How to date a guy - tips and tricks. How to behave with a guy: important rules How to deal with a guy who

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How to behave with a man? There are documented and unspoken rules about human behavior, permissibility and upbringing, courtesy and observance of certain traditions - all these types of behavior inform us from childhood, but it is not always customary to tell a girl how to behave properly with a man, and in some this topic is generally taboo. However, with a certain line of behavior, you can improve relationships or ruin them completely, choosing how to behave, you choose further fate relations.

Dealing with such a delicate issue is to determine how to behave with a man at the beginning of a relationship, since it is better to initially build everything in a way that is comfortable for you than to spend years and thousands on your own and couples psychotherapy in an attempt to edit what happened. And difficulties usually arise due to the fact that at the initial stages people are rarely quite frank, but try to play some kind of role, certainly something similar to the true picture, but still less voluminous and real. This behavior is dictated by the desire to please, and then you can observe how a woman laughs at not funny jokes, eats fast food, although before that she aspired to veganism, hides her aggressiveness and criticism of her companion, hides some facts of her biography (for example, radical views or extreme love).

Some try to squeeze into the replicated image and are touched by the children, portray responsiveness, rejoice in cooking as the last happiness. Such metamorphoses are due to the desire to hide their own shortcomings and exaggerate the positive qualities considered among men, but there are also moments when a woman does not express her frank opinion, confuses traces in answers to questions in order to maintain her own safety, to close sore spots that have not yet been close person I don’t want to open it, but that can significantly affect further relations. What was not the reason for such theatricalization, the result is the same - a woman cannot stand to play the chosen role around the clock, and relationships are getting closer, and if it was not difficult to be a smiling shy woman twice a week, then portraying it around the clock, being the director of a construction company, will lead to the collapse of either a relationship or a career.

Any one comes out, in some families this happens after the birth of children and a fairly long experience of life together, but then the man leaves, faced with irreconcilable traits, or even reconcilable ones, but the fact of deceit creates such a large level of distrust that no further deep interaction is possible anymore.

How to behave with a man so that he himself reaches out to a woman - psychology

In order not to be mistaken and understand how to behave with a man at the beginning of a relationship, you should imagine that you are communicating with an old and close friend or relative, with that person who does not need to be impressed and meet standards, but you can be yourself in any state and any manifestations. Talk about your dissatisfaction, and do not swallow irritation in the hope that you will endure it; go out without makeup if it's normal for you Everyday life; show your character and do not try to seem weaker or dumber on purpose - in general, behave naturally. Firstly, such sincerity captivates and turns on interest, and secondly, a man immediately notices that there is a person and a living person nearby, and not a comfortable doll in beautiful packaging, and thirdly, such honesty will allow you to avoid your own tension, because someone who does not suit who you are will not continue the relationship. And this is perhaps the most profitable investment of such a course of action - you immediately weed out not your people, ensure your safety for the future, since terrible secrets will not be revealed, and save time for the worthy or your own pleasure.

Here is such a not cunning in voice acting, but problematic in execution rule for starting a relationship, it is easier given to those who regularly deal with issues of their own soul, mechanisms and features, since the lack of sincerity and strangers is necessary due to the presence of complexes or severe mental wounds, children's introjects, not allowing you to open up and present yourself to the world in the capacity that is the actual presentation of the personality.

When the first stages of the relationship have been passed and everything is going well for you, the question begins to arise how to behave with a man correctly so that boredom or scandals do not gobble up the relationship, and the darling himself is constantly drawn to interacting with a woman.

How to behave with a man so that he does not go to another? It is worth starting not with the most important, but the most frequent one - this is maintaining your own external attractiveness. On the one hand, having looked at each other over the years, they will already forgive you a lot, but it is contraindicated to aggravate the situation to the point that a woman preens only before going out, and with her husband she walks in a terrible way, or forgets about her appearance and gains twenty kilograms, is contraindicated. Taking care of the healthy condition of your own skin and body, keeping your hair and nails in order are the minimum requirements for self-respect, namely, the interest of others begins with it. Chasing liposuction and plastic surgery is too much, but do not forget about perfume, beautiful underwear and stylish clothes, and sport should not be aimed at pumping a pile of muscles, but at maintaining good health and proper metabolism.

Men want attention and care. An important nuance is that care should not be maternal (“put on a scarf, do not walk with the guys for a long time”) and not intrusive (when a woman has learned to guess the desires of a man by her look and fulfills them, forgetting about herself). Care should reflect male-female relations, and he has a mother, a maid can be ordered in the appropriate service. Here it is worth focusing on keeping the conversation going when he talks about his significant topics, as well as paying attention to his preferences (you can - support an intimate experiment or cook what he asked for dinner). Praise in time, notice good things even in a failed situation, wisely point out mistakes and shortcomings, is perceived as concern if it is expressed correctly and in accordance with the situation, and in the future he will increasingly want to come back for your opinion. As for the material side, sometimes pamper him with absolutely useless, but desirable things, create a cozy atmosphere at home. If you think that you and the house are different things, then know that many men note how cold and empty the house became when the wife left.

She avoids complete merging and dissolution in her adored man. Many women abandon their lives and completely immerse themselves in the life of their husband, at first it looks like supporting his interests and striving to spend time together, but as a result it turns out that they need periods of rest from each other, their own space. But by the time of understanding the need for rest, usually a woman has already lost her own hobbies, and is trying hard to impose her company or control on her husband. Respect for other people's interests is absolutely inviolable rules. A man should have time and resources for his own hobbies and friends not in common with a woman. At the same time, the requirements of the report, constant calling, surveillance of him are humiliating for both. We will not mention the inviolability of his mail, phone and social profiles once again. To keep from this kind of pressure, keep up your own non-pressure activities and learn to have a great time no matter where you are.

The way you solve problems and express your own dissatisfaction also plays a role - if you do it in a manipulative manner or make a fuss, find fault, itch every day, then the man will most likely run away. All claims and disagreements should be discussed in an open form, without trying to put pressure on feelings, from a position of cooperation, because relationships are a joint product.

And in order for a man to reach out to you even after quarrels, you will need a spiritual community, which is achieved by joint interests and activities. But people can spend a lot of time apart, work in different fields and have absolutely no understanding of each other's hobbies, but have strong relationships. The secret is in the same life goals, set priorities and unspoken mental claims, ranking the significance of events and ways to achieve goals.

In general, for a man to be drawn to a woman, she must be a psychologically adult open person, with her own convictions and the ability to build productive contact, if the man himself is psychologically formed. Infantiles will always look for mothers and none of your internal organization will force him to return, except for absorbing care, habitual control and the ability of a woman to bear double responsibility.

How to behave with a man so that he falls in love

One-sided love is an excellent inspiration for creativity, judging by the number of works dedicated to suffering, but those who fell in love with each other are no longer up to poetry and paintings. If you still do not want to choose a creative path, then you can direct the energy level that has risen against the background of a hormonal surge into the channel of an indifferent object of adoration falling in love with you. A man can easily be captivated by his own beauty, interesting meeting, some kind of proposal, but not always the hobby develops into love. The mistake is that without information about the man, having received a piece of individual attention, the woman believes that everything has come together successfully, and now he will bathe her in champagne, and the man loses his quickly sparked interest and disappears from the radar after a couple of joint evenings. So constant attention, showing active interest and analyzing his words, reactions, actions will help to translate the passion into a deeper interest. Your ability to support topics that are interesting to him, your ideas that coincide with his opinion are tools aimed at establishing a more interesting contact.

But watch your own behavior without becoming a sleuth who elicits information. A woman attracts, first of all, with her femininity, distinctive softness from the male world, playfulness and openness. Speaking of feminine manifestations, dresses and lipsticks immediately pop up in my head, but for men, feminine behavior, the ability to build phrases and own voice are much more important. ignorance women's world fascinates and captivates, and men strive to solve mysteries, so naturalness is welcome, but you should not allow opening all the cards and telling your full biography. Leave room for his fantasy, which is your most faithful assistant, because you will not be able to tell about yourself as temptingly as he can imagine. Feel free to talk about general information, but about deeper or intimate things, try not to talk or gracefully evade the answer with half hints and smiles.

Show interest in a man, communicate, but do not impose. Independence causes a desire to do something for you, the absence of questions about his feelings pushes you to shout about it to the whole area, some coldness and lack of fear of losing him make you fight for you. hunter works rigorously, and the more complex prey met on the way, the more interesting to a man, therefore, the more independence you show, the more he will fall in love with you. You can skip his call, go to dinner with a friend, but do not forget to show that you are interested in him - such emotional swings make men emotionally invest in relationships, and they usually do not leave what they put a lot of effort into.

Engage in the expansion and deepening of your own special and social knowledge. The times when a woman was interesting only for her appearance are long gone and now being an interlocutor who is knowledgeable in various areas is the norm. And, besides, a rich dialogue provides opportunities for planning and building a joint further pastime, while after bare intimacy, there is no interest left, and there is nothing more to meet.

Develop your own, because talking with a man only on topics of interest to him, you risk losing his attention soon. The excitement of community passes, but the brain's need for new information remains, so the time will come when you need to gradually reveal the full depth of your own peace of mind, plunging into which a man can experience a variety of emotions. Let it be delight or a desire to convince you, a desire to join or forbid - any reaction will give rise to a further development of relations.

But not only in conversations is the power of the birth of love, but in the tenderness of touches that occur as if by chance, in passing, almost imperceptibly. This is the rapprochement of psychological distance, establishing contact with his body and imprinting in him not only as a spiritual carrier of information, but as a completely living physical object of the opposite sex.

How to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing

Women are restless beings and at first they worry about starting a relationship, then so that the depth and seriousness of what is happening with the partners coincide, and then they are afraid to lose the existing one. This is what gives rise to the need to settle it in your man, since for the woman herself it is a proof of love and a kind of guarantee of stability and reliability in the future.

The inviolability of someone else's physical and spiritual space, as well as the ability to keep a distance, allow relationships not to wither away and save them from quarrels and scandals due to excessive control. With skillful dosing of your own presence in a man’s life, you get what you want - it is he who will show more attention and activity in your direction and be afraid to lose your disposition. A woman who does not stick to family affairs, attending various events, and both with her man and without him, does not cause cloying. If the time devoted to yourself is used to good use (and it doesn’t matter if you spent that day at the spa or at the training, visited the exhibition or did new hairstyle), then the interest of a man in such a woman doubles. Understanding her value and versatile development, a man adequately assesses his chances and understands that simply lying next to him on the couch will not be enough and someone more interesting can completely capture the attention of his woman. Getting bogged down in everyday life, you lower the bar of your significance and the bar of men's and achievements. A man strives and wins for the sake of a goal or to keep his prey, and for the sake of an ever-sticky bush, with whom you can only talk about fallen off wallpaper, he is unlikely to lift a finger and will be very worried about its presence or absence in his life.

Choose a relationship policy between good friends, instead of the Soviet house-building and total patriarchy. When you can keep up any conversation with your man and he doesn’t have to strain his brain, what threatens to discuss the next topic (, scandal, reproaches), then the level of frankness in the relationship increases infinitely and he doesn’t have to go to other people (not necessarily a mistress) for an understanding word , perhaps to friends, but the value of a woman who does not understand is minimal). Respect his opinion and interests, remember, because you will express your disagreement to a friend, calmly argue why, but leave it to him to decide and choose how to live on, continuing to accept him and this choice, why, in relation to your own man, you need to build a totalitarian regime with the only right opinion. Again, do not give in to your interests and do not let your loved one push through his own point of view, just as you do not live by friendly decrees. Listen, ask for advice, but do not let them command - such relationships are possible only in a bilateral mode and, without respecting the choice of a person, you do not have the right to demand respect for your own decisions.

Do not remain the same by choosing a line of behavior that once worked perfectly - this is a mistake, because it was not the line that worked, but the innovation that it brought. When a man gets enough of your modesty or independence, he will cease to admire it, and over time will begin to annoy, and not the quality, but the constancy and immutability of your personality. Woman, first of all male eyes- this is a storehouse of various emotional sensations, so do not be afraid to show both your own anger and defenselessness. The more diverse the range of emotional reactions and information a man will receive from you, the more often spontaneity will appear (not to be confused with critical unpredictability that can lead to hysteria), the more you will appreciate and be afraid to make mistakes in your own actions towards you.

Do not force a person to change according to your vision of the rules and elections, accept it and when you want to show your concern, do it in the way that a particular man will appreciate. Those. if he prefers hiking and pizza while playing online, then you don’t need to drag him to an Italian restaurant to eat oysters - it will be awkward and stressful for everyone, but if you put him a tray of burgers and go to a friend while he and other players go through another raid, then you can return under his praise of you on Skype to your comrades complaining about their wives.

Do not forget about the intimate side, because men forgive everything for excellent mistresses - a mess in the house, boorish behavior, idleness and outright stupidity. And the point is not in the notorious “everyone needs one”, but in the fact that in order to deliver maximum pleasure, you will have to learn a lot in terms of techniques, master foreplay and massage, understand the intricacies of the influence of colors, smells, temperatures, products. And this is just the beginning, which must be creatively applied each time in different ways, subtly feeling the state of the man and the environment at the empathic level. Men do not need girls who spread their legs at the first hint - there are plenty of them, they need a woman who knows how to feel it and deliver the necessary psychological states through physical influences - relaxation, confidence, inspiration, strength, humility, the ability to look from the other side.

The principle “if you want to keep it, let it go” works one hundred percent, because then the decision to be with you is the man’s own sincere desire, and even spurred on by external factors of your independence. This adds strength, joy and energy, while constant monitoring and interrogation simply kill any desire, except for the desire to quickly disappear beyond the horizon.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

Relationships don't last longer than a couple of months? Tired of sitting with mascara dripping from tears because of another scandal or breakup? What is the reason? The crown of celibacy, spoilage, the evil eye, men-goats, universal injustice ... Or banal ignorance of how to meet a guy correctly.

The rules of the “ideal” girl, the basics of relationships with men, blunders that can cross out all the pluses - later in this article.

How to behave in a relationship with a guy?

1. Respect his personal space

The most exciting moments are behind, the relationship has begun, you can freely call yourself his girlfriend. The main thing is not to overdo it. He just offered to be together. He certainly does not want his, all previous plans, dreams to be burned by the victims of a pyromaniac.

Therefore, it is advisable to immediately take it:

  • old hobbies to which he is accustomed to devote specific time;
  • normal environment- acquaintances, colleagues, friends;
  • work especially if he loves and appreciates her;
  • harmless habits- petting street dogs or buying lottery tickets, for example;
  • tastes in clothes, cinema and other areas.

Any attempts to control, wean him will have the opposite effect. Of course, it is possible and even recommended to talk about what you don’t like, but calmly, without “pressure” and moralizing.

The initial stages of the union are learning habits, interests, principles of each other on a new, deeper level. The main task of this period is to learn how to correctly combine your “charts”. It is important to understand what can be done together and what can be done separately, where it is better to compromise, and where to make reasonable sacrifices. This is the "grinding" stage. You will not be able to step to the next step without passing this stage to the end.

2. Appropriately respond to his loved ones

It's about friends and family. And in this regard, many girls show two opposite extremes.

  1. Negatively, speak negatively about his relatives, friends.
  2. Obsess over trying to please those around him.

Both points of view mean Negative consequences. In the first case, the girl deeply offends the feelings of the chosen one, rejecting an important part of his life. These people supported the guy, helped him long before his companion, in principle, appeared on the horizon. Her “fi” alone will not be enough to break such a connection. But it's enough to break up with her.

obsessionWill my mom like me?” also poisons relationships. However, it is more of a ticking time bomb. A guy may be flattered that his girlfriend:

  • memorized his parents' birthdays;
  • trying to give gifts to his family;
  • tries to establish contact with a potential mother-in-law;
  • behave politely and decently in the family circle;
  • interested in the health and affairs of his relatives.

However, sometimes the list may not be limited to this. The idea to arouse sympathy among his loved ones becomes a real mania. It is accompanied by importunity, a refusal to notice anything around, except for the reaction of persons of interest. If a man is not at all sure that he is already ready to introduce the girl to his parents, and she insists on this, the situation escalates.

Getting along with his mom is, of course, good. But still, relationships are built with him, and not with his parent. So it is better not to overdo it with attention to his family, forgetting about the beloved himself.

3. Don't stop flirting

Even if it comes down to marriage. Especially in this case. The reverse situation threatens with two side effects.

  1. The man fell in love with a flirtatious cat, constantly warming up the excitement. And at the exit I got an aunt in a bathrobe, with curlers and a face mask made of sour cream and cucumbers. The contrast is too strong to ignore.
  2. Lack of change, “evenness” in relationships is boring. Routine begins to kill feelings. subside and become fresh.

You don't always have to look your best. And even more so, you don’t need to wake up an hour earlier than he does to apply “natural” makeup. However, taking care of yourself is a must. File your nails, keep your hair, body, clothes clean, be neat - the simplest hygiene. In addition, you can:

  • arrange pleasant surprises for him not only in the kitchen, but also in bed;
  • show tenderness and care (without fanaticism);
  • flirt with him, “make eyes”, flirt;
  • plan a joint vacation in a new environment;
  • use unobtrusive tactile contact - run your palm across his chest, barely touching, lightly scratch the skin, gently touch his neck with your lips when hugging, for example;
  • let him constantly see the mystery, feel the unpredictability. To do this, develop, study yourself, try yourself in something new.

4. Solve problems calmly

Difficulties in relationships are an inevitable reality. All couples have them. Why do some part, and the second, despite misunderstandings, live happily for years?

2. Syndrome of hyperprotection

No, Lena, I'm sorry, but I won't come to your bachelorette party. I still need to cook Vasya's food, iron his shirts, and wash his trousers.

What? No, no, I gave up dancing. Vasya said that he was jealous of my coach.

Well, what's the job, Lena? My Vasenka doesn't want me to work. And what if I loved my profession?

I'm sorry, what? To the cinema? Today? Oh yeah, haven't been in a while. But no, Lenochka, I can’t, something went wrong with my project. How can I leave him alone, sad?”.

Secret of the century: men do well in everyday life without women. One has only to leave - and they cook Peking duck, easily cope with washing machine and even (incredibly!) take out the trash themselves without prior request.

For hyper-custody, he had a childhood, a granny and a mother. Now he is a grown man and deserves to be treated accordingly.

And a woman-grandmother is not sexy, after all!

3. “He will change”

Or even worse: My love is enough for two". No, not enough. No, it won't. At all. Waiting is useless. Everything is simple here - either a person makes contact, or not. “Maybe, but suddenly ...” will not work.

One of two things remains: either accept his shortcomings and live with them, or not fool each other's heads.

4. “I can handle it myself”

Such a motto was valued by women during the Great Patriotic War. The men went to the front, but the household remained, and someone had to support it. At the same time, the country had to be raised along with the children.

Fortunately, the terrible events are long behind us. Unfortunately, women continue to adopt that ideology. As a result, two problems appear at once:

  • hurt, ego and self-esteem of a man, because next to him is a girl a la “I will do everything myself”. Over time, he even loses the desire to manifest. And why? “She can handle everything on her own”;
  • a woman takes on a huge responsibility and, in fact, an unbearable burden. Sooner or later, she will be on the verge of her abilities. More likely, the girl will begin to show it.

It is better to allow yourself to be weak from time to time, enjoying female advantages, if the situation allows it. Let the men be heroes.

The main rule explaining how to date a guy is trite and suitable for any relationship, even business ones. It is important to treat a person with understanding, respect him, but do not forget about yourself. The beauty of the principle is that it leaves only adequate and good people. Others do not obey such a law, which means that they can be easily calculated and “withdrawn” from personal space.

At the present time, the word "meet" can be quite characterized serious relationship with a young man. Now you have become a couple, taking your communication to a new level. Subsequently, such a relationship can lead to a marriage proposal, and then to a wedding. For now, you're just enjoying each other's company. Now young man no need to seek the location of your girlfriend - by agreeing to a relationship, she makes it clear to the guy that he is the only one for her. However, the couple must not let each other lose interest in the romance that has begun.

We spend time together

Couples who meet visit cinemas, cafes and other places together. It is natural for people in love to spend a lot of time in each other's company.

Mutual friends

Gradually, a couple in love has a common company - the girl meets the friends of her chosen one, and he enters her circle of habitual communication. In addition, as a rule, after some time, lovers introduce each other to their family.

Joint plans

A couple who meets, most often does not live one day, but makes far-reaching plans for a life together, or at least for the next vacation.

Caring for him

In addition, dating a guy means taking care of him, and taking his care herself. Lovers delight each other with pleasant surprises, gifts and attentive relationships.


If the guy and the girl are adults, then their relationship is not limited to talking in a cafe and meeting with friends. Of course, people, starting to meet, gradually become close to each other and intimately. How to quickly move to a new stage in their romance, each couple determines for themselves individually.

How to behave with a guy you like

What should be a normal girl in the representation of a guy


It is foolish to deny that men love with their eyes, and, of course, appearance is of no small importance to them. You may not have a “doll” face and a luxurious figure, but if you are not too lazy to take care of yourself and stick to the style that suits you the most, then, for sure, the guy you like will pay attention to you.

In general, young people like different girls, and you can’t please everyone - for example, someone is delighted with blondes, and someone likes brunettes. The main thing is that you look harmonious and do not try to match the image that does not suit you at all.

The character of the chosen one

In this case, opinions also differ - someone likes girls with an explosive temperament, and someone prefers prudes. Be that as it may, most young guys still do not want their lover to be a hysterical person, and they are extremely negative about scenes in public.

sports girl

Many guys pay attention to sports girls, and it is likely that your chosen one is no exception. Sign up for classes in the gym, do dynamic dancing, pay attention to any sports section. Surely, the young man will be very proud of you! In addition, this kind of hobby will have a very favorable effect on your appearance.

How to talk to an older guy

You should stand out from your peers, be more serious and purposeful. You should not try to win over a guy who is older - just hint at him of your sympathy. However, the main initiative must come from him.

Forget about whims - so you will only once again remind each other of the difference that exists between you. Also try to avoid jokes about age - perhaps they are completely unpleasant for him.

You should not impose your own tastes on a man, believing that everything that he likes is “already the last century.” On the contrary, show interest in his hobbies, and, for sure, you will be able to discover many interesting songs and projects for yourself.

How to communicate with a young guy

First of all, you should not hide your age, somehow embarrassed by it or afraid that it will scare away a potential boyfriend. Couples in which a woman is older than her lover have long ceased to be a rarity. Previously, no one was surprised if a girl went out in public with a man almost twice her age, now similar trends are being drawn from the side of guys - more and more often they like girls who are older than them.

Your age should be your main advantage. Do not try to behave exactly the same as you did at the age of your chosen one. If you think that this will make you closer, then you are seriously mistaken. Surely, the guy chose you, because he expects the appropriate behavior from you. In his understanding, the chosen one, who is older than his peers, is most likely calmer, more balanced and wiser.

Don't be a bore. Don't go to the other extreme. Communicate with your beloved at ease, but do not turn into his "mommy". Remember that first of all you are a woman for whom a man should be responsible. Do not take the initiative only on yourself in a relationship, let your chosen one open up from new sides.

Moreover, understand that, most likely, he chose a girl for himself not at all focusing on her age - he just liked you. Do not worry about being older than your lover, and do not pass this excitement on to him.

How to start dating a guy

If you started dating a young man, then you have to do everything possible so that this relationship is not interrupted. To do this, in principle, it is enough to remain the same as you were when the chosen one paid close attention to you. Surely, after that you tried to demonstrate only your best qualities, and if you think that now you can behave differently, then you are mistaken.

Many guys, even having already started dating a girl, continue to look closely at her, so it will not be very good that your behavior will be significantly different from the one you showed during the courtship stage. Before you are several general recommendations, which should be followed at the initial stage of a romantic relationship.

Don't be intrusive

Perhaps you have been ready for this relationship for a long time, and in your thoughts they developed very actively. You have already imagined acquaintance with each other's families, the birth of your own family, the birth of children, the expansion of living space. It is unlikely that a young man will be delighted if you describe all these prospects in front of him. Remember that there is a time for everything, and such grandiose plans should not be built alone. Despite the fact that you have already planned your future for several years ahead, your chosen one may only begin to realize that some time ago he stopped being free.

Do not relax, always be interesting

Don't assume that if the guy asked you to date, now you can completely relax. Surely, a young man will be incredibly surprised if overnight you suddenly turn from an active and cheerful girl into a homebody prone to melancholy. It can also upset a guy if the girl who attracted him with her modesty and shyness suddenly turns out to be a cheeky party girl.

Such situations once again prove that you don’t need to try on images that are completely atypical for yourself, trying to attract a young man, because sooner or later the truth will come out anyway, and this can turn into sad consequences for a recently begun romance.

General leisure

If you started dating a guy, you should be aware that now, most likely, you will have to organize joint leisure activities. Accept dating invitations from your lover with enthusiasm, and do not forget to take the initiative yourself. Don't forget that you are not in the courting stage right now - you are now working together to build a fulfilling and happy relationship.

First time with a guy how to behave

If you have a first date planned, then try not to be late, adding excitement not only to the young man, but also to yourself. Think in advance about what clothes you will wear. Make sure the items are in perfect condition and do not require washing, ironing or minor repairs. It will not be very good if, before the exit itself, you realize that there is some kind of defect on the chosen attire. Your task is to be self-confident this evening, and hasty preparations will do little to help this.

Also decide on the place of the first date. It is undesirable to invite a guy home or go to visit him yourself. This date format can involve intimacy, and if you are not ready to take your romance to the next level so quickly, choose a walk in the park or an evening in a cozy cafe.

What to talk about with a guy when you walk for a walk

Keep up with the topics he touches on. Ask counter questions, show that you are interested in being in his company. If he asks you any questions, answer in detail, do not skimp on emotions. If the guy is silent, then you, too, can provoke some topics for conversation - about sports, favorite food, favorite places to hang out, interesting films, and much more.

Try to behave naturally and at ease - there is no need to laugh out of place with or without a reason. If you see that the interlocutor is not too willing to support the topic you set, it is better to change it to another one. In order to avoid awkward pauses, before the date, determine for yourself what questions you would like to clarify.

How to behave in order to please a guy

Be nice and charming. Let the young man know that you like him. Take care of him, flirt with him, ask for his opinion. It is important that the young man feels significant next to you. Undoubtedly, this feeling will evoke warm emotions in him, and he will again and again seek to meet you.

How to communicate with a guy who loves you

There are two options here, and they depend on whether you have reciprocal feelings for the young man. If you understand that you also love him, but do not dare to say so yet, then at least show the young man your disposition.

If you do not have a reciprocal sympathy for the guy, then try to behave delicately towards him. Explain to him that you are very flattered by his attention, and you did not expect such feelings from him, but, unfortunately, your heart is busy or you are not yet ready for a relationship. Do not force the guy to live with empty hopes - immediately indicate that you do not reciprocate.

How to stay alone with a guy and what to do next

If you are left alone with your young man, then this situation is very conducive to more frank communication. If before your dates were held in crowded places, then wanting privacy, you can invite him to your house for a romantic dinner. Keep in mind that a guy can regard such an invitation in his own way - for him it will be something akin to a “green light” that allows him to be more active, seducing you. If you are not yet ready for intimacy with a boyfriend, then it is advisable to avoid such solitude.

However, if you are still alone, behave simply and naturally - get rid of possible tension in advance, which may be transferred to your chosen one. You can invite your loved one to watch an interesting movie together or just have a heart-to-heart talk over dinner and a glass of wine. Solitude implies a romantic mood, so if you decide to invite a young man to your home, do not refuse your lover hugs and kisses, because the situation is more than conducive to such behavior.

How to kiss a guy to make him fall in love

With the help of a kiss, you can really awaken quite strong emotions in your lover. regular kiss on the lips will surely excite him, but you will achieve a much greater effect if you "combine" your kisses. So, you are left alone, how to kiss a guy so that he remembers it for a long time?

Try to start with this zone, which is incredibly sensitive. While talking or watching a movie, put your head on the guy's shoulder, then stretch your lips to his neck and kiss her. Note that we are talking about the area immediately below the ears. Such kisses can be combined with light, barely perceptible biting. You can accompany your actions with a joke that your boyfriend smells so amazing that you are ready to “eat” him.

After that, you can move on to a passionate kiss on the lips. Note that the palate is a rather sensitive area, so the guy will have a very pleasant sensation if you run your tongue across the palate a couple of times.

How to behave in a relationship with a guy when you date him

How to behave at a guy's house

For a guy, it can be very revealing how you behave in his house. He may not like it if you, as soon as you cross the threshold, begin to dust off the shelves or water the flowers, which, in your opinion, have long needed it. Surely, you think that in this way you demonstrate your thriftiness to the young man, but note that you are actually visiting, and such behavior is more than strange for a guest. In addition, a young man may decide that you are encroaching on his territory. When you come to visit your beloved, do not see yourself as if you are the hostess here - just relax in the company of your loved one.

How to behave when visiting a man

It is noteworthy that when it comes to a mature man, and not young guy, then the tactics of behavior can be completely opposite. The habits of an adult have long been formed, and if you see any obvious flaws in a man’s house that clearly require female intervention, then most likely you really can’t do without your help.

If you wish, you can offer the chosen one to cook him a delicious dinner or hang curtains in the living room. Most likely, he will perceive this not as an encroachment on his territory, but as a concern. However, in this case, you need to know the measure - you should not argue out loud that you urgently need to move in with him so that finally the house is in order. Such proposals must come from a man.

How to behave in the company of his or your friends

If you want to introduce a guy to your friends, do everything possible to make him as comfortable as possible. To make acquaintance easier, you can go to the “quest room”, bowling alley or something like that with your friends and loved one. Acquaintance will be softer after some common cause. You can also introduce your lover to the company gradually, inviting one person to the cinema or cafe with you one at a time - so, over time, he will recognize all your friends without any stress.

If you have to meet his friends, then follow a few simple rules:

  • Don't try to make a positive impression on his whole group by telling dirty jokes, laughing out loud and trying to be the center of attention. You may think that in this way you are trying to become "part of the group", but in fact, some of the young man's friends may consider you an ordinary upstart. Your task is to behave in a friendly and rather modest way - maintain a dialogue, show interest in the interlocutor, but do not forget about the norms of decency. Do not allow the young person to be uncomfortable with your behavior.
  • Do not be arrogant by showing that this company is honored to meet a girl like you. Such behavior can be very repulsive.
  • Don't flirt with your lover's friends. You may decide that in this way, you are only establishing contact with the guy's company and not doing anything reprehensible - just trying to please the guys. Subsequently, such behavior may not put you in the best light.
  • Be more of a listener than a storyteller - don't try to "pull the blanket" over yourself by becoming the main star of the evening.

It happens that ordinary dates for a girl are no longer enough to feel happy. If you understand that there are simply not enough meetings or it is difficult for you to find time for dates in your busy schedule, then, of course, it makes sense to push the young man to think about living together.

If you live alone, then periodically invite the guy to your house for dinner several times a week. After that, of course, it makes sense for him to stay overnight with you. Create a cozy atmosphere in your apartment that he will want to return to again and again. After a month, you can start a conversation about the fact that you are practically living together, and is it time for you to move in together.

When visiting a guy, offer him your help in cooking or cleaning. He must get used to your direct participation in his life. Over time, it is also appropriate to start a conversation about living together.

If you don’t have the opportunity to demonstrate your hostess skills to your loved one, and meanwhile your relationship has been going on for more than six months, then start pushing your chosen one to think about life together, telling how you usually miss him, and how you miss him when you part with him. If no hints help, then it makes sense to ask the young man directly about what he thinks about the prospect of living together.

How to behave with a man

Rules of conduct with the former

As a rule, after breaking up, many couples either try to maintain visibility friendly relations, or say goodbye to each other with a scandal. Another option can be called ideal - when meeting with a former lover, behave absolutely neutrally. There is no point in demonstrating an increased interest in his affairs and sharing your own successes, just as there is nothing to defiantly turn away from. It is enough to greet him with a nod. If he does not enter into a dialogue with you, then you do not impose yourself on him.

Perhaps, one can call an exception the case when a man, at parting, inflicted a strong and unfair offense on you. Then you are free not to greet your offender, passing by as if you did not notice him. It is much more difficult if your meeting takes place in some company, then you will involuntarily have to observe the norms of decency in public and say hello to the former.

However, if you grow common child, then, of course, a demonstration of indifference is inappropriate in any case - from time to time you need to discuss the affairs of your child. However, if the separation was difficult, it is not at all necessary to go beyond topics about the child.

What is not acceptable in behavior with a man older than you

One of the main rules is not to try to provoke a man who is much older than you into jealousy. Surely, he is already visited by thoughts that you may be interested in a guy who is closer to you in age, and unnecessary worries about this will be completely useless.

If you have chosen a man older than yourself as your life partner, then try to match him. Perhaps he works a lot and prefers a quiet holiday in a cozy atmosphere, then it will not be very good if you periodically disappear into nightclubs or act frivolously.

If he's younger than you, don't mention the age difference

Do not focus your and his attention on the topic of age. Evaluate a young person according to completely different criteria: does he need to take care of you or does he himself look for someone who will take care of him; Are you interested in each other's company? does public opinion matter to him; what are his plans for the future.

Perhaps your relationship has long been frozen at one stage, and you understand that each of your dates differs little from the previous one. So how do you develop a relationship if you've been dating for a while?

Meeting Friends

This can be a pretty significant step, gradually you will form a common company, which will bring you even closer.

Getting to know the parents

This step is even more serious, and often causes a lot of exciting emotions for both the guy and the girl. If the chosen one decided on this act, then there is practically no doubt that he is very determined towards you.


Some guys bypass this stage, going straight to the marriage proposal, but still, most young people want to check compatibility in everyday life with their girlfriend, and indeed, get used to the new status. For a man, cohabitation is almost equal to official marriage, so you can be sure that if he invited you to live together, he sees you as a potential spouse.

Joint travel

Trips to other cities and countries not only give new impressions, but also allow you to get to know each other from new sides.

Talk about the future

Ask the young man how he sees his future, if he has any unfulfilled plans. According to his answers, you can easily determine whether he sees you in his future or whether he doesn’t even think about it yet.

How to deal with a breakup

Unrequited love

The expression that “you won’t be forced to be nice” has long been known. If a young man does not have the feelings for you that you would like, then it probably makes no sense to think that this can change. Don't try to evoke sympathy from your lover by saying that you don't want to live without him or that you feel bad about the breakup. It's more like a normal manipulation. Instead of such statements, accept with dignity his desire to end the relationship. Give thanks for all the good things you had and wish you all the best. Now you need to pull yourself together, not pursue the former and throw all your strength into restoring your peace of mind.

Your feelings have cooled down - admit it to him

Admit honestly to the guy that you no longer feel those emotions for him that you had before. You can work together to build relationships. But it is also possible that the guy will consider himself offended by such words, and will not want to do anything. In this case, you really have to continue your life without him.

It is better to let go if he fell in love with another or did not stop loving the former

If he honestly admitted this to you even before the betrayal, then try to accept his words and not make scenes. No one is immune from such an outcome. Ask a man if there is a chance to change the situation, if a negative answer follows, then try to get out of this relationship with dignity, simply by deleting the person from your life. If you try to fix everything against his will, then in the end you can become a member of a love triangle.

Admit honestly that you fell in love with another person

In this case, it is worth showing at least a little respect for the person who was close to you some time ago, and not starting a new romantic relationship behind his back. Honestly tell the former chosen one that you are confused in your feelings, but you don’t want to lie to him - another person now lives in your thoughts and heart. Ask the man for forgiveness for this situation.

Notice that you didn't plan for this, but you find yourself unable to deal with your feelings. By the way, such statements should be made if you are one hundred percent sure that you want to leave for another person and no longer love your current boyfriend.

What Not to Do in a Breakup

No matter how the situation develops, there are things that cannot be done, even if you were not the culprit of the gap. First, do not try to annoy your ex-lover by pestering him with threatening calls or trying to “open the eyes” of his new lover. Secondly, do not try to denigrate him in front of your friends - he may have behaved dishonestly towards you, but this does not mean at all that he is a bad comrade. Thirdly, do not try to win his relatives over to your side, do not kindle an unnecessary “war”.

The best thing you can do under the circumstances is to try to forget the former chosen one and avoid talking about him in every possible way. Accept the fact that now your life will go on without him, but many amazing events will certainly happen in it if you still manage to mentally let go of the past relationship.

20 years ago, American writers Ellen Fein and Sherry Schneider collected advice on how a woman can get the man of her dreams in her best-selling book. Since then, the feminist movement has revived and strengthened, and such literature has received the label "sexist". However, the "New Rules" are still being reprinted and find many fans and followers. What is the secret?

Over the years, gurus Ellen Fein and Sherry Schneider have analyzed the behavior of women who are happy in their personal lives - those who have many suitors, who are successfully married and have a happy marriage. Oprah Winfrey called their bestseller Rules for Winning the Heart of the Man of Your Dreams a phenomenon and twice invited the authors to her talk show. People magazine classified the book as a must-read, and glossy magazines named it the best publication on relationships. The authors assure: over the 20 years of the existence of the “Rules”, millions of women have been able to feel their absolute effectiveness. They got a relationship full of love and respect that flowed into a happy and strong marriage. In the New Rules, female writers help modern women and girls to communicate via Facebook, Skype, SMS, etc. and at the same time remain mysterious, maintain a hunter's instinct in a man when there are so many “easy prey” around him, get married in an era when everyone lives in civil marriages and is in no hurry to take responsibility.

"Men love difficulties and lose interest when the object of this interest - and especially a woman - gets them too easily."

“Secret way to get a guy: be a challenge for him. Treat him like you don't care about him,” urge Ellen Fein and Sherry Schneider. In their opinion, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of mystery and make a man crave meeting you, which is a rarity these days. “Rules” is a way of communicating with any man (provided that he first started a conversation with you, in person or on the Internet), thanks to which he becomes obsessed with you and is ready for a serious relationship.

How to Marry the Man of Your Dreams According to Ellen Fein and Sherry Schneider

Be a girl different from the rest and look like a girl different from the rest.

Do not approach a man first and do not start a conversation, do not call or write to a man first.

Do not invite men on a date via SMS, social networks and in no other way.

Wait at least 4 hours before replying to the man's first message, and at least half an hour before replying to each subsequent message.

"Let's talk/write later": always finish everything first - and disappear from sight!

Do not reply to SMS or any other messages after midnight.

Do not accept an invitation to a Saturday date later than Wednesday. "Right girls" lead a busy life. Of course, you've already made plans for the weekend before it's Thursday! If he invites you too late, don't reprimand him. Just say you're sorry, but you're busy.

Make yourself "invisible" for instant messaging. Even if nothing is happening in your life, you should not notify the guy about it by instantly responding to his messages. As with any other form of communication, he should wait for an opportunity to talk to you. To be interesting to you, he will have to work hard. Do not deprive a man of this opportunity by immediately answering messages and sitting online for hours! Remember, you have your own life (study, work, friends, hobbies, workouts, and hopefully dates) and you only have 10 minutes to chat and no more. If a guy has a lot to say and a lot to ask you, he can do it during a date!

Don't spend 24 hours a day, seven days a week with him.

Long-distance relationships: let him offer to Skype more often and visit you.

Don't text men first, ignore emoticons and winks on online dating sites.

Do not pay for dinner and do not buy his love in any way.

Do not commit self-destructive acts when dating married men. If he wants to see you, tell him to call you when he is single. And after that, no communication, forget it, say "next!" - and focus on finding men who are truly free.

Don't date a man who cancels your appointments more than once.

Do not send a man anything that would be unpleasant to leave him in the event of your separation.

Don't settle for one-night stands and pointless relationships.

Do not rush to sleep with a man. The “right girl” makes a guy wait to help him fall in love with her, with her soul, with her essence – and not just with her body. The longer you delay intimacy, the longer he will be able to care for you, plan romantic meetings and dream about you. Men love challenges and don't appreciate anything that comes too easy for them, especially sex!

Don't date a man without commitment! If your relationship lasts more than a year and at the same time they are “correct” (you allowed the man to “chase you”, met him no more than 2-3 times a week, refused to spend vacations with him, did not move to live with him), then most helped him fall in love with you and want to marry. A man wants to see you more and more. But if, after a year of relationship, the man did not offer to marry him, you should tell him that you are an old-fashioned girl and are not going to meet anyone forever. If he starts making excuses, offer to take a break from the relationship. Ask him to think it over alone and call when he's ready to commit.

Relationships with guys are not such an easy task as it may seem to many girls at first glance.

It should not be taken lightly, how to deal with a guy(and the stranger you're trying to get the attention of, and the acquaintance you want to convert into the category of a boyfriend, and the boyfriend whose love you want to keep).

It is the serious mistakes that girls make that prevent them from finding happiness in their personal lives, because they simply scare away young people.

Tired of guys running away from you?

So let's start fixing the situation immediately!

How not to behave with a guy whose attention you are trying to attract?

Once I watched a funny picture in a cafe: a young girl at the next table tried to sit at a corner table with her friends.

Either due to inexperience, or due to stupidity, but she began to behave frankly vulgarly: stroking her legs and breasts, licking a glass, shooting her eyes so that I could hardly restrain myself from bursting out with laughter.

A handsome young man who at first glance noticed a young charmer and (I'm just sure of it!) Would definitely come up to her, was slightly puzzled by the girl's behavior.

When the seductive young lady began to behave with the guy completely inadequately (she began to unbutton and fasten the buttons on her blouse), he could not stand it and approached her with the words: “Sorry, I didn’t know that you were at work. I'm definitely not your client because I don't pay girls for sex."

The young lady blushed deeply and, grabbing her purse, ran out of the cafe.

Did this guy have the right to insult a girl like that.

Certainly not!

It would be much more polite to point out her mistake or simply ignore these stupid signs of attention.

But did the girl have the right to behave so stupidly with the guy she first saw in a cafe!

The answer is also “No!”, because she did almost everything possible to run into rudeness.

How to behave with a guy unfamiliar?

One of my friends is convinced that the days when girls had to patiently sit and wait for mercy from the stronger sex are long gone.

She prefers to behave decisively with a guy: she came up and met if she sees that he is in no hurry to do this.

I'll be honest: such a bold tactic works every other time.

Shy guys are glad that the girl is taking the initiative, because they themselves are afraid to take the first step to the point of colic in their stomachs.

But hunters by nature prefer the girl to behave like a representative of the weaker sex and wait for the initiative from the male side.

If you are not ready for such radical actions as my friend, then you do not need to force yourself.

There are enough ways to hint to a guy about your sympathy without exposing yourself to the ridicule of everyone.

To behave with an unfamiliar guy whose attention you are trying to attract, you need to follow the following scheme:

    You're sending him the "I like you" signal.

    This signal should be non-verbal and tactful: a smile, a few furtive glances, playing with hair or a stem of a glass, etc.

    Waiting for a response.

    If the young man correctly understood your signal, and then he will definitely come to get acquainted.

    Decide whether to continue the relationship.

    Do not rush to immediately give your phone number to the young man who comes up or agree to a date.

    Talk to him for 5-10 minutes.

    It is possible that you will be disappointed.

    If not, then go ahead.

How to behave on a first date with a guy: do's and don'ts?

Here comes the long-awaited first date.

Naturally, when you come to it, you should look good and be appropriately dressed.

But appearance Although important, it is not the decisive factor.

The main thing is how to behave.

7 secrets of how you can behave on a first date with a guy:

  1. Be natural.
  2. Talk about topics that are of interest to both of you.
  3. Smile more.
  4. Talk about yourself, but give your partner the opportunity to speak too.
  5. Do not complain about your life, do not cry about problems, do not criticize your ex.
  6. Do not agree to everything at once - with sex it is better to wait until you get to know it better.
  7. Do not delay the date - you must finish it first, no earlier than an hour and no later than 3 hours.

How not to behave on a first date with a guy:

  1. Cursing like a monkey, and demeaning.
  2. Pretend to be another person, lying with three boxes.
  3. Clamp and be modest beyond measure.
  4. Be cheeky, aggressive, rude and stupid.
  5. Grieve, cry, suffer, whine.

If you listen to these tips and be sweet, natural, cheerful with a young man, captivate him with an interesting conversation, then your first date will go off with a bang.

How to behave with a friend to turn him into your boyfriend?

This situation is not uncommon: you have been friends with a guy for a long time, and then suddenly you begin to notice that you have fallen in love with him and would like him to be not just your friend, but also become loved.

And this slow-witted guy continues to see you as only a girlfriend.

What to do?

What to do so as not only not to lose his friendship, but also to be able to win love?

And you need to behave with this guy like this:

    Choose the right moment.

    If now he is head over heels in love with another girl, then, trying to stick him together, you can run into a scandal and refuse all kinds of relationships with you.

    The best moment is he has been out of a relationship for a long time or is licking his wounds after a difficult breakup with some bitch.

    Allow yourself frivolous jokes and coquetry.

    Have you been friends for a thousand years?

    So it's just wonderful!

    This means that you can easily afford coquetry, frivolous jokes and ambiguous hints in a conversation with your friend.

    If the guy is not a fool, then he will understand everything perfectly.

    You wouldn't be friends with a fool, would you?

    Spend as much time with him as possible.

    Do you know why novels among colleagues are so frequent?

    Because they spend too much time together.

    If you fill the life of your friend with yourself, then your friendship will definitely grow into love.

The video below provides some more tips with hilarious comments,

how to behave with a guy:

How to behave with a loved one so as not to lose him?

One of the main reasons why girls lose their boyfriends is because they don't know how to treat them properly.

As a result, the guys get tired of stupid behavior, exorbitant demands, scandals and go in search of a more pleasant girl.

If you do not want this to happen to you, then here are some tips on how to behave with your loved one:

    Do not be capricious and do not roll up scandals for him out of the blue.

    I understand that you want to pass for a mysterious woman who needs to be conquered daily, but I am afraid that in this way you will gain a reputation for yourself as an inadequate hysteria.

    Don't be mercantile.

    What do you need a boyfriend for: for love or for providing?

    Maybe you will try to earn money yourself (it is not painful and even pleasant), and you will not demand it from your heart friend?

    He doesn't really have to support you.

    Don't be too accessible.

    I am not talking about sex now, because it is quite natural that people who have been dating for a long time do this.

    I'm talking about behavior: no need to run after him like a dog, agree to all offers, rush to a meeting at 2 in the morning, because he is about it

    These girls get bored quickly.

    Don't try to change your boyfriend.

    You can slightly correct something in his habits and behavior, but you cannot completely change a person.

    If this guy doesn’t suit you in many ways, then maybe it’s better to look for another one?

    Don't relax.

    Many girls who have been dating a guy for more than a year begin to relax: they stop caring about their appearance, destroy romance in relationships, become too lazy, no heart-to-heart talk, care and support for you.

    Wait a minute, did you mix something up?

    You are just dating a guy, and not so long, and have not lived with him for 30 years in a legal marriage.

Now you have advice how to deal with a guy, for all occasions.

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