Learning to write the number 6 in dots. How to learn to write beautiful numbers in cells

Learning to write, children learn to write two types of signs at the same time - letters and numbers. There are many common points in teaching how to write numbers and letters, but there are also differences that you need to pay attention to if you want to teach your child how to write numbers correctly and beautifully.

Preparatory stage

Children, as a rule, perceive the image of a figure as a whole, without dividing it into separate constituent elements. Namely, this approach is necessary, in order for the child to learn to write numbers quickly and without difficulty. Therefore, during the lesson, when you explain how one or another number is written, it is advisable to draw the child's attention to key points in the writing of one sign or another.

The child should be taught to navigate well in the arrangement of the elements of the cell, which will mark his student notebook in mathematics.

Required Skills

  • The student should easily determine the right and left side cells, its upper and lower border;
  • Quickly find the center of the cell, its corners, the midpoints of all its sides;
  • It is desirable that a young student can visually divide the cell into four equal parts without any problems.
  • You must also learn to observe the angle of inclination when writing numbers. To do this, show the child how to determine the slope by drawing a line that connects the upper right corner of the cell with a point placed in the middle of the lower edge.

For these exercises, it is better to print an enlarged cell layout, simply speaking, a rectangle, while maintaining the ratio of the proportions inherent in the notebook layout.
At the initial stage of training, it is better to use it to teach the child to navigate well in the parts of the cage.

Or you can buy ready-made options. For example, the reusable book "I am learning to write numbers." Such books are good because they come with a special marker that can be erased and written again. A great option to start preparing your hand for writing.

We select the recipe

A special copybook will help parents teach a young student to write numbers correctly. It is necessary to approach its selection carefully, paying attention to how the necessary information is presented in it. educational material. It is desirable that it be organized as follows:

The first are the numbers in bold black - these are the samples that the child should be guided by.
Behind the black numbers should be two or three characters printed with dots or in a very light shade of font. Children will write these numbers, circling the dots, in the learning process.
Throughout one line there should be several numbers printed in bold, those that will serve as a model for the child (and not one - two only at the beginning of the line).

These requirements are met by the copybook “Calligraphy of numbers. Prescriptions for mathematics.- these are prescriptions of a new generation in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, which is an appendix to the mathematics course under the L. G. Peterson program "Learning to learn" for grade 1.

We write numbers correctly

Before starting training, pay attention to important point, which concerns the writing of all numbers: the height of the number is almost equal to the height of the cell, the sign should occupy most of it, while slightly shifting to the right. The part of the number that will be on the right should touch the right side of the cell.

Let's start learning

How to spell each number correctly
Step 1. We designate a point almost in the middle of the cell, just above its visual center. Connect this point to the upper right corner with a straight line.

Step 2. We connect the upper right corner of the cell with a long straight line with a dot at the bottom, approximately in the middle of the bottom line.

Step 1. Draw a small semi-oval in the upper right half of the cage.

Step 2. Extending the semi-oval, we draw a straight line to the middle of the lower rib.

Step 3. We put a point, from it we draw a wavy line along the lower border. The wavy line consists of three "waves": first up, then down, and up again.

Step 1. We draw a small semi-oval in the upper right half of the cell, rounding it and slightly not bringing it to its visual center.

Step 2. We continue to write, moving on to the second semi-oval, it should be slightly larger than the previous one.

Step 1. We draw the first line like this: we put a point a little to the right of the center of the upper edge, at an angle we lead to the middle. Slightly below the center of the cell, we “unfold” the line, draw it horizontally to the right, stop a little before reaching the right side. We tear off the handle.

Step 2. We draw the last line from the upper right part of the cell down parallel to the already drawn line, stopping at the very bottom of the cell.

Step 1. First, we write a small stick at a slight slope, almost along the line that visually divides the cell in half. We stop a little before reaching the middle.

Step 2. We draw a semi-oval, rounding it first up, then to the right, while it should touch the right side with the cell line. We finish the semi-oval, rising slightly above the middle of the lower edge.

Step 3. We tear off the pen in order to draw the upper "tail". We begin to draw the "tail", at the point where the upper inclined stick began.

This figure, unlike the others, is shifted to the left side of the cell.

Step 1. We begin to write an oval line approximately from the middle of the upper edge of the cell, slightly dropping down. Gradually move the line of the oval to the lower left corner.

Step 2. We finish drawing the semi-oval, rounding it, rising from the middle of the bottom line up, to central part. We close the oval. This figure is drawn without lifting the pen from the paper.

Step 1. Putting a point just below the middle of the top line of the cell, draw a wavy line along it. We stop in the upper right corner.

Step 2. Without lifting the pen from the paper, draw an inclined vertical line down to the bottom border. It should end in the center of the bottom line.

Step 3. To draw a small stick, tear off the pen from the paper. We cross out the vertical line along the visual line dividing our cell in half.

Step 1. We begin to draw the upper oval, putting a dot approximately in the middle of the cell, closer to its right edge. We draw an oval of a “tear-shaped” shape, gradually returning to the point from which we started.

Step 2. Draw the bottom oval, moving down and to the left. Having rounded the oval, we return to the central point from which we began to draw the upper part of the figure.

Step 1. We draw this sign as follows: first, draw the upper part, placing a point slightly below the upper corner of the cell, on its right side. We draw a line down, to the left, and then up. You should get a small oval with a slope to the right.

Step 2. Having reached the point from which we started drawing, we pass it, descending to the lower border of the cell. We round off the line by raising the “tail” of the nine just above the lower edge of the cage.

Step 1. We draw an ordinary oval, remembering its slope to the right. We put a point just below the upper right corner along the right border of the cell. We draw a semicircle, moving in a circle counterclockwise, we go down.

Step 2. We finish drawing zero, completely closing the oval, rising from the bottom of the cage to the point on its right side from which we started.

Using this technique, you can quickly and effectively teach a small child the correct spelling of numbers. And having mastered the numbers, you can learn and

With 3-4 year olds trying to remember the graphic image numbers - digit to indicate the number of items counted. As with letters, we connect all the senses to solving the problem: we sculpt numbers from plasticine, bend them from wires, walk with our legs, finish drawing, compose fairy tales, etc. We beat and memorize the form of numbers. I really like how well fairy tales about the shape of numbers work. At this age, fingers are still developing, so we are learning to write simplified numbers. It is helpful to use a chalk board, semolina drawing, or an erasable marker so that the mistake can be removed. It is convenient to use the "I'll Draw and Erase" manual, the sheets of which should be laminated immediately. We love when we succeed. Instead of laminating, you can simply put sheets of film for the overhead projector, old stationery plastic folders, and more on top. other transparent. It's great if there is carbon paper - it's generally pure magic for children :)

It should be noted that this simplified form of letters remains with foreigners forever, for example, in a Latvian preschool institution, we taught to write a two with a straight tail and a six with a nine without tails in the American style.
We learn poems about numbers, remember what a number looks like, consider numbers "with eyes"
Making lacing with numbers
Learning to trace and paint over, study the composition of the number
In 15 minute sessions with children 5-7 years of age We begin to write numbers with a slope. Children of this age see numbers as a whole, without dividing them into elements. Therefore, there are frequent distortions of digital elements when writing. To avoid this, when teaching the writing of numbers, it is important to pay attention to the analysis of each number, comparison and comparison of the same elements of different numbers. The child needs to be helped to learn to determine the "reference" points from which the letter of each constituent element of the number begins, the sequence of elements and their location in the cell.
You should pay attention to the fact that some elements are in different (for example: "big stick" in numbers 1 and 7, "wavy line" in numbers 2, 5 and 7, etc.), and some of them start in one and the same point in the cell (for example: the numbers 2 and 3, 9 and 0, etc.). So we say: "we begin to write the three in the same way as the number two ..."
Of great importance in teaching the writing of numbers is the determination of the correct slope. When writing in a cell, the slope is determined by the segment connecting the upper right corner of the cell with the middle of its lower side. Before proceeding with the explanation of writing a number, it is necessary to show the child its sample and analyze what elements the number consists of (stick, wavy line, oval, semi-oval). Showing the writing of a number should be accompanied by brief explanations about where the line begins, in which direction it goes, where it ends, where the pen should be torn off the paper and what the next line will be. The first digits written by the child themselves should be reviewed by an adult who makes the necessary comments.
The figures do not lean suddenly, but after getting to know the cells, graphic dictations - "traveling through the cells". At the beginning of each lesson, for example, we flew a whole line on airplanes according to the instructions of me, the dispatcher: three cells to the right, two down, and so on. First, as directed, but finished the line on their own, guessing the pattern. They arranged a physical education session "Airplanes" (and others on the topic of graphic dictation):

Hands to the sides - in flight
Sending airplane.
Right wing forward.
Left wing forward.
One two three four-
Our plane took off.

In a large cage on the board, they began to write a number. After graphic dictations and tasks in the notebook, we already have a good idea of ​​the top, bottom, right and left sides of the cell. We mark the corners of the cell with dots and dashes in the middle of all sides. We mark with red dots the corners in which the numbers never fall. We agree that we start writing all the numbers in the upper right corner and mark it, at first, in green. And only one deuce-hooligan gets into the lower right corner with its tail.
Presentation "Algorithm for writing numbers"

They begin to write a small stick a little above and to the right of the center of the cell, draw a line up to the upper right corner of the cell. Then they write a large stick from the upper right corner almost to the middle of the bottom side of the cage.
A living teacher will say it all like this:
Now we will learn how to write a unit by school rules. And the rules are:
1) the head of all numbers should be in the right corner of the cell;
2) the leg of the figure should stand in the middle of the bottom side of the cage;
3) we start writing the figure from the head, we do not tear off the pen to the end.
Look at my big cage on the board. Circle the cell in your notebooks and put dots in those corners where you cannot write a number (in the upper left, in the lower left, in the lower right) Show where the leg of the number should be (we mark with a dash the middle of the bottom side of the cell)
We lead the sharp head of the number 1 to the upper right corner, and then put the leg in the middle of the bottom side of the cage. The leg will be tilted. Now I will write the number 1 in your notebooks with a red pen. You circle it and write a series of numbers. Skip one cell between them, and in order not to forget, put dots in the skipped cells.
But first, say the magic words for the pen:

Pen, pen, we are friends!
We can't write badly!

The sun will smile at the one who reached the end of the line in the margins :)

Begin to write a little below the middle of the upper side of the cell. Lead the line up, rounding in the upper right corner of the cell. Then draw a line down to the middle of the bottom side of the cage. Along the underside of the cage. A wavy line is written along the underside of the cage, leading the hand to the lower right corner of the cage.
Live teacher:
1) Draw a round head in the upper right corner of the cell;
2) Then, without taking your hands off, put the leg in the middle of the bottom side of the cage;
3) Now we write a tail, saying:
up, down, up(~). What does a ponytail look like? On a caterpillar She does not jump, but barely crawls. The caterpillar must be small. Two is a "hooligan": it is the only one of the numbers that climbed into the lower right corner of the cage
Here and in the future, you can learn to be a living teacher for a child from R.M. Khamidulina "Preparing for school. Scenarios of classes"

Begin to write a little below the middle of the upper side of the cage. Lead the line up, rounding in the upper right corner of the cell. Then they draw a line down, do not bring it a little to the middle of the cell and write the lower semi-oval.

They begin to write a little to the right of the middle of the upper side of the cell. They lead a straight line almost to the center of the cage, then they lead the stick to the right and slightly do not bring it to the right side of the cage. Write a long stick, starting above the middle of the right side of the cage and bringing it to the bottom side of the cage.

They begin to write an inclined stick a little to the right of the middle of the upper side of the cage and lead it almost to the center of the cage. Then they write a semi-oval. On top of the stick, a wavy line is written to the right.

They begin to write a semi-oval a little below the upper right corner of the cage, round off, touching the top side of the cage, and lead the hand down. Round the line, touching the bottom side of the cage and bring your hand up. Then round the line to the left slightly above the center of the cell.

Start writing a wavy line slightly below the middle of the upper side of the cage and bring it to the upper right corner of the cage. Then they write a large stick, bringing it almost to the middle of the bottom side of the cage, and then cross it out with a small stick in the middle.

They begin to write a little lower and to the right of the middle of the upper side of the cell. Lead the line up and to the right, round off, touching the top and right sides of the cage. Then they lead the hand down, round the line, touching the bottom side of the cage. Further, rounding, the line goes up to the starting point.

Start writing a little below the upper right corner of the cell. In the upper right corner of the cell, the line is rounded off and the hand is led down to the center of the cell. Here the line is again rounded and led up to the beginning of the oval. Then they lead the hand down, rounding at the middle of the bottom side of the cage.
The oval begins to be written a little to the left of the upper right corner of the cell. Lead the line down, rounding in the middle of the bottom side of the cage. Then they lead the hand up to the beginning of the oval.

Didactic games, prescriptions and all kinds of tasks for age groups (3-4 years old, 5-6 years old, 6-7 years old) that we performed in the children's development center are collected

The ability to write is one of the most important skills, along with reading, that any person should master (see also:). Many parents unreasonably believe that it is necessary to start teaching a child as early as possible, that it is this skill that is the highest indicator of the level of development. Is it so? Many experts agree that you should not start teaching a child to write until he is 5-6 years old. Teaching beautiful writing to a preschooler is not an easy task, it requires composure, perseverance and attentiveness.

All parents want to be proud of their child and try to teach him to write at an early age. But such an approach can only harm if you do not know how to properly deal with a child.

Children at the age of 3-4 years, in their main number, are fidgets. They want to run, jump, play, but not write any letters and numbers in boring copybooks. If you still decide to teach your child to write, then remember: now you will need to deal with the baby with calligraphy regularly, otherwise after a while he may forget everything you taught him!

Not everyone may like these activities, so he can start writing letters and numbers quickly and sloppily, wanting to finish them as soon as possible and move on, in the end, to some more interesting things. All this can lead to the development of ugly handwriting, which will not be so easy to fix later. Let's figure out what the experts are talking about: is it worth it to start teaching children to write in preschool age How effective will such classes and their consequences be?

Should parents teach their children to write before the age of 5?

Teaching crumbs to write at 3-4 years old is not worth it for a number of reasons:

  • Children lose the sense of novelty that comes with being in school. When a student understands that everything they begin to go through in the classroom, namely the writing of numbers and letters, he loses all interest in learning. The child becomes bored and lazy to complete the task. We are no longer talking about any incentive and joy to learn new things every day.
  • Writing skills are wrong. Two experts in the field child development(scientist-physiologist Maryana Bezrukikh and specialist in early development Lena Danilova) are convinced that the formation of writing skills, including calligraphy and speed writing, does not take place in one year, but gradually. It takes years. You should not throw all your strength into teaching your baby to write beautifully. All this may negatively affect his entire style of writing in the future.

Correct posture must be formed from the very early age as soon as the baby takes his first pencil and sits down to draw at the table. In the future, this will help to avoid many problems with the spine.

At first, a preparatory base will be enough for training. Teach the baby to sit at the table in the correct position, and also teach how to grab a pencil or pen. Over time, you can begin the learning process, but remember that it is important to be consistent in your teaching techniques. Each number and each letter should be explained separately, explaining and comparing. A child is able to fully appreciate the method of writing a particular letter only closer to 5-6 years.

Haste in learning always only hurts, it is especially important not to rush at first. By pushing the child, you will provoke him to make mistakes in writing individual elements.

Increasingly, there will be irregularities in height and width, inclination. It will become almost impossible for a child to combine letters into words. Then, having come to the first grade, the child will fall into the hands of a teacher who will be forced to correct many of your mistakes.

When should you start?

Dear reader!

This article talks about typical ways to solve your questions, but each case is unique! If you want to know how to solve your particular problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

Usually, it is at school that we learn to write letters and numbers beautifully. Learning to write there takes place in several stages: first, children are shown how to sit at a school desk, then how to hold a pen or pencil. Teachers give the child the first ideas about letters and numbers, talk about the height and width of the lines and slopes in them, show how to connect them together correctly.

Early mastery of accurate writing of numbers and letters does not guarantee the safety of this skill in the future. It is important to put your hand in such a way that the child is minimally tired in the process of work. This skill, as well as the skill for beautiful handwriting, is made up of regular practice. A baby who loves to run and jump can hardly be forced to sit at a notebook. When the parents nevertheless succeed, then his only goal is to finish everything as soon as possible, so that everyone falls behind, and then run to play. This wrong approach risks spoiling children's handwriting for a long time.

The child should want to learn to write on his own, and until that time, classes can be held in game form

Let's conclude: it is desirable to deal with a child in a playful way. Any learning activity should be presented easily and naturally. Do not rush to put a baby 3-4 years old for prescriptions and notebooks in a line. Wait a couple of years, then your successes with him will be more tangible and not so labored. Until that time, you should only prepare small hands for future writing.

Preparing a Preschooler to Master Writing Skills

All of the above does not mean that 5-6 summer baby there is no need to prepare for school at all, because before he begins to learn writing, it is necessary to master a variety of skills. Here, just, the help of parents will come in handy. For this, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements. Thanks to the full development, the child will be able to write beautifully in the future, so that both his and your eyes will rejoice. Teach the baby to do everything carefully, to show diligence and attentiveness. It is these skills that should be developed in children in the preschool period. We are talking about the age of 2 to 5 years. To do this, the following activities will help you.

Exercises for the development of fine motor function

Develop fine motor skills Can different ways, for example, modeling from plasticine
  • finger gymnastics: a great option to stretch naughty fingers is to play a game called "Twister" together, only with your fingers;
  • make a shadow theater with your hands;
  • make applications from all kinds of materials ( colored paper, felt, autumn leaves, grains, etc.);
  • learning to cut (first simple shapes, then more complex pictures);
  • make drawings on semolina, sand (we recommend reading:);
  • folding, paper modeling, origami;
  • construction;
  • weaving bracelets and figures from rubber bands;
  • classes with loose and small objects (cereals, legumes, pebbles): repeating a pattern, making a mosaic, stringing pasta on a string, etc .;
  • modeling from clay, dough, plasticine;
  • copybook, coloring, drawing.

Remind the importance of posture. Give great attention position at the table. In the future, while focusing on the process of writing, posture control will be carried out at a subconscious level.

It is very important to teach the baby to hold a pencil from an early age. Today, there are convenient triangular-shaped pencils with a thick diameter on sale. Thanks to them, it will be easier for the child to master this skill. Also on sale are special nozzles for a pencil that teach the correct grip.

Don't do the same activity for too long. Alternate classes, and also do not forget about moments of rest, when it is important to give your fingers and hands the opportunity to relax and relieve tension.

There are many colorful interesting copybooks for younger age where the kid will learn to trace, hatch and much more

The method of teaching writing developed by M.T. Strizhakova. It's called "From Drawing to Letter". All children love to color and shade drawings. The shading method can also be used in copybooks with wide or narrow rulers.

Prescriptions for kids may be interesting. In such tutorials, tasks are given to trace contours, drawings, figures, numbers by points. Remember, we are all learning, which means everything takes time and no rush.

What do you need to know when learning to write?

If a preschooler himself asks you to teach him to write, then during the training, adhere to the following rules:

  • be sure to praise the baby during classes for any of his success and do not scold him if something suddenly did not work out for him;
  • start teaching with simple tasks, first draw by dots, then by dotted lines;
  • only after the baby understands how to print printed letters and numbers, you can already move on to writing capital letters.

There is no need to spend a lot of time on classes, 20 minutes a day is enough. They will be enough so that the child can learn something, but at the same time he does not get bored and is always interested.

Writing numbers should be meaningful, so you should, first of all, learn how to count up to 10. You can start memorizing numbers by the age of 4-5, and when you already write them with your child, be sure to pronounce the names to him so that he remembers.

So where to start:

  1. Teach your baby to navigate the location of the elements of the cell. He must be able to determine its sides, upper and lower boundaries, divide the cell into 4 equal parts, find its center and corners.
  2. An important step is teaching the child to observe the angle of inclination while writing numbers. You can determine the slope as follows: draw a line that will connect the upper right corner of your cell with a point placed in the middle of the lower edge.
  3. Before proceeding directly to writing numbers, the child should practice drawing dashes, ticks, circles, semi-ovals. It is from these elements that all numbers are composed.

Important! The number in height is always equal to the size of the cell in the copybook or notebook, so it occupies almost the entire part of the cell. The right edge of the number is always in contact with the right side of the cell, without going beyond its edges.

Consider the example of writing the numbers 0 and 1. By analogy, you can independently teach the child the correct spelling:

Buy or download math worksheets. First, the fidget must trace the numbers in dots, then in dotted lines. On one line, examples should be repeated 2-3 times so that you can always focus on them. You can also purchase a stencil for the baby, he will definitely like to circle various signs on it. To prevent loss of interest and boredom during classes with prescriptions, give your child the opportunity to draw circles, a sun, or hearts next to the numbers. With entertainment like this, we learn and assimilate new material faster.

Learn numbers by dots

Coloring books with numbers


Before starting to draw letters, the child must master the alphabet, figure out what this or that sign looks like. In this, he will definitely be helped by copybooks with block letters. Draw your baby's attention to the boundaries of the lines, explain to him that the letters must be written so that they do not go beyond these limits. Conduct calligraphy classes with him in the form of a game, compare letters with various objects. For example, you can compare “O” with an inflatable ring, “C” with a month, “U” with a slingshot. So your classes will be more fun and exciting, and it will be easier to remember the names and appearance.

Start learning how to write capital letters only after the child has mastered capital letters well. First, show several times how to write a new sign correctly. Comment on your actions, tell how and where you draw the lines, what elements the letter consists of. Then write this letter together, help the preschooler in his first experiments with writing. For a better understanding, you can show with your fingers in the air how it should be, and then ask the baby to repeat after you. Once he succeeds, you can give him time to write on his own.

Engage with your child, develop his imagination and imagination, train fine motor skills and coordination of movements, praise his every achievement. Then you will definitely be able to teach your baby to write without spending a lot of time and nerves!

Recipe- special albums and manuals for training the correct spelling of letters and preparing the hand of a preschooler for writing. If earlier we, parents, knew copybooks only at school (these were notebooks in which first-graders learned to write letters accurately), now you can find special prescriptions for kids and preschoolers. Recipes for children: shapes, numbers, letters teach kids to write beautifully and train their hand.

There are recipes that are designed for a certain age of the child. On the shelves of shops you can find recipes for children 3-4 or 5-6 years old.

In this article, I have prepared for you sets of prescriptions that you can download and print for free. You can save the pictures you want and give your child a new copybook every day.

Recipes for kids

Do you think that prescriptions are only for preparing for school? This is not entirely true. Small children can outline or dot simple pictures or large letters. These are recipes for kids. There is almost no text in such copybooks, because the child cannot yet read. But they are very large, and the pictures are funny. Why not invite the kid to circle the cheerful cockerel by dots or color the duckling.

Children 4-5 years old can be offered to play with - these are also peculiar recipes. In such prescriptions you will not find numbers or letters, they are still difficult for the baby. But tasks for logic or accuracy of movements will be required. Stroking shapes, drawing curves, and straight lines the child masters a pen or pencil, learns to press and draw without leaving the paper.

Among the prescriptions for kids, a special group of prescriptions can be distinguished - this hatching. They are drawings that need to be filled in with straight or dotted lines, depending on the task.

Recipes for children 5-6 years old

For children 5-6 years old, prescriptions will be with more complex tasks. They include printed and written letters, as well as sticks, hooks and other parts from which written letters are built. But the dotted lines in these prescriptions are preserved. On them, the child circles the letters, learns to draw a line evenly and without interruption. It is better to trace the letters in the copybook with a good pen, because when working with a pencil, the child can press the pencil too hard, and this will tire the hand.

Using such prescriptions, the child will not only get acquainted with the letters of the Russian alphabet, but will also become better at remembering them, and will also learn how they are written in writing. Also in prescriptions for preschoolers, numbers are often found. A preschooler learns numbers and counting.

Prescriptions for children 5-6 years old can be divided into:

  • spelling ALPHABET,
  • spelling NUMBERS.

Recipes for schoolchildren

In order for a child to learn to write beautifully, and his handwriting to be preserved and not deteriorated, you need to do a lot. At school, teachers do not attach much importance to the correct position of the hand while writing and handwriting. But parents can try to work with the child themselves with the help of special recipes for schoolchildren.

Calligraphic writing is a good skill that every child can develop. Download and print copybooks and practice writing beautiful letters with a student. IN

Note that there are no pictures or shading in these recipes. Basically, these recipes are aimed at training good beautiful handwriting.

During classes, pay attention to how the student holds the pen, how he draws lines. Make sure that the child writes letters without tearing off the paper. Do not scold the child if he immediately fails to write beautiful letters. Make sure that the child begins to write the letter from the right point, and not the way he likes. For example, they begin to write the capital letter P from the bottom up. Follow this. Now in many copybooks there are even arrows and dots - landmarks for children. Show them these arrows, explain what they are for.

I hope the copybook will help your child learn to write beautifully and correctly!
