Tell us about your favorite holiday. Composition on the theme of the new year

There are a lot of holidays in the world that give fun and joy. The very concept of a holiday carries an atmosphere of happiness, but my favorite is a holiday called "New Year"! I will explain my preference in several arguments.

This holiday has its own special charm. How does it manifest itself? In my opinion, this is a familiar fuss when you need to set the table, dress up, collect gifts under the tree. Speaking of the Christmas tree, the process of having the whole family decorate it also contributes to that charm. Shiny and ringing Christmas decorations, a strange and even funny smell of tinsel, and the smell of a Christmas tree is a real miracle.

Speaking of miracles. The New Year is a storehouse of magic. A festive night is a time when you really believe that all wishes can come true. The best thing is that the New Year gives a fairy tale to both adults and children: adults remember their dreams, move away from everyday troubles and enjoy the mysterious atmosphere of the holiday. On this wonderful day, absolutely everything seems unusual, fabulous, even the snow, which was always lost in the bustle of days. On New Year's Eve, it is somehow iridescent in a special way, as if nature showered the earth with magical dust.

One can talk endlessly about the merits of the holiday, but the most important thing is that in the New Year everyone is close, loving friend other people get together. The New Year brings together many people around the world, isn't that true happiness? The whole family sits down festive table, at the same table at which, in everyday life, perhaps they do not get together. People who live far apart finally meet. New Year is a holiday of long-awaited meetings, love, joy.

It is impossible, of course, not to say about the gifts. However, I love the New Year not because I have the opportunity to receive them, but because I can give them. What joy comes when native person opens the gift and a sincere smile appears on his face. Such a smile is high price in life.

New Year is my favorite holiday because it combines happiness and magic, fun and communication. This is a holiday that combines all the best.

Composition My favorite holiday New Year

We celebrate a lot in our country different holidays and anniversaries. May 1 - May Day - a holiday of spring and labor. March 8 - Women's Day - a holiday for all women and girls. We celebrate Russia's Independence Day on June 12 and Russia's Constitution Day on December 12. Also, certain people celebrate some religious celebrations such as Christmas and Easter. I love all holidays. But each of them can upset me, except for one, and this holiday is the New Year.

My favorite holiday is, as you can understand, the New Year. New Year is a holiday for everyone. Almost all people around the world celebrate this holiday at one moment, so I think this is the most unifying holiday in the world, because at this moment everyone can say that they love everything. I think that it is international holiday. It's really wonderful holiday. You can use it as a chance to reflect on what's behind you and start planning for your next year. You can take part in various traditions to help you achieve good luck in the new year.

What I especially love about New Years Eve and New Years Day is that there is so much potential ahead of you. You may already be planning your new year, but no matter how much you plan it, you will still find yourself in “unknown territory”. No one knows where they will be or what they will do next year or years to come, but that's what the fun is all about, doing your best to celebrate another year, new and fresh.

There are many in Russia new year traditions. Every house has a "forest beauty" - a Christmas tree, all sparkling in bright lights and colorful decorations. Children are always waiting for Santa Claus to come and give them a gift. Many consider the New Year family holiday. But most of them prefer to spend it where there are parties, with friends or acquaintances. As for me, I prefer to spend the New Year with my family, because it is not known if I will be able to celebrate this day in the same company with them again. Therefore, I should spend time in their circle as much as possible, because after a while I will probably leave them and start living my own life.

People prepare for the New Year, usually a month before it. They buy Christmas trees and decorate them. Every year, on New Year's Eve, a fairy tale comes to every family and every home. Children and even adults are waiting for the New Year, because they all hope that their wishes and dreams will come true, and various wonderful miracles will happen on this wonderful holiday.

On the eve of this celebration, everyone gathers together to meet " old year and new year. People eat a wide variety of food, drink drinks, dance and have a good time together. They wish each other happiness and good luck in the new year and put gifts under Christmas tree. Children love this holiday. They are waiting new Year gifts that they think Santa Claus brings them. In the New Year, everyone rejoices and wishes that their next year will be good and happy, and all problems and hardships will be left in the past.

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Holidays make our life brighter and more interesting. They have different meanings and their own history. During our holidays we can have some fun and just relax. Since my childhood one of my favorite holidays has been New Year's day.

New Year's Day is the best time for me to spend with my family in the magical and festive atmosphere, with delicious food. Schoolchildren love this time because it's a great start of their winter vacation. When I was a small child I wrote letters to Father Frost and asked him for some sweets and a toy as a present. I also painted New Year greeting cards and put them under my parents' pillows.

We usually start getting ready for the New Year’s Day in advance: we prepare presents, buy mush food and decorate our house and the New Year tree. We also go shopping to find some nice clothes because it's a good tradition in our family to celebrate the New Year's Day in new clothes.

My mother always holds a real feast: she makes lots of salads, meat dumplings, cooks chicken with vegetables and bakes fruit tarts. They all taste fantastic. We watch entertaining programs on TV and set off firecrackers in the yard. Sometimes we go to the central square to watch colorful carnivals, concerts and fireworks. Adults also have a ten-days’ holiday and it gives them a chance to visit their relatives and friends and enjoy the time together. We also have enough time to travel, indulge in sports and other hobbies.

I really enjoy New Year's Day and every year I look forward to celebrating it with my family.


Holidays make our life brighter and more interesting. They have different meanings and their own history. During the holidays, we can have fun and just relax. New Year's has been one of my favorite holidays since childhood.

New Year is best time for me to spend it with my family in a magical and festive atmosphere, with amazing food. Students love this time because it's a great start. winter holidays. When I was little, I wrote letters to Santa Claus and asked him for sweets and a toy as a gift. I also drew New Year cards and put them under the pillows of his parents.

We usually start preparing for New Year's holiday in advance: we prepare gifts, buy a lot of food and decorate our house and Christmas tree. Still we go shopping to find nice clothes because in our family there is a good tradition to celebrate the new year in new clothes.

My mother always makes a real feast: she cooks a lot of salads, dumplings with meat, chicken with vegetables and bakes sweet pies. They are all very tasty. We watch entertainment programs on TV and set off fireworks in the yard. Sometimes we go to the central square and watch colorful carnivals, concerts and fireworks. Adults also have a 10-day rest, so there is an opportunity to visit their relatives and friends, go in for sports and favorite activities.

I really like the New Year and every time I look forward to celebrating it with my family.

New Year is a holiday that miraculously connects the past, present and future, bright dreams and new goals...

Mini-essays on the theme "New Year" Grade 2, 3, 4

« New Year» New Year! The most wonderful holiday! Night.. 12 hours. Chiming clock. President. Firework. The sound of glasses. Joy. Laughter. This holiday is celebrated in different ways. But they want the same thing: happiness, good luck, health. New Year! wonderful holiday! We are waiting for you! Come soon!

"New year's night" New Year's Eve is the most wonderful and magical night of the year. After all, millions of people of different nationalities, in different parts of our planet, do not sleep that night, as usual, but celebrate with their families and loved ones. new year's eve- replacement of the old year by the new one.

"New Year" This joyful and beloved holiday, frosty and colorful New Year in our family it is customary to meet in a quiet and warm home environment, in the circle of dear and close people who sincerely enjoy each other's company. We are never bored together, and I always prefer a family feast to the company of cheerful peers.

"Favorite holiday - New Year" New Year - the best holiday in the world! Since childhood, he remains in our hearts, and lives forever .. Every year we expect magic, trying to finally touch the miracle, the magical holiday!

And how much joy do New Year's chores bring? How many worries do they portend? And only during the chiming clock we can breathe easy and enjoy this unforgettable moment. Smells.. How many magical New Year's fragrances do we know? The smell of a Christmas tree, tangerines, we look forward to the smell of your favorite sweets and cakes, and of course the smell of a miracle visiting the house! My heart is overflowing with joy at this moment! It's good that there is New Year holiday!

About the "New Year" New Year is a holiday that everyone loves very much. Although many nations do not celebrate the New Year (for example, the British celebrate only Christmas), in Russia they are very much looking forward to new year's eve. In the New Year there are a lot of treats on the table, of course - Olivier and tangerines. Everyone is cheerful and happy, waiting for midnight. Probably everyone loves this wonderful holiday.

"New Years is soon!" The New Year is coming soon! - a favorite holiday for children! Children enjoy playing snowballs and sledding. And the most wonderful thing is that Grandfather Frost will come and give long-awaited gifts. At matinees and the celebration of the New Year, the guys will have fun with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden! All children love and look forward to the New Year!

Why I Love New Years Of all the holidays of the year, I like the most New Year. Why? You ask.

First, you look looking forward to next year. You know that next year you will be one year older.

Secondly, you gather at the table with the whole family, counting how many seconds remain until the first of January. You open a gift and rejoice with your loved ones. It is especially joyful to give a gift with your own hands, presenting the face of the person you receive, you rejoice more than he does. Looking out the windows, you see the joyful faces of people holding sparklers.

Here why i like this holiday!

New Year " style="float:left;padding:15px 20px 0 0">

1 version of the composition - The long-awaited holiday

One of the most long-awaited holidays of the year is undoubtedly the birthday of a person. After all, it was on this day that we appeared on a round planet called Earth. On this day, a wonderful road opened before us, giving us an inexplicable feeling of life, joy, bitterness, and simply spirituality. It seems that the date on which you were born belongs only to you, and the day that falls on it was created solely for attention to your person.

Birthday brings together friends, relatives, and distant acquaintances, at a common table, and makes you forget all everyday problems at least for a while, and just rejoice from the bottom of your heart for your loved one, celebrating his name day. This is the time for cool gifts, sincere words that catch the soul, and just relaxation. This inexplicable desire to smile and be kind to everyone, to feel that you are remembered, accepting a huge pile of congratulations, from colleagues at work, to the special purr of a cat in your chair.

And probably if you ask most of humanity: “What is your favorite holiday?”, Then they will answer without hesitation that it is their birthday.

After all, each of them, waking up, feels a little fairy tale, in a gray world. And he lives every minute with a sense of anticipation of something big and magical.

№2 Short essay My birthday

Of all the holidays in the world, I love my birthday the most. This year we celebrated it at home, in a warm family circle. Mom baked a birthday cake that was incredibly delicious and beautiful, so I ate a few pieces with great pleasure and with big smile received congratulations.

And then came the most long-awaited moment of the whole holiday: my parents gave me a big encyclopedia about animals and a children's telescope through which you can watch the stars in the night sky. I dreamed about it for so long!

My older brother gave me a brand new game console and we started competing in video games. I won, of course.

In the evening, my closest friends came to visit us, and we went for a walk. Since there is a cozy green park with several attractions not far from the house, we did not have to be bored. When it began to get dark outside, I invited the guys to look at my telescope, after which we spent an hour fussing with it, looking at the stars. The picture was amazing.

I will remember this day for a long time, because I really liked it! It is a pity, of course, that such a wonderful holiday happens only once a year. I am looking forward to my next birthday.

Composition No. 3 with a plan


  • Special day
  • A good reason
  • Magic
  • Pleasant fuss

Special day

Birthday - what is this day? For some it is special. Someone is waiting for their day, and not only because of the gifts, but also because this is a special day when everything blooms. When your parents give you life, and year after year you experience more events, they make you strong. I also like that every year this day is different! Sometimes you get together with relatives, sometimes with friends, it all depends on the age.

A good reason

Many of my peers, on the contrary, do not like this day. They don't want to celebrate it, they say it's just a day. I don't agree with this thinking. I think that this is at least disrespectful to your parents, who gave birth to you and raised you. And that's even more disrespectful. You need to love yourself as much as you love your parents. There are many enemies and ill-wishers around, and if you give up, then in the end you can become nobody. Birthday is another reason to remind yourself that you are alive, that you are a person, that you are worthy of happiness. On this day, you need to have fun, and accept your growing up. We need to set ourselves up for another difficult but fruitful year!


Also, there is a place for magic on a birthday. Many of my wishes, which I made while blowing out the candles, came true and otherwise as "magic" - it can not be called! I always look forward to my birthday because it's a good reason to get together and have fun with my friends. Contests, laughter, food, what else do you need to be happy?!

Pleasant fuss

The fuss before the birthday is also a pleasure! It becomes interesting for me to cook, with great enthusiasm and conscientiousness I cook and clean the house! It brings me and my mother closer, while cooking we can talk about anything. Decorating the house brings us closer to dad, we climb up to the ceiling together to hang a garland with the inscription "Happy Birthday".

People should cherish their birthday, because it is our special day.

How is the birthday

Since childhood, my favorite holiday has been Birthday, so every year I look forward to it with great anticipation. Birthday is a unique holiday, not only because a person becomes a year older, but also because he receives nice gifts, celebrates it with his close people, and is charged with positive emotions for a long time.

Each person is used to celebrating this holiday in his own way, for example, it happened to me that I always celebrate it twice - the first with close relatives, the second with my best friends. It seems to me that this is much more interesting, because when he comes home immediately a large number of guests, it is difficult to have time to pay attention to everyone, discuss some interesting news, etc. In addition, one gets the feeling that the holiday is not limited to one day, but lasts at least two days.

When I celebrate with my family, my mother always cooks a large number of my favorite dishes, relatives come to us with gifts, and the fun begins - holiday toasts sound, funny stories. When it comes to a holiday with friends, it does not always happen at my house, it can be anywhere - in a cafe, an entertainment center, and even in nature.

My friends have an amazing imagination, and therefore, every holiday I receive the most unexpected funny gifts. A holiday with friends can last a whole day, and every year there is always some kind of adventure that we remember with a laugh for a long time.

I also like cake when celebrating my birthday, because parents always keep secret what the cake will be until the very end and, despite the fact that they are always completely different in appearance and resemble real works of art, they are united by the fact that they are incredibly tasty.

It seems to me that it is very important for people to love their holiday, because this is actually a special day and, unfortunately, it happens only once a year.

Option 5

I admire all holidays, but most of all I love my birthday. I know that it is my most exciting. I have a birthday in the summer, so we have a rest in nature with my parents. I rejoice summer holidays and during this period I celebrate my birthday. Mom bakes a cake, and dad makes a barbecue. I love summer the most! When guests are on the doorstep, it becomes warm and indescribable in the house.

I always take pictures with my friends and put photos in an album over the years, so that later I would have something to remember. You have no idea how it is, it's interesting to see what you were like when you were little and what you are now. Papka always makes her signature barbecue, and mom bakes a delicious cake. The cake is five-layer, in one layer - condensed milk, in the other - a berry, in the third - dried apricots, in the fourth - nuts, and in the fifth - waffle crumbs. I love him. Mom can make a cake so delicious that you just won't come off. At night, we go outside with my friends and family and blow up firecrackers.

On my holiday, I don’t know what gift awaits me, but my friends know and complement it with different accessories. For example, I was given a computer, and friends bribed a mouse, keyboard, mouse pad, headphones, microphone, speakers, and much more for it. On my holiday, my parents and I go according to tradition either to the water park or to the skating rink, where we have fun!!! And the next day, my friends and I are already eating, for some entertainment. I have the most best friends and I have fun with them. They are always the very first to congratulate me on my birthday, so to speak, they play for distillation. On my holiday we play different games with prizes. No one has the right to leave without a prize! A birthday with friends is the best time ever. We all leave tired but happy! I wish my birthday was at least once a month.

I am sure that such a company will always meet at least once a year. I am so pleased when all my people close to me are with me on my birthday. I love receiving gifts and giving too.

I’m 15 years old soon, and this is the anniversary and I will get all the emotions twice as much, because my parents have a tradition, if a person has an anniversary, then they devote themselves completely to him

2nd grade, 4th grade

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