Scenario for Mother's Day on the topic: “Portrait of Mom. Scene "wonderful mother"

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Joint celebration of parents and children.

Target: introduce children to family values; to cultivate love and respect for the mother; contribute to the creation family traditions, warm relationships in the family, rallying the team of parents.


  • Contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences for children and parents from the joint celebration of the event.
  • Learn to expressively perform poems, songs, dances, convey your attitude to the content.
  • Develop Creative skills pupils, to improve their performing skills and abilities.
  • Encourage children and parents to be actively involved.

Conduct form: joint holiday.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversation with children about the history of the origin of the holiday "Mother's Day".
  • Examination of illustrations about the family, mothers, grandmothers, reading stories and poems on the theme of the holiday; children drawing portraits of mothers and grandmothers.
  • Learning with children poems about mom, songs, dances, ditties.
  • Selection of literary material.
  • Making gifts for mothers.
  • Meeting with parents for the purpose of cooperation.
  • Homework for the family: prepare a holiday dish according to the family signature recipe.

Event progress

Before the start of the holiday, musical works about mothers, about the family are played:

  • "Mom", music. J. Bourgeoa, sl. Y. Entina;
  • "Our friendly family", music. A. Komarova, sl. T. Ryadchikova;
  • "Song about dad", music. V. Shainsky, sl. M. Tanich;
  • "Path to the dear home", music. K. Derr, sl. E. Astakhova;
  • "Mom", music. and sl. Yu. Verizhnikova;
  • "The best", music. and sl. Y. Verizhnikova.

The hall is festively decorated. At the central wall there are chairs for the participants-mothers, at the side walls - for children. The jury is located not far from the audience. To the soundtrack of the song "Hello, mothers!", music by Y. Chichkov, a boy and a girl enter the hall stop in the middle of the hall.


There is turmoil and noise in the kindergarten.
“It will start soon. Where is my suit?
Mitya and Zhenya, give flags.
Rustle, movement, disputes, laughter ...
What kind of holiday is being prepared here?
Maybe guests of honor will come?


I'll tell you all a secret -
It's our mother's day!
We have a lot of fun this morning
It's time to start the holiday.
Moms are already waiting for guests,
Come in, children, have fun!

Children with flowers run into the hall to the soundtrack of the song “Hello, mothers!”, music by Y. Chichkov, and perform the “Dance of Flowers”. At the end of the dance, the children make a semicircle.

Leading: Dear mothers! Dear women! This wonderful evening is dedicated to you! Happy Mother's Day to you dear!

May this holiday be bright
May the blue winds carry joy
Let sorrows go away and dreams come true
Let the people of the whole world give you smiles and flowers.

1st child:

We are gathered here today
To congratulate our mothers,
Great happiness and health,
We sincerely wish you!
We congratulate our mothers -
And it's so nice for us!

2nd child:

Our moms holiday,
And we congratulate her.
Good mood
Now we will give it to her!

3rd child:

The hall is lit up with lights
He gathered favorite guests.
Fun hour will share with us
The smiles of our lovely mothers.

4th child:

There will be contests and songs,
Fun, jokes - everything for you.
We want you to have a wonderful time
In the circle of friends you are this hour.

5th child:

Now we invite you to the stage
Our beautiful dear mothers,
We just want you to smile
And we give this song to you.

The song is performed: “Beloved Mom”, music by Z. Root.

Leading: Today is an unusual day, everyone's mood is upbeat and excited. We are starting our contest "Come on, moms!", dedicated to the kindest, most tender and most beloved holiday - Mother's Day!

Dear mothers! We are very glad to see you here. Today we will play and have fun together. You will test your strength, your skill. 6 mothers will take part in our competition. I ask them to come out and take their seats.

(Participating mothers go to their designated places.)


Where are our fans?
Show top class
Don't sit, don't be bored
Help moms.
For them, like cakes and sweets,
Your applause.

(Applause sounds.)

Leading: Now let me introduce you to the members of the jury. They have hard work ahead of them. All members of the jury are strict and fair (represents the members of the jury). Dear jury, we ask you to be objectively fair, kind, tolerant. It's time to start our competition.

1st competition - "Acquaintance"

So, the 1st competition - "Acquaintance". All participants need to tell a little about themselves, their hobbies. I have a hat in my hands. Everyone to whom she gets should introduce herself and say whose mother she is and tell about herself, about her hobbies.

(Soft music sounds in the phonogram. Each mother of the participants comes forward, tells her name, where she lives, what she is fond of, what she dreams about, etc.).

Leading: This is the end of the 1st contest. We met our contestants. While the jury is summing up the results, the guys will congratulate their beloved mothers on the holiday.

(Children become a semicircle and recite poems.)

1st child:

From the heart in simple words
Come on, friends, let's talk about mom!
We love her like good friend,
For the fact that we have everything together with her,
For the fact that when we have a hard time,
We can cry at our native shoulder.

2nd child:

There is nothing sweeter
Mom's smile -
Like the light of the sun,
Darkness will dispel unsteady!
Like a twinkle,
gold fish
Will bring joy to the heart
Mom's smile!

3rd child:

My mother's hands
Pair of white swans:
So tender and so beautiful
So much love and power in them!
They fly all day
It's like they don't know.
Bring comfort to the house
A new dress will be sewn,
Caress, warm -
Mom's hands can do everything!

5th child:

Like turquoise -
mother's eyes,
Clear and pure
Good, radiant.
Like stars are burning
Illuminating everything around
And they say to me:
Mom is my favorite friend!

6th child:

Mom is loved by everyone in the world,
Mom is the first friend!
Not only children love mothers,
Love all around!
If anything happens
If suddenly trouble!
Mommy comes to the rescue
Will always help out!

7th child:

On the cheeks of mommy -
Two magical dimples.
And when she laughs
The light is so radiant.
Mom is my sunshine!
I am her sunflower!
Fine happy to be,
Love your mommy!

The song is performed: “Affectionate song”, music by O. Sivokhina. The song is performed by children from the vocal group "Sounding Voice".

2nd competition - "Tender"

Leading: I see that the jury has already finished its discussion. And we move on to the second competition. 2nd competition - "Tender". Member moms have to say sweet words your daughter or son.

(Moms say affectionate words.)

Leading: Our second contest is over. And now we ask the jury to evaluate this competition. While the discussion is going on, the guys will continue their congratulations.

Children perform "Laughing Chastushki".

3rd competition - "Savvy"

Leading: I see that everyone is already ready for the third competition. And the 3rd contest is called “Savvy”. Participants will need to answer questions. So listen carefully and answer.

  1. How many paws do two cubs have? (8.)
  2. Two potatoes boiled in a saucepan in 10 minutes. How many minutes did each potato boil? (10 minutes.)
  3. Three yellow-eyed daisies,
    Two cheerful cornflowers
    The children were given to the mother.
    How many flowers are in the bouquet? (5.)
  4. Zebra, horse, deer and ox -
    Everyone plays volleyball.
    How many animals play volleyball? (4.)
  5. What is the heron in front and the hare behind? (Letter "C".)
  6. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream.)
  7. What happens to a large beautiful silk scarf if you put it in water for 5 minutes? (He gets wet.)
  8. Which number does not change when it is turned over? (8.)
  9. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One.)
  10. There were 5 sparrows sitting in the garden, 6 more flew to them. The cat crept up and grabbed one sparrow. How many sparrows are left in the garden? (All have flown away.)
  11. How many ends does a stick have? (2.)
  12. What about two sticks? (4.)

Leading: Well done our members! All questions were answered. The third competition is over, the jury is summing up. And we continue our contest "Come on, moms!".

4th competition - "Guess the melody"

The next, 4th contest is “Guess the melody”. This musical competition. Participants must demonstrate their musical abilities.

In this competition there will be songs not pop,
Not folk, not round dance,
And children's famous.

Participants need to quickly guess the melody, as soon as it sounds, and say or sing its name. And the audience will not be bored here, in the game they will help you with their loud applause.

(Soundtracks of 12 melodies of children's songs from cartoons sound. Participants guess them.)

Leading: This competition has also ended, which showed how erudite modern mothers are. Dear jury, please be patient and appreciate this contest. While the participants are resting and the jury is working, I invite my young assistants to play a little.
(Games are held with children and with spectators.)

Attraction games

1. Riddles-rhymes.


The word is hidden somewhere.
The word is hidden and waiting.
Let the guys find me
Come on, who will find me?

  1. Our hands were soapy
    We washed the dishes ourselves.
    We washed the dishes ourselves -
    Helped our ... (mother.)
  2. For Katya's birthday
    Mom sewed ... (dress.)
  3. I went to the rink in the morning
    My eldest ... (sister.)
  4. We plant flowers in the garden
    We water them from a watering can.
    Asters, lilies, tulips
    Let them grow for our ... (mother.)
  5. Mom, dad, brother and me -
    That's all my ... (family.)
2. "Dress up mom"
3. "Jumping on balls"

The 5th competition is called "Portrait of Mom"

Leading: Now back to the competition. The 5th competition is called "Portrait of Mom". On the eve of the holiday, the children and I drew portraits of mothers. Today this exhibition is in front of you. And we also recorded short stories about mothers on a tape recorder. Now our participants, you should recognize yourself by the portrait, and by the voice - your "artist".

(There are stories about mothers in the audio recording. The presenter holds in his hands a portrait of the mother in question. The mothers recognize themselves.)

Leading: The fifth competition has come to an end. While the jury is working, we will rest and dance.

Performed "Dance with balalaikas", music. T. Morozova.

6th competition. "Culinary"

Leading: Our next competition is the 6th competitive competition. And it's called "Culinary". (The host shows potatoes.) This vegetable will go to the one who last names the dish from it. Participants need to take turns naming a dish that can be prepared from this vegetable.

(Participants compete in a competition.)

7th competition. "Hostess"

Leading: Well done our members! In my opinion, all the participants are real hostesses. And, finally, the 7th competition - the last competition is called "Hostess". It was homework. All participants had to cook a beautiful and tasty dish, tell a little about it (the name of the dish, what it consists of, etc.).

Leading: This is the final contest. Now our jury will sum up the results. And we keep having fun!

(3 emotional girls come out and perform the “Dream” skit.)


Three friends on an autumn day
Were in a good mood
Cooing on the bench
And they dreamed about the future.

1st girl:

That's when I grow up
I will get married right away.
I will choose a husband - like a dad,
To meet me at the gangway.
Ah, I forgot to say
I will fly in the sky
I want to become a stewardess
I'll fly on the plane.

2nd girl:

1st girl:

And then I'll be a mom
And I'll tell you straight!
That their children, Natasha,
I won't be eating porridge.
I will take them to the cinema
Buy them an eskimo.

3rd girl:

That would be your daughter,
One can only dream.

2nd girl:

I want to become an artist
To perform on stage.
To take me to the movies
The main roles were given.

3rd girl:

I will study at school
I promise not to be lazy
'Cause when I grow up,
I want to become a scientist.


These are our children.
Everyone wants to know the world.
We wish them good luck
To solve all problems!

Leading: So, the exciting moment has come. Now the jury will announce the winners of the contest "Come on, moms!".

(The word of the jury is given. Participants are awarded according to the nominations: Miss Wits; Miss Musicality; Miss Hostess, etc.).

Leading: There are no winners in our competition. In front of you are the winners. And now the wishes of the children will be heard in their honor.

1st child:

Live, mommy, a hundred years
And know that there is no better than you!
So that you are next to me
Today, tomorrow and always!

2nd child:

We wish all women
Live without old age
Work without fatigue
Health - without treatment!
Happiness - without grief!


We wish you all the blessings of the earth,
We know that you deserve them!

(The song “We wish you happiness ...” sounds. Children sing.)

The host invites mothers, children and guests for tea.

A holiday for mothers, organized by children or with their active participation, is not only a touching, but also a very useful event, because with its help children can learn a lot of important and interesting things from the life of their parents, learn about the tastes, skills and hobbies of their mothers, which means and better understand them. Proposed scenario of the holiday March 8 "Mother's World" can be used for school matinee and for a fun home party, you get a touching and fun concert on request with game moments (this idea is also suitable for holding)

For holding at home:

If there are many guests with children in your house, you can use the scenario below for a family holiday, but then it is better for adults to organize the evening, entrusting older children with the roles of Hosts and rehearsals with the younger ones.

For school:

Idea number 2. Cinema hall or Mom's favorite films

Boy: The list of favorite films of our mothers turned out to be so large that we decided not to choose any one, but to offer just to talk about cinema and remember our favorite films.

Girl: Preparing for this day, we discovered that cinema is a real encyclopedia of our lives. You can even create a calendar of our holidays based on films.

Boy: And since today is a holiday, the films that we will remember will be about the holidays.

There are a lot of holiday films, it makes no sense to list them, but in especially difficult cases a hint is given in italics.

Girl: Try to remember in which movie the characters celebrate the New Year?

Boy: What about Christmas?

Girl: Old New Year?

Answer: Old New Year?

Boy: And I will ask complex issue: Which of the very famous movie characters celebrate February 23 on the screen?

Girl: A real man's question!

Answer: Stirlitz in the movie "Seventeen Moments of Spring".

Girl: To be honest, I don't know if April 1st is mentioned in the movie, but April Fool's Day is.

Boy: Victory Day?

Girl: Well, they remembered about the calendar. And the birthday?

Answer: Adam's rib

Boy: Girl, she is a girl! There is also the last call!

Answer: draw

Girl: And graduation!

Answer: graduation

Boy: Halloween?

Answer: Halloween

Girl: Somehow it becomes uninteresting. Let's try about the wedding?

Boy: You're right, it's time to end. There is such a movie "Wedding"!

Girl: Then we turn to literature.

Idea number 3. Library or Mom's Favorite Books

Girl: During the survey, we were surprised to find out how many books our mothers read.

Boy: It's amazing how much they managed to read! And to be honest, in my list of completely read books, only "Chuk and Gek" and "Mumu".

Girl: Don't be embarrassed, you've read about Filippka!

Boy: So this is from the school curriculum!

Girl: And you carefully read the questionnaires of our mothers: among your favorite books there are also those that were read in literature lessons.

Boy: Yes? Well, then my list will be bigger.

Boy: It's you about comparative characteristics and the Problem of Happiness in the poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'"?

Girl: Don't make it easy! An essay can be written on any topic, but WHAT and WHAT you write about is not always possible to understand.

Boy: How is that?

Girl: Very simple. And now we will check it.

Competition "What did the children write about?"

For this competition, excerpts from school essays, and the guests are invited to answer what the child had in mind, who is the author of the work, who is the hero, etc.

Appendix 2 "What did the children write about?"

Idea number 4. About poetry and pets

Girl: Time is inexorably coming to an end, and therefore we decided to combine two topics: Poetry and ...

Boy:...and don't be surprised Pets!

Girl: Based on our opinion poll, we found out that our mothers are not indifferent to poetry

Boy: We also calculated that 70% are very fond of pets.

Girl: And it's no secret that the guys in our class have a total of 10 cats, 5 dogs and

Boy: 38 parrots. Joke! But the fact that many mothers (and children, of course) dream of dogs is known for certain.

Girl: That's why we decided to combine the two topics.

Boy: Let's talk about dogs in the language of poetry.

Girl: Now our guys will read poems about a dog for you. But not simple.

Boy: These poems are written on one well-known theme: "The priest had a dog"

Girl: But they were written by different "poets".

Boy: More precisely, in the manner of different poets.

Girl: And you, our dear guests, will have to determine: to which master of the poetic genre these lines could belong.

Boy: So, the roles are distributed.

Girl: Children read, mothers think)))

Contest "The priest had a dog"

A.S. Pushkin

On the hillside, the garden is green,

And a house in a green garden.

Once there lived a dog scientist,

And ran happily around.

And the pop is his greedy master,

The dog fed the unfortunate so,

That the dog could not stand it once,

A piece of meat was taken away.

And the pop, counting the stocks,

Just pissed off with anger

He locked the dog in a closet,

On the third day the dog died.

Posthumously, the priest forgave the dog,

Buried her later.

It became quiet in the green garden,

And the house became quiet.

Pop on the grave often grieve,

He hasn't served in a long time...

M.Yu. Lermontov

Tell me, uncle, why

Our pop dogs don't keep too

How are all our local people?

After all, there are people-likhodey:

Robbers, and so, villains,

They will rob. Will they kill?

You see, he has a burden on his heart,

And it was in our time,

And the priest had a dog.

But that pop was greedy, however,

Even though I loved my dog

But he didn't feed seriously.

Once upon a rainy cold day,

The dog, as always half-starved,

Ate a piece of sausage.

The priest immediately noticed the loss,

But he pretended not to notice

The dog was lured into the woods.

When the blood of the priest has cooled,

Alas, it was long too late.

And he buried the dog.

Since then, he does not contain dogs,

And he doesn’t keep sausage in the house,

He made a promise to this.

I.A. Krylov

God once sent a piece of meat to a dog.

The dog climbed into the backyard,

I was about to have breakfast,

Yes, I thought about it. She held the meat in her teeth ...

The cook saw her misfortune.

And five minutes later I found out about this pop -

The owner of meat, oatmeal forehead.

And even though he loved the dog,

Mercilessly that hour killed her.

Buried deeper into the ground

And he punished the parishioners:

"Don't touch someone else's good!

Do not resist, return, repent!

And in thoughts it is impossible to sin,

Don't steal! And you will have a good life!"

V.V. Mayakovsky

The priest had a dog.

He loved her. However,

The dog stole the meat.

Pop, throwing off his hood and cassock,

He shouted: "I'll drown the infection!

You've always been a burden!"

And drowned. Along with the cargo!

Idea number 5. Favorite Mom's Songs

Girl: Our holiday is coming to an end. It remains to talk...

Boy: Do not confuse, do not talk, sing!

Girl: Well, we won't sing today. But more on that later. Let's return to the questionnaire, which had two very interesting questions.

Boy: Exactly! One I remember: your ideal?

Girl: And do you know what answers were the most? "My mom".

Boy: And I found these: "My children", and even "My grandchildren"

Girl: Well, it's definitely someone's loving grandmother answered.

Boy: It's great, right?

Girl: Not that word! And you know that when answering a question about a cherished dream, our mothers spoke about us.

Boy: Let's give better word mothers!

Mom's response

1st Mom: Thank you dear guys for wonderful holiday which you arranged for us. We really want you to grow up honest, kind, necessary.

2nd Mom: May you be healthy, purposeful and happy!

3rd Mom: After all, our main concern is your future, and the main profession is the profession of a mother.

4th Mom: And, if you sometimes think that we are too strict, or not attentive enough, do not be offended. After all, we, like any person, are constantly learning.

5th Mom: Think about how much time, patience, and strength it takes to pass the most important exam in life - Mom's exam!

1st Mom: Now let me give you a little gift.

Moms sing a remade song

Sounds 3. We honestly tell you .. (minus)

Alteration to the motive "We honestly want to tell you"

We honestly want to tell you:

We don't look at kids anymore.

They tear our hearts all our lives,

They torture us endlessly.

How many songs can they sing?

How long can you endure their whims?

To be under anesthesia of their relatives, beloved eyes

And to hear every time an order, again an order!

Well, how to live without them,

Well, tell me, tell me.

Where are we without them?

Yes, there is simply nowhere!

Not without reason all the ages

They are worn on the hands

And we are ready to turn our hands again!

We must honestly tell you:

We need more kids life.

We love them, how to dress dolls,

Slap on the ass and put to bed.

We can play with them together

When will they go to school?

Let's learn lessons together.

Idea No. 6 Concert numbers.

You can add more to the program, for example, expressive recitation by heart or playing around the cheerful poems of G. Oster.

In the selection below, there are Bad Advice (see Appendix 3), in which parents are among the actors. It is easy to play them, and they will add fun. The line could be like this:

Girl: Our mothers and fathers, grandmothers, older brothers and sisters, teachers give us all sorts of useful advice.

Boy: But, alas, very often we get the opposite. Do-it-yourself general cleaning leads to complete chaos, the dishes, maybe, become clean, but for some reason not whole. But the trash can is not only a whole

Girl: more precisely full, and even more precisely overflowing!

Boy: Yes, and we quarrel over trifles, and we fight not on business.

Girl: And we are also offended, pouting over trifles, or even for a far-fetched reason.

Boy: And for some reason, in a critical situation, it doesn’t come to mind optimal solution, and the most "stupid". Sorry, wrong.

Girl: And sometimes very harmful.

Boy: These are the harmful situations that guys often find themselves in, we will show you now.

Appendix 3. Bad advice


Children come out to the song "Mom", perform a common dance.


Spring is coming, and let it not be hot,

But with her, like a summer shadow,

International Women's Day.


Today is the best holiday

Today is our mothers day

We wish the clouds flew away

And the sun smiled at you.


Let the sun's rays warm

Add mood

What would always be lucky in everything

Not only on a spring day!


We invited everyone to visit:

And their grandmothers, and mothers.

We decided to please you

May you be comfortable here.


In a word, warm, sonorous singing

Happy spring day

And who, tell us?

Dear grandmothers and mothers!

Song "Mother's Smile"


Oh, dear, mother, you are a kind bird,

You are like a lovely flower tender!

There is no brighter, more beautiful and better in the world,

May spring bring you happiness!


Many mothers in the world

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother

She is dearer to me than anyone!

Who is she? I will answer -

This is my mommy!


Grandma and I are friends

After all, she is just like me:

Goes to the circus for performances

Likes fairy tales and jam

And, of course, grandmother

I like pancakes

Bakes them tirelessly

Well, I put them in my mouth!


Mom hasn't come home from work yet.

It looks like she's been put on hold.

The boys and dad decided, the three of us

We'll clean Mom's room.

Mom will return - everything is clean,

Things are all in place.


Finally everyone fell asleep

They won't know my secret.

Because for granny

I will draw a bouquet:

Roses, asters, daisies

Flash brightly on a postcard!

It's good that everyone fell asleep,

Outside the window is already dawn.

I love you grandma

And I give you a bouquet!


Together with my grandmother

We live very friendly!

Together we go for a walk

Together we go to sleep

We wash dishes together

True, true, I won't lie!

I try not to be capricious

I do not shed tears, but smile!

We are great friends with her.

Because we are family!

Song "About Grandma"

Leading: Today we have gathered in our elegant hall to congratulate grandmothers and mothers. And our guys are so bright, beautiful, as if spring gave them its wonderful colors ...

The artist enters to the music


I have a pencil

colorful gouache,

watercolor, palette, brush

And thick paper.

And also a tripod easel,

Because I am an artist.

Let's draw a big spring picture together and give it to moms. Do you agree?

Children: YES!


What kind of paint should I take?

What would be a bright picture for moms to draw?

I'll take from every paint

Drop by drop, friends

It will turn out wonderful

I have the picture!

ROOCHEKI run out - boys in blue suits.


Get some blue paint.

A blue snowdrop bloomed along the path.


The blue sea plays with waves

The blue sky is right above us.


Blue shadows lay on the sand

Little blue cornflower blossomed.

Leading: Spring is on the street, streams are running ... And we will play the game "Brook"

The game "Brook".

Children in green come out - frogs.

Artist: And here is the green paint, folks.


Green paint is grass

Flower stem and tree foliage.


Green paint - spring carpet,

Green leaves, tree decoration.


Look, the grass is green in the meadow,

In the forest, the edge is green,

In the green swamp - "kva-kva" yes "kva-kva",

See what a frog!


The green grasshopper played the violin

"Kva-kva" - the frog sang along with him,

Green dragonfly on top of them

She looked up, her eyes wide with astonishment.

Leading: And now our frogs will dance a dance.

Dance "Frogs"

Come out ladybugs and rays.


Red is the brightest of all colors in the world!

All children love to draw!


red poppy petal,

And the rose is red.

Ai currant bush red

Also dressed in red.


The color of yellow sun and bright light

He is everywhere, everywhere, in spring greetings!


He brings happiness and joy to all people!

Let the sun be bright in the sky!


Spring is back again kindergarten,

And she gave everyone funny bunnies!


The sun's rays shine bright

Sunny bunnies are having fun!


I'm completely lost...

What paint to take

To make the picture bright

To draw for moms?

I'll take from every paint

Drop by drop, friends

It will turn out wonderful

I have the picture!

The artist goes to the easel with the host, they make a picture.


Here the grass turns green, everything shimmers,

And in it - strawberries smile sweetly,

Bright flowers blink merrily,

Butterflies with dragonflies fly merrily,

Blue sky, white clouds

Well, between them - the sun's rays!

Stepping back a little from the easel.

And what will happen, I want to know, if the paints are all mixed?

He goes to the middle of the hall, whirls, catching all the paints in turn with a brush, they also begin to whirl, mixing, and then line up on

Dance "Colored peas ..."

Artist: Here's the paint I got!

Black paint comes out.

Black paint:

You all left for the holiday,

They forgot about me!

Am I ugly?

What wasn't invited?

I miss myself there

No one wants,

And they gathered here

The company is friendly!

Even though I'm angry with you

But I'm staying for the holidays!

I'll do bad things to you

And then I'll go home!


The paint is black, don't be mad, stay, have fun!

Without you, it is also difficult and impossible in art.

You are not at all disgusting to us, you will complete the picture for us.

Black paint:

Okay, I'll stay with you, I'll have plenty of fun

I'm glad that a place was found for me in the picture,

I'll work twice for you

And while I write, the song will sound.

Song "Lublyuka"


We really need all the colors, all the colors are very important to us.

They will color the forest and the meadow, and the sky is blue all around.


And flowers will bloom for us, will delight all the kids

And now they will call us to play a multi-colored game.

Game "Plant flowers in the flower bed"

Black paint:

Well, finished painting the picture,

Now it's time for us to congratulate all mothers.

Only as friends, we be, how to share a picture?


I can do miracles with a magic brush.

Come on, mothers, close all your eyes together!

Sit a minute, wait a little,

Well, in the hall at the same hour, magic will happen for you.

To the music, children are given gifts for their mothers.

Holding them in front of them, the children line up in a semicircle facing the audience.


Look how beautiful the drawings are.

They give mothers magic colors.

And together with paints in these drawings

Love and tenderness were invested by children.


If the sun wakes up

Morning shines again

If mom smiled

Everyone was happy!


So let it always sparkle

The sun shines on people!

Never you, dear,

We will not grieve.


We want to thank you

For kindness and patience

And raise this song

Up to the sky mood.

The song "Who does mom look like"

Leading: Well, that's the end of our story.

End of all adventures

Well done! Thank you!

Congratulate your moms! Children give gifts to their mothers accompanied by music.


  • teach children to express their feelings for their mother;
  • to cultivate respect and respect for the mother;
  • develop a sense of duty and responsibility for their actions;
  • contribute to the creation of a festive, trusting atmosphere;

Hall decoration: balloons, posters with poems, flower garlands. An exhibition of children's drawings "My mother" has been arranged.

Preparation for the holiday: before the holiday, poems, skits, songs are learned; children prepare gifts for mothers with their own hands.

Holiday progress:

The melody of the song "Talk to me, mother" sounds.

Girl. What do birds need, tell me?

Boy. The sun, the sky, the greenery of the garden.

Girl. And for the sea?

Boy. Shores.

Girl. And for skis?

Boy. For skis - snow.

Well, to me, I'll tell you straight, -
To be with me ... Mom!

Leading:- Good afternoon, dear mothers hello lovely women! Let me congratulate you on the tender family holiday, Mother's Day.

This is a wonderful occasion to once again say words of love and gratitude to the most dear and close person, to pay tribute to love, to generous maternal hearts, to their caring and affectionate hands.

We would very much like today's meeting to bring you joy, tearing you away from everyday worries at least for a while, so that you feel how your children love you, how much your attention is dear to them. Happy holiday!

1. We are happy to congratulate you today
Women of all who are with us!
But congratulations
Our grandmothers and mothers!

ALL: And with love we dedicate our concert today to you.

2. We have a special day today,
Most the best holiday- Mom's Day!
The holiday is the most tender, the kindest.
He is, of course, very dear to us!

3. Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
Holiday of grandmothers and mothers.
This is the best holiday
Comes to us in autumn.

4. This is a feast of obedience,
congratulations and flowers,
devotion, adoration,
Holiday of the best words.

5. There are a lot of kind words in the world,
But one thing is kinder and more important than all:
Of two syllables, a simple word: "mother"
And there are no words more precious than it.

6. This word is our happiness
Our life and beauty.
Mom, mommy dear -
This is what is sacred forever.


7. Mom is loved by everyone in the world,
Mom is the first friend
Not only children love mothers,
Love all around.

8. If something happens,
If suddenly trouble
Mom will come to the rescue
Mom will always help.

9. Dear moms, we congratulate you,
And the warmth of the soul, we wish you all.
Be healthy, be happy
Be the most loved.

10. Moms have a lot of strength, health
Give to all of us.
So, really, there is no
Better than our mothers.

Leading:- And, indeed, better moms there is no one in the world. ! How much warmth and light is concealed by this magic word, which we call the closest, dearest and only person.

The words mother, mother are among the most ancient on Earth and sound almost the same in all languages ​​of the world. This suggests that all people revere and love their mothers.

And now, guys, you are waiting for "Riddles"

Who is the cutest in the world
And warm with its warmth,
Loves more than himself?

In vain they do not put in the corners,
Don't piss off the good...

Shame on those kids
Who hurt their...

They know everything by their eyes
It's hard to fool us...

Borscht in a plate is the most delicious,
This is how it cooks...

And capricious, and stubborn,
I don't want to go to kindergarten...
(Answer: Not a mother, but a daughter)

There is no dearer in the world,
Fairer and better.
I'll tell you friends directly -
The best in the world...

The school has a complex program
But it will always help...

Reading books in the evening
And always understands everything
Even if I'm stubborn
I know he loves me...

Hand in hand in the morning
Leading to school...
(Answer: Not moms, but kids)

Who opened this world to me
Not sparing your strength?
And always protected?
The best in the world...

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms,
Kohl next to me ...

Every morning in the house drama -
Doesn't want to eat porridge...
(Answer: Not mom, but daughter or son)

There is no dirt, rubbish in the apartment,
Cleaned everything up...

I walk the path
But my legs are tired.
jump over the hole
Who will help? I know - ...

When you kids are bruised
It's not for you that hurts the most, but...

Song with kind words
Compose your favorite...

You boasted with your fists at school -
That would be a shame...

Poem about mother.

Scene "Robot".

Starting position: the robot stands with its arms wide apart, mother and daughter are on the sides of the robot a little closer to the audience, the robot's palms are not far from their heads.

Daughter (pointing to the robot): Oh, mom, who is this?

Mom: It's a robot. He knows how to distinguish whether a person is telling the truth or lying. For example, tell me, what grade did you get today at school?

Daughter: Five.

Booms! (the robot pretends to give his son a slap on the back of the head).

Mom: So you were lying. So what did you really get?

D: Four.

Mom: Not true again. What did you get?

Booms! (the robot pretends to give the daughter a slap on the head).

Mom: Tell the truth. What have you been given?

D .: (sighing): two. The robot strokes the daughter's head.

Mom: Oh, you. And I studied at your age for one five!

Booms! (the robot pretends to give a slap to the mother).

Mom: And I didn’t get twos.

Booms! (the robot pretends to give 2 cuffs to mom).

Mom and daughter (talking together): An apple does not fall far from an apple tree.

The robot pats both of them on the head.

Look! We have guests today -
Honorable, most important!
These are grandmothers, mother's mothers!
These are grandmothers, father's mothers!

11. Grandmother! You are like a sorceress from a fairy tale
You give us love and affection again,
Help with deed and advice
You will eat delicious food.

12. And completely out of place
All talk about years.
After all, you will be - it has long been known! -
The soul is always younger than everyone!


LEADING: Mother! What a great word! A mother gives life to her child. The mother is worried and sad that the child is healthy, full, happy. Mother is the window to the world! It helps the child to understand the beauty of the world. Mom has the kindest, most affectionate heart, the most gentle, most caring hands that can do everything. Love never fades in her heart!

Leading: For you, dear mothers and grandmothers, the song "Mom" sounds.


Mom sits at a laptop next to a child and recites a poem, at the moment when mom has to say her catchphrase according to the text of the poem, he shoves her in the shoulder, mom takes her eyes off the computer and says: “No problem!” and turns back to the laptop.

I'm an unproblematic child
I talk about it to everyone.
Even my mom confirms...
- Really, Mom? (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!
I don't want to have lunch now!
I'd rather eat candy!
Smiling, mom will say ... (shoves mom, mom zero reaction)
Mom will say ... (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!
Brought four deuces
And there are no fives at all!
Mom, don't be silent, what do you say?
- Everything is fine? (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!
There is a terrible mess in the house,
There is cream on the floor.
I don't want to get away!
- Can I, mom? (shoves mom)
- No problem!
I know that such a mother
Wanted all at once!
Connect to the Internet
And everything will be ... (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

The game "Mouth of a baby"

1. They are all sorts: visitors who came to someone's house, invited, long-awaited.
2. They can bring gifts, treats, sweets with them, or they can come empty-handed.
3. They need to be fed, treated, given tea, entertained ...

1. This man is a woman! She can be a nurse, a boss, a cook - whatever.
2. She has the kindest and loving heart kind and caring hands.
3. Without this person, children cannot be happy ...

1. They are called people's representatives.
2. They sit for a very long time, everyone thinks and thinks, they can decide for mothers to have children or not to pay. Grandmother - to increase the size of the pension or not.
3. They are chosen by all the people, they can be uncles and aunts, urban or rural, state ...

1. They come and go.
2. Romances are often sung.
3. Decent people earn them, and scammers and thieves steal them.
4. You can’t buy anything in the store without them…
(finance, money)

1. They are very beautiful, I would like to give them to my mother, but this is impossible ...
2. They seem small, but they are actually huge.
3. They have sharp corners, the hottest ones are blue
4. You can only admire them at night

1. When it happens, everyone good mood and everyone is smiling.
2. Everyone is smartly dressed: both adults and children.
3. On such a day, music sounds, everyone dances and sings
4. And eat delicious pie or cake.

1. She always helps us
2. Dad should go to her once a year for pancakes.
3. She sits with us when mom has no time.
4. She has golden hands. She is kind and affectionate.
Answer: grandmother

1. We always miss her, and therefore we often wish her to the departing or departing.
2. She accompanies someone and therefore he is happy.
3. When it happens, they say: “Well, lucky!”


Competition: "Book in the family"

Presenter 1
Let's check how carefully you read fairy tales to children.


I went to visit my grandmother
Brought pies to her
The gray wolf followed her,
Deceived and swallowed.
(Little Red Riding Hood)

Run away from dirty
Cups, spoons and pots.
She is looking for them, calling
And tears are shed along the way.

And a hare and a wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment.

Waiting for mom with milk
And they let the wolf into the house
Who were these
Small children?
(Seven kids)

Like Baba's Yaga
Not one leg at all
But there is a wonderful

And now let's give way to a joke -
We can't live without her
It's better with her in difficult times,
Why can't we joke...

And now "Comic prediction of fate."

Moms are given envelopes with items:

  • Button - you will buy yourself something beautiful from clothes;
  • Candy - a sweet, sweet life awaits;
  • A penny - you will be a very money person;
  • Bay leaf- great success in work;
  • Smile - you have to look into the mirror and it will tell you that a smile really suits you;
  • Butterfly - this year you will be lucky, you will flutter on the wings of success in life;
  • Key - new flat;
  • The book - new receipts on the passbook.
  • Flower - this year you will become even more beautiful and sweeter.
  • Geographic map - this summer you will have a trip to relatives.
  • Berry - in the summer you will have a good rest in the forest, having collected a full basket of berries.
  • Thread - this year a long road to distant lands awaits you.
  • Wheel - this year you will win a car if you buy a lottery ticket.
  • Pacifier - this year you will have many guests - babies.
  • Plate - do not be upset, happiness will surely smile at you if you accidentally break a plate.

Leading: Our dear mothers, the next issue is dedicated to you, our dear ones.


Scene "Composition"

Characters: Lena, her mother, Olya, Lena's classmate.

Room. Lena is sitting at the table, She is writing an essay.

How do I help my mom? Composition".
(From afar, apparently from the neighbors, the sounds of a tape recorder are heard - performed by Alla Pugacheva, the song “I want the summer not to end”) sounds.

And, really, it would be nice if summer didn’t end!
Sunbathe yourself, swim, and no essays for you! (Reads the title again) "How I help my mother." How can I help? And when to help here, if they ask a lot at home!
Mom enters the room.

Mom: Sit, sit, I won’t disturb you, I’ll just clean up the room a little.
(Wipes dust.)

(Starts to write). “I help my mom with the housework. I clean the apartment, wipe the dust off the furniture with a rag.

Why are you throwing your clothes all over the room?
(Starts to put things in their places.)

(Writes.) "I'm putting things in their places."

Mom: By the way, your apron should be washed.

Lena: (Writes.) "I'm washing clothes." (thinking). "I iron clothes." Mom, a button on my dress came off. (Adds). "Sew on buttons if needed."

Mom sews on a button, then goes out, returns with a bucket and a mop. Pushing the chairs back, he wipes the floor.

Come on, put your feet up.

Lena: Mom, you're bothering me! (Raises legs, finishes writing). "My floors."

Mom: (sighing). Oh, I have potatoes on the stove! (Runs into the kitchen.)

Lena: "I'm peeling potatoes and cooking dinner."

Mom: Lena, have dinner!

Lena: Now! (He leans back in his chair, stretches.)

The doorbell rings. Lena's classmate Olya enters the room.

Olya: I won't be long. Mom sent for bread, and I decided on the way - to you

Lena: (Taking up a pen, she finishes writing.) “I go to the store for bread and other products.”

Olya: Are you writing an essay? Let me see. (Looks into the notebook, bursts out laughing.) Well, you give! Yes, it's all wrong! You wrote it all!

Lena: And who said that you can't compose? After all, that's why it's called: so-chi-no-no-e!

Leading: Well, what kind of holiday is complete without ditties?


To all moms on this day
We give ditties
So that our mothers
There were fun!

1. We say this word
Every time two hundred times:
Mom, give it! Bring it!
Mom, mom, help!

2. Who teaches us to cook cabbage soup,
Laundry, wash dishes,
Who forgives everything in the world,
This is MOM - children know.

3. I love my mom,
She is a kind soul
If somewhere I'm hacking,
She forgives me everything.

4. Do not be angry with your mother,
If he doesn't say
Better hug your mom
Kiss passionately.

5. If you are angry with your mother,
That sticks its nose into business
You will become a mother too
Then you will understand!

6. Dad solved the problem for me,
Helped with math.
We then decided with mom
That he couldn't decide.

7. The daughter asked her mother
Take home a puppy
Feed for two days
And I forgot about the puppy.

8. Mom in the morning our Mila
Gave two candies
I barely had time to give
And then she ate them herself.

9. “I will help my mother,”
Our Seryozha says
But how do you wash dishes?
His stomach hurts.

10. Mom asked Luda
Wash dirty dishes
For some reason, Luda became
Just as dirty as dishes.

11. Our mother is at work
Working, trying
Well, my dad is unemployed.
Cleans up at home.

12. To make mom surprised
We were preparing dinner.
For some reason, even a cat
She ran away from the cutlets.

We finish singing ditties
And we give this advice:
Help more mothers
They will live a hundred years!

And now I offer a quiz about mom.

  1. The first mother on earth? (Eve)
  2. Whose mother is the closest in the world? (Its)
  3. Who loves mom the most? (Child)
  4. A famous woman who was involved in charity work at the beginning of the 20th century. (Mother Teresa)
  5. A plant that is both like a mother and not like a mother. (Coltsfoot)
  6. The earth that is called mother? (homeland)
  7. What was your mother's affectionate name in the old days? (Mommy).

Mommy, mommy! How much warmth and light is concealed by this magic word, which we call the closest, dearest and only person.


Leading:- Every second 3 people are born in the world. It is the mother who gives them life. Mother and child are two inseparable threads in trouble and in joy. Love for a baby is as natural to her as lilac blossoms in the spring, as the sun sends its rays, warming all living things, and the love of a mother warms the whole life of a child.

Girls and boys
Let's go with you
thank you grandma
Thank you mom.

For songs, for fairy tales,
For trouble and kindness,
For delicious cheesecakes,
For new toys. Thank you!

For books and counting rhymes,
For skis and jump ropes,
For sweet jam
For long patience. Thank you!

Presenter 1 (addressing mothers)

Are you tired?
How long have you been dancing?
Well, get out soon!
Stretch your legs!

I invite everyone to dance together, because not only work, mothers need to rest.

After the dance, the mothers sit down.

LEADING: Many countries celebrate Mother's Day. People congratulate their mothers and come to visit them, arrange a holiday for them, give gifts.

Children give gifts.

Leading:- On this our solemn part comes to an end.
In conclusion, once again I congratulate all mothers, grandmothers on the holiday!
No matter how far humanity steps in progress, no matter what era comes, care will never depreciate female hands and a wise mother's word. And the greatest value in the world will always be your love - a jewel that no amount of money can buy.
Let the sun shine brighter for you, and there will always be a strong male shoulder nearby.

Women's happiness!

Thank you for your attention!


adults: Presenter, Artist Tube

Children: Paints - 7 people.


sl. and music. S. Nasaulenko

Leading: Expensive women: grandmothers and mothers!

Congratulations on the holiday - gentle, kind, glorious

All our guests are smiling, so the holiday begins!

1 child: March is a good month,

We like him

Because in March...

All: The holiday of our mothers!

2 child: Today is not an easy holiday,

Light, gentle such -

He flies all over the planet

Congratulate mothers and their children!

3 Child: We are the mothers of our kind smiles

We will collect in a huge bouquet.

For you, dear, beloved,

We are singing a song today.

“ZORENKI BETTER” Music by V. Kanishchev, lyrics by L. Aflyatunova.

(Children sit down)

Leading: Will there be a gift for mom?

ALL: Will be, will be!

Leading: Which one then?

4 Child: For all mothers loved

We drew picture

The curtain opens

The picture appears

MUSIC SOUNDS. The curtain comes off and on the wall painting drawn with white paint and lightly outlined in pale blue.

Leading: Oh, what happened? Last night I myself held this picture. And she sparkled with all the colors of the rainbow. And now, for some reason, all the colors have disappeared, only white paper remains. How can we give such a gift? Where are the colors. Let's call the Artist for help. And for it to appear, you need to say magic words:

Ene, bene, crab, rat,

Here the artist, appear!

MUSIC SOUNDS. An Artist enters the hall with a palette and a brush in his hands.

Tube. Hello friends! Here I am!

Did you recognize me, right?

Leading: Well, of course we did! This is the real artist flower city complained to us!

Artist Tube (Greetings).

I am an artist from an early age

Everyone knows this.

I'll paint your portrait

A picture for a poet.

I look - the hall is full of guests,

So many gathered children!

Once I came to the holiday to you,

Then I congratulate your mothers! (Turns to the audience.)

happy eighth day Martha

Congratulations to all of you!

Happiness, peace on earth

I sincerely wish!


H. Tube. Guys, I have in my hands not a simple brush, but a magic one. As soon as I wave this brush and say the magic words aloud, the colors that you see on my palette will come to life and color your holiday in joyful and bright colors. They will help decorate your picture.

Repeat magic with me words:

Red, blue, cyan,

All colors - for every taste.

Come here soon and help the guys.

H. Tube. Look! My palette is alive

AND bright colors congratulations mom.

(The artist approaches a girl in a red dress and leads her to the middle of the hall.)

THE MUSIC comes out Red paint.

5. Red paint. Is red beautiful?

Yes! - you say in response.

I'm proud of my color

And I'll be nice to you.

H. Tube. The red color is so good brighter colors you won't find. You take spoons And show the dance soon.


Leading: Let's play together

And we will make flowers as a gift.


H. Tube. Blue and blue paint to us hurry up

And tell the guys about yourself.

Two girls come out to the MUSIC.

6 and 7. Blue and Cyan paints (together).

We are friendly sisters

The colors are much needed.

Blue. I am blue paint, friends.

Blue. I am blue paint

S. and G. (together). You can't live without us

And everyone knows about it!

blue -

My doll has blue eyes

And the sky above us is still doves.

It is blue like a thousand eyes.

We look at the sky, and the sky looks at us.

Across the blue sea

A ship sails to the ends of the earth

The sailors went to sea

And brave and strong


Artist: On the palette of the bright sun

A light lit up

Missing pink paint

where can i find it buddy?

TO THE MUSIC, pink paint comes out

8. Pink. Pink is a tender color

We greet our grandmothers. Four kids come out.

9 child. Present to grandmothers

Something like that!

Something worthwhile!

Let it be small.

10 child. Not a handkerchief, not a stick!

And a hoop and a jump rope.

11 child. To be told grandmothers:

“This is a holiday, really!”

To be so happy

What rejuvenated!

12 child. For you, dear grandmothers,

Only for you

A cheerful song

Let's sing now.

SONG "ABOUT GRANDMA" Music and lyrics by N. N. Toptygina.

H. tube (shows palette).

There are many colors in my palette,

What flowers are not here!

But the freshest and finest

I think green!

TO THE MUSIC comes out Green paint.

13 Green paint. Green leaves rustle in the breeze

And the first flowers are already looking at us,

And the birds are having fun, and singing songs,

And the sounds of music are heard here and there.


The artist to the MUSIC displays a girl in an orange dress.

H. Tube And here is my Orange paint!

14 Orange paint. Here I come to you, my friends.

Are you glad to see me?

We are our mothers and grandmothers

Happy Women's Day

And a brave soldier's song

Let's sing now.

SONG "GOOD SOLDIERS" Music by A. Fillipenko, lyrics by T. Volgina.

MUSIC comes out Yellow paint.

19 Yellow paint. Artist, how could you forget about me?

Not invited to a fun holiday?

H. Tube. Well, what are you! We are waiting for yellow paint,

You always come with the sun, warmth.

You bring happiness and joy to people

May the sun be bright in the sky!

Yellow paint. OK. So be it -

I won't get angry.

I will have fun with you!

SONG MAMA - MY SUN Music and words: T. A. Elport

H. Tube. Well done boys! I like the way you sing, dance, read poetry. It is immediately clear that you are seriously preparing for this holiday.

Leading. Of course, Artist Tube, we were really looking forward to this day to please our grandmothers and mothers, and wanted to give them picture. Thank you, Artist, for bringing colorful paints with you, I think it's time to paint picture for moms.

H. Tube. You, colored paints, help us,

Pink, yellow - we will be glad to see you!

Blue, green - nice colors,

May the Colored Rainbow always be.

Let today be the picture is great

Paint a picture for us.

Children take props: sun, clouds, origami birds, artificial flowers, blue wide ribbons to depict a stream.

"I'LL DRAW TO MOM". E. Matvienko

At the end, the children show the audience a bright, picture.
