Scenario of the evening of Catholic Easter for adults. Scenario for events

The hall is decorated in the Russian folk style "Russian hut" (willow branches, an icon, colored eggs in a basket, Easter cakes on a tray).

Grandmother sits at the table, looks into the distance and reads a poem:

Before Easter.

I remember how before Easter,

Rolling up the sleeves to the elbow,

They scraped the house, washed off the soot,

The window sills smelled of paint.

I remember the sweet smell of vanilla

Before the image - the flame of a candle,

Walked at dusk

Sacred Easter cakes in a bright temple.

Making my way along the narrow bridges,

Through lies, streams and mud

There were old women in white kerchiefs,

Baptized on a high dome ...

A lot happened to me

Life sometimes went downhill

But I knew from childhood

“Christ will not leave me! »

(noise, din, children run in, greet their grandmother).

Grandmother: - Hello my dears, sit down.

Children: - And what are you doing, grandmother?

Grandmother: - Yes, I'm getting ready for the Easter holiday.

Children: - And we can help you, paint the eggs.

Grandmother: - Yes, of course, I will be very happy. (Children get to work, paint eggs)

Children: - Grandmother, what holiday was last Sunday?

Grandmother: - My dear! Last Sunday we went to the Temple, lit up willow branches, and today look: green leaves have already appeared on them. We celebrated a great feast - the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. In Russia, palm trees do not grow, but under the first rays of spring, willow branches are covered with a light fluff. Willow twigs serve as a sign of the victory of Jesus Christ over death, and the holiday is also called Palm Sunday.

Here we paint eggs, everyone paints at their own discretion, I want to tell you what this or that drawing means.

Red - red is the color of joy, next year joy awaits you.

Green - symbolizes spring. You will be in a spring mood all year long.

Variegated - from freckles.

With pine - from the disease. You be healthy.

With yellow ears - for the harvest.

With a house - for a housewarming party.

With an oak leaf - you will be strong.

With a bunny - be brave.

With an angel - for good. The whole year will be accompanied by good.

With a star - be good and obedient to you.

With the Temple - you will be protected from any trouble.

With a bird - to be your songstress.

With flowers - you will have a holiday all year round.

Grandmother: - So we found out what awaits you next year.

Dasha: - Grandma, look how I painted the Easter egg.

(Dasha shows a painted egg)

Dasha reads a verse:

Singer, little bird

I drew on the testicle

A bird chirps to us from heaven:

« »

Grandmother: - You have a very beautiful egg!

Nadya Zolotareva - And I painted a flower,

Painted each petal

May all nature, all plants

Praise the miracle of the Resurrection!

Grandmother: - Well done Nadia,

Your egg turned out amazing!

Diana: - And I will draw God's Temple:

Rays glide over the domes

Cross gilded in the sun

Jesus has resurrected! Jesus has resurrected!

Children perform the song "Christ is Risen"

1 verse

A miracle above all miracles - Christ is Risen!

Death is gone and fear is gone – Christ is Risen!

Choirs of Angels from heaven glorify God's Cross!

Christ is Risen - Truly Risen!

verse 2

Light shone over the world - Christ is Risen!

The Kingdom of God among all - Christ is Risen!

Rejoice and glorify, now love reigns!

Christ is Risen - Truly Risen!

Christ is Risen - Truly Risen!

Grandmother: - Well done guys, we have worked hard for glory. Sit down comfortably, and I will tell you a little about this holiday.

My dears! On the night from Saturday to Sunday, we all went to the solemn Easter service. This service is like a hymn to the Bright Resurrection of Christ, a hymn to the victory of life over death.

Any holiday has its own beauty, its own customs, rituals and signs, there are many of them on Easter, the Easter holiday always happens on Sunday, it was yesterday. This day is called the Bright Resurrection of Christ. The whole world triumphs and rejoices: plants, animals, birds, and people. People kiss each other three times with the words: “Christ is Risen! ” And they answer “Truly Risen! ".

Guys, tell verses about this holiday to us and our guests.

(Children take turns reading verses)

1) Drops drip loudly

By our window

The birds sang merrily

Easter has come to visit us.

So that the holiday is spacious.

So that the soul can sing,

Good on the bell tower

Ring the bells.

Like an angel's song

This amazing call.

Bright anthem of Sunday

Sounds from all directions.

2) Christ is Risen!

Everywhere the blessing is buzzing

Of all the churches, the people bring down.

The dawn is already looking from heaven ...

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,

And the rivers are torn from the shackles,

And the nearby forest turns green ...

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The earth is waking up

And the fields dress

Spring is coming full of wonders!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

3) Christ is risen! - just two words

But how much grace is in them!

We are unearthly bliss again

Illuminated in your hearts.

Sorrow and suffering are forgotten

Forgotten grief and need

Silent groans and murmurs,

Envy and enmity are gone...

4) Christ is Risen! In the rays of love

Sorrow gloomy cold will disappear,

Let joy reign in the hearts

Both those who are old and those who are young!

Covenant of blessed Heaven

Sounds to us the song of Sunday, -

Christ is risen!

5) Earth and sun,

Fields and forest -

All praise God

Christ is risen!

In the smile of blue

living skies

All the same joy

Christ is risen!

The enmity is gone

And the fear is gone.

No more malice

Christ is risen!

How wonderful the sounds

holy words,

in which you hear:

Christ is risen!

Earth and sun

Fields and forest -

All praise God

Christ is risen!

6) What is grace?

It means just to give

It means not to sell

It's like giving as a gift.

It's like Jesus Christ

He brought us salvation!

Christ is Risen!

Children: Truly Risen!

Grandmother: The main place on the Easter holiday is occupied by an egg, painted or painted (shows several eggs, it has become a symbol of the holiday, a symbol of the birth of a new life.

Your mother and grandmother painted testicles. Eggs are exchanged, they are given to relatives, neighbors, to everyone who comes to congratulate them on the holiday. Egg rolling was a favorite Easter pastime. The egg, touching the earth, awakens our mother earth from winter sleep. The egg roll will last all week.

Our painted eggs have already dried up, let's show them to our guests, and we ourselves will admire our work of art.

On Easter there were always festivities, they danced round dances, sang songs, played games. Let's play a game with you.

Game - round dance "You roll an egg"

Children stand in a large circle. The driver gives one wooden egg to any child in the circle, the second egg to the child in the opposite direction. With the words of the song - counting rhymes, children begin to pass the egg in a circle in any direction.

Children sing:

"Roll, roll, testicle,

According to our circle.

Find, find, testicle,

For yourself my friend! »

With the last word, the transfer of eggs in a circle ends. Those who have eggs left in their hands give the testicles to the driver, he says:

“Come out to the circle and dance together for us. »

Everyone clap. Children dance alone or in pairs.

A relay game is being played. "Running with Eggs in a Spoon"

Grandmother: - in addition to colored eggs, Easter cake occupies an important place on the Easter table. Kulich is a tall tasty round bread. It was believed that if the cake turned out delicious, then everything will be fine in the family. At Easter, Russian folk songs were sung, and various folk instruments were played.

The noise orchestra will perform a variation on the theme of Russian folk songs.

Grandmother: -

Christ loves everyone equally.

For Him there is no the most important.

Let us help you in everything!

Happy holiday! So bright day!

Round dance with adults.

(music ends, children leave the room in pairs).

Grandmother: - So our holiday is over and may joy and a bright mood remain in your hearts. "Christ is Risen! »

Presenter: Hello, good fellows! Hello red girls! Spring has come and brought us a holiday. I congratulate you on the holiday, on the Bright Resurrection of Christ! Easter! Easter cakes are baked, eggs are painted. This holiday is rich not only in delicious treats, it is rich in customs and rituals.

Here the winter is over

Easter has come to us again.

Snowdrops pop out

Lilac will bloom

hello ray of sunshine

And Easter day!


Drops drip loudly

In front of our window.

The birds sang merrily

Easter has come to visit us.

Presenter: On this day, everyone goes to church, brings flowers, lights candles and enjoys the holiday.

The hostess enters the hall with a candle in her hands.

Hostess: Hello, good people! I congratulate you on the occasion! Easter is the most main holiday church year, when people are freed from all evil. This is a holiday of hope for the future, joy, the victory of Good over Evil. Everyone celebrates Easter, because it is the beginning of spring and the awakening of nature. During the Easter week in Rus' sounded bell ringing. Anyone could climb the bell tower and strike the bell.

Children recite poems to the sound of bells.


Dozing bell

Woke up the fields

smiled at the sun

Sleepy land.


Blows rushed

To blue skies

3- Child.

With spring comes a holiday

Holy Resurrection!

And this song outside the window -

Congratulations to all people!

Presenter: On Easter, everyone (men, guys, boys) was allowed to ring the bells, so the bell ringing sounded uninterrupted, maintaining a joyful, festive mood.

Let the bells ring today, let the songs sound, let everyone have fun!

Children sing the song "The bells are ringing"

The game of bells.

A variant of the game of hide and seek. The hostess is blindfolded, she tries to catch the children ringing the bells.

There are no green palms in Russia,

Only birches and maples,

Yes fluff over the water

Willow branch golden.

Children perform a round dance "Birch" Russian folk song arr. N. Rimsky-Korsakov

Us Spring - Red

Brought the holiday.

Right from the morning

The kids are having fun.

Easter spring has come

Nature is all awake.

The harsh winter is gone

And the sun smiled!

Over meadows and fields

The sun is shining above us

long-awaited spring

She brought us Easter.

Spring-child enters.

Hello my friends!

I came to you for the holiday.

I heard your songs

But did I get there?

Children: Yes.

Brighter you, rays, shine

And warm up the earth.

Green stems,

Bloom all the flowers.

Get up in the round dance,

Sing a song together.

Children perform a round dance “We have already sown lenok” Russian folk song

Leading: Fun entertainment began on the holiday: both young and old rode on carousels, danced round dances, played in the street folk games. Let's play too.

The game "Pass the egg in the spoon."

Egg rolling game

Earth and sun

Fields and forest -

All praise God

In the smile of blue

living skies

All the same joy

Children together: Christ is risen!

The enmity is gone

And the fear is gone.

No more malice

Children together: Christ is risen!

Game "Unroll the egg"

Presenter: Easter was a very big holiday that lasted a week, and this whole week was filled with various games, entertainment, and we went to visit. On Easter, it is customary to congratulate each other on the Resurrection of Christ, to exchange colored eggs.

Children in Russian costumes enter to Russian folk music senior group. The girls have a basket of Easter eggs in their hands, the boys have balalaikas.

Children (in chorus): Hello! Happy holiday! Christ is risen!

Mistress: Truly Risen!

1st child: We came to visit you, we want to play with you.

Round dance game "Roll, testicle."

Children stand in a large spacious circle. The driver gives one wooden egg to any child in the circle, the second egg to the child in the opposite part.

With the words of the counting song, the children begin to pass the eggs in a circle in any direction.

Children sing:

"Roll, roll, testicle,

According to our circle.

Find, find, testicle,

For myself, my friend. "

With the last word, the transfer of eggs in a circle ends. Those who have eggs left in their hands go to the center of the circle, give the testicles to the incoming one, he says:

"In a circle, come out

And dance for us together."

Presenter: In Russia, Easter was called Bright Day. People had a belief that the sun plays on Easter. And many tried to watch for this moment: in the early morning they climbed onto the roofs of houses, as the sun “sparkles”. People even addressed the sun with the words:

sun, bucket,

Look out the window!

Sunshine, show yourself

Red dress up!

Children sing the song "The Annunciation Sun" in their hands they hold birds made of paper. At the end of the song, birds are given to guests.


Have fun from the heart

And got a little tired.


Easter! In golden pipes

Angels trumpet from heaven.

Be happy folks!

Rejoice! Christ is risen!


Marina Litvishko
The script of the holiday "Bright Easter"

Municipal state preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 4 "Teremok"

Holiday script

« Happy Easter»

caregiver: Litvishko Marina Nikolaevna

Program content:

Give children an idea of holiday« Happy Easter» .

Introduce children to customs associated with Easter holiday.

Develop curiosity in children.

Raise in children a love for Russian folk holidays and customs.

preliminary work:

Introducing children to a brief history Easter holiday.

Examination of illustrations on the topic.

Reading excerpts from books "The law of God for the little ones", "Bible for Children".

Exhibition of drawings and crafts of kindergarten children.

Learning poems about Easter, spring round dances, games.

Preparation of a theatrical performance by children of the preparatory and senior groups


Split picture depicting a spring landscape (for flannelgraph); dish with easter eggs; shingles.


Adults - hostess holiday.

Lesson progress:

The atmosphere of a Russian hut is recreated in the hall. Audio recording sounds festive bell ringing. A woman in Russian enters the hall folk costume- mistress of the hut.


Hello dear guys!

Small and big!

Hello guests, welcome!

We open Easter, holiday start!

Child (Dasha) That's Easter has come to us

Holiday sweet for me!

How much joy brought

And he took away sorrow.

Over meadows and fields

The sun is shining above us

long-awaited spring

Us a day Easter brought.


The longed-for spring has come

Winter has gone to gray distances,

The earth awakened from sleep

And the blue distance is clear

And we are not tormented by sadness.

AND the sun shines from heaven

A ray of spring greetings

Noisy in the distance green forest

And the anthem sounds: "Christ is risen!"

Children: Truly Risen!

1. Round dance "Spring came". Children sit down.

2. Audio recording "bell ringing"

caregiver: Children, today we celebrate Easter holiday.. Do you know, children, what is this holiday is Easter? (children's answers)

3. Slideshow

In the Christian calendar, the most important holiday - Easter.

The Son of God Jesus was crucified on the cross for the sins of men.

But on the third day after his death, he rose again!

Therefore, we know that our soul is immortal.

Since then, every year we celebrating Holy Sunday!

IN Easter On Sunday people go to church, where the priest, after prayer, blesses Easter cakes and eggs.

Only after church the family gathers for the rich festive table , help themselves Easter cakes.

The best gift for Easter was always an Easter egg.

Everyone congratulates each other, kisses, They say: "Christ is risen" and hear in answer: "Truly risen!".

caregiver: our children have prepared poems about it bright holiday.

Children go out and read poetry.

1 child: (Anna)

Resurrection of Christ!

All are full of love and affection.

We've come here now

to celebrate Easter holiday!

God teaches us to make

Good deeds for loved ones.

Don't offend anyone

Even a little pussy.

The sun is getting hotter

Bird songs are heard.

And the leaves are turning green:

Easter holiday - spring day!

2 child:

Everywhere the blessing is buzzing

Of all the churches, the people bring down.

The dawn is already looking from heaven ...

3 child:

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,

And the rivers are torn from the shackles,

And the nearby forest turns green.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

4 child:

The earth is waking up

And the fields dress

Spring is coming full of wonders!

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

Olya Pilyugina

Birds settled in nests

The snow melted like a candle.

The air smells sweet

Golden cake.

Sunny rain dripped

On this day of holy miracles.

And kiss me, mom

Speaks: "Christ is risen!

hostess: Very good poems, thank you, kids.

We continue our celebrate the holiday.

4. Dance___Preparatory group "In the viburnum grove"

caregiver: Tell me, kids, what is the most important treat on Easter? (children's answers). Right!

caregiver: Look how many we have Easter eggs.

caregiver: Look, good people, dear guests, what a beauty it turned out! "Dear testicle to christ day"- says the Orthodox Russian people. Without a red egg, one cannot imagine happy holiday. And it's true, better than a gift in memory of the Resurrected Savior cannot even be imagined. How simple this gift is and how precious! Well done you guys, well done! Do you know how to play together?

caregiver: Now we will show how we play together.

5. The game is being played "Minus One". A plate with eggs is placed on the table by the number minus one from the number of participants. Children walk around the table to the music. As soon as the music is turned off, the children take eggs from the plate. The child who does not get the egg is out. The game continues until there is only one child left.

caregiver: What all the good fellows! What all smart, funny! Sit down comfortably, I have prepared for you, as a gift, easter tale. Ready to listen!

6. Music sounds ___

caregiver: Fairy tales go by light,

Children are very happy with fairy tales,

Fairy tale in a new way

Even adults are very happy.

The fact is that today, children,

Main holiday on the planet,

Today Easter, blagovest,

God Jesus Christ is Risen!

In our fairy tale Easter

(I don't think it's a coincidence)

We will meet different heroes -

Good, cunning, evil, brave.

All of them are from different fairy tales.

Ready for a story?


Nastenka -_Anya Ageeva

My friend ___ Zhenya Syromyatnikov

Rooster__Dima Zhitin

Mouse___Vika Dmitrieva

Kitty__Sofia Pushkina

Butterfly___Diana Schegoleva

Squirrel___Tanya Boldyreva

Lamb Seryozha Lopatin

Bunny_Danil Vorotnikov

Lisa_Polina Klyuchnikova

Wolf__Sasha Yudin

Bear__Vadim Smirnov

Angel_Dasha Kuzmina

Scene 1

Music for Nastya. Poorly dressed Nastenka sits on a bench near the house and sews. A friend is standing nearby.


It was a long time ago. At the edge of the forest in a small house there lived a girl Nastenka. None of her relatives left on white light. But she lived, did not grieve, worked in the garden, and went to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. And she had a true friend - the dog Druzhok.

And then one day, under the very Easter Nastenka gathered in the village, on holiday service.


In the house I cleaned

Cleaned the windows.

A light is burning in a lamp.

Are we good, friend?


It's good with us, hostess,

Just how not to grumble -

Neither a cookie nor easter...

How we celebrate the holiday?


Holiday we meet in the temple,

And not at home at the table.

God will not leave us with you

Do not be sad, my friend, about that.

(Waves his hand, leaves. A friend sadly enters the house).

Scene 2

(Cockerel comes up to the house and rings the bell).


buddy (leaving the house):

Nastenka lives in the house,

She will come in the morning.


And I am the Golden Scallop Cockerel.

From the village, from the guys,

I brought a dozen eggs.

They ordered Nastenka to congratulate

Yes, to amuse the orphan with songs.

(Enters with Druzhok into the house).


That's the testicles Lord on Easter sent to Nastenka. This is from a neighboring village, the guys did not forget her.

(Mouse comes to the house and rings the bell).


Whose house-teremok, who lives in the house?

Cockerel (leaving the house):

Nastenka lives in the house,

She went to church to pray.

In the morning she will come

Why can't you sleep?


And I am Norushka Mouse.

I brought flour for dear Nastenka,

She will now have pancakes and pies.

She saved me in the hungry winter -

Bread crumbs, seeds for the Mouse in store.

(Enters with the Cockerel into the house).


Now Nastenka has flour - Mouse thanked Nastenka.

(Kitty comes to the house and rings the bell).


Someone who lives in a teremochka

Who-who lives in the low?

mouse (looking out of the house):

Oh, save, cat, cat!


Don't be afraid of me, baby!

The cat won't hurt you.

I came to visit Nastya

And she brought sour cream.

Let me go quickly

To my dear Nastya!

(Comes into the house with the Mouse).


Look - Kitty Mouse did not offend! For this holiday I gave my favorite sour cream to Nastya.

(Butterfly flies up to the house and rings the bell).


Whose house-teremok, who lives in the house?

kitty (leaving the house):

Nastenka lives in the house,

In the morning she will come

She prays in the temple.

You must sleep at night!


I brought nectar to Nastya with gratitude.

She saved me from the web now.

And I took the nectar and flew to you!

(Comes into the house with Kitty).


How many products have already accumulated - and eggs, and flour, and sour cream, and sugar. In my opinion, it is already possible to bake something ... What do you think it is possible to bake from these products? That's right, kulich!

(Squirrel comes up to the house and rings the bell).


Whose house-teremok, who lives in the house?

Butterfly (leaving the house):

Nastenka lives in the house,

She will come in the morning.


I am a smart squirrel.

I am with this good girl I've been friends for a long time

But for the first time I visit her in the house.

My gift is not rich, but poverty is not a vice.

Raisins and nuts I carry a box.

(Enters with Butterfly into the house).


Well, now the Easter cake will come out especially tasty - Squirrel brought raisins and nuts.

(Lamb comes up to the house and rings the bell).


Whose house-teremok, who lives in the house?

Squirrel (leaving the house):

Nastenka lives in the house,

She will come in the morning.


I am Baran

Brought a sundress.

Godmother Nastya

Sundress sends and sweets.

(Comes into the house with Squirrel).


Wow! The godmother sent a new sundress for Nastya! Now Nastya will be smart in holiday!

(Fox and Bunny come up to the house and ring the bell).


Whose house-teremok, who lives in the house?

Lamb (leaving the house):

Nastenka lives in the house,

She will come in the morning.

(seeing Lisa)

Oh, sly Fox!

How is the Bunny not afraid?


On the holy night we must not be at enmity.

The dense forest calmed down before the Mystery.

How glad we can say:

"Christ is risen!"


Truly risen!

Nastya as a gift

Take from us, my friend,

Oil lump

Yes, white curd.

(They give the basket to the Lamb and enter the house with the Lamb).


Both the Fox and the Bunny did not quarrel, but brought cottage cheese and butter. Now the animals will be able to cook something else for Nastya… What? Curd easter! This is how the Lord managed everything and took care of Nastya.

(Wolf comes up to the house and rings the bell).


Someone who lives in a little house, someone who lives in a low house?

Fox (leaving the house):

Nastenka lives in the house,

She will come soon.


I am the Wolf, teeth click!

I'm more often free to walk, I'm used to wandering,

But the forester sent me to this Nastya of yours.

He said that he respects and remembers his grandfather,

He gave shoes for Nastya and bowed.

(Bows and enters the house with the Fox).


And the forester still remembers Nastya's grandfather! That's how many, it turns out, Nastya's friends.

(The Bear comes to the house and rings the bell).


Whose house-teremok, who lives in the house?

Wolf (leaving the house):

Nastenka lives in the house,

She will come soon.


I am a Bear, a lover of songs to sing.

I couldn't sleep in the lair.

And how the streams began to ring -

I realized - spring has already come!

So it's come again Easter,

And a miracle happened miracles:

I came to congratulate our Nastya

And tell her that Christ is risen!


Come on, Misha!


No, I will not enter the house -

I'm afraid to ruin it...


The Bear did not enter the house, he was afraid to destroy it. He just turned around and was about to leave, looking - Nastenka was coming!

Scene 3

(Nastya appears and stops the Bear).


Hello, teddy bear!

Sore paw healed?

We will We celebrate Easter.

Just nothing to eat...

(Kitty comes out of the house).


How is this nothing? Treats on the table!

(All Nastya's guests and Druzhok come out of the house).


Christ is Risen!


Risen indeed!

(Nastya enters the house. An angel appears).


Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The sun is shining from heaven!

The dark forest has turned green

Christ is truly risen!

Spring has come - the time of miracles,

The spring murmurs - Christ is risen!

Lighter there are no words in the world

“Truly, Christ is risen!”

(A dressed-up Nastya comes out of the house. Everyone sings " Easter song").

7. Easter song

Truly Risen! Hostess: Did you guys like my fairy tale? What was the most interesting?

hostess: So ours has come to an end holiday, easter holiday, holiday Sunday of Christ, but easter May joy not end all year!

1 child:

Church bells

Over Russia is heard,

And in the groove everyone is alive

A cheerful stream winds.

Brighter morning East

How warm in spring Holiday

TO a sprout stretches to the light

Praises joy Happy Easter.

The sun's ray is like a thread

Between heaven and earth

They will believe - they will live

People are a friendly family.

hostess: And I was happy with you guys! Come to me again, I'll be waiting for you. But I won't let you go empty-handed. I have prepared gifts for you. Here's a riddle for you. Guess what's in my painted box? It rolls red - the whole world is illuminated by a miracle! (children's answers) That's right, an egg. Easter.


One of the children reads the verse:

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The sun is shining from heaven!
The dark forest has turned green
Christ is truly risen!
Spring has come - it's time for miracles,
The spring murmurs - Christ is risen!
There are no words brighter in the world -
"Truly, Christ is risen!"

Dear Guys! Today we celebrate the day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. Easter is considered the main Christian holiday, the reason for which was the saving suffering and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Guys, do you know what the word "Easter" means? The word comes from the Hebrew - "transition".

The week before Easter is called Passion Week. Maundy Thursday commemorates the last communion. On Friday, Christ was crucified on the cross, his body was placed in a cave. On Great Saturday, the Holy Fire descended on the Holy Sepulcher, signifying the Resurrection of Christ. On the third day, at night, Jesus Christ came to life. The angel of the Lord commanded to tell all the disciples about this.

In the old days, on Easter, people organized festivities, games, danced round the yards, which resembled Christmas caroling.

They also played hide-and-seek on Easter. One of the adults went out into the garden in the morning with gifts and hid them. Waking up, the children ran to look. Do you want to play? Gifts are hidden in the room. Who will find more? Started!

Bells rang throughout the village, because on a holiday everyone could ring them. The children loved to sing the song:
sun, bucket,
Look out the window!
Sunshine, take a ride
Red dress up!

Swings were set up in the square. The guys rocked the girls until they called the name of their fiancé. At this time, swing refrains were sung:
On holy week
Have fun with the swings
First you swing
Then you get married.

In a day Happy Easter it was supposed to treat everyone they met with eggs and greet them with the words "Christ is Risen!", in response it is customary to give a treat and say "Truly Risen!" The people believed that within 40 days from Easter to Ascension, Christ himself descends to earth and walks through the cities. People gave food to the poor, because one of them could be Jesus himself.

The egg is considered a symbol of new life, rebirth. According to legend, St. Mary Magdalene presented the first Easter egg to the Roman emperor, the egg turned bright red, confirming the good news. Red is the color of the blood of Christ.

Also on Easter it is customary to "beat with eggs", to hit the opponent's egg with a blunt or sharp end of a boiled painted egg. The winner is the one whose egg did not crack. Shall we play?

Many traditions of celebrating Easter have been preserved in our time. On Pure Thursday, people put things in order in apartments, paint eggs, on Good Friday, houses are filled with the smell of baking Easter cakes, cottage cheese pastries. The feast itself begins with a solemn service. But the tradition of painting eggs for Easter in Rus' has long roots. There are several ways to colorize (show with an example):

Krashenki - used in the old days natural dyes: onion peel, plant juices, vegetables. Today food coloring is used.

Krapanki - first, a boiled egg is dyed, and then drops of hot wax are applied. After that, the egg is placed in the paint of a different color. Once the paint is dry, the egg is dipped in hot water. In it, the wax melts, an original pattern is formed.

Easter eggs are a whole work of folk art. Their paintings use images of plants and animals, geometric figures.

We are going to color the Easter eggs too. (Leaflets with painted eggs are handed out. The child must color them, you can draw a pattern on them or make an application.)

Easter entertainment was games with colored eggs. Let's play with you. (You can choose some games, and if the children are not very tired, then spend it all)

"Egg rolling". For skiing, I prepared a special "red" slide, which we will install on the floor. You will take turns throwing colored eggs, and the one whose egg rolls the farthest wins. If the launched egg touches the already launched eggs below, the player will take them too.

"Bowling in Russian". Prizes (sweets, chocolates, kinder surprises, small toys) are laid out around the perimeter of the table. Your task is to knock out the thing that you liked with your egg. We will take turns riding. Everyone will receive the prize that he knocks out. The game will continue until you have won all the prizes.

"Unroll the egg." Two or more players play. You need to spin your Easter egg at the same time. Whoever spins the egg longer wins. The winner will take the eggs of the losers.

Rolling eggs towards each other. Another easter egg game. Play on a smooth floor or table. Two players stand opposite each other and roll eggs towards each other. One says: "Christ is risen!", the other answers him: "Truly risen!". The eggs should collide with each other. Whoever breaks the egg loses and gives it to the winner.

So, Easter is a time of joy, a celebration of victory over death, sorrow and sadness. I wish you to keep a bright and joyful mood for a long time, may your soul be filled with love, kindness and hope.

Now let's have a tea party!

hilarious scenario for the Easter holiday.


On Christ Sunday
All the people are having fun.

May the holiday be bright today
It will enter every house soon.
Everyone will say "Christ is risen!"
Feel better at heart
Everyone will be happy on a holiday!
Way to the sun and spring!

Great holiday Easter is celebrated every year by millions of people around the world. Everyone goes to visit each other, and exchange bright and beautiful eggs, delicious Easter cakes, treat everyone with traditional Easter dishes.

There are special games that in the old days were played on Easter and Easter week by boys and girls, children and adults. Let's remember them and have fun with all our hearts.

Competition 1. "Rolling Easter eggs"

The facilitator gathers two teams of five people. Each is given one Easter colored egg. A chair is placed at a distance of 4-5 meters from each team.

Each participant must carefully, without breaking the egg, roll it with his hands to the chair, go around the chair around and, returning back, pass the egg to the next team member. The team whose members roll the egg first wins.

Competition 2. "Decorate an Easter egg"

Two people participate, each of whom is given one balloon and sets of Easter stickers. In a minute, they have to decorate their ball - "egg" with stickers. The one who sticks them more than the opponent wins.

Competition 3. "Easter gifts"

Various small gifts-souvenirs are placed on the floor. Everyone who wants to participate. The facilitator gives the participant an Easter egg. You need to roll it on the floor, knocking down any gift - this is the prize.


On Easter it was customary to sing cheerful songs and dance round dances. Now we will try to restore this tradition.

Competition 4. "Cheerful round dance"

All guests stand in a large circle, in the center of which is the host with a basket of Easter eggs. He is blindfolded. Any cheerful folk music sounds. The round dance moves clockwise, and the leader circles in place counterclockwise.

The music is suddenly turned off. The leader and the round dance stops. In front of whom the host stopped, he must complete any simple task that the host offers, and for this he receives an Easter egg.


During the Easter holiday in Rus', bells rang in all churches. Now we will arrange a real Easter ringing.

Competition 5. "Easter ringing"

Several people are involved in the game. Everyone chooses a sheet with the name of the song proposed by the presenter, for example, “Evening Bells”, “Bell”, “Walks along the Don” or any other melodic Russian folk songs.

It is necessary not to sing the selected song, but to portray the bell ringing, saying instead of the words “Bom-bom-bom” or “Ding-ding-ding”. The one who more accurately performs the motive and makes it interesting and fun wins.


Have fun from the heart
And got a little tired.
It's time for us to rest
And eat Easter food.
Eat Easter, Stretch
Help yourself to pies
Eggs are dyed
There are so many of them that it is impossible to count.
Happy Easter
And I wish everyone good health.
I want to congratulate everyone
And say: "Christ is Risen!"

Scenario extracurricular activities"Easter is the feast of Christ's bright resurrection"


Communion junior schoolchildren to the origins of Russian culture,
fostering love for the culture of their people, their traditions, customs, rituals.
Preliminary preparation: for the holiday, children draw Easter cakes, paint eggs, learn poems. The class is designed to look like a Russian hut: a samovar, embroideries, homespun paths, etc. On the table - painted eggs, Easter cakes, cookies in the form of birds. On the stand - drawings of children. Phonogram with a recording of the bell ringing.

Children and their parents take part in the celebration.

The course of the holiday

Host: Easter is the feast of Christ's bright resurrection, which is celebrated with joy and triumph.

Children come out in Russian costumes.

1st child.

There are many rituals in Rus'.
And today is the feast of God:
Easter - God's resurrection
His second birthday.

2nd child.

Everywhere the blessing is buzzing
From all the churches people bring down.
The dawn is already looking from heaven ...

3rd child.

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,
And hands are torn from shackles,
And the nearby forest is greener ...

Children: Christ is Risen! Christ is risen!

4th child.

The earth is waking up
And the fields dress
Spring is coming full of wonders!

Children: Christ is Risen! Christ is risen!

Host: Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the most important holiday in the Christian calendar. You, of course, know the custom of exchanging colored eggs on Easter and christening three times. Someone hands you an egg and says: “Christ is Risen!”, and you answer: “Truly Risen!”. You swap eggs and kiss three times. At the same time, people forgive each other all insults, misunderstandings, and maybe even anger. How could it be otherwise, because this is the joyful day of the Resurrection. Let's get christened with you.

Children exchange eggs and kiss three times

Host: And now, dear parents and children, try to answer the following questions.

What was Easter called in Rus'? (Great day, King's day, Christ's day, Bright Sunday)

What is the last week before Easter called? (Passionate or Great, dedicated to the suffering of Jesus Christ)

How did the tradition of dyeing eggs begin? (After the ascension, Jesus ordered the disciples to go around the world and preach their doctrine to the people. Mary also went to preach the doctrine of Christ. She came to Rome, to the imperial palace. In those distant times, everyone who came to the emperor always brought some gift: the rich - jewelry, and the poor - what they could. Mary had nothing with her except faith in Christ. She handed the emperor a simple chicken egg and immediately loudly pronounced the main news: "Christ is risen!". The emperor was surprised and said: "How can you believe that It's hard to believe that anyone can rise from the dead, just as it's hard to believe that this white egg can turn red!" - red. So the first Easter egg was presented).

What did they do during the great week to remove sins from the soul? (They did charity work.)

Leading: Easter was also timed for the “walking of the drawers”. From all over the village people gathered in a crowd and went from house to house, stopped in front of the windows and sang songs. The songs included Easter greetings, spells for the future harvest, livestock offspring and demands for gifts: eggs, pies, wine, etc. They sang in order to beg something from the owner of the house: eggs, bacon, money, milk, white bread. the stingy owner could sound very unpleasant words:

Whoever does not give us eggs, a sheep will die,
He won't give a piece of fat - he'll kill heifers,
We were not given fat - the cow fell.

Host: Let's remember the Easter signs.

Children are given 6 cards, from which you need to collect 3 signs.

If it rains - ... (spring will be rainy)

On Easter, the sky is clear and the sun is playing - ... (for a good harvest and a red summer.)

On Easter, you can’t throw and pour out the window - ... (Christ walks under the windows)

5th child: Did you know that eggs dyed the same color were called eggs; if on a general colored background spots, stripes, specks of a different color were indicated - it was a speck. There were also pysanky - eggs painted by hand with plot or ornamental patterns.

Leading: At the exhibition of eggs, choose those that, in your opinion, are krashenka, krapanki and pysanky.

Host: And now we will choose the most unusual, beautiful eggs from those that you brought from home.

6th child: Village craftsmen prepared wooden Easter eggs for Easter. The pastry shops sold chocolate and sugar eggs. And well-known jewelry firms created works of art from porcelain and crystal, gold and silver, from colored and transparent glass, from bone and stone ...

7th child: They could be the most different sizes- from large ones, in which various surprises can be hidden (for example, Faberge Easter eggs), to small testicles - they were pinned to clothes or worn on a chain. These miniature Jewelry they gave girls several years in a row: the next Easter, a new one was added to the old gift, and so gradually a whole necklace was obtained from multi-colored holiday eggs hung on a chain.

Leading: During Great Lent, all games and amusements were banned, and from Easter, fun entertainment for young people began. The festivities were held outdoors. Many spring games and fun in Rus' were associated with the holidays. So from Easter they began to swing on a swing, festivities opened with fun games, round dances, game round dances, dance songs. One of the most widespread and favorite Easter entertainments was skating krashenka. For this, special trays with a chute were made. The players sat down opposite each other at a certain distance and, on command, rolled eggs into trays. If the rolled egg hit the egg of another player and broke it, then the player took the broken egg for himself. These games can still be played today.

Game "Twist the Egg"

On command, the children simultaneously spin their dyes. Whose egg spins longer is the winner, he takes the loser's egg.

Host: And now let's play the game "Bitki"

Game "Bitki"

The players shout out: "One, two, three! My egg, get stronger! Ready for battle!" Players hit with krashenki with either side, usually sharp.Whose egg breaks, or cracks, that is the loser.

Presenter: And there was also a game where the eggs were rolled down the hill. Whose egg rolled further is the winner. He took the rest of the dyes for himself. And now we will play the game "Roll the egg with your nose"

Game "Roll the egg with your nose"

Participants must roll the egg with their nose to the designated place along the paper track. Whoever is faster wins.

Presenter: On Easter, in addition to krashenka, Easter cakes, they baked buns, gingerbread, similar to birds, they were popularly called "larks", because on this day larks really flew in from the south. Cookies in the form of birds were given away mainly to children.

There was also a rite of "setting birds free." In the morning, parents and children bought birds from catchers and immediately released them. And the catchers themselves did the same. A.S. Pushkin wrote about this custom:

In a foreign land I sacredly observe
Native custom of antiquity:
I release the bird
At the bright holiday of spring.

Host: Let's imagine that we have birds in our hands, and we release them.

Children in chorus:

Titmouse sisters,
Tap dance aunts,
Red-nosed snowmen,
Goldfinches, well done,
Sparrow thieves!
You fly freely
You live in freedom
Bring spring to us soon.

Host: I would like to recall such a beautiful tradition: on the first Easter week, everyone could practice bell ringing.

Listening to a recording of a bell ringing

Moderator: Here's another custom to think about. On all the days of Bright Week following Easter, it was necessary to do charity work (give clothes, money, food to the poor, sick people, those who are in prison). Perhaps even now in our time it is especially necessary to visit the sick, the elderly, the poor, who need to be treated to Easter cakes, to dispel their loneliness. May this merciful custom be observed even now.

8th child:

Day Sunday of Christ,
Come soon again!
Goodbye Easter holiday!
May the Lord give you all love!

Easter script.

Easter holiday in Sunday school

Christ is Risen! - the sun is playing
Christ is Risen! - rustling leaves
Christ is Risen! - speaks loudly
Sacred words from the pulpit, father.
They have the joy of life, the denial of death,
Our hope, faith and love,
In them is the voice of the one Orthodox Church,
And it sounds all over Russia again.
Christ is Risen! - congratulations on Easter,
Christ is Risen! - the heart sings a song,
Christ is Risen! Even children know
Christ is Risen and calls us to the Kingdom of God!


Joy from earth to heaven:
He is risen! Truly risen!
He is risen... And this is the Resurrection
Grant us eternal salvation!

In the morning at dawn, Jesus was resurrected,
Praise, children, the Lord of heaven!
There is no Christ in the tomb, the seal is broken,
And the birds are chirping - how can we be silent ?!
The winner of death brought joy to us.
Praise God, children, Jesus Christ lives!


Where are you going?

We're going to church for the Easter service!

And did you have a desire to push through the churches on Sunday?

So after all, Sunday is called Sunday because the Savior was resurrected on this day. Easter is the biggest event, the great Resurrection. If you don’t go to church that day, then you miss the most important thing!

Let's go, Vanya, I like to light candles in the Church. Their lights are so warm and inviting. When I light a candle, I am always happy and sad. I even sigh.

This is because the candle is a small sacrifice.

What about the big sacrifice? When do you get a lot of money?

And the great sacrifice is the one that the Lord brought for all the sins of the world.

And what did he bring?

Himself. He died a painful death on the Cross.

He walked resignedly on a thorny path,
He met joyfully both death and shame;
The mouth that spoke the doctrine of strict truth,
They did not utter a reproach to the mocking crowd.

He walked meekly and, crucified on the cross,
He bequeathed freedom and love to the peoples;
For this sinful world, vice embraced by darkness,
His holy blood was shed for the neighbor.

And again before the eyes of three crosses ...
Here is the execution and the cry of the crowd and the executioners
And the Romans laugh and whistle whips
And the hands of the pierced Christ...

Those hands that recently healed
Who blessed the children
And bread was handed out to hungry people,
Today they were pierced and crucified.

Calvary Larisa Zuykova

Is it worth it to be God if you get killed?

You talk like a human being, and a person usually loves himself more than others.

Here you are baptized. Wear crosses. What for?

I have a gold cross, beautiful.

But my grandmother makes me. He says that without a cross I will completely get out of hand.

And the Lord carried His cross through the whole city on his shoulders, and my Saint Simon helped him. And your holy John the Theologian and your holy Mary Magdalene stood at the Cross and mourned Christ.

And your saint, Nastya, what did you do?

My saint became famous later, but my name in Greek means "resurrected".

Perhaps we will go with you.

Only, with candles, we will definitely go around the temple!

Of course let's go! And in the morning, if you don’t fall asleep, you’ll see how the sun plays, Rejoice at the Resurrection!

The sun woke up early, its beam roams the meadow.
We, leaving the temple, kiss each other three times.

We remember the commandment of the Lord again at Easter:
Consent, peace and affection, and love for our loved ones.



Granddaughter, brother rather call,
Yes, roll up your sleeves
We will do Easter cake.

If only he would come out!

If only he would come out!

Any business - study, work
Do you fight the spiritual, external battle
We, relying on God's bounty,
How do we start?

Humble prayer!

That's right, guys! Let's ask God
Angelic help to help us!
Our labors for the meal of love.

Lord our God, bless!

Though this white flour is pure,
All the same, pass it through a sieve, granddaughter!

There are many here, grandmother, various impurities,
Small lumps, specks are hidden.

Confession to us from sins and temptations
It cleans thoughts like a good sieve.
The repentant sinner is dearer to God,
Let creation fall to the Creator.
Let us liken our heart to oil,
All covered with deep humility.

Butter and eggs, raisins, cardamom -
Generously put in Easter cake without fear ...

But he never rises
If there is no good leaven in it!
Our thoughts are an empty chimera,
If love is not accompanied by faith.

The dough is made with intelligence and skill,

Let's finish the job with a hot oven,

Here is our Easter cake on a festive dish -

Happy Easter to you good people!


What is this?

Whatever you want, I bet that this is Vanya calling!

I don’t understand anything, how did he get to the bell tower?

According to an old Russian custom, during the entire Easter week, any good Christian could go to the bell tower and ring the bells - in honor of the big holiday.

So he can't.

SEMYON Your heart will tell you. Look how happy and loud he comes out.

Christ is Risen! And singing pours in a rolling wave from heaven.
Gone are the mournful worries... Holy night - Christ is Risen!
It is still dark, but the ray of the east has gilded the slumbering forest...
The brooks of the stream are flowing... Truly, Christ is Risen!
Oh this marvelous phenomenon - the holy Miracle of miracles:
Hell is destroyed by the Cross and Light of the Resurrection: Christ is Risen!
As soon as the light prevailed over the sinful darkness -
Once again it flashed like a wave: TRULY IS RISEN!


Easter celebration script.

Characters: Masha, Sasha, Aunt Lena, Two women, an angel.

Sasha loitering around the screen, depicting the thought process. Come out Masha.

M: hello
S: hello
M: Why are you so thoughtful?
S: yes… do you know what day it is today?
M: Well, like Sunday (uncertainly). Well, of course! Today is Easter. Yesterday my mother and I baked Easter cakes and painted eggs.
S: we also dyed eggs at home, and today a grandmother came to visit us and said: "Christ is risen!", And everyone answered her: "In truth, he is risen!". What is it for?
M: I also heard that everyone congratulated each other like that
S: Do you know who Christ is and why he was resurrected?
M: Well, to be honest, I don't know.
S: Me too. Whom to ask?

Aunt Lena appears

M: look, aunt Lena is coming. Let's ask her
S: come on
M: aunt Lena, hello
S: hello
TL: hello Masha, hello Sasha
S: Do you know that today is Easter?
TL: Well, of course I know. And you?
M: (bewildered) but we are not ...
S: TL, tell us
M: please (begging)
TL: ok, ok. You know, a long time ago Jesus Christ lived on earth. He was kind, did good deeds, taught people the right things, but most importantly, He was the Son of God.
S: God?
TL: yes, He was the son of God, He came to earth to save people from their sins. Many became His disciples, others began to envy Him, and then they killed Him.
M: Really killed?
TL: yes, they crucified him on a cross...

Masha closes her eyes with her hands and yells

TL: this scary tale but it is thanks to His sacrifice that all people have salvation from their sins. But don't worry, Jesus' story didn't end there.
M: what happened next?
TL: would you like to see everything with your own eyes?
S: still!
M: of course!
TL: I have an idea. You know, once upon a time, a wise old woman gave me a magic wand, when I touch someone, he can be transferred to any time he wants
S: great!
TL: so hold hands, now i will touch you with a magic wand and you will fly in time and see the story of jesus with your own eyes.
M: we are ready
TL: one, two, three...

Noise, children disappear, then TL leaves, but then children reappear

S: Oh, where are we?
M: cheers, it worked, we are probably now in the past
S: Quiet, do you hear someone coming?

At the bottom of the scene, two women in Jewish clothing appear. They are talking

1st: how strange - Jesus died, and all we have left is His grave
2nd: and now we will sometimes go there
1st: Maria, who will open the grave for us now?
2nd: I don't know, but we'll figure something out. And here we come...
1st: stop!
2nd: what happened?
1st: look, the coffin is open

An angel appears.

A: What are you looking for the living among the dead? Jesus is not here, He is risen.

1st: resurrected?!
2nd: exactly, He told us about it
1st: Let's go and tell His disciples and Peter about it

run away

S: did you see it? So it turns out Jesus is risen!
M: He's alive
Q: I wonder what happened next? Did the disciples believe this news?
M: I think we should go back
S: okay, when we get back, we’ll ask Aunt Lena what happened next
S: give me your hand

Noise again, Sasha and Masha disappear, TL appears, then Sasha and Masha reappear

TL: how are you?
M: so it turns out, He is risen!
S: That's why this holiday is called Sunday.
M: what happened next?
S: yes, tell us
TL: so you can read the continuation of the story of jesus for yourself.
S: yes, where?
TL: in the Bible, in the New Testament
M: I have a Bible at home, big and with pictures...
S: great, then bring her here

The hall is decorated with an exhibition "Easter joy" (works of children and parents). On the walls are panels "Kulich-city", "Temple", a large Easter egg, a belfry with ceramic bells. Children sit in a semicircle with their parents. The troparion is being performed.
Leading: People call the Easter of Christ a bright holiday. Just as the sun shines and warms us, so the light of the soul and the joy of the heart come from our Savior. From heart to heart, from soul to soul, the joyful news rushes - Christ is Risen! Resurrected once to forever illuminate the world with the light of His Resurrection. We celebrate today not just memories. “The night is long and dark - swallowed up, gloomy death is hidden, Christ appears before everyone brighter than the sun. The Lord creates the unexpected out of the impossible,” says St. John Chrysostom. Heaven and earth, angels and people merge into one in bright joy. And how not to rejoice on the great and holy day of the Resurrection of Christ!

Children sing the song "A miracle above all miracles."

Reader child: After a long rant

Communion on Strastnaya,

Orthodox with excitement

They go to the service at night.

With eggs and cookies

Happy Easter and candles.

With a procession, with friendly singing

We welcome Sunday.

The sun dances and plays

God bless all creation

From earth to heaven

Everyone sings Christ is Risen!

The child sings the song "Song about angels." (“Holidays in Sunday School.” - M., 2000.)

Children approach the belfry and read:

child reader 1:

A miracle above all miracles - Christ is Risen!

Death is gone and fear is gone - Christ is Risen!

Choirs of angels from heaven glorify God's cross.

Baby Reader 2:

The Lord saved us from death - Christ is Risen!

The Kingdom of God is among us - Christ is Risen!

Rejoice and glorify - now love reigns!

Christ is Risen - Truly Risen!

Children of the older group with bells in their hands sing and ring.

Ringing, ringing bells, ding dong

The bright time has come, ding dong,

And the music is pouring from heaven, ding-dong,

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Children preparatory group play the bells of the children's belfry.
Christ is Risen! The heart trembles with joy. Easter is truly a holiday.
And quite recently, people went to church with willows to meet Christ joyfully, solemnly.

Two girls come out with willow branches. Read a poem by R.A. Kudasheva.

Child Reader 1:

Willows, willows, children!

All penny bundles.

Caps are visible here and there;

Boring satin earring:

The dawn is breaking

Willows, red willows

Better nowhere to be found.

Baby Reader 2:

In the evening at the church

Children with willow will go,

They will take a wax candle,

With a quiet prayer they will light;

Branches tremble with happiness,

Willows, willows, children!

Only a penny bunch ...

Willow branches are handed out to girls.

All the girls stand scattered around the hall, sing a song " Palm Sunday"with movement.
Palm Sunday -

The whole earth is awakening.

Hands with primary branches - (Slowly raise hands with branches up).
Reaching for the sky. - (The willow is slowly lowered).

palm Sunday,

In Jerusalem singing, - (Raise up the willow).

God bless all fields and forests. - (Shake branches).

We know that on the bright holiday of Easter there is a custom to give eggs.

And what letters can be seen on Easter eggs? (children answer).

Christ is Risen! - froze on a varnished testicle.

Reader child:
I painted an egg

A branch, and on a branch a bird.

The cloud flies into space

In the blue skies.

In the middle - a pattern,

And below - Christ is Risen!

According to the text of the poem, children make up a big picture of the drawings. ( Easter Egg, willow branches, birdie, letters ХВ, temple, cloud).

how to finish the facade of the house ceramic tiles

Christ is Risen! - what wonderful words, in them both the victorious message of life over death, and the joy of eternal life.

Two children are reading a poem. One has a white egg in his hand, the other has a red one.

child reader 1:

Expensive testicle for Christ's day.

And I did not know for a long time: how and why?

Only the words of God He Himself revealed to me,

So that I appreciate the red testicle.

I took a fresh egg in my hand.

And I looked at him for a long time with a thought.

No bones, no beak, no feather, no legs.

I couldn't see a bird in that egg.

How does it happen, where to find the answer,

The bird suddenly comes out of the egg into the light.

Baby Reader 2:

This is the miracle that God did,

That a raw egg turned into a bird.

I understood that example, dear heart,
So the Lord once did with me.
The same power of God will gather my ashes,
And from the ashes the body will come to life again.
In this we are guaranteed, a miracle of miracles,
The firstborn from the dead, Christ Himself is Risen.
He died on the cross, so He loved us,
What for us, for sinners, He shed His blood.
And since then the testicle, red as blood,
Reminds me of His love.

Christ is Risen! - people greet each other.
Christ is Risen! - birds echo them.
Christ is Risen! - Church bells ring.

Reader child:

"On a bright night"
It is a sin to sleep on this night;
Look out the window;
Light is everywhere, people are waiting
They will go to church soon.
At midnight the ringing will hum
Will fly to the sky
And wake up with a wave
He is heaven with earth.
It's a sin to sleep tonight
It's almost midnight... It's dark...
For those who are awake and waiting
Holy holiday goes!

Children are offered to listen to a story (read by a teacher or one of the parents.)
"The Joy of the Morning" by Valery Milovatsky.
"Joy of the Morning"
Over the city - a translucent night. At this time in St. Petersburg there are just such sensitive nights. Everybody sleeps. Only one boy does not sleep - he is waiting. His dad, a forester, left to inspect new plantings and promised to return for Easter. And the boy was waiting for him. And yet, his mother, putting him to bed, said that Easter would begin that night - and he was afraid to miss the moment when Christ would rise again. He wanted to see: the darkness would suddenly dissipate, and it would become light as day, and the angels, and the birds, and the beasts, and the whole earth would rejoice ...
Lying in bed, he listened to the silence for a long time, peered into the night sky through the window - and waited. Some rustlings, sighs, squeaks, flickers, when he closed his eyes, made him shudder. Sometimes he heard muffled blows - these were, apparently, ice floes moving along the Neva, hitting the embankment. In the corner, opposite the bed, a lamp was burning in front of the image of St. Seraphim of Sarov. This boy was encouraged and reassured. And he remembered, whether in reality, or in a dream ...
In those years when the great Pushkin lived, an unprecedented saint appeared in Russia. He greeted everyone every day with the words: “Christ is Risen, my joy!” Because he strongly believed in it and wanted all people to also believe in the Resurrection, wake up from their unbelief. In secret, he performed the feat of his life - more than once he was in the clutches of death: he died of diseases, the robbers killed him, but the Mother of God miraculously saved him, to whom he constantly prayed. Voluntarily, he subjected himself to the most difficult trials. For a thousand days and nights, praying, he knelt on a stone in the open air. And how many other unknown feats he accomplished! And God gave him a lot. Joy embraced all who came to him; others saw the radiance that radiated from his face. He was ready to console anyone, to take a liking and to say a friendly and cheerful word, so that everyone’s spirit would always be cheerful in the presence of the Lord, and not dull. For the sake of this joy, he carried a heavy cross, because "true joy is the fruit and companion of the cross." The holy elder of the Resurrection, the elder of joy, love and victory, how he loved children!
And the boy saw this luminous old man, saw the golden domes of temples. And from this radiance everything around came to life: apples blossomed, bees buzzed; even the old, half-dried ash-tree has spread its translucent leaves, like angel feathers. The boy looked at it with all his eyes - he wanted to run, hug every apple tree ...
And he would like to stay there, in this wonderful dream, but something extraordinary, jubilant with a bell ringing, picked him up, reached the depths of his soul and filled him with joy and love. It was impossible not to wake up - in order to feel and see it. It sounded, called, shone, it was full of such ringing power that I wanted to throw myself into its arms. To Him who loves and alone - the resurrected and resurrecting Jesus Christ. He was beyond sleep - then the boy realized that he was sleeping, and was afraid that he had overslept the most important thing that could not be missed. And through a dream, through closed eyelids, he felt that some special day had come - and he had to quickly jump out of his dream towards this unusual day. When he opened his eyes, the day rang, sparkled, the air itself sang: “Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen!"
"Christ is Risen!" - said the father, and they kissed. The father took his son in his arms, brought him to the window, opened it and said: “Look how everything is blooming! Here it is, the Resurrection! Yesterday, until late in the evening, I walked around a distant section of the forest. At night I returned through the forest. It was dark and creepy. Only the stars were shining. And I thought: “But on this night Christ was resurrected.” And he shouted loudly to the whole forest: “Glory to you, Lord! Glory to your Resurrection! And suddenly the dark forest sky was lit up with many colorful flashes. Rainbows shone in waves in the sky, illuminating the dark forest, as if angels from heaven answered: “Truly Risen!” and at that time you must have been sound asleep, my joy!”

The bell ringing (audio cassette) sounds, the curtain opens, behind which the "Temple" is decorated on the wall.
All children come to the "temple".

Reader child:
I quietly enter the temple with my mother,
I'm not kidding at all.
Let God see for himself
how i love him
In the radiance of the royal doors,
I will light a candle
And before the image of Christ
I whisper forgiveness.

Children sing the song "Temple".
According to tradition, children and parents go to the temple located next to the kindergarten and ring the bells.
The holiday ends with an Easter meal and Easter games.
