from?
Where do children live?
Song. Use K.Peltikhina
I. You and I go hiking in our native land
There are laughter and jokes
And the crackle of a fire is barely audible.
These rest minutes -
Let's never forget!

Parents sing the song

Vedas 2: So as not to get bored on the trip,
We all love to play.
Let's go back to our childhood for a moment
Let's have a little fun and laugh.

Game "Kolobok"
CL. hands: At the beginning of the year, at the Healthy Family meeting, we held a competition about what we knew about each other. Found out - a little. Time has passed and…….

I go up to the children and ask about moms
. Say mom's birthday.
. Mom's favorite song.
. Do you know the story of how mom and dad met?
. Name your mother's character traits.
. When does your mom get up?
. When does your mom go to bed?
. Mom's favorite flowers.
. What do you affectionately call your mother?
. Mom's hobby
Gromova Lena
My mom brings me sweets
But that's not why I love my mom.
She sings beautiful songs
We are never bored together!

Song. Use Gromova L.V.

CL. hands: Let's continue ....
I go up to the children and ask about dads
. Say dad's birthday.
. Dad's favorite song.
. Name your father's character traits.
. When does your dad get up?
. When does your dad go to bed?
. What do you affectionately call your dad?
. Dad's hobby
How not to tell us warm words about dads,
Who love us so much
Who only sometimes quarrel,
And praise, praise a lot of times.
Thank them for their masculine severity,
For restraint, for will and comfort,
For strong and faithful male hands,
That they love us and take care of our house.
Remember basketball
Basket game

Cl. hands And now very soon they will challenge you to other competitions

Sports Performance

I go up to my parents and ask about everything

Were you begged to come to our meeting or did you agree right away?
- When was the last time you were at school?
- Are you interested in the life of the child at school?
- Do you remember your first lesson?
- Which of the subjects was your favorite?
- Do you communicate with your school friends?
- Have you always behaved well in class?
- Were you punished? If yes, then why?
- What did you dream of being as a child? And who did they become?
- How often do you spend free time with your children?

Parents Ah, our children - there is light in the window.
There are no more beautiful ones in the world.
And our youth - in spite of the years,
Everything in our children will return to us.
The song is performed by Treskin L.A.

Veda 1.
Class 9th in front of you
Wants to say a word here
Where we have performed
But we are worried again.

With us little brother
Will come out to stand by
And now at our meeting
They will read a poem together

The verse is read by Katya P. and her brother

Cl. hands
But we can not only perform, travel and play, but also make things with our own hands. On November 25 last year, an exhibition-sale of products made by the hands of students was held. Now our mothers have also taken part in our exhibition.

1 student.
Without you, our dads, without you, our moms,
We would not have studies, but drama.
Baz you the hardest learning process
For us, he would have lost interest a long time ago.

2 student
You endure our whims and laziness,
You worry about us every day
You learn lessons with us until you sweat.

All: Thank you all for your warmth and care.

Cl. hands The word "family", like the word "bread", "water", does not require deciphering, it is absorbed from the first moments of life.

1 student
What does my family mean to me?
Of course - happiness and comfort at home,
Seven rules of obligatory keeping,
Only seven, but very, very important

2 parent
First, the most important thing is love.
With all my heart and with all my soul and mind.
Not just to seethe blood with passion,
And quivering, and every day is different.

3 parent
The second is children. What is a house without them?
Desert without a well - not to get drunk.
And children are life, this is a spring
And procreation. Let it flow!

4 parent
Then concern. Only she
The family hearth will save from the wind.
Try to make spring with a smile
Was always with you, and not somewhere.

5 student
The fourth is patience. It
It will help you get through adversity...
And warm the window with the sun.
That hoarfrost froze white.

6 parent
And the fifth is responsibility and home,
There is a weighty stone in the foundation of the family.
They will help protect love,
Protect the spiritual flame from the wind.

7 student
The sixth is respect. Only with him
You will gain success, general recognition
Always consider the opinions of others
Teach you to consider your own.

8 parent
And finally, the seventh - purity
Everywhere - in the house, in your soul and thoughts ...
This is how I imagine my hearth,
Where I am loved, where I am completely happy

Stand up, those
- who looks like mom?
- who looks like dad?
Who misses their parents when they leave home?
- Whose family do sports?
Who doesn't have secrets from their parents?
Who do friends come to visit?
Who helps parents around the house?
- who loves his family, cherishes her!

1 host:
The evening ends
But goodbye
You can't finish without a song.

2 host:
At the moment of parting
Let's sing goodbye
See you next time, friends!

Yellow guitar bend
You hug gently.
Echo Shard String
Pierced the hall.
The mirror ball swayed,
smiled brilliantly,

Gathered today!
Let's meet more often
In the circle of beautiful friends,
short meetings
Decorate our life
Let's breathe without regret
And let's say it loud together
It's great that we are all here
Gathered today!

On the screen, during all the performances, photographs of schoolchildren and their parents are shown, corresponding to the spoken words.
