Scenario family gatherings in DC. Entertainment scenario "Family gatherings


  1. the formation of students' ideas about the family, family happiness, family relationships;
  2. help the formation moral ideas students about intra-family relations, rally children and parents;
  3. students' awareness of attitudes for the future family life, the responsibility of family members.


  1. equipping students with up-to-date information on the problem of the family;
  2. gaining primary experience in overcoming the contradictions and problems that are inevitable when building family relationships;
  3. creation of prerequisites for the formation of the value attitude of schoolchildren to the family;
  4. education on the example of relationships in the family;
  5. instilling the skills of collectivism, solidarity, "feeling of the elbow";
  6. clarification of the concepts of "family values", "family heirlooms", pride.

Exhibition of family photos "My family!" and drawings “My house! My family!";
“It’s great that we are all here today.”
- “When the family is together, the soul is in place”
- The child learns
What he sees in his house.
Parents are an example

- "A woman is the most powerful being in the world, and it depends on her to direct a man to where the Lord God wants to lead him." (G. Isen).
Musical arrangement:
song "Parent's House", "Song of the Mammoth", music for the song "The Little Prince", "Oh, Porushka-Paranya ...", "It's great that we all gathered here today ..."

multimedia presentations


I. Organizing moment

- Good afternoon, dear parents and children!

(The song "Parental House" sounds)

Leading: Today in our class we will talk about family. Guys, we will talk about your feelings for your family, for your parents, about what you know about the history of your family, family traditions, pedigree. You will get acquainted with the most common traditions of the Russian people.

IN family circle we grow with you

The foundations of the foundations are the parental home.

In the family circle, all your roots,

And in life you leave the family.

In the family circle we create life,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

Where does every family start?

From the meeting of two previously strangers who become the closest and dearest. Before this meeting, your dads and moms had their own families in which they grew up. Their mothers and fathers have now become your grandparents. They also had their own parents, brothers, sisters. These are your great-grandparents.

Family is a continuation of your family. Its beginning goes back into the distant past. In it, in the past, the faces of people close and dear to your family. They gave life to your parents and, thanks to fate, your parents were able to meet each other. Your ancestors gave life to your grandparents, great-grandparents and great-grandparents. THANKS TO THE FAMILY YOU HAVE BEEN BORN.

And what is a family?

Listen to one story.

(Music for the song "The Little Prince" sounds, staging a fairy tale)

Narrator : Long ago, many centuries ago, there were not so many stars in the sky as there are now. On a clear night, only one star could be seen, the light of which was either bright or dim. Once the Moon asked the Star.

Moon: Asterisk, why is your light so different: it is bright, showing the way even at night; then dim and inconspicuous?

Narrator : The star was silent for a long time, and then, sighing, answered. Star: My light becomes dim when I'm lonely. After all, next to me there is not a single star that looks like me. And so I want to see and hear someone next to me!

Moon: And on what nights does your light shine bright?

Star: My light becomes bright when I see wanderers hurrying. I was always interested to know what attracts them so much on the road, where are they in such a hurry?

Moon: Have you learned the secret of the hurrying wanderers?

Star: Yes. Once I asked a question to a wanderer who had been on the road for a long time. He looked exhausted and very tired from a long journey, each step was given to him with great difficulty, but his eyes ...

Moon: And what were his eyes?

Star: They glowed in the dark with happiness and joy. I asked him: “What are you happy about, stranger?”

And he answered: “Frozen in the snow, starving without a piece of bread, suffocating from the heat, I walked forward, overcoming all obstacles, because I knew that warmth and comfort awaited me at home, care and cordiality of my family - wife, children, grandchildren. For the sake of their happy eyes, I am ready to do even the impossible.

Narrator : The asterisk fell silent, and then answered.

Star: Since that very time, I have been trying to give as much light as possible to those travelers who bring happiness to their home, to their family.

Narrator: Luna looked at Starlight and asked.

Moon: My little helper! Would you like to have your own family, loving people who would help you make people happy?

Star: But is it possible?

Narrator: The moon, without another word, waved the sleeve of her golden robe, and at the same moment, thousands of new stars shone in the sky, blinking their unique twinkling light to a small star, as if saying: “We are near, we are here, dear, we are now - one family"!

That's the whole story, did you like it?

Leading: And when was her majesty's family born?

(Scene "Conversation Adam and Eve").

Adam said to Eve before the wedding:

“Now I will ask you 7 questions.

Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?

And Eve quietly answered: “Me!”

"Who will bring them up, my queen?"

And Eve answered again: "Me!"

“Who will prepare the food, O my joy?”

And Eve answered again: "Me!"

“Who will sew the dress?

Washing clothes?

Will I be cuddled?

Decorate your home?

“I, I,” Eve repeated again, “I, I ...”

Since then, a family has been born.

Leading: Every house has family hearth. The hearth is a symbol of the home, a symbol of the holiness of the family. His fire was kindled from the fire of the sanctuary. Keeping it was the sacred service of a woman. Putting out the fire was a sign of the greatest misfortune. The family lived by the hearth. They dried things by the hearth, warmed themselves, dreamed by the hearth, shared their problems. Since ancient times, the sanctity of the marriage of husband and wife has been highly revered. Marriage between two lovers is considered a sacred union. From ancient times, a man guarded his family, got food. And it is still unknown whose role is more important: men or women, and who gets to endure more tests in life: a man or a woman?
There is a poster on the board.

The leader reads:
“A woman is the most powerful being in the world, and it depends on her to direct a man to where the Lord God wants to lead him.” (G. Isen).

Leading: In the educational everyday life of all nations there is a huge number of proverbs. Let us consider their wise judgments.
Children in Russian costumes call to each other, say proverbs.
1 student : Husband is the head
2 student : The wife is the neck
3 student : Wherever it turns, so be it.

1student : A wife is like a motherland
2student : Wherever you go
3student : You always come back.

1student : The wife is a drinker
2student : If the husband is a log.

1 student : Respect your wife
2student : Carry her in your arms
3student : And she will sit on your neck herself.

1student : A husband differs from a wife in that

2 student: who wears a tie around his neck.
3student : And the wife is beads, and even children, and even her husband.

1student : When the family is together

2student : And the heart is in place

3student : That is why there is love in the family.

Children stand in a round dance in Russian costumes and sing a game song.
"Oh you, Porushka-Paranya ..."

Family is what we share for everyone
A little bit of everything: both tears and laughter,
Rise and fall, joy, sadness,
Friendship and quarrels, silence seal.
Family is what is always with you.
Let seconds rush, weeks, years,
But the walls are dear, your father's house -
The heart will forever remain in it.

And who is in the family? Please list family members?

(children's answers)

Let's listen to poems about family:

1. There is no such holiday on the calendar,

But for us it is important in life and destiny.

Without him, we simply could not live,

Enjoy the world, learn and create.

2. When our friendly family was born,

I wasn't with my mom and dad.

Often I look at their beautiful photos.

And a little angry, and a little jealous.

I ask my dad: "Where was I then?"

Dad answers: “You weren’t there!”

How can it be that without me

Was such a friendly happy family born?

3. I love it so much when the moon looks out the window,

And fairy tales quietly roam the corners.

And next to me mom holds her hand,

And stroke my hair lightly.

Today is a day off at home

Today is Sunday.

Dad and I are conjuring together in the kitchen,

We bake cookies for mom.

We set the table and put flowers,

Put the cookies on a dish.

We will give mom love and a bouquet,

Mom will wash the dishes.

4. My dad loves in the diary

beautifully sign,

And with the deuces that they put me,

He lets his mom figure it out

5. Grandfather is very businesslike:
Walks around the house, forgot about peace.
He helps his grandmother all day,
Doing this is not at all lazy for him.
He constantly loses points,
He will break something, then he will break it,
Always in a hurry, but tired of business,
He sits down with a newspaper - already snoring.

6. Our grandmother is very kind.
Our grandmother is not old at all.
Does our grandmother have wrinkles?
With them, she is even better and more beautiful!
If your favorite doll is sick,
She will cure the doll right away.
If a lump appears on the forehead,
There are no buttons, the coat will tear
Or some other trouble
Grandma always helps us.

7. Our birthday girl is crying over a mountain of gifts:
- The new ball does not bounce well, and the shampoo does not lather!
His nose squelches tearfully: - These beads are beating!
This doll is ugly - the hair does not curl!
I don’t want a puppy as a gift and I don’t need a cat.
I don’t ask for an album for stamps and I don’t expect boots.
Neither a mooing cow, nor a terrible viper ...
Give me a sister, only better than an older one!

8. My brother was born. I am, of course, very happy.
Only this brother does not get out of bed.
How can you not be angry? During the day my brother sleeps all the time,
Cries in the middle of the night, but does not want to play!
Everything in the house is now upside down. Everyone takes care of him.
Even I need to be an example for my brother.
I try, I'm ready! Only the brother does not know the words.
Says only "mom", Yes, and it's so strange!
Time goes by slowly. For a long time my brother is growing,
But I already know - I don’t have a soul in it!
I don't rush him! I love him so much!
He is so good! He looks a little like me... Looks like me!

9. Today is my holiday,

Birthday today!

The whole family will come to congratulate

We are preparing a meal!

My two grandmothers will come

And two respectable grandfathers,

I love listening to stories

About the bright Victory Day!

Beloved sister will come

With a baby niece.

And with important view I will be her

Show me books.

Today I am very happy!

I'm waiting for you, my family!

Sounds like funny music, Kolobok appears on the stage.

I'm Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man
I left my grandmother
I left my grandfather.
I don't need a family
I can manage alone.

His family comes out to meet him. This is a family of farmers. They brought with them a variety of pastries. After telling Kolobok about their close-knit family, they invite him to live with them. (Presentation 1)

Kolobok: No I do not want to!

And rolled on. Gingerbread man rolls, rolls, another family meets him. A master of all trades. Mom is a seller, dad is a builder, grandmother is a dressmaker, grandfather is a driver. They talk about their family and invite Kolobok to live with them. The gingerbread man thought, but rolled on. (presentation 2)
And to meet another family - they are masters of singing songs. Sing the song "Hope". After talking about their family, they invite Kolobok to their place. (Presentation 3)

Kolobok is confused. He says that one is better and that he himself will cope with any business.

Leading: Let's check, arrange competitions between families and Kolobok.

I. Competition "Proverb is not in vain said"

The proverbs are divided into two parts, make up a whole:

· Do not need a treasure when the family is in harmony.

· When the family is together, and the heart is in place.

· Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

· The hut is not red with corners, it is red with pies.

·IN native family and thicker porridge.

II. Competition "My house"

Exercise: inflate balloon(this is a house), furnish with furniture (draw with a felt-tip pen).

III. Competition "Artists"

We draw under dictation:

Draw a big circle
Small one on top
At the top of the ear are two -
This will be the head.
Draw for beauty
Bigger his mustache.
Here is a fluffy tail ready -
He is the prettiest of all cats.

IV. Competition "Mother's hands"

Recognize your mother's hands with closed eyes. The song "Mammoth" sounds.

V. Musical competition

Find out what or who the song is about:

She lies still and looks at the sun. (Turtle)

Imagine: he was green. (Grasshopper)

He did not pass anything, he was not asked anything. (Antoshka)

· He runs, swings. (Railway carriage)

They run clumsily. (Pedestrians)

It's fun to walk around with her. (Song)

· From it becomes all warmer. (Smile)

The bun does not cope with any task. He is crying:

- I want to go home! To my beloved grandparents! I will obey them, help them, pity them. I realized that I can't do anything alone. You have very good, friendly families, you love each other. And my family are worried about me and miss me. Thank you for enlightening me. Take care of your families, love each other!

The gingerbread man returns home.

Winner's reward ceremony.

Leading: The family is a universal human value, where relationships between children and parents are formed. And only the warmth of our souls will help create a dream home for the family, where everyone will live happily.
After all, a house filled with good is not a house yet.
And even a chandelier over the table is not yet a house.

Students read a poem by I. Molchanova "Seven main rules."
1. What does my family mean to me?
Of course - happiness and comfort at home,
Seven rules of obligatory keeping,
Only seven, but very, very important

2. Firstly, this is the main thing - love.
With all my heart and with all my soul and mind.
Not just to seethe blood with passion,
And quivering, and every day is different.

3. The second is children. What is a house without them?
Desert without a well - not to get drunk.
And children are life, this is a spring,
And procreation. Let it flow!

4. Then care. Only she
The family hearth will save from the wind.
Try to make spring with a smile
Was always with you, and not somewhere.

5. Fourth - patience. It
It will help you get through adversity...
And warm the window with the sun.
That hoarfrost froze white.

6. And the fifth is responsibility and home
There is a weighty stone in the foundation of the family.
They will help protect love,
Protect the spiritual flame from the wind.

7. Sixth - respect. Only with him
You will gain success, general recognition
Always consider the opinions of others
Teach you to consider your own.

8. And finally, the seventh - cleanliness.
Everywhere - in the house, in your soul and thoughts ...
This is how I imagine my hearth,
Where I am loved, happy and joyful.

Under the song "We wish you happiness", participants and guests are invited to a tea party ..


The education of a value attitude towards the family is one of the main issues on the solution of which the well-being of society depends.

It is the school that can become an active assistant to parents in the formation of a culture of communication between children, both with peers and with people of the older generation, in the development of intra-family relations, where personal qualities are: kindness, mutual understanding, ability to cooperate.

This event is aimed at unlocking family creative potential, strengthening intra-family ties and close cooperation between parents, children and school teachers. It is designed for an audience of different ages: students from 6 to 16 years old, parents, grandparents, teachers of the children's art school.


Strengthening ties between family and school;

Assistance in the development of intra-family relations;

Creation of a system of public school and family events;

Formation of new school traditions.


Identification and disclosure of creative and intellectual family potential;

Application in practice of the positive experience of family education;

Support family traditions;

Strengthening the motivation for teaching children in children's art school.

Conduct form: family living room


Musical instruments;

Electric piano;

DVD player;

Audio recordings;


A printer;

Details for stage decoration;

Requisites for registration of an exhibition of applied art;

Exhibits for the exhibition;

Drawings for an exhibition of fine arts;

Requisites for games.

For a successful family holiday you need to do the following preparatory work:

Develop and write a script;

Provide the necessary assistance in preparing concert numbers for family bands;

Collect exhibits for an exhibition of applied art;

Select student drawings for an art exhibition;

Record fragments of popular modern and classical pieces on the electric piano;

Make a selection of games;

Prepare props for games;

Prepare props for stage decoration, exhibitions;

Pick up musical material to decorate the whole holiday;

Choose questions for a literary quiz;

Print thank you notes for parents

Prepare invitations for guests;

Print a flyer.

Methodological advice to the organizers of this event

A family holiday will become bright and memorable if it is held in a colorfully decorated concert hall. Exhibitions should also be located here. children's drawing and applied arts, having previously collected information about the authors, titles of works and the material used. The collected background information can be used for the tour. The exhibits of the exhibitions should be clearly visible and can be grouped by genres, themes or arranged in random order.

The stage is the main place of action of "Family Gatherings". Therefore, it should remain free, but at the same time be colorfully decorated. Here are some design options:

On the back in colored letters is the name of the evening: "Family gatherings"

On the back are the names of the TV shows used in the script;

With the help of a multimedia projector, the names of TV programs and information about them are displayed on the screen.

A necessary condition for the successful holding of this event is the involvement of all those present as participants, active listeners and spectators. The emotional component is an indicator of success. It is important to constantly monitor the reaction of the audience, not allowing boredom to take hold of the audience.

scenario plan

1. Introduction: "Parental home - the beginning of the beginning."

2. Main part: “Cool you got on TV” (based on popular television programs):

  • Warm-up ("Star hour")
  • Exhibition of applied arts “Och. skillful hands"(" While everyone is at home ")
  • Games ("Big Races")
  • Music quiz ("Guess the melody")
  • Family concert performances ("Minute of Glory")

3. Conclusion: presentation of letters of thanks, gifts.


(The musical intro song "Parental House" sounds)

Presenter: Good evening, Dear guests!

Once, in my spare time, I leafed through an old school album with photographs. Before my eyes flashed moments of holidays, solemn rulers, concerts, proms, and memory helpfully provided an opportunity to plunge into those ancient events again and again, to recall familiar faces ...

In almost all the pictures, along with the children, there were invariably parents.

I suddenly caught myself thinking that our devoted and irreplaceable helpers were undeservedly deprived of attention, and therefore I suggested that my colleagues immediately correct the situation. Thus, this project called "Family Gatherings" was born.

All those gathered in this concert hall constitute one large musical family of the piano department, consisting of many branches of families. Some of them include representatives of different generations:

grandfathers - grandmothers;

dads - moms;

children are grandchildren.

What is a family? Let's try to make a verbal picture together.

Family is:

close and dear people;

The ones we love;

From whom do we take an example;

Who do we care about?

To whom we wish good and happiness!

Family is where we are

We rest;

Learning to love responsibility and respect;

Where we are expected;

Where can we get help?

Where we are cozy and comfortable

Family is the main thing in life.

No wonder the English proverb says: “My house is my fortress!”

Today we are together in a close circle of family teams in order to shine creativity, show erudition, cheer for each other and ultimately get a charge of vivacity and joy!

As you know, any friendly family at the end of the working week likes to gather around the TV in the evening. I invite you to become participants in popular television programs. Get comfortable, we're going on a televised trip.

In order to understand which "teleport" we are arriving at, you need to guess the musical intro.

(The musical intro of the intellectual game "Star Hour" sounds)

As a warm-up, I invite you, as you guessed it, to the game "Star Hour"

(Here and at the next appearance according to the scenario of a new TV show, you can use informational certificates from the Application)

We divide the audience in the hall conditionally in half. Questions will be heard in turn for each half of the hall.

  • How many notes are there? (7)

What musical instrument has 3 strings? (Balalaika)

  • Nickname of the village of Styopa from a poem by S. Mikhalkov? (Calancha)

R.Sc. hero traveling on a furnace? (Emelya)

  • The contents of the Scarecrow from the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City" (Straw)

Tin Woodman's tool? (Axe)

  • Baba Yaga's home? (A hut on chicken legs)

Which of the inhabitants of the marshes became the Princess? (Frog)

  • What musical instrument did Gena the crocodile play? (Harmonic)

With whom did the Lion Cub sing a duet song "I'm lying in the sun"? (Turtle)

  • A postman from the village of Prostokvashino? (Pechkin)

Who lost a glass slipper at the ball? (Cinderella)

  • How many white keys does a piano have? (52)

How many black keys does a piano have? (36)

  • The organ grinder who made Pinocchio? (Papa Carlo)

The rat of the old woman Shapoklyak? (Lariska)

  • A doll from the theater of Karabas Barabas? (Malvina)

The fox is Basilio's companion? (Alice)

  • Who sings the Snow Maiden's song in the New Year's edition of "Well, you wait!" (Hare)

Musician from flower city (Gusla)

Presenter: Well done! The hall demonstrated an exceptionally high intellectual level! We set off again and wish ourselves: “Happy sailing!”

(The musical screensaver of the TV show “While everyone is at home” sounds)

Presenter: The rubric "Oh. skillful hands” of the TV show “So far, everyone is at home” is very loved by the audience. We took advantage of this brand and that is how we named our exhibition. Obviously, you have already got acquainted with its exhibits, and feelings of admiration, joy and pleasure undoubtedly appeared in your souls.

Sincerity and kindness, the desire to leave one's vision of the world on a sheet of paper distinguish children's drawings from our collection from the "Paintings and Graphics" section.

(Presentation of children's paintings and graphic works with a story about the authors and the technique of execution)

Presenter: The works of the participants in the "Applied Art" section are striking in their diversity!

How much time and patience does embroidery require from needlewomen! But without love and devotion to the cause it is impossible to do. After all, not only skill, but also inspiration is invested in each picture embroidered with threads or ribbons.

(Representation of embroidery products, their authors and performance techniques)

The tree is blessed natural material. You just want to touch the products made from it and feel the living energy and warmth.

The vases, decorative plates, flowers and cups presented here are made of different types of wood, each of which has its own color and structure.

(Representation of wood products, their authors and performance techniques)

Bright life shines through from each toy made in the Dymkovo toy technique. Just look, the young ladies and gentlemen will come to life, and the birds - whistles will sing in different voices!

(Introduction of clay products, their authors and performance techniques)

The skillful work of a beading craftswoman pleases the eye with iridescent colors! Here is a bouquet of flowers, and vases, and caskets, and (oh, a miracle!) Easter eggs.

Any exquisite jewelry in the form of necklaces, bracelets, earrings would dream of having the biggest fashionista in her collection!

(Introduction of beadwork, their authors and performance techniques)

Presenter: The tour of our exhibition is coming to an end. Each work is unique and unrepeatable! One can only exclaim: "Bravo!" As a gift to the participants of the exhibition, “March” from the movie “Dog Mongrel and Unusual Cross” is performed by the Trio of teachers: Agareva G.M., Lysova E.N. and Volokitina N.M.

Presenter: We continue our navigation in the teleocean, and I propose to guess where we are going.

(The musical screensaver of the TV show "Big Races" sounds)

Presenter: The call signs of the sports and entertainment TV show "Big Races" were sounded.

I invite to the stage those who want to actively move, stretch not only their legs, but also their minds. We divide all participants into 2 teams, choose names. The winner will be the one that gets the largest number emoticons at the end of all games. A highly respected jury will follow the progress of the games.

(Team selection, jury selection)


On inflated balloons write the largest number of musical symbols;

Run around the stage for each team member with this ball, holding it on a tray, trying not to drop it;

Come up with the largest number of words that include the names of notes. For example: road, river, minute, headlight, pickle, stroller, syrup, etc.

Find your shoes with your eyes closed as quickly as possible in the mixed shoes of the team members (one from each);

Come up with the composition of products or menus with the letters “C” (Family) and “M” (Music).

(After each game, emoticons are distributed. The jury determines the winners and awards sweets or other prizes.)

Presenter: For a long time, you could hear the call signs of a very popular TV show on the airwaves, which I hope you will recognize instantly.

(Sounds musical intro "Guess the melody")

I invite to the stage those wishing to compete in the knowledge of modern and classical music.

Music Quiz

  • V. Shainsky "Antoshka". From m / f "Merry Carousel"
  • E. Krylatov "Lullaby of the Bear". From m / f "Umka"
  • A. Polonsky "Blossoming May". Foxtrot
  • V. Shainsky "Chunga-changa". From m / f "Katerok"
  • L. Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata"
  • G. Gladkov "Song of the Lion and the Turtle". From the m / f "How the Lion and the Turtle sang a song"
  • R. Lihtinen "Letka-enka"
  • French folk song "Dance of the Ducks"
  • E. Krylatov "Winged swing"
  • C. Saint-Saens "Swan". From the suite "Carnival of the Animals"
  • E. Doga "Waltz". From the movie "My affectionate and gentle beast"
  • M. Tariverdiev "The Little Prince"

(Small fragments of musical numbers are recorded in the memory of the electric piano)

Presenter: The jury determined the winners. Him the word.

(Summing up and awarding)

Presenter: Our TV trip is coming to an end. We have arrived at the last port.

(The musical intro of the TV show “Minute of Glory” sounds)

Presenter: Each family has its own secrets and traditions: someone surprises with culinary arts, someone with needlework, and someone with creative talents.

Unlike the television version, our “Minute of Glory” will be held in the form of concert performances.

So, "Minute of Glory" on our stage! And the key to success will be your support and thunderous applause.

Concert program

  • The Shuvalov family: Sergei Vasilyevich with his daughter Alexandra

B. Saveliev "Song of the Cat Leopold"

  • The Streknev family: Irina Nikolaevna with her son Ilya
  • Czech Folk Polka

The Torin family - Yur: Evgenia Vladimirovna with her sons Sergei and Dmitry

"The Tale of new way» (Turnip)

  • Bell Quartet. The Belyaev family: Sergey, Vyacheslav, Alexandra, Mikhail

Artobolevskaya "Waltz of the Dogs"

  • The Larin-Kirsanov family: Yulia Alexandrovna with her son Dmitry

J. Piermont "Merry Bells"

  • The Mekhonoshin family: Natalya Pavlovna with her daughter Valeria

D. Kabalevsky "The birch, the mountain ash"

  • The Kireev family: Natalya Anatolyevna with her daughter Alexandra

F. Chopin "Dog Waltz"

  • Ushenin family: Galina Rostislavovna with her daughter Anna

V. Vitlin "Kitty"

  • The Shchekin family: Nina Vadimovna with her daughter Margarita and a friend of her daughter Alena Vertkova

S. Mikhalkov "Hare and Turtle"

  • The Knyazev-Kolpanosov family: Tatyana Borisovna with her son Nikita

L. Beethoven "To Elise"

The Vasiliev family: Oksana Vasilyevna, Pavel Vasilyevich with their daughter Alina and her friends "An old fairy tale in a new way" (Teremok)

Presenter: I invite all participants to the stage. Prizes for the studio!

(Adults are given Dymkovo toys made by children, and sweet prizes for children)

Presenter: Dear friends!

So this amazing evening came to an end, which magically gathered everyone into a single musical and family circle. It's great that adults were able to rejoice at the success of their children and grandchildren, and they, in turn, felt proud of their mothers and fathers, grandparents.

Very soon, in last sunday November in Russia will be celebrated "Mother's Day", a very young holiday for our country.

Let today's meeting be a gift to mothers and grandmothers who selflessly and selflessly give their warmth, kindness, care and love to close and dear people, and therefore to the family!

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is summer trips to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, family expenses.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important!

Family is hard!

But it is not possible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love.

We want your friends to talk about you:

"What a good family you are!"

Let me start a pleasant moment of rewarding the participants of our "Family Gatherings".

(Giving thanks to parents who took an active part in the holiday)

Presenter: From the moment the idea of ​​“Family Gatherings” was born and until this evening, I often had questions: will everything work out? How will it all work out? But thanks to your enthusiasm and responsiveness, together we managed to create an atmosphere of comfort, celebration and joy. I sincerely and from the bottom of my heart thank you for this.

Tonight, which may be the beginning of a new school tradition, you spent on a visit to the piano department of the Children's Art School No. 2, and the author of the project, Agareva G.M., spent it for you.

(Music intro "Cool you got on TV")

The end of the holiday

Methodological advice for the period of the next aftereffect

While positive emotions are high, after the event, it is necessary to outline a plan for further work with parents. These can be class hours on current topics, class concerts for parents by students, or reporting concerts of the department for the same audience.

After such work, school teachers will feel a manifestation of interest in the school process and, as a result, greater support from parents.

Such events can become permanent not only within the framework of one department, but for the entire school as a whole. The advantages of such work are obvious, and the benefits are tangible.

Expected results

Formation in children of an attitude towards the family, as one of the main values ​​of life;

Increasing the interest of parents in school life;

Solving school problems through the joint efforts of teachers and parents;

Improving the effectiveness of training;

The formation of a new school tradition of family evenings.

  • Bogoslovskaya V.S. School and family: a constructive dialogue. – Minsk, 1998.
  • Zvereva O.A., Ganicheva A.N. Family pedagogy and home education. - M., 1999.
  • Mateichik Z. Parents and children. - M., 1992.
  • Razumikhina G.P. Please Be Happy: Conversations about the Family. - M., 1999.
  • Tseluiko V.M. Psychology of the modern family. - M., 2004.


Help for the organizers

Information sheet

  • « finest hour» - children's intellectual game, ORT channel, the first presenter - S. Suponev. Existed from 10/19/1992 to 01/16/2002.
  • "While everyone is at home"- entertainment program, Channel One, presenter - T. Kizyakov. Aired weekly from November 8, 1992.
  • "Big races"- sports and entertainment program, the first channel, host - D. Nagiyev, has been on the air since 09/25/2005. The idea of ​​​​a fun competition belongs to Charles de Gaulle, the President of France, who wanted to unite young people in this way and strengthen friendship between countries.
  • "Guess the melody"- a popular musical game, Channel One, hosted by V. Pelsh. The format is a musical quiz. It existed from April 3, 1995 to June 30, 2005.
  • "Moment of glory" - a talent show where each participant can demonstrate their unique abilities, Channel One, has been on the air since February 17, 2007.

When the war began, my dad was 20 years old and he had been serving in the ranks of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet for a year already. In the first days of World War II, he volunteered to fight and defend Leningrad as part of the 7th Marine Brigade. In the Dubna newspaper, in an article dedicated to the 50th anniversary of my father, I read that he was wounded, and after treatment he returned to service on the destroyer "Excellent", and then until the end of the war he fought on his beloved ship "Onega", where he rose to the rank of boatswain. I heard many stories about the Onega, and for some reason I remember that it was on this barrage ship that my father was wounded, but I will not argue. He said that German planes bombed their ship, dad was wounded in the arm and fell into the water. Once in the cold Baltic Sea, he clung to the logs and barely swam to the shore, where he was discovered by local residents and taken to a hospital in Leningrad. Many sailors died in that battle, and from the team in which my father served, only three were saved.

When dad got to the hospital, nurse Valya and nurse Ekaterina Egorovna (my aunt and my grandmother) took care of him and treated him. Petya liked Valya very much, he even hit her a little. But Valentina had many admirers and poor Petya was rejected.
Meanwhile, the blockade of the city continued in Leningrad. My mother was 17 years old.
About the blockade should be told separately. According to my mother, there was nothing worse in the life of their family than these years. Back in the winter of 1941, my grandfather Mikhail died. He went to look for firewood, left the house and did not return. The winter was fierce, and my grandfather was sick and hungry, probably fell somewhere and never got up. Grandmother looked for him all over the city, in all hospitals and morgues, but she never found him. We consider it a grave - the Piskarevskoye cemetery, where almost all the siege survivors of Leningrad are buried. The hunger was terrible. You can't get used to hunger - thoughts about food were constant. I didn’t want sweets, cakes, ice cream, but I wanted to eat up to full bread. Throughout the blockade, my mother recalled with horror how, in her childhood, in peaceful days, she and her grandmother came to visit some distant relatives in the apiary. The children were given large slices of bread thickly smeared with honey. Mom licked honey, and threw bread into the bushes ... This picture was often before her eyes during the blockade, she even wanted to go to this apiary several times and look in the bushes for the bread she had thrown, although she understood that so many years had passed and of course there is no bread there. There were days when there was not even the strength to go down to the bomb shelter during the raids and bombings. Mom said that she was not afraid of bomb explosions, only hunger was terrible. So they lay on their beds, waiting for a slow death.
They survived only because both grandmother and aunt Valya worked in the hospital and received rations for a tiny ration of bread with an admixture - sometimes a little barley porridge, sometimes thin soup, sometimes American stew. They also survived because they lived in a huge communal apartment with wonderful neighbors who helped each other even better than some relatives. Ours had a large stove - all the neighbors came to warm themselves and brought some firewood (this is a strong word, most likely everything that burned and kept warm - the furniture also went for firewood), some carrots, some potatoes. Grandmother was very friendly with the Jewish family of Kogans, they helped each other a lot in these difficult years. And my grandmother always taught me to love people not by nationality, but by whether they are good people at all.
But I can’t forget the case with a distant relative either. IN cold winter Aunt Panya came to live for 42 years. She didn’t have a stove and of course her grandmother let her in. At night, grandmother woke up from the smell of something edible and heard champing from Aunt Panya's corner. The next night it all happened again. She ate at night so as not to share with anyone! My granny is a golden person who has not offended a fly in her life, went up to her and said: "Either you will share food with my children (I personally do not need anything from you), or leave!" And the aunt still left, she was so greedy.
And my mother also told how she met her classmate during the blockade, and she gave her carrots and beets and said that her father was now the director of the food base and that they had never lived so well in peacetime. She promised her mother to bring something to eat, but she never showed up.
Here are some different people and how they behave differently in non-trivial cases.
But still, even in inhuman conditions, we must remain human - help each other, empathize and love our neighbor, right?

Ekaterina Popova

MBOU " high school No. 16 - TsO r. settlement Pervomaisky "structural unit" Kindergarten No. 18"

Event "Family gatherings" for children and parents of the group early age"A"

Educator: Popova E. A.

Target: to consolidate children's ideas about the family, the ability to call the names of their family members, to express an emotional attitude and love for loved ones, to bring joy to children.

Educator: Hello parents and children! We are very glad that we have gathered here all together for the “Family Gatherings” holiday. After all

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is summer trips to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Today we will rest a little:

Let's play and sing a song

We will even spit, we will build a house,

And we will drink tea as a friendly family.

caregiver. So we met, and now let's see if you, your moms and dads can dance? Let's make a big circle. What time of year is it guys?

Children: Autumn.

Educator. Right. And in autumn it often rains. But in order for our holiday to be truly autumn, let's take the leaves and dance.

(Children dance with their parents to the song "Dance with Leaves".)

Educator: What you and your parents good fellows! I didn't even know you could dance like that! Would you like us to build a house together?

Children. Yes.

(The teacher leads the children to the wall, on which a drawing paper is pasted with the image of a house and empty windows, the number of windows depends on the number of children attending kindergarten.)

Educator. Oh, look, the house has already been built, but something or someone is missing in it. Who is missing?

Parents. There is not enough family, children with parents in the windows.

Educator: And that's true, but we will definitely fix it, right, guys?

Children. Yes.

(Two or three children, together with their parents, approach the table on which family photos are laid out, choose photos of their family and, together with their parents, stick them in the windows of the house.)

Educator: Look how beautiful we are! Now we will admire our friendly house every day.

(Bunny appears.)

Bunny: Hello kids and parents!

Educator, children, parents: Hello bunny!

Bunny: What a beautifully decorated room! How interesting and fun you have here!

And why are you here today?

Educator: And we have family gatherings, not only children, but also parents came to visit me.

Bunny: What a fun and friendly company you have. Would you like to play with me?

Children: Yes

(Playing with a tambourine

Bunny: What good fellows you are! You have a lot of fun here!

Bunny: And I guys today harvested such a crop in the garden

Educator: What kind of bunny? Will you show us your harvest? We are very interested, right guys and parents?

Children and parents: Yes, very interesting

Bunny: I grew carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, onions in my garden

Educator: What a great guy you are! Raised such a rich harvest.

Bunny: Did you parents and children plant anything in the garden?

Children and parents: Yes, we planted a lot of vegetables. (list what vegetables were planted)

Bunny: Oh, how many vegetables you planted, you are so good! Have you planted cabbage?

Children and parents: Of course they planted a bunny.

Educator: Guys, do you help moms at home?

Children and parents respond

Bunny: invites mothers and children to mold their crops from plasticine.

Educator: Guys, let's show the bunny how we can sculpt, and moms will help us with this. Now we will check if your parents know how to sculpt tomatoes, pumpkin and cucumber. Guys, you are growing up as assistants to your parents, right? And will you help them in all matters? Then help your parents make a basket of vegetables. Sit down together at the tables and get down to business.

(Children, together with their parents, sit down at tables on which there are boards for plasticine, plasticine (red, green, orange, napkins. They mold to the music.)

caregiver. What a rich harvest you have made. Let's give your harvest to the bunny so that he eats in the winter.

Bunny: Thank you very much for the gift! And I have a present for you too.

Educator: Zaichik, and our parents, together with their children, participated in the "Gifts of Autumn" contest.

Bunny: What good fellows! And for that they should be rewarded.

Educator: Bunny, can you help me with this?

Bunny: I would also help, I like to take part in the awards.

Educator: Then help the bunny with applause.

(awarding the participants of the competition)

Bunny: Dear guests! Your gifts do not end there, I have a magic carrot, I want to give it to you. But in order to do this, you must first solve a few riddles.

Educator: Bunny, and we will try to solve them.

Bunny: guess riddles.

Children and parents respond

Bunny: handing over a carrot.

Educator: Oh, and there really is something there (we untie the bow and take out a gift from the bunny)

Educator: Bunny thank you for the treat.

Bunny: Please, this is my mother's cooking. I have to go to my mother, until we meet again.

(forgiveness with a bunny)

Educator. And so our holiday came to an end. And you must be hungry too, right? It's time to refresh. We invite you to the table with delicious cookies and juice!

Educator: Have we forgotten something?

Children and parents answer: What?

Educator: A photo for memory!

Event for children and parents on the theme "Gatherings in the family circle"

Targeting of the project/creative work (target audience)

5th-6th grade students and their parents

Brief annotation of the project/creative work

The holiday is held in the form of a competitive program, according to the results of which family teams are awarded in nominations. The jury evaluates the performance of the teams and summarizes the overall results.

Event goals: fostering a sense of love and pride for each child for his family; unity of the class team, unity of families; formation of a positive attitude towards the institution of the family; promotion of family traditions; organizing joint leisure activities for adults and children.

Event for children and parents

Family get-togethers

The holiday is held in a large auditorium or in the assembly hall of the school. The premises for the holiday are prepared accordingly (exhibition of student essays on the topic of the event, a stand with photographs “Family Album”, an exhibition of crafts made by children and their parents, posters “ Family tree my family”, places for participants, as well as a place and everything necessary for organizing a tea party). Some competitions (see text) require home preparation and preparation of the necessary equipment. Event organizer ( classroom teacher) agrees in advance on the participation of families in the holiday, and the guys themselves make invitation cards and hand them to their loved ones. It is better to spend the holiday in the form of a competitive program, according to the results of which family teams are awarded in nominations (for example, “The fastest family”, “The most economic family”, “The most artistic family”, “The most musical family”, etc.). Both children and parents can be members of the jury (the jury evaluates the performance of the teams and sums up the overall results). Teams should consist of an equal number of participants, but the composition of the teams will probably be different for everyone (the main thing is that the team should include both adults and children).

Event goals: fostering a sense of love and pride of each child for his family; unity of the class team, unity of families; formation of a positive attitude towards the institution of the family; promotion of family traditions; organizing joint leisure activities for adults and children.

Leading . The family plays a long-term and important role in the life of every person.A family is an association of people who are connected not only by family relations, but also by love and mutual respect.

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is a summer trip to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is hard!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive insults and quarrels away,
I want friends to talk about us:
What a good family!

Leading . And today we, dear children and respected parents, have gathered together to take part in the holiday "Gatherings with the Family" and, once again, to understand and feel how great it is when you are near loving people ready to help and support each other at any time.

Competition "Business Card"

In this competition, teams need to submit a visiting card of their family (slogan, brief description of family members). You can imagine the family in poetic or musical form.

Warm-up - riddle contest

Teams solve riddles, receiving points for each correct answer.

    Who is the most tender in the world?
    Who cooks dinner for us?
    And who do children love so much?
    And who is not more beautiful?
    Who reads books at night?
    Sweeping mountains of rubbish
    Doesn't scold me and my brother.

Who is this? Our…(Mother)

2. Who is not a joke, but seriously
Will a nail teach us how to hammer?
Who will teach you to be brave?
Having fallen from a great, do not whine,
And scratched my knee

Don't cry? Certainly,…(dad)

3 . Here's what's the deal...
We are not seven, but three:
Dad, Mommy and me

But all together we…(family)

4 . I'm not alone with my mother
She also has a son
I'm small next to him

For me, he is older.…(Brother)

5. Mom and dad say
What am I now Older brother,

What is the doll in the stroller
Crying? Apparently from shaking?
There is a mountain in the bathroom of the sliders!

Brother who is she? …(sister)

    He is a man and he is gray

Papa - papa, he - to me ...(grandfather)

7. We walked in a crowd:
Mother-in-law with son-in-law
Yes, husband and wife
mother with daughter
Yes, grandmother and granddaughter
Yes, father and daughter
Is there a lot of everyone?
Answer: 4

8. We are a big family
The youngest is me!
Do not immediately count us:
Manya is and Vanya is,
Yura, Shura, Klasha, Dasha,
And Natasha is also ours.
We're walking down the street
They say that Orphanage.
Count quickly
How many of us are children in the family?

Answer: 8

Competition "Make words"

This competition consists in the fact that from the proposed phrase "My friendly family » compose as as many new words as possiblenouns and write them down. The team with the most words wins. The winners will be determined at the end of the holiday.

Competition "What does it cost us to build a house"

Participants of the competition need to draw a house on the board blindfolded, but it must be drawn in parts, i.e. each participant draws a certain element(for example, the 1st participant draws a box of a house with windows, the second - a door and an antenna, the third - curtains on the windows and flowers on the windowsills, etc.).

Competition "Big wash"

Participants are encouraged to do a big wash to get ready for the Family Day holiday. The task is to pull out the washed linen (new handkerchiefs, flaps) from washing machine(package, basket) and hang it on a drying rope, securing it with clothespins (one team member performs all the proposed actions blindfolded, others help him a little). The family that completes the task faster and more accurately wins.

Competition "The fastest family"

Each family-team receives a box of puzzles, from which it is necessary to put together a picture as quickly as possible.

Contest " Siamese twins»

To participate in this competition, two people from each team are invited, who form pairs (embracing each other by the waist). Standing in a pair on the right only acts right hand, and standing in a pair on the left - with his left hand. In this position, couples perform some actions that, under normal conditions, we perform easily, quickly and efficiently (for example, we sew a button to a flap, or we clean an onion).

Competition "Cinderella"

For this competition, two participants from each team are invited. The participants need to disassemble the cereal as quickly and efficiently as possible - to separate the peas from the millet (the cereals are taken in equal parts and mixed).

Competition "Fishermen"

The male part of the teams (two people each) are given fishing rods (with a magnet at the end). Each team has its own "reservoir" (a hoop, inside which fish "swim" - magnets). The task is to "catch" all the fish in your pond as quickly as possible with the help of fishing rods and put them in a bucket.

Competition of proverbs and sayings

The following options are available for this competition:

1) teams take turns calling proverbs (sayings) about the family, the team that calls the proverb (saying) last wins;

2) proverbs (sayings) are written on cards that are cut into two parts (for example,what is the treasure if the family is okay ). Teams receive the same sets of cards and begin to "collect"proverbs (sayings), the team that completed the task faster wins.

What is the treasure, if the family is in harmony.

Family troubles will lead to trouble.

Love and advice - so there is no need (and grief).

Lead the house - do not shake your sleeves.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

When the family is together, and the heart is in place.

Quarrel in his family before the first sight.

In the native family and the porridge is thicker.

The hut is not red in the corners, but red in the pies.

Contest "Pass the information"

The team captain receives information from the host (on a sheet) and, on a signal, passes it on to his team, doing this silently, using facial expressions and gestures. The team records the information received and passes it to the leader. The team with the fastest and most accurate information wins.


1) Buy a herring.

2) Call me at 6 am.

3) Buy me a dress and high heels.

Competition "A fairy tale for the night" ( homework)

Teams show a dramatization of the fairy tale " Hen Ryaba » in the genre (for example): 1st team - comedies,

2nd team - action movies, 3rd team - operettas, 4th team - operas, 5th team - melodramas, 6th team - horror films.

Competition "Once" (homework)

Participants are invited to tell (act out) some funny case from family life.

Competition "Waiting for guests"

This contest is recommended to finish the competitive part of the holiday by organizing with its help smooth transition to tea. The competition can be held in the form of questions and answers (related to the rules of etiquette and table setting), or you can give the families-teams the opportunity to set the table for tea drinking and present the family's signature dessert dish.

Competition option. Each team is assigned two tables (located at a distance from each other): on one - everything necessary for serving a tea table (samovar, cups, saucers, etc.), the other table is empty. The task of the players: at the signal of the leader “set the table for tea” - transfer items from one table to another (conditions: 1) each player can only transfer one item at a time, 2) the player can start moving only after he has passed the baton (for example , napkin) the previous player of his team). The team that completes the task faster and more accurately wins.

Summing up the results of the contest "Make words".

Summing up the results of the event, awarding teams in nominations (see above).

Holding a tea party.

Leading . Dear children, dear adults! Today we have proved once again that every family is a team that can handle any obstacles. I wish your families health and well-being, because the family is the most valuable thing a person has!
